Added missing translations for Dutch, German and French. 6 new strings were introduced after 2.0. These must be translated for all languages. If this translation is missing for your native language, please submit a PR with the translation, or open a new issue where you mention the translated strings. The missing translations are: #: mailu/ui/templates/domain/details.html:19 msgid "Download zonefile" msgstr "translation of Download zonefile" #: mailu/ui/ msgid "Current password" msgstr "translation of Current password" #: mailu/ui/ msgid "Force password change at next login" msgstr "translation of password change at next login" #: mailu/ui/ msgid "Allow the user to spoof the sender (send email as anyone)" msgstr "translation of Allow the user to spoof the sender (send email as anyone)" #: mailu/ui/templates/client.html:62 msgid "If you use an Apple device," msgstr "translation of If you use an Apple device," #: mailu/ui/templates/client.html:63 msgid "click here to auto-configure it." msgstr "translation of click here to auto-configure it."