// Generic control/related handler to show/hide fields based on a checkbox' value // e.g. // //
$(document).on("change", "input[type=\"checkbox\"][data-control]", function () { var $this = $(this); var name = $this.data("control"); var showOrHide = $this.prop("checked"); $("[data-related=\"" + name + "\"]").each(function () { $(this).toggle(showOrHide); }); }); $(function() { var updateTimerID; var updateText; // Allow ajax prefilters to be added/removed dynamically // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap var preFilters = $.Callbacks(); $.ajaxPrefilter(preFilters.fire); function restartTimer() { $("#spinner").addClass("hidden"); $("#RestartDialog").modal("hide"); } function updateTimer() { $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../get_updater_status", success: function success(data) { // console.log(data.status); $("#Updatecontent").html(updateText[data.status]); if (data.status > 6) { clearInterval(updateTimerID); $("#spinner2").hide(); $("#updateFinished").removeClass("hidden"); $("#check_for_update").removeClass("hidden"); $("#perform_update").addClass("hidden"); } }, error: function error() { // console.log('Done'); clearInterval(updateTimerID); $("#spinner2").hide(); $("#Updatecontent").html(updateText[7]); $("#updateFinished").removeClass("hidden"); $("#check_for_update").removeClass("hidden"); $("#perform_update").addClass("hidden"); }, timeout: 2000 }); } $(".discover .row").isotope({ // options itemSelector : ".book", layoutMode : "fitRows" }); $(".load-more .row").infinitescroll({ debug: false, navSelector : ".pagination", // selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden) nextSelector : ".pagination a:last", // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2) itemSelector : ".load-more .book", animate : true, extraScrollPx: 300 // selector for all items you'll retrieve }, function(data) { $(".load-more .row").isotope( "appended", $(data), null ); }); $("#restart").click(function() { $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../shutdown", data: {"parameter":0}, success: function success() { $("#spinner").show(); setTimeout(restartTimer, 3000); } }); }); $("#shutdown").click(function() { $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../shutdown", data: {"parameter":1}, success: function success(data) { return alert(data.text); } }); }); $("#check_for_update").click(function() { var $this = $(this); var buttonText = $this.html(); $this.html("..."); $("#update_error").addClass("hidden"); if ($("#message").length){ $("#message").alert("close"); } $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../get_update_status", success: function success(data) { $this.html(buttonText); var cssClass = ""; var message = ""; if (data.success === true) { if (data.update === true) { $("#check_for_update").addClass("hidden"); $("#perform_update").removeClass("hidden"); $("#update_info") .removeClass("hidden") .find("span").html(data.commit); data.history.forEach(function(entry) { $("" + entry[0] + "" + entry[1] + "").appendTo($("#update_table")); }); cssClass = "alert-warning"; } else { cssClass = "alert-success"; } } else { cssClass = "alert-danger"; } message = "
×" + data.message + "
"; $(message).insertAfter($("#update_table")); } }); }); $("#restart_database").click(function() { $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../shutdown", data: {"parameter":2} }); }); $("#perform_update").click(function() { $("#spinner2").show(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { start: "True"}, url: window.location.pathname + "/../../get_updater_status", success: function success(data) { updateText = data.text; $("#Updatecontent").html(updateText[data.status]); // console.log(data.status); updateTimerID = setInterval(updateTimer, 2000); } }); }); $("input[data-control]").trigger("change"); $("#bookDetailsModal") .on("show.bs.modal", function(e) { var $modalBody = $(this).find(".modal-body"); // Prevent static assets from loading multiple times var useCache = function(options) { options.async = true; options.cache = true; }; preFilters.add(useCache); $.get(e.relatedTarget.href).done(function(content) { $modalBody.html(content); preFilters.remove(useCache); }); }) .on("hidden.bs.modal", function() { $(this).find(".modal-body").html("..."); }); $(window).resize(function() { $(".discover .row").isotope("reLayout"); }); });