using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Core.Download; using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget; using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Configuration { public class ConfigService : IConfigService { private readonly IConfigRepository _repository; private readonly Logger _logger; private static Dictionary _cache; public ConfigService(IConfigRepository repository, Logger logger) { _repository = repository; _logger = logger; _cache = new Dictionary(); } public IEnumerable All() { return _repository.All(); } public Dictionary AllWithDefaults() { var dict = new Dictionary(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); var type = GetType(); var properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (var propertyInfo in properties) { var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(this, null); dict.Add(propertyInfo.Name, value); } return dict; } public String SabHost { get { return GetValue("SabHost", "localhost"); } set { SetValue("SabHost", value); } } public int SabPort { get { return GetValueInt("SabPort", 8080); } set { SetValue("SabPort", value); } } public String SabApiKey { get { return GetValue("SabApiKey"); } set { SetValue("SabApiKey", value); } } public String SabUsername { get { return GetValue("SabUsername"); } set { SetValue("SabUsername", value); } } public String SabPassword { get { return GetValue("SabPassword"); } set { SetValue("SabPassword", value); } } public String SabTvCategory { get { return GetValue("SabTvCategory", "tv"); } set { SetValue("SabTvCategory", value); } } public SabPriorityType SabBacklogTvPriority { get { return GetValueEnum("SabBacklogTvPriority", SabPriorityType.Default); } set { SetValue("SabBacklogTvPriority", value); } } public SabPriorityType SabRecentTvPriority { get { return GetValueEnum("SabRecentTvPriority", SabPriorityType.Default); } set { SetValue("SabRecentTvPriority", value); } } public String DownloadedEpisodesFolder { get { return GetValue("DownloadedEpisodesFolder"); } set { SetValue("DownloadedEpisodesFolder", value); } } public bool UseSeasonFolder { get { return GetValueBoolean("UseSeasonFolder", true); } set { SetValue("UseSeasonFolder", value); } } public string SortingSeasonFolderFormat { get { return GetValue("Sorting_SeasonFolderFormat", "Season %s"); } set { SetValue("Sorting_SeasonFolderFormat", value); } } public int DefaultQualityProfile { get { return GetValueInt("DefaultQualityProfile", 1); } set { SetValue("DefaultQualityProfile", value); } } public Boolean XbmcUpdateLibrary { get { return GetValueBoolean("XbmcUpdateLibrary"); } set { SetValue("XbmcUpdateLibrary", value); } } public Boolean XbmcCleanLibrary { get { return GetValueBoolean("XbmcCleanLibrary"); } set { SetValue("XbmcCleanLibrary", value); } } public Boolean XbmcUpdateWhenPlaying { get { return GetValueBoolean("XbmcUpdateWhenPlaying"); } set { SetValue("XbmcUpdateWhenPlaying", value); } } public string XbmcHosts { get { return GetValue("XbmcHosts", "localhost:8080"); } set { SetValue("XbmcHosts", value); } } public string XbmcUsername { get { return GetValue("XbmcUsername", "xbmc"); } set { SetValue("XbmcUsername", value); } } public string XbmcPassword { get { return GetValue("XbmcPassword", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("XbmcPassword", value); } } public string UpdateUrl { get { return GetValue("UpdateUrl", ""); } set { SetValue("UpdateUrl", value); } } public string SmtpServer { get { return GetValue("SmtpServer", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("SmtpServer", value); } } public int SmtpPort { get { return GetValueInt("SmtpPort", 25); } set { SetValue("SmtpPort", value); } } public Boolean SmtpUseSsl { get { return GetValueBoolean("SmtpUseSsl"); } set { SetValue("SmtpUseSsl", value); } } public string SmtpUsername { get { return GetValue("SmtpUsername", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("SmtpUsername", value); } } public string SmtpPassword { get { return GetValue("SmtpPassword", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("SmtpPassword", value); } } public string SmtpFromAddress { get { return GetValue("SmtpFromAddress", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("SmtpFromAddress", value); } } public string SmtpToAddresses { get { return GetValue("SmtpToAddresses", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("SmtpToAddresses", value); } } public string TwitterAccessToken { get { return GetValue("TwitterAccessToken", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("TwitterAccessToken", value); } } public string TwitterAccessTokenSecret { get { return GetValue("TwitterAccessTokenSecret", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("TwitterAccessTokenSecret", value); } } public string GrowlHost { get { return GetValue("GrowlHost", "localhost:23053"); } set { SetValue("GrowlHost", value); } } public string GrowlPassword { get { return GetValue("GrowlPassword", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("GrowlPassword", value); } } public string ProwlApiKeys { get { return GetValue("ProwlApiKeys", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("ProwlApiKeys", value); } } public int ProwlPriority { get { return GetValueInt("ProwlPriority", 0); } set { SetValue("ProwlPriority", value); } } public bool EnableBacklogSearching { get { return GetValueBoolean("EnableBacklogSearching"); } set { SetValue("EnableBacklogSearching", value); } } public bool AutoIgnorePreviouslyDownloadedEpisodes { get { return GetValueBoolean("AutoIgnorePreviouslyDownloadedEpisodes"); } set { SetValue("AutoIgnorePreviouslyDownloadedEpisodes", value); } } public int Retention { get { return GetValueInt("Retention", 0); } set { SetValue("Retention", value); } } public Guid UGuid { get { return Guid.Parse(GetValue("UGuid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), persist: true)); } } public DownloadClientType DownloadClient { get { return GetValueEnum("DownloadClientType", DownloadClientType.Sabnzbd); } set { SetValue("DownloadClient", value); } } public string BlackholeDirectory { get { return GetValue("BlackholeDirectory", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("BlackholeDirectory", value); } } public string ServiceRootUrl { get { return ""; } } public Boolean PlexUpdateLibrary { get { return GetValueBoolean("PlexUpdateLibrary"); } set { SetValue("PlexUpdateLibrary", value); } } public string PlexServerHost { get { return GetValue("PlexServerHost", "localhost:32400"); } set { SetValue("PlexServerHost", value); } } public string PlexClientHosts { get { return GetValue("PlexClientHosts", "localhost:3000"); } set { SetValue("PlexClientHosts", value); } } public string PlexUsername { get { return GetValue("PlexUsername"); } set { SetValue("PlexUsername", value); } } public string PlexPassword { get { return GetValue("PlexPassword"); } set { SetValue("PlexPassword", value); } } public Boolean MetadataUseBanners { get { return GetValueBoolean("MetadataUseBanners"); } set { SetValue("MetadataUseBanners", value); } } public string PneumaticDirectory { get { return GetValue("PneumaticDirectory", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("PneumaticDirectory", value); } } public string RecycleBin { get { return GetValue("RecycleBin", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("RecycleBin", value); } } public int RssSyncInterval { get { return GetValueInt("RssSyncInterval", 25); } set { SetValue("RssSyncInterval", value); } } public Boolean IgnoreArticlesWhenSortingSeries { get { return GetValueBoolean("IgnoreArticlesWhenSortingSeries", true); } set { SetValue("IgnoreArticlesWhenSortingSeries", value); } } public String NzbgetUsername { get { return GetValue("NzbgetUsername", "nzbget"); } set { SetValue("NzbgetUsername", value); } } public String NzbgetPassword { get { return GetValue("NzbgetPassword", ""); } set { SetValue("NzbgetPassword", value); } } public String NzbgetHost { get { return GetValue("NzbgetHost", "localhost"); } set { SetValue("NzbgetHost", value); } } public Int32 NzbgetPort { get { return GetValueInt("NzbgetPort", 6789); } set { SetValue("NzbgetPort", value); } } public String NzbgetTvCategory { get { return GetValue("NzbgetTvCategory", "nzbget"); } set { SetValue("NzbgetTvCategory", value); } } public Int32 NzbgetPriority { get { return GetValueInt("NzbgetPriority", 0); } set { SetValue("NzbgetPriority", value); } } public PriorityType NzbgetBacklogTvPriority { get { return GetValueEnum("NzbgetBacklogTvPriority", PriorityType.Normal); } set { SetValue("NzbgetBacklogTvPriority", value); } } public PriorityType NzbgetRecentTvPriority { get { return GetValueEnum("NzbgetRecentTvPriority", PriorityType.Normal); } set { SetValue("NzbgetRecentTvPriority", value); } } public string NzbRestrictions { get { return GetValue("NzbRestrictions", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("NzbRestrictions", value); } } public string AllowedReleaseGroups { get { return GetValue("AllowedReleaseGroups", String.Empty); } set { SetValue("AllowedReleaseGroups", value); } } private string GetValue(string key) { return GetValue(key, String.Empty); } private bool GetValueBoolean(string key, bool defaultValue = false) { return Convert.ToBoolean(GetValue(key, defaultValue)); } private int GetValueInt(string key, int defaultValue = 0) { return Convert.ToInt32(GetValue(key, defaultValue)); } public T GetValueEnum(string key, T defaultValue) { return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), GetValue(key, defaultValue), true); } public string GetValue(string key, object defaultValue, bool persist = false) { EnsureCache(); key = key.ToLowerInvariant(); string dbValue; if (_cache.TryGetValue(key, out dbValue) && dbValue != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dbValue)) return dbValue; _logger.Trace("Unable to find config key '{0}' defaultValue:'{1}'", key, defaultValue); if (persist) { SetValue(key, defaultValue.ToString()); } return defaultValue.ToString(); } private void SetValue(string key, Boolean value) { SetValue(key, value.ToString()); } private void SetValue(string key, int value) { SetValue(key, value.ToString()); } public void SetValue(string key, string value) { key = key.ToLowerInvariant(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("key"); if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); _logger.Trace("Writing Setting to file. Key:'{0}' Value:'{1}'", key, value); var dbValue = _repository.Get(key); if (dbValue == null) { _repository.Insert(new Config { Key = key, Value = value }); } else { dbValue.Value = value; _repository.Update(dbValue); } ClearCache(); } public void SetValue(string key, Enum value) { SetValue(key, value.ToString().ToLower()); } public void SaveValues(Dictionary configValues) { var allWithDefaults = AllWithDefaults(); foreach (var configValue in configValues) { object currentValue; allWithDefaults.TryGetValue(configValue.Key, out currentValue); if (currentValue == null) continue; var equal = configValue.Value.ToString().Equals(currentValue.ToString()); if (!equal) SetValue(configValue.Key, configValue.Value.ToString()); } } private void EnsureCache() { lock (_cache) { if (!_cache.Any()) { _cache = All().ToDictionary(c => c.Key.ToLower(), c => c.Value); } } } public static void ClearCache() { lock (_cache) { _cache = new Dictionary(); } } } }