defmodule Algora.Youtube.Chat do @youtube_headers [ {"User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.45 Safari/537.36"}, {"Accept-Language", "en-US"} ] def get_video_data(urls) do urls |> Enum.reduce(nil, fn url, acc -> case fetch_response(url) do {:ok, response} -> response _ -> acc end end) |> handle_response() end def fetch_response(url) do HTTPoison.get(url, @youtube_headers) end defp handle_response(nil), do: {:error, {"Stream not found", 404}} defp handle_response(%HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 404}), do: {:error, {"Stream not found", 404}} defp handle_response(%HTTPoison.Response{status_code: status}) when status != 200, do: {:error, {"Failed to fetch stream: #{status}", status}} defp handle_response(%HTTPoison.Response{body: body}) do case ~r/(?:window\s*\[\s*["']ytInitialData["']\s*\]|ytInitialData)\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;/, body ) do [_, initial_data] -> case\(({[\s\S]+?})\)\s*;/, body) do [_, config_str] -> config = Jason.decode!(config_str) if Map.has_key?(config, "INNERTUBE_API_KEY") and Map.has_key?(config, "INNERTUBE_CONTEXT") do {:ok, %{initial_data: initial_data, config: Map.put(config, "hl", "US")}} else {:error, {"Failed to load YouTube context", 500}} end _ -> {:error, {"Failed to parse config", 500}} end _ -> {:error, {"Failed to parse initial data", 500}} end end def get_continuation_token(continuation) when is_map(continuation) do continuation |> Enum.find_value(nil, fn {_key, %{"continuation" => continuation_token}} -> continuation_token _ -> nil end) end def get_continuation_token(_continuation), do: nil def get_id(data) when is_map(data) do data |> Map.delete("clickTrackingParams") |> traverse_map() end defp traverse_map(map) do case Map.to_list(map) do [{_action_type, %{"item" => action}}] -> case Map.to_list(action) do [{_renderer_type, %{"id" => id}}] -> id _ -> nil end _ -> nil end end def find_key_value(json_string, key, target_value) do case Jason.decode(json_string) do {:ok, decoded_json} -> find_in_nested(decoded_json, key, target_value) {:error, error} -> IO.puts("Error decoding JSON: #{inspect(error)}") end end defp find_in_nested(nil, _key, _target_value), do: nil defp find_in_nested(map = %{}, key, target_value) do Enum.find_value(map, fn {^key, ^target_value} -> map {_k, v} -> find_in_nested(v, key, target_value) end) end defp find_in_nested([head | tail], key, target_value) do find_in_nested(head, key, target_value) || find_in_nested(tail, key, target_value) end defp find_in_nested(_value, _key, _target_value), do: nil end