tftpd ===== [tftpd][1] is a server for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol. ## up and running ```bash $ docker-compose up -d $ echo 'hello world' > /tmp/hello.txt $ curl -T /tmp/hello.txt tftp:// $ curl tftp:// ``` ## realtime logging ``` $ docker-compose exec tftpd sh >>> apk add --no-cache inetutils-syslogd >>> syslogd >>> tail -f /var/log/syslog Jun 29 08:26:30 server syslogd (GNU inetutils 2.4): restart Jun 29 08:27:28 server in.tftpd[90]: WRQ from filename hello.txt Jun 29 08:27:34 server in.tftpd[91]: RRQ from filename hello.txt ``` [1]: