mirror of https://github.com/mattermost/focalboard.git synced 2025-03-26 20:53:55 +02:00
Harshil Sharma e0ec1c03e0
New Props: Created By, Created At, Updated By, Updated At (#583)
* Added create_at column for blocks

* Populating created by

* Added logic for storing created by

* Added GetBlock by ID to store interface

* Added creayed by and modified by properties

* Added created by and modified by properties

* Added lastmodifiedat property

* Fixed existing webapp test

* Added webapp unit tests

* Added webapp unit tests

* Added webapp unit tests

* Adding server test

* Added server tests

* Fixed a bug causing created by to be set empty

* Avodining timezone specific test behavior

* Made cypress viewport bigger to avoid out-of-viewoport issues in multiple tests

* Removed a leftover comment

* Added updated at/by in table view

* Added updated at in card view

* Fixing sort

* Fixed sorting of updated by

* Fixed existing tests

* Added table tests

* Added cardTree fix

* Fixed tests

* Removed unused import

* Update snapshots

* Added a tamper attempt test

* Removed some leftover debug code

* Removed sending creator from client

* Fixed lint error

* Fixed a build issue

* Avoided setting insert query params multiple times

* Multiple minor review fixes

* Fixed test
2021-07-08 20:06:43 +05:30

498 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import {IBlock} from '../blocks/block'
import {Board, IPropertyOption, IPropertyTemplate, MutableBoard} from '../blocks/board'
import {BoardView, MutableBoardView} from '../blocks/boardView'
import {Card, MutableCard} from '../blocks/card'
import {CardFilter} from '../cardFilter'
import {Constants} from '../constants'
import octoClient from '../octoClient'
import {OctoUtils} from '../octoUtils'
import {Utils} from '../utils'
import {IUser, WorkspaceUsers} from '../user'
type Group = {
option: IPropertyOption
cards: Card[]
interface BoardTree {
readonly board: Board
readonly views: readonly BoardView[]
readonly cards: readonly Card[]
readonly cardTemplates: readonly Card[]
readonly allCards: readonly Card[]
readonly allBlocks: readonly IBlock[]
readonly visibleGroups: readonly Group[]
readonly hiddenGroups: readonly Group[]
readonly activeView: BoardView
readonly groupByProperty?: IPropertyTemplate
readonly rawBlocks: IBlock[]
getSearchText(): string | undefined
orderedCards(): Card[]
copyWithView(viewId: string): Promise<BoardTree>
copyWithSearchText(searchText?: string): Promise<BoardTree>
class MutableBoardTree implements BoardTree {
board: MutableBoard
views: MutableBoardView[] = []
cards: MutableCard[] = []
cardTemplates: MutableCard[] = []
visibleGroups: Group[] = []
hiddenGroups: Group[] = []
activeView!: MutableBoardView
groupByProperty?: IPropertyTemplate
private searchText?: string
allCards: MutableCard[] = []
rawBlocks: IBlock[] = []
workspaceUsers: WorkspaceUsers = {
users: new Array<IUser>(),
usersById: new Map<string, IUser>(),
get allBlocks(): IBlock[] {
return [this.board, ...this.views, ...this.allCards, ...this.cardTemplates, ...this.rawBlocks]
constructor(board: MutableBoard) {
this.board = board
public async initWorkSpaceUsers() {
this.workspaceUsers = await octoClient.getWorkspaceUsers()
// Factory methods
static async sync(boardId: string, viewId: string): Promise<BoardTree | undefined> {
const rawBlocks = await octoClient.getSubtree(boardId, 3)
const newBoardTree = await this.buildTree(boardId, rawBlocks)
if (newBoardTree) {
return newBoardTree
static async incrementalUpdate(boardTree: BoardTree, updatedBlocks: IBlock[]): Promise<BoardTree | undefined> {
const relevantBlocks = updatedBlocks.filter((block) => block.deleteAt !== 0 || block.id === boardTree.board.id || block.parentId === boardTree.board.id)
if (relevantBlocks.length < 1) {
// No change
return boardTree
const rawBlocks = OctoUtils.mergeBlocks(boardTree.allBlocks, relevantBlocks)
const newBoardTree = await this.buildTree(boardTree.board.id, rawBlocks)
if (newBoardTree && boardTree.activeView) {
return newBoardTree
private static async buildTree(boardId: string, sourceBlocks: readonly IBlock[]): Promise<MutableBoardTree | undefined> {
const blocks = OctoUtils.hydrateBlocks(sourceBlocks)
const board = blocks.find((block) => block.type === 'board' && block.id === boardId) as MutableBoard
if (!board) {
return undefined
const boardTree = new MutableBoardTree(board)
await boardTree.initWorkSpaceUsers()
boardTree.views = blocks.filter((block) => block.type === 'view').
sort((a, b) => a.title.localeCompare(b.title)) as MutableBoardView[]
boardTree.allCards = blocks.filter((block) => block.type === 'card' && !(block as Card).isTemplate) as MutableCard[]
boardTree.cardTemplates = blocks.filter((block) => block.type === 'card' && (block as Card).isTemplate).
sort((a, b) => a.title.localeCompare(b.title)) as MutableCard[]
boardTree.cards = []
boardTree.rawBlocks = blocks.filter((block) => block.type !== 'view' && block.type !== 'card' && block.id !== boardId)
return boardTree
private ensureMinimumSchema(): boolean {
let didChange = false
// At least one select property
const selectProperties = this.board.cardProperties.find((o) => o.type === 'select')
if (!selectProperties) {
const newBoard = new MutableBoard(this.board)
newBoard.rootId = newBoard.id
const property: IPropertyTemplate = {
id: Utils.createGuid(),
name: 'Status',
type: 'select',
options: [],
this.board = newBoard
didChange = true
// At least one view
if (this.views.length < 1) {
const view = new MutableBoardView()
view.parentId = this.board.id
view.rootId = this.board.rootId
view.groupById = this.board.cardProperties.find((o) => o.type === 'select')?.id
didChange = true
if (!this.activeView) {
this.activeView = this.views[0]
return didChange
private setActiveView(viewId?: string): void {
let view: MutableBoardView | undefined
if (viewId) {
view = this.views.find((o) => o.id === viewId)
if (!view) {
Utils.logError(`Cannot find BoardView: ${viewId}`)
view = this.views[0]
} else {
// Default to first view
view = this.views[0]
this.activeView = view!
// Fix missing group by (e.g. for new views)
if (this.activeView.viewType === 'board' && !this.activeView.groupById) {
this.activeView.groupById = this.board.cardProperties.find((o) => o.type === 'select')?.id
getSearchText(): string | undefined {
return this.searchText
private setSearchText(text?: string): void {
this.searchText = text
private applyFilterSortAndGroup(): void {
if (!this.activeView) {
Utils.assert(this.allCards !== undefined)
this.cards = this.filterCards(this.allCards) as MutableCard[]
Utils.assert(this.cards !== undefined)
this.cards = this.searchFilterCards(this.cards) as MutableCard[]
Utils.assert(this.cards !== undefined)
this.cards = this.sortCards(this.cards) as MutableCard[]
Utils.assert(this.cards !== undefined)
if (this.activeView.groupById) {
} else {
Utils.assert(this.activeView.viewType !== 'board')
Utils.assert(this.cards !== undefined)
private searchFilterCards(cards: Card[]): Card[] {
const searchText = this.searchText?.toLocaleLowerCase()
if (!searchText) {
return cards.slice()
return cards.filter((card: Card) => {
const searchTextInCardTitle: boolean = card.title?.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(searchText)
if (searchTextInCardTitle) {
return true
// Search for text in properties
const {board} = this
for (const [propertyId, propertyValue] of Object.entries(card.properties)) {
// TODO: Refactor to a shared function that returns the display value of a property
const propertyTemplate = board.cardProperties.find((o) => o.id === propertyId)
if (propertyTemplate) {
if (propertyTemplate.type === 'select') {
// Look up the value of the select option
const option = propertyTemplate.options.find((o) => o.id === propertyValue)
if (option?.value.toLowerCase().includes(searchText)) {
return true
} else if (propertyTemplate.type === 'multiSelect') {
// Look up the value of the select option
const options = (propertyValue as string[]).map((value) => propertyTemplate.options.find((o) => o.id === value)?.value.toLowerCase())
if (options?.includes(searchText)) {
return true
} else if ((propertyValue as string).toLowerCase().includes(searchText)) {
return true
return false
private setGroupByProperty(propertyId: string) {
const {board} = this
let property = board.cardProperties.find((o) => o.id === propertyId)
// TODO: Handle multi-select
if (!property || property.type !== 'select') {
Utils.logError(`this.view.groupById card property not found: ${propertyId}`)
property = board.cardProperties.find((o) => o.type === 'select')
this.groupByProperty = property
this.activeView.groupById = property?.id
private groupCards() {
const {activeView, groupByProperty} = this
if (!activeView || !groupByProperty) {
const unassignedOptionIds = groupByProperty.options.
filter((o) => !activeView.visibleOptionIds.includes(o.id) && !activeView.hiddenOptionIds.includes(o.id)).
map((o) => o.id)
const visibleOptionIds = [...activeView.visibleOptionIds, ...unassignedOptionIds]
const {hiddenOptionIds} = activeView
// If the empty group positon is not explicitly specified, make it the first visible column
if (!activeView.visibleOptionIds.includes('') && !activeView.hiddenOptionIds.includes('')) {
this.visibleGroups = this.groupCardsByOptions(visibleOptionIds, groupByProperty)
this.hiddenGroups = this.groupCardsByOptions(hiddenOptionIds, groupByProperty)
private groupCardsByOptions(optionIds: string[], groupByProperty: IPropertyTemplate) {
const groups = []
for (const optionId of optionIds) {
if (optionId) {
const option = groupByProperty.options.find((o) => o.id === optionId)
if (option) {
const cards = this.cards.filter((o) => optionId === o.properties[groupByProperty.id])
const group: Group = {
} else {
Utils.logError(`groupCardsByOptions: Missing option with id: ${optionId}`)
} else {
// Empty group
const emptyGroupCards = this.cards.filter((card) => {
const groupByOptionId = card.properties[groupByProperty.id]
return !groupByOptionId || !groupByProperty.options.find((option) => option.id === groupByOptionId)
const group: Group = {
option: {id: '', value: `No ${groupByProperty.name}`, color: ''},
cards: emptyGroupCards,
return groups
private filterCards(cards: MutableCard[]): Card[] {
const {board} = this
const filterGroup = this.activeView.filter
if (!filterGroup) {
return cards.slice()
return CardFilter.applyFilterGroup(filterGroup, board.cardProperties, cards)
private titleOrCreatedOrder(cardA: Card, cardB: Card) {
const aValue = cardA.title
const bValue = cardB.title
if (aValue && bValue) {
return aValue.localeCompare(bValue)
// Always put untitled cards at the bottom
if (aValue && !bValue) {
return -1
if (bValue && !aValue) {
return 1
// If both cards are untitled, use the create date
return cardA.createAt - cardB.createAt
private manualOrder(activeView: BoardView, cardA: Card, cardB: Card) {
const indexA = activeView.cardOrder.indexOf(cardA.id)
const indexB = activeView.cardOrder.indexOf(cardB.id)
if (indexA < 0 && indexB < 0) {
return this.titleOrCreatedOrder(cardA, cardB)
} else if (indexA < 0 && indexB >= 0) {
// If cardA's order is not defined, put it at the end
return 1
return indexA - indexB
private sortCards(cards: Card[]): Card[] {
const {board, activeView} = this
if (!activeView) {
return cards
const {sortOptions} = activeView
if (sortOptions.length < 1) {
Utils.log('Manual sort')
return cards.sort((a, b) => this.manualOrder(activeView, a, b))
let sortedCards = cards
for (const sortOption of sortOptions) {
if (sortOption.propertyId === Constants.titleColumnId) {
Utils.log('Sort by title')
sortedCards = sortedCards.sort((a, b) => {
const result = this.titleOrCreatedOrder(a, b)
return sortOption.reversed ? -result : result
} else {
const sortPropertyId = sortOption.propertyId
const template = board.cardProperties.find((o) => o.id === sortPropertyId)
if (!template) {
Utils.logError(`Missing template for property id: ${sortPropertyId}`)
return sortedCards
Utils.log(`Sort by property: ${template?.name}`)
sortedCards = sortedCards.sort((a, b) => {
// Always put cards with no titles at the bottom, regardless of sort
if (!a.title || !b.title) {
return this.titleOrCreatedOrder(a, b)
let aValue = a.properties[sortPropertyId] || ''
let bValue = b.properties[sortPropertyId] || ''
if (template.type === 'createdBy') {
aValue = this.workspaceUsers.usersById.get(a.createdBy)?.username || ''
bValue = this.workspaceUsers.usersById.get(b.createdBy)?.username || ''
} else if (template.type === 'updatedBy') {
aValue = this.workspaceUsers.usersById.get(a.modifiedBy)?.username || ''
bValue = this.workspaceUsers.usersById.get(b.modifiedBy)?.username || ''
let result = 0
if (template.type === 'number' || template.type === 'date') {
// Always put empty values at the bottom
if (aValue && !bValue) {
return -1
if (bValue && !aValue) {
return 1
if (!aValue && !bValue) {
return this.titleOrCreatedOrder(a, b)
result = Number(aValue) - Number(bValue)
} else if (template.type === 'createdTime') {
result = a.createAt - b.createAt
} else if (template.type === 'updatedTime') {
result = a.updateAt - b.updateAt
} else {
// Text-based sort
if (aValue.length > 0 && bValue.length <= 0) {
return -1
if (bValue.length > 0 && aValue.length <= 0) {
return 1
if (aValue.length <= 0 && bValue.length <= 0) {
return this.titleOrCreatedOrder(a, b)
if (template.type === 'select' || template.type === 'multiSelect') {
aValue = template.options.find((o) => o.id === (Array.isArray(aValue) ? aValue[0] : aValue))?.value || ''
bValue = template.options.find((o) => o.id === (Array.isArray(bValue) ? bValue[0] : bValue))?.value || ''
result = (aValue as string).localeCompare(bValue as string)
if (result === 0) {
// In case of "ties", use the title order
result = this.titleOrCreatedOrder(a, b)
return sortOption.reversed ? -result : result
return sortedCards
orderedCards(): Card[] {
const cards: Card[] = []
for (const group of this.visibleGroups) {
for (const group of this.hiddenGroups) {
return cards
private async mutableCopy(): Promise<BoardTree> {
const x = await MutableBoardTree.buildTree(this.board.id, this.allBlocks)
return x!
async copyWithView(viewId: string): Promise<BoardTree> {
const boardTree = await this.mutableCopy() as MutableBoardTree
return boardTree
async copyWithSearchText(searchText?: string): Promise<BoardTree> {
const boardTree = await this.mutableCopy() as MutableBoardTree
if (this.activeView) {
return boardTree
export {MutableBoardTree, BoardTree, Group as BoardTreeGroup}