mirror of https://github.com/vimagick/dockerfiles.git synced 2025-03-03 14:52:11 +02:00
2016-08-10 11:32:53 +08:00
2016-05-01 09:06:20 +08:00
2016-08-10 11:32:53 +08:00
2016-08-10 11:32:53 +08:00
2016-08-10 11:32:53 +08:00


Scrapy is an open source and collaborative framework for extracting the data you need from websites. In a fast, simple, yet extensible way.

Scrapyd is a service for running Scrapy spiders. It allows you to deploy your Scrapy projects and control their spiders using a HTTP JSON API.

Scrapyd-client is a client for scrapyd. It provides the scrapyd-deploy utility which allows you to deploy your project to a Scrapyd server.

ScrapyJS provides Scrapy+JavaScript integration using Splash.

Pillow is the Python Imaging Library to support the ImagesPipeline.

This image is based on debian:jessie, 5 latest python packages are installed:

Please use this as base image for your own project.


  image: vimagick/scrapyd
    - "6800:6800"
  restart: always

  image: vimagick/scrapyd
  command: bash
    - .:/code
  working_dir: /code
  restart: always

Run it as background-daemon for scrapyd

$ docker-compose up -d scrapyd
$ docker-compose logs -f scrapyd
$ docker cp scrapyd_scrapyd_1:/var/lib/scrapyd/items .
$ tree items
└── myproject
    └── myspider
        └── ad6153ee5b0711e68bc70242ac110005.jl
$ mkvirtualenv webbot
$ pip install scrapy scrapyd-client

$ scrapy startproject myproject
$ cd myproject
$ setvirtualenvproject

$ scrapy genspider myspider mydomain.com
$ scrapy edit myspider
$ scrapy list

$ vi scrapy.cfg
$ scrapyd-client deploy
$ curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=myproject -d spider=myspider
$ firefox http://localhost:6800

File: scrapy.cfg

default = myproject.settings

url = http://localhost:6800/
project = myproject

Run it as interactive-shell for scrapy

$ cat > stackoverflow_spider.py << _EOF_
import scrapy

class StackOverflowSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'stackoverflow'
    start_urls = ['http://stackoverflow.com/questions?sort=votes']

    def parse(self, response):
        for href in response.css('.question-summary h3 a::attr(href)'):
            full_url = response.urljoin(href.extract())
            yield scrapy.Request(full_url, callback=self.parse_question)

    def parse_question(self, response):
        yield {
            'title': response.css('h1 a::text').extract()[0],
            'votes': response.css('.question .vote-count-post::text').extract()[0],
            'body': response.css('.question .post-text').extract()[0],
            'tags': response.css('.question .post-tag::text').extract(),
            'link': response.url,

$ docker-compose run --rm scrapy
>>> scrapy runspider stackoverflow_spider.py -o top-stackoverflow-questions.json
>>> cat top-stackoverflow-questions.json
>>> exit