2013-01-13 00:24:48 -08:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using NLog ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model.Notification ;
2013-02-18 18:19:38 -08:00
using NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine ;
2013-01-13 00:24:48 -08:00
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository.Search ;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Search
public class PartialSeasonSearch : SearchBase
private static readonly Logger logger = LogManager . GetCurrentClassLogger ( ) ;
public PartialSeasonSearch ( SeriesProvider seriesProvider , EpisodeProvider episodeProvider , DownloadProvider downloadProvider , IndexerProvider indexerProvider ,
SceneMappingProvider sceneMappingProvider , AllowedDownloadSpecification allowedDownloadSpecification ,
SearchHistoryProvider searchHistoryProvider )
: base ( seriesProvider , episodeProvider , downloadProvider , indexerProvider , sceneMappingProvider ,
allowedDownloadSpecification , searchHistoryProvider )
2013-01-13 10:29:53 -08:00
public PartialSeasonSearch ( )
2013-01-13 00:24:48 -08:00
public override List < EpisodeParseResult > PerformSearch ( Series series , dynamic options , ProgressNotification notification )
if ( options . SeasonNumber = = null | | options . SeasonNumber < 0 )
throw new ArgumentException ( "SeasonNumber is invalid" ) ;
if ( options . Episodes = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Episodes were not provided" ) ;
List < Episode > episodes = options . Episodes ;
if ( ! episodes . Any ( ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Episodes were not provided" ) ;
notification . CurrentMessage = String . Format ( "Looking for {0} - Season {1}" , series . Title , options . SeasonNumber ) ;
var reports = new List < EpisodeParseResult > ( ) ;
object reportsLock = new object ( ) ;
var title = GetSearchTitle ( series ) ;
var prefixes = GetEpisodeNumberPrefixes ( episodes . Select ( e = > e . EpisodeNumber ) ) ;
foreach ( var p in prefixes )
var prefix = p ;
Parallel . ForEach ( _indexerProvider . GetEnabledIndexers ( ) , indexer = >
lock ( reportsLock )
reports . AddRange ( indexer . FetchPartialSeason ( title , options . SeasonNumber , prefix ) ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
logger . ErrorException (
String . Format (
"An error has occurred while searching for {0} Season {1:00} Prefix: {2} from: {3}" ,
series . Title , options . SeasonNumber , prefix , indexer . Name ) ,
e ) ;
} ) ;
return reports ;
public override SearchHistoryItem CheckReport ( Series series , dynamic options , EpisodeParseResult episodeParseResult ,
SearchHistoryItem item )
if ( options . SeasonNumber ! = episodeParseResult . SeasonNumber )
logger . Trace ( "Season number does not match searched season number, skipping." ) ;
item . SearchError = ReportRejectionType . WrongSeason ;
return item ;
return item ;
protected override void FinalizeSearch ( Series series , dynamic options , Boolean reportsFound , ProgressNotification notification )
logger . Warn ( "Unable to find {0} - Season {1} in any of indexers." , series . Title , options . SeasonNumber ) ;
notification . CurrentMessage = reportsFound ? String . Format ( "Sorry, couldn't find {0} Season {1:00}, that matches your preferences." , series . Title , options . SeasonNumber )
: String . Format ( "Sorry, couldn't find {0} Season {1:00} in any of indexers." , series . Title , options . SeasonNumber ) ;
private List < int > GetEpisodeNumberPrefixes ( IEnumerable < int > episodeNumbers )
var results = new List < int > ( ) ;
foreach ( var i in episodeNumbers )
results . Add ( i / 10 ) ;
return results . Distinct ( ) . ToList ( ) ;