package integrationtests import ( "math" "os" "strconv" "testing" "" "" "" ) var ( OneHour int64 = 360000 OneDay int64 = OneHour * 24 OneYear int64 = OneDay * 365 ) func setupTestHelperForCompliance(t *testing.T, complianceLicense bool) (*TestHelper, Clients) { os.Setenv("FOCALBOARD_UNIT_TESTING_COMPLIANCE", strconv.FormatBool(complianceLicense)) th := SetupTestHelperPluginMode(t) clients := setupClients(th) th.Client = clients.TeamMember th.Client2 = clients.TeamMember return th, clients } func TestGetBoardsForCompliance(t *testing.T) { t.Run("missing Features.Compliance license should fail", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, false) defer th.TearDown() _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bcr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsForCompliance(testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckNotImplemented(resp) require.Nil(t, bcr) }) t.Run("a non authenticated user should be rejected", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) th.Logout(th.Client) bcr, resp := clients.Anon.GetBoardsForCompliance(testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckUnauthorized(resp) require.Nil(t, bcr) }) t.Run("a user without manage_system permission should be rejected", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bcr, resp := clients.TeamMember.GetBoardsForCompliance(testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckUnauthorized(resp) require.Nil(t, bcr) }) t.Run("good call", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() const count = 10 _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, count) bcr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsForCompliance(testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckOK(resp) require.False(t, bcr.HasNext) require.Len(t, bcr.Results, count) }) t.Run("pagination", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() const count = 20 const perPage = 3 _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, count) boards := make([]*model.Board, 0, count) page := 0 for { bcr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsForCompliance(testTeamID, page, perPage) page++ th.CheckOK(resp) boards = append(boards, bcr.Results...) if !bcr.HasNext { break } } require.Len(t, boards, count) require.Equal(t, int(math.Floor((count/perPage)+1)), page) }) t.Run("invalid teamID", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bcr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsForCompliance(utils.NewID(utils.IDTypeTeam), 0, 0) th.CheckBadRequest(resp) require.Nil(t, bcr) }) } func TestGetBoardsComplianceHistory(t *testing.T) { t.Run("missing Features.Compliance license should fail", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, false) defer th.TearDown() _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckNotImplemented(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) t.Run("a non authenticated user should be rejected", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) th.Logout(th.Client) bchr, resp := clients.Anon.GetBoardsComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckUnauthorized(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) t.Run("a user without manage_system permission should be rejected", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bchr, resp := clients.TeamMember.GetBoardsComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckUnauthorized(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) t.Run("good call, no deleted", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() const count = 10 boards := th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, count) deleted, resp := th.Client.DeleteBoard(boards[0].ID) th.CheckOK(resp) require.True(t, deleted) deleted, resp = th.Client.DeleteBoard(boards[1].ID) th.CheckOK(resp) require.True(t, deleted) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, false, testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckOK(resp) require.False(t, bchr.HasNext) require.Len(t, bchr.Results, count) // both deleted boards have one non-deleted record each }) t.Run("good call, include deleted", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() const count = 10 boards := th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, count) deleted, resp := th.Client.DeleteBoard(boards[0].ID) th.CheckOK(resp) require.True(t, deleted) deleted, resp = th.Client.DeleteBoard(boards[1].ID) th.CheckOK(resp) require.True(t, deleted) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, 0, 0) th.CheckOK(resp) require.False(t, bchr.HasNext) require.Len(t, bchr.Results, count+2) // both deleted boards have 2 history records each }) t.Run("pagination", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() const count = 20 const perPage = 3 _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, count) boardHistory := make([]model.BoardHistory, 0, count) page := 0 for { bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, page, perPage) page++ th.CheckOK(resp) boardHistory = append(boardHistory, bchr.Results...) if !bchr.HasNext { break } } require.Len(t, boardHistory, count) require.Equal(t, int(math.Floor((count/perPage)+1)), page) }) t.Run("invalid teamID", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() _ = th.CreateBoards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBoardsComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, utils.NewID(utils.IDTypeTeam), 0, 0) th.CheckBadRequest(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) } func TestGetBlocksComplianceHistory(t *testing.T) { t.Run("missing Features.Compliance license should fail", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, false) defer th.TearDown() board, _ := th.CreateBoardAndCards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBlocksComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, board.ID, 0, 0) th.CheckNotImplemented(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) t.Run("a non authenticated user should be rejected", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() board, _ := th.CreateBoardAndCards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bchr, resp := clients.Anon.GetBlocksComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, board.ID, 0, 0) th.CheckUnauthorized(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) t.Run("a user without manage_system permission should be rejected", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() board, _ := th.CreateBoardAndCards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bchr, resp := clients.TeamMember.GetBlocksComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, board.ID, 0, 0) th.CheckUnauthorized(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) t.Run("good call, no deleted", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() const count = 10 board, cards := th.CreateBoardAndCards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, count) deleted, resp := th.Client.DeleteBlock(board.ID, cards[0].ID, true) th.CheckOK(resp) require.True(t, deleted) deleted, resp = th.Client.DeleteBlock(board.ID, cards[1].ID, true) th.CheckOK(resp) require.True(t, deleted) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBlocksComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, false, testTeamID, board.ID, 0, 0) th.CheckOK(resp) require.False(t, bchr.HasNext) require.Len(t, bchr.Results, count) // both deleted cards have one non-deleted record each }) t.Run("good call, include deleted", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() const count = 10 board, cards := th.CreateBoardAndCards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, count) deleted, resp := th.Client.DeleteBlock(board.ID, cards[0].ID, true) th.CheckOK(resp) require.True(t, deleted) deleted, resp = th.Client.DeleteBlock(board.ID, cards[1].ID, true) th.CheckOK(resp) require.True(t, deleted) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBlocksComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, board.ID, 0, 0) th.CheckOK(resp) require.False(t, bchr.HasNext) require.Len(t, bchr.Results, count+2) // both deleted boards have 2 history records each }) t.Run("pagination", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() const count = 20 const perPage = 3 board, _ := th.CreateBoardAndCards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, count) blockHistory := make([]model.BlockHistory, 0, count) page := 0 for { bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBlocksComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, board.ID, page, perPage) page++ th.CheckOK(resp) blockHistory = append(blockHistory, bchr.Results...) if !bchr.HasNext { break } } require.Len(t, blockHistory, count) require.Equal(t, int(math.Floor((count/perPage)+1)), page) }) t.Run("invalid teamID", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() board, _ := th.CreateBoardAndCards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBlocksComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, utils.NewID(utils.IDTypeTeam), board.ID, 0, 0) th.CheckBadRequest(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) t.Run("invalid boardID", func(t *testing.T) { th, clients := setupTestHelperForCompliance(t, true) defer th.TearDown() _, _ = th.CreateBoardAndCards(testTeamID, model.BoardTypeOpen, 2) bchr, resp := clients.Admin.GetBlocksComplianceHistory(utils.GetMillis()-OneDay, true, testTeamID, utils.NewID(utils.IDTypeBoard), 0, 0) th.CheckBadRequest(resp) require.Nil(t, bchr) }) }