2022-09-25 10:18:09 +02:00
from flask_restx import Resource, fields, marshal
import validators
from . import api, response_fields
from .. import common
from ... import models
db = models.db
relay = api.namespace('relay', description='Relay operations')
relay_fields = api.model('Relay', {
'name': fields.String(description='relayed domain name', example='example.com', required=True),
'smtp': fields.String(description='remote host', example='example.com', required=False),
'comment': fields.String(description='a comment', required=False)
relay_fields_update = api.model('RelayUpdate', {
'smtp': fields.String(description='remote host', example='example.com', required=False),
'comment': fields.String(description='a comment', required=False)
class Relays(Resource):
@relay.marshal_with(relay_fields, as_list=True, skip_none=True, mask=None)
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def get(self):
"List relays"
return models.Relay.query.all()
@relay.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@relay.response(400, 'Input validation exception')
@relay.response(409, 'Duplicate relay', response_fields)
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def post(self):
""" Create relay """
data = api.payload
if not validators.domain(name):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} is not a valid domain'}, 400
if common.fqdn_in_use(data['name']):
return { 'code': 409, 'message': f'Duplicate domain {data["name"]}'}, 409
relay_model = models.Relay(name=data['name'])
if 'smtp' in data:
relay_model.smtp = data['smtp']
if 'comment' in data:
relay_model.comment = data['comment']
return {'code': 200, 'message': f'Relayed domain {data["name"]} has been created'}, 200
class Relay(Resource):
@relay.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@relay.response(404, 'Relay not found', response_fields)
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def get(self, name):
""" Find relay """
if not validators.domain(name):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} is not a valid domain'}, 400
relay_found = models.Relay.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
if relay_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} cannot be found'}, 404
return marshal(relay_found, relay_fields), 200
@relay.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@relay.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@relay.response(404, 'Relay not found', response_fields)
@relay.response(409, 'Duplicate relay', response_fields)
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def put(self, name):
""" Update relay """
data = api.payload
if not validators.domain(name):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} is not a valid domain'}, 400
relay_found = models.Relay.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
if relay_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} cannot be found'}, 404
if 'smtp' in data:
relay_found.smtp = data['smtp']
if 'comment' in data:
relay_found.comment = data['comment']
return { 'code': 200, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} has been updated'}, 200
@relay.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@relay.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@relay.response(404, 'Relay not found', response_fields)
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2022-09-25 10:18:09 +02:00
def delete(self, name):
""" Delete relay """
if not validators.domain(name):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} is not a valid domain'}, 400
relay_found = models.Relay.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
if relay_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} cannot be found'}, 404
return { 'code': 200, 'message': f'Relayed domain {name} has been deleted'}, 200