mirror of https://github.com/mattermost/focalboard.git synced 2025-03-29 21:01:01 +02:00
Miguel de la Cruz 4b0fb92fba
Multi product architecture (#3381)
- provides support for compiling Boards directly into the Mattermost suite server
- a ServicesAPI interface replaces the PluginAPI to allow for implementations coming from pluginAPI and suite server.
- a new product package provides a place to register Boards as a suite product and handles life-cycle events
- a new boards package replaces much of the mattermost-plugin logic, allowing this to be shared between plugin and product
- Boards now uses module workspaces; run make setup-go-work
2022-07-18 13:21:57 -04:00

769 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
package app
import (
mmModel "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v6/model"
mockservicesapi "github.com/mattermost/focalboard/server/model/mocks"
func TestIsCloud(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("if it's not running on plugin mode", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.False(t, th.App.IsCloud())
t.Run("if it's running on plugin mode but the license is incomplete", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
fakeLicense := &mmModel.License{}
require.False(t, th.App.IsCloud())
fakeLicense = &mmModel.License{Features: &mmModel.Features{}}
require.False(t, th.App.IsCloud())
t.Run("if it's running on plugin mode, with a non-cloud license", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
fakeLicense := &mmModel.License{
Features: &mmModel.Features{Cloud: mmModel.NewBool(false)},
require.False(t, th.App.IsCloud())
t.Run("if it's running on plugin mode with a cloud license", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
fakeLicense := &mmModel.License{
Features: &mmModel.Features{Cloud: mmModel.NewBool(true)},
require.True(t, th.App.IsCloud())
func TestIsCloudLimited(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("if no limit has been set, it should be false", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
require.False(t, th.App.IsCloudLimited())
t.Run("if the limit is set, it should be true", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
fakeLicense := &mmModel.License{
Features: &mmModel.Features{Cloud: mmModel.NewBool(true)},
require.True(t, th.App.IsCloudLimited())
func TestSetCloudLimits(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("if the limits are empty, it should do nothing", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("limits empty", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
require.NoError(t, th.App.SetCloudLimits(nil))
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
t.Run("limits not empty but board limits empty", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
limits := &mmModel.ProductLimits{}
require.NoError(t, th.App.SetCloudLimits(limits))
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
t.Run("limits not empty but board limits values empty", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
limits := &mmModel.ProductLimits{
Boards: &mmModel.BoardsLimits{},
require.NoError(t, th.App.SetCloudLimits(limits))
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
t.Run("if the limits are not empty, it should update them and calculate the new timestamp", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
newCardLimitTimestamp := int64(27)
th.Store.EXPECT().UpdateCardLimitTimestamp(5).Return(newCardLimitTimestamp, nil)
limits := &mmModel.ProductLimits{
Boards: &mmModel.BoardsLimits{Cards: mmModel.NewInt(5)},
require.NoError(t, th.App.SetCloudLimits(limits))
require.Equal(t, 5, th.App.CardLimit())
t.Run("if the limits are already set and we unset them, the timestamp will be unset too", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.NoError(t, th.App.SetCloudLimits(nil))
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
t.Run("if the limits are already set and we try to set the same ones again", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
// the call to update card limit timestamp should not happen
// as the limits didn't change
limits := &mmModel.ProductLimits{
Boards: &mmModel.BoardsLimits{Cards: mmModel.NewInt(20)},
require.NoError(t, th.App.SetCloudLimits(limits))
require.Equal(t, 20, th.App.CardLimit())
func TestUpdateCardLimitTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
fakeLicense := &mmModel.License{
Features: &mmModel.Features{Cloud: mmModel.NewBool(true)},
t.Run("if the server is a cloud instance but not limited, it should do nothing", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
// the license check will not be done as the limit not being
// set is enough for the method to return
// no call to UpdateCardLimitTimestamp should happen as the
// method should shortcircuit if not cloud limited
require.NoError(t, th.App.UpdateCardLimitTimestamp())
t.Run("if the server is a cloud instance and the timestamp is set, it should run the update", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
// no call to UpdateCardLimitTimestamp should happen as the
// method should shortcircuit if not cloud limited
require.NoError(t, th.App.UpdateCardLimitTimestamp())
func TestGetTemplateMapForBlocks(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("should fetch the necessary boards from the database", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
board1 := &model.Board{
ID: "board1",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
IsTemplate: true,
board2 := &model.Board{
ID: "board2",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
IsTemplate: false,
blocks := []model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
ID: "card2",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board2",
BoardID: "board2",
ID: "text2",
Type: model.TypeText,
ParentID: "card2",
BoardID: "board2",
Return(board1, nil).
Return(board2, nil).
templateMap, err := th.App.getTemplateMapForBlocks(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, templateMap, 2)
require.Contains(t, templateMap, "board1")
require.True(t, templateMap["board1"])
require.Contains(t, templateMap, "board2")
require.False(t, templateMap["board2"])
t.Run("should fail if the board is not in the database", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
blocks := []model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
ID: "card2",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board2",
BoardID: "board2",
Return(nil, sql.ErrNoRows).
templateMap, err := th.App.getTemplateMapForBlocks(blocks)
require.ErrorIs(t, err, sql.ErrNoRows)
require.Empty(t, templateMap)
func TestApplyCloudLimits(t *testing.T) {
fakeLicense := &mmModel.License{
Features: &mmModel.Features{Cloud: mmModel.NewBool(true)},
board1 := &model.Board{
ID: "board1",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
IsTemplate: false,
template := &model.Board{
ID: "template",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
IsTemplate: true,
blocks := []model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 100,
ID: "text1",
Type: model.TypeText,
ParentID: "card1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 100,
ID: "card2",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 200,
ID: "card-from-template",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "template",
BoardID: "template",
UpdateAt: 1,
t.Run("if the server is not limited, it should return the blocks untouched", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
require.Zero(t, th.App.CardLimit())
newBlocks, err := th.App.ApplyCloudLimits(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.ElementsMatch(t, blocks, newBlocks)
t.Run("if the server is limited, it should limit the blocks that are beyond the card limit timestamp", func(t *testing.T) {
findBlock := func(blocks []model.Block, id string) model.Block {
for _, block := range blocks {
if block.ID == id {
return block
require.FailNow(t, "block %s not found", id)
return model.Block{} // this should never be reached
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
th.Store.EXPECT().GetCardLimitTimestamp().Return(int64(150), nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("board1").Return(board1, nil).Times(1)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("template").Return(template, nil).Times(1)
newBlocks, err := th.App.ApplyCloudLimits(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
// should be limited as it's beyond the threshold
require.True(t, findBlock(newBlocks, "card1").Limited)
// only cards are limited
require.False(t, findBlock(newBlocks, "text1").Limited)
// should not be limited as it's not beyond the threshold
require.False(t, findBlock(newBlocks, "card2").Limited)
// cards belonging to templates are never limited
require.False(t, findBlock(newBlocks, "card-from-template").Limited)
func TestContainsLimitedBlocks(t *testing.T) {
// for all the following tests, the timestamp will be set to 150,
// which means that blocks with an UpdateAt set to 100 will be
// outside the active window and possibly limited, and blocks with
// UpdateAt set to 200 will not
t.Run("should return false if the card limit timestamp is zero", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
blocks := []model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 100,
th.Store.EXPECT().GetCardLimitTimestamp().Return(int64(0), nil)
containsLimitedBlocks, err := th.App.ContainsLimitedBlocks(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, containsLimitedBlocks)
t.Run("should return true if the block set contains a card that is limited", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
blocks := []model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 100,
board1 := &model.Board{
ID: "board1",
Type: model.BoardTypePrivate,
cardLimitTimestamp := int64(150)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetCardLimitTimestamp().Return(cardLimitTimestamp, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("board1").Return(board1, nil)
containsLimitedBlocks, err := th.App.ContainsLimitedBlocks(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, containsLimitedBlocks)
t.Run("should return false if that same block belongs to a template", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
blocks := []model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 100,
board1 := &model.Board{
ID: "board1",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
IsTemplate: true,
cardLimitTimestamp := int64(150)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetCardLimitTimestamp().Return(cardLimitTimestamp, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("board1").Return(board1, nil)
containsLimitedBlocks, err := th.App.ContainsLimitedBlocks(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, containsLimitedBlocks)
t.Run("should return true if the block contains a content block that belongs to a card that should be limited", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
blocks := []model.Block{
ID: "text1",
Type: model.TypeText,
ParentID: "card1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 200,
card1 := model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 100,
board1 := &model.Board{
ID: "board1",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
cardLimitTimestamp := int64(150)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetCardLimitTimestamp().Return(cardLimitTimestamp, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBlocksByIDs([]string{"card1"}).Return([]model.Block{card1}, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("board1").Return(board1, nil)
containsLimitedBlocks, err := th.App.ContainsLimitedBlocks(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, containsLimitedBlocks)
t.Run("should return false if that same block belongs to a card that is inside the active window", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
blocks := []model.Block{
ID: "text1",
Type: model.TypeText,
ParentID: "card1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 200,
card1 := model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 200,
board1 := &model.Board{
ID: "board1",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
cardLimitTimestamp := int64(150)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetCardLimitTimestamp().Return(cardLimitTimestamp, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBlocksByIDs([]string{"card1"}).Return([]model.Block{card1}, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("board1").Return(board1, nil)
containsLimitedBlocks, err := th.App.ContainsLimitedBlocks(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, containsLimitedBlocks)
t.Run("should reach to the database to fetch the necessary information only in an efficient way", func(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
blocks := []model.Block{
// a content block that references a card that needs
// fetching
ID: "text1",
Type: model.TypeText,
ParentID: "card1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 100,
// a board that needs fetching referenced by a card and a content block
ID: "card2",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board2",
BoardID: "board2",
// per timestamp should be limited but the board is a
// template
UpdateAt: 100,
ID: "text2",
Type: model.TypeText,
ParentID: "card2",
BoardID: "board2",
UpdateAt: 200,
// a content block that references a card and a board,
// both absent
ID: "image3",
Type: model.TypeImage,
ParentID: "card3",
BoardID: "board3",
UpdateAt: 100,
card1 := model.Block{
ID: "card1",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board1",
BoardID: "board1",
UpdateAt: 200,
card3 := model.Block{
ID: "card3",
Type: model.TypeCard,
ParentID: "board3",
BoardID: "board3",
UpdateAt: 200,
board1 := &model.Board{
ID: "board1",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
board2 := &model.Board{
ID: "board2",
Type: model.BoardTypeOpen,
IsTemplate: true,
board3 := &model.Board{
ID: "board3",
Type: model.BoardTypePrivate,
cardLimitTimestamp := int64(150)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetCardLimitTimestamp().Return(cardLimitTimestamp, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBlocksByIDs(gomock.InAnyOrder([]string{"card1", "card3"})).Return([]model.Block{card1, card3}, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("board1").Return(board1, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("board2").Return(board2, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().GetBoard("board3").Return(board3, nil)
containsLimitedBlocks, err := th.App.ContainsLimitedBlocks(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, containsLimitedBlocks)
func TestNotifyPortalAdminsUpgradeRequest(t *testing.T) {
th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
defer tearDown()
t.Run("should send message", func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
servicesAPI := mockservicesapi.NewMockServicesAPI(ctrl)
sysAdmin1 := &mmModel.User{
Id: "michael-scott",
Username: "Michael Scott",
sysAdmin2 := &mmModel.User{
Id: "dwight-schrute",
Username: "Dwight Schrute",
getUsersOptionsPage0 := &mmModel.UserGetOptions{
Active: true,
Role: mmModel.SystemAdminRoleId,
PerPage: 50,
Page: 0,
servicesAPI.EXPECT().GetUsersFromProfiles(getUsersOptionsPage0).Return([]*mmModel.User{sysAdmin1, sysAdmin2}, nil)
getUsersOptionsPage1 := &mmModel.UserGetOptions{
Active: true,
Role: mmModel.SystemAdminRoleId,
PerPage: 50,
Page: 1,
servicesAPI.EXPECT().GetUsersFromProfiles(getUsersOptionsPage1).Return([]*mmModel.User{}, nil)
th.App.servicesAPI = servicesAPI
team := &model.Team{
Title: "Dunder Mifflin",
th.Store.EXPECT().GetTeam("team-id-1").Return(team, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().SendMessage(gomock.Any(), "custom_cloud_upgrade_nudge", gomock.Any()).Return(nil).Times(1)
err := th.App.NotifyPortalAdminsUpgradeRequest("team-id-1")
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("no sys admins found", func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
servicesAPI := mockservicesapi.NewMockServicesAPI(ctrl)
getUsersOptionsPage0 := &mmModel.UserGetOptions{
Active: true,
Role: mmModel.SystemAdminRoleId,
PerPage: 50,
Page: 0,
servicesAPI.EXPECT().GetUsersFromProfiles(getUsersOptionsPage0).Return([]*mmModel.User{}, nil)
th.App.servicesAPI = servicesAPI
team := &model.Team{
Title: "Dunder Mifflin",
th.Store.EXPECT().GetTeam("team-id-1").Return(team, nil)
err := th.App.NotifyPortalAdminsUpgradeRequest("team-id-1")
assert.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("iterate multiple pages", func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
servicesAPI := mockservicesapi.NewMockServicesAPI(ctrl)
sysAdmin1 := &mmModel.User{
Id: "michael-scott",
Username: "Michael Scott",
sysAdmin2 := &mmModel.User{
Id: "dwight-schrute",
Username: "Dwight Schrute",
getUsersOptionsPage0 := &mmModel.UserGetOptions{
Active: true,
Role: mmModel.SystemAdminRoleId,
PerPage: 50,
Page: 0,
servicesAPI.EXPECT().GetUsersFromProfiles(getUsersOptionsPage0).Return([]*mmModel.User{sysAdmin1}, nil)
getUsersOptionsPage1 := &mmModel.UserGetOptions{
Active: true,
Role: mmModel.SystemAdminRoleId,
PerPage: 50,
Page: 1,
servicesAPI.EXPECT().GetUsersFromProfiles(getUsersOptionsPage1).Return([]*mmModel.User{sysAdmin2}, nil)
getUsersOptionsPage2 := &mmModel.UserGetOptions{
Active: true,
Role: mmModel.SystemAdminRoleId,
PerPage: 50,
Page: 2,
servicesAPI.EXPECT().GetUsersFromProfiles(getUsersOptionsPage2).Return([]*mmModel.User{}, nil)
th.App.servicesAPI = servicesAPI
team := &model.Team{
Title: "Dunder Mifflin",
th.Store.EXPECT().GetTeam("team-id-1").Return(team, nil)
th.Store.EXPECT().SendMessage(gomock.Any(), "custom_cloud_upgrade_nudge", gomock.Any()).Return(nil).Times(2)
err := th.App.NotifyPortalAdminsUpgradeRequest("team-id-1")
assert.NoError(t, err)