defmodule Algora.Application do # See # for more information on OTP Applications @moduledoc false use Application @impl true def start(_type, _args) do topologies = Application.get_env(:libcluster, :topologies) || [] tcp_server_options = %Membrane.RTMP.Source.TcpServer{ port: Algora.config([:rtmp_port]), listen_options: [ :binary, packet: :raw, active: false, ip: {0, 0, 0, 0} ], socket_handler: fn socket -> {:ok, _sup, pid} = Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(Algora.Pipeline, socket: socket) {:ok, pid} end } children = [ Algora.Env, {Cluster.Supervisor, [topologies, [name: Algora.ClusterSupervisor]]}, {Task.Supervisor, name: Algora.TaskSupervisor}, # Start the RPC server {Fly.RPC, []}, # Start the Ecto repository Algora.Repo.Local, # Start the supervisor for LSN tracking {Fly.Postgres.LSN.Supervisor, repo: Algora.Repo.Local}, # Start the Oban system {Oban, Application.fetch_env!(:algora, Oban)}, # Start the Telemetry supervisor AlgoraWeb.Telemetry, # Start the PubSub system {Phoenix.PubSub, name: Algora.PubSub}, # Start presence AlgoraWeb.Presence, {Finch, name: Algora.Finch}, # Clustering setup {DNSCluster, query: Application.get_env(:algora, :dns_cluster_query) || :ignore}, # Start the Endpoints (http/https) AlgoraWeb.Endpoint, AlgoraWeb.Embed.Endpoint, # Start the RTMP server %{ id: Membrane.RTMP.Source.TcpServer, start: {Membrane.RTMP.Source.TcpServer, :start_link, [tcp_server_options]} }, Algora.Stargazer, Algora.Terminate, ExMarcel.TableWrapper, Algora.Youtube.Chat.Supervisor # Start a worker by calling: Algora.Worker.start_link(arg) # {Algora.Worker, arg} ] # See # for other strategies and supported options opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Algora.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end # Tell Phoenix to update the endpoint configuration # whenever the application is updated. @impl true def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do AlgoraWeb.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed) AlgoraWeb.Embed.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed) :ok end end