2015-10-18 23:42:14 +08:00
[hugo][1] makes the web fun again.
## Directory Tree
|-- docker-compose.yml
`-- www/
`-- themes/
`-- hyde/
## docker-compose.yml
image: vimagick/hugo-arm
command: >
server --bind=
- "80:80"
- ./www:/www
restart: always
2015-10-19 00:18:11 +08:00
> **WARNING:** `hugo server` is for testing purpose.
> The default value of `--baseUrl` option is `http://<bind>:<port>/`.
> I set it to the same value as that in `config.toml` here.
> It maybe not a good practice.
2015-10-18 23:42:14 +08:00
## Up and Running
$ alias hugo='docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/www vimagick/hugo-arm'
$ cd ~/fig/hugo/www
$ curl -L https://github.com/spf13/hyde/archive/master.tar.gz | tar xz --strip 1 -C ./themes/hyde/
2015-10-19 00:18:11 +08:00
2015-10-18 23:42:14 +08:00
$ hugo new site .
$ vim config.toml
2015-10-19 00:18:11 +08:00
2015-10-18 23:42:14 +08:00
$ hugo new post/hello-world.md
$ vim content/post/hello-world.md
2015-10-19 00:18:11 +08:00
2015-10-18 23:42:14 +08:00
$ docker-compose up -d
2015-10-19 00:18:11 +08:00
$ hugo
2015-10-18 23:42:14 +08:00
2015-10-19 00:18:11 +08:00
> The last `hugo` command will use `baseurl` in `config.toml`.
2015-10-18 23:42:14 +08:00
Open <http://blog.datageek.info/> in your browser!
[1]: http://gohugo.io/