Clip editor
- <.simple_form for={@form} phx-change="update_form" phx-submit="create_video">
- <.input
- field={@form[:livestream_id]}
- type="select"
- options={Enum.map(@livestreams, &{&1.title, &1.id})}
- value={@selected_livestream && @selected_livestream.id}
- prompt="Select livestream"
- class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-2 appearance-none"
- />
- <.error :for={error <- @form[:livestream_id].errors}>
- <%=error %>
- <%= if @selected_livestream do %>
- <.live_component
- module={PlayerComponent}
- id="preview-player"
- video={@selected_livestream}
- current_time={@preview_clip && @preview_clip.start || 0}
- end_time={@preview_clip && @preview_clip.end || nil}
- current_user={@current_user}
- />
- <% else %>
- <% end %>
- <.input field={@form[:title]} type="text" label="Title" class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-2" />
- <.input field={@form[:description]} type="textarea" label="Description" class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-2 h-24" />
Clip editor
+ <.simple_form for={@form} phx-change="update_form" phx-submit="create_video">
+ <.input
+ field={@form[:livestream_id]}
+ type="select"
+ options={Enum.map(@livestreams, &{&1.title, &1.id})}
+ value={@selected_livestream && @selected_livestream.id}
+ prompt="Select livestream"
+ class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-2 appearance-none"
+ />
+ <.error :for={error <- @form[:livestream_id].errors}>
+ <%= error %>
+ <%= if @selected_livestream do %>
+ <.live_component
+ module={PlayerComponent}
+ id="preview-player"
+ video={@selected_livestream}
+ current_time={(@preview_clip && @preview_clip.start) || 0}
+ end_time={(@preview_clip && @preview_clip.end) || nil}
+ current_user={@current_user}
+ />
+ <% else %>
+ <% end %>
+ <.input
+ field={@form[:title]}
+ type="text"
+ label="Title"
+ class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-2"
+ />
+ <.input
+ field={@form[:description]}
+ type="textarea"
+ label="Description"
+ class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-2 h-24"
+ />
<%= for {clip, index} <- Enum.with_index(@clips) do %>
Clip <%= index + 1 %>
- <.input type="text" name={"video_clipper[clips][#{index}][clip_from]"} value={clip.clip_from} class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-1 text-sm" phx-debounce="300" />
+ <.input
+ type="text"
+ name={"video_clipper[clips][#{index}][clip_from]"}
+ value={clip.clip_from}
+ class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-1 text-sm"
+ phx-debounce="300"
+ />
<%= for error <- (clip.errors[:clip_from] || []) do %>
<.error><%= error %>
<% end %>
- <.input type="text" name={"video_clipper[clips][#{index}][clip_to]"} value={clip.clip_to} class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-1 text-sm" phx-debounce="300" />
+ <.input
+ type="text"
+ name={"video_clipper[clips][#{index}][clip_to]"}
+ value={clip.clip_to}
+ class="w-full bg-white/5 border border-white/15 rounded p-1 text-sm"
+ phx-debounce="300"
+ />
<%= for error <- (clip.errors[:clip_to] || []) do %>
<.error><%= error %>
<% end %>
- <.button type="button" phx-click="preview_clip" phx-value-index={index} class="flex-grow" disabled={clip.errors != %{}}>Preview Clip <%= index + 1 %>
+ <.button
+ type="button"
+ phx-click="preview_clip"
+ phx-value-index={index}
+ class="flex-grow"
+ disabled={clip.errors != %{}}
+ >
+ Preview Clip <%= index + 1 %>
- <.button type="button" phx-click="clip_action" phx-value-action="move_up"phx-value-index={index}>
+ <.button
+ type="button"
+ phx-click="clip_action"
+ phx-value-action="move_up"
+ phx-value-index={index}
+ >
- <.button type="button" phx-click="clip_action" phx-value-action="move_down" phx-value-index={index}>
+ <.button
+ type="button"
+ phx-click="clip_action"
+ phx-value-action="move_down"
+ phx-value-index={index}
+ >
<% end %>
- <.button type="button" phx-click="clip_action" phx-value-action="add" phx-value-index={-1} class="w-full">+ Add new clip
+ <.button
+ type="button"
+ phx-click="clip_action"
+ phx-value-action="add"
+ phx-value-index={-1}
+ class="w-full"
+ >
+ + Add new clip
- <:actions>
- <.button type="submit" disabled={@processing} class="w-full rounded-xl p-3 font-semibold">
- <%= if @processing, do: "Creating video..", else: "Create video" %>
- <%= if @processing do %>
- <%= @progress.stage %> (<%= @progress.current %>/<%= @progress.total %>)
- <% end %>
+ <:actions>
+ <.button
+ type="submit"
+ disabled={@processing}
+ class="w-full rounded-xl p-3 font-semibold"
+ >
+ <%= if @processing, do: "Creating video..", else: "Create video" %>
+ <%= if @processing do %>
+ <%= @progress.stage %> (<%= @progress.current %>/<%= @progress.total %>)
+ <% end %>
@@ -132,40 +194,48 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
def handle_event("update_form", %{"video_clipper" => params}, socket) do
+ socket =
+ if params["livestream_id"] &&
+ params["livestream_id"] != to_string(socket.assigns.selected_livestream.id) do
+ new_livestream =
+ Enum.find(
+ socket.assigns.livestreams,
+ &(&1.id == String.to_integer(params["livestream_id"]))
+ )
- socket = if params["livestream_id"] && params["livestream_id"] != to_string(socket.assigns.selected_livestream.id) do
- new_livestream = Enum.find(socket.assigns.livestreams, &(&1.id == String.to_integer(params["livestream_id"])))
+ if new_livestream do
+ send_update(PlayerComponent,
+ id: "preview-player",
+ video: new_livestream,
+ current_time: 0,
+ end_time: nil,
+ current_user: socket.assigns.current_user
+ )
- if new_livestream do
- send_update(PlayerComponent,
- id: "preview-player",
- video: new_livestream,
- current_time: 0,
- end_time: nil,
- current_user: socket.assigns.current_user
- )
- socket
+ socket
|> assign(selected_livestream: new_livestream)
|> assign(preview_clip: nil)
- |> assign(clips: []) # Clear the clips
+ # Clear the clips
+ |> assign(clips: [])
+ else
+ socket
+ end
- else
- socket
- end
# Update clips only if the livestream hasn't changed
- updated_clips = if params["livestream_id"] == to_string(socket.assigns.selected_livestream.id) do
- update_clips_from_params(params["clips"] || %{})
- else
- []
- end
+ updated_clips =
+ if params["livestream_id"] == to_string(socket.assigns.selected_livestream.id) do
+ update_clips_from_params(params["clips"] || %{})
+ else
+ []
+ end
changeset = params |> change_video_clipper() |> Map.put(:action, :validate)
- socket = socket
+ socket =
+ socket
|> assign(clips: updated_clips)
|> assign_form(changeset)
@@ -177,6 +247,7 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
|> Enum.sort_by(fn {key, _} -> key end)
|> Enum.map(fn {_, clip} ->
errors = validate_clip_times(clip["clip_from"], clip["clip_to"])
clip_from: clip["clip_from"] || "",
clip_to: clip["clip_to"] || "",
@@ -204,12 +275,13 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
defp validate_clips(changeset) do
clips = Ecto.Changeset.get_field(changeset, :clips) || %{}
- errors = Enum.reduce(clips, [], fn {_index, clip}, acc ->
- case validate_clip_times(clip["clip_from"], clip["clip_to"]) do
- %{} -> acc
- errors -> [errors | acc]
- end
- end)
+ errors =
+ Enum.reduce(clips, [], fn {_index, clip}, acc ->
+ case validate_clip_times(clip["clip_from"], clip["clip_to"]) do
+ %{} -> acc
+ errors -> [errors | acc]
+ end
+ end)
case errors do
[] -> changeset
@@ -221,10 +293,13 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
case {parse_seconds(from), parse_seconds(to)} do
{{:ok, from_seconds}, {:ok, to_seconds}} when from_seconds < to_seconds ->
{{:ok, _}, {:ok, _}} ->
%{clip_to: ["End time must be after start time"]}
{{:error, _}, _} ->
%{clip_from: ["Invalid time. Use HH:MM:SS"]}
{_, {:error, _}} ->
%{clip_to: ["Invalid time. Use HH:MM:SS"]}
@@ -259,17 +334,25 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
index = String.to_integer(index)
clips = socket.assigns.clips
- updated_clips = case action do
- "add" -> clips ++ [%{clip_from: "", clip_to: "", errors: %{}}]
- "remove" -> List.delete_at(clips, index)
- "move_up" when index > 0 ->
- {clip, clips} = List.pop_at(clips, index)
- List.insert_at(clips, index - 1, clip)
- "move_down" when index < length(clips) - 1 ->
- {clip, clips} = List.pop_at(clips, index)
- List.insert_at(clips, index + 1, clip)
- _ -> clips
- end
+ updated_clips =
+ case action do
+ "add" ->
+ clips ++ [%{clip_from: "", clip_to: "", errors: %{}}]
+ "remove" ->
+ List.delete_at(clips, index)
+ "move_up" when index > 0 ->
+ {clip, clips} = List.pop_at(clips, index)
+ List.insert_at(clips, index - 1, clip)
+ "move_down" when index < length(clips) - 1 ->
+ {clip, clips} = List.pop_at(clips, index)
+ List.insert_at(clips, index + 1, clip)
+ _ ->
+ clips
+ end
{:noreply, assign(socket, clips: updated_clips)}
@@ -285,8 +368,10 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
video = socket.assigns.selected_livestream
update_player(socket, video, start, end_time, "Previewing Clip #{index + 1}")
{:noreply, assign(socket, preview_clip: %{start: start, end: end_time})}
_ ->
- {:noreply, put_flash(socket, :error, "An unexpected error occurred while previewing the clip")}
+ {:noreply,
+ put_flash(socket, :error, "An unexpected error occurred while previewing the clip")}
{:noreply, put_flash(socket, :error, "Cannot preview an invalid clip")}
@@ -300,10 +385,11 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
@impl true
def handle_info({:processing_complete, video}, socket) do
- {:noreply, socket
- |> put_flash(:info, "Video created successfully!")
- |> assign(processing: false, progress: nil)
- |> push_redirect(to: ~p"/#{video.channel_handle}/#{video.id}")}
+ {:noreply,
+ socket
+ |> put_flash(:info, "Video created successfully!")
+ |> assign(processing: false, progress: nil)
+ |> push_redirect(to: ~p"/#{video.channel_handle}/#{video.id}")}
@impl true
@@ -312,13 +398,16 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
if changeset.valid? do
# Set initial processing state
- socket = assign(socket,
- processing: true,
- progress: %{stage: "Initializing", current: 0, total: 100}
- )
+ socket =
+ assign(socket,
+ processing: true,
+ progress: %{stage: "Initializing", current: 0, total: 100}
+ )
# Start the video creation process in a separate process
- lv = self() # capture the LiveView PID
+ # capture the LiveView PID
+ lv = self()
Task.start(fn ->
case create_video(params, socket, lv) do
{:ok, video} -> send(lv, {:processing_complete, video})
@@ -338,9 +427,10 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
current_user = socket.assigns.current_user
# Check for clip errors
- clip_errors = clips
- |> update_clips_from_params()
- |> Enum.flat_map(fn clip -> Map.to_list(clip.errors) end)
+ clip_errors =
+ clips
+ |> update_clips_from_params()
+ |> Enum.flat_map(fn clip -> Map.to_list(clip.errors) end)
if Enum.empty?(clip_errors) do
# Send initial progress update
@@ -360,32 +450,37 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
new_video = Library.init_mp4!(upload_entry, combined_clip_path, current_user)
send(lv, {:progress_update, %{stage: "Updating video", current: 3, total: 6}})
- {:ok, updated_video} = Library.update_video(new_video, %{
- title: params["title"] || "New Video",
- description: params["description"],
- visibility: :unlisted
- })
+ {:ok, updated_video} =
+ Library.update_video(new_video, %{
+ title: params["title"] || "New Video",
+ description: params["description"],
+ visibility: :unlisted
+ })
# Handle transmux progress updates with all three stages
- processed_video = Library.transmux_to_hls(updated_video, fn progress_info ->
- progress = case progress_info do
- %{stage: :transmuxing, done: done, total: total} ->
- # Transmuxing is stage 4
- current = 3 + (done / total)
- %{stage: "Transmuxing", current: trunc(current), total: 6}
+ processed_video =
+ Library.transmux_to_hls(updated_video, fn progress_info ->
+ progress =
+ case progress_info do
+ %{stage: :transmuxing, done: done, total: total} ->
+ # Transmuxing is stage 4
+ current = 3 + done / total
+ %{stage: "Transmuxing", current: trunc(current), total: 6}
- %{stage: :persisting, done: done, total: total} ->
- # Persisting is stage 5
- current = 4 + (done / total)
- %{stage: "Persisting", current: trunc(current), total: 6}
+ %{stage: :persisting, done: done, total: total} ->
+ # Persisting is stage 5
+ current = 4 + done / total
+ %{stage: "Persisting", current: trunc(current), total: 6}
- %{stage: :generating_thumbnail, done: done, total: total} ->
- # Generating thumbnail is stage 6
- current = 5 + (done / total)
- %{stage: "Generating thumbnail", current: trunc(current), total: 6}
- end
- send(lv, {:progress_update, progress})
- end)
+ %{stage: :generating_thumbnail, done: done, total: total} ->
+ # Generating thumbnail is stage 6
+ current = 5 + done / total
+ %{stage: "Generating thumbnail", current: trunc(current), total: 6}
+ end
+ send(lv, {:progress_update, progress})
+ end)
# Clean up temporary file
@@ -406,13 +501,13 @@ defmodule AlgoraWeb.VideoClipperLive do
defp update_player(socket, video, current_time, end_time \\ nil, title \\ nil) do
- send_update(PlayerComponent,
- id: "preview-player",
- video: video,
- current_time: current_time,
- end_time: end_time,
- title: title,
- current_user: socket.assigns.current_user
- )
- end
+ send_update(PlayerComponent,
+ id: "preview-player",
+ video: video,
+ current_time: current_time,
+ end_time: end_time,
+ title: title,
+ current_user: socket.assigns.current_user
+ )
+ end