#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Import library functions we need import six try: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO except: class GPIO: BOARD = None @staticmethod def setmode(*args): pass @staticmethod def setwarnings(*args): pass import struct import sys import os import subprocess from time import sleep bounce = 25; if len(sys.argv) > 2: cmd = sys.argv[1].lower() pin = int(sys.argv[2]) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) if cmd == "pwm": #print "Initialised pin "+str(pin)+" to PWM" try: freq = int(sys.argv[3]) except: freq = 100 GPIO.setup(pin,GPIO.OUT) p = GPIO.PWM(pin, freq) p.start(0) while True: try: data = six.moves.input() if 'close' in data: sys.exit(0) p.ChangeDutyCycle(float(data)) except (EOFError, SystemExit): # hopefully always caused by us sigint'ing the program GPIO.cleanup(pin) sys.exit(0) except Exception as ex: six.print_("bad data: "+data) elif cmd == "buzz": #print "Initialised pin "+str(pin)+" to Buzz" GPIO.setup(pin,GPIO.OUT) p = GPIO.PWM(pin, 100) p.stop() while True: try: data = six.moves.input() if 'close' in data: sys.exit(0) elif float(data) == 0: p.stop() else: p.start(50) p.ChangeFrequency(float(data)) except (EOFError, SystemExit): # hopefully always caused by us sigint'ing the program GPIO.cleanup(pin) sys.exit(0) except Exception as ex: six.print_("bad data: "+data) elif cmd == "out": #print "Initialised pin "+str(pin)+" to OUT" GPIO.setup(pin,GPIO.OUT) if len(sys.argv) == 4: GPIO.output(pin,int(sys.argv[3])) while True: try: data = six.moves.input() if 'close' in data: sys.exit(0) data = int(data) except (EOFError, SystemExit): # hopefully always caused by us sigint'ing the program GPIO.cleanup(pin) sys.exit(0) except: if len(sys.argv) == 4: data = int(sys.argv[3]) else: data = 0 if data != 0: data = 1 GPIO.output(pin,data) elif cmd == "in": #print "Initialised pin "+str(pin)+" to IN" bounce = float(sys.argv[4]) def handle_callback(chan): sleep(bounce/1000.0) six.print_(GPIO.input(chan)) if sys.argv[3].lower() == "up": GPIO.setup(pin,GPIO.IN,GPIO.PUD_UP) elif sys.argv[3].lower() == "down": GPIO.setup(pin,GPIO.IN,GPIO.PUD_DOWN) else: GPIO.setup(pin,GPIO.IN) six.print_(GPIO.input(pin)) GPIO.add_event_detect(pin, GPIO.BOTH, callback=handle_callback, bouncetime=int(bounce)) while True: try: data = six.moves.input() if 'close' in data: sys.exit(0) except (EOFError, SystemExit): # hopefully always caused by us sigint'ing the program GPIO.cleanup(pin) sys.exit(0) elif cmd == "byte": #print "Initialised BYTE mode - "+str(pin)+ list = [7,11,13,12,15,16,18,22] GPIO.setup(list,GPIO.OUT) while True: try: data = six.moves.input() if 'close' in data: sys.exit(0) data = int(data) except (EOFError, SystemExit): # hopefully always caused by us sigint'ing the program GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit(0) except: data = 0 for bit in range(8): if pin == 1: mask = 1 << (7 - bit) else: mask = 1 << bit GPIO.output(list[bit], data & mask) elif cmd == "borg": #print "Initialised BORG mode - "+str(pin)+ GPIO.setup(11,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(13,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(15,GPIO.OUT) r = GPIO.PWM(11, 100) g = GPIO.PWM(13, 100) b = GPIO.PWM(15, 100) r.start(0) g.start(0) b.start(0) while True: try: data = six.moves.input() if 'close' in data: sys.exit(0) c = data.split(",") r.ChangeDutyCycle(float(c[0])) g.ChangeDutyCycle(float(c[1])) b.ChangeDutyCycle(float(c[2])) except (EOFError, SystemExit): # hopefully always caused by us sigint'ing the program GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit(0) except: data = 0 elif cmd == "mouse": # catch mice button events file = open( "/dev/input/mice", "rb" ) oldbutt = 0 def getMouseEvent(): global oldbutt global pin buf = file.read(3) pin = pin & 0x07 button = six.byte2int(buf) & pin # mask out just the required button(s) if button != oldbutt: # only send if changed oldbutt = button six.print_(button) while True: try: getMouseEvent() except: file.close() sys.exit(0) elif cmd == "kbd": # catch keyboard button events try: while not os.path.isdir("/dev/input/by-path"): time.sleep(10) infile = subprocess.check_output("ls /dev/input/by-path/ | grep -m 1 'kbd'", shell=True).strip() infile_path = "/dev/input/by-path/" + infile.decode('utf-8') EVENT_SIZE = struct.calcsize('llHHI') file = open(infile_path, "rb") event = file.read(EVENT_SIZE) while event: (tv_sec, tv_usec, type, code, value) = struct.unpack('llHHI', event) #if type != 0 or code != 0 or value != 0: if type == 1: # type,code,value six.print_("%u,%u" % (code, value)) event = file.read(EVENT_SIZE) six.print_("0,0") file.close() sys.exit(0) except: file.close() sys.exit(0) elif len(sys.argv) > 1: cmd = sys.argv[1].lower() if cmd == "rev": six.print_(GPIO.RPI_REVISION) elif cmd == "ver": six.print_(GPIO.VERSION) elif cmd == "info": six.print_(GPIO.RPI_INFO) else: six.print_("Bad parameters - in|out|pwm|buzz|byte|borg|mouse|kbd|ver|info {pin} {value|up|down}") six.print_(" only ver (gpio version) and info (board information) accept no pin parameter.") else: six.print_("Bad parameters - in|out|pwm|buzz|byte|borg|mouse|kbd|ver|info {pin} {value|up|down}")