mirror of https://github.com/mattermost/focalboard.git synced 2025-03-20 20:45:00 +02:00

Recovers inactive websockets connections on reconnect in plugin mode (#1324)

* Stores a cache of inactive connections so their subscriptions are recovered on reconnections

* Adds test for getUserIDsForWorkspace and simplify messages through helpers

* Make the plugin websocket client more resilient

* Remove missed event callback and limit ws state polling to one at a time

* Add read lock for the plugin adapter and guarantee atomic ops on inactiveAt

* Add mutex to the plugin adapter client and tests to cover for races

* Split plugin adapter mutex in two and use them to lock only on data access

* Group plugin adapter fields by the mutex that's guarding them
This commit is contained in:
Miguel de la Cruz 2021-09-29 18:19:34 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7970d4e6c5
commit ce98ec55fc
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 3217 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
//go:generate mockgen --build_flags=--mod=mod -destination=mocks/mockauth_interface.go -package mocks . AuthInterface
package auth
import (
@ -10,6 +11,12 @@ import (
type AuthInterface interface {
GetSession(token string) (*model.Session, error)
IsValidReadToken(c store.Container, blockID string, readToken string) (bool, error)
DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess(userID string, workspaceID string) bool
// Auth authenticates sessions.
type Auth struct {
config *config.Configuration

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT.
// Source: github.com/mattermost/focalboard/server/auth (interfaces: AuthInterface)
// Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
package mocks
import (
reflect "reflect"
gomock "github.com/golang/mock/gomock"
model "github.com/mattermost/focalboard/server/model"
store "github.com/mattermost/focalboard/server/services/store"
// MockAuthInterface is a mock of AuthInterface interface.
type MockAuthInterface struct {
ctrl *gomock.Controller
recorder *MockAuthInterfaceMockRecorder
// MockAuthInterfaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAuthInterface.
type MockAuthInterfaceMockRecorder struct {
mock *MockAuthInterface
// NewMockAuthInterface creates a new mock instance.
func NewMockAuthInterface(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAuthInterface {
mock := &MockAuthInterface{ctrl: ctrl}
mock.recorder = &MockAuthInterfaceMockRecorder{mock}
return mock
// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (m *MockAuthInterface) EXPECT() *MockAuthInterfaceMockRecorder {
return m.recorder
// DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess mocks base method.
func (m *MockAuthInterface) DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess(arg0, arg1 string) bool {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(bool)
return ret0
// DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess indicates an expected call of DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess.
func (mr *MockAuthInterfaceMockRecorder) DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess", reflect.TypeOf((*MockAuthInterface)(nil).DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess), arg0, arg1)
// GetSession mocks base method.
func (m *MockAuthInterface) GetSession(arg0 string) (*model.Session, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "GetSession", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*model.Session)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// GetSession indicates an expected call of GetSession.
func (mr *MockAuthInterfaceMockRecorder) GetSession(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "GetSession", reflect.TypeOf((*MockAuthInterface)(nil).GetSession), arg0)
// IsValidReadToken mocks base method.
func (m *MockAuthInterface) IsValidReadToken(arg0 store.Container, arg1, arg2 string) (bool, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "IsValidReadToken", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(bool)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// IsValidReadToken indicates an expected call of IsValidReadToken.
func (mr *MockAuthInterfaceMockRecorder) IsValidReadToken(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "IsValidReadToken", reflect.TypeOf((*MockAuthInterface)(nil).IsValidReadToken), arg0, arg1, arg2)

server/ws/helpers_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package ws
import (
authMocks "github.com/mattermost/focalboard/server/auth/mocks"
wsMocks "github.com/mattermost/focalboard/server/ws/mocks"
mmModel "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v6/model"
type TestHelper struct {
api *wsMocks.MockAPI
auth *authMocks.MockAuthInterface
ctrl *gomock.Controller
pa *PluginAdapter
func SetupTestHelper(t *testing.T) *TestHelper {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
mockAPI := wsMocks.NewMockAPI(ctrl)
mockAuth := authMocks.NewMockAuthInterface(ctrl)
mockAPI.EXPECT().LogDebug(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).AnyTimes()
mockAPI.EXPECT().LogInfo(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).AnyTimes()
mockAPI.EXPECT().LogError(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).AnyTimes()
mockAPI.EXPECT().LogWarn(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).AnyTimes()
return &TestHelper{
api: mockAPI,
auth: mockAuth,
ctrl: ctrl,
pa: NewPluginAdapter(mockAPI, mockAuth),
func (th *TestHelper) ReceiveWebSocketMessage(webConnID, userID, action string, data map[string]interface{}) {
req := &mmModel.WebSocketRequest{Action: websocketMessagePrefix + action, Data: data}
th.pa.WebSocketMessageHasBeenPosted(webConnID, userID, req)
func (th *TestHelper) SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID, userID, workspaceID string) {
DoesUserHaveWorkspaceAccess(userID, workspaceID).
msgData := map[string]interface{}{"workspaceId": workspaceID}
th.ReceiveWebSocketMessage(webConnID, userID, websocketActionSubscribeWorkspace, msgData)
func (th *TestHelper) UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID, userID, workspaceID string) {
msgData := map[string]interface{}{"workspaceId": workspaceID}
th.ReceiveWebSocketMessage(webConnID, userID, websocketActionUnsubscribeWorkspace, msgData)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
//go:generate mockgen --build_flags=--mod=mod -destination=mocks/mockpluginapi.go -package mocks github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v6/plugin API
package ws
import (
@ -17,45 +19,10 @@ const websocketMessagePrefix = "custom_focalboard_"
var errMissingWorkspaceInCommand = fmt.Errorf("command doesn't contain workspaceId")
type PluginAdapterClient struct {
webConnID string
userID string
workspaces []string
blocks []string
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID string) bool {
for _, id := range pac.workspaces {
if id == workspaceID {
return true
return false
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) isSubscribedToBlock(blockID string) bool {
for _, id := range pac.blocks {
if id == blockID {
return true
return false
type PluginAdapterInterface interface {
addListener(pac *PluginAdapterClient)
removeListener(pac *PluginAdapterClient)
removeListenerFromWorkspace(pac *PluginAdapterClient, workspaceID string)
removeListenerFromBlock(pac *PluginAdapterClient, blockID string)
subscribeListenerToWorkspace(pac *PluginAdapterClient, workspaceID string)
unsubscribeListenerFromWorkspace(pac *PluginAdapterClient, workspaceID string)
unsubscribeListenerFromBlocks(pac *PluginAdapterClient, blockIDs []string)
OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID, userID string)
OnWebSocketDisconnect(webConnID, userID string)
WebSocketMessageHasBeenPosted(webConnID, userID string, req *mmModel.WebSocketRequest)
getUserIDsForWorkspace(workspaceID string) []string
BroadcastConfigChange(clientConfig model.ClientConfig)
BroadcastBlockChange(workspaceID string, block model.Block)
BroadcastBlockDelete(workspaceID, blockID, parentID string)
@ -64,34 +31,72 @@ type PluginAdapterInterface interface {
type PluginAdapter struct {
api plugin.API
auth *auth.Auth
auth auth.AuthInterface
staleThreshold time.Duration
listenersMU sync.RWMutex
listeners map[string]*PluginAdapterClient
listenersByUserID map[string][]*PluginAdapterClient
subscriptionsMU sync.RWMutex
listenersByWorkspace map[string][]*PluginAdapterClient
listenersByBlock map[string][]*PluginAdapterClient
mu sync.RWMutex
func NewPluginAdapter(api plugin.API, auth *auth.Auth) *PluginAdapter {
func NewPluginAdapter(api plugin.API, auth auth.AuthInterface) *PluginAdapter {
return &PluginAdapter{
api: api,
auth: auth,
staleThreshold: 5 * time.Minute,
listeners: make(map[string]*PluginAdapterClient),
listenersByUserID: make(map[string][]*PluginAdapterClient),
listenersByWorkspace: make(map[string][]*PluginAdapterClient),
listenersByBlock: make(map[string][]*PluginAdapterClient),
mu: sync.RWMutex{},
listenersMU: sync.RWMutex{},
subscriptionsMU: sync.RWMutex{},
func (pa *PluginAdapter) GetListenerByWebConnID(webConnID string) (pac *PluginAdapterClient, ok bool) {
defer pa.listenersMU.RUnlock()
pac, ok = pa.listeners[webConnID]
func (pa *PluginAdapter) GetListenersByUserID(userID string) []*PluginAdapterClient {
defer pa.listenersMU.RUnlock()
return pa.listenersByUserID[userID]
func (pa *PluginAdapter) GetListenersByWorkspace(workspaceID string) []*PluginAdapterClient {
defer pa.subscriptionsMU.RUnlock()
return pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID]
func (pa *PluginAdapter) GetListenersByBlock(blockID string) []*PluginAdapterClient {
defer pa.subscriptionsMU.RUnlock()
return pa.listenersByBlock[blockID]
func (pa *PluginAdapter) addListener(pac *PluginAdapterClient) {
defer pa.mu.Unlock()
defer pa.listenersMU.Unlock()
pa.listeners[pac.webConnID] = pac
pa.listenersByUserID[pac.userID] = append(pa.listenersByUserID[pac.userID], pac)
func (pa *PluginAdapter) removeListener(pac *PluginAdapterClient) {
defer pa.mu.Unlock()
defer pa.listenersMU.Unlock()
// workspace subscriptions
for _, workspace := range pac.workspaces {
@ -103,43 +108,52 @@ func (pa *PluginAdapter) removeListener(pac *PluginAdapterClient) {
pa.removeListenerFromBlock(pac, block)
// user ID list
newUserListeners := []*PluginAdapterClient{}
for _, listener := range pa.listenersByUserID[pac.userID] {
if listener.webConnID != pac.webConnID {
newUserListeners = append(newUserListeners, listener)
pa.listenersByUserID[pac.userID] = newUserListeners
delete(pa.listeners, pac.webConnID)
func (pa *PluginAdapter) removeExpiredForUserID(userID string) {
for _, pac := range pa.GetListenersByUserID(userID) {
if !pac.isActive() && pac.hasExpired(pa.staleThreshold) {
func (pa *PluginAdapter) removeListenerFromWorkspace(pac *PluginAdapterClient, workspaceID string) {
newWorkspaceListeners := []*PluginAdapterClient{}
for _, listener := range pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID] {
for _, listener := range pa.GetListenersByWorkspace(workspaceID) {
if listener.webConnID != pac.webConnID {
newWorkspaceListeners = append(newWorkspaceListeners, listener)
pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID] = newWorkspaceListeners
newClientWorkspaces := []string{}
for _, id := range pac.workspaces {
if id != workspaceID {
newClientWorkspaces = append(newClientWorkspaces, id)
pac.workspaces = newClientWorkspaces
func (pa *PluginAdapter) removeListenerFromBlock(pac *PluginAdapterClient, blockID string) {
newBlockListeners := []*PluginAdapterClient{}
for _, listener := range pa.listenersByBlock[blockID] {
for _, listener := range pa.GetListenersByBlock(blockID) {
if listener.webConnID != pac.webConnID {
newBlockListeners = append(newBlockListeners, listener)
pa.listenersByBlock[blockID] = newBlockListeners
newClientBlocks := []string{}
for _, id := range pac.blocks {
if id != blockID {
newClientBlocks = append(newClientBlocks, id)
pac.blocks = newClientBlocks
func (pa *PluginAdapter) subscribeListenerToWorkspace(pac *PluginAdapterClient, workspaceID string) {
@ -147,11 +161,11 @@ func (pa *PluginAdapter) subscribeListenerToWorkspace(pac *PluginAdapterClient,
defer pa.mu.Unlock()
pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID] = append(pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID], pac)
pac.workspaces = append(pac.workspaces, workspaceID)
func (pa *PluginAdapter) unsubscribeListenerFromWorkspace(pac *PluginAdapterClient, workspaceID string) {
@ -159,16 +173,26 @@ func (pa *PluginAdapter) unsubscribeListenerFromWorkspace(pac *PluginAdapterClie
defer pa.mu.Unlock()
pa.removeListenerFromWorkspace(pac, workspaceID)
func (pa *PluginAdapter) unsubscribeListenerFromBlocks(pac *PluginAdapterClient, blockIDs []string) {
defer pa.mu.Unlock()
func (pa *PluginAdapter) getUserIDsForWorkspace(workspaceID string) []string {
userMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, pac := range pa.GetListenersByWorkspace(workspaceID) {
if pac.isActive() {
userMap[pac.userID] = true
userIDs := []string{}
for userID := range userMap {
userIDs = append(userIDs, userID)
return userIDs
func (pa *PluginAdapter) unsubscribeListenerFromBlocks(pac *PluginAdapterClient, blockIDs []string) {
for _, blockID := range blockIDs {
if pac.isSubscribedToBlock(blockID) {
pa.removeListenerFromBlock(pac, blockID)
@ -177,18 +201,29 @@ func (pa *PluginAdapter) unsubscribeListenerFromBlocks(pac *PluginAdapterClient,
func (pa *PluginAdapter) OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID, userID string) {
pac := &PluginAdapterClient{
if existingPAC, ok := pa.GetListenerByWebConnID(webConnID); ok {
pa.api.LogDebug("inactive connection found for webconn, reusing",
"webConnID", webConnID,
"userID", userID,
atomic.StoreInt64(&existingPAC.inactiveAt, 0)
newPAC := &PluginAdapterClient{
inactiveAt: 0,
webConnID: webConnID,
userID: userID,
workspaces: []string{},
blocks: []string{},
func (pa *PluginAdapter) OnWebSocketDisconnect(webConnID, userID string) {
pac, ok := pa.listeners[webConnID]
pac, ok := pa.GetListenerByWebConnID(webConnID)
if !ok {
pa.api.LogError("received a disconnect for an unregistered webconn",
"webConnID", webConnID,
@ -197,7 +232,7 @@ func (pa *PluginAdapter) OnWebSocketDisconnect(webConnID, userID string) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&pac.inactiveAt, mmModel.GetMillis())
func commandFromRequest(req *mmModel.WebSocketRequest) (*WebsocketCommand, error) {
@ -221,7 +256,7 @@ func commandFromRequest(req *mmModel.WebSocketRequest) (*WebsocketCommand, error
func (pa *PluginAdapter) WebSocketMessageHasBeenPosted(webConnID, userID string, req *mmModel.WebSocketRequest) {
pac, ok := pa.listeners[webConnID]
pac, ok := pa.GetListenerByWebConnID(webConnID)
if !ok {
pa.api.LogError("received a message for an unregistered webconn",
"webConnID", webConnID,
@ -282,19 +317,6 @@ func (pa *PluginAdapter) WebSocketMessageHasBeenPosted(webConnID, userID string,
func (pa *PluginAdapter) getUserIDsForWorkspace(workspaceID string) []string {
userMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, pac := range pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID] {
userMap[pac.userID] = true
userIDs := []string{}
for userID := range userMap {
userIDs = append(userIDs, userID)
return userIDs
func (pa *PluginAdapter) sendMessageToAllSkipCluster(payload map[string]interface{}) {
// Empty &mmModel.WebsocketBroadcast will send to all users
pa.api.PublishWebSocketEvent(websocketActionUpdateConfig, payload, &mmModel.WebsocketBroadcast{})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package ws
import (
mmModel "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v6/model"
type PluginAdapterClient struct {
inactiveAt int64
webConnID string
userID string
workspaces []string
blocks []string
mu sync.RWMutex
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) isActive() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&pac.inactiveAt) == 0
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) hasExpired(threshold time.Duration) bool {
return !mmModel.GetTimeForMillis(atomic.LoadInt64(&pac.inactiveAt)).Add(threshold).After(time.Now())
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) subscribeToWorkspace(workspaceID string) {
defer pac.mu.Unlock()
pac.workspaces = append(pac.workspaces, workspaceID)
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) unsubscribeFromWorkspace(workspaceID string) {
defer pac.mu.Unlock()
newClientWorkspaces := []string{}
for _, id := range pac.workspaces {
if id != workspaceID {
newClientWorkspaces = append(newClientWorkspaces, id)
pac.workspaces = newClientWorkspaces
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) unsubscribeFromBlock(blockID string) {
defer pac.mu.Unlock()
newClientBlocks := []string{}
for _, id := range pac.blocks {
if id != blockID {
newClientBlocks = append(newClientBlocks, id)
pac.blocks = newClientBlocks
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID string) bool {
defer pac.mu.RUnlock()
for _, id := range pac.workspaces {
if id == workspaceID {
return true
return false
func (pac *PluginAdapterClient) isSubscribedToBlock(blockID string) bool {
defer pac.mu.RUnlock()
for _, id := range pac.blocks {
if id == blockID {
return true
return false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
package ws
import (
mmModel "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v6/model"
func TestPluginAdapterWorkspaceSubscription(t *testing.T) {
th := SetupTestHelper(t)
webConnID := mmModel.NewId()
userID := mmModel.NewId()
workspaceID := mmModel.NewId()
var pac *PluginAdapterClient
t.Run("Should correctly add a connection", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Empty(t, th.pa.listeners)
require.Empty(t, th.pa.listenersByWorkspace)
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID, userID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
var ok bool
pac, ok = th.pa.listeners[webConnID]
require.True(t, ok)
require.NotNil(t, pac)
require.Equal(t, userID, pac.userID)
require.Empty(t, th.pa.listenersByWorkspace)
t.Run("Should correctly subscribe to a workspace", func(t *testing.T) {
require.False(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(pac.webConnID, pac.userID, workspaceID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID], 1)
require.Contains(t, th.pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID], pac)
require.Len(t, pac.workspaces, 1)
require.Contains(t, pac.workspaces, workspaceID)
require.True(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
t.Run("Subscribing again to a subscribed workspace would have no effect", func(t *testing.T) {
require.True(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(pac.webConnID, pac.userID, workspaceID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID], 1)
require.Contains(t, th.pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID], pac)
require.Len(t, pac.workspaces, 1)
require.Contains(t, pac.workspaces, workspaceID)
require.True(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
t.Run("Should correctly unsubscribe to a workspace", func(t *testing.T) {
require.True(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(pac.webConnID, pac.userID, workspaceID)
require.Empty(t, th.pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID])
require.Empty(t, pac.workspaces)
require.False(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
t.Run("Unsubscribing again to an unsubscribed workspace would have no effect", func(t *testing.T) {
require.False(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(pac.webConnID, pac.userID, workspaceID)
require.Empty(t, th.pa.listenersByWorkspace[workspaceID])
require.Empty(t, pac.workspaces)
require.False(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
t.Run("Should correctly be marked as inactive if disconnected", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.True(t, th.pa.listeners[webConnID].isActive())
th.pa.OnWebSocketDisconnect(webConnID, userID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.False(t, th.pa.listeners[webConnID].isActive())
t.Run("Should be marked back as active if reconnect", func(t *testing.T) {
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.False(t, th.pa.listeners[webConnID].isActive())
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID, userID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.True(t, th.pa.listeners[webConnID].isActive())
func TestPluginAdapterClientReconnect(t *testing.T) {
th := SetupTestHelper(t)
webConnID := mmModel.NewId()
userID := mmModel.NewId()
workspaceID := mmModel.NewId()
var pac *PluginAdapterClient
t.Run("A user should be able to reconnect within the accepted threshold and keep their subscriptions", func(t *testing.T) {
// create the connection
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 0)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID], 0)
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID, userID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID], 1)
var ok bool
pac, ok = th.pa.listeners[webConnID]
require.True(t, ok)
require.NotNil(t, pac)
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(pac.webConnID, pac.userID, workspaceID)
require.True(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
// disconnect
th.pa.OnWebSocketDisconnect(webConnID, userID)
require.False(t, pac.isActive())
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID], 1)
// reconnect right away. The connection should still be subscribed
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID, userID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID], 1)
require.True(t, pac.isActive())
require.True(t, pac.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
t.Run("Should remove old inactive connection when user connects with a different ID", func(t *testing.T) {
// we set the stale threshold to zero so inactive connections always get deleted
oldStaleThreshold := th.pa.staleThreshold
th.pa.staleThreshold = 0
defer func() { th.pa.staleThreshold = oldStaleThreshold }()
th.pa.OnWebSocketDisconnect(webConnID, userID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID], 1)
require.Equal(t, webConnID, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID][0].webConnID)
newWebConnID := mmModel.NewId()
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(newWebConnID, userID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 1)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID], 1)
require.Contains(t, th.pa.listeners, newWebConnID)
require.NotContains(t, th.pa.listeners, webConnID)
require.Equal(t, newWebConnID, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID][0].webConnID)
// if the same ID connects again, it should have no subscriptions
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID, userID)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 2)
require.Len(t, th.pa.listenersByUserID[userID], 2)
reconnectedPAC, ok := th.pa.listeners[webConnID]
require.True(t, ok)
require.False(t, reconnectedPAC.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID))
t.Run("Should not remove active connections when user connects with a different ID", func(t *testing.T) {
// we set the stale threshold to zero so inactive connections always get deleted
oldStaleThreshold := th.pa.staleThreshold
th.pa.staleThreshold = 0
defer func() { th.pa.staleThreshold = oldStaleThreshold }()
// currently we have two listeners for userID, both active
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 2)
// a new user connects
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(mmModel.NewId(), userID)
// and we should have three connections, all of them active
require.Len(t, th.pa.listeners, 3)
for _, listener := range th.pa.listeners {
require.True(t, listener.isActive())
func TestGetUserIDsForWorkspace(t *testing.T) {
th := SetupTestHelper(t)
// we have two workspaces
workspaceID1 := mmModel.NewId()
workspaceID2 := mmModel.NewId()
// user 1 has two connections
userID1 := mmModel.NewId()
webConnID1 := mmModel.NewId()
webConnID2 := mmModel.NewId()
// user 2 has one connection
userID2 := mmModel.NewId()
webConnID3 := mmModel.NewId()
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID1, userID1)
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID1, userID1, workspaceID1)
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID2, userID1)
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID2, userID1, workspaceID2)
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID3, userID2)
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID3, userID2, workspaceID2)
t.Run("should find that only user1 is connected to workspace 1", func(t *testing.T) {
userIDs := th.pa.getUserIDsForWorkspace(workspaceID1)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []string{userID1}, userIDs)
t.Run("should find that both users are connected to workspace 2", func(t *testing.T) {
userIDs := th.pa.getUserIDsForWorkspace(workspaceID2)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []string{userID1, userID2}, userIDs)
t.Run("should ignore user1 if webConn 2 inactive when getting workspace 2 user ids", func(t *testing.T) {
th.pa.OnWebSocketDisconnect(webConnID2, userID1)
userIDs := th.pa.getUserIDsForWorkspace(workspaceID2)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []string{userID2}, userIDs)
t.Run("should still find user 1 in workspace 1 after the webConn 2 disconnection", func(t *testing.T) {
userIDs := th.pa.getUserIDsForWorkspace(workspaceID1)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []string{userID1}, userIDs)
t.Run("should find again both users if the webConn 2 comes back", func(t *testing.T) {
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID2, userID1)
userIDs := th.pa.getUserIDsForWorkspace(workspaceID2)
require.ElementsMatch(t, []string{userID1, userID2}, userIDs)
func TestParallelSubscriptionsOnMultipleConnections(t *testing.T) {
th := SetupTestHelper(t)
workspaceID1 := mmModel.NewId()
workspaceID2 := mmModel.NewId()
workspaceID3 := mmModel.NewId()
workspaceID4 := mmModel.NewId()
userID := mmModel.NewId()
webConnID1 := mmModel.NewId()
webConnID2 := mmModel.NewId()
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID1, userID)
pac1, ok := th.pa.GetListenerByWebConnID(webConnID1)
require.True(t, ok)
th.pa.OnWebSocketConnect(webConnID2, userID)
pac2, ok := th.pa.GetListenerByWebConnID(webConnID2)
require.True(t, ok)
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID1, userID, workspaceID1)
require.True(t, pac1.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID1))
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID2, userID, workspaceID1)
require.True(t, pac2.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID1))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID1, userID, workspaceID1)
require.False(t, pac1.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID1))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID2, userID, workspaceID1)
require.False(t, pac2.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID1))
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID1, userID, workspaceID2)
require.True(t, pac1.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID2))
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID2, userID, workspaceID2)
require.True(t, pac2.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID2))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID1, userID, workspaceID2)
require.False(t, pac1.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID2))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID2, userID, workspaceID2)
require.False(t, pac2.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID2))
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID1, userID, workspaceID3)
require.True(t, pac1.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID3))
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID2, userID, workspaceID3)
require.True(t, pac2.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID3))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID1, userID, workspaceID3)
require.False(t, pac1.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID3))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID2, userID, workspaceID3)
require.False(t, pac2.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID3))
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID1, userID, workspaceID4)
require.True(t, pac1.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID4))
th.SubscribeWebConnToWorkspace(webConnID2, userID, workspaceID4)
require.True(t, pac2.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID4))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID1, userID, workspaceID4)
require.False(t, pac1.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID4))
th.UnsubscribeWebConnFromWorkspace(webConnID2, userID, workspaceID4)
require.False(t, pac2.isSubscribedToWorkspace(workspaceID4))

View File

@ -244,6 +244,15 @@ class Utils {
/// #!endif
static logWarn(message: string): void {
/// #!if ENV !== "production"
const timestamp = (Date.now() / 1000).toFixed(2)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`[${timestamp}] ${message}`)
/// #!endif
// favicon
static setFavicon(icon?: string): void {

View File

// The Mattermost websocket client interface
export interface MMWebSocketClient {
conn: WebSocket | null;
sendMessage(action: string, data: any, responseCallback?: () => void): void
setReconnectCallback(callback: () => void): void
setErrorCallback(callback: (event: Event) => void): void
setCloseCallback(callback: (connectFailCount: number) => void): void
connectionId: string
@ -59,6 +63,7 @@ class WSClient {
private reopenDelay = 3000
private updatedBlocks: Block[] = []
private updateTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout
private errorPollId?: NodeJS.Timeout
private logged = false
@ -157,16 +162,63 @@ class WSClient {
open(): void {
if (this.client !== null) {
// configure the Mattermost websocket client callbacks
const onReconnect = () => {
Utils.logWarn('WSClient reconnected')
for (const handler of this.onReconnect) {
const onClose = (connectFailCount: number) => {
Utils.logError(`WSClient has been closed, connect fail count: ${connectFailCount}`)
for (const handler of this.onStateChange) {
handler(this, 'close')
this.state = 'close'
// there is no way to react to a reconnection with the
// reliable websockets schema, so we poll the raw
// websockets client for its state directly until it
// reconnects
if (!this.errorPollId) {
this.errorPollId = setInterval(() => {
Utils.logWarn(`Polling websockets connection for state: ${this.client?.conn?.readyState}`)
if (this.client?.conn?.readyState === 1) {
this.errorPollId = undefined
}, 500)
const onError = (event: Event) => {
Utils.logError(`WSClient websocket onerror. data: ${JSON.stringify(event)}`)
for (const handler of this.onError) {
handler(this, event)
// WSClient needs to ensure that the Mattermost client has
// correctly stablished the connection before opening
let retries = 0
const setPluginOpen = () => {
if (this.client?.connectionId !== '') {
Utils.log('WSClient in plugin mode, reusing Mattermost WS connection')
for (const handler of this.onStateChange) {
handler(this, 'open')
this.state = 'open'
Utils.log('WSClient in plugin mode, reusing Mattermost WS connection')