defmodule Algora.Library do @moduledoc """ The Library context. """ require Logger import Ecto.Query, warn: false import Ecto.Changeset alias Algora.Accounts.User alias Algora.{Repo, Accounts, Storage, Cache, ML} alias Algora.Library.{Channel, Video, Events, Subtitle, Segment} @pubsub Algora.PubSub def subscribe_to_studio() do Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(@pubsub, topic_studio()) end def subscribe_to_livestreams() do Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(@pubsub, topic_livestreams()) end def subscribe_to_channel(%Channel{} = channel) do Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(@pubsub, topic(channel.user_id)) end def init_livestream!() do %Video{ title: "", duration: 0, type: :livestream, format: :hls, is_live: true, visibility: :unlisted } |> change() |> Video.put_video_url(:hls) |> Repo.insert!() end def init_mp4!(%Phoenix.LiveView.UploadEntry{} = entry, tmp_path, %User{} = user) do title = Path.basename(entry.client_name, ".mp4") basename = Slug.slugify(title) video = %Video{ title: title, duration: 0, type: :vod, format: :mp4, is_live: false, visibility: :unlisted, user_id:, local_path: tmp_path, channel_handle: user.handle, channel_name: } |> change() |> Video.put_video_meta(:mp4, basename) dir = Path.join("/data", video.changes.uuid) File.mkdir_p!(dir) local_path = Path.join(dir, video.changes.filename) File.cp!(tmp_path, local_path) video |> put_change(:local_path, local_path) |> Repo.insert!() end def transmux_to_mp4(%Video{} = video, cb) do mp4_basename = Slug.slugify("#{Date.to_string(video.inserted_at)}-#{video.title}") mp4_video = %Video{ title: video.title, duration: video.duration, type: :vod, format: :mp4, is_live: false, visibility: :unlisted, user_id: video.user_id, transmuxed_from_id:, thumbnail_url: video.thumbnail_url } |> change() |> Video.put_video_url(:mp4, mp4_basename) %{uuid: mp4_uuid, filename: mp4_filename, remote_path: mp4_remote_path} = mp4_video.changes dir = Path.join("/data", mp4_uuid) File.mkdir_p!(dir) mp4_local_path = Path.join(dir, mp4_filename) cb.(%{stage: :transmuxing, done: 1, total: 1}) System.cmd("ffmpeg", ["-i", video.url, "-c", "copy", mp4_local_path]) Storage.upload_from_filename(mp4_local_path, mp4_remote_path, cb) mp4_video = Repo.insert!(mp4_video) File.rm!(mp4_local_path) mp4_video end def transmux_to_hls(%Video{} = video, cb) do duration = case get_duration(video) do {:ok, duration} -> duration {:error, _} -> 0 end hls_video = %Video{ title: video.title, duration: duration, type: :vod, format: :hls, is_live: false, visibility: video.visibility, user_id: video.user_id } |> change() |> Video.put_video_url(:hls) %{uuid: hls_uuid, filename: hls_filename} = hls_video.changes dir = Path.join("/data", hls_uuid) File.mkdir_p!(dir) hls_local_path = Path.join(dir, hls_filename) cb.(%{stage: :transmuxing, done: 1, total: 1}) System.cmd("ffmpeg", [ "-i", video.local_path, "-c", "copy", "-start_number", "0", "-hls_time", "2", "-hls_list_size", "0", "-f", "hls", hls_local_path ]) files = Path.wildcard("#{dir}/*") files |> hls_local_path -> cb.(%{stage: :persisting, done: 1, total: length(files)}) hls_local_path end) |> Enum.each(fn hls_local_path -> Storage.upload_from_filename( hls_local_path, "#{hls_uuid}/#{Path.basename(hls_local_path)}" ) end) hls_video = Repo.insert!(hls_video) cb.(%{stage: :generating_thumbnail, done: 1, total: 1}) {:ok, hls_video} = store_thumbnail_from_file(hls_video, video.local_path) # TODO: should probably keep the file around for a while for any additional processing # requests from user? File.rm!(video.local_path) Repo.delete!(video) hls_video |> change() |> put_change(:id, |> Repo.update!() end def get_latest_video(%User{} = user) do from(v in Video, join: u in User, on: v.user_id ==, where: == ^, select_merge: %{ channel_handle: u.handle, channel_name:, channel_avatar_url: u.avatar_url }, order_by: [desc: v.inserted_at], limit: 1 ) |> end def transcribe_video(%Video{} = video, cb) do dir = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), video.uuid) File.mkdir_p!(dir) mp3_local_path = Path.join(dir, "index.mp3") cb.(%{stage: :transmuxing, done: 1, total: 1}) System.cmd("ffmpeg", ["-i", video.url, "-vn", mp3_local_path]) Storage.upload_from_filename(mp3_local_path, "#{video.uuid}/index.mp3", cb) File.rm!(mp3_local_path) Cache.fetch("#{Video.slug(video)}/transcription", fn -> ML.transcribe_video_async("#{video.url_root}/index.mp3") end) end def get_mp4_video(id) do from(v in Video, where: v.format == :mp4 and (v.transmuxed_from_id == ^id or == ^id), join: u in User, on: v.user_id ==, select_merge: %{ channel_handle: u.handle, channel_name:, channel_avatar_url: u.avatar_url } ) |> end def toggle_streamer_live(%Video{} = video, is_live) do video = get_video!( user = Accounts.get_user!(video.user_id) if user.visibility == :public do Repo.update_all(from(u in Accounts.User, where: == ^video.user_id), set: [is_live: is_live] ) end Repo.update_all( from(v in Video, where: v.user_id == ^video.user_id and ( != ^ or not (^is_live)) ), set: [is_live: false] ) video = get_video!( video = with false <- is_live, {:ok, duration} <- get_duration(video), {:ok, video} <- video |> change() |> put_change(:duration, duration) |> Repo.update() do video else _ -> video end msg = case is_live do true -> %Events.LivestreamStarted{video: video} false -> %Events.LivestreamEnded{video: video} end Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast!(@pubsub, topic_livestreams(), {__MODULE__, msg}) sink_url = Algora.config([:event_sink, :url]) if sink_url && user.visibility == :public do identity = from(i in Algora.Accounts.Identity, join: u in assoc(i, :user), where: == ^video.user_id and i.provider == "github", order_by: [asc: i.inserted_at] ) |> |> Repo.preload(:user) body = Jason.encode_to_iodata!(%{ event_kind: if(is_live, do: :livestream_started, else: :livestream_ended), stream_id: video.uuid, url: "#{AlgoraWeb.Endpoint.url()}/#{identity.user.handle}", github_user: %{ id: String.to_integer(identity.provider_id), login: identity.provider_login } }), sink_url, [{"content-type", "application/json"}], body) |> Finch.request(Algora.Finch) end end def toggle_visibility!(%Video{} = video) do new_visibility = case video.visibility do :public -> :unlisted _ -> :public end video |> change() |> put_change(:visibility, new_visibility) |> Repo.update!() end defp get_playlist(%Video{} = video) do with {:ok, resp} <-, video.url) |> Finch.request(Algora.Finch) do ExM3U8.deserialize_playlist(resp.body, []) end end defp get_media_playlist(%Video{} = video, uri) do url = "#{video.url_root}/#{uri}" with {:ok, resp} <-, url) |> Finch.request(Algora.Finch) do ExM3U8.deserialize_media_playlist(resp.body, []) end end defp get_media_playlist(%Video{} = video) do with {:ok, playlist} <- get_playlist(video) do uri = playlist.items |> Enum.find(&match?(%{uri: _}, &1)) |> then(& &1.uri) get_media_playlist(video, uri) end end def get_duration(%Video{format: :hls} = video) do with {:ok, playlist} <- get_media_playlist(video) do duration = playlist.timeline |> Enum.filter(&match?(%{duration: _}, &1)) |> Enum.reduce(0, fn x, acc -> acc + x.duration end) {:ok, round(duration)} end end def get_duration(%Video{local_path: nil}), do: {:error, :not_implemented} def get_duration(%Video{local_path: local_path}) do case FFprobe.duration(local_path) do :no_duration -> {:error, :no_duration} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} duration -> {:ok, round(duration)} end end def to_hhmmss(duration) when is_integer(duration) do hours = div(duration, 60 * 60) minutes = div(duration - hours * 60 * 60, 60) seconds = rem(duration - hours * 60 * 60 - minutes * 60, 60) if(hours == 0, do: [minutes, seconds], else: [hours, minutes, seconds]) |> Enum.map_join(":", fn count -> String.pad_leading("#{count}", 2, ["0"]) end) end def to_hhmmss(duration) when is_float(duration) do to_hhmmss(trunc(duration)) end def unsubscribe_to_channel(%Channel{} = channel) do Phoenix.PubSub.unsubscribe(@pubsub, topic(channel.user_id)) end defp create_thumbnail_from_file(%Video{} = video, src_path, opts) do dst_path = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "#{video.uuid}.jpeg") with :ok <- Thumbnex.create_thumbnail(src_path, dst_path, opts) do end end defp create_thumbnail(%Video{} = video, contents, opts \\ []) do src_path = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "#{video.uuid}.mp4") with :ok <- File.write(src_path, contents) do create_thumbnail_from_file(video, src_path, opts) end end def store_thumbnail_from_file(%Video{} = video, src_path, opts \\ []) do with {:ok, thumbnail} <- create_thumbnail_from_file(video, src_path, opts), {:ok, _} <- Storage.upload(thumbnail, "#{video.uuid}/index.jpeg", content_type: "image/jpeg") do video |> change() |> put_change(:thumbnail_url, "#{video.url_root}/index.jpeg") |> Repo.update() end end def store_thumbnail(%Video{} = video, contents) do with {:ok, thumbnail} <- create_thumbnail(video, contents), {:ok, _} <- Storage.upload(thumbnail, "#{video.uuid}/index.jpeg", content_type: "image/jpeg") do video |> change() |> put_change(:thumbnail_url, "#{video.url_root}/index.jpeg") |> Repo.update() end end defp create_og(src_path, dst_path, _opts) do base_image =!(src_path) {width, height, _} = Image.shape(base_image) overlay_svg = """ LIVE """ {overlay, _} = Vix.Vips.Operation.svgload_buffer!(overlay_svg) og_image = Image.compose!(base_image, overlay) Image.write!(og_image, dst_path) :ok end defp create_og_image_from_file(%Video{} = video, src_path, opts) do dst_path = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "#{video.uuid}-og.png") with :ok <- create_og(src_path, dst_path, opts) do end end defp create_og_image(%Video{} = video, opts \\ []) do src_path = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "#{video.uuid}.jpeg") create_og_image_from_file(video, src_path, opts) end def store_og_image_from_file(%Video{} = video, src_path, opts \\ []) do with {:ok, og_image} <- create_og_image_from_file(video, src_path, opts), {:ok, _} <- Storage.upload(og_image, "#{video.uuid}/og.png", content_type: "image/png") do video |> change() |> put_change(:og_image_url, "#{video.url_root}/og.png") |> Repo.update() end end def store_og_image(%Video{} = video) do with {:ok, og_image} <- create_og_image(video), {:ok, _} <- Storage.upload(og_image, "#{video.uuid}/og.png", content_type: "image/png") do video |> change() |> put_change(:og_image_url, "#{video.url_root}/og.png") |> Repo.update() end end def get_thumbnail_url(%Video{} = video) do video.thumbnail_url || "#{AlgoraWeb.Endpoint.url()}/images/og/default.png" end def get_thumbnail_url(%User{} = user) do case get_latest_video(user) do # TODO: nil -> "#{AlgoraWeb.Endpoint.url()}/images/og/default.png" video -> get_thumbnail_url(video) end end def get_og_image_url(%Video{} = video) do video.og_image_url || get_thumbnail_url(video) end def get_og_image_url(%User{} = user) do case get_latest_video(user) do nil -> get_thumbnail_url(user) video -> get_og_image_url(video) end end def reconcile_livestream(%Video{} = video, stream_key) do user = Accounts.get_user_by!(stream_key: stream_key) result = Repo.update_all(from(v in Video, where: == ^, set: [user_id:, title: user.channel_tagline, visibility: user.visibility] ) case result do {1, _} -> {:ok, video} _ -> {:error, :invalid} end end def list_videos(limit \\ 100) do from(v in Video, join: u in User, on: v.user_id ==, limit: ^limit, where: not is_nil(v.url) and is_nil(v.transmuxed_from_id) and v.visibility == :public and is_nil(v.vertical_thumbnail_url) and (v.is_live == true or v.duration >= 120 or v.type == :vod), select_merge: %{ channel_handle: u.handle, channel_name:, channel_avatar_url: u.avatar_url } ) |> order_by_inserted(:desc) |> Repo.all() end def list_videos_by_ids(ids) do videos = from(v in Video, join: u in User, on: v.user_id ==, select_merge: %{ channel_handle: u.handle, channel_name:, channel_avatar_url: u.avatar_url }, where: in ^ids ) |> Repo.all() video_by_id = fn id -> videos |> Enum.find(fn s -> == id end) end ids |> Enum.reduce([], fn id, acc -> [video_by_id.(id) | acc] end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> Enum.reverse() end def list_shorts(limit \\ 100) do from(v in Video, join: u in User, on: v.user_id ==, limit: ^limit, where: not is_nil(v.url) and is_nil(v.transmuxed_from_id) and v.visibility == :public and not is_nil(v.vertical_thumbnail_url), select_merge: %{ channel_handle: u.handle, channel_name:, channel_avatar_url: u.avatar_url } ) |> order_by_inserted(:desc) |> Repo.all() end def list_channel_videos(%Channel{} = channel, limit \\ 100) do from(v in Video, limit: ^limit, join: u in User, on: v.user_id ==, select_merge: %{ channel_handle: u.handle, channel_name:, channel_avatar_url: u.avatar_url }, where: not is_nil(v.url) and is_nil(v.transmuxed_from_id) and v.user_id == ^channel.user_id ) |> order_by_inserted(:desc) |> Repo.all() end def list_studio_videos(%Channel{} = channel, limit \\ 100) do from(v in Video, limit: ^limit, join: u in assoc(v, :user), left_join: m in assoc(v, :messages), group_by: [, u.handle,, u.avatar_url], select_merge: %{ channel_handle: u.handle, channel_name:, channel_avatar_url: u.avatar_url, messages_count: count( }, where: is_nil(v.transmuxed_from_id) and v.user_id == ^channel.user_id ) |> order_by_inserted(:desc) |> Repo.all() end def list_active_channels(opts) do from(u in Algora.Accounts.User, where: u.is_live, limit: ^Keyword.fetch!(opts, :limit), order_by: [desc: u.updated_at], select: struct(u, [:id, :handle, :channel_tagline, :avatar_url, :external_homepage_url]) ) |> Repo.all() |>!/1) end def get_channel!(%Accounts.User{} = user) do %Channel{ user_id:, handle: user.handle, name: || user.handle, tagline: user.channel_tagline, avatar_url: user.avatar_url, external_homepage_url: user.external_homepage_url, is_live: user.is_live, bounties_count: user.bounties_count, orgs_contributed: user.orgs_contributed, tech:, solving_challenge: user.solving_challenge } end def owns_channel?(%Accounts.User{} = user, %Channel{} = channel) do == channel.user_id end def player_type(%Video{format: :mp4}), do: "video/mp4" def player_type(%Video{format: :hls}), do: "application/x-mpegURL" def player_type(%Video{format: :youtube}), do: "video/youtube" def get_video!(id), do: from(v in Video, where: == ^id, join: u in User, on: v.user_id ==, select_merge: %{ channel_handle: u.handle, channel_name:, channel_avatar_url: u.avatar_url } ) |>!() def update_video(%Video{} = video, attrs) do video |> Video.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end def delete_video(%Video{} = video) do Repo.delete(video) end defp order_by_inserted(%Ecto.Query{} = query, direction) when direction in [:asc, :desc] do from(s in query, order_by: [{^direction, s.inserted_at}]) end defp topic(user_id) when is_integer(user_id), do: "channel:#{user_id}" def topic_livestreams(), do: "livestreams" def topic_studio(), do: "studio" def list_segments(%Video{} = video) do from(s in Segment, where: s.video_id == ^, order_by: [asc: s.start]) |> Repo.all() end def list_segments_by_ids(ids) do segments = from(s in Segment, where: in ^ids) |> Repo.all() segment_by_id = fn id -> segments |> Enum.find(fn s -> == id end) end ids |> Enum.reduce([], fn id, acc -> [segment_by_id.(id) | acc] end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> Enum.reverse() end def list_subtitles(%Video{} = video) do from(s in Subtitle, where: s.video_id == ^, order_by: [asc: s.start]) |> Repo.all() end def get_subtitle!(id), do: Repo.get!(Subtitle, id) def create_subtitle(%Video{} = video, attrs \\ %{}) do %Subtitle{video_id:} |> Subtitle.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end def update_subtitle(%Subtitle{} = subtitle, attrs) do subtitle |> Subtitle.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end def delete_subtitle(%Subtitle{} = subtitle) do Repo.delete(subtitle) end def change_subtitle(%Subtitle{} = subtitle, attrs \\ %{}) do Subtitle.changeset(subtitle, attrs) end def save_subtitle(sub) do %Subtitle{id: sub["id"]} |> Subtitle.changeset(%{start: sub["start"], end: sub["end"], body: sub["body"]}) |> Repo.update!() end def save_subtitles(data) do Jason.decode!(data) |> Enum.take(100) |> |> length end defp broadcast!(topic, msg) do Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast!(@pubsub, topic, {__MODULE__, msg}) end def broadcast_processing_progressed!(stage, video, pct) do broadcast!(topic_studio(), %Events.ProcessingProgressed{video: video, stage: stage, pct: pct}) end def broadcast_processing_completed!(action, video, url) do broadcast!(topic_studio(), %Events.ProcessingCompleted{action: action, video: video, url: url}) end def broadcast_processing_failed!(video, attempt, max_attempts) do broadcast!(topic_studio(), %Events.ProcessingFailed{ video: video, attempt: attempt, max_attempts: max_attempts }) end end