
Algora TV

The interactive livestreaming & video sharing service for developers.
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## ✨ New feature: Earn with Livestream Billboards! ✨ Algora Live Billboards allow for in-video ads, helping devs earn money while livestreaming and giving devtools companies a novel channel to reach new audiences. [Learn more](https://tv.algora.io/partner) https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/6f706a4b-210f-4ec8-a817-2a72cea0954a ## Getting Started To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps. ### Prerequisites - Elixir and Erlang/OTP - We recommend using [asdf](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf) to install [Elixir](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-elixir) and [Erlang/OTP](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-erlang). - Keep in mind that each Elixir version supports [specific Erlang/OTP versions](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/compatibility-and-deprecations.html#between-elixir-and-erlang-otp). - Make sure you have at least **Elixir 1.12** installed to run Algora TV. - PostgreSQL - FFmpeg - ImageMagick - OBS Studio (recommended for testing livestreaming features) ### Setting up the project 1. Clone the repo and go to the project folder ```sh git clone https://github.com/algora-io/tv.git; cd tv ``` 2. Fetch dependencies ```sh mix deps.get ``` **Note:** If you're using an Apple machine with an ARM-based chip, you need to install the Rust compiler and run `mix compile.rambo` 3. Initialize your `.env` file ```sh cp .env.example .env ``` 4. Create your database ```sh sudo -u postgres psql ``` ```sql CREATE USER algora WITH PASSWORD 'password'; CREATE DATABASE tv; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE tv TO algora; ``` 5. Paste your connection string into your `.env` file ```env DATABASE_URL="postgresql://algora:password@localhost:5432/tv" ``` 6. Run migrations and seed your database ```sh env $(cat .env | xargs -L 1) mix ecto.setup ``` 7. Start your development server ```sh env $(cat .env | xargs -L 1) iex -S mix phx.server ``` ### Setting up external services Some features of Algora TV rely on external services. If you're not planning on using these features, feel free to skip setting them up. #### GitHub GitHub is used for authenticating users. [Create a GitHub OAuth app](https://github.com/settings/applications/new) and set - Homepage URL: http://localhost:4000 - Authorization callback URL: http://localhost:4000/oauth/callbacks/github Once you have obtained your client ID and secret, add them to your `.env` file. ```env GITHUB_CLIENT_ID="" GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET="..." ``` #### Tigris Tigris is used for storing and delivering livestreams and other media. [Create a public Tigris bucket](https://console.tigris.dev/) to obtain your secrets and add them to your `.env` file. ```env AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3="https://fly.storage.tigris.dev" AWS_REGION="auto" AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="tid_..." AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="tsec_..." BUCKET_MEDIA="..." ``` ## Architecture ### Overview ```mermaid graph Streamers{Streamers} --> Fly Fly[Fly
Elixir App] --> RTMP Fly --> Web[Phoenix
Web Server] Fly --> Db[Fly
Postgres] RTMP[Membrane
RTMP Server] -->|First mile delivery| Tigris[Tigris
Object Storage] Viewers{Viewers} -->|Last mile delivery| Tigris Viewers --> Fly ``` ### Livestream pipeline ```mermaid graph Encoder{Encoder
e.g. OBS} -->|RTMP| Source[FLV Demuxer] Source -->|video| H264Parser[H264 Parser] Source -->|audio| AACParser[AAC Parser] H264Parser --> H264Payloader[H264 Payloader] AACParser --> AACPayloader[AAC Payloader] H264Payloader --> CMAFMuxerVideo[CMAF Muxer] AACPayloader --> CMAFMuxerAudio[CMAF Muxer] CMAFMuxerVideo --> fMP4 CMAFMuxerAudio --> fMP4 fMP4[Fragmented MP4] -->|HLS| Tigris{Tigris Object Storage} ``` ## License Distributed under the [AGPLv3 License](https://github.com/algora-io/tv/blob/main/LICENSE). See `LICENSE` for more information. ## Acknowledgements Special thanks to these amazing projects which help power Algora TV: - [Tigris](https://www.tigrisdata.com/) - [Fly.io](https://fly.io/) - [Phoenix Framework](https://www.phoenixframework.org/) - [Ecto](https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto) - [Membrane](https://membrane.stream/) - [FFmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/) - [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/)