defmodule Algora.Github do def authorize_url() do state = random_string() "{client_id()}&state=#{state}&scope=user:email" end def exchange_access_token(opts) do code = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :code) state = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :state) state |> fetch_exchange_response(code) |> fetch_user_info() |> fetch_emails() end defp fetch_exchange_response(state, code) do resp = http( "", "POST", "/login/oauth/access_token", [state: state, code: code, client_secret: secret()], [{"accept", "application/json"}] ) with {:ok, resp} <- resp, %{"access_token" => token} <- Jason.decode!(resp) do {:ok, token} else {:error, _reason} = err -> err %{} = resp -> {:error, {:bad_response, resp}} end end defp fetch_user_info({:error, _reason} = error), do: error defp fetch_user_info({:ok, token}) do resp = http( "", "GET", "/user", [], [{"accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}, {"Authorization", "token #{token}"}] ) case resp do {:ok, info} -> {:ok, %{info: Jason.decode!(info), token: token}} {:error, _reason} = err -> err end end defp fetch_emails({:error, _} = err), do: err defp fetch_emails({:ok, user}) do resp = http( "", "GET", "/user/emails", [], [{"accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}, {"Authorization", "token #{user.token}"}] ) case resp do {:ok, info} -> emails = Jason.decode!(info) {:ok, Map.merge(user, %{primary_email: primary_email(emails), emails: emails})} {:error, _reason} = err -> err end end def random_string do binary = << System.system_time(:nanosecond)::64, :erlang.phash2({node(), self()})::16, :erlang.unique_integer()::16 >> binary |> Base.url_encode64() |> String.replace(["/", "+"], "-") end defp client_id, do: Algora.config([:github, :client_id]) defp secret, do: Algora.config([:github, :client_secret]) defp http(host, method, path, query, headers, body \\ "") do {:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP.connect(:https, host, 443) path = path <> "?" <> URI.encode_query([{:client_id, client_id()} | query]) {:ok, conn, ref} = Mint.HTTP.request( conn, method, path, headers, body ) receive_resp(conn, ref, nil, nil, false) end defp receive_resp(conn, ref, status, data, done?) do receive do message -> {:ok, conn, responses} =, message) {new_status, new_data, done?} = Enum.reduce(responses, {status, data, done?}, fn {:status, ^ref, new_status}, {_old_status, data, done?} -> {new_status, data, done?} {:headers, ^ref, _headers}, acc -> acc {:data, ^ref, binary}, {status, nil, done?} -> {status, binary, done?} {:data, ^ref, binary}, {status, data, done?} -> {status, data <> binary, done?} {:done, ^ref}, {status, data, _done?} -> {status, data, true} end) cond do done? and new_status == 200 -> {:ok, new_data} done? -> {:error, {new_status, new_data}} !done? -> receive_resp(conn, ref, new_status, new_data, done?) end end end defp primary_email(emails) do Enum.find(emails, fn email -> email["primary"] end)["email"] ||, 0) end end