"add_to_album_bottom_sheet_added":"Added to {album}",
"add_to_album_bottom_sheet_already_exists":"Already in {album}",
"advanced_settings_prefer_remote_subtitle":"Some devices are painfully slow to load thumbnails from assets on the device. Activate this setting to load remote images instead.",
"backup_album_selection_page_albums_device":"Albums on device ({})",
"backup_album_selection_page_albums_tap":"Tap to include, double tap to exclude",
"backup_album_selection_page_assets_scatter":"Assets can scatter across multiple albums. Thus, albums can be included or excluded during the backup process.",
"backup_background_service_in_progress_notification":"Backing up your assets…",
"backup_background_service_upload_failure_notification":"Failed to upload {}",
"backup_controller_page_albums":"Backup Albums",
"backup_controller_page_background_app_refresh_disabled_content":"Enable background app refresh in Settings > General > Background App Refresh in order to use background backup.",
"backup_controller_page_background_app_refresh_enable_button_text":"Go to settings",
"backup_controller_page_background_battery_info_link":"Show me how",
"backup_controller_page_background_battery_info_message":"For the best background backup experience, please disable any battery optimizations restricting background activity for Immich.\n\nSince this is device-specific, please lookup the required information for your device manufacturer.",
"backup_controller_page_background_charging":"Only while charging",
"backup_controller_page_background_configure_error":"Failed to configure the background service",
"backup_controller_page_background_delay":"Delay new assets backup: {}",
"backup_controller_page_background_description":"Turn on the background service to automatically backup any new assets without needing to open the app",
"backup_controller_page_background_is_off":"Automatic background backup is off",
"backup_controller_page_background_is_on":"Automatic background backup is on",
"backup_controller_page_background_turn_off":"Turn off background service",
"backup_controller_page_background_turn_on":"Turn on background service",
"backup_controller_page_background_wifi":"Only on WiFi",
"change_password_form_description":"Hi {firstName} {lastName},\n\nThis is either the first time you are signing into the system or a request has been made to change your password. Please enter the new password below.",
"home_page_add_to_album_conflicts":"Added {added} assets to album {album}. {failed} assets are already in the album.",
"home_page_add_to_album_err_local":"Can not add local assets to albums yet, skipping",
"home_page_add_to_album_success":"Added {added} assets to album {album}.",
"home_page_archive_err_local":"Can not archive local assets yet, skipping",
"home_page_building_timeline":"Building the timeline",
"home_page_favorite_err_local":"Can not favorite local assets yet, skipping",
"home_page_first_time_notice":"If this is your first time using the app, please make sure to choose a backup album(s) so that the timeline can populate photos and videos in the album(s).",
"permission_onboarding_permission_denied":"Permission denied. To use Immich, grant photo and video permissions in Settings.",
"permission_onboarding_permission_granted":"Permission granted! You are all set.",
"permission_onboarding_permission_limited":"Permission limited. To let Immich backup and manage your entire gallery collection, grant photo and video permissions in Settings.",
"permission_onboarding_request":"Immich requires permission to view your photos and videos.",
"profile_drawer_client_server_up_to_date":"Client and Server are up-to-date",
"profile_drawer_sign_out":"Sign Out",
"recently_added_page_title":"Recently Added",
"search_bar_hint":"Search your photos",
"search_page_motion_photos":"Motion Photos",
"search_page_no_objects":"Không có thông tin vật thể",
"search_page_no_places":"No Places Info Available",
"setting_image_viewer_help":"The detail viewer loads the small thumbnail first, then loads the medium-size preview (if enabled), finally loads the original (if enabled).",
"setting_image_viewer_original_subtitle":"Enable to load the original full-resolution image (large!). Disable to reduce data usage (both network and on device cache).",
"setting_image_viewer_original_title":"Load original image",
"setting_image_viewer_preview_subtitle":"Enable to load a medium-resolution image. Disable to either directly load the original or only use the thumbnail.",
"version_announcement_overlay_text_1":"Hi friend, there is a new release of",
"version_announcement_overlay_text_2":"please take your time to visit the ",
"version_announcement_overlay_text_3":" and ensure your docker-compose and .env setup is up-to-date to prevent any misconfigurations, especially if you use WatchTower or any mechanism that handles updating your server application automatically.",
"version_announcement_overlay_title":"New Server Version Available \uD83C\uDF89"