mirror of https://github.com/Mailu/Mailu.git synced 2024-12-16 10:59:53 +02:00
Dimitri Huisman 5c9cdfe1de
Introduction of the Mailu RESTful API.
Anything that can be configured in the web administration interface,
can also be configured via the Mailu RESTful API.
See the section Advanced configuration in the configuration reference
for the relevant settings in mailu.env for enabling the API.
2022-12-27 11:32:54 +01:00

256 lines
15 KiB

from flask_restx import Resource, fields, marshal
import validators, datetime
from . import api, response_fields
from .. import common
from ... import models
db = models.db
user = api.namespace('user', description='User operations')
user_fields_get = api.model('UserGet', {
'email': fields.String(description='The email address of the user', example='John.Doe@example.com', attribute='_email'),
'password': fields.String(description='PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 based password of the user. For more info see passlib.hash.pbkdf2_sha256', example='$pbkdf2-sha256$1$.6UI/S.nXIk8jcbdHx3Fhg$98jZicV16ODfEsEZeYPGHU3kbrUrvUEXOPimVSQDD44'),
'comment': fields.String(description='A description for the user. This description is shown on the Users page', example='my comment'),
'quota_bytes': fields.Integer(description='The maximum quota for the user’s email box in bytes', example='1000000000'),
'global_admin': fields.Boolean(description='Make the user a global administrator'),
'enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable the user. When an user is disabled, the user is unable to login to the Admin GUI or webmail or access his email via IMAP/POP3 or send mail'),
'enable_imap': fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via IMAP'),
'enable_pop': fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via POP3'),
'forward_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable auto forwarding'),
'forward_destination': fields.List(fields.String(description='Email address to forward emails to'), example='Other@example.com'),
'forward_keep': fields.Boolean(description='Keep a copy of the forwarded email in the inbox'),
'reply_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable automatic replies. This is also known as out of office (ooo) or out of facility (oof) replies'),
'reply_subject': fields.String(description='Optional subject for the automatic reply', example='Out of office'),
'reply_body': fields.String(description='The body of the automatic reply email', example='Hello, I am out of office. I will respond when I am back.'),
'reply_startdate': fields.Date(description='Start date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD format.', example='2022-02-10'),
'reply_enddate': fields.Date(description='End date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD format.', example='2022-02-22'),
'displayed_name': fields.String(description='The display name of the user within the Admin GUI', example='John Doe'),
'spam_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable the spam filter'),
'spam_mark_as_read': fields.Boolean(description='Enable marking spam mails as read'),
'spam_threshold': fields.Integer(description='The user defined spam filter tolerance', example='80'),
user_fields_post = api.model('UserCreate', {
'email': fields.String(description='The email address of the user', example='John.Doe@example.com', attribute='_email', required=True),
'raw_password': fields.String(description='The raw (plain text) password of the user. Mailu will hash the password using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256', example='secret', required=True),
'comment': fields.String(description='A description for the user. This description is shown on the Users page', example='my comment'),
'quota_bytes': fields.Integer(description='The maximum quota for the user’s email box in bytes', example='1000000000'),
'global_admin': fields.Boolean(description='Make the user a global administrator'),
'enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable the user. When an user is disabled, the user is unable to login to the Admin GUI or webmail or access his email via IMAP/POP3 or send mail'),
'enable_imap': fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via IMAP'),
'enable_pop': fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via POP3'),
'forward_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable auto forwarding'),
'forward_destination': fields.List(fields.String(description='Email address to forward emails to'), example='Other@example.com'),
'forward_keep': fields.Boolean(description='Keep a copy of the forwarded email in the inbox'),
'reply_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable automatic replies. This is also known as out of office (ooo) or out of facility (oof) replies'),
'reply_subject': fields.String(description='Optional subject for the automatic reply', example='Out of office'),
'reply_body': fields.String(description='The body of the automatic reply email', example='Hello, I am out of office. I will respond when I am back.'),
'reply_startdate': fields.Date(description='Start date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD format.', example='2022-02-10'),
'reply_enddate': fields.Date(description='End date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD format.', example='2022-02-22'),
'displayed_name': fields.String(description='The display name of the user within the Admin GUI', example='John Doe'),
'spam_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable the spam filter'),
'spam_mark_as_read': fields.Boolean(description='Enable marking spam mails as read'),
'spam_threshold': fields.Integer(description='The user defined spam filter tolerance', example='80'),
user_fields_put = api.model('UserUpdate', {
'raw_password': fields.String(description='The raw (plain text) password of the user. Mailu will hash the password using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256', example='secret'),
'comment': fields.String(description='A description for the user. This description is shown on the Users page', example='my comment'),
'quota_bytes': fields.Integer(description='The maximum quota for the user’s email box in bytes', example='1000000000'),
'global_admin': fields.Boolean(description='Make the user a global administrator'),
'enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable the user. When an user is disabled, the user is unable to login to the Admin GUI or webmail or access his email via IMAP/POP3 or send mail'),
'enable_imap': fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via IMAP'),
'enable_pop': fields.Boolean(description='Allow email retrieval via POP3'),
'forward_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable auto forwarding'),
'forward_destination': fields.List(fields.String(description='Email address to forward emails to'), example='Other@example.com'),
'forward_keep': fields.Boolean(description='Keep a copy of the forwarded email in the inbox'),
'reply_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable automatic replies. This is also known as out of office (ooo) or out of facility (oof) replies'),
'reply_subject': fields.String(description='Optional subject for the automatic reply', example='Out of office'),
'reply_body': fields.String(description='The body of the automatic reply email', example='Hello, I am out of office. I will respond when I am back.'),
'reply_startdate': fields.Date(description='Start date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD format.', example='2022-02-10'),
'reply_enddate': fields.Date(description='End date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD format.', example='2022-02-22'),
'displayed_name': fields.String(description='The display name of the user within the Admin GUI', example='John Doe'),
'spam_enabled': fields.Boolean(description='Enable the spam filter'),
'spam_mark_as_read': fields.Boolean(description='Enable marking spam mails as read'),
'spam_threshold': fields.Integer(description='The user defined spam filter tolerance', example='80'),
class Users(Resource):
@user.marshal_with(user_fields_get, as_list=True, skip_none=True, mask=None)
def get(self):
"List users"
return models.User.query.all()
@user.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@user.response(400, 'Input validation exception')
@user.response(409, 'Duplicate user', response_fields)
def post(self):
""" Create user """
data = api.payload
if not validators.email(data['email']):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Provided email address {data["email"]} is not a valid email address'}, 400
localpart, domain_name = data['email'].lower().rsplit('@', 1)
domain_found = models.Domain.query.get(domain_name)
if not domain_found:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'Domain {domain_name} does not exist'}, 404
user_new = models.User(email=data['email'])
if 'raw_password' in data:
if 'comment' in data:
user_new.comment = data['comment']
if 'quota_bytes' in data:
user_new.quota_bytes = data['quota_bytes']
if 'global_admin' in data:
user_new.global_admin = data['global_admin']
if 'enabled' in data:
user_new.enabled = data['enabled']
if 'enable_imap' in data:
user_new.enable_imap = data['enable_imap']
if 'enable_pop' in data:
user_new.enable_pop = data['enable_pop']
if 'forward_enabled' in data:
user_new.forward_enabled = data['forward_enabled']
if 'forward_destination' in data:
user_new.forward_destination = data['forward_destination']
if 'forward_keep' in data:
user_new.forward_keep = data['forward_keep']
if 'reply_enabled' in data:
user_new.reply_enabled = data['reply_enabled']
if 'reply_subject' in data:
user_new.reply_subject = data['reply_subject']
if 'reply_body' in data:
user_new.reply_body = data['reply_body']
if 'reply_startdate' in data:
year, month, day = data['reply_startdate'].split('-')
date = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))
user_new.reply_startdate = date
if 'reply_enddate' in data:
year, month, day = data['reply_enddate'].split('-')
date = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))
user_new.reply_enddate = date
if 'displayed_name' in data:
user_new.displayed_name = data['displayed_name']
if 'spam_enabled' in data:
user_new.spam_enabled = data['spam_enabled']
if 'spam_mark_as_read' in data:
user_new.spam_mark_as_read = data['spam_mark_as_read']
if 'spam_threshold' in data:
user_new.spam_threshold = data['spam_threshold']
return {'code': 200,'message': f'User {data["email"]} has been created'}, 200
class User(Resource):
@user.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@user.response(404, 'User not found', response_fields)
def get(self, email):
""" Find user """
if not validators.email(email):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Provided email address {email} is not a valid email address'}, 400
email_found = models.User.query.filter_by(email=email).first()
if email_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'User {email} cannot be found'}, 404
return marshal(email_found, user_fields_get), 200
@user.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@user.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@user.response(404, 'User not found', response_fields)
@user.response(409, 'Duplicate user', response_fields)
def put(self, email):
""" Update user """
data = api.payload
if not validators.email(email):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Provided email address {data["email"]} is not a valid email address'}, 400
user_found = models.User.query.filter_by(email=email).first()
if not user_found:
return {'code': 404, 'message': f'User {email} cannot be found'}, 404
if 'raw_password' in data:
if 'comment' in data:
user_found.comment = data['comment']
if 'quota_bytes' in data:
user_found.quota_bytes = data['quota_bytes']
if 'global_admin' in data:
user_found.global_admin = data['global_admin']
if 'enabled' in data:
user_found.enabled = data['enabled']
if 'enable_imap' in data:
user_found.enable_imap = data['enable_imap']
if 'enable_pop' in data:
user_found.enable_pop = data['enable_pop']
if 'forward_enabled' in data:
user_found.forward_enabled = data['forward_enabled']
if 'forward_destination' in data:
user_found.forward_destination = data['forward_destination']
if 'forward_keep' in data:
user_found.forward_keep = data['forward_keep']
if 'reply_enabled' in data:
user_found.reply_enabled = data['reply_enabled']
if 'reply_subject' in data:
user_found.reply_subject = data['reply_subject']
if 'reply_body' in data:
user_found.reply_body = data['reply_body']
if 'reply_startdate' in data:
year, month, day = data['reply_startdate'].split('-')
date = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))
user_found.reply_startdate = date
if 'reply_enddate' in data:
year, month, day = data['reply_enddate'].split('-')
date = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))
user_found.reply_enddate = date
if 'displayed_name' in data:
user_found.displayed_name = data['displayed_name']
if 'spam_enabled' in data:
user_found.spam_enabled = data['spam_enabled']
if 'spam_mark_as_read' in data:
user_found.spam_mark_as_read = data['spam_mark_as_read']
if 'spam_threshold' in data:
user_found.spam_threshold = data['spam_threshold']
return {'code': 200,'message': f'User {email} has been updated'}, 200
@user.response(200, 'Success', response_fields)
@user.response(400, 'Input validation exception', response_fields)
@user.response(404, 'User not found', response_fields)
def delete(self, email):
""" Delete user """
if not validators.email(email):
return { 'code': 400, 'message': f'Provided email address {email} is not a valid email address'}, 400
email_found = models.User.query.filter_by(email=email).first()
if email_found is None:
return { 'code': 404, 'message': f'User {email} cannot be found'}, 404
return { 'code': 200, 'message': f'User {email} has been deleted'}, 200