defmodule AlgoraWeb.AdLive.Analytics do use AlgoraWeb, :live_view alias AlgoraWeb.Components.TechIcon alias AlgoraWeb.RTMPDestinationIconComponent alias Algora.{Ads, Library} alias AlgoraWeb.PlayerComponent @impl true def mount(%{"slug" => slug}, _session, socket) do ad = Ads.get_ad_by_slug!(slug) %{ stats: stats, appearances: appearances, product_reviews: product_reviews, product_review: product_review } = fetch_ad_stats(ad) blurb = if product_review, do: %{ video: Library.get_video!(product_review.video_id), current_time: product_review.clip_from } if connected?(socket) do if blurb do send_update(PlayerComponent, %{ id: "analytics-player", video:, current_user: socket.assigns.current_user, current_time: blurb.current_time }) end end {:ok, socket |> assign(ad: ad) |> assign(stats: stats) |> assign(appearances: appearances) |> assign(product_review: product_review) |> assign(product_reviews: product_reviews) |> assign(blurb: blurb)} end @impl true def handle_info(_arg, socket) do {:noreply, socket} end @impl true def handle_params(_params, _url, socket) do socket = cond do -> assign(socket, :page_image, socket.assigns.product_review -> assign(socket, :page_image, socket.assigns.product_review.thumbnail_url) true -> socket end {:noreply, socket |> assign(:page_title, |> assign( :page_description, "Discover the appearances of #{} in livestreams and videos" )} end defp fetch_ad_stats(ad) do appearances = Ads.list_appearances(ad) content_metrics = Ads.list_content_metrics(appearances) product_reviews = Ads.list_product_reviews(ad) |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.clip_to - &1.clip_from), :desc) twitch_views = Enum.reduce(content_metrics, 0, fn cm, acc -> acc + cm.twitch_views end) youtube_views = Enum.reduce(content_metrics, 0, fn cm, acc -> acc + cm.youtube_views end) twitter_views = Enum.reduce(content_metrics, 0, fn cm, acc -> acc + cm.twitter_views end) tech_stack_data = appearances |> group_data_by_tech_stack(content_metrics) |> Enum.sort_by(fn {_, d} -> d.views end, :desc) product_review = List.first(product_reviews) views = %{ "Twitch" => twitch_views, "YouTube" => youtube_views, "Twitter" => twitter_views } |> Enum.sort_by(fn {_, v} -> v end, :desc) %{ stats: %{ views: views, total_views: twitch_views + youtube_views + twitter_views, airtime: calculate_total_airtime(appearances), streams: length(appearances), creators: length(Enum.uniq_by(appearances, & &, tech_stack_data: tech_stack_data }, appearances: appearances, product_reviews: product_reviews, product_review: product_review } end defp group_data_by_tech_stack(appearances, content_metrics) do appearances |> |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {appearance, metrics}, acc -> tech_stack = get_tech_stack( total_views = metrics.twitch_views + metrics.youtube_views + metrics.twitter_views creator = Map.update(acc, tech_stack, %{views: total_views, creators: [creator]}, fn existing -> %{ views: existing.views + total_views, creators: [creator | existing.creators] |> Enum.uniq() } end) end) end # TODO: This is a hack, we need to get the tech stack from the user's profile defp get_tech_stack(user_id) do case user_id do 7 -> "TypeScript" 8 -> "TypeScript" 109 -> "TypeScript" 307 -> "PHP" 588 -> "Elixir" _ -> "Other" end end defp calculate_total_airtime(appearances) do appearances |> Enum.reduce(0, fn appearance, acc -> acc + appearance.airtime end) |> format_duration() end defp format_duration(seconds) do hours = div(seconds, 3600) minutes = div(rem(seconds, 3600), 60) remaining_seconds = rem(seconds, 60) cond do hours > 0 -> "#{hours}h #{minutes}m #{remaining_seconds}s" minutes > 0 -> "#{minutes}m #{remaining_seconds}s" true -> "#{remaining_seconds}s" end end defp format_number(number) when number >= 1_000_000 do :io_lib.format("~.1fM", [number / 1_000_000]) |> to_string() end defp format_number(number) when number >= 1_000 do :io_lib.format("~.1fK", [number / 1_000]) |> to_string() end defp format_number(number), do: to_string(number) defp tech_icon(assigns), do: TechIcon.tech_icon(assigns) defp source_icon(assigns), do: RTMPDestinationIconComponent.icon(assigns) end