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synced 2025-02-17 11:55:35 +02:00
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# import os
# from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
# from stark.core import CommandsContext
# from stark.voice_assistant import VoiceAssistant, Mode
# from stark.IO.VoskSpeechRecognizer import VoskSpeechRecognizer
# from stark.IO.SileroSpeechSynthesizer import SileroSpeechSynthesizer
# from stark.features import default
# cm = CommandsContext(commands_manager = default)
# va = VoiceAssistant(
# speech_recognizer = VoskSpeechRecognizer(),
# speech_synthesizer = SileroSpeechSynthesizer(),
# commands_context = cm
# )
# va.mode = Mode(stop_after_interaction = True) # Wait for the hotkey to be pressed again
# def on_release(key: Key):
# if key == Key.alt_r:
# '''
# optional: play a sound to indicate that the hotkey was pressed
# play all sounds in macos: sh`for s in /System/Library/Sounds/*; do echo "$s" && afplay "$s"; done`
# for linux: check the `/usr/share/sounds/` directory and use `aplay` instead of `afplay`
# as an alternative, you can use the SpeechSynthesizer to say something like "Yes, sir?"
# '''
# os.system('afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Hero.aiff &') # play the sound in the background (macos)
# va.start()
# listener = Listener(on_release = on_release)
# listener.start()