""" Mailu command line interface """ import sys import os import socket import logging import uuid from collections import Counter, OrderedDict from itertools import chain import click import sqlalchemy import yaml from flask import current_app as app from flask.cli import FlaskGroup, with_appcontext from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError from . import models from .schemas import MailuSchema, get_schema, get_fieldspec, colorize, RenderJSON, HIDDEN db = models.db @click.group(cls=FlaskGroup, context_settings={'help_option_names': ['-?', '-h', '--help']}) def mailu(): """ Mailu command line """ @mailu.command() @with_appcontext def advertise(): """ Advertise this server against statistic services. """ if os.path.isfile(app.config['INSTANCE_ID_PATH']): with open(app.config['INSTANCE_ID_PATH'], 'r') as handle: instance_id = handle.read() else: instance_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) with open(app.config['INSTANCE_ID_PATH'], 'w') as handle: handle.write(instance_id) if not app.config['DISABLE_STATISTICS']: try: socket.gethostbyname(app.config['STATS_ENDPOINT'].format(instance_id)) except OSError: pass @mailu.command() @click.argument('localpart') @click.argument('domain_name') @click.argument('password') @click.option('-m', '--mode') @with_appcontext def admin(localpart, domain_name, password, mode='create'): """ Create an admin user 'mode' can be: - 'create' (default) Will try to create user and will raise an exception if present - 'ifmissing': if user exists, nothing happens, else it will be created - 'update': user is created or, if it exists, its password gets updated """ domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) if not domain: domain = models.Domain(name=domain_name) db.session.add(domain) user = None if mode == 'ifmissing' or mode == 'update': email = f'{localpart}@{domain_name}' user = models.User.query.get(email) if user and mode == 'ifmissing': print('user %s exists, not updating' % email) return if not user: user = models.User( localpart=localpart, domain=domain, global_admin=True ) user.set_password(password) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() print("created admin user") elif mode == 'update': user.set_password(password) db.session.commit() print("updated admin password") @mailu.command() @click.argument('localpart') @click.argument('domain_name') @click.argument('password') @click.argument('hash_scheme', required=False) @with_appcontext def user(localpart, domain_name, password, hash_scheme=None): """ Create a user """ if hash_scheme is None: hash_scheme = app.config['PASSWORD_SCHEME'] domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) if not domain: domain = models.Domain(name=domain_name) db.session.add(domain) user = models.User( localpart=localpart, domain=domain, global_admin=False ) user.set_password(password, hash_scheme=hash_scheme) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.argument('localpart') @click.argument('domain_name') @click.argument('password') @click.argument('hash_scheme', required=False) @with_appcontext def password(localpart, domain_name, password, hash_scheme=None): """ Change the password of an user """ email = f'{localpart}@{domain_name}' user = models.User.query.get(email) if hash_scheme is None: hash_scheme = app.config['PASSWORD_SCHEME'] if user: user.set_password(password, hash_scheme=hash_scheme) else: print(f'User {email} not found.') db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.argument('domain_name') @click.option('-u', '--max-users') @click.option('-a', '--max-aliases') @click.option('-q', '--max-quota-bytes') @with_appcontext def domain(domain_name, max_users=-1, max_aliases=-1, max_quota_bytes=0): """ Create a domain """ domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) if not domain: domain = models.Domain(name=domain_name, max_users=max_users, max_aliases=max_aliases, max_quota_bytes=max_quota_bytes) db.session.add(domain) db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.argument('localpart') @click.argument('domain_name') @click.argument('password_hash') @click.argument('hash_scheme') @with_appcontext def user_import(localpart, domain_name, password_hash, hash_scheme = None): """ Import a user along with password hash """ if hash_scheme is None: hash_scheme = app.config['PASSWORD_SCHEME'] domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) if not domain: domain = models.Domain(name=domain_name) db.session.add(domain) user = models.User( localpart=localpart, domain=domain, global_admin=False ) user.set_password(password_hash, hash_scheme=hash_scheme, raw=True) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() # TODO: remove deprecated config_update function? @mailu.command() @click.option('-v', '--verbose') @click.option('-d', '--delete-objects') @with_appcontext def config_update(verbose=False, delete_objects=False): """ Sync configuration with data from YAML (deprecated) """ new_config = yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin) # print new_config domains = new_config.get('domains', []) tracked_domains = set() for domain_config in domains: if verbose: print(str(domain_config)) domain_name = domain_config['name'] max_users = domain_config.get('max_users', -1) max_aliases = domain_config.get('max_aliases', -1) max_quota_bytes = domain_config.get('max_quota_bytes', 0) tracked_domains.add(domain_name) domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) if not domain: domain = models.Domain(name=domain_name, max_users=max_users, max_aliases=max_aliases, max_quota_bytes=max_quota_bytes) db.session.add(domain) print(f'Added {domain_config}') else: domain.max_users = max_users domain.max_aliases = max_aliases domain.max_quota_bytes = max_quota_bytes db.session.add(domain) print(f'Updated {domain_config}') users = new_config.get('users', []) tracked_users = set() user_optional_params = ('comment', 'quota_bytes', 'global_admin', 'enable_imap', 'enable_pop', 'forward_enabled', 'forward_destination', 'reply_enabled', 'reply_subject', 'reply_body', 'displayed_name', 'spam_enabled', 'email', 'spam_threshold') for user_config in users: if verbose: print(str(user_config)) localpart = user_config['localpart'] domain_name = user_config['domain'] password_hash = user_config.get('password_hash', None) hash_scheme = user_config.get('hash_scheme', None) domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) email = f'{localpart}@{domain_name}' optional_params = {} for k in user_optional_params: if k in user_config: optional_params[k] = user_config[k] if not domain: domain = models.Domain(name=domain_name) db.session.add(domain) user = models.User.query.get(email) tracked_users.add(email) tracked_domains.add(domain_name) if not user: user = models.User( localpart=localpart, domain=domain, **optional_params ) else: for k in optional_params: setattr(user, k, optional_params[k]) user.set_password(password_hash, hash_scheme=hash_scheme, raw=True) db.session.add(user) aliases = new_config.get('aliases', []) tracked_aliases = set() for alias_config in aliases: if verbose: print(str(alias_config)) localpart = alias_config['localpart'] domain_name = alias_config['domain'] if isinstance(alias_config['destination'], str): destination = alias_config['destination'].split(',') else: destination = alias_config['destination'] wildcard = alias_config.get('wildcard', False) domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) email = f'{localpart}@{domain_name}' if not domain: domain = models.Domain(name=domain_name) db.session.add(domain) alias = models.Alias.query.get(email) tracked_aliases.add(email) tracked_domains.add(domain_name) if not alias: alias = models.Alias( localpart=localpart, domain=domain, wildcard=wildcard, destination=destination, email=email ) else: alias.destination = destination alias.wildcard = wildcard db.session.add(alias) db.session.commit() managers = new_config.get('managers', []) # tracked_managers=set() for manager_config in managers: if verbose: print(str(manager_config)) domain_name = manager_config['domain'] user_name = manager_config['user'] domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) manageruser = models.User.query.get(f'{user_name}@{domain_name}') if manageruser not in domain.managers: domain.managers.append(manageruser) db.session.add(domain) db.session.commit() if delete_objects: for user in db.session.query(models.User).all(): if not user.email in tracked_users: if verbose: print(f'Deleting user: {user.email}') db.session.delete(user) for alias in db.session.query(models.Alias).all(): if not alias.email in tracked_aliases: if verbose: print(f'Deleting alias: {alias.email}') db.session.delete(alias) for domain in db.session.query(models.Domain).all(): if not domain.name in tracked_domains: if verbose: print(f'Deleting domain: {domain.name}') db.session.delete(domain) db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.option('-v', '--verbose', count=True, help='Increase verbosity.') @click.option('-s', '--secrets', is_flag=True, help='Show secret attributes in messages.') @click.option('-q', '--quiet', is_flag=True, help='Quiet mode - only show errors.') @click.option('-c', '--color', is_flag=True, help='Force colorized output.') @click.option('-u', '--update', is_flag=True, help='Update mode - merge input with existing config.') @click.option('-n', '--dry-run', is_flag=True, help='Perform a trial run with no changes made.') @click.argument('source', metavar='[FILENAME|-]', type=click.File(mode='r'), default=sys.stdin) @with_appcontext def config_import(verbose=0, secrets=False, quiet=False, color=False, update=False, dry_run=False, source=None): """ Import configuration as YAML or JSON from stdin or file """ # verbose # 0 : show number of changes # 1 : also show changes # 2 : also show secrets # 3 : also show input data # 4 : also show sql queries # 5 : also show tracebacks if quiet: verbose = -1 color_cfg = { 'color': color or sys.stdout.isatty(), 'lexer': 'python', 'strip': True, } counter = Counter() logger = {} def format_errors(store, path=None): res = [] if path is None: path = [] for key in sorted(store): location = path + [str(key)] value = store[key] if isinstance(value, dict): res.extend(format_errors(value, location)) else: for message in value: res.append((".".join(location), message)) if path: return res fmt = f' - {{:<{max([len(loc) for loc, msg in res])}}} : {{}}' res = [fmt.format(loc, msg) for loc, msg in res] num = f'error{["s",""][len(res)==1]}' res.insert(0, f'[ValidationError] {len(res)} {num} occured during input validation') return '\n'.join(res) def format_changes(*message): if counter: changes = [] last = None for (action, what), count in sorted(counter.items()): if action != last: if last: changes.append('/') changes.append(f'{action}:') last = action changes.append(f'{what}({count})') else: changes = ['No changes.'] return chain(message, changes) def log(action, target, message=None): def od2d(val): """ converts OrderedDicts to Dict for logging purposes """ if isinstance(val, OrderedDict): return {k: od2d(v) for k, v in val.items()} elif isinstance(val, list): return [od2d(v) for v in val] else: return val if message is None: try: message = od2d(logger[target.__class__].dump(target)) except KeyError: message = target if not isinstance(message, str): message = repr(message) print(f'{action} {target.__table__}: {colorize(message, **color_cfg)}') def listen_insert(mapper, connection, target): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ callback function to track import """ counter.update([('Created', target.__table__.name)]) if verbose >= 1: log('Created', target) def listen_update(mapper, connection, target): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ callback function to track import """ changed = {} inspection = sqlalchemy.inspect(target) for attr in sqlalchemy.orm.class_mapper(target.__class__).column_attrs: history = getattr(inspection.attrs, attr.key).history if history.has_changes() and history.deleted: before = history.deleted[-1] after = getattr(target, attr.key) # TODO: remove special handling of "comment" after modifying model if attr.key == 'comment' and not before and not after: pass # only remember changed keys elif before != after: if verbose >= 1: changed[str(attr.key)] = (before, after) else: break if verbose >= 1: # use schema with dump_context to hide secrets and sort keys dumped = get_schema(target)(only=changed.keys(), context=diff_context).dump(target) for key, value in dumped.items(): before, after = changed[key] if value == HIDDEN: before = HIDDEN if before else before after = HIDDEN if after else after else: # TODO: need to use schema to "convert" before value? after = value log('Modified', target, f'{str(target)!r} {key}: {before!r} -> {after!r}') if changed: counter.update([('Modified', target.__table__.name)]) def listen_delete(mapper, connection, target): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ callback function to track import """ counter.update([('Deleted', target.__table__.name)]) if verbose >= 1: log('Deleted', target) # TODO: this listener will not be necessary, if dkim keys would be stored in database _dedupe_dkim = set() def listen_dkim(session, flush_context): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ callback function to track import """ for target in session.identity_map.values(): # look at Domains originally loaded from db if not isinstance(target, models.Domain) or not target._sa_instance_state.load_path: continue before = target._dkim_key_on_disk after = target._dkim_key if before != after: if secrets: before = before.decode('ascii', 'ignore') after = after.decode('ascii', 'ignore') else: before = HIDDEN if before else '' after = HIDDEN if after else '' # "de-dupe" messages; this event is fired at every flush if not (target, before, after) in _dedupe_dkim: _dedupe_dkim.add((target, before, after)) counter.update([('Modified', target.__table__.name)]) if verbose >= 1: log('Modified', target, f'{str(target)!r} dkim_key: {before!r} -> {after!r}') def track_serialize(obj, item): """ callback function to track import """ # hide secrets data = logger[obj.opts.model].hide(item) if 'hash_password' in data: data['password'] = HIDDEN if 'fetches' in data: for fetch in data['fetches']: fetch['password'] = HIDDEN log('Handling', obj.opts.model, data) # configure contexts diff_context = { 'full': True, 'secrets': secrets, } log_context = { 'secrets': secrets, } load_context = { 'import': True, 'update': update, 'clear': not update, 'callback': track_serialize if verbose >= 2 else None, } # register listeners for schema in get_schema(): model = schema.Meta.model logger[model] = schema(context=log_context) sqlalchemy.event.listen(model, 'after_insert', listen_insert) sqlalchemy.event.listen(model, 'after_update', listen_update) sqlalchemy.event.listen(model, 'after_delete', listen_delete) # special listener for dkim_key changes sqlalchemy.event.listen(db.session, 'after_flush', listen_dkim) if verbose >= 3: logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine').setLevel(logging.INFO) try: with models.db.session.no_autoflush: config = MailuSchema(only=MailuSchema.Meta.order, context=load_context).loads(source) except ValidationError as exc: raise click.ClickException(format_errors(exc.messages)) from exc except Exception as exc: if verbose >= 5: raise else: # (yaml.scanner.ScannerError, UnicodeDecodeError, ...) raise click.ClickException( f'[{exc.__class__.__name__}] ' f'{" ".join(str(exc).split())}' ) from exc # flush session to show/count all changes if dry_run or verbose >= 1: db.session.flush() # check for duplicate domain names dup = set() for fqdn in chain( db.session.query(models.Domain.name), db.session.query(models.Alternative.name), db.session.query(models.Relay.name) ): if fqdn in dup: raise click.ClickException(f'[ValidationError] Duplicate domain name: {fqdn}') dup.add(fqdn) # don't commit when running dry if dry_run: if not quiet: print(*format_changes('Dry run. Not commiting changes.')) db.session.rollback() else: if not quiet: print(*format_changes('Committing changes.')) db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.option('-f', '--full', is_flag=True, help='Include attributes with default value.') @click.option('-s', '--secrets', is_flag=True, help='Include secret attributes (dkim-key, passwords).') @click.option('-c', '--color', is_flag=True, help='Force colorized output.') @click.option('-d', '--dns', is_flag=True, help='Include dns records.') @click.option('-o', '--output-file', 'output', default=sys.stdout, type=click.File(mode='w'), help='Save configuration to file.') @click.option('-j', '--json', 'as_json', is_flag=True, help='Export configuration in json format.') @click.argument('only', metavar='[FILTER]...', nargs=-1) @with_appcontext def config_export(full=False, secrets=False, color=False, dns=False, output=None, as_json=False, only=None): """ Export configuration as YAML or JSON to stdout or file """ if only: for spec in only: if spec.split('.', 1)[0] not in MailuSchema.Meta.order: raise click.ClickException(f'[ERROR] Unknown section: {spec}') else: only = MailuSchema.Meta.order context = { 'full': full, 'secrets': secrets, 'dns': dns, } schema = MailuSchema(only=only, context=context) color_cfg = {'color': color or output.isatty()} if as_json: schema.opts.render_module = RenderJSON color_cfg['lexer'] = 'json' color_cfg['strip'] = True try: print(colorize(schema.dumps(models.MailuConfig()), **color_cfg), file=output) except ValueError as exc: if spec := get_fieldspec(exc): raise click.ClickException(f'[ERROR] Invalid filter: {spec}') from exc raise @mailu.command() @click.argument('email') @with_appcontext def user_delete(email): """delete user""" user = models.User.query.get(email) if user: db.session.delete(user) db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.argument('email') @with_appcontext def alias_delete(email): """delete alias""" alias = models.Alias.query.get(email) if alias: db.session.delete(alias) db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.argument('localpart') @click.argument('domain_name') @click.argument('destination') @click.option('-w', '--wildcard', is_flag=True) @with_appcontext def alias(localpart, domain_name, destination, wildcard=False): """ Create an alias """ domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) if not domain: domain = models.Domain(name=domain_name) db.session.add(domain) alias = models.Alias( localpart=localpart, domain=domain, wildcard=wildcard, destination=destination.split(','), email=f'{localpart}@{domain_name}' ) db.session.add(alias) db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.argument('domain_name') @click.argument('max_users') @click.argument('max_aliases') @click.argument('max_quota_bytes') @with_appcontext def setlimits(domain_name, max_users, max_aliases, max_quota_bytes): """ Set domain limits """ domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) domain.max_users = max_users domain.max_aliases = max_aliases domain.max_quota_bytes = max_quota_bytes db.session.add(domain) db.session.commit() @mailu.command() @click.argument('domain_name') @click.argument('user_name') @with_appcontext def setmanager(domain_name, user_name='manager'): """ Make a user manager of a domain """ domain = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name) manageruser = models.User.query.get(f'{user_name}@{domain_name}') domain.managers.append(manageruser) db.session.add(domain) db.session.commit()