'password':fields.String(description="Hash of the user's password; Example='$bcrypt-sha256$v=2,t=2b,r=12$fmsAdJbYAD1gGQIE5nfJq.$zLkQUEs2XZfTpAEpcix/1k5UTNPm0jO'"),
'comment':fields.String(description='A description for the user. This description is shown on the Users page',example='my comment'),
'quota_bytes':fields.Integer(description='The maximum quota for the user’s email box in bytes',example='1000000000'),
'global_admin':fields.Boolean(description='Make the user a global administrator'),
'enabled':fields.Boolean(description='Enable the user. When an user is disabled, the user is unable to login to the Admin GUI or webmail or access his email via IMAP/POP3 or send mail'),
'enable_imap':fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via IMAP'),
'enable_pop':fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via POP3'),
'allow_spoofing':fields.Boolean(description='Allow the user to spoof the sender (send email as anyone)'),
'forward_enabled':fields.Boolean(description='Enable auto forwarding'),
'forward_destination':fields.List(fields.String(description='Email address to forward emails to'),example='Other@example.com'),
'forward_keep':fields.Boolean(description='Keep a copy of the forwarded email in the inbox'),
'reply_enabled':fields.Boolean(description='Enable automatic replies. This is also known as out of office (ooo) or out of facility (oof) replies'),
'reply_subject':fields.String(description='Optional subject for the automatic reply',example='Out of office'),
'reply_body':fields.String(description='The body of the automatic reply email',example='Hello, I am out of office. I will respond when I am back.'),
'reply_startdate':fields.Date(description='Start date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD format.',example='2022-02-10'),
'reply_enddate':fields.Date(description='End date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD format.',example='2022-02-22'),
'displayed_name':fields.String(description='The display name of the user within the Admin GUI',example='John Doe'),
'spam_enabled':fields.Boolean(description='Enable the spam filter'),
'spam_mark_as_read':fields.Boolean(description='Enable marking spam mails as read'),
'spam_threshold':fields.Integer(description='The user defined spam filter tolerance',example='80'),
'raw_password':fields.String(description='The raw (plain text) password of the user. Mailu will hash the password using BCRYPT-SHA256',example='secret',required=True),
'comment':fields.String(description='A description for the user. This description is shown on the Users page',example='my comment'),
'quota_bytes':fields.Integer(description='The maximum quota for the user’s email box in bytes',example='1000000000'),
'global_admin':fields.Boolean(description='Make the user a global administrator'),
'enabled':fields.Boolean(description='Enable the user. When an user is disabled, the user is unable to login to the Admin GUI or webmail or access his email via IMAP/POP3 or send mail'),
'enable_imap':fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via IMAP'),
'enable_pop':fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via POP3'),
'raw_password':fields.String(description='The raw (plain text) password of the user. Mailu will hash the password using BCRYPT-SHA256',example='secret'),
'comment':fields.String(description='A description for the user. This description is shown on the Users page',example='my comment'),
'quota_bytes':fields.Integer(description='The maximum quota for the user’s email box in bytes',example='1000000000'),
'global_admin':fields.Boolean(description='Make the user a global administrator'),
'enabled':fields.Boolean(description='Enable the user. When an user is disabled, the user is unable to login to the Admin GUI or webmail or access his email via IMAP/POP3 or send mail'),
'enable_imap':fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via IMAP'),
'enable_pop':fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via POP3'),