#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import os.path import time import logging as log import sys from socrate import system os.system("chown mailu:mailu -R /dkim") os.system("find /data | grep -v /fetchmail | xargs -n1 chown mailu:mailu") system.drop_privs_to('mailu') system.set_env(['SECRET']) os.system("flask mailu advertise") os.system("flask db upgrade") account = os.environ.get("INITIAL_ADMIN_ACCOUNT") domain = os.environ.get("INITIAL_ADMIN_DOMAIN") password = os.environ.get("INITIAL_ADMIN_PW") if account is not None and domain is not None and password is not None: mode = os.environ.get("INITIAL_ADMIN_MODE", default="ifmissing") log.info("Creating initial admin account %s@%s with mode %s", account, domain, mode) os.system("flask mailu admin %s %s '%s' --mode %s" % (account, domain, password, mode)) def test_unsupported(): import codecs if os.path.isfile(codecs.decode('/.qbpxrerai', 'rot13')) or os.environ.get(codecs.decode('V_XABJ_ZL_FRGHC_QBRFAG_SVG_ERDHVERZRAGF_NAQ_JBAG_SVYR_VFFHRF_JVGUBHG_CNGPURF', 'rot13'), None): return log.critical('Your system is not supported. Please start by reading the documentation and then http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html') while True: time.sleep(5) def test_DNS(): import dns.resolver import dns.exception import dns.flags import dns.rdtypes import dns.rdatatype import dns.rdataclass import time # DNS stub configured to do DNSSEC enabled queries resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() resolver.use_edns(0, dns.flags.DO, 1232) resolver.flags = dns.flags.AD | dns.flags.RD nameservers = resolver.nameservers for ns in nameservers: resolver.nameservers=[ns] while True: try: result = resolver.resolve('example.org', dns.rdatatype.A, dns.rdataclass.IN, lifetime=10) except Exception as e: log.critical("Your DNS resolver at %s is not working (%s). Please see https://mailu.io/master/faq.html#the-admin-container-won-t-start-and-its-log-says-critical-your-dns-resolver-isn-t-doing-dnssec-validation", ns, e) else: if result.response.flags & dns.flags.AD: break log.critical("Your DNS resolver at %s isn't doing DNSSEC validation; Please see https://mailu.io/master/faq.html#the-admin-container-won-t-start-and-its-log-says-critical-your-dns-resolver-isn-t-doing-dnssec-validation.", ns) time.sleep(5) test_DNS() test_unsupported() cmdline = [ "gunicorn", "--threads", f"{os.cpu_count()}", # If SUBNET6 is defined, gunicorn must listen on IPv6 as well as IPv4 "-b", f"{'[::]' if os.environ.get('SUBNET6') else ''}:8080", "--logger-class mailu.Logger", f"--log-level {os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO')}", "--worker-tmp-dir /dev/shm", "--error-logfile", "-", "--preload" ] # logging if log.root.level <= log.INFO: cmdline.extend(["--access-logfile", "-"]) cmdline.append("'mailu:create_app()'") os.system(" ".join(cmdline))