mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:32:22 +02:00
This is why I was so intent on clearing the PR queue. This will effectively invalidate all existing patches, so I wanted to start from a clean slate. We do make one little tweak: we put the default type definitions in their own file and tell rustfmt to keep its grubby mits off of it. We also sort it lexicographically and hopefully will enforce that from here on.
347 lines
9.5 KiB
347 lines
9.5 KiB
use std::time;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use serde_json as json;
use crate::hay::{SHERLOCK, SHERLOCK_CRLF};
use crate::util::{Dir, TestCommand};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[serde(tag = "type", content = "data")]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
enum Message {
impl Message {
fn unwrap_begin(&self) -> Begin {
match *self {
Message::Begin(ref x) => x.clone(),
ref x => panic!("expected Message::Begin but got {:?}", x),
fn unwrap_end(&self) -> End {
match *self {
Message::End(ref x) => x.clone(),
ref x => panic!("expected Message::End but got {:?}", x),
fn unwrap_match(&self) -> Match {
match *self {
Message::Match(ref x) => x.clone(),
ref x => panic!("expected Message::Match but got {:?}", x),
fn unwrap_context(&self) -> Context {
match *self {
Message::Context(ref x) => x.clone(),
ref x => panic!("expected Message::Context but got {:?}", x),
fn unwrap_summary(&self) -> Summary {
match *self {
Message::Summary(ref x) => x.clone(),
ref x => panic!("expected Message::Summary but got {:?}", x),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Begin {
path: Option<Data>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct End {
path: Option<Data>,
binary_offset: Option<u64>,
stats: Stats,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Summary {
elapsed_total: Duration,
stats: Stats,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Match {
path: Option<Data>,
lines: Data,
line_number: Option<u64>,
absolute_offset: u64,
submatches: Vec<SubMatch>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Context {
path: Option<Data>,
lines: Data,
line_number: Option<u64>,
absolute_offset: u64,
submatches: Vec<SubMatch>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct SubMatch {
#[serde(rename = "match")]
m: Data,
start: usize,
end: usize,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Data {
Text { text: String },
// This variant is used when the data isn't valid UTF-8. The bytes are
// base64 encoded, so using a String here is OK.
Bytes { bytes: String },
impl Data {
fn text(s: &str) -> Data {
Data::Text { text: s.to_string() }
fn bytes(s: &str) -> Data {
Data::Bytes { bytes: s.to_string() }
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Stats {
elapsed: Duration,
searches: u64,
searches_with_match: u64,
bytes_searched: u64,
bytes_printed: u64,
matched_lines: u64,
matches: u64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Duration {
duration: time::Duration,
human: String,
/// Decode JSON Lines into a Vec<Message>. If there was an error decoding,
/// this function panics.
fn json_decode(jsonlines: &str) -> Vec<Message> {
.collect::<Result<Vec<Message>, _>>()
rgtest!(basic, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| {
dir.create("sherlock", SHERLOCK);
cmd.arg("--json").arg("-B1").arg("Sherlock Holmes").arg("sherlock");
let msgs = json_decode(&cmd.stdout());
Begin { path: Some(Data::text("sherlock")) }
Context {
path: Some(Data::text("sherlock")),
lines: Data::text(
"Holmeses, success in the province of \
detective work must always\n",
line_number: Some(2),
absolute_offset: 65,
submatches: vec![],
Match {
path: Some(Data::text("sherlock")),
lines: Data::text(
"be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. \
Sherlock Holmes\n",
line_number: Some(3),
absolute_offset: 129,
submatches: vec![SubMatch {
m: Data::text("Sherlock Holmes"),
start: 48,
end: 63,
assert_eq!(msgs[3].unwrap_end().path, Some(Data::text("sherlock")));
assert_eq!(msgs[3].unwrap_end().binary_offset, None);
assert_eq!(msgs[4].unwrap_summary().stats.searches_with_match, 1);
assert_eq!(msgs[4].unwrap_summary().stats.bytes_printed, 494);
rgtest!(notutf8, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| {
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
// This test does not work with PCRE2 because PCRE2 does not support the
// `u` flag.
if dir.is_pcre2() {
// macOS doesn't like this either... sigh.
if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
let name = &b"foo\xFFbar"[..];
let contents = &b"quux\xFFbaz"[..];
// APFS does not support creating files with invalid UTF-8 bytes, so just
// skip the test if we can't create our file. Presumably we don't need this
// check if we're already skipping it on macOS, but maybe other file
// systems won't like this test either?
if !dir.try_create_bytes(OsStr::from_bytes(name), contents).is_ok() {
let msgs = json_decode(&cmd.stdout());
Begin { path: Some(Data::bytes("Zm9v/2Jhcg==")) }
Match {
path: Some(Data::bytes("Zm9v/2Jhcg==")),
lines: Data::bytes("cXV1eP9iYXo="),
line_number: Some(1),
absolute_offset: 0,
submatches: vec![SubMatch {
m: Data::bytes("/w=="),
start: 4,
end: 5,
rgtest!(notutf8_file, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| {
use std::ffi::OsStr;
// This test does not work with PCRE2 because PCRE2 does not support the
// `u` flag.
if dir.is_pcre2() {
let name = "foo";
let contents = &b"quux\xFFbaz"[..];
// APFS does not support creating files with invalid UTF-8 bytes, so just
// skip the test if we can't create our file.
if !dir.try_create_bytes(OsStr::new(name), contents).is_ok() {
let msgs = json_decode(&cmd.stdout());
Begin { path: Some(Data::text("foo")) }
Match {
path: Some(Data::text("foo")),
lines: Data::bytes("cXV1eP9iYXo="),
line_number: Some(1),
absolute_offset: 0,
submatches: vec![SubMatch {
m: Data::bytes("/w=="),
start: 4,
end: 5,
// See: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/416
// This test in particular checks that our match does _not_ include the `\r`
// even though the '$' may be rewritten as '(?:\r??$)' and could thus include
// `\r` in the match.
rgtest!(crlf, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| {
dir.create("sherlock", SHERLOCK_CRLF);
let msgs = json_decode(&cmd.stdout());
SubMatch { m: Data::text("Sherlock"), start: 56, end: 64 },
// See: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/1095
// This test checks that we don't drop the \r\n in a matching line when --crlf
// mode is enabled.
rgtest!(r1095_missing_crlf, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| {
dir.create("foo", "test\r\n");
// Check without --crlf flag.
let msgs = json_decode(&cmd.arg("--json").arg("test").stdout());
assert_eq!(msgs.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(msgs[1].unwrap_match().lines, Data::text("test\r\n"));
// Now check with --crlf flag.
let msgs = json_decode(&cmd.arg("--crlf").stdout());
assert_eq!(msgs.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(msgs[1].unwrap_match().lines, Data::text("test\r\n"));
// See: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/1095
// This test checks that we don't return empty submatches when matching a `\n`
// in CRLF mode.
rgtest!(r1095_crlf_empty_match, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| {
dir.create("foo", "test\r\n\n");
// Check without --crlf flag.
let msgs = json_decode(&cmd.arg("-U").arg("--json").arg("\n").stdout());
assert_eq!(msgs.len(), 5);
let m = msgs[1].unwrap_match();
assert_eq!(m.lines, Data::text("test\r\n"));
assert_eq!(m.submatches[0].m, Data::text("\n"));
let m = msgs[2].unwrap_match();
assert_eq!(m.lines, Data::text("\n"));
assert_eq!(m.submatches[0].m, Data::text("\n"));
// Now check with --crlf flag.
let msgs = json_decode(&cmd.arg("--crlf").stdout());
let m = msgs[1].unwrap_match();
assert_eq!(m.lines, Data::text("test\r\n"));
assert_eq!(m.submatches[0].m, Data::text("\n"));
let m = msgs[2].unwrap_match();
assert_eq!(m.lines, Data::text("\n"));
assert_eq!(m.submatches[0].m, Data::text("\n"));