2014-01-18 14:44:36 +03:00
/ * !
* Backbone . CollectionView , v0 . 8.1
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 Rotunda Software , LLC .
* Distributed under MIT license
* http : //github.com/rotundasoftware/backbone-collection-view
* /
( function ( ) {
var mDefaultModelViewConstructor = Backbone . View ;
var kDefaultReferenceBy = "model" ;
var kAllowedOptions = [
"collection" , "modelView" , "modelViewOptions" , "itemTemplate" , "emptyListCaption" ,
"selectable" , "clickToSelect" , "selectableModelsFilter" , "visibleModelsFilter" ,
"selectMultiple" , "clickToToggle" , "processKeyEvents" , "sortable" , "sortableOptions" , "sortableModelsFilter" , "itemTemplateFunction" , "detachedRendering"
] ;
var kOptionsRequiringRerendering = [ "collection" , "modelView" , "modelViewOptions" , "itemTemplate" , "selectableModelsFilter" , "sortableModelsFilter" , "visibleModelsFilter" , "itemTemplateFunction" , "detachedRendering" , "sortableOptions" ] ;
var kStylesForEmptyListCaption = {
"background" : "transparent" ,
"border" : "none" ,
"box-shadow" : "none"
} ;
Backbone . CollectionView = Backbone . View . extend ( {
tagName : "ul" ,
events : {
"mousedown li, td" : "_listItem_onMousedown" ,
"dblclick li, td" : "_listItem_onDoubleClick" ,
"click" : "_listBackground_onClick" ,
"click ul.collection-list, table.collection-list" : "_listBackground_onClick" ,
"keydown" : "_onKeydown"
} ,
// only used if Backbone.Courier is available
spawnMessages : {
"focus" : "focus"
} ,
//only used if Backbone.Courier is available
passMessages : { "*" : "." } ,
initialize : function ( options ) {
var _this = this ;
this . _hasBeenRendered = false ;
// default options
options = _ . extend ( { } , {
collection : null ,
modelView : this . modelView || null ,
modelViewOptions : { } ,
itemTemplate : null ,
itemTemplateFunction : null ,
selectable : true ,
clickToSelect : true ,
selectableModelsFilter : null ,
visibleModelsFilter : null ,
sortableModelsFilter : null ,
selectMultiple : false ,
clickToToggle : false ,
processKeyEvents : true ,
sortable : false ,
sortableOptions : null ,
detachedRendering : false ,
emptyListCaption : null
} , options ) ;
// add each of the white-listed options to the CollectionView object itself
_ . each ( kAllowedOptions , function ( option ) {
_this [ option ] = options [ option ] ;
} ) ;
if ( ! this . collection ) this . collection = new Backbone . Collection ( ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) ) {
Backbone . Courier . add ( this ) ;
this . $el . data ( "view" , this ) ; // needed for connected sortable lists
this . $el . addClass ( "collection-list" ) ;
if ( this . processKeyEvents )
this . $el . attr ( "tabindex" , 0 ) ; // so we get keyboard events
this . selectedItems = [ ] ;
this . _updateItemTemplate ( ) ;
if ( this . collection )
this . _registerCollectionEvents ( ) ;
this . viewManager = new ChildViewContainer ( ) ;
//this.listenTo( this.collection, "change", function() { this.render(); this.spawn( "change" ); } ); // don't want changes to models bubbling up and triggering the list's render() function
// note we do NOT call render here anymore, because if we inherit from this class we will likely call this
// function using __super__ before the rest of the initialization logic for the decedent class. however, we may
// override the render() function in that decedent class as well, and that will certainly expect all the initialization
// to be done already. so we have to make sure to not jump the gun and start rending at this point.
// this.render();
} ,
setOption : function ( name , value ) {
var _this = this ;
if ( name === "collection" ) {
this . _setCollection ( value ) ;
else {
if ( _ . contains ( kAllowedOptions , name ) ) {
switch ( name ) {
case "selectMultiple" :
this [ name ] = value ;
if ( ! value && this . selectedItems . length > 1 )
this . setSelectedModel ( _ . first ( this . selectedItems ) , { by : "cid" } ) ;
break ;
case "selectable" :
if ( ! value && this . selectedItems . length > 0 )
this . setSelectedModels ( [ ] ) ;
this [ name ] = value ;
break ;
case "selectableModelsFilter" :
this [ name ] = value ;
if ( value && _ . isFunction ( value ) )
this . _validateSelection ( ) ;
break ;
case "itemTemplate" :
this [ name ] = value ;
this . _updateItemTemplate ( ) ;
break ;
case "processKeyEvents" :
this [ name ] = value ;
if ( value ) this . $el . attr ( "tabindex" , 0 ) ; // so we get keyboard events
break ;
case "modelView" :
this [ name ] = value ;
//need to remove all old view instances
this . viewManager . each ( function ( view ) {
_this . viewManager . remove ( view ) ;
// destroy the View itself
view . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
default :
this [ name ] = value ;
if ( _ . contains ( kOptionsRequiringRerendering , name ) ) this . render ( ) ;
else throw name + " is not an allowed option" ;
} ,
getSelectedModel : function ( options ) {
return _ . first ( this . getSelectedModels ( options ) ) ;
} ,
getSelectedModels : function ( options ) {
var _this = this ;
options = _ . extend ( { } , {
by : kDefaultReferenceBy
} , options ) ;
var referenceBy = options . by ;
var items = [ ] ;
switch ( referenceBy ) {
case "id" :
_ . each ( this . selectedItems , function ( item ) {
items . push ( _this . collection . get ( item ) . id ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "cid" :
items = items . concat ( this . selectedItems ) ;
break ;
case "offset" :
var curLineNumber = 0 ;
var itemElements ;
if ( this . _isRenderedAsTable ( ) )
itemElements = this . $el . find ( "> tbody > [data-model-cid]:not(.not-visible)" ) ;
else if ( this . _isRenderedAsList ( ) )
itemElements = this . $el . find ( "> [data-model-cid]:not(.not-visible)" ) ;
itemElements . each ( function ( ) {
var thisItemEl = $ ( this ) ;
if ( thisItemEl . is ( ".selected" ) )
items . push ( curLineNumber ) ;
curLineNumber ++ ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "model" :
_ . each ( this . selectedItems , function ( item ) {
items . push ( _this . collection . get ( item ) ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "view" :
_ . each ( this . selectedItems , function ( item ) {
items . push ( _this . viewManager . findByModel ( _this . collection . get ( item ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
return items ;
} ,
setSelectedModels : function ( newSelectedItems , options ) {
if ( ! this . selectable ) return ; // used to throw error, but there are some circumstances in which a list can be selectable at times and not at others, don't want to have to worry about catching errors
if ( ! _ . isArray ( newSelectedItems ) ) throw "Invalid parameter value" ;
options = _ . extend ( { } , {
silent : false ,
by : kDefaultReferenceBy
} , options ) ;
var referenceBy = options . by ;
var newSelectedCids = [ ] ;
switch ( referenceBy ) {
case "cid" :
newSelectedCids = newSelectedItems ;
break ;
case "id" :
this . collection . each ( function ( thisModel ) {
if ( _ . contains ( newSelectedItems , thisModel . id ) ) newSelectedCids . push ( thisModel . cid ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "model" :
newSelectedCids = _ . pluck ( newSelectedItems , "cid" ) ;
break ;
case "view" :
_ . each ( newSelectedItems , function ( item ) {
newSelectedCids . push ( item . model . cid ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "offset" :
var curLineNumber = 0 ;
var selectedItems = [ ] ;
var itemElements ;
if ( this . _isRenderedAsTable ( ) )
itemElements = this . $el . find ( "> tbody > [data-model-cid]:not(.not-visible)" ) ;
else if ( this . _isRenderedAsList ( ) )
itemElements = this . $el . find ( "> [data-model-cid]:not(.not-visible)" ) ;
itemElements . each ( function ( ) {
var thisItemEl = $ ( this ) ;
if ( _ . contains ( newSelectedItems , curLineNumber ) )
newSelectedCids . push ( thisItemEl . attr ( "data-model-cid" ) ) ;
curLineNumber ++ ;
} ) ;
break ;
var oldSelectedModels = this . getSelectedModels ( ) ;
var oldSelectedCids = _ . clone ( this . selectedItems ) ;
this . selectedItems = this . _convertStringsToInts ( newSelectedCids ) ;
this . _validateSelection ( ) ;
var newSelectedModels = this . getSelectedModels ( ) ;
if ( ! this . _containSameElements ( oldSelectedCids , this . selectedItems ) )
this . _addSelectedClassToSelectedItems ( oldSelectedCids ) ;
if ( ! options . silent )
this . trigger ( "selectionChanged" , newSelectedModels , oldSelectedModels ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) ) {
this . spawn ( "selectionChanged" , {
selectedModels : newSelectedModels ,
oldSelectedModels : oldSelectedModels
} ) ;
this . updateDependentControls ( ) ;
} ,
setSelectedModel : function ( newSelectedItem , options ) {
if ( ! newSelectedItem && newSelectedItem !== 0 )
this . setSelectedModels ( [ ] , options ) ;
this . setSelectedModels ( [ newSelectedItem ] , options ) ;
} ,
render : function ( ) {
var _this = this ;
this . _hasBeenRendered = true ;
if ( this . selectable ) this . _saveSelection ( ) ;
var modelViewContainerEl ;
// If collection view element is a table and it has a tbody
// within it, render the model views inside of the tbody
if ( this . _isRenderedAsTable ( ) ) {
var tbodyChild = this . $el . find ( "> tbody" ) ;
if ( tbodyChild . length > 0 )
modelViewContainerEl = tbodyChild ;
if ( _ . isUndefined ( modelViewContainerEl ) )
modelViewContainerEl = this . $el ;
var oldViewManager = this . viewManager ;
this . viewManager = new ChildViewContainer ( ) ;
// detach each of our subviews that we have already created to represent models
// in the collection. We are going to re-use the ones that represent models that
// are still here, instead of creating new ones, so that we don't loose state
// information in the views.
oldViewManager . each ( function ( thisModelView ) {
// to boost performance, only detach those views that will be sticking around.
// we won't need the other ones later, so no need to detach them individually.
if ( _this . collection . get ( thisModelView . model . cid ) )
thisModelView . $el . detach ( ) ;
thisModelView . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
modelViewContainerEl . empty ( ) ;
var fragmentContainer ;
if ( this . detachedRendering )
fragmentContainer = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ;
this . collection . each ( function ( thisModel ) {
var thisModelView ;
thisModelView = oldViewManager . findByModelCid ( thisModel . cid ) ;
if ( _ . isUndefined ( thisModelView ) ) {
// if the model view was not already created on previous render,
// then create and initialize it now.
var modelViewOptions = this . _getModelViewOptions ( thisModel ) ;
thisModelView = this . _createNewModelView ( thisModel , modelViewOptions ) ;
thisModelView . collectionListView = _this ;
var thisModelViewWrapped = this . _wrapModelView ( thisModelView ) ;
if ( this . detachedRendering )
fragmentContainer . appendChild ( thisModelViewWrapped [ 0 ] ) ;
modelViewContainerEl . append ( thisModelViewWrapped ) ;
// we have to render the modelView after it has been put in context, as opposed to in the
// initialize function of the modelView, because some rendering might be dependent on
// the modelView's context in the DOM tree. For example, if the modelView stretch()'s itself,
// it must be in full context in the DOM tree or else the stretch will not behave as intended.
var renderResult = thisModelView . render ( ) ;
// return false from the view's render function to hide this item
if ( renderResult === false ) {
thisModelViewWrapped . hide ( ) ;
thisModelViewWrapped . addClass ( "not-visible" ) ;
if ( _ . isFunction ( this . visibleModelsFilter ) ) {
if ( ! this . visibleModelsFilter ( thisModel ) ) {
if ( thisModelViewWrapped . children ( ) . length === 1 )
thisModelViewWrapped . hide ( ) ;
else thisModelView . $el . hide ( ) ;
thisModelViewWrapped . addClass ( "not-visible" ) ;
this . viewManager . add ( thisModelView ) ;
} , this ) ;
if ( this . detachedRendering )
modelViewContainerEl . append ( fragmentContainer ) ;
if ( this . sortable )
var sortableOptions = _ . extend ( {
axis : "y" ,
distance : 10 ,
forcePlaceholderSize : true ,
start : _ . bind ( this . _sortStart , this ) ,
change : _ . bind ( this . _sortChange , this ) ,
stop : _ . bind ( this . _sortStop , this ) ,
receive : _ . bind ( this . _receive , this ) ,
over : _ . bind ( this . _over , this )
} , _ . result ( this , "sortableOptions" ) ) ;
if ( _this . _isRenderedAsTable ( ) ) {
sortableOptions . items = "> tbody > tr:not(.not-sortable)" ;
else if ( _this . _isRenderedAsList ( ) ) {
sortableOptions . items = "> li:not(.not-sortable)" ;
this . $el = this . $el . sortable ( sortableOptions ) ;
if ( this . emptyListCaption ) {
var visibleView = this . viewManager . find ( function ( view ) {
return ! view . $el . hasClass ( "not-visible" ) ;
} ) ;
if ( _ . isUndefined ( visibleView ) ) {
var emptyListString ;
if ( _ . isFunction ( this . emptyListCaption ) )
emptyListString = this . emptyListCaption ( ) ;
emptyListString = this . emptyListCaption ;
var $emptyCaptionEl ;
var $varEl = $ ( "<var class='empty-list-caption'>" + emptyListString + "</var>" ) ;
//need to wrap the empty caption to make it fit the rendered list structure (either with an li or a tr td)
if ( this . _isRenderedAsList ( ) )
$emptyListCaptionEl = $varEl . wrapAll ( "<li class='not-sortable'></li>" ) . parent ( ) . css ( kStylesForEmptyListCaption ) ;
$emptyListCaptionEl = $varEl . wrapAll ( "<tr class='not-sortable'><td></td></tr>" ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . css ( kStylesForEmptyListCaption ) ;
this . $el . append ( $emptyListCaptionEl ) ;
this . trigger ( "render" ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "render" ) ;
if ( this . selectable ) {
this . _restoreSelection ( ) ;
this . updateDependentControls ( ) ;
if ( _ . isFunction ( this . onAfterRender ) )
this . onAfterRender ( ) ;
} ,
updateDependentControls : function ( ) {
this . trigger ( "updateDependentControls" , this . getSelectedModels ( ) ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) ) {
this . spawn ( "updateDependentControls" , {
selectedModels : this . getSelectedModels ( )
} ) ;
} ,
// Override `Backbone.View.remove` to also destroy all Views in `viewManager`
remove : function ( ) {
this . viewManager . each ( function ( view ) {
view . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
Backbone . View . prototype . remove . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ,
_validateSelectionAndRender : function ( ) {
this . _validateSelection ( ) ;
this . render ( ) ;
} ,
_registerCollectionEvents : function ( ) {
this . listenTo ( this . collection , "add" , function ( ) {
if ( this . _hasBeenRendered ) this . render ( ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "add" ) ;
} ) ;
this . listenTo ( this . collection , "remove" , function ( ) {
if ( this . _hasBeenRendered ) this . render ( ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "remove" ) ;
} ) ;
this . listenTo ( this . collection , "reset" , function ( ) {
if ( this . _hasBeenRendered ) this . render ( ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "reset" ) ;
} ) ;
// It should be up to the model to rerender itself when it changes.
// this.listenTo( this.collection, "change", function( model ) {
// if( this._hasBeenRendered ) this.viewManager.findByModel( model ).render();
// if( this._isBackboneCourierAvailable() )
// this.spawn( "change", { model : model } );
// } );
this . listenTo ( this . collection , "sort" , function ( ) {
if ( this . _hasBeenRendered ) this . render ( ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "sort" ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
_getClickedItemId : function ( theEvent ) {
var clickedItemId = null ;
// important to use currentTarget as opposed to target, since we could be bubbling
// an event that took place within another collectionList
var clickedItemEl = $ ( theEvent . currentTarget ) ;
if ( clickedItemEl . closest ( ".collection-list" ) . get ( 0 ) !== this . $el . get ( 0 ) ) return ;
// determine which list item was clicked. If we clicked in the blank area
// underneath all the elements, we want to know that too, since in this
// case we will want to deselect all elements. so check to see if the clicked
// DOM element is the list itself to find that out.
var clickedItem = clickedItemEl . closest ( "[data-model-cid]" ) ;
if ( clickedItem . length > 0 )
clickedItemId = clickedItem . attr ( "data-model-cid" ) ;
if ( $ . isNumeric ( clickedItemId ) ) clickedItemId = parseInt ( clickedItemId , 10 ) ;
return clickedItemId ;
} ,
_setCollection : function ( newCollection ) {
if ( newCollection !== this . collection )
this . stopListening ( this . collection ) ;
this . collection = newCollection ;
this . _registerCollectionEvents ( ) ;
if ( this . _hasBeenRendered ) this . render ( ) ;
} ,
_updateItemTemplate : function ( ) {
var itemTemplateHtml ;
if ( this . itemTemplate )
if ( $ ( this . itemTemplate ) . length === 0 )
throw "Could not find item template from selector: " + this . itemTemplate ;
itemTemplateHtml = $ ( this . itemTemplate ) . html ( ) ;
itemTemplateHtml = this . $ ( ".item-template" ) . html ( ) ;
if ( itemTemplateHtml ) this . itemTemplateFunction = _ . template ( itemTemplateHtml ) ;
} ,
_validateSelection : function ( ) {
// note can't use the collection's proxy to underscore because "cid" ais not an attribute,
// but an element of the model object itself.
var modelReferenceIds = _ . pluck ( this . collection . models , "cid" ) ;
this . selectedItems = _ . intersection ( modelReferenceIds , this . selectedItems ) ;
if ( _ . isFunction ( this . selectableModelsFilter ) )
this . selectedItems = _ . filter ( this . selectedItems , function ( thisItemId ) {
return this . selectableModelsFilter . call ( this , this . collection . get ( thisItemId ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
} ,
_saveSelection : function ( ) {
// save the current selection. use restoreSelection() to restore the selection to the state it was in the last time saveSelection() was called.
if ( ! this . selectable ) throw "Attempt to save selection on non-selectable list" ;
this . savedSelection = {
items : this . selectedItems ,
offset : this . getSelectedModel ( { by : "offset" } )
} ;
} ,
_restoreSelection : function ( ) {
if ( ! this . savedSelection ) throw "Attempt to restore selection but no selection has been saved!" ;
// reset selectedItems to empty so that we "redraw" all "selected" classes
// when we set our new selection. We do this because it is likely that our
// contents have been refreshed, and we have thus lost all old "selected" classes.
this . setSelectedModels ( [ ] , { silent : true } ) ;
if ( this . savedSelection . items . length > 0 )
// first try to restore the old selected items using their reference ids.
this . setSelectedModels ( this . savedSelection . items , { by : "cid" , silent : true } ) ;
// all the items with the saved reference ids have been removed from the list.
// ok. try to restore the selection based on the offset that used to be selected.
// this is the expected behavior after a item is deleted from a list (i.e. select
// the line that immediately follows the deleted line).
if ( this . selectedItems . length === 0 )
this . setSelectedModel ( this . savedSelection . offset , { by : "offset" } ) ;
// Trigger a selection changed if the previously selected items were not all found
if ( this . selectedItems . length !== this . savedSelection . items . length )
this . trigger ( "selectionChanged" , this . getSelectedModels ( ) , [ ] ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) ) {
this . spawn ( "selectionChanged" , {
selectedModels : this . getSelectedModels ( ) ,
oldSelectedModels : [ ]
} ) ;
delete this . savedSelection ;
} ,
_addSelectedClassToSelectedItems : function ( oldItemsIdsWithSelectedClass ) {
if ( _ . isUndefined ( oldItemsIdsWithSelectedClass ) ) oldItemsIdsWithSelectedClass = [ ] ;
// oldItemsIdsWithSelectedClass is used for optimization purposes only. If this info is supplied then we
// only have to add / remove the "selected" class from those items that "selected" state has changed.
var itemsIdsFromWhichSelectedClassNeedsToBeRemoved = oldItemsIdsWithSelectedClass ;
itemsIdsFromWhichSelectedClassNeedsToBeRemoved = _ . without ( itemsIdsFromWhichSelectedClassNeedsToBeRemoved , this . selectedItems ) ;
_ . each ( itemsIdsFromWhichSelectedClassNeedsToBeRemoved , function ( thisItemId ) {
this . $el . find ( "[data-model-cid=" + thisItemId + "]" ) . removeClass ( "selected" ) ;
} , this ) ;
var itemsIdsFromWhichSelectedClassNeedsToBeAdded = this . selectedItems ;
itemsIdsFromWhichSelectedClassNeedsToBeAdded = _ . without ( itemsIdsFromWhichSelectedClassNeedsToBeAdded , oldItemsIdsWithSelectedClass ) ;
_ . each ( itemsIdsFromWhichSelectedClassNeedsToBeAdded , function ( thisItemId ) {
this . $el . find ( "[data-model-cid=" + thisItemId + "]" ) . addClass ( "selected" ) ;
} , this ) ;
} ,
_reorderCollectionBasedOnHTML : function ( ) {
var _this = this ;
this . $el . children ( ) . each ( function ( ) {
var thisModelCid = $ ( this ) . attr ( "data-model-cid" ) ;
if ( thisModelCid )
// remove the current model and then add it back (at the end of the collection).
// When we are done looping through all models, they will be in the correct order.
var thisModel = _this . collection . get ( thisModelCid ) ;
if ( thisModel )
_this . collection . remove ( thisModel , { silent : true } ) ;
_this . collection . add ( thisModel , { silent : true , sort : ! _this . collection . comparator } ) ;
} ) ;
this . collection . trigger ( "reorder" ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) ) this . spawn ( "reorder" ) ;
if ( this . collection . comparator ) this . collection . sort ( ) ;
} ,
_getModelViewConstructor : function ( thisModel ) {
return this . modelView || mDefaultModelViewConstructor ;
} ,
_getModelViewOptions : function ( thisModel ) {
return _ . extend ( { model : thisModel } , this . modelViewOptions ) ;
} ,
_createNewModelView : function ( model , modelViewOptions ) {
var modelViewConstructor = this . _getModelViewConstructor ( model ) ;
if ( _ . isUndefined ( modelViewConstructor ) ) throw "Could not find modelView constructor for model" ;
return new ( modelViewConstructor ) ( modelViewOptions ) ;
} ,
_wrapModelView : function ( modelView ) {
var _this = this ;
// we use items client ids as opposed to real ids, since we may not have a representation
// of these models on the server
var wrappedModelView ;
if ( this . _isRenderedAsTable ( ) ) {
// if we are rendering the collection in a table, the template $el is a tr so we just need to set the data-model-cid
wrappedModelView = modelView . $el . attr ( "data-model-cid" , modelView . model . cid ) ;
else if ( this . _isRenderedAsList ( ) ) {
// if we are rendering the collection in a list, we need wrap each item in an <li></li> (if its not already an <li>)
// and set the data-model-cid
if ( modelView . $el . prop ( "tagName" ) . toLowerCase ( ) === "li" ) {
wrappedModelView = modelView . $el . attr ( "data-model-cid" , modelView . model . cid ) ;
} else {
wrappedModelView = modelView . $el . wrapAll ( "<li data-model-cid='" + modelView . model . cid + "'></li>" ) . parent ( ) ;
if ( _ . isFunction ( this . sortableModelsFilter ) )
if ( ! this . sortableModelsFilter . call ( _this , modelView . model ) )
wrappedModelView . addClass ( "not-sortable" ) ;
if ( _ . isFunction ( this . selectableModelsFilter ) )
if ( ! this . selectableModelsFilter . call ( _this , modelView . model ) )
wrappedModelView . addClass ( "not-selectable" ) ;
return wrappedModelView ;
} ,
_convertStringsToInts : function ( theArray ) {
return _ . map ( theArray , function ( thisEl ) {
if ( ! _ . isString ( thisEl ) ) return thisEl ;
var thisElAsNumber = parseInt ( thisEl , 10 ) ;
return ( thisElAsNumber == thisEl ? thisElAsNumber : thisEl ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
_containSameElements : function ( arrayA , arrayB ) {
if ( arrayA . length != arrayB . length ) return false ;
var intersectionSize = _ . intersection ( arrayA , arrayB ) . length ;
return intersectionSize == arrayA . length ; // and must also equal arrayB.length, since arrayA.length == arrayB.length
} ,
_isRenderedAsTable : function ( ) {
return this . $el . prop ( 'tagName' ) . toLowerCase ( ) === 'table' ;
} ,
_isRenderedAsList : function ( ) {
return ! this . _isRenderedAsTable ( ) ;
} ,
_charCodes : {
upArrow : 38 ,
downArrow : 40
} ,
_isBackboneCourierAvailable : function ( ) {
return ! _ . isUndefined ( Backbone . Courier ) ;
} ,
_sortStart : function ( event , ui ) {
var modelBeingSorted = this . collection . get ( ui . item . attr ( "data-model-cid" ) ) ;
this . trigger ( "sortStart" , modelBeingSorted ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "sortStart" , { modelBeingSorted : modelBeingSorted } ) ;
} ,
_sortChange : function ( event , ui ) {
var modelBeingSorted = this . collection . get ( ui . item . attr ( "data-model-cid" ) ) ;
this . trigger ( "sortChange" , modelBeingSorted ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "sortChange" , { modelBeingSorted : modelBeingSorted } ) ;
} ,
_sortStop : function ( event , ui ) {
var modelBeingSorted = this . collection . get ( ui . item . attr ( "data-model-cid" ) ) ;
var modelViewContainerEl = ( this . _isRenderedAsTable ( ) ) ? this . $el . find ( "> tbody" ) : this . $el ;
var newIndex = modelViewContainerEl . children ( ) . index ( ui . item ) ;
if ( newIndex == - 1 ) {
// the element was removed from this list. can happen if this sortable is connected
// to another sortable, and the item was dropped into the other sortable.
this . collection . remove ( modelBeingSorted ) ;
this . _reorderCollectionBasedOnHTML ( ) ;
this . updateDependentControls ( ) ;
this . trigger ( "sortStop" , modelBeingSorted , newIndex ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "sortStop" , { modelBeingSorted : modelBeingSorted , newIndex : newIndex } ) ;
} ,
_receive : function ( event , ui ) {
var senderListEl = ui . sender ;
var senderCollectionListView = senderListEl . data ( "view" ) ;
if ( ! senderCollectionListView || ! senderCollectionListView . collection ) return ;
var newIndex = this . $el . children ( ) . index ( ui . item ) ;
var modelReceived = senderCollectionListView . collection . get ( ui . item . attr ( "data-model-cid" ) ) ;
this . collection . add ( modelReceived , { at : newIndex } ) ;
modelReceived . collection = this . collection ; // otherwise will not get properly set, since modelReceived.collection might already have a value.
this . setSelectedModel ( modelReceived ) ;
} ,
_over : function ( event , ui ) {
// when an item is being dragged into the sortable,
// hide the empty list caption if it exists
this . $el . find ( ".empty-list-caption" ) . hide ( ) ;
} ,
_onKeydown : function ( event ) {
if ( ! this . processKeyEvents ) return true ;
var trap = false ;
if ( this . getSelectedModels ( { by : "offset" } ) . length == 1 )
// need to trap down and up arrows or else the browser
// will end up scrolling a autoscroll div.
var currentOffset = this . getSelectedModel ( { by : "offset" } ) ;
if ( event . which === this . _charCodes . upArrow && currentOffset !== 0 )
this . setSelectedModel ( currentOffset - 1 , { by : "offset" } ) ;
trap = true ;
else if ( event . which === this . _charCodes . downArrow && currentOffset !== this . collection . length - 1 )
this . setSelectedModel ( currentOffset + 1 , { by : "offset" } ) ;
trap = true ;
return ! trap ;
} ,
_listItem _onMousedown : function ( theEvent ) {
if ( ! this . selectable || ! this . clickToSelect ) return ;
var clickedItemId = this . _getClickedItemId ( theEvent ) ;
if ( clickedItemId )
// Exit if an unselectable item was clicked
if ( _ . isFunction ( this . selectableModelsFilter ) &&
! this . selectableModelsFilter . call ( this , this . collection . get ( clickedItemId ) ) )
return ;
// a selectable list item was clicked
if ( this . selectMultiple && theEvent . shiftKey )
var firstSelectedItemIndex = - 1 ;
if ( this . selectedItems . length > 0 )
this . collection . find ( function ( thisItemModel ) {
firstSelectedItemIndex ++ ;
// exit when we find our first selected element
return _ . contains ( this . selectedItems , thisItemModel . cid ) ;
} , this ) ;
var clickedItemIndex = - 1 ;
this . collection . find ( function ( thisItemModel ) {
clickedItemIndex ++ ;
// exit when we find the clicked element
return thisItemModel . cid == clickedItemId ;
} , this ) ;
var shiftKeyRootSelectedItemIndex = firstSelectedItemIndex == - 1 ? clickedItemIndex : firstSelectedItemIndex ;
var minSelectedItemIndex = Math . min ( clickedItemIndex , shiftKeyRootSelectedItemIndex ) ;
var maxSelectedItemIndex = Math . max ( clickedItemIndex , shiftKeyRootSelectedItemIndex ) ;
var newSelectedItems = [ ] ;
for ( var thisIndex = minSelectedItemIndex ; thisIndex <= maxSelectedItemIndex ; thisIndex ++ )
newSelectedItems . push ( this . collection . at ( thisIndex ) . cid ) ;
this . setSelectedModels ( newSelectedItems , { by : "cid" } ) ;
// shift clicking will usually highlight selectable text, which we do not want.
// this is a cross browser (hopefully) snippet that deselects all text selection.
if ( document . selection && document . selection . empty )
document . selection . empty ( ) ;
else if ( window . getSelection ) {
var sel = window . getSelection ( ) ;
if ( sel && sel . removeAllRanges )
sel . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
else if ( this . selectMultiple && ( this . clickToToggle || theEvent . metaKey ) )
if ( _ . contains ( this . selectedItems , clickedItemId ) )
this . setSelectedModels ( _ . without ( this . selectedItems , clickedItemId ) , { by : "cid" } ) ;
2014-01-29 03:53:59 +03:00
else this . setSelectedModels ( _ . union ( this . selectedItems , [ clickedItemId ] ) , { by : "cid" } ) ;
2014-01-18 14:44:36 +03:00
this . setSelectedModels ( [ clickedItemId ] , { by : "cid" } ) ;
// the blank area of the list was clicked
this . setSelectedModels ( [ ] ) ;
} ,
_listItem _onDoubleClick : function ( theEvent ) {
var clickedItemId = this . _getClickedItemId ( theEvent ) ;
if ( clickedItemId )
var clickedModel = this . collection . get ( clickedItemId ) ;
this . trigger ( "doubleClick" , clickedModel ) ;
if ( this . _isBackboneCourierAvailable ( ) )
this . spawn ( "doubleClick" , { clickedModel : clickedModel } ) ;
} ,
_listBackground _onClick : function ( theEvent ) {
if ( ! this . selectable ) return ;
if ( ! $ ( theEvent . target ) . is ( ".collection-list" ) ) return ;
this . setSelectedModels ( [ ] ) ;
} , {
setDefaultModelViewConstructor : function ( theConstructor ) {
mDefaultModelViewConstructor = theConstructor ;
} ) ;
// Backbone.BabySitter
// -------------------
// v0.0.6
// Copyright (c)2013 Derick Bailey, Muted Solutions, LLC.
// Distributed under MIT license
// http://github.com/babysitterjs/backbone.babysitter
// Backbone.ChildViewContainer
// ---------------------------
// Provide a container to store, retrieve and
// shut down child views.
ChildViewContainer = ( function ( Backbone , _ ) {
// Container Constructor
// ---------------------
var Container = function ( views ) {
this . _views = { } ;
this . _indexByModel = { } ;
this . _indexByCustom = { } ;
this . _updateLength ( ) ;
_ . each ( views , this . add , this ) ;
} ;
// Container Methods
// -----------------
_ . extend ( Container . prototype , {
// Add a view to this container. Stores the view
// by `cid` and makes it searchable by the model
// cid (and model itself). Optionally specify
// a custom key to store an retrieve the view.
add : function ( view , customIndex ) {
var viewCid = view . cid ;
// store the view
this . _views [ viewCid ] = view ;
// index it by model
if ( view . model ) {
this . _indexByModel [ view . model . cid ] = viewCid ;
// index by custom
if ( customIndex ) {
this . _indexByCustom [ customIndex ] = viewCid ;
this . _updateLength ( ) ;
} ,
// Find a view by the model that was attached to
// it. Uses the model's `cid` to find it.
findByModel : function ( model ) {
return this . findByModelCid ( model . cid ) ;
} ,
// Find a view by the `cid` of the model that was attached to
// it. Uses the model's `cid` to find the view `cid` and
// retrieve the view using it.
findByModelCid : function ( modelCid ) {
var viewCid = this . _indexByModel [ modelCid ] ;
return this . findByCid ( viewCid ) ;
} ,
// Find a view by a custom indexer.
findByCustom : function ( index ) {
var viewCid = this . _indexByCustom [ index ] ;
return this . findByCid ( viewCid ) ;
} ,
// Find by index. This is not guaranteed to be a
// stable index.
findByIndex : function ( index ) {
return _ . values ( this . _views ) [ index ] ;
} ,
// retrieve a view by it's `cid` directly
findByCid : function ( cid ) {
return this . _views [ cid ] ;
} ,
// Remove a view
remove : function ( view ) {
var viewCid = view . cid ;
// delete model index
if ( view . model ) {
delete this . _indexByModel [ view . model . cid ] ;
// delete custom index
_ . any ( this . _indexByCustom , function ( cid , key ) {
if ( cid === viewCid ) {
delete this . _indexByCustom [ key ] ;
return true ;
} , this ) ;
// remove the view from the container
delete this . _views [ viewCid ] ;
// update the length
this . _updateLength ( ) ;
} ,
// Call a method on every view in the container,
// passing parameters to the call method one at a
// time, like `function.call`.
call : function ( method ) {
this . apply ( method , _ . tail ( arguments ) ) ;
} ,
// Apply a method on every view in the container,
// passing parameters to the call method one at a
// time, like `function.apply`.
apply : function ( method , args ) {
_ . each ( this . _views , function ( view ) {
if ( _ . isFunction ( view [ method ] ) ) {
view [ method ] . apply ( view , args || [ ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
// Update the `.length` attribute on this container
_updateLength : function ( ) {
this . length = _ . size ( this . _views ) ;
} ) ;
// Borrowing this code from Backbone.Collection:
// http://backbonejs.org/docs/backbone.html#section-106
// Mix in methods from Underscore, for iteration, and other
// collection related features.
var methods = [ 'forEach' , 'each' , 'map' , 'find' , 'detect' , 'filter' ,
'select' , 'reject' , 'every' , 'all' , 'some' , 'any' , 'include' ,
'contains' , 'invoke' , 'toArray' , 'first' , 'initial' , 'rest' ,
'last' , 'without' , 'isEmpty' , 'pluck' ] ;
_ . each ( methods , function ( method ) {
Container . prototype [ method ] = function ( ) {
var views = _ . values ( this . _views ) ;
var args = [ views ] . concat ( _ . toArray ( arguments ) ) ;
return _ [ method ] . apply ( _ , args ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
// return the public API
return Container ;
} ) ( Backbone , _ ) ;
} ) ( ) ;