diff --git a/Command/Command.py b/Command/Command.py
index c0e1a65..a172bff 100644
--- a/Command/Command.py
+++ b/Command/Command.py
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ class RThread(Thread):
 class Command(ABC):
     _list     = []                                           #   list of all commands
-    _specials = []
     _patterns = {
         'word': '([A-Za-zА-ЯЁа-яё0-9])+',
         'quest' : '(кто|что|как|какой|какая|какое|где|зачем|почему|сколько|чей|куда|когда)',
@@ -53,12 +52,11 @@ class Command(ABC):
         #   one or more of the list, without order     {a|b|c}
         '\{((?:.*\|?)*?.*?)\}': r'(?:\1)+?',
-    def __init__(this, name, keywords = {}, patterns = [], special = False):                 #   initialisation of new command
-        this._name = name
+    def __init__(this, name, keywords = {}, patterns = []):                 #   initialisation of new command
+        this._name     = name
         this._keywords = keywords
         this._patterns = patterns
-        if special: Command.addSpecial(this)
-        else: Command.append(this)
+        Command.append(this)
     def __str__(this):
         str = f'{this.__class__.__name__}.{this.getName()}:\n'
@@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ class Command(ABC):
     def addKeyword(this, weight, string):
         if this._getKeyword(string): return
         if( this._keywords.get(weight) ):   this._keywords[weight].append(string)
-        else:                           this._keywords[weight] = [string]
+        else:                               this._keywords[weight] = [string]
     def changeKeyword(this, weight, string):
@@ -120,28 +118,22 @@ class Command(ABC):
     def getList():
         return Command._list
+    @staticmethod
     def getRegexDict():
         return Command._regex
+    @staticmethod
     def getPatternsDict():
         return Command._patterns
-    def getSpecialsList():
-        return Command._specials
-    def getSpecial(string):
-        return Command._specials.get(string)
-    def addSpecial(obj):
-        Command._specials.append(obj)
     def append(obj):
-    def setSearch(obj):
-        Command._search = obj
+    def getCommand(name):
+        for obj in Command.getList():
+            if obj.getName() == name: return obj
     def ratio(string, word):
@@ -175,25 +167,25 @@ class Command(ABC):
             top = max( chances.values() ) / sum( chances.values() ) * 100
         else: # if all chances is 0
             return {
-                    'cmd': list[0],
-                    'params': {},
-                }
+                'cmd': Command.QA,
+                'params': {'string':string,},
+            }
         #if( max( chances.values() ) < 800 or top < 50): return list[0]
         #   find top command obj
         for i, chance in chances.items():
             if chance == max( chances.values() ):
                 return {
-                        'cmd': list[i],
-                        'params': None,
-                    }
+                    'cmd': Command.QA, #dialog mode
+                    'params': {'string':string,},
+                }
     def reg_find(string):
         string = string.lower()
         list   = Command.getList()
-        if not string: return{
-            'cmd': list[0], #dialog mode
-            'params': {},
+        if not string: return {
+            'cmd': Command.getCommand('Hello'),
+            'params': {'string':string,},
         #   find command obj by pattern
         for obj in list:
@@ -203,17 +195,10 @@ class Command(ABC):
                     'cmd': obj,
                     'params': match.groupdict(),
-        #  if command is search query
-        for obj in Command.getSpecialsList():
-            for pattern in obj.getPatterns():
-                if match := re.search(re.compile(Command.compilePattern(pattern)), string): return {
-                    'cmd': obj,
-                    'params': {**match.groupdict(), 'string': string},
-                }
-        #   return dialog bot if command not found
+        #   return QA-system if command not found
         return {
-            'cmd': list[0], #dialog mode
-            'params': {},
+            'cmd': Command.QA,
+            'params': {'string':string,},
diff --git a/Search.py b/QA.py
similarity index 86%
rename from Search.py
rename to QA.py
index a8cacb0..0765176 100644
--- a/Search.py
+++ b/QA.py
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
-import requests
-import json
 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
-import wikipedia as wiki
 from Command import Command
+import wikipedia as wiki
+import requests
+import random
+import apiai
+import json
 import re
-class Search(Command):
+class QA(Command):
     def confirm(this, string): return True
     def googleDictionary(this, word):
@@ -67,11 +69,11 @@ class Search(Command):
             try:    search = this.googleSearch(query)
             except: search = ''
-            voice   = text = search
+            voice = text = search or random.choice(['Не совсем понимаю, о чём вы.', 'Вот эта последняя фраза мне не ясна.', 'А вот это не совсем понятно.', 'Можете сказать то же самое другими словами?', 'Вот сейчас я совсем вас не понимаю.', 'Попробуйте выразить свою мысль по-другому',])
         return {
             'type': 'simple',
-            'text': text,
+            'text':  text,
             'voice': voice,
-google = Search('Search', {}, ['* вики* *','фильм *','* это','$quest *','{посчитай|сколько будет|корень из} *',], special=True)
+Command.QA = QA('QA', {}, [])
diff --git a/SmallTalk/__init__.py b/SmallTalk/__init__.py
index 912f022..167eb9d 100644
--- a/SmallTalk/__init__.py
+++ b/SmallTalk/__init__.py
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ import datetime, time
 import math
 def method(params):
+    voice = text = 'Привет'
     return {
         'type': 'simple',
-        'text': 'Я не понимаю',
-        'voice': 'Я не понимаю',
+        'text': text,
+        'voice': voice,
-keywords = {}
-patterns = []
-void = SmallTalk('Undefined', keywords, patterns)
+patterns = ['* привет* *',]
+hello = SmallTalk('Hello', {}, patterns)
 def method(params):
     now     = datetime.datetime.now()