defmodule AlgoraWeb.Websockets.ChatSocket do @moduledoc """ `Phoenix.Socket.Transport` implementation for sending chat messages to the client connection. """ @behaviour Phoenix.Socket.Transport require Logger alias Algora.{Accounts, Library, Chat} @base_mount_path "/chat" @spec base_mount_path :: String.t() def base_mount_path, do: @base_mount_path @impl true def child_spec(_opts) do %{id: Task, start: {Task, :start_link, [fn -> :ok end]}, restart: :transient} end @impl true def connect(%{params: %{"channel_handle" => channel_handle}}) do {:ok, %{channel_handle: channel_handle}} end @impl true def init(%{channel_handle: channel_handle}) do user = Accounts.get_user_by!(handle: channel_handle) channel = Library.get_channel!(user) video = Library.get_latest_video(user) Library.subscribe_to_channel(channel) if video, do: Chat.subscribe_to_room(video) {:ok, %{video: video}} end @impl true def handle_in({_message, _opts}, state) do {:ok, state} end @impl true def handle_info({Chat, %Chat.Events.MessageSent{message: message}}, state) do {:push, {:text, Jason.encode!(message)}, state} end def handle_info( {Library, %Library.Events.LivestreamStarted{video: video}}, state ) do if, do: Chat.unsubscribe_to_room( Chat.subscribe_to_room(video) {:ok, %{video: video}} end def handle_info(_message, state) do {:ok, state} end @impl true def terminate(_reason, _state) do :ok end end