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site_name: S.T.A.R.K. Docs
site_author: Mark Parker
site_description: Speach and Text Algorithmic Recognition Kit (S.T.A.R.K.) is a set of tools for building custom voice assistants. It is designed to be modular and extensible, allowing you to build your own custom voice assistant with ease.
# site_url: https://markparker5.github.io/stark
repo_name: MarkParker5/STARK
repo_url: https://github.com/MarkParker5/STARK
copyright: Copyright © Mark Parker
- Home: home.md # Home, description, all features list, where to find commands, license, usefull links
- Contributing and Shared Usage: contributing-and-shared-usage.md # Contributing, shared usage, code of conduct, license
- Installation: installation.md
- First Steps: first-steps.md
- Sync vs Async Commands: sync-vs-async-commands.md # TLDR and in depth about worker threads and asyncify
- Creating Commands: creating-commands.md # manager.new, join managers, return, yield (async, sync), handler.respond and unrespond (sync and async), call subcommands (sync and async)
- Patterns: patterns.md # pattern syntax, parameters parsing, native types, custom object types, nested objects, advanced parsing with did_parse
- Command Response: command-response.md # every property explanation
- Dependency Injection: dependency-injection.md # response handler, inject_dependency, get DIContainer, add custom dependency, create a custom container
- Commands Context: commands-context.md # context explanation, adding context in response, pop context, multiple commands in request
- Voice Assistant: voice-assistant.md # Modes, repeating, context handling
- Default Speech Interfaces: # STT, TTS
- Where to Host: where-to-host.md # personal computer: system.d or windows tray, raspberry pi: system.d, iOS: in development, android: not implemented
- Advanced Usage:
- Optimization: advanced/optimization.md # worker threads, asyncify, asyncer group, caching
- Custom Run: advanced/custom-run.md # custom event loop, blocking detector, typer
- Fallback Command: advanced/fallback-command.md # Fallback command setting and available implementations
- External Triggers: advanced/external-triggers.md # external triggers
- Localization and Multi-Language: advanced/localization-and-multi-language.md # TODO: Localization, multi-language
- Custom Interfaces: advanced/custom-interfaces.md # stt, tts, text: telebot.
# - Speech Recognition: advanced/speech-recognition.md # available engines, create custom
# - Speech Synthesis: advanced/speech-synthesis.md # available engines, create custom
- Voice Assistant: advanced/voice-assistant.md # methods for overrides
- Commands Context: advanced/commands-context.md # methods for overrides
- Other: # read the code
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# repository: MarkParker5/STARK
# branch: master