Database applications frequently rely on “Dynamic -SQL”—queries that are constructed at run-time through program logic. The LINQ -infrastructure supports similar capabilities through dynamic construction of -expression trees using the classes in the System.Linq.Expressions namespace. Expression -trees are an appropriate abstraction for a variety of scenarios, but for others -a string-based representation may be more convenient. The Dynamic Expression API extends the core -LINQ API with that capability. The API is located in the Dynamic.cs -source file and provides
- -· -Dynamic parsing of strings to produce -expression trees (the ParseLambda -and Parse methods),
- -· -Dynamic creation of “Data Classes” (the CreateClass methods), -and
- -· -Dynamic string-based querying through LINQ -providers (the IQueryable extension -methods).
- -The Dynamic Expression API relies on a simple expression language for formulating -expressions and queries in strings.
- -The Dynamic -Expression API is brought into scope by using (importing) the System.Linq.Dynamic -namespace. Below is an example of applying the Dynamic Expression API to a LINQ -to SQL data source.
- -var
-query =
- db.Customers.
- Where("City
-= @0 and Orders.Count >= @1", "London", 10).
- OrderBy("CompanyName").
- Select("new(CompanyName as Name, Phone)");
Note that expressions in the query are strings that could -have been dynamically constructed at run-time.
- -The System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression -class defines the following overloaded ParseLambda methods for dynamically parsing -and creating lambda expressions.
- -public static LambdaExpression ParseLambda(
- ParameterExpression[]
-parameters, Type resultType,
- string expression, params object[] values);
public static LambdaExpression ParseLambda(
- Type argumentType,
-Type resultType,
- string expression, params object[] values);
public static Expression<Func<TArgument,
- ParseLambda<TArgument,
- string
-expression, params object[] values);
The first ParseLambda overload parses a lambda -expression with the given parameters and expression body and returns an Expression<Func<…>> -instance representing the result. If the resultType parameter is non-null it specifies -the required result type for the expression. The values -parameter supplies zero or more substitution -values that may be referenced in the expression.
- - - -ParameterExpression
-x = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "x");
-y = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "y");
-LambdaExpression e
-= DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(
- new ParameterExpression[] { x, y }, null, "(x + y) *
creates and assigns an Expression<Func<int, int, int>> -instance to e representing the expression (x + y) * 2. If a required result type is specified, as in
- -LambdaExpression
-e = DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(
- new ParameterExpression[] { x, y }, typeof(double), "(x + y) *
the parsing operation will include -an implicit conversion to the given result type, in -this case yielding an Expression<Func<int, int, -double>> instance.
- -The second ParseLambda overload parses a lambda -expression with a single unnamed parameter of a specified argumentType. This method corresponds to -calling the first ParseLambda overload with a parameters argument containing a single ParameterExpression with an -empty or null Name property.
- -When parsing a lambda expression with a single unnamed -parameter, the members of the unnamed parameter are automatically in scope in -the expression string, and the current instance -given by the unnamed parameter can be referenced in whole using the keyword it. The example
- -LambdaExpression
-e = DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(
- typeof(Customer), typeof(bool),
- "City = @0 and Orders.Count >= @1",
- "London", 10);
creates and assigns an Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> instance to e. -Note that City and Orders -are members of Customer that are automatically -in scope. Also note the use of substitution -values to supply the constant values "London" -and 10.
- -The third ParseLambda overload is a genericly -typed version of the second overload. The example below produces the same Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> instance as the example above, but is -statically typed to that exact type.
- -Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> e =
- DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<Customer, bool>(
- "City
-= @0 and Orders.Count >= @1",
- "London",
The System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression -class defines the following method for parsing and creating expression tree -fragments.
- -public static Expression
-Parse(Type resultType,
-string expression,
- params
-object[] values);
The Parse method parses the given expression -and returns an expression tree. If the resultType parameter is non-null it specifies -the required result type of the expression. The values -parameter supplies zero or more substitution -values that may be referenced in the expression.
- -Unlike the ParseLambda -methods, the Parse method returns an “unbound” -expression tree fragment. The following example uses Parse to produce the same result as a previous example:
- -ParameterExpression
-x = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "x");
-y = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "y");
-object> symbols = new
-Expression body = DynamicExpression.Parse(null, "(x + y) *
-2", symbols);
-LambdaExpression e
-= Expression.Lambda(
- body, new ParameterExpression[] {
-x, y });
Note the use of a Dictionary<string, -object> to provide a dictionary of named substitution values that can be referenced in -the expression.
- -Several methods in the Dynamic Expression API permit substitution values to -be specified through a parameter array. Substitution values are referenced in -an expression using identifiers of the form @x, where x is an -index into the parameter array. The last element of the parameter array may be -an object that implements IDictionary<string, object>. If so, this dictionary is -used to map identifiers to substitution values during parsing.
- -An identifier that references a substitution value is -processed as follows:
- -· -If the value is of type System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression, the -identifier must occur as part of a dynamic -lambda invocation. This allows composition of dynamic lambda expressions.
- -· -Otherwise, if the value is of type System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, the given -expression is substituted for the identifier.
- -· -Otherwise, the Expression.Constant method is used to create a constant expression from -the value which is then substituted for the identifier.
- -A data class is a class that contains only data members. The -System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression -class defines the following methods for dynamically creating data classes.
- -public static Type CreateClass(params -DynamicProperty[] -properties);
- -public static Type CreateClass(IEnumerable<DynamicProperty> -properties);
- -The CreateClass -method creates a new data class with a given set of public properties and -returns the System.Type -object for the newly created class. If a data class with an identical sequence -of properties has already been created, the System.Type object for this class is returned.
- -Data classes implement private instance variables and -read/write property accessors for the specified -properties. Data classes also override the Equals -and GetHashCode -members to implement by-value equality.
- -Data classes are created in an in-memory assembly in the -current application domain. All data classes inherit from System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicClass and are given -automatically generated names that should be considered private (the names will -be unique within the application domain but not across multiple invocations of -the application). Note that once created, a data class stays in memory for the -lifetime of the current application domain. There is currently no way to unload -a dynamically created data class.
- -The dynamic expression parser uses the CreateClass methods to generate classes from data object initializers. This -feature in turn is often used with the dynamic Select -method to create projections.
- -The example below uses CreateClass to create a data class with two -properties, Name and Birthday, -and then uses .NET reflection to create an instance of the class and assign -values to the properties.
- -DynamicProperty[]
-props = new DynamicProperty[] {
- new DynamicProperty("Name",
- new DynamicProperty("Birthday",
-typeof(DateTime)) };
-Type type = DynamicExpression.CreateClass(props);
-object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
-t.GetProperty("Name").SetValue(obj, "Albert", null);
-t.GetProperty("Birthday").SetValue(obj, new DateTime(1879,
-3, 14), null);
The System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicQueryable -class implements the following extension methods for dynamically querying -objects that implement the IQueryable<T> -interface.
- -public static IQueryable
-Where(this IQueryable
- string predicate, params object[] values);
public static IQueryable<T>
-Where<T>(this IQueryable<T>
- string predicate, params object[] values);
public static IQueryable
-Select(this IQueryable
- string selector, params object[] values);
public static IQueryable OrderBy(this IQueryable source,
- string ordering, params object[] values);
public static IQueryable<T>
-IQueryable<T> source,
- string ordering, params object[] values);
public static IQueryable -Take(this IQueryable -source, int count);
- -public static IQueryable -Skip(this IQueryable -source, int count);
- -public static IQueryable GroupBy(this IQueryable source,
- string keySelector,
-string elementSelector,
-params object[] values);
public static bool -Any(this IQueryable -source);
- -public static int -Count(this IQueryable -source);
- -These methods correspond to their System.Linq.Queryable counterparts, except -that they operate on IQueryable instead of IQueryable<T> and use strings instead of lambda -expressions to express predicates, selectors, and orderings. IQueryable is the non-generic base interface for IQueryable<T>, so the methods can be used even -when T isn’t known on beforehand, i.e. when the -source of a query is dynamically determined. (Note that because a dynamic -predicate or ordering does not affect the result type, generic overloads are -provided for Where and OrderBy in order to preserve strong typing -when possible.)
- -The predicate, selector, ordering, keySelector, and elementSelector parameters -are strings containing expressions written in the expression language. In the expression -strings, the members of the current instance -are automatically in scope and the instance itself can be referenced using the -keyword it.
- -The OrderBy -method permits a sequence of orderings to be specified, separated by commas. -Each ordering may optionally be followed by asc or ascending -to indicate ascending order, or desc or descending -to indicate descending order. The default order is ascending. The example
- -products.OrderBy("Category.CategoryName, -UnitPrice descending");
- -orders a sequence of products by -ascending category name and, within each category, descending unit price.
- -The Dynamic Expression API reports parsing errors using the System.Linq.Dynamic.ParseException -class. The Position property of the ParseException class gives -the character index in the expression string at which the parsing error -occurred.
- -The expression language implemented by the Dynamic -Expression API provides a simple and convenient way of writing expressions that -can be parsed into LINQ expression trees. The language supports most of the -constructs of expression trees, but it is by no means a complete query or -programming language. In particular, the expression language does not support -statements or declarations.
- -The expression language is designed to be familiar to C#, -VB, and SQL users. For this reason, some operators are present in multiple -forms, such as && and and.
- -An Identifier consists of a letter or underscore followed by -any number of letters, digits, or underscores. In order to reference an -identifier with the same spelling as a keyword, the identifier must be prefixed -with a single @ character. Some examples of identifiers:
- -x Hello -m_1 @true @String
- -Identifiers of the from @x, where x is an integral number -greater than or equal to zero, are used to denote the substitution values, if any, that were passed -to the expression parser. For example:
- -customers.Where("Country = @0", -country);
- -Casing is not significant in identifiers or keywords.
- -The expression language supports integer, real, string, and -character literals.
- -An integer -literal consists of a sequence of digits. The type of an integer -literal is the first of the types Int32, UInt32, Int64, or UInt64 that can represent the given value. An integer -literal implicitly converts to any other numeric type -provided the number is in the range of that type. Some examples of integer -literals:
- -0 123 10000
- -A real -literal consists of an integral part followed by a fractional part -and/or an exponent. The integral part is a sequence of one or more digits. The -fractional part is a decimal point followed by one or more digits. The exponent -is the letter e or E -followed by an optional + or – sign followed by one or more digits. The type of a -real literal is Double. -A real literal implicitly converts to any other real type -provided the number is in the range of that type. Some examples of real -literals:
- -1.0 2.25 10000.0 -1e0 1e10 1.2345E-4
- -A string -literal consists of zero or more characters enclosed in double -quotes. Inside a string literal, a double quote is written as two consecutive -double quotes. The type of a string literal is String. -Some examples of string literals:
- -"hello" -"" -"""quoted""" "'"
- -A character -literal consists of a single character enclosed in single quotes. -Inside a character literal, a single quote is written as two consecutive single -quotes. The type of a character literal is Char. -Some examples of character literals:
- -'A' '1' '''' '"'
- -The predefined constants true -and false denote the two values of the type Boolean.
- -The predefined constant null -denotes a null reference. The null constant is -of type Object, but is also implicitly -convertible to any reference type.
- -The expression language defines the following primitive types:
- -Object
-Decimal Single
The primitive types correspond to the similarly named types -in the System namespace of the .NET Framework Base Class Library. The -expression language also defines a set of accessible -types consisting of the primitive types and the following types -from the System namespace:
- -Math -Convert
- -The accessible types are the only types that can be -explicitly referenced in expressions, and method invocations in the expression -language are restricted to methods declared in the accessible types.
- -The nullable form of a value type is -referenced by writing a ? -after the type name. For example, Int32? denotes the nullable form of Int32.
- -The non-nullable -and nullable forms of the types SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, and UInt64 are -collectively called the integral -types.
- -The non-nullable and nullable forms of -the types Single, Double, -and Decimal are collectively called the real types.
- -The integral types and real types -are collectively called the numeric -types.
- -The following conversions are implicitly performed by the -expression language:
- -· -From the the null literal to any reference type or nullable type.
- -· -From an integer literal to an integral type or real type -provided the number is within the range of that type.
- -· -From a real literal to a real -type provided the number is within the range of that type.
- -· -From a string literal to an enum -type provided the string literal contains the name of a member of that enum type.
- -· -From a source type that is assignment -compatible with the target type according to the Type.IsAssignableFrom method in .NET.
- -· -From a non-nullable -value type to the nullable form of that value type.
- -· -From a numeric type -to another numeric type with greater range.
- -The expression language permits explicit conversions using -the syntax type(expr), where type -is a type name optionally followed by ? and expr is an expression. -This syntax may be used to perform the following conversions:
- -· -Between two types provided Type.IsAssignableFrom is true in one or both -directions.
- -· -Between two types provided one or both are -interface types.
- -· -Between the nullable -and non-nullable forms of any value type.
- -· -Between any two types belonging to the set consisting of SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Decimal, Single, Double, Char, any enum type, as -well as the nullable forms of those types.
- -The table below shows the operators supported by the -expression language in order of precedence from highest to lowest. Operators in -the same category have equal precedence. In the table, x, y, and z denote expressions, T -denotes a type, and m -denotes a member.
- -
- Category - |
- Expression - |
- Description - |
- Primary - |
- x.m - |
- Instance field or instance property - access. Any public field or property can be accessed. - |
- x.m(…) - |
- Instance method invocation. The method must be - public and must be declared in an accessible - type. - |
- |
- x[…] - |
- Array or indexer access. - Multi-dimensional arrays are not supported. - |
- |
- T.m - |
- Static field or static property - access. Any public field or property can be accessed. - |
- |
- T.m(…) - |
- Static method invocation. The method must be - public and must be declared in an accessible - type. - |
- |
- T(…) - |
- Explicit - conversion or constructor - invocation. Note that new is not required - in front of a constructor invocation. - |
- |
- new(…) - |
- Data - object initializer. This construct can be used - to perform dynamic projections. - |
- |
- it - |
- Current - instance. In contexts where members of a current object are implicitly in - scope, it is used to refer to the entire - object itself. - |
- |
- x(…) - |
- Dynamic lambda invocation. Used to - reference another dynamic lambda expression. - |
- |
- iif(x, y, z) - |
- Conditional expression. Alternate - syntax for x ? y : z. - |
- |
- Unary - |
- -x - |
- Negation. Supported types are Int32, Int64, Decimal, Single, - and Double. - |
- !x -not x - |
- Logical negation. Operand must be of type Boolean. - |
- |
- Multiplicative - |
- x * y - |
- Multiplication. Supported types are - Int32, UInt32, - Int64, UInt64, - Decimal, Single, - and Double. - |
- x / y - |
- Division. Supported types are Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Decimal, Single, - and Double. - |
- |
- x % y -x mod y - |
- Remainder. Supported types are Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Decimal, Single, - and Double. - |
- |
- Additive - |
- x + y - |
- Addition or string concatenation. - Performs string concatenation if either operand is of type String. Otherwise, performs addition for the - supported types Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Decimal, Single, Double, DateTime, and TimeSpan. - |
- x – y - |
- Subtraction. Supported types are Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Decimal, Single, Double, DateTime, and TimeSpan. - |
- |
- x & y - |
- String concatenation. Operands may - be of any type. - |
- |
- Relational - |
- x = y -x == y - |
- Equal. Supported for reference - types and the primitive types. Assignment is - not supported. - |
- x != y -x <> - y - |
- Not equal. Supported for reference - types and the primitive types. - |
- |
- x < y - |
- Less than. Supported for all primitive types except Boolean, Object and - Guid. - |
- |
- x > y - |
- Greater than. Supported for all primitive types except Boolean, Object and - Guid. - |
- |
- x <= y - |
- Less than or equal. Supported for - all primitive types except Boolean, Object and - Guid. - |
- |
- x >= y - |
- Greater than or equal. Supported - for all primitive types except Boolean, Object and - Guid. - |
- |
- Logical AND - |
- x - && y -x and y - |
- Logical AND. Operands must be of type Boolean. - |
- Logical OR - |
- x || y -x or y - |
- Logical OR. Operands must be of type Boolean. - |
- Conditional - |
- x ? y : z - |
- Evaluates y - if x is true, evaluates z if x is false. - |
The expression language limits invocation of methods and -constructors to those declared public in the accessible -types. This restriction exists to protect against unintended side effects -from invocation of arbitrary methods.
- -The expression language permits getting (but not setting) -the value of any reachable public field, property, or indexer.
- -Overload resolution for methods, constructors, and indexers -uses rules similar to C#. In informal terms, overload resolution will pick the -best matching method, constructor, or indexer, or report an ambiguity error if -no single best match can be identified.
- -Note that constructor invocations are not prefixed by new. The following example creates a DateTime instance for a specfic year, month, and day using a constructor -invocation:
- -orders.Where("OrderDate ->= DateTime(2007, 1, 1)");
- -A data object initializer creates -a data class and returns an instance of -that class. The properties of the data class are inferred from the data object initializer. Specifically, a data object initializer of the form
- -new(e1 as p1, e2 as p2, e3 as p3)
- -creates a data class with three -properties, p1, p2, -and p3, the types of which are inferred from -the expressions e1, e2, -and e3, and returns an instance of that data -class with the properties initialized to the values computed by e1, e2, and e3. A property initializer -may omit the as keyword and the property name -provided the associated expression is a field or property access. The example
- -customers.Select("new(CompanyName -as Name, Phone)");
- -creates a data class with two -properties, Name and Phone, -and returns a sequence of instances of that data class initialized from the CompanyName and Phone properties of each customer.
- -When parsing a lambda expression with a single unnamed -parameter, the members of the unnamed parameter are automatically in scope in -the expression string, and the current instance given by the unnamed -parameter can be referenced in whole using the keyword it. For example,
- -customers.Where("Country = @0", -country);
- -is equivalent to
- -customers.Where("it.Country -= @0", country);
- -The IQueryable -extension methods all parse their expression arguments as lambda -expressions with a single unnamed parameter.
- -An expression can reference other dynamic lambda expressions -through dynamic lambda -invocations. A dynamic lambda invocation consists of a substitution -variable identifier that references an instance of System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression, -followed by an argument list. The arguments supplied must be compatible with -the parameter list of the given dynamic lambda expression.
- -The following parses two separate dynamic lambda expressions -and then combines them in a predicate expression through dynamic lambda -invocations:
- -Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> e1 =
- DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<Customer, bool>("City = \"London\"");
-bool>> e2 =
- DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<Customer, bool>("Orders.Count >= 10");
-query =
- db.Customers.Where("@0(it) and @1(it)", e1, e2);
It is of course possible to combine static and dynamic -lambda expressions in this fashion:
- -Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> e1 =
- c => c.City == "London";
-bool>> e2 =
- DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<Customer, bool>("Orders.Count >= 10");
-query =
- db.Customers.Where("@0(it) and @1(it)", e1, e2);
The examples above both have the same effect as:
- -IQueryable<Customer> query =
- db.Customers.Where(c => c.City == "London"
-&& c.Orders.Count >= 10);n
A subset of the Standard Query Operators is supported for -objects that implement IEnumerable<T>. Specifically, the following constructs are -permitted, where seq is an IEnumerable<T> -instance, predicate is a boolean -expression, and selector is an expression of any type:
- -seq . Where -( predicate ) -seq -. Any ( )
- -seq . Any -( predicate ) -seq -. All ( predicate )
- -seq . Count -( ) -seq . Count -( predicate )
- -seq . Min -( selector ) -seq -. Max ( selector )
- -seq . Sum -( selector ) -seq -. Average ( selector )
- -In the predicate and selector expressions, the -members of the current instance for that -sequence operator are automatically in scope, and the instance itself can be -referenced using the keyword it. An example:
- -customers.Where("Orders.Any(Total ->= 1000)");
- -The expression language supports an implicit -conversion from a string literal to an enum type -provided the string literal contains the name of a member of that enum type. For example,
- -orders.Where("OrderDate.DayOfWeek -= \"Monday\"");
- -is equivalent to
- -orders.Where("OrderDate.DayOfWeek -= @0", DayOfWeek.Monday);
- -- -