from mailu import app, scheduler, dockercli import subprocess import os def certbot_command(subcommand, *args): """ Run a certbot command while specifying the standard parameters. """ command = [ "certbot", subcommand, "-n", "--work-dir", "/tmp", "--logs-dir", "/tmp", "--config-dir", app.config["CERTS_PATH"], *args ] result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return result def certbot_install(domain): """ Install certificates for the given domain. Return True if a reload is required. """ must_reload = False path = app.config["CERTS_PATH"] cert = os.path.join(path, "cert.pem") key = os.path.join(path, "key.pem") live_cert = os.path.join(path, "live", domain, "fullchain.pem") live_key = os.path.join(path, "live", domain, "privkey.pem") if not os.path.islink(cert) or os.readlink(cert) != live_cert: must_reload = True os.unlink(cert) os.symlink(live_cert, cert) if not os.path.islink(key) or os.readlink(key) != live_key: must_reload = True os.unlink(key) os.symlink(live_key, key) return must_reload @scheduler.scheduled_job('date') @scheduler.scheduled_job('cron', hour=2, minute=0) def generate_cert(): print("Generating TLS certificates using Certbot") domain = app.config["DOMAIN"] email = "{}@{}".format(app.config["POSTMASTER"], domain) result = certbot_command( "certonly", "--standalone", "--agree-tos", "--preferred-challenges", "http", "--email", email, "-d", domain, # The port is hardcoded in the nginx image as well, we should find # a more suitable way to go but this will do until we have a proper # daemon handling certbot stuff "--http-01-port", "8081" ) if result.returncode: print("Error while generating certificates:\n{}".format( result.stdout.decode("utf8") + result.stdout.decode("utf8"))) else: print("Successfully generated or renewed TLS certificates") if certbot_install(domain): print("Reloading TLS-dependant services") dockercli.reload("http", "smtp", "imap")