mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 19:18:24 +02:00
Previously, `get_matches` would return even if --help or --version was given, and we could check for them manually. That behavior seems to have changed. Instead, we must use get_matches_safe to inspect the error to determine what happened. We can't use the same process for -V/--version since clap will unconditionally print its own version info. Instead, we rename (internally) the version flag so that clap doesn't interfere.
966 lines
32 KiB
966 lines
32 KiB
use std::cmp;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::ops;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use clap;
use encoding_rs::Encoding;
use env_logger;
use grep::{Grep, GrepBuilder};
use log;
use num_cpus;
use regex;
use same_file;
use termcolor;
use app;
use atty;
use ignore::overrides::{Override, OverrideBuilder};
use ignore::types::{FileTypeDef, Types, TypesBuilder};
use ignore;
use printer::{ColorSpecs, Printer};
use unescape::unescape;
use worker::{Worker, WorkerBuilder};
use Result;
/// `Args` are transformed/normalized from `ArgMatches`.
pub struct Args {
paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
after_context: usize,
before_context: usize,
color: bool,
color_choice: termcolor::ColorChoice,
colors: ColorSpecs,
column: bool,
context_separator: Vec<u8>,
count: bool,
encoding: Option<&'static Encoding>,
files_with_matches: bool,
files_without_matches: bool,
eol: u8,
files: bool,
follow: bool,
glob_overrides: Override,
grep: Grep,
heading: bool,
hidden: bool,
ignore_files: Vec<PathBuf>,
invert_match: bool,
line_number: bool,
line_per_match: bool,
max_columns: Option<usize>,
max_count: Option<u64>,
max_filesize: Option<u64>,
maxdepth: Option<usize>,
mmap: bool,
no_ignore: bool,
no_ignore_parent: bool,
no_ignore_vcs: bool,
no_messages: bool,
null: bool,
path_separator: Option<u8>,
quiet: bool,
quiet_matched: QuietMatched,
replace: Option<Vec<u8>>,
sort_files: bool,
stdout_handle: Option<same_file::Handle>,
text: bool,
threads: usize,
type_list: bool,
types: Types,
with_filename: bool,
impl Args {
/// Parse the command line arguments for this process.
/// If a CLI usage error occurred, then exit the process and print a usage
/// or error message. Similarly, if the user requested the version of
/// ripgrep, then print the version and exit.
/// Also, initialize a global logger.
pub fn parse() -> Result<Args> {
use clap::ErrorKind::*;
let matches = match app::app_short().get_matches_safe() {
Ok(matches) => matches,
Err(clap::Error { kind: HelpDisplayed, .. }) => {
let _ = ::app::app_long().print_help();
Err(err) => err.exit(),
if matches.is_present("help-short") {
let _ = ::app::app_short().print_help();
if matches.is_present("ripgrep-version") {
println!("ripgrep {}", crate_version!());
let mut logb = env_logger::LogBuilder::new();
if matches.is_present("debug") {
logb.filter(None, log::LogLevelFilter::Debug);
} else {
logb.filter(None, log::LogLevelFilter::Warn);
if let Err(err) = logb.init() {
errored!("failed to initialize logger: {}", err);
/// Returns true if ripgrep should print the files it will search and exit
/// (but not do any actual searching).
pub fn files(&self) -> bool {
/// Create a new line based matcher. The matcher returned can be used
/// across multiple threads simultaneously. This matcher only supports
/// basic searching of regular expressions in a single buffer.
/// The pattern and other flags are taken from the command line.
pub fn grep(&self) -> Grep {
/// Whether ripgrep should be quiet or not.
pub fn quiet(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns a thread safe boolean for determining whether to quit a search
/// early when quiet mode is enabled.
/// If quiet mode is disabled, then QuietMatched.has_match always returns
/// false.
pub fn quiet_matched(&self) -> QuietMatched {
/// Create a new printer of individual search results that writes to the
/// writer given.
pub fn printer<W: termcolor::WriteColor>(&self, wtr: W) -> Printer<W> {
let mut p = Printer::new(wtr)
if let Some(ref rep) = self.replace {
p = p.replace(rep.clone());
/// Retrieve the configured file separator.
pub fn file_separator(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let use_heading_sep =
&& !self.count
&& !self.files_with_matches
&& !self.files_without_matches;
if use_heading_sep {
} else if self.before_context > 0 || self.after_context > 0 {
} else {
/// Returns true if the given arguments are known to never produce a match.
pub fn never_match(&self) -> bool {
self.max_count == Some(0)
/// Create a new writer for single-threaded searching with color support.
pub fn stdout(&self) -> termcolor::StandardStream {
/// Returns a handle to stdout for filtering search.
/// A handle is returned if and only if ripgrep's stdout is being
/// redirected to a file. The handle returned corresponds to that file.
/// This can be used to ensure that we do not attempt to search a file
/// that ripgrep is writing to.
pub fn stdout_handle(&self) -> Option<&same_file::Handle> {
/// Create a new buffer writer for multi-threaded searching with color
/// support.
pub fn buffer_writer(&self) -> termcolor::BufferWriter {
let mut wtr = termcolor::BufferWriter::stdout(self.color_choice);
/// Return the paths that should be searched.
pub fn paths(&self) -> &[PathBuf] {
/// Returns true if there is exactly one file path given to search.
pub fn is_one_path(&self) -> bool {
self.paths.len() == 1
&& (self.paths[0] == Path::new("-") || self.paths[0].is_file())
/// Create a worker whose configuration is taken from the
/// command line.
pub fn worker(&self) -> Worker {
/// Returns the number of worker search threads that should be used.
pub fn threads(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns a list of type definitions currently loaded.
pub fn type_defs(&self) -> &[FileTypeDef] {
/// Returns true if ripgrep should print the type definitions currently
/// loaded and then exit.
pub fn type_list(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if error messages should be suppressed.
pub fn no_messages(&self) -> bool {
/// Create a new recursive directory iterator over the paths in argv.
pub fn walker(&self) -> ignore::Walk {
/// Create a new parallel recursive directory iterator over the paths
/// in argv.
pub fn walker_parallel(&self) -> ignore::WalkParallel {
fn walker_builder(&self) -> ignore::WalkBuilder {
let paths = self.paths();
let mut wd = ignore::WalkBuilder::new(&paths[0]);
for path in &paths[1..] {
for path in &self.ignore_files {
if let Some(err) = wd.add_ignore(path) {
if !self.no_messages {
eprintln!("{}", err);
wd.git_global(!self.no_ignore && !self.no_ignore_vcs);
wd.git_ignore(!self.no_ignore && !self.no_ignore_vcs);
wd.git_exclude(!self.no_ignore && !self.no_ignore_vcs);
if self.sort_files {
wd.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
/// `ArgMatches` wraps `clap::ArgMatches` and provides semantic meaning to
/// several options/flags.
struct ArgMatches<'a>(clap::ArgMatches<'a>);
impl<'a> ops::Deref for ArgMatches<'a> {
type Target = clap::ArgMatches<'a>;
fn deref(&self) -> &clap::ArgMatches<'a> { &self.0 }
impl<'a> ArgMatches<'a> {
/// Convert the result of parsing CLI arguments into ripgrep's
/// configuration.
fn to_args(&self) -> Result<Args> {
let paths = self.paths();
let line_number = self.line_number(&paths);
let mmap = try!(self.mmap(&paths));
let with_filename = self.with_filename(&paths);
let (before_context, after_context) = try!(self.contexts());
let quiet = self.is_present("quiet");
let args = Args {
paths: paths,
after_context: after_context,
before_context: before_context,
color: self.color(),
color_choice: self.color_choice(),
colors: try!(self.color_specs()),
column: self.column(),
context_separator: self.context_separator(),
count: self.is_present("count"),
encoding: try!(self.encoding()),
files_with_matches: self.is_present("files-with-matches"),
files_without_matches: self.is_present("files-without-match"),
eol: b'\n',
files: self.is_present("files"),
follow: self.is_present("follow"),
glob_overrides: try!(self.overrides()),
grep: try!(self.grep()),
heading: self.heading(),
hidden: self.hidden(),
ignore_files: self.ignore_files(),
invert_match: self.is_present("invert-match"),
line_number: line_number,
line_per_match: self.is_present("vimgrep"),
max_columns: try!(self.usize_of("max-columns")),
max_count: try!(self.usize_of("max-count")).map(|max| max as u64),
max_filesize: try!(self.max_filesize()),
maxdepth: try!(self.usize_of("maxdepth")),
mmap: mmap,
no_ignore: self.no_ignore(),
no_ignore_parent: self.no_ignore_parent(),
no_ignore_vcs: self.no_ignore_vcs(),
no_messages: self.is_present("no-messages"),
null: self.is_present("null"),
path_separator: try!(self.path_separator()),
quiet: quiet,
quiet_matched: QuietMatched::new(quiet),
replace: self.replace(),
sort_files: self.is_present("sort-files"),
stdout_handle: self.stdout_handle(),
text: self.text(),
threads: try!(self.threads()),
type_list: self.is_present("type-list"),
types: try!(self.types()),
with_filename: with_filename,
if args.mmap {
debug!("will try to use memory maps");
/// Return all file paths that ripgrep should search.
fn paths(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
let mut paths: Vec<PathBuf> = match self.values_of_os("path") {
None => vec![],
Some(vals) => vals.map(|p| Path::new(p).to_path_buf()).collect(),
// If --file, --files or --regexp is given, then the first path is
// always in `pattern`.
if self.is_present("file")
|| self.is_present("files")
|| self.is_present("regexp") {
if let Some(path) = self.value_of_os("pattern") {
paths.insert(0, Path::new(path).to_path_buf());
if paths.is_empty() {
/// Return the default path that ripgrep should search.
fn default_path(&self) -> PathBuf {
let file_is_stdin =
self.values_of_os("file").map_or(false, |mut files| {
files.any(|f| f == "-")
let search_cwd = atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdin)
|| !stdin_is_readable()
|| (self.is_present("file") && file_is_stdin)
|| self.is_present("files")
|| self.is_present("type-list");
if search_cwd {
} else {
/// Return all of the ignore files given on the command line.
fn ignore_files(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
match self.values_of_os("ignore-file") {
None => return vec![],
Some(vals) => vals.map(|p| Path::new(p).to_path_buf()).collect(),
/// Return the pattern that should be used for searching.
/// If multiple -e/--regexp flags are given, then they are all collapsed
/// into one pattern.
/// If any part of the pattern isn't valid UTF-8, then an error is
/// returned.
fn pattern(&self) -> Result<String> {
/// Get a sequence of all available patterns from the command line.
/// This includes reading the -e/--regexp and -f/--file flags.
/// Note that if -F/--fixed-strings is set, then all patterns will be
/// escaped. Similarly, if -w/--word-regexp is set, then all patterns
/// are surrounded by `\b`.
/// If any pattern is invalid UTF-8, then an error is returned.
fn patterns(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
if self.is_present("files") || self.is_present("type-list") {
return Ok(vec![self.empty_pattern()]);
let mut pats = vec![];
match self.values_of_os("regexp") {
None => {
if self.values_of_os("file").is_none() {
if let Some(os_pat) = self.value_of_os("pattern") {
Some(os_pats) => {
for os_pat in os_pats {
if let Some(files) = self.values_of_os("file") {
for file in files {
if file == "-" {
let stdin = io::stdin();
for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
} else {
let f = try!(fs::File::open(file));
for line in io::BufReader::new(f).lines() {
if pats.is_empty() {
/// Converts an OsStr pattern to a String pattern, including word
/// boundaries or escapes if applicable.
/// If the pattern is not valid UTF-8, then an error is returned.
fn os_str_pattern(&self, pat: &OsStr) -> Result<String> {
let s = try!(pattern_to_str(pat));
/// Converts a &str pattern to a String pattern, including word
/// boundaries or escapes if applicable.
fn str_pattern(&self, pat: &str) -> String {
let s = self.word_pattern(self.literal_pattern(pat.to_string()));
if s.is_empty() {
} else {
/// Returns the given pattern as a literal pattern if the
/// -F/--fixed-strings flag is set. Otherwise, the pattern is returned
/// unchanged.
fn literal_pattern(&self, pat: String) -> String {
if self.is_present("fixed-strings") {
} else {
/// Returns the given pattern as a word pattern if the -w/--word-regexp
/// flag is set. Otherwise, the pattern is returned unchanged.
fn word_pattern(&self, pat: String) -> String {
if self.is_present("word-regexp") {
format!(r"\b{}\b", pat)
} else {
/// Empty pattern returns a pattern that is guaranteed to produce an empty
/// regular expression that is valid in any position.
fn empty_pattern(&self) -> String {
// This would normally just be an empty string, which works on its
// own, but if the patterns are joined in a set of alternations, then
// you wind up with `foo|`, which is invalid.
/// Returns true if and only if file names containing each match should
/// be emitted.
/// `paths` should be a slice of all top-level file paths that ripgrep
/// will need to search.
fn with_filename(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> bool {
if self.is_present("no-filename") {
} else {
|| paths.len() > 1
|| paths.get(0).map_or(false, |p| p.is_dir())
/// Returns a handle to stdout for filtering search.
/// A handle is returned if and only if ripgrep's stdout is being
/// redirected to a file. The handle returned corresponds to that file.
/// This can be used to ensure that we do not attempt to search a file
/// that ripgrep is writing to.
fn stdout_handle(&self) -> Option<same_file::Handle> {
let h = match same_file::Handle::stdout() {
Err(_) => return None,
Ok(h) => h,
let md = match h.as_file().metadata() {
Err(_) => return None,
Ok(md) => md,
if !md.is_file() {
return None;
/// Returns true if and only if memory map searching should be tried.
/// `paths` should be a slice of all top-level file paths that ripgrep
/// will need to search.
fn mmap(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Result<bool> {
let (before, after) = try!(self.contexts());
let enc = try!(self.encoding());
Ok(if before > 0 || after > 0 || self.is_present("no-mmap") {
} else if self.is_present("mmap") {
} else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
// On Mac, memory maps appear to suck. Neat.
} else if enc.is_some() {
// There's no practical way to transcode a memory map that isn't
// isomorphic to searching over io::Read.
} else {
// If we're only searching a few paths and all of them are
// files, then memory maps are probably faster.
paths.len() <= 10 && paths.iter().all(|p| p.is_file())
/// Returns true if and only if line numbers should be shown.
fn line_number(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> bool {
if self.is_present("no-line-number") || self.is_present("count") {
} else {
let only_stdin = paths == &[Path::new("-")];
|| self.is_present("column")
|| (atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) && !only_stdin)
|| self.is_present("pretty")
|| self.is_present("vimgrep")
/// Returns true if and only if column numbers should be shown.
fn column(&self) -> bool {
self.is_present("column") || self.is_present("vimgrep")
/// Returns true if and only if matches should be grouped with file name
/// headings.
fn heading(&self) -> bool {
if self.is_present("no-heading") {
} else {
|| atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout)
|| self.is_present("pretty")
/// Returns the replacement string as UTF-8 bytes if it exists.
fn replace(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
self.value_of_lossy("replace").map(|s| s.into_owned().into_bytes())
/// Returns the unescaped context separator in UTF-8 bytes.
fn context_separator(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
match self.value_of_lossy("context-separator") {
None => b"--".to_vec(),
Some(sep) => unescape(&sep),
/// Returns the unescaped path separator in UTF-8 bytes.
fn path_separator(&self) -> Result<Option<u8>> {
match self.value_of_lossy("path-separator") {
None => Ok(None),
Some(sep) => {
let sep = unescape(&sep);
if sep.is_empty() {
} else if sep.len() > 1 {
"A path separator must be exactly one byte, but \
the given separator is {} bytes.", sep.len())))
} else {
/// Returns the before and after contexts from the command line.
/// If a context setting was absent, then `0` is returned.
/// If there was a problem parsing the values from the user as an integer,
/// then an error is returned.
fn contexts(&self) -> Result<(usize, usize)> {
let after = try!(self.usize_of("after-context")).unwrap_or(0);
let before = try!(self.usize_of("before-context")).unwrap_or(0);
let both = try!(self.usize_of("context")).unwrap_or(0);
Ok(if both > 0 {
(both, both)
} else {
(before, after)
/// Returns true if and only if ripgrep should color its output.
fn color(&self) -> bool {
let preference = match self.0.value_of_lossy("color") {
None => "auto".to_string(),
Some(v) => v.into_owned(),
if preference == "always" {
} else if self.is_present("vimgrep") {
} else if preference == "auto" {
atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) || self.is_present("pretty")
} else {
/// Returns the user's color choice based on command line parameters and
/// environment.
fn color_choice(&self) -> termcolor::ColorChoice {
let preference = match self.0.value_of_lossy("color") {
None => "auto".to_string(),
Some(v) => v.into_owned(),
if preference == "always" {
} else if preference == "ansi" {
} else if self.is_present("vimgrep") {
} else if preference == "auto" {
if atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) || self.is_present("pretty") {
} else {
} else {
/// Returns the color specifications given by the user on the CLI.
/// If the was a problem parsing any of the provided specs, then an error
/// is returned.
fn color_specs(&self) -> Result<ColorSpecs> {
// Start with a default set of color specs.
let mut specs = vec![
for spec_str in self.values_of_lossy_vec("colors") {
/// Return the text encoding specified.
/// If the label given by the caller doesn't correspond to a valid
/// supported encoding (and isn't `auto`), then return an error.
/// A `None` encoding implies that the encoding should be automatically
/// detected on a per-file basis.
fn encoding(&self) -> Result<Option<&'static Encoding>> {
match self.0.value_of_lossy("encoding") {
None => Ok(None),
Some(label) => {
if label == "auto" {
return Ok(None);
match Encoding::for_label(label.as_bytes()) {
Some(enc) => Ok(Some(enc)),
None => Err(From::from(
format!("unsupported encoding: {}", label))),
/// Returns the approximate number of threads that ripgrep should use.
fn threads(&self) -> Result<usize> {
if self.is_present("sort-files") {
return Ok(1);
let threads = try!(self.usize_of("threads")).unwrap_or(0);
Ok(if threads == 0 {
cmp::min(12, num_cpus::get())
} else {
/// Builds a grep matcher from the command line flags.
/// If there was a problem extracting the pattern from the command line
/// flags, then an error is returned.
fn grep(&self) -> Result<Grep> {
let smart =
&& !self.is_present("ignore-case")
&& !self.is_present("case-sensitive");
let casei =
&& !self.is_present("case-sensitive");
/// Builds the set of glob overrides from the command line flags.
fn overrides(&self) -> Result<Override> {
let mut ovr = OverrideBuilder::new(try!(env::current_dir()));
for glob in self.values_of_lossy_vec("glob") {
/// Builds a file type matcher from the command line flags.
fn types(&self) -> Result<Types> {
let mut btypes = TypesBuilder::new();
for ty in self.values_of_lossy_vec("type-clear") {
for def in self.values_of_lossy_vec("type-add") {
for ty in self.values_of_lossy_vec("type") {
for ty in self.values_of_lossy_vec("type-not") {
/// Parses the max-filesize argument option into a byte count.
fn max_filesize(&self) -> Result<Option<u64>> {
use regex::Regex;
let max_filesize = match self.value_of_lossy("max-filesize") {
Some(x) => x,
None => return Ok(None)
let re = Regex::new("^([0-9]+)([KMG])?$").unwrap();
let caps = try!(re.captures(&max_filesize)
.ok_or("invalid format for max-filesize argument"));
let value = try!(caps[1].parse::<u64>().map_err(|err| err.to_string()));
let suffix = caps.get(2).map(|x| x.as_str());
match suffix {
None => Ok(Some(value)),
Some("K") => Ok(Some(value * 1024)),
Some("M") => Ok(Some(value * 1024 * 1024)),
Some("G") => Ok(Some(value * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)),
_ => Err(From::from("invalid suffix for max-filesize argument"))
/// Returns true if ignore files should be ignored.
fn no_ignore(&self) -> bool {
|| self.occurrences_of("unrestricted") >= 1
/// Returns true if parent ignore files should be ignored.
fn no_ignore_parent(&self) -> bool {
self.is_present("no-ignore-parent") || self.no_ignore()
/// Returns true if VCS ignore files should be ignored.
fn no_ignore_vcs(&self) -> bool {
self.is_present("no-ignore-vcs") || self.no_ignore()
/// Returns true if and only if hidden files/directories should be
/// searched.
fn hidden(&self) -> bool {
self.is_present("hidden") || self.occurrences_of("unrestricted") >= 2
/// Returns true if and only if all files should be treated as if they
/// were text, even if ripgrep would detect it as a binary file.
fn text(&self) -> bool {
self.is_present("text") || self.occurrences_of("unrestricted") >= 3
/// Like values_of_lossy, but returns an empty vec if the flag is not
/// present.
fn values_of_lossy_vec(&self, name: &str) -> Vec<String> {
/// Safely reads an arg value with the given name, and if it's present,
/// tries to parse it as a usize value.
fn usize_of(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
match self.value_of_lossy(name) {
None => Ok(None),
Some(v) => v.parse().map(Some).map_err(From::from),
fn pattern_to_str(s: &OsStr) -> Result<&str> {
match s.to_str() {
Some(s) => Ok(s),
None => Err(From::from(format!(
"Argument '{}' is not valid UTF-8. \
Use hex escape sequences to match arbitrary \
bytes in a pattern (e.g., \\xFF).",
/// A simple thread safe abstraction for determining whether a search should
/// stop if the user has requested quiet mode.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct QuietMatched(Arc<Option<AtomicBool>>);
impl QuietMatched {
/// Create a new QuietMatched value.
/// If quiet is true, then set_match and has_match will reflect whether
/// a search should quit or not because it found a match.
/// If quiet is false, then set_match is always a no-op and has_match
/// always returns false.
fn new(quiet: bool) -> QuietMatched {
let atomic = if quiet { Some(AtomicBool::new(false)) } else { None };
/// Returns true if and only if quiet mode is enabled and a match has
/// occurred.
pub fn has_match(&self) -> bool {
match *self.0 {
None => false,
Some(ref matched) => matched.load(Ordering::SeqCst),
/// Sets whether a match has occurred or not.
/// If quiet mode is disabled, then this is a no-op.
pub fn set_match(&self, yes: bool) -> bool {
match *self.0 {
None => false,
Some(_) if !yes => false,
Some(ref m) => { m.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst); true }
/// Returns true if and only if stdin is deemed searchable.
fn stdin_is_readable() -> bool {
use std::os::unix::fs::FileTypeExt;
use same_file::Handle;
let ft = match Handle::stdin().and_then(|h| h.as_file().metadata()) {
Err(_) => return false,
Ok(md) => md.file_type(),
ft.is_file() || ft.is_fifo()
/// Returns true if and only if stdin is deemed searchable.
fn stdin_is_readable() -> bool {
// On Windows, it's not clear what the possibilities are to me, so just
// always return true.