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synced 2025-03-11 15:09:45 +02:00
chore(web): update translations (#10593)
* chore(web): update translations Co-authored-by: Denis Pacquier <denis.pacquier@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Immich <immich@futo.org> Co-authored-by: Junghyuk Kwon <kwon@junghy.uk> Co-authored-by: Linerly <linerly@proton.me> Co-authored-by: Michał Kulik <michal.kulik91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Michel Heusschen <59014050+michelheusschen@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Stan P <g97d6liib@mozmail.com> Co-authored-by: polar <polar8143@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: pyorot <FMasic@hotmail.co.uk> Co-authored-by: waclaw66 <waclaw66@seznam.cz> Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/cs/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/en_devel/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/id/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ko/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/nl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/pl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/sr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ta/ Translation: Immich/immich * chore: split serbian --------- Co-authored-by: Denis Pacquier <denis.pacquier@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Immich <immich@futo.org> Co-authored-by: Junghyuk Kwon <kwon@junghy.uk> Co-authored-by: Linerly <linerly@proton.me> Co-authored-by: Michał Kulik <michal.kulik91@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Michel Heusschen <59014050+michelheusschen@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Stan P <g97d6liib@mozmail.com> Co-authored-by: polar <polar8143@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: pyorot <FMasic@hotmail.co.uk> Co-authored-by: waclaw66 <waclaw66@seznam.cz> Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -281,7 +281,13 @@ export const langs = [
{ name: 'Russian', code: 'ru', loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/ru.json') },
{ name: 'Slovak', code: 'sk', loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/sk.json') },
{ name: 'Slovenian', code: 'sl', loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/sl.json') },
{ name: 'Serbian', code: 'sr', loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/sr.json') },
name: 'Serbian (Cyrillic)',
code: 'sr-Cyrl',
weblateCode: 'sr_Cyrl',
loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/sr_Cyrl.json'),
{ name: 'Serbian (Latin)', code: 'sr-Latn', weblateCode: 'sr_Latn', loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/sr_Latn.json') },
{ name: 'Swedish', code: 'sv', loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/sv.json') },
{ name: 'Tamil', code: 'ta', loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/ta.json') },
{ name: 'Thai', code: 'th', loader: () => import('$lib/i18n/th.json') },
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"actions": "Akce",
"active": "Aktivní",
"activity": "Aktivita",
"activity_changed": "Aktivita je {enabled, select, true {povolena} other {zakázána}}",
"add": "Přidat",
"add_a_description": "Přidat popis",
"add_a_location": "Přidat polohu",
@ -21,6 +22,9 @@
"add_to": "Přidat do...",
"add_to_album": "Přidat do alba",
"add_to_shared_album": "Přidat do sdíleného alba",
"added_to_archive": "Přidáno do archivu",
"added_to_favorites": "Přidáno do oblíbených",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Přidáno {count} od oblíbených",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Přidání vzorů vyloučení. Podporováno je globování pomocí *, ** a ?. Chcete-li ignorovat všechny soubory v jakémkoli adresáři s názvem \"Raw\", použijte \"**/Raw/**\". Chcete-li ignorovat všechny soubory končící na \".tif\", použijte \"**/*.tif\". Chcete-li ignorovat absolutní cestu, použijte příkaz \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Přihlašování",
@ -68,8 +72,8 @@
"job_settings": "Úlohy",
"job_settings_description": "Správa souběžnosti úloh",
"job_status": "Stav úloh",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} {jobCount, plurals, one {zpožděný} few {zpožděné} other {zpožděných}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} {jobCount, plurals, one {neúspěšný} few {neúspěšné} other {neúspěšných}}",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# zpožděný} few {# zpožděné} other {# zpožděných}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# neúspěšný} few {# neúspěšné} other {# neúspěšných}}",
"library_created": "Vytvořena knihovna: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Výraz pro Cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Nastavte interval prohledávání pomocí formátu cron. Další informace naleznete např. v <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
@ -184,6 +188,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Všechny cesty byly úspěšně ověřeny",
"quota_size_gib": "Velikost kvóty (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Obnovení všech knihoven",
"registration": "Registrace správce",
"registration_description": "Vzhledem k tomu, že jste prvním uživatelem v systému, budete přiřazen jako správce a budete zodpovědný za úkoly správy a další uživatelé budou vytvořeni vámi.",
"removing_offline_files": "Odstranění offline souborů",
"repair_all": "Opravit vše",
"repair_matched_items": "Shoda {count, plural, one {# položky} other {# položek}}",
@ -311,21 +317,39 @@
"admin_password": "Heslo správce",
"administration": "Administrace",
"advanced": "Pokročilé",
"age_months": "Věk {months, plural, one {# měsíc} few {# měsíce} other {# měsíců}}",
"age_year_months": "Věk 1 rok {months, plural, one {# měsíc} few {# měsíce} other {# měsíců}}",
"age_years": "Věk {years, plural, one {# rok} few {# roky} other {# let}}",
"album_added": "Přidáno album",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Dostávat e-mailové oznámení, když jste přidáni do sdíleného alba",
"album_cover_updated": "Obal alba aktualizován",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete album {album} odstranit?\nPokud je toto album sdílené, ostatní uživatelé k němu již nebudou mít přístup.",
"album_info_updated": "Informace o albu aktualizovány",
"album_leave": "Opustit album?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete opustit {album}?",
"album_name": "Název alba",
"album_options": "Možnosti alba",
"album_remove_user": "Odebrat uživatele?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete odebrat uživatele {user}?",
"album_share_no_users": "Zřejmě jste toto album sdíleli se všemi uživateli, nebo nemáte žádného uživatele, se kterým byste ho mohli sdílet.",
"album_updated": "Album aktualizováno",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Dostávat e-mailová oznámení o nových položkách sdíleného alba",
"album_user_left": "Opustil {album}",
"album_user_removed": "Uživatel {user} odebrán",
"album_with_link_access": "Nechte kohokoli s odkazem zobrazit fotografie a lidi v tomto albu.",
"albums": "Alba",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} album} few {{count, number} alba} other {{count, number} alb}}",
"all": "Vše",
"all_albums": "Všechna alba",
"all_people": "Všichni lidé",
"all_videos": "Všechna videa",
"allow_dark_mode": "Povolit tmavý režim",
"allow_edits": "Povolit úpravy",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Povolit veřejnosti stahování",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Povolit veřejnosti nahrávat",
"api_key": "API klíč",
"api_key_description": "Tato hodnota se zobrazí pouze jednou. Před zavřením okna ji nezapomeňte zkopírovat.",
"api_key_empty": "Název klíče API by neměl být prázdný",
"api_keys": "API klíče",
"app_settings": "Aplikace",
"appears_in": "Vyskytuje se v",
@ -334,12 +358,32 @@
"archive_size": "Velikost archivu",
"archive_size_description": "Nastavte velikost archivu pro stahování (v GiB)",
"archived": "Archivováno",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Archivováno #}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Jedná se o stejnou osobu?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Opravdu to chcete udělat?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "Položka {filename} je offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Položka má nepřiřazené obličeje",
"asset_offline": "Offline položka",
"asset_offline_description": "Tato položka je offline. Immich nemá přístup k jejímu umístění. Zkontrolujte, zda je položka dostupná, a poté knihovnu znovu prohledejte.",
"assets": "Položky",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {Přidána # položka} few {Přidány # položky} other {Přidáno # položek}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "Do alba {count, plural, one {byla přidána # položka} few {byly přidány # položky} other {bylo přidáno # položek}}",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "Do alba {name} {count, plural, one {byla přidána # položka} few {byly přidány # položky} other {bylo přidáno # položek}}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# položka} few {# položky} other {# položek}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {# položka přesunuta} few {# položky přesunuty} other {# položek přesunuto}} do koše",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "Do koše {count, plural, one {přesunuta # položka} few {přesunuty # položky} other {přesunuto # položek}}",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "Trvale {count, plural, one {smazána # položka} few {smazány # položky} other {smazáno # položek}}",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {Odstraněna # položka} few {Odstraněny # položky} other {Odstraněno # položek}}",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete obnovit všechny vyhozené položky? Tuto akci nelze vrátit zpět!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {Obnovena # položka} few {Obnoveny # položky} other {Obnoveno # položek}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {Vyhozena # položka} few {Vyhozeny # položky} other {Vyhozeno # položek}}",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {Položka byla} other {Položky byly}} součástí alba",
"authorized_devices": "Autorizovaná zařízení",
"back": "Zpět",
"back_close_deselect": "Zpět, zavřít nebo zrušit výběr",
"backward": "Pozpátku",
"birthdate_saved": "Datum narození úspěšně uloženo",
"birthdate_set_description": "Datum narození se používá k výpočtu věku osoby v době pořízení fotografie.",
"blurred_background": "Rozmazané pozadí",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete hromadně odstranit {count, plural, one {# duplicitní položku} few {# duplicitní položky} other {# duplicitních položek}}? Tím se zachová největší položka z každé skupiny a všechny ostatní duplicity se trvale odstraní. Tuto akci nelze vrátit zpět!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Opravdu si chcete ponechat {count, plural, one {# duplicitní položku} few {# duplicitní položky} other {# duplicitních položek}}? Tím se vyřeší všechny duplicitní skupiny, aniž by se cokoli odstranilo.",
@ -350,6 +394,7 @@
"cancel": "Zrušit",
"cancel_search": "Zrušit vyhledávání",
"cannot_merge_people": "Nelze sloučit osoby",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Tuto akci nelze vrátit zpět!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Nelze aktualizovat popis",
"cant_apply_changes": "Nelze uplatnit změny",
"cant_get_faces": "Nelze získat obličeje",
@ -361,6 +406,7 @@
"change_name": "Změnit jméno",
"change_name_successfully": "Změna jména proběhla úspěšně",
"change_password": "Změna hesla",
"change_password_description": "Buď se do systému přihlašujete poprvé, nebo jste byli požádáni o změnu hesla. Zadejte prosím nové heslo níže.",
"change_your_password": "Změna vašeho hesla",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Změna viditelnosti proběhla úspěšně",
"check_all": "Zkontrolovat vše",
@ -372,9 +418,12 @@
"clear_message": "Vyčistit zprávu",
"clear_value": "Vyčistit hodnotu",
"close": "Zavřít",
"collapse": "Sbalit",
"collapse_all": "Sbalit vše",
"color_theme": "Barevný motiv",
"comment_deleted": "Komentář odstraněn",
"comment_options": "Možnosti komentáře",
"comments_and_likes": "Komentáře a lajky",
"comments_are_disabled": "Komentáře jsou vypnuty",
"confirm": "Potvrdit",
"confirm_admin_password": "Potvrzení hesla správce",
@ -400,7 +449,9 @@
"create_library": "Vytvořit knihovnu",
"create_link": "Vytvořit odkaz",
"create_link_to_share": "Vytvořit odkaz pro sdílení",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Umožnit každému, kdo má odkaz, zobrazit vybrané fotografie",
"create_new_person": "Vytvořit novou osobu",
"create_new_person_hint": "Přiřadit vybrané položky nové osobě",
"create_new_user": "Vytvořit nového uživatele",
"create_user": "Vytvořit uživatele",
"created": "Vytvořeno",
@ -438,11 +489,14 @@
"display_order": "Pořadí zobrazení",
"display_original_photos": "Zobrazit originální fotky",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Preferovat zobrazení původních fotek při prohlížení položek namísto miniatur, pokud je originální položka kompatibilní s webem. To může mít za následek nižší rychlost zobrazení fotek.",
"do_not_show_again": "Tuto zprávu již nezobrazovat",
"done": "Hotovo",
"download": "Stáhnout",
"download_settings": "Stahování",
"download_settings_description": "Správa nastavení souvisejících se stahováním",
"downloading": "Stahování",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Stahování položky {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Pro nahrání sem přetáhněte soubory",
"duplicates": "Duplicity",
"duplicates_description": "Vyřešte každou skupinu tak, že uvedete, které skupiny jsou duplicitní",
"duration": "Doba trvání",
@ -453,6 +507,7 @@
"months": "{months, plural, one {měsíc} few {{months, number} měsíce} other {{months, number} měsíců}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {rok} few {{years, number} roky} other {{years, number} let}}"
"edit": "Upravit",
"edit_album": "Upravit album",
"edit_avatar": "Upravit avatar",
"edit_date": "Upravit datum",
@ -474,30 +529,64 @@
"empty": "Prázdné",
"empty_album": "Prázdné album",
"empty_trash": "Vyprázdnit koš",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete vysypat koš? Tím se z Immiche trvale odstraní všechny položky v koši.\nTuto akci nelze vrátit zpět!",
"enable": "Povolit",
"enabled": "Povoleno",
"end_date": "Konečné datum",
"error": "Chyba",
"error_loading_image": "Chyba při načítání obrázku",
"error_title": "Chyba - Něco se pokazilo",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Nelze přejít na další položku",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Nelze přejít na předchozí položku",
"cant_apply_changes": "Nelze použít změny",
"cant_change_activity": "Nelze {enabled, select, true {zakázat} other {povolit}} aktivitu",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Nelze změnit oblíbenou položku",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Nelze změnit metadata {count, plural, one {# položky} other {# položek}}",
"cant_get_faces": "Nelze načíst obličeje",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Nelze načíst počet komentářů",
"cant_search_people": "Nelze vyhledávat lidi",
"cant_search_places": "Nelze vyhledávat místa",
"cleared_jobs": "Vyřízené úlohy pro: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Chyba při přidávání položek do alba",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Chyba při přidávání uživatelů do alba",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Chyba při odstraňování sdíleného uživatele",
"error_downloading": "Chyba při stahování {filename}",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Chyba při odstraňování položek z alba, další podrobnosti najdete v konzoli",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Chyba při výběru všech položek",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Tento vzor vyloučení již existuje.",
"failed_job_command": "Příkaz {command} se nezdařil pro úlohu: {job}",
"failed_to_create_album": "Nepodařilo se vytvořit album",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Nepodařilo se vytvořit sdílený odkaz",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Nepodařilo se upravit sdílený odkaz",
"failed_to_get_people": "Nepodařilo se načíst lidi",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Nepodařilo se poskládat položky",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Nepodařilo se rozložit položky",
"import_path_already_exists": "Tato cesta importu již existuje.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Nesprávný e-mail nebo heslo",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# cesta neprošla} few {# cesty neprošly} other {# cest neprošlo}} kontrolou",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Profilové obrázky nemohou mít průhledné pixely. Obrázek si prosím zvětšete nebo posuňte.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Nastavili jste kvótu vyšší, než je velikost disku",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Nelze zkontrolovat {count, select, one {položku} other {položky}}",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Nelze přidat uživatele do alba",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Nelze přidat položky do sdíleného odkazu",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Nelze přidat komentář",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Nelze přidat vzor vyloučení",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Nelze přidat cestu importu",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Nelze přidat partnery",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Nelze {archived, select, true {odebrat položku z} other {přidat položku do}} archivu",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Nelze {favorite, select, true {oblíbit položku} other {zrušit oblíbení položky}}",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Nelze {archived, select, true {archivovat} other {odarchivovat}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Nelze změnit roli uživatele alba",
"unable_to_change_date": "Nelze změnit datum",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Nelze změnit oblíbení položky",
"unable_to_change_location": "Nelze změnit polohu",
"unable_to_change_password": "Nelze změnit heslo",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Nelze změnit viditelnost pro {count, plural, one {# osobu} few {# osoby} other {# osob}}",
"unable_to_check_item": "Nelze zkontrolovat položku",
"unable_to_check_items": "Nelze zkontrolovat položky",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Nelze dokončit OAuth přihlášení",
"unable_to_connect": "Nelze se připojit",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Nelze zkopírovat do schránky, ujistěte se, že na stránku přistupujete přes https",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Nelze vytvořit účet správce",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Nelze vytvořit nový API klíč",
@ -505,25 +594,34 @@
"unable_to_create_user": "Nelze vytvořit uživatele",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Nelze smazat album",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Nelze odstranit položku",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Chyba při odstraňování položek",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Nelze odstranit vzor vyloučení",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Nelze odstranit cestu importu",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Nepodařilo se odstranit sdílený odkaz",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Nelze odstranit uživatele",
"unable_to_download_files": "Nelze stáhnout soubory",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Nelze upravit vzor vyloučení",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Nelze upravit cestu importu",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Nelze vyprázdnit koš",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Nelze přejít do režimu celé obrazovky",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Nelze ukončit zobrazení na celou obrazovku",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Nelze načíst počet komentářů",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Nelze skrýt osobu",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Nelze propojit OAuth účet",
"unable_to_load_album": "Nelze načíst album",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Nelze načíst aktivitu položky",
"unable_to_load_items": "Nelze načíst položky",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Nelze načíst stav oblíbených",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Nelze odhlásit všechna zařízení",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Nelze odhlásit zařízení",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Nelze se přihlásit pomocí OAuth",
"unable_to_play_video": "Nelze přehrát video",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Nelze přeřadit položky na {name, select, null {existující osobu} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Nelze přeřadit položku na novou osobu",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Nelze aktualizovat uživatele",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Nelze odebrat uživatele z alba",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Nelze odebrat API klíč",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Nelze odebrat položky ze sdíleného odkazu",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "Nelze odstranit komentář",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Nelze odstranit knihovnu",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Nelze odstranit offline soubory",
@ -547,6 +645,8 @@
"unable_to_submit_job": "Nelze odeslat úlohu",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Nelze vyhodit položku do koše",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Nelze zrušit propojení účtu",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Nelze aktualizovat obal alba",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Nelze aktualizovat informace o albu",
"unable_to_update_library": "Nelze aktualizovat knihovnu",
"unable_to_update_location": "Nelze aktualizovat polohu",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Nelze aktualizovat nastavení",
@ -557,10 +657,12 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "Každý den o půlnoci",
"every_night_at_twoam": "Každou noc ve 2:00",
"every_six_hours": "Každých 6 hodin",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Ukončit prezentaci",
"expand_all": "Rozbalit vše",
"expire_after": "Platnost vyprší po",
"expired": "Vypršela platnost",
"expires_date": "Platnost končí {date}",
"explore": "Prozkoumat",
"export": "Export",
"export_as_json": "Exportovat jako JSON",
@ -591,7 +693,11 @@
"go_to_search": "Přejít na vyhledávání",
"go_to_share_page": "Přejít na stránku sdílení",
"group_albums_by": "Seskupit alba podle...",
"group_no": "Neseskupovat",
"group_owner": "Seskupit za uživatele",
"group_year": "Seskupit podle roku",
"has_quota": "Má kvótu",
"hi_user": "Ahoj {name} ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "Skrýt galerii",
"hide_password": "Skrýt heslo",
"hide_person": "Skrýt osobu",
@ -618,6 +724,7 @@
"invite_people": "Pozvat lidi",
"invite_to_album": "Pozvat do alba",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {# položka} few {# položky} other {# položek}}",
"job_settings_description": "Správa souběhu úloh",
"jobs": "Úlohy",
"keep": "Ponechat",
@ -626,12 +733,14 @@
"language": "Jazyk",
"language_setting_description": "Vyberte upřednostňovaný jazyk",
"last_seen": "Naposledy viděno",
"latest_version": "Nejnovější verze",
"leave": "Opustit",
"let_others_respond": "Nechte ostatní reagovat",
"level": "Úroveň",
"library": "Knihovna",
"library_options": "Možnosti knihovny",
"light": "Světlý",
"like_deleted": "Lajk smazán",
"link_options": "Možnosti odkazu",
"link_to_oauth": "Propojit s OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "Propojený OAuth účet",
@ -640,7 +749,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "Načítání výsledků vyhledávání se nezdařilo",
"log_out": "Odhlásit",
"log_out_all_devices": "Odhlásit všechna zařízení",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Všechna zařízení odhlášena",
"logged_out_device": "Zařízení odhlášeno",
"login": "Přihlášení",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Přihlášení bylo zakázáno.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete odhlásit všechna zařízení?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete odhlásit toto zařízení?",
"look": "Zobrazení",
"loop_videos": "Videa ve smyčce",
"loop_videos_description": "Povolit automatickou smyčku videa v prohlížeči.",
@ -653,6 +767,7 @@
"manage_your_devices": "Správa přihlášených zařízení",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Správa OAuth propojení",
"map": "Mapa",
"map_marker_for_images": "Značka na mapě pro snímky pořízené v {city}, {country}",
"map_marker_with_image": "Značka mapy s obrázkem",
"map_settings": "Nastavení mapy",
"matches": "Shody",
@ -666,6 +781,7 @@
"merge_people_limit": "Najednou můžete sloučit pouze 5 obličejů",
"merge_people_prompt": "Chcete tyto lidi sloučit? Tato akce je nevratná.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Sloučení osob proběhlo úspěšně",
"merged_people_count": "{count, plural, one {Sloučena # osoba} few {Sloučeny # osoby} other {Sloučeno # lidí}}",
"minimize": "Minimalizovat",
"minute": "Minuta",
"missing": "Chybějící",
@ -681,11 +797,14 @@
"new_password": "Nové heslo",
"new_person": "Nová osoba",
"new_user_created": "Vytvořen nový uživatel",
"new_version_available": "NOVÁ VERZE K DISPOZICI",
"newest_first": "Nejnovější první",
"next": "Další",
"next_memory": "Další vzpomínka",
"no": "Ne",
"no_albums_message": "Vytvořte si album pro uspořádání fotografií a videí",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Vypadá to, že zatím nemáte žádná alba s tímto názvem.",
"no_albums_yet": "Vypadá to, že ještě nemáte žádná alba.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Archivujte fotografie a videa a skryjte je ze zobrazení v sekci Fotky",
"no_duplicates_found": "Nebyly nalezeny žádné duplicity.",
@ -696,6 +815,7 @@
"no_name": "Bez jména",
"no_places": "Žádná místa",
"no_results": "Žádné výsledky",
"no_results_description": "Zkuste použít synonymum nebo obecnější klíčové slovo",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Vytvořte si album a sdílejte fotografie a videa s lidmi ve své síti",
"not_in_any_album": "Bez alba",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Upozornění: Chcete-li použít štítek úložiště na dříve nahrané položky, spusťte příkaz",
@ -710,12 +830,20 @@
"offline_paths_description": "Tyto výsledky mohou být způsobeny ručním odstraněním souborů, které nejsou součástí externí knihovny.",
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Nejstarší první",
"onboarding": "Zahájení",
"onboarding_storage_template_description": "Pokud je tato funkce povolena, automaticky uspořádá soubory na základě uživatelem definované šablony. Vzhledem k problémům se stabilitou byla tato funkce ve výchozím nastavení vypnuta. Další informace naleznete v [dokumentaci].",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Zvolte si barevné téma pro svou instanci. Můžete to později změnit v nastavení.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Nastavíme vaši instanci pomocí několika běžných nastavení.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Vítej, {user}",
"online": "Online",
"only_favorites": "Pouze oblíbené",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Obnovuje pouze změněné soubory",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Otevřít v OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Otevřít vyhledávací filtry",
"options": "Možnosti",
"or": "nebo",
"organize_your_library": "Uspořádejte si knihovnu",
"original": "originál",
"other": "Ostatní",
"other_devices": "Ostatní zařízení",
"other_variables": "Další proměnné",
@ -732,9 +860,9 @@
"password_required": "Vyžadováno heslo",
"password_reset_success": "Úspěšné obnovení hesla",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {Včera} few {Minulé {days, number} dny} other {Minulých {days, number} dní}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Minulou hodinu} few {Minulé {hours, number} hodiny} other {Minulých {hours, number} hodin}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Minulý rok} few {Minulé {years, number} roky} other {Minulých {years, number} let}}"
"days": "{days, plural, one {Včera} few {Minulé # dny} other {Minulých # dní}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Minulou hodinu} few {Minulé # hodiny} other {Minulých # hodin}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Minulý rok} few {Minulé # roky} other {Minulých # let}}"
"path": "Cesta",
"pattern": "Vzor",
@ -743,15 +871,21 @@
"paused": "Pozastaveno",
"pending": "Čekající",
"people": "Lidé",
"people_edits_count": "Upraveno {count, plural, one {# osoba} few {# osoby} other {# lidí}}",
"people_sidebar_description": "Zobrazit sekci Lidé v postranním panelu",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Upozornění na trvalé smazání",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Zobrazit varování při trvalém odstranění položek",
"permanently_delete": "Trvale odstranit",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Trvale vymazat {count, plural, one {položku} other {položky}}",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Položka trvale odstraněna",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "Trvale {count, plural, one {odstraněna # položka} few {odstraněny # položky} other {odstraněno # položek}}",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Položka trvale vymazána} other {Položky trvale vymazány}}",
"person": "Osoba",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (skryto)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Vypadá to, že jste fotky sdíleli se všemi uživateli, nebo nemáte žádného uživatele, se kterým byste je mohli sdílet.",
"photos": "Fotky",
"photos_and_videos": "Fotky a videa",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} fotka} few {{count, number} fotky} other {{count, number} fotek}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Fotky z předchozích let",
"pick_a_location": "Vyberte polohu",
@ -770,22 +904,41 @@
"previous_or_next_photo": "Předchozí nebo další fotka",
"primary": "Primární",
"profile_picture_set": "Profilový obrázek nastaven.",
"public_album": "Veřejné album",
"public_share": "Veřejné sdílení",
"range": "Rozsah",
"raw": "Raw",
"reaction_options": "Možnosti reakce",
"read_changelog": "Přečtěte si seznam změn",
"reassign": "Přeřadit",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "Přeřadit {count, plural, one {# položku} few {# položky} other {# položek}} na {name, select, null {existující osobu} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {Přeřazena # položka} few {Přeřazeny # položky} other {Přeřazeno # položek}} na novou osobu",
"reassing_hint": "Přiřazení vybraných položek existující osobě",
"recent": "Nedávné",
"recent_searches": "Nedávná vyhledávání",
"refresh": "Obnovit",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Obnovit kódovaná videa",
"refresh_metadata": "Obnovit metadata",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Obnovit náhledy",
"refreshed": "Obnoveno",
"refreshes_every_file": "Obnoví každý soubor",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Obnovování kódovaného videa",
"refreshing_metadata": "Obnovování metadat",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Regenerace náhledů",
"remove": "Odstranit",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete z alba odebrat {count, plural, one {# položku} few {# položky} other {# položek}}?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete ze sdíleného odkazu odebrat {count, plural, one {# položku} few {# položky} other {# položek}}?",
"remove_assets_title": "Odstranit položky?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Odstranit vlastní rozsah datumů",
"remove_from_album": "Odebrat z alba",
"remove_from_favorites": "Odebrat z oblíbených",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Odstranit ze sdíleného odkazu",
"remove_offline_files": "Odstranit offline soubory",
"remove_user": "Odebrat uživatele",
"removed_api_key": "Odstraněn API klíč: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Odstraněno z archivu",
"removed_from_favorites": "Odstraněno z oblíbených",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "Odstraněno {count} z oblíbených",
"rename": "Přejmenovat",
"repair": "Opravy",
"repair_no_results_message": "Zde se zobrazí neznámé a chybějící soubory",
@ -796,14 +949,18 @@
"reset_password": "Obnovit heslo",
"reset_people_visibility": "Obnovit viditelnost lidí",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Obnovit výchozí nastavení",
"reset_to_default": "Obnovit výchozí nastavení",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Vyřešeny všechny duplicity",
"restore": "Obnovit",
"restore_all": "Obnovit vše",
"restore_user": "Obnovit uživatele",
"restored_asset": "Položka obnovena",
"resume": "Pokračovat",
"retry_upload": "Opakování nahrávání",
"review_duplicates": "Kontrola duplicit",
"role": "Role",
"role_editor": "Editor",
"role_viewer": "Divák",
"save": "Uložit",
"saved_api_key": "API klíč uložen",
"saved_profile": "Profil uložen",
@ -822,6 +979,8 @@
"search_city": "Vyhledat město...",
"search_country": "Vyhledat zemi...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Vyhledat existující osobu",
"search_no_people": "Žádní lidé",
"search_no_people_named": "Žádní lidé se jménem \"{name}\"",
"search_people": "Vyhledat lidi",
"search_places": "Vyhledat místa",
"search_state": "Vyhledat stát...",
@ -830,21 +989,25 @@
"search_your_photos": "Vyhledávejte svoje fotky",
"searching_locales": "Vyhledávání jazyků...",
"second": "Sekunda",
"see_all_people": "Zobrazit všechny lidi",
"select_album_cover": "Vybrat obal alba",
"select_all": "Vybrat vše",
"select_avatar_color": "Vyberte barvu avatara",
"select_face": "Vybrat obličej",
"select_featured_photo": "Vybrat hlavní fotografii",
"select_from_computer": "Vybrat z počítače",
"select_keep_all": "Vybrat ponechat vše",
"select_library_owner": "Vyberte vlastníka knihovny",
"select_new_face": "Výběr nového obličeje",
"select_photos": "Vybrat fotky",
"select_trash_all": "Vybrat vyhodit vše",
"selected": "Vybráno",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, one {# vybraný} few {# vybrané} other {# vybraných}}",
"send_message": "Odeslat zprávu",
"send_welcome_email": "Poslat uvítací e-mail",
"server": "Server",
"server_stats": "Statistiky serveru",
"server_version": "Verze serveru",
"set": "Nastavit",
"set_as_album_cover": "Nastavit jako obal alba",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Nastavit jako profilový obrázek",
@ -856,6 +1019,7 @@
"share": "Sdílet",
"shared": "Sdílené",
"shared_by": "Sdílel",
"shared_by_user": "Sdíleno uživatelem {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Sdíleli jste",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotky od {partner}",
"shared_links": "Sdílené odkazy",
@ -863,6 +1027,7 @@
"shared_with_partner": "Sdíleno s {partner}",
"sharing": "Sdílení",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Zobrazit sekci Sdílení v postranním panelu",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "stiskněte ⇧ pro trvalé odstranění položky",
"show_album_options": "Zobrazit možnosti alba",
"show_and_hide_people": "Zobrazit a skrýt osoby",
"show_file_location": "Zobrazit umístění souboru",
@ -885,8 +1050,15 @@
"slideshow": "Prezentace",
"slideshow_settings": "Nastavení prezentace",
"sort_albums_by": "Seřadit alba podle...",
"sort_created": "Datum vytvořeno",
"sort_items": "Počet položek",
"sort_modified": "Datum modifikace",
"sort_oldest": "Nejstarší fotka",
"sort_recent": "Nejnovější fotka",
"sort_title": "Název",
"stack": "Zásobník",
"stack_selected_photos": "Zásobník vybraných fotografií",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Seskupena # položka} few {Seskupeny # položky} other {Seskupeno # položek}}",
"stacktrace": "Výpis zásobníku",
"start": "Start",
"start_date": "Počáteční datum",
@ -908,10 +1080,13 @@
"theme": "Motiv",
"theme_selection": "Výběr motivu",
"theme_selection_description": "Automatické nastavení světlého nebo tmavého motivu podle systémových preferencí prohlížeče",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Budou sloučeny dohromady",
"time_based_memories": "Časové vzpomínky",
"timezone": "Časové pásmo",
"to_archive": "Archivovat",
"to_change_password": "Změnit heslo",
"to_favorite": "Oblíbit",
"to_login": "Přihlásit",
"to_trash": "Vyhodit",
"toggle_settings": "Přepnout nastavení",
"toggle_theme": "Přepnout motiv",
@ -920,11 +1095,13 @@
"trash": "Koš",
"trash_all": "Vyhodit vše",
"trash_count": "Vyhodit {count}",
"trash_delete_asset": "Vyhodit/Smazat položku",
"trash_no_results_message": "Zde se zobrazí odstraněné fotky a videa.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Smazané položky budou trvale odstraněny po {days, plural, one {# dni} other {# dnech}}.",
"type": "Typ",
"unarchive": "Odarchivovat",
"unarchived": "Odarchivováno",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, one {Odarchivována #} few {Odarchivovány #} other {Odarchivováno #}}",
"unfavorite": "Zrušit oblíbení",
"unhide_person": "Zrušit skrytí osoby",
"unknown": "Neznámý",
@ -935,8 +1112,10 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "OAuth účet odpojen",
"unnamed_album": "Nepojmenované album",
"unnamed_share": "Nejmenované sdílení",
"unsaved_change": "Neuložená změna",
"unselect_all": "Zrušit výběr všech",
"unstack": "Zrušit zásobník",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Rozložena # položka} few {Rozloženy # položky} other {Rozloženo # položek}}",
"untracked_files": "Nesledované soubory",
"untracked_files_decription": "Tyto soubory nejsou aplikaci známy. Mohou být výsledkem neúspěšných přesunů, přerušeného nahrávání nebo mohou zůstat pozadu kvůli chybě",
"up_next": "To je prozatím vše",
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
"assets": "Assets",
"assets_added_count": "Added {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "Added {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to the album",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "Added {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets} to {name}",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "Added {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to {name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "Moved {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to trash",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "Permanently deleted {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"actions": "Actions",
"active": "En cours d'exécution",
"activity": "Activité",
"activity_changed": "Activité {enabled, select, true {autorisée} other {interdite}}",
"add": "Ajouter",
"add_a_description": "Ajouter une description",
"add_a_location": "Ajouter un emplacement",
@ -21,6 +22,9 @@
"add_to": "Ajouter à…",
"add_to_album": "Ajouter à l'album",
"add_to_shared_album": "Ajouter à l'album partagé",
"added_to_archive": "Ajouté à l'archive",
"added_to_favorites": "Ajouté aux favoris",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} ajouté(s) aux favoris",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Ajouter des schémas d'exclusion. Les caractères génériques *, ** et ? sont pris en charge. Pour ignorer tous les fichiers dans un répertoire nommé « Raw », utilisez « **/Raw/** ». Pour ignorer tous les fichiers se terminant par « .tif », utilisez « **/*.tif ». Pour ignorer un chemin absolu, utilisez « /chemin/à/ignorer/** ».",
"authentication_settings": "Paramètres d'authentification",
@ -184,6 +188,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Tous les chemins ont été validés avec succès",
"quota_size_gib": "Taille du quota (Go)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Actualisation de toutes les bibliothèques",
"registration": "Enregistrement de l'administrateur",
"registration_description": "Puisque vous êtes le premier utilisateur sur le système, vous serez désigné en tant qu'administrateur et responsable des tâches administratives, et vous pourrez alors créer d'autres utilisateurs.",
"removing_offline_files": "Suppression des fichiers hors ligne",
"repair_all": "Réparer tout",
"repair_matched_items": "{count, plural, one {# Élément correspondant} other {# Éléments correspondants}}",
@ -311,21 +317,39 @@
"admin_password": "Mot de passe Admin",
"administration": "Administration",
"advanced": "Avancé",
"age_months": "Âge {months, plural, one {# mois} other {# mois}}",
"age_year_months": "Âge 1 an, {months, plural, one {# mois} other {# mois}}",
"age_years": "Âge {years}",
"album_added": "Album ajouté",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Recevoir une notification par courriel lorsque vous êtes ajouté(e) à un album partagé",
"album_cover_updated": "Couverture de l'album mise à jour",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'album {album}?\nSi cet album est partagé, les autres utilisateurs ne pourront plus y accéder.",
"album_info_updated": "Détails de l'album mis à jour",
"album_leave": "Quitter l'album ?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter {album}?",
"album_name": "Nom de l'album",
"album_options": "Options de l'album",
"album_remove_user": "Supprimer l'utilisateur ?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {user} ?",
"album_share_no_users": "Il semble que vous ayez partagé cet album avec tous les utilisateurs ou que vous n'ayez aucun utilisateur avec lequel le partager.",
"album_updated": "Album mis à jour",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Recevoir une notification par courriel lorsqu'un album partagé a de nouveaux médias",
"album_user_left": "{album} quitté",
"album_user_removed": "{user} supprimé",
"album_with_link_access": "Permettre à n'importe qui possédant le lien de voir les photos et les personnes de cet album.",
"albums": "Albums",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Album} other {{count, number} Albums}}",
"all": "Tout",
"all_albums": "Tous les albums",
"all_people": "Toutes les personnes",
"all_videos": "Toutes les vidéos",
"allow_dark_mode": "Autoriser le mode sombre",
"allow_edits": "Autoriser les modifications",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permettre aux utilisateurs non connectés de télécharger",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permettre aux utilisateurs non connectés de téléverser",
"api_key": "Clé API",
"api_key_description": "Cette valeur ne sera affichée qu'une seule fois. Assurez-vous de la copier avant de fermer la fenêtre.",
"api_key_empty": "Le nom de votre clé API ne doit pas être vide",
"api_keys": "Clés d'API",
"app_settings": "Paramètres de l'application",
"appears_in": "Apparaît dans",
@ -334,12 +358,32 @@
"archive_size": "Taille de l'archive",
"archive_size_description": "Configurer la taille de l'archive maximale pour les téléchargements (en Go)",
"archived": "Archivé",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, one {# archivé} other {# archivés}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Est-ce la même personne ?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir faire ceci ?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "Le média {filename} est hors ligne",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Le média a des visages non assignés",
"asset_offline": "Média hors ligne",
"asset_offline_description": "Ce média est hors ligne. Immich ne peut pas accéder à son emplacement physique. Veuillez vous assurez que le média est disponible, puis relancez l'analyse de la bibliothèque.",
"assets": "Médias",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {# média ajouté} other {# médias ajoutés}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# média ajouté} other {# médias ajoutés}} à l'album",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {# média ajouté} other {# médias ajoutés}} à {name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# média} other {# médias}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {# média déplacé} other {# médias déplacés}} vers la corbeille",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {# média déplacé} other {# médias déplacés}} dans la corbeille",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# média supprimé} other {# médias supprimés}} définitivement",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# média supprimé} other {# médias supprimés}}",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir restaurer tous vos médias de la corbeille ? Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action !",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# média restauré} other {# médias restaurés}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# média} other {# médias}} mis à la corbeille",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {Un média est} other {Des médias sont}} déjà dans l'album",
"authorized_devices": "Appareils autorisés",
"back": "Retour",
"back_close_deselect": "Retournez en arrière, fermez ou désélectionnez",
"backward": "Arrière",
"birthdate_saved": "Date de naissance sauvée avec succès",
"birthdate_set_description": "La date de naissance est utilisée pour calculer l'âge de cette personne au moment où la photo a été prise.",
"blurred_background": "Arrière-plan flouté",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {count} médias en double ? Cette opération conservera le plus grand média de chaque groupe et supprimera définitivement tous les autres doublons. Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action !",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir conserver {count} médias en double ? Cela résoudra tous les groupes de doublons sans rien supprimer.",
@ -350,6 +394,7 @@
"cancel": "Annuler",
"cancel_search": "Annuler la recherche",
"cannot_merge_people": "Impossible de fusionner les personnes",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action !",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Impossible de mettre à jour la description",
"cant_apply_changes": "Impossible d'enregistrer les changements",
"cant_get_faces": "Aucun visage détecté",
@ -361,6 +406,7 @@
"change_name": "Changer le nom",
"change_name_successfully": "Nouveau nom enregistré",
"change_password": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"change_password_description": "C'est la première fois que vous vous connectez ou une demande a été faite pour changer votre mot de passe. Veuillez entrer le nouveau mot de passe ci-dessous.",
"change_your_password": "Changer votre mot de passe",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Visibilité modifiée avec succès",
"check_all": "Tout sélectionner",
@ -372,9 +418,12 @@
"clear_message": "Effacer le message",
"clear_value": "Effacer la valeur",
"close": "Fermer",
"collapse": "Réduire",
"collapse_all": "Tout réduire",
"color_theme": "Thème coloré",
"comment_deleted": "Commentaire supprimé",
"comment_options": "Options des commentaires",
"comments_and_likes": "Commentaires et réactions \"j'aime\"",
"comments_are_disabled": "Les commentaires sont désactivés",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"confirm_admin_password": "Confirmer le mot de passe Admin",
@ -400,7 +449,9 @@
"create_library": "Créer une bibliothèque",
"create_link": "Créer le lien",
"create_link_to_share": "Créer un lien pour partager",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Permettre à n'importe quelle personne avec le lien de voir la(es) photo(s) sélectionnée(s)",
"create_new_person": "Créer une nouvelle personne",
"create_new_person_hint": "Attribuer les médias sélectionnés à une nouvelle personne",
"create_new_user": "Créer un nouvel utilisateur",
"create_user": "Créer un utilisateur",
"created": "Créé",
@ -438,11 +489,14 @@
"display_order": "Ordre d'affichage",
"display_original_photos": "Afficher les photos originales",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Préférer afficher la photo originale lors de la visualisation d'un média plutôt que sa miniature lorsque cela est possible. Cela peut entraîner des vitesses d'affichage plus lentes.",
"do_not_show_again": "Ne plus afficher ce message",
"done": "Terminé",
"download": "Télécharger",
"download_settings": "Télécharger",
"download_settings_description": "Gérer les paramètres de téléchargement des médias",
"downloading": "Téléchargement",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Téléchargement du média {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Déposer des fichiers n'importe où pour téléverser",
"duplicates": "Doublons",
"duplicates_description": "Examiner chaque groupe et indiquer s'il y a des doublons",
"duration": "Durée",
@ -453,6 +507,7 @@
"months": "{months, plural, one {mois} other {{months, number} mois}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {an} other {{years, number} ans}}"
"edit": "Éditer",
"edit_album": "Modifier l'album",
"edit_avatar": "Modifier l'avatar",
"edit_date": "Modifier la date",
@ -474,12 +529,15 @@
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Album vide",
"empty_trash": "Vider la corbeille",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vider la corbeille ? Cela supprimera définitivement de Immich tous les médias des corbeilles.\nVous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action !",
"enable": "Active",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"end_date": "Date de fin",
"error": "Erreur",
"error_loading_image": "Erreur de chargement de l'image",
"error_title": "Erreur - Quelque chose s'est mal passé",
"errors": {
"cant_change_activity": "Impossible {enabled, select, true {d'interdire} other {d'autoriser}} l'activité",
"cleared_jobs": "Tâches supprimées pour : {job}",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Ce modèle d'exclusion existe déjà.",
"failed_job_command": "La commande {command} a échoué pour la tâche : {job}",
@ -732,9 +790,9 @@
"password_required": "Mot de passe obligatoire",
"password_reset_success": "Mot de passe réinitialisé avec succès",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {Dernier jour} other {{days, number} derniers jours}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Dernière heure} other {{hours, number} dernières heures}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Dernière année} other {{years, number} dernières années}}"
"days": "{days, plural, one {Dernier jour} other {# derniers jours}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Dernière heure} other {# dernières heures}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Dernière année} other {# dernières années}}"
"path": "Chemin",
"pattern": "Schéma",
@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
"account": "Akun",
"account_settings": "Pengaturan Akun",
"acknowledge": "",
"action": "",
"actions": "",
"active": "",
"activity": "",
"add": "",
"add_a_description": "",
"add_a_location": "",
"add_a_name": "",
"add_a_title": "",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "",
"add_import_path": "",
"add_location": "",
"add_more_users": "",
"add_partner": "",
"add_path": "",
"add_photos": "",
"add_to": "",
"acknowledge": "Ucapan",
"action": "Tindakan",
"actions": "Tindakan",
"active": "Aktif",
"activity": "Aktivitas",
"add": "Tambah",
"add_a_description": "Tambahkan deskripsi",
"add_a_location": "Tambahkan lokasi",
"add_a_name": "Tambahkan nama",
"add_a_title": "Tambahkan judul",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "Tambahkan pola pengecualian",
"add_import_path": "Tambahkan jalur impor",
"add_location": "Tambahkan lokasi",
"add_more_users": "Tambahkan lebih banyak pengguna",
"add_partner": "Tambahkan partner",
"add_path": "Tambahkan jalur",
"add_photos": "Tambahkan foto",
"add_to": "Tambahkan ke...",
"add_to_album": "",
"add_to_shared_album": "",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"authentication_settings": "",
"authentication_settings_description": "",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "",
"background_task_job": "",
"check_all": "",
"cleared_jobs": "",
"config_set_by_file": "",
"confirm_delete_library": "",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Tambahkan pola pengecualian. Glob menggunakan *, **, dan ? didukung. Untuk mengabaikan semua berkas dalam direktori apa pun bernama \"Raw\", gunakan \"**/Raw/**\". Untuk mengabaikan semua berkas berakhiran dengan \".tif\", gunakan \"**/*.tif\". Untuk mengabaikan jalur absolut, gunakan \"/jalur/untuk/diabaikan/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Pengaturan Autentikasi",
"authentication_settings_description": "Kelola kata sandi, OAuth, dan pengaturan autentikasi lainnya",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Untuk mengaktifkan ulang, gunakan <link>Perintah Server</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Tugas Latar Belakang",
"check_all": "Periksa Semua",
"cleared_jobs": "Tugas terselesaikan untuk: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Konfigurasi saat ini ditetapkan oleh berkas konfigurasi",
"confirm_delete_library": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus pustaka {library}?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "",
"confirm_email_below": "",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "",
"disable_login": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"external_library_created_at": "",
"external_library_management": "",
"face_detection": "",
"face_detection_description": "",
"confirm_email_below": "Untuk mengonfirmasi, ketik \"{email}\" di bawah",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin memproses semua wajah? Ini juga akan menghapus nama orang.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengatur ulang kata sandi {user}?",
"disable_login": "Nonaktifkan log masuk",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "Jalankan pembelajaran mesin pada aset untuk mendeteksi gambar yang serupa. Bergantung pada Pencarian Pintar",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "Pola pengecualian memungkinkan Anda mengabaikan berkas dan folder ketika memindai pustaka Anda. Ini berguna jika Anda memiliki folder yang berisi berkas yang tidak ingin diimpor, seperti berkas RAW.",
"external_library_created_at": "Pustaka eksternal (dibuat pada {date})",
"external_library_management": "Pengelolaan Pustaka Eksternal",
"face_detection": "Deteksi wajah",
"face_detection_description": "Deteksikan wajah dalam aset menggunakan pembelajaran mesin. Untuk video, hanya gambar kecilnya yang disertakan. \"Semua\" memproses (ulang) semua aset. \"Hilang\" mengantrekan aset yang belum diproses. Wajah yang dideteksi akan diantrekan untuk Pengenalan Wajah setelah Pendeteksian Wajah selesai, mengelompokkan mereka dalam orang yang sudah ada atau yang baru.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "",
"failed_job_command": "",
"force_delete_user_warning": "",
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"image_preview_format": "",
"image_preview_resolution": "",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "",
"image_quality": "",
"image_quality": "Kualitas",
"image_quality_description": "",
"image_settings": "",
"image_settings_description": "",
@ -70,122 +70,124 @@
"jobs_failed": "",
"library_created": "",
"library_cron_expression": "",
"library_cron_expression_description": "",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
"library_deleted": "",
"library_import_path_description": "",
"library_scanning": "",
"library_scanning_description": "",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "",
"library_settings": "",
"library_settings_description": "",
"library_tasks_description": "",
"library_watching_enable_description": "",
"library_watching_settings": "",
"library_watching_settings_description": "",
"logging_enable_description": "",
"logging_level_description": "",
"logging_settings": "",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled": "",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "",
"machine_learning_settings": "",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_url_description": "",
"manage_concurrency": "",
"manage_log_settings": "",
"map_dark_style": "",
"map_enable_description": "",
"map_light_style": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "",
"map_settings": "",
"map_settings_description": "",
"map_style_description": "",
"metadata_extraction_job": "",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "",
"migration_job": "",
"migration_job_description": "",
"no_paths_added": "",
"no_pattern_added": "",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "",
"note_unlimited_quota": "",
"notification_email_from_address": "",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "",
"notification_email_host_description": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "",
"notification_email_password_description": "",
"notification_email_port_description": "",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "",
"notification_email_setting_description": "",
"notification_email_test_email": "",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "",
"notification_email_username_description": "",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "",
"notification_settings": "",
"notification_settings_description": "",
"oauth_auto_launch": "",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "",
"oauth_auto_register": "",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "",
"oauth_button_text": "",
"oauth_client_id": "",
"oauth_client_secret": "",
"oauth_enable_description": "",
"oauth_issuer_url": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "",
"oauth_scope": "",
"oauth_settings": "",
"oauth_settings_description": "",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "",
"offline_paths": "",
"offline_paths_description": "",
"password_enable_description": "",
"password_settings": "",
"password_settings_description": "",
"paths_validated_successfully": "",
"quota_size_gib": "",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "",
"removing_offline_files": "",
"repair_all": "",
"repair_matched_items": "",
"repaired_items": "",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Menetapkan interval pemindaian menggunakan format cron. Untuk informasi lanjut silakan merujuk ke mis. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Prasetel ekspresi cron",
"library_deleted": "Pustaka dihapus",
"library_import_path_description": "Tentukan folder untuk diimpor. Folder ini, termasuk subfolder, akan dipindai gambar dan videonya.",
"library_scanning": "Pemindaian Berkala",
"library_scanning_description": "Atur pemindaian pustaka berkala",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Aktifkan pemindaian pustaka berkala",
"library_settings": "Pustaka Eksternal",
"library_settings_description": "Kelola pengaturan pustaka eksternal",
"library_tasks_description": "Lakukan tugas pustaka",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Pantau perubahan berkas dalam pustaka eksternal",
"library_watching_settings": "Pemantauan pustaka (UJI COBA)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Pantau berkas yang telah diubah secara otomatis",
"logging_enable_description": "Aktifkan log",
"logging_level_description": "Ketika diaktifkan, tingkat log apa yang digunakan.",
"logging_settings": "Penulisan log",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Model CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Nama model CLIP yang didaftarkan <link>di sini</link>. Anda harus menjalankan ulang tugas 'Pencarian Otomatis' untuk semua gambar ketika mengganti model.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Deteksi Duplikat",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Aktifkan deteksi duplikat",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Jika diaktifkan, aset yang mirip akan tetap dideduplikasikan.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Gunakan penyematan CLIP untuk mencari kemungkinan duplikat",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Aktifkan pembelajaran mesin",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Jika dinonaktifkan, semua fitur pembelajaran mesin akan dinonaktifkan terlepas dari pengaturan di bawah.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Pengenalan Wajah",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Deteksi, kenali, dan kelompokkan wajah dalam gambar",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Model pengenalan wajah",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "Model didaftarkan berdasarkan urutan ukuran menurun. Model yang lebih besar lebih lambat dan menggunakan lebih banyak memori, tetapi akan menghasilkan dengan baik. Anda harus menjalankan ulang tugas Pengenalan Wajah untuk semua gambar setelah mengganti model.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Aktifkan pengenalan wajah",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "Jika dinonaktifkan, gambar tidak akan dienkode untuk pengenalan wajah dan tidak akan mengisi bagian Orang dalam laman Jelajahi.",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "Jarak deteksi maksimum",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "Jarak maksimum antara dua gambar untuk dianggap sebagai duplikat, dari 0,001 sampai 0,1. Nilai lebih tinggi akan mendeteksi lebih banyak duplikat, tetapi dapat mengakibatkan positif palsu.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "Jarak pengenalan maksimum",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "Jarak maksimum antara dua wajah untuk dianggap sebagai orang yang sama, dari 0 sampai 2. Menurunkan ini dapat mencegah pelabelan dua orang sebagai orang yang sama, sedangkan meninggikan ini dapat mencegah pelabelan orang yang sama sebagai dua orang berbeda. Menggabungkan dua orang lebih mudah daripada memisahkan satu orang menjadi dua, jadi usahakan menetapkan ambang yang lebih rendah ketika memungkinkan.",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "Nilai deteksi minimum",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "Nilai keyakinan minimum untuk sebuah wajah untuk dideteksi dari 0 sampai 1. Nilai yang lebih rendah akan mendeteksi lebih banyak wajah tetapi dapat mengakibatkan positif palsu.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "Wajah terkenal minimum",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "Jumlah minimum wajah yang dikenal untuk seseorang untuk dibuat. Meningkatkan ini membuat Pengenalan Wajah lebih tepat dengan kemungkinan bahwa sebuah wajah tidak dikaitkan dengan seseorang.",
"machine_learning_settings": "Pengaturan Pembelajaran Mesin",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Keola fitur dan pengaturan pembelajaran mesin",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Pencarian Pintar",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "Cari gambar secara semantik menggunakan penyematan CLIP",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Aktifkan pencarian pintar",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "Jika dinonaktifkan, gambar tidak akan dienkode untuk pencarian pintar.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "URL server pembelajaran mesin",
"manage_concurrency": "Kelola Konkurensi",
"manage_log_settings": "Kelola pengaturan log",
"map_dark_style": "Gaya gelap",
"map_enable_description": "Aktifkan fitur peta",
"map_light_style": "Gaya terang",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Pengodean Geografis Terbalik",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Aktifkan pengodean geografis terbalik",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Pengaturan Pengodean Geografis Terbalik",
"map_settings": "Pengaturan Peta & GPS",
"map_settings_description": "Kelola pengaturan peta",
"map_style_description": "URL ke tema peta style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Ekstrak metadata",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "Ekstrak informasi metadata dari setiap aset, seperti GPS dan resolusi",
"migration_job": "Migrasi",
"migration_job_description": "Migrasikan gambar kecil untuk aset dan wajah ke struktur folder terkini",
"no_paths_added": "Tidak ada jalur yang ditambahkan",
"no_pattern_added": "Tidak ada pola yang ditambahkan",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Catatan: Untuk menerapkan Label Penyimpanan untuk aset yang telah diunggah sebelumnya, jalankan",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "CATATAN: Ini tidak akan dapat diubah lagi!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Catatan: Masukkan 0 untuk kuota tidak terbatas",
"notification_email_from_address": "Dari alamat",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "Alamat surel pengirim, misalnya: \"Server Foto Immich <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "Hos server surel (mis. smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Abaikan eror sertifikat",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Abaikan eror validasi sertifikat TLS (tidak disarankan)",
"notification_email_password_description": "Kata sandi yang digunakan ketika mengautentikasi dengan server surel",
"notification_email_port_description": "Porta server surel (mis. 25, 465, atau 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Kirim surel uji coba dan simpan",
"notification_email_setting_description": "Pengaturan pengiriman notifikasi surel",
"notification_email_test_email": "Kirim surel uji coba",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "Gagal mengirim surel uji coba, periksa kembali nilai Anda",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Surel uji coba telah dikirim ke {email}. Silakan periksa kotak masuk Anda.",
"notification_email_username_description": "Nama pengguna yang digunakan ketika mengautentikasi ke server surel",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "Aktifkan notifikasi surel",
"notification_settings": "Pengaturan Notifikasi",
"notification_settings_description": "Kelola pengaturan notifikasi, termasuk surel",
"oauth_auto_launch": "Peluncuran otomatis",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "Mulai alur log masuk OAuth secara otomatis setelah menuju ke laman log masuk",
"oauth_auto_register": "Pendaftaran otomatis",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "Daftar pengguna baru secara otomatis setelah log masuk dengan OAuth",
"oauth_button_text": "Teks tombol",
"oauth_client_id": "ID Klien",
"oauth_client_secret": "Rahasia Klien",
"oauth_enable_description": "Log masuk dengan OAuth",
"oauth_issuer_url": "URL Penerbit",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "URI pengalihan ponsel",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "Penimpaan URI penerusan ponsel",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "Aktifkan ketika 'app.immich:/' adalah URL penerusan yang tidak valid.",
"oauth_scope": "Cakupan",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "Kelola pengaturan log masuk OAuth",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "Untuk detail lanjut tentang fitur ini, lihat <link>docs</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Algoritma penandatanganan",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Klaim label penyimpanan",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Atur label penyimpanan pengguna menjadi nilai klaim ini secara otomatis.",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "Klaim kuota penyimpanan",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "Atur kuota penyimpanan pengguna menjadi nilai klaim ini secara otomatis.",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "Kuota penyimpanan bawaan (GiB)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "Kuota dalam GiB untuk digunakan ketika tidak ada klaim yang disediakan (Masukkan 0 untuk kuota tidak terbatas).",
"offline_paths": "Jalur Luring",
"offline_paths_description": "Hasil ini dapat terjadi karena penghapusan berkas manual yang tidak menjadi bagian dari pustaka eksternal.",
"password_enable_description": "Masuk dengan surel dan kata sandi",
"password_settings": "Log Masuk Kata Sandi",
"password_settings_description": "Kelola pengaturan log masuk kata sandi",
"paths_validated_successfully": "Semua jalur berhasil divalidasi",
"quota_size_gib": "Ukuran Kuota (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Menyegarkan semua pustaka",
"registration": "Pendaftaran Admin",
"registration_description": "Karena Anda merupakan pengguna pertama dalam sistem, Anda akan ditetapkan sebagai Admin dan bertanggung jawab atas tugas administratif dan pengguna tambahan akan dibuat oleh Anda.",
"removing_offline_files": "Menghapus Berkas Luring",
"repair_all": "Perbaiki Semua",
"repair_matched_items": "{count, plural, one {# item} other {# item}} dicocokkan",
"repaired_items": "{count, plural, one {# item} other {# item}} diperbaiki",
"require_password_change_on_login": "",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "",
@ -228,7 +230,7 @@
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "",
@ -268,9 +270,9 @@
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "",
"transcoding_threads": "",
"transcoding_threads": "Utas",
"transcoding_threads_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "Pemetaan nada",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "",
@ -306,8 +308,8 @@
"admin_email": "",
"admin_password": "",
"administration": "",
"advanced": "",
"administration": "Administrasi",
"advanced": "Tingkat lanjut",
"album_added": "",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "",
"album_cover_updated": "",
@ -316,9 +318,9 @@
"album_options": "",
"album_updated": "",
"album_updated_setting_description": "",
"albums": "",
"albums": "Album",
"albums_count": "",
"all": "",
"all": "Semua",
"all_people": "",
"allow_dark_mode": "",
"allow_edits": "",
@ -326,25 +328,25 @@
"api_keys": "",
"app_settings": "",
"appears_in": "",
"archive": "",
"archive": "Arsip",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "",
"archive_size": "",
"archive_size_description": "",
"archived": "",
"asset_offline": "",
"assets": "",
"assets": "Aset",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "",
"authorized_devices": "",
"back": "",
"backward": "",
"back": "Kembali",
"backward": "Maju",
"blurred_background": "",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "",
"camera": "",
"camera": "Kamera",
"camera_brand": "",
"camera_model": "",
"cancel": "",
"cancel": "Batal",
"cancel_search": "",
"cannot_merge_people": "",
"cannot_update_the_description": "",
@ -363,23 +365,23 @@
"check_all": "",
"check_logs": "",
"choose_matching_people_to_merge": "",
"city": "",
"clear": "",
"city": "Kota",
"clear": "Hapus",
"clear_all": "",
"clear_message": "",
"clear_value": "",
"close": "",
"close": "Tutup",
"collapse_all": "",
"color_theme": "",
"comment_options": "",
"comments_are_disabled": "",
"confirm": "",
"confirm": "Konfirmasi",
"confirm_admin_password": "",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "",
"confirm_password": "",
"contain": "",
"context": "",
"continue": "",
"contain": "Berisi",
"context": "Konteks",
"continue": "Lanjutkan",
"copied_image_to_clipboard": "",
"copied_to_clipboard": "",
"copy_error": "",
@ -389,10 +391,10 @@
"copy_link_to_clipboard": "",
"copy_password": "",
"copy_to_clipboard": "",
"country": "",
"cover": "",
"covers": "",
"create": "",
"country": "Negara",
"cover": "Penuhi",
"covers": "Kover",
"create": "Buat",
"create_album": "",
"create_library": "",
"create_link": "",
@ -400,20 +402,20 @@
"create_new_person": "",
"create_new_user": "",
"create_user": "",
"created": "",
"created": "Dibuat",
"current_device": "",
"custom_locale": "",
"custom_locale_description": "",
"dark": "",
"dark": "Gelap",
"date_after": "",
"date_and_time": "",
"date_before": "",
"date_range": "",
"day": "",
"day": "Hari",
"deduplicate_all": "",
"default_locale": "",
"default_locale_description": "",
"delete": "",
"delete": "Hapus",
"delete_album": "",
"delete_api_key_prompt": "",
"delete_duplicates_confirmation": "",
@ -423,26 +425,26 @@
"delete_shared_link": "",
"delete_user": "",
"deleted_shared_link": "",
"description": "",
"details": "",
"direction": "",
"disabled": "",
"description": "Deskripsi",
"details": "Detail",
"direction": "Arah",
"disabled": "Dinonaktifkan",
"disallow_edits": "",
"discover": "",
"discover": "Jelajahi",
"dismiss_all_errors": "",
"dismiss_error": "",
"display_options": "",
"display_order": "",
"display_original_photos": "",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "",
"done": "",
"download": "",
"download_settings": "",
"done": "Selesai",
"download": "Unduh",
"download_settings": "Pengunduhan",
"download_settings_description": "",
"downloading": "",
"duplicates": "",
"downloading": "Mengunduh",
"duplicates": "Duplikat",
"duplicates_description": "",
"duration": "",
"duration": "Durasi",
"edit_album": "",
"edit_avatar": "",
"edit_date": "",
@ -458,12 +460,12 @@
"edit_people": "",
"edit_title": "",
"edit_user": "",
"edited": "",
"edited": "Disunting",
"editor": "",
"email": "",
"email": "Surel",
"empty_trash": "",
"end_date": "",
"error": "",
"error": "Eror",
"error_loading_image": "",
"errors": {
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "",
@ -535,28 +537,28 @@
"exit_slideshow": "",
"expand_all": "",
"expire_after": "",
"expired": "",
"explore": "",
"export": "",
"expired": "Kedaluwarsa",
"explore": "Jelajahi",
"export": "Ekspor",
"export_as_json": "",
"extension": "",
"external": "",
"extension": "Ekstensi",
"external": "Eksternal",
"external_libraries": "",
"failed_to_get_people": "",
"favorite": "",
"favorite": "Favorit",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "",
"favorites": "",
"favorites": "Favorit",
"feature_photo_updated": "",
"file_name": "",
"file_name_or_extension": "",
"filename": "",
"filetype": "",
"filename": "Nama berkas",
"filetype": "Jenis berkas",
"filter_people": "",
"find_them_fast": "",
"fix_incorrect_match": "",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "",
"forward": "",
"general": "",
"forward": "Maju",
"general": "Umum",
"get_help": "",
"getting_started": "",
"go_back": "",
@ -567,9 +569,9 @@
"hide_gallery": "",
"hide_password": "",
"hide_person": "",
"host": "",
"hour": "",
"image": "",
"host": "Hos",
"hour": "Jam",
"image": "Gambar",
"immich_logo": "",
"immich_web_interface": "",
"import_from_json": "",
@ -580,7 +582,7 @@
"include_shared_albums": "",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "",
"individual_share": "",
"info": "",
"info": "Info",
"interval": {
"day_at_onepm": "",
"hours": "",
@ -589,32 +591,32 @@
"invite_people": "",
"invite_to_album": "",
"jobs": "",
"keep": "",
"jobs": "Tugas",
"keep": "Simpan",
"keep_all": "",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "",
"language": "",
"language": "Bahasa",
"language_setting_description": "",
"last_seen": "",
"leave": "",
"leave": "Tinggalkan",
"let_others_respond": "",
"level": "",
"library": "",
"level": "Tingkat",
"library": "Pustaka",
"library_options": "",
"light": "",
"light": "Terang",
"link_options": "",
"link_to_oauth": "",
"linked_oauth_account": "",
"list": "",
"loading": "",
"list": "Daftar",
"loading": "Memuat",
"loading_search_results_failed": "",
"log_out": "",
"log_out_all_devices": "",
"login_has_been_disabled": "",
"look": "",
"look": "Tampilan",
"loop_videos": "",
"loop_videos_description": "",
"make": "",
"make": "Merek",
"manage_shared_links": "",
"manage_sharing_with_partners": "",
"manage_the_app_settings": "",
@ -622,16 +624,16 @@
"manage_your_api_keys": "",
"manage_your_devices": "",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "",
"map": "",
"map": "Peta",
"map_marker_with_image": "",
"map_settings": "",
"matches": "",
"matches": "Cocokan",
"media_type": "",
"memories": "",
"memories": "Kenangan",
"memories_setting_description": "",
"memory": "",
"menu": "",
"merge": "",
"memory": "Kenangan",
"menu": "Menu",
"merge": "Gabungkan",
"merge_people": "",
"merge_people_limit": "",
"merge_people_prompt": "",
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"actions": "동작",
"active": "활성",
"activity": "활동",
"activity_changed": "반응이 {enabled, select, true {활성화} other {비활성화}}됨",
"add": "추가",
"add_a_description": "설명 추가",
"add_a_location": "위치 추가",
@ -21,6 +22,9 @@
"add_to": "앨범에 추가...",
"add_to_album": "앨범에 추가",
"add_to_shared_album": "공유 앨범에 추가",
"added_to_archive": "보관함에 추가됨",
"added_to_favorites": "즐겨찾기에 추가됨",
"added_to_favorites_count": "즐겨찾기에 항목 {count}개가 추가됨",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "제외 패턴을 추가합니다. *, ** 및 ? 을 사용한 패턴이 지원됩니다. \"Raw\"라는 디렉터리의 모든 파일을 제외하려면 \"**/Raw/**\"를 사용하며, \".tif\"로 끝나는 모든 파일을 제외하려면 \"**/*.tif\"를 사용합니다. 절대 경로의 경우, \"/path/to/ignore/**\"를 사용하세요.",
"authentication_settings": "인증 설정",
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@
"cleared_jobs": "작업 초기화: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "구성 파일의 내용으로 설정됨",
"confirm_delete_library": "{library} 라이브러리를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "이 라이브러리를 삭제하시겠습니까? Immich에 포함된 항목 {count}개가 모두 삭제되며 되돌릴 수 없습니다. 원본 파일은 디스크에 남아 있습니다.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "이 라이브러리를 삭제하시겠습니까? 이는 Immich에서 {count, plural, one {항목 #개} other {모든 항목 #개}}를 삭제하며 되돌릴 수 없습니다. 파일은 디스크에 남아 있습니다.",
"confirm_email_below": "계속 진행하려면 아래에 \"{email}\"을(를) 입력",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "모든 얼굴을 다시 처리하시겠습니까? 이름이 지정된 인물이 삭제됩니다.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "{user}의 비밀번호를 재설정하시겠습니까?",
@ -68,8 +72,8 @@
"job_settings": "작업 설정",
"job_settings_description": "작업 동시성 관리",
"job_status": "작업 상태",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} 지연됨",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} 실패함",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# 지연됨}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# 실패함}}",
"library_created": "{library} 라이브러리 생성됨",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron 표현식",
"library_cron_expression_description": "cron 형식을 사용하여 스캔 주기를 설정합니다. 자세한 예제는 <link>Crontab Guru</link>를 확인하세요",
@ -184,6 +188,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "모든 경로가 성공적으로 검증됨",
"quota_size_gib": "할당량 크기 (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "모든 라이브러리 새로 고침",
"registration": "관리자 가입",
"registration_description": "귀하는 시스템의 첫 번째 사용자이기 때문에 관리자로 지정되어 관리 작업을 담당하게 되며 추가 사용자는 귀하에 의해 생성됩니다.",
"removing_offline_files": "오프라인 파일 삭제",
"repair_all": "모두 수리",
"repair_matched_items": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 일치함",
@ -311,21 +317,39 @@
"admin_password": "관리자 비밀번호",
"administration": "관리",
"advanced": "고급",
"age_months": "나이 {months, plural, one {#개월} other {#개월}}",
"age_year_months": "나이 1년, {months, plural, one {#개월} other {#개월}}",
"age_years": "{years}년생",
"album_added": "앨범 추가됨",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "공유 앨범에 추가되면 이메일 알림을 받기",
"album_cover_updated": "앨범 커버 업데이트됨",
"album_delete_confirmation": "{album} 앨범을 삭제하시겠습니까?\n이 앨범이 공유된 경우, 다른 사용자가 더 이상 앨범에 접근할 수 없습니다.",
"album_info_updated": "앨범 정보 업데이트됨",
"album_leave": "앨범에서 나가시겠습니까?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "{album} 앨범에서 나가시겠습니까?",
"album_name": "앨범 이름",
"album_options": "앨범 옵션",
"album_remove_user": "사용자를 삭제하겠습니까?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "{user} 사용자를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"album_share_no_users": "이 앨범을 모든 사용자와 공유했거나 공유할 사용자가 없는 것 같습니다.",
"album_updated": "앨범 업데이트됨",
"album_updated_setting_description": "공유 앨범에 새 항목이 추가되는 경우 이메일 알림을 받기",
"album_user_left": "{album} 앨범에서 나옴",
"album_user_removed": "{user} 사용자를 삭제함",
"album_with_link_access": "링크가 있는 사람은 누구나 이 앨범에 있는 사진과 인물을 볼 수 있습니다.",
"albums": "앨범",
"albums_count": "앨범 {count, plural, one {{count, number}개} other {{count, number}개}}",
"all": "모두",
"all_albums": "모든 앨범",
"all_people": "모든 인물",
"all_videos": "모든 동영상",
"allow_dark_mode": "다크 모드 허용",
"allow_edits": "편집 허용",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "모든 사용자의 다운로드 허용",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "모든 사용자의 업로드 허용",
"api_key": "API 키",
"api_key_description": "이 값은 한 번만 표시됩니다. 창을 닫기 전에 반드시 복사해두세요.",
"api_key_empty": "API 키 이름은 비워둘 수 없습니다",
"api_keys": "API 키",
"app_settings": "앱 설정",
"appears_in": "다음에서 나타남",
@ -334,22 +358,43 @@
"archive_size": "압축 파일 크기",
"archive_size_description": "다운로드할 압축 파일의 크기 구성 (GiB 단위)",
"archived": "보관됨",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {#개}} 항목 보관됨",
"are_these_the_same_person": "이 인물들은 동일인인가요?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "정말로 이 작업을 수행하시겠습니까?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "{filename} 항목이 오프라인임",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "항목에 할당되지 않은 얼굴이 있음",
"asset_offline": "콘텐츠 오프라인",
"asset_offline_description": "이 콘텐츠는 오프라인 상태이며, Immich가 파일 위치에 접근할 수 없습니다. 콘텐츠가 사용 가능한지 확인한 후 라이브러리를 다시 스캔하세요.",
"assets": "콘텐츠",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 추가됨",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 앨범에 추가됨",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 {name}에 추가됨",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}를 휴지통으로 이동함",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "휴지통으로 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 이동됨",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 삭제됨",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "휴지통으로 이동한 항목을 모두 복원하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 복원됨",
"assets_trashed_count": "휴지통으로 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 이동됨",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {개} other {개}} 항목이 이미 앨범에 포함됨",
"authorized_devices": "인증된 기기",
"back": "뒤로",
"back_close_deselect": "뒤로, 닫기 또는 선택 취소",
"backward": "뒤로",
"birthdate_saved": "생년월일이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다",
"birthdate_set_description": "생년월일은 사진 촬영 당시 인물의 나이를 계산하는 데 사용됩니다.",
"blurred_background": "흐린 배경",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count}개를 일괄 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 각 그룹의 가장 큰 항목을 유지하고 나머지 항목들을 영구적으로 삭제합니다. 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count}개를 유지하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 삭제 없이 모든 중복을 해결합니다.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count}개를 일괄 휴지통으로 이동하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 각 그룹의 가장 큰 항목을 유지하고 나머지 항목들은 모두 휴지통으로 이동됩니다.",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}를 일괄 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 각 그룹의 가장 큰 항목을 유지하고 나머지 항목들을 영구적으로 삭제합니다. 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}를 유지하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 삭제 없이 모든 중복을 해결합니다.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}를 일괄 휴지통으로 이동하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 각 그룹의 가장 큰 항목을 유지하고 나머지 항목들은 모두 휴지통으로 이동됩니다.",
"camera": "카메라",
"camera_brand": "카메라 제조사",
"camera_model": "카메라 모델",
"cancel": "닫기",
"cancel_search": "검색 닫기",
"cannot_merge_people": "인물을 병합할 수 없음",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "설명을 업데이트할 수 없음",
"cant_apply_changes": "변경 사항을 적용할 수 없음",
"cant_get_faces": "얼굴을 가져올 수 없음",
@ -361,6 +406,7 @@
"change_name": "이름 변경",
"change_name_successfully": "이름이 성공적으로 변경됨",
"change_password": "비밀번호 변경",
"change_password_description": "시스템에 처음으로 로그인하거나, 비밀번호 변경 요청이 있었습니다. 아래에 새 비밀번호를 입력해주세요.",
"change_your_password": "비밀번호 변경",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "숨김 여부가 성공적으로 변경됨",
"check_all": "모두 확인",
@ -372,9 +418,12 @@
"clear_message": "메시지 지우기",
"clear_value": "값 지우기",
"close": "닫기",
"collapse": "접기",
"collapse_all": "모두 접기",
"color_theme": "테마 색상",
"comment_deleted": "댓글이 삭제됨",
"comment_options": "댓글 옵션",
"comments_and_likes": "댓글 & 좋아요",
"comments_are_disabled": "댓글 기능이 비활성화됨",
"confirm": "확인",
"confirm_admin_password": "관리자 비밀번호 확인",
@ -400,7 +449,9 @@
"create_library": "라이브러리 생성",
"create_link": "링크 생성",
"create_link_to_share": "공유 링크 생성",
"create_link_to_share_description": "링크가 있는 사람은 누구나 선택한 사진을 볼 수 있습니다",
"create_new_person": "새 인물 생성",
"create_new_person_hint": "선택한 항목을 새 인물에게 할당",
"create_new_user": "새 사용자 생성",
"create_user": "사용자 생성",
"created": "생성됨",
@ -438,11 +489,14 @@
"display_order": "표시 순서",
"display_original_photos": "원본 이미지 선호",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "콘텐츠 열람 시 호환되는 이미지의 경우 섬네일 대신 원본 사진을 표시합니다. 사진 표시 속도가 느려질 수 있습니다.",
"do_not_show_again": "이 메시지를 다시 표시하지 않음",
"done": "완료",
"download": "다운로드",
"download_settings": "다운로드",
"download_settings_description": "콘텐츠 다운로드 관련 설정 관리",
"downloading": "다운로드 중",
"downloading_asset_filename": "{filename} 다운로드 중",
"drop_files_to_upload": "아무 곳에나 파일을 드래그하여 업로드",
"duplicates": "중복",
"duplicates_description": "각 그룹의 항목을 비교하여, 중복된 항목을 선택하고 해결",
"duration": "기간",
@ -453,6 +507,7 @@
"months": "",
"years": ""
"edit": "편집",
"edit_album": "앨범 편집",
"edit_avatar": "아바타 편집",
"edit_date": "날짜 편집",
@ -474,56 +529,98 @@
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
"empty_trash": "휴지통 비우기",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "휴지통을 비우시겠습니까? 휴지통에 있는 모든 항목이 Immich에서 영구적으로 제거됩니다.\n이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다!",
"enable": "사용",
"enabled": "활성화됨",
"end_date": "종료일",
"error": "오류",
"error_loading_image": "이미지 로드 오류",
"error_title": "오류 - 무언가 잘못되었습니다",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "다음 항목으로 이동할 수 없음",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "이전 항목으로 이동할 수 없음",
"cant_apply_changes": "설정을 적용할 수 없음",
"cant_change_activity": "반응을 {enabled, select, true {비활성화} other {활성화}}할 수 없음",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "콘텐츠의 즐겨찾기 상태를 변경할 수 없음",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}의 메타데이터를 변경할 수 없음",
"cant_get_faces": "얼굴을 가져올 수 없음",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "댓글 수를 가져올 수 없음",
"cant_search_people": "인물을 검색할 수 없음",
"cant_search_places": "장소를 검색할 수 없음",
"cleared_jobs": "작업 초기화: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "앨범에 항목 추가 중 오류 발생",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "앨범에 사용자 추가 중 문제 발생",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "공유된 사용자 제거 중 문제 발생",
"error_downloading": "{filename} 다운로드 중 오류 발생",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "앨범에서 항목 제거 중 오류 발생, 자세한 정보는 콘솔을 확인하세요",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "모든 항목 선택 중 오류 발생",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "이 제외 패턴은 이미 존재합니다.",
"failed_job_command": "{job} 작업의 {command} 실패함",
"failed_to_create_album": "앨범 생성 실패",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "공유 링크 생성 실패",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "공유 링크 편집 실패",
"failed_to_get_people": "인물 가져오기 실패",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "항목 스택 실패",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "항목 스택 해제 실패",
"import_path_already_exists": "이 가져오기 경로는 이미 존재합니다.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "잘못된 이메일 또는 비밀번호",
"paths_validation_failed": "경로 {paths, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 검증 실패",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "프로필 사진에는 투명 픽셀이 있을 수 없습니다. 이미지를 확대하거나 이동하세요.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "디스크 크기보다 더 큰 할당량을 설정했습니다",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "항목 {count, select, one {개} other {개}}를 확인할 수 없음",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "사용자를 앨범에 추가할 수 없습니다",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "공유 링크에 콘텐츠를 추가할 수 없음",
"unable_to_add_comment": "댓글을 추가할 수 없음",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "제외 규칙을 추가할 수 없음",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "가져오기 경로를 추가할 수 없음",
"unable_to_add_partners": "파트너를 추가할 수 없음",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "항목을 {archived, select, true {보관 해제할 수 없음} other {보관할 수 없음}}",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "항목을 {favorite, select, true {즐겨찾기에 추가할 수 없음} other {즐겨찾기에서 제거할 수 없음}}",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "항목을 {archived, select, true {보관할 수 없음} other {보관 해제할 수 없음}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "앨범 내 사용자의 역할을 변경할 수 없음",
"unable_to_change_date": "날짜를 변경할 수 없음",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "항목의 즐겨찾기 상태를 변경할 수 없음",
"unable_to_change_location": "위치를 변경할 수 없음",
"unable_to_change_password": "비밀번호를 변경할 수 없음",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "인물 {count, plural, one {#명} other {#명}}의 숨김 여부를 변경할 수 없음",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "OAuth 로그인을 완료할 수 없음",
"unable_to_connect": "연결할 수 없음",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "클립보드에 복사할 수 없음, https로 접속하고 있는지 확인하세요",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "관리자 계정을 생성할 수 없음",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "새 API 키를 생성할 수 없음",
"unable_to_create_library": "라이브러리를 추가할 수 없음",
"unable_to_create_user": "사용자를 생성할 수 없음",
"unable_to_delete_album": "앨범을 삭제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "콘텐츠를 삭제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "항목 삭제 오류",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "제외 규칙을 삭제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "가져오기 경로를 삭제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "공유 링크를 삭제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_delete_user": "사용자를 삭제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_download_files": "파일을 다운로드할 수 없음",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "제외 규칙을 편집할 수 없음",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "가져오기 경로를 편집할 수 없음",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "휴지통을 비울 수 없음",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "전체 화면으로 전환할 수 없음",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "전체 화면을 종료할 수 없음",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "댓글 수를 가져올 수 없음",
"unable_to_hide_person": "인물을 숨길 수 없음",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "OAuth 계정을 연결할 수 없음",
"unable_to_load_album": "앨범을 불러올 수 없음",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "콘텐츠 활동을 로드할 수 없음",
"unable_to_load_items": "항목을 로드할 수 없음",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "좋아요 표시 상태를 로드할 수 없음",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "모든 기기에서 로그아웃할 수 없음",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "기기에서 로그아웃할 수 없음",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "OAuth로 로그인할 수 없음",
"unable_to_play_video": "동영상을 재생할 수 없음",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "새 인물을 항목에 재할당할 수 없음",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "사용자를 새로 고칠 수 없음",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "사용자를 앨범에서 제거할 수 없음",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "API 키를 제거할 수 없음",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "공유 링크에서 항목을 제거할 수 없음",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "라이브러리를 제거할 수 없음",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "오프라인 파일을 제거할 수 없음",
@ -547,6 +644,8 @@
"unable_to_submit_job": "작업을 적용할 수 없음",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "콘텐츠를 휴지통으로 이동할 수 없음",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "계정의 연결을 해제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "앨범 커버를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "앨범 정보를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_library": "라이브러리를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_location": "위치를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_settings": "설정을 업데이트할 수 없음",
@ -557,10 +656,12 @@
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"expand_all": "모두 확장",
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"expires_date": "{date}에 만료",
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"export_as_json": "JSON으로 내보내기",
@ -591,7 +692,11 @@
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"go_to_share_page": "공유 페이지로 이동",
"group_albums_by": "다음으로 앨범 그룹화...",
"group_no": "그룹화 없음",
"group_owner": "소유자로 그룹화",
"group_year": "연도로 그룹화",
"has_quota": "할당량",
"hi_user": "안녕하세요, {name}님 ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "갤러리 숨기기",
"hide_password": "비밀번호 숨기기",
"hide_person": "인물 숨기기",
@ -618,6 +723,7 @@
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"job_settings_description": "",
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@ -626,12 +732,14 @@
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"language_setting_description": "선호하는 언어 선택",
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"leave": "나가기",
"let_others_respond": "다른 사람들의 반응 허용",
"level": "레벨",
"library": "라이브러리",
"library_options": "라이브러리 옵션",
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"like_deleted": "좋아요 삭제됨",
"link_options": "링크 옵션",
"link_to_oauth": "OAuth 연결",
"linked_oauth_account": "OAuth 계정 연결됨",
@ -640,7 +748,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "검색 결과 로드 실패",
"log_out": "로그아웃",
"log_out_all_devices": "모든 기기에서 로그아웃",
"logged_out_all_devices": "모든 기기에서 로그아웃됨",
"logged_out_device": "로그아웃됨",
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"login_has_been_disabled": "로그인이 비활성화되었습니다.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "모든 기기에서 로그아웃 하시겠습니까?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "이 기기에서 로그아웃 하시겠습니까?",
"look": "보기",
"loop_videos": "동영상 반복",
"loop_videos_description": "상세 보기에서 동영상을 자동으로 반복 재생합니다.",
@ -666,6 +779,7 @@
"merge_people_limit": "한 번에 최대 5개의 얼굴만 병합할 수 있습니다",
"merge_people_prompt": "이 인물들을 병합하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다.",
"merge_people_successfully": "인물을 성공적으로 병합함",
"merged_people_count": "인물 {count, plural, one {#명} other {#명}} 병합됨",
"minimize": "최소화",
"minute": "분",
"missing": "누락",
@ -681,11 +795,14 @@
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"new_version_available": "새 버전 사용 가능",
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"next_memory": "다음 추억",
"no": "아니요",
"no_albums_message": "앨범을 생성하여 당신의 이미지와 동영상을 정리하세요",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "아직 이 이름의 앨범이 없는 것 같습니다.",
"no_albums_yet": "아직 앨범이 없는 것 같습니다.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "사진과 동영상을 보관 처리하여 목록에서 숨기기",
"no_assets_message": "클릭하여 당신의 첫 이미지를 업로드하세요",
"no_duplicates_found": "중복 항목이 없습니다.",
@ -696,6 +813,7 @@
"no_name": "이름 없음",
"no_places": "장소 없음",
"no_results": "결과 없음",
"no_results_description": "동의어나 좀 더 일반적인 단어를 사용해 보세요",
"no_shared_albums_message": "공유 앨범을 만들어 네트워크에 있는 사람들과 사진 및 동영상을 공유하세요",
"not_in_any_album": "어떤 앨범에도 없음",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "참고: 이전에 업로드한 콘텐츠에 새 스토리지 레이블을 적용하려면,",
@ -710,12 +828,20 @@
"offline_paths_description": "이는 외부 라이브러리의 일부가 아닌 파일을 수동으로 삭제해 발생할 수 있습니다.",
"ok": "확인",
"oldest_first": "오래된 순",
"onboarding": "온보딩",
"onboarding_storage_template_description": "활성화한 경우, 사용자 정의 템플릿을 기반으로 파일을 자동 분류합니다. 안정성 문제로 인해 해당 기능은 기본적으로 비활성화 되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 [공식 문서]를 참조하세요.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "색상 테마를 선택합니다. 나중에 설정에서 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "몇 가지 일반적인 설정을 진행하겠습니다.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "{user}님, 환영합니다",
"online": "온라인",
"only_favorites": "즐겨찾기만",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "수정된 파일만 새로 고침",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "OpenStreetMap에서 보기",
"open_the_search_filters": "검색 필터 열기",
"options": "옵션",
"or": "또는",
"organize_your_library": "라이브러리 정리",
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"other": "기타",
"other_devices": "다른 기기",
"other_variables": "기타 변수",
@ -732,9 +858,9 @@
"password_required": "비밀번호 필요",
"password_reset_success": "비밀번호가 성공적으로 초기화됨",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {일} other {{days, number}일}} 전",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {시간} other {{hours, number}시간}} 전",
"years": "{years, plural, one {년} other {{years, number}년}} 전"
"days": "{days, plural, one {일} other {#일}} 전",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {시간} other {#시간}} 전",
"years": "{years, plural, one {년} other {#년}} 전"
"path": "경로",
"pattern": "규칙",
@ -743,15 +869,20 @@
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"people_sidebar_description": "사이드바에 인물 링크 표시",
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"permanent_deletion_warning": "영구 삭제 경고",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "콘텐츠 영구 삭제 시 경고 메시지 표시",
"permanently_delete": "영구 삭제",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {개} other {개}} 항목을 영구적으로 삭제",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "콘텐츠가 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}가 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {개} other {개}} 항목이 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"person": "인물",
"photo_shared_all_users": "모든 사용자와 사진을 공유했거나 공유할 사용자가 없는 것 같습니다.",
"photos": "사진",
"photos_and_videos": "사진 & 동영상",
"photos_count": "사진 {count, plural, one {{count, number}개} other {{count, number}개}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "지난 몇 년간의 사진",
"pick_a_location": "위치 선택",
@ -770,22 +901,39 @@
"previous_or_next_photo": "이전 혹은 다음 이미지",
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"profile_picture_set": "프로필 사진 설정됨.",
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"public_share": "모든 사용자와 공유",
"range": "",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "반응 옵션",
"read_changelog": "변경 사항 보기",
"reassign": "재할당",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 새 인물에게 재할당됨",
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"recent_searches": "최근 검색",
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"refresh_metadata": "메타데이터 새로 고침",
"refresh_thumbnails": "섬네일 새로 고침",
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"refreshing_encoded_video": "인코딩된 동영상 새로 고침",
"refreshing_metadata": "메타데이터 새로 고침 중",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "섬네일 다시 생성 중",
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"remove_assets_title": "항목을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "사용자 정의 날짜 범위 제거",
"remove_from_album": "앨범에서 삭제",
"remove_from_favorites": "즐겨찾기에서 삭제",
"remove_from_shared_link": "공유 링크에서 삭제",
"remove_offline_files": "오프라인 파일 삭제",
"remove_user": "사용자 삭제",
"removed_api_key": "API 키 {name} 삭제됨",
"removed_from_archive": "보관 해제됨",
"removed_from_favorites": "즐겨찾기에서 삭제됨",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "즐겨찾기에서 {count}개 항목 삭제됨",
"rename": "이름 바꾸기",
"repair": "수리",
"repair_no_results_message": "추적되지 않거나 누락된 파일이 여기에 표시됩니다",
@ -796,14 +944,18 @@
"reset_password": "비밀번호 재설정",
"reset_people_visibility": "인물 숨김 여부 초기화",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "기본값으로 복원",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "모든 중복이 해결됨",
"restore": "복원",
"restore_all": "모두 복원",
"restore_user": "사용자 복원",
"restored_asset": "항목 복원됨",
"resume": "재개",
"retry_upload": "업로드 다시 시도",
"review_duplicates": "중복 확인",
"role": "역할",
"role_editor": "편집자",
"role_viewer": "뷰어",
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"saved_api_key": "API 키 저장됨",
"saved_profile": "프로필 저장됨",
@ -822,6 +974,8 @@
"search_city": "도시 검색...",
"search_country": "국가 검색...",
"search_for_existing_person": "기존 인물 검색",
"search_no_people": "인물이 없습니다",
"search_no_people_named": "\"{name}\" 이름의 인물이 없습니다",
"search_people": "인물 검색",
"search_places": "장소 검색",
"search_state": "지역 검색...",
@ -830,21 +984,25 @@
"search_your_photos": "당신의 사진을 검색하세요",
"searching_locales": "로케일 검색...",
"second": "초",
"see_all_people": "모든 인물 보기",
"select_album_cover": "앨범 커버 선택",
"select_all": "모두 선택",
"select_avatar_color": "아바타 색상 선택",
"select_face": "얼굴 선택",
"select_featured_photo": "대표 사진 선택",
"select_from_computer": "컴퓨터에서 선택",
"select_keep_all": "모두 유지",
"select_library_owner": "라이브러리 소유자 선택",
"select_new_face": "새 얼굴 선택",
"select_photos": "사진 선택",
"select_trash_all": "모두 삭제",
"selected": "선택됨",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {#개}} 선택됨",
"send_message": "메시지 전송",
"send_welcome_email": "환영 이메일 전송",
"server": "서버",
"server_stats": "서버 상태",
"server_version": "서버 버전",
"set": "설정",
"set_as_album_cover": "앨범 커버로 설정",
"set_as_profile_picture": "프로필 사진으로 설정",
@ -856,13 +1014,15 @@
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"shared": "공유됨",
"shared_by": "다음 사용자가 공유함",
"shared_by_user": "{user}와 공유됨",
"shared_by_you": "당신이 공유함",
"shared_from_partner": "{partner}가 공유한 사진",
"shared_links": "공유 링크",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "사진 & 동영상 {assetCount}개를 공유했습니다.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "사진 & 동영상 {assetCount, plural, other {#개를 공유했습니다.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "{partner}와 공유됨",
"sharing": "공유",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "사이드바에 공유 링크 표시",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "⇧를 눌러 항목을 영구적으로 삭제",
"show_album_options": "앨범 옵션 표시",
"show_and_hide_people": "인물 표시 & 숨기기",
"show_file_location": "파일 위치 표시",
@ -885,6 +1045,12 @@
"slideshow": "슬라이드 쇼",
"slideshow_settings": "슬라이드 쇼 설정",
"sort_albums_by": "다음으로 앨범 정렬...",
"sort_created": "생성된 날짜",
"sort_items": "항목 수",
"sort_modified": "수정된 날짜",
"sort_oldest": "오래된 사진",
"sort_recent": "가장 최근 사진",
"sort_title": "제목",
"stack": "스택",
"stack_selected_photos": "선택한 이미지 스택",
"stacktrace": "스택 추적",
@ -911,7 +1077,9 @@
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"timezone": "시간대",
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"to_favorite": "즐겨찾기",
"to_login": "로그인",
"to_trash": "휴지통으로 이동",
"toggle_settings": "설정 변경",
"toggle_theme": "테마 변경",
@ -920,6 +1088,7 @@
"trash": "휴지통",
"trash_all": "모두 삭제",
"trash_count": "휴지통으로 이동 ({count}개)",
"trash_delete_asset": "항목을 휴지통으로 이동/삭제",
"trash_no_results_message": "휴지통으로 이동된 이미지와 동영상이 이곳에 표시됩니다.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "휴지통으로 이동된 항목은 {days, plural, one {#일} other {#일}} 후 영구적으로 삭제됩니다.",
"type": "형식",
@ -935,6 +1104,7 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "OAuth 계정 연결 해제됨",
"unnamed_album": "이름 없는 앨범",
"unnamed_share": "이름 없는 공유",
"unsaved_change": "저장되지 않은 변경",
"unselect_all": "모두 선택 해제",
"unstack": "스택 해제",
"untracked_files": "추적되지 않는 파일",
@ -943,10 +1113,17 @@
"updated_password": "비밀번호 변경됨",
"upload": "업로드",
"upload_concurrency": "업로드 동시성",
"upload_progress": "대기 중 {remaining} - 처리됨 {processed}/{total}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "중복",
"upload_status_errors": "오류",
"upload_status_uploaded": "업로드됨",
"upload_success": "업로드 성공, 페이지를 새로 고쳐 새 콘텐츠를 확인하세요.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "사용량",
"use_custom_date_range": "사용자 정의 날짜 범위 사용",
"user": "사용자",
"user_id": "사용자 ID",
"user_role_set": "{user}에게 {role} 역할 설정",
"user_usage_detail": "사용자 사용량 상세",
"username": "계정명",
"users": "사용자",
@ -961,17 +1138,21 @@
"videos": "동영상",
"videos_count": "동영상 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}",
"view": "보기",
"view_album": "앨범 보기",
"view_all": "모두 보기",
"view_all_users": "모든 사용자 보기",
"view_links": "링크 보기",
"view_next_asset": "다음 항목 보기",
"view_previous_asset": "이전 항목 보기",
"view_stack": "스택 보기",
"viewer": "뷰어",
"waiting": "대기",
"warning": "경고",
"week": "주",
"welcome": "환영합니다",
"welcome_to_immich": "Immich에 오신 것을 환영합니다",
"year": "년",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {#년} other {#년}} 전",
"yes": "네",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "생성한 공유 링크가 없음",
"zoom_image": "이미지 확대"
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"actions": "Acties",
"active": "Actief",
"activity": "Activiteit",
"activity_changed": "Activiteit is {enabled, select, true {ingeschakeld} other {uitgeschakeld}}",
"add": "Toevoegen",
"add_a_description": "Beschrijving toevoegen",
"add_a_location": "Locatie toevoegen",
@ -21,6 +22,9 @@
"add_to": "Toevoegen aan...",
"add_to_album": "Aan album toevoegen",
"add_to_shared_album": "Aan gedeeld album toevoegen",
"added_to_archive": "Toegevoegd aan archief",
"added_to_favorites": "Toegevoegd aan favorieten",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} toegevoegd aan favorieten",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Uitsluitingspatronen toevoegen. Globbing met *, ** en ? wordt ondersteund. Om alle bestanden in een map met de naam \"Raw\" te negeren, gebruik \"**/Raw/**\". Om alle bestanden die eindigen op \".tif\" te negeren, gebruik \"**/*.tif\". Om een absoluut pad te negeren, gebruik \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Authenticatie-instellingen",
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@
"cleared_jobs": "Taken gewist voor: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Instellingen worden momenteel beheerd door een configuratiebestand",
"confirm_delete_library": "Weet je zeker dat je de bibliotheek {library} wilt verwijderen?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Weet je zeker dat je deze bibliotheek wilt verwijderen? Hiermee worden alle {count} assets uit Immich verwijderd en dit kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt. Bestanden blijven op de schijf staan.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Weet je zeker dat je deze bibliotheek wilt verwijderen? Hiermee {count, plural, one {wordt # asset} other {worden alle # assets}} uit Immich verwijderd en dit kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt. Bestanden blijven op de schijf staan.",
"confirm_email_below": "Typ hieronder \"{email}\" ter bevestiging",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Weet je zeker dat je alle gezichten opnieuw wilt verwerken? Hiermee worden ook alle mensen gewist.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Weet u zeker dat je het wachtwoord van {user} wilt resetten?",
@ -68,8 +72,8 @@
"job_settings": "Achtergrondtaak-instellingen",
"job_settings_description": "Beheer gelijktijdigheid van taken",
"job_status": "Taakstatus",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} vertraagd",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} mislukt",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# vertraagd}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# mislukt}}",
"library_created": "Bibliotheek aangemaakt: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron expressie",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Stel het scaninterval in met het cron-formaat. Voor meer informatie kun je kijken naar bijvoorbeeld <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@
"library_watching_enable_description": "Externe bibliotheken monitoren op bestandswijzigingen",
"library_watching_settings": "Bibliotheek monitoren (EXPERIMENTEEL)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Automatisch monitoren op gewijzigde bestanden",
"logging_enable_description": "Logging inschakelen",
"logging_enable_description": "Logboek inschakelen",
"logging_level_description": "Indien ingeschakeld, welk logniveau wordt gebruikt.",
"logging_settings": "Logboek",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP model",
@ -184,13 +188,15 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Alle paden succesvol gevalideerd",
"quota_size_gib": "Opslaglimiet (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Alle bibliotheken vernieuwen",
"registration": "Beheerder registratie",
"registration_description": "Omdat je de eerste gebruiker in het systeem bent, word je toegewezen als beheerder en ben je verantwoordelijk voor administratieve taken. Extra gebruikers kunnen door jou worden aangemaakt.",
"removing_offline_files": "Offline bestanden verwijderen",
"repair_all": "Repareer alle",
"repair_matched_items": "Overeenkomend {count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}",
"repaired_items": "Gerepareerd {count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Vereisen dat de gebruiker het wachtwoord wijzigt bij de eerste keer inloggen",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Instellingen terugzetten naar standaard",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Instellingen resetten naar de recent opgeslagen instellingen",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Instellingen teruggezet naar standaard",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Instellingen zijn gereset naar de recent opgeslagen instellingen",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Bibliotheek scannen op gewijzigde bestanden",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "Bibliotheek scannen op nieuwe bestanden",
"send_welcome_email": "Stuur een welkomstmail",
@ -205,7 +211,7 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "Aantal seconden dat iedere afbeelding wordt getoond",
"smart_search_job_description": "Voer machine learning uit op assets om te gebruiken voor slim zoeken",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Engine voor opslagtemplate inschakelen",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hashverificatie mislukt",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hashverificatie ingeschakeld",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Zet hashverificatie aan, schakel dit niet uit tenzij je zeker bent van de implicaties",
"storage_template_migration": "Opslagtemplate migratie",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Pas de huidige <link>{template}</link> toe op eerder geüploade assets",
@ -215,7 +221,7 @@
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal deze functie bestanden automatisch organiseren gebaseerd op een gebruiker-definieerd template. Gezien de stabiliteitsproblemen is de functie standaard uitgeschakeld. Voor meer informatie, bekijk de <link>documentatie</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Geschatte padlengte: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Opslagtemplate",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Beheer de mapstructuur en bestandsnaam van het geüploade bestand",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Beheer de mapstructuur en bestandsnaam van geüploade bestanden",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code> is het opslaglabel van de gebruiker",
"system_settings": "Systeeminstellingen",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "Aangepaste CSS",
@ -240,7 +246,7 @@
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Audiocodec",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus is de optie met de hoogste kwaliteit, maar biedt minder goede ondersteuning voor oude apparaten of software.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Video's hoger dan de maximale bitrate of niet in het juiste formaat",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Om meer te leren over de terminologie die hier gebruikt werd, bekijk de FFmpeg documentatie voor <h264-link>H.264 codec</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC codec</hevc-link> en <vp9-link>VP9 codec</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Om meer te leren over de terminologie die hier wordt gebruikt, bekijk de FFmpeg documentatie voor <h264-link>H.264 codec</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC codec</hevc-link> en <vp9-link>VP9 codec</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Constante kwaliteit modus",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ is beter dan CQP, maar sommige hardware versnellingsmethodes ondersteunen deze modus niet. Als u deze optie instelt, wordt de voorkeur gegeven aan de opgegeven modus bij gebruik van op kwaliteit gebaseerde encoding. Deze optie wordt genegeerd door NVENC omdat het ICQ niet ondersteunt.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Constant rate factor (-crf)",
@ -287,7 +293,7 @@
"trash_number_of_days": "Aantal dagen",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "Aantal dagen dat de assets in de prullenbak worden bewaard voordat ze definitief worden verwijderd",
"trash_settings": "Prullenbak instellingen",
"trash_settings_description": "Beheer prullenbak instellingen(",
"trash_settings_description": "Beheer prullenbak instellingen",
"untracked_files": "Niet bijgehouden bestanden",
"untracked_files_description": "Deze bestanden worden niet bijgehouden door de applicatie. Dit kan het resultaat zijn van een mislukte verplaatsing, onderbroken upload of een bug",
"user_delete_delay": "Het account en de assets van <b>{user}</b> worden over {delay, plural, one {# dag} other {# dagen}} permanent verwijderd.",
@ -311,21 +317,39 @@
"admin_password": "Beheerder wachtwoord",
"administration": "Beheer",
"advanced": "Geavanceerd",
"age_months": "Leeftijd {months, plural, one {# maand} other {# maanden}}",
"age_year_months": "Leeftijd 1 jaar, {months, plural, one {# maand} other {# maanden}}",
"age_years": "Leeftijd {years}",
"album_added": "Album toegevoegd",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Ontvang een e-mailmelding wanneer je aan een gedeeld album wordt toegevoegd",
"album_cover_updated": "Album cover is bijgewerkt",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je het album {album} wilt verwijderen?\nAls dit album gedeeld is, hebben andere gebruikers er geen toegang meer toe.",
"album_info_updated": "Albumgegevens bijgewerkt",
"album_leave": "Album verlaten?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {album} wilt verlaten?",
"album_name": "Albumnaam",
"album_options": "Albumopties",
"album_remove_user": "Gebruiker verwijderen?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {user} wilt verwijderen?",
"album_share_no_users": "Het lijkt erop dat je dit album met alle gebruikers hebt gedeeld, of dat je geen gebruikers hebt om mee te delen.",
"album_updated": "Album bijgewerkt",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Ontvang een e-mailmelding wanneer een gedeeld album nieuwe assets heeft",
"album_user_left": "{album} verlaten",
"album_user_removed": "{user} verwijderd",
"album_with_link_access": "Iedereen met de link kan de foto's en mensen in dit album bekijken.",
"albums": "Albums",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} album} other {{count, number} albums}}",
"all": "Alle",
"all_albums": "Alle albums",
"all_people": "Alle mensen",
"all_videos": "Alle video's",
"allow_dark_mode": "Donkere modus toestaan",
"allow_edits": "Bewerkingen toestaan",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Sta openbare gebruiker toe om te downloaden",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Sta openbare gebruiker toe om te uploaden",
"api_key": "API sleutel",
"api_key_description": "Deze waarde wordt slechts één keer getoond. Zorg ervoor dat je deze kopieert voordat je het venster sluit.",
"api_key_empty": "De naam van uw API sleutel mag niet leeg zijn",
"api_keys": "API sleutels",
"app_settings": "App instellingen",
"appears_in": "Komt voor in",
@ -334,22 +358,43 @@
"archive_size": "Archiefgrootte",
"archive_size_description": "Configureer de archiefgrootte voor downloads (in GiB)",
"archived": "Gearchiveerd",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {# gearchiveerd}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Zijn dit dezelfde personen?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Weet je zeker dat je dit wilt doen?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "Asset {filename} is offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Asset heeft niet-toegewezen gezichten",
"asset_offline": "Asset offline",
"asset_offline_description": "Deze asset is offline. Immich kan de bestandslocatie niet openen. Controleer of de asset beschikbaar is en scan de bibliotheek opnieuw.",
"assets": "Assets",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} toegevoegd",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} aan het album toegevoegd",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} toegevoegd aan {name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} naar de prullenbak verplaatst",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} verplaatst naar prullenbak",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} permanent verwijderd",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} verwijderd",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je alle verwijderde assets wilt herstellen? Je kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} hersteld",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} naar prullenbak verplaatst",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {Asset was} other {Assets waren}} al onderdeel van het album",
"authorized_devices": "Geautoriseerde apparaten",
"back": "Terug",
"back_close_deselect": "Terug, sluiten of deselecteren",
"backward": "Achteruit",
"birthdate_saved": "Geboortedatum succesvol opgeslagen",
"birthdate_set_description": "De geboortedatum wordt gebruikt om de leeftijd van deze persoon op het moment van de foto te berekenen.",
"blurred_background": "Vervaagde achtergrond",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count} dubbele assets in bulk wilt verwijderen? Dit zal de grootste asset van elke groep behouden en alle andere duplicaten permanent verwijderen. Je kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count} dubbele assets wilt behouden? Dit zal alle dubbele groepen oplossen zonder iets te verwijderen.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count} dubbele assets in bulk naar de prullenbak wilt verplaatsen? Dit zal de grootste asset van elke groep behouden en alle andere duplicaten naar de prullenbak verplaatsen.",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} in bulk wilt verwijderen? Dit zal de grootste asset van elke groep behouden en alle andere duplicaten permanent verwijderen. Je kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} wilt behouden? Dit zal alle groepen met duplicaten oplossen zonder iets te verwijderen.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} in bulk naar de prullenbak wilt verplaatsen? Dit zal de grootste asset van elke groep behouden en alle andere duplicaten naar de prullenbak verplaatsen.",
"camera": "Camera",
"camera_brand": "Cameramerk",
"camera_model": "Cameramodel",
"cancel": "Annuleren",
"cancel_search": "Zoeken annuleren",
"cannot_merge_people": "Kan mensen niet samenvoegen",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Je kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Kan de beschrijving niet bijwerken",
"cant_apply_changes": "Kan wijzigingen niet toepassen",
"cant_get_faces": "Kan gezichten niet ophalen",
@ -361,6 +406,7 @@
"change_name": "Wijzig naam",
"change_name_successfully": "Naam succesvol gewijzigd",
"change_password": "Wijzig wachtwoord",
"change_password_description": "Dit is de eerste keer dat je inlogt op het systeem of er is een verzoek gedaan om je wachtwoord te wijzigen. Voer hieronder het nieuwe wachtwoord in.",
"change_your_password": "Wijzig je wachtwoord",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Zichtbaarheid succesvol gewijzigd",
"check_all": "Controleer alle",
@ -372,9 +418,12 @@
"clear_message": "Bericht wissen",
"clear_value": "Waarde wissen",
"close": "Sluiten",
"collapse": "Inklappen",
"collapse_all": "Alles inklappen",
"color_theme": "Kleurthema",
"comment_deleted": "Opmerking verwijderd",
"comment_options": "Opties voor opmerkingen",
"comments_and_likes": "Opmerkingen & likes",
"comments_are_disabled": "Opmerkingen zijn uitgeschakeld",
"confirm": "Bevestigen",
"confirm_admin_password": "Bevestig beheerder wachtwoord",
@ -400,7 +449,9 @@
"create_library": "Maak bibliotheek",
"create_link": "Link maken",
"create_link_to_share": "Gedeelde link maken",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Laat iedereen met de link de geselecteerde foto(s) zien",
"create_new_person": "Nieuwe persoon aanmaken",
"create_new_person_hint": "Geselecteerde assets toewijzen aan een nieuwe persoon",
"create_new_user": "Nieuwe gebruiker aanmaken",
"create_user": "Gebruiker aanmaken",
"created": "Aangemaakt",
@ -416,7 +467,7 @@
"deduplicate_all": "Alles dedupliceren",
"default_locale": "Standaard landinstelling",
"default_locale_description": "Formatteer datums en getallen op basis van de landinstellingen van je browser",
"delete": "Verwijder",
"delete": "Verwijderen",
"delete_album": "Album verwijderen",
"delete_api_key_prompt": "Weet je zeker dat je deze API sleutel wilt verwijderen?",
"delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je deze duplicaten permanent wilt verwijderen?",
@ -438,11 +489,14 @@
"display_order": "Weergavevolgorde",
"display_original_photos": "Toon originele foto's",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Geef de voorkeur aan het weergeven van de originele foto bij het bekijken van een asset in plaats van thumbnails wanneer de originele asset webcompatibel is. Dit kan resulteren in lagere weergavesnelheid van foto's.",
"do_not_show_again": "Laat dit bericht niet meer zien",
"done": "Klaar",
"download": "Downloaden",
"download_settings": "Downloaden",
"download_settings_description": "Beheer instellingen voor het downloaden van assets",
"downloading": "Downloaden",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Asset {filename} downloaden",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Zet bestanden ergens neer om ze te uploaden",
"duplicates": "Duplicaten",
"duplicates_description": "Kies voor iedere groep welke, indien aanwezig, duplicaten zijn",
"duration": "Tijdsduur",
@ -453,6 +507,7 @@
"months": "{months, plural, one {maand} other {{months, number} maanden}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {jaar} other {{years, number} jaren}}"
"edit": "Bewerken",
"edit_album": "Album bewerken",
"edit_avatar": "Avatar bewerken",
"edit_date": "Datum bewerken",
@ -474,56 +529,99 @@
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Leeg album",
"empty_trash": "Prullenbak leegmaken",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je de prullenbak wilt legen? Hiermee worden alle assets in de prullenbak permanent uit Immich verwijderd.\nJe kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken!",
"enable": "Inschakelen",
"enabled": "Ingeschakeld",
"end_date": "Einddatum",
"error": "Fout",
"error_loading_image": "Fout bij laden afbeelding",
"error_title": "Fout - Er is iets misgegaan",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Kan niet naar de volgende asset navigeren",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Kan niet naar vorige asset navigeren",
"cant_apply_changes": "Kan wijzigingen niet toepassen",
"cant_change_activity": "Kan activiteit niet {enabled, select, true {uitschakelen} other {inschakelen}}",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Kan asset niet toevoegen aan of verwijderen uit favorieten",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Kan metadata van {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} niet wijzigen",
"cant_get_faces": "Kan gezichten niet ophalen",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Kan het aantal opmerkingen niet ophalen",
"cant_search_people": "Kan mensen niet zoeken",
"cant_search_places": "Kan plaatsen niet zoeken",
"cleared_jobs": "Taken gewist voor: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Fout bij toevoegen van assets aan album",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Fout bij toevoegen gebruikers aan album",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Fout bij verwijderen gedeelde gebruiker",
"error_downloading": "Fout bij downloaden {filename}",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Fout bij verwijderen van assets uit album, controleer de console voor meer details",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Fout bij selecteren van alle assets",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Dit uitsluitingspatroon bestaat al.",
"failed_job_command": "Opdracht {command} is mislukt voor taak: {job}",
"failed_to_create_album": "Fout bij maken van album",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Fout bij maken van gedeelde link",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Fout bij bewerken van gedeelde link",
"failed_to_get_people": "Fout bij ophalen van mensen",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Fout bij stapelen van assets",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Fout bij ontstapelen van assets",
"import_path_already_exists": "Dit import-pad bestaat al.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Onjuist e-mailadres of wachtwoord",
"paths_validation_failed": "validatie van {paths, plural, one {# pad} other {# paden}} mislukt",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Profielfoto's kunnen geen transparante pixels bevatten. Zoom in en/of verplaats de afbeelding.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Je hebt een opslaglimiet ingesteld die hoger is dan de schijfgrootte",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Kan {count, select, one {item} other {items}} niet controleren",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Kan gebruikers niet aan album toevoegen",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Kan assets niet aan gedeelde link toevoegen",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Kan geen opmerking toevoegen",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Kan geen uitsluitingspatroon toevoegen",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Kan geen import-pad toevoegen",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Kan geen partners toevoegen",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Kan assets niet {archived, select, true {verwijderen uit} other {toevoegen aan}} archief",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Kan assets niet {favorite, select, true {toevoegen aan} other {verwijderen uit}} favorieten",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Kan niet {archived, select, true {toevoegen aan} other {verwijderen uit}} archief",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Kan rol van de albumgebruiker niet wijzigen",
"unable_to_change_date": "Kan datum niet wijzigen",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Kan asset niet toevoegen aan of verwijderen uit favorieten",
"unable_to_change_location": "Kan locatie niet wijzigen",
"unable_to_change_password": "Kan wachtwoord niet veranderen",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Kan de zichtbaarheid van {count, plural, one {# persoon} other {# mensen}} niet wijzigen",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Kan inloggen met OAuth niet voltooie",
"unable_to_connect": "Kan niet verbinden",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Kan niet naar klembord kopiëren, zorg ervoor dat je de pagina via https opent",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Kan beheerdersaccount niet aanmaken",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Kan geen nieuwe API sleutel aanmaken",
"unable_to_create_library": "Kan bibliotheek niet aanmaken",
"unable_to_create_user": "Kan geen gebruiker aanmaken",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Kan album niet verwijderen",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Kan asset niet verwijderen",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Fout bij verwijderen assets",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Kan uitsluitingspatroon niet verwijderen",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Kan import-pad niet verwijderen",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Kan gedeelde link niet verwijderen",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Kan gebruiker niet verwijderen",
"unable_to_download_files": "Kan bestanden niet downloaden",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Kan uitsluitingspatroon niet bewerken",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Kan import-pad niet bewerken",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Kan prullenbak niet legen",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Kan volledig scherm niet openen",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Kan volledig scherm niet afsluiten",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Kan het aantal opmerkingen niet ophalen",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Kan persoon niet verbergen",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Kan OAuth account niet koppelen",
"unable_to_load_album": "Kan album niet laden",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Kan asset activiteit niet laden",
"unable_to_load_items": "Kan items niet laden",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Kan de status 'geliket' niet laden",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Kan niet op alle apparaten uitloggen",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Kan apparaat niet uitloggen",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Kan niet inloggen met OAuth",
"unable_to_play_video": "Kan video niet afspelen",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Kan assets niet opnieuw toewijzen aan {name, select, null {een bestaand persoon} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Kan assets niet opnieuw toewijzen aan een nieuw persoon",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Kan gebruiker niet vernieuwen",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Kan gebruiker niet van album verwijderen",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Kan API sleutel niet verwijderen",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Kan assets niet verwijderen uit gedeelde link",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Kan bibliotheek niet verwijderen",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Kan offline bestanden niet verwijderen",
@ -547,6 +645,8 @@
"unable_to_submit_job": "Kan taak niet uitvoeren",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Kan asset niet naar prullenbak verplaatsen",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Kan account niet ontkoppelen",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Kan album cover niet bijwerken",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Kan albumgegevens niet bijwerken",
"unable_to_update_library": "Kan bibliotheek niet bijwerken",
"unable_to_update_location": "Kan locatie niet bijwerken",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Kan instellingen niet bijwerken",
@ -557,10 +657,12 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Diavoorstelling sluiten",
"expand_all": "Alles uitvouwen",
"expire_after": "Verloopt na",
"expired": "Verlopen",
"expires_date": "Verloopt {date}",
"explore": "Verkennen",
"export": "Exporteren",
"export_as_json": "Exporteren als JSON",
@ -591,7 +693,11 @@
"go_to_search": "Ga naar zoeken",
"go_to_share_page": "Ga naar de deelpagina",
"group_albums_by": "Groepeer albums op...",
"group_no": "Niet groeperen",
"group_owner": "Groeperen op eigenaar",
"group_year": "Groeperen op jaar",
"has_quota": "Heeft limiet",
"hi_user": "Hallo {name} ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "Gallerij verbergen",
"hide_password": "Verberg wachtwoord",
"hide_person": "Verberg persoon",
@ -618,6 +724,7 @@
"invite_people": "Mensen uitnodigen",
"invite_to_album": "Uitnodigen voor album",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "Taken",
"keep": "Behouden",
@ -626,12 +733,14 @@
"language": "Taal",
"language_setting_description": "Selecteer je voorkeurstaal",
"last_seen": "Laatst gezien",
"latest_version": "Nieuwste versie",
"leave": "Verlaten",
"let_others_respond": "Laat anderen reageren",
"level": "Niveau",
"library": "Bibliotheek",
"library_options": "Bibliotheek opties",
"light": "Licht",
"like_deleted": "Like verwijderd",
"link_options": "Opties voor link",
"link_to_oauth": "Koppel OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "Gekoppeld OAuth account",
@ -640,7 +749,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "Laden van zoekresultaten mislukt",
"log_out": "Uitloggen",
"log_out_all_devices": "Uitloggen op alle apparaten",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Uitgelogd op alle apparaten",
"logged_out_device": "Uitgelogd van apparaat",
"login": "Inloggen",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Inloggen is uitgeschakeld.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je wilt uitloggen op alle apparaten?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je wilt uitloggen op dit apparaat?",
"look": "Uiterlijk",
"loop_videos": "Video's herhalen",
"loop_videos_description": "Inschakelen om video's automatisch te herhalen in de detailweergave.",
@ -653,6 +767,7 @@
"manage_your_devices": "Beheer je ingelogde apparaten",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Beheer je OAuth koppeling",
"map": "Kaart",
"map_marker_for_images": "Kaartmarkering voor afbeeldingen gemaakt in {city}, {country}",
"map_marker_with_image": "Kaart marker met afbeelding",
"map_settings": "Kaartinstellingen",
"matches": "Overeenkomsten",
@ -666,6 +781,7 @@
"merge_people_limit": "Je kunt maximaal 5 gezichten tegelijk samenvoegen",
"merge_people_prompt": "Wil je deze mensen samenvoegen? Deze actie is onomkeerbaar.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Mensen succesvol samengevoegd",
"merged_people_count": "{count, plural, one {# person} other {# mensen}} samengevoegd",
"minimize": "Minimaliseren",
"minute": "Minuut",
"missing": "Missend",
@ -681,11 +797,14 @@
"new_password": "Nieuw wachtwoord",
"new_person": "Nieuw persoon",
"new_user_created": "Nieuwe gebruiker aangemaakt",
"new_version_available": "NIEUWE VERSIE BESCHIKBAAR",
"newest_first": "Nieuwste eerst",
"next": "Volgende",
"next_memory": "Volgende herinnering",
"no": "Nee",
"no_albums_message": "Maak een album om je foto's en video's te organiseren",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Het lijkt erop dat je nog geen albums met deze naam hebt.",
"no_albums_yet": "Het lijkt erop dat je nog geen albums hebt.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Archiveer foto's en video's om ze te verbergen in je Foto's overzicht",
"no_duplicates_found": "Er zijn geen duplicaten gevonden.",
@ -696,6 +815,7 @@
"no_name": "Geen naam",
"no_places": "Geen plaatsen",
"no_results": "Geen resultaten",
"no_results_description": "Probeer een synoniem of een algemener zoekwoord",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Maak een album om foto's en video's te delen met mensen in je netwerk",
"not_in_any_album": "Niet in een album",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Opmerking: om het opslaglabel toe te passen op eerder geüploade assets, voer de volgende taak uit",
@ -710,12 +830,20 @@
"offline_paths_description": "Deze resultaten kunnen te wijten zijn aan het handmatig verwijderen van bestanden die geen deel uitmaken van een externe bibliotheek.",
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Oudste eerst",
"onboarding": "Onboarding",
"onboarding_storage_template_description": "Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal deze functie bestanden automatisch organiseren gebaseerd op een gebruiker-definieerd template. Gezien de stabiliteitsproblemen is de functie standaard uitgeschakeld. Voor meer informatie, bekijk de [documentatie].",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Kies een kleurenthema voor de applicatie. Dit kun je later wijzigen in je instellingen.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Laten we de applicatie instellen met enkele veelgebruikte instellingen.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Welkom, {user}",
"online": "Online",
"only_favorites": "Alleen favorieten",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Vernieuwt alleen gewijzigde bestanden",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Openen met OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Open de zoekfilters",
"options": "Opties",
"or": "of",
"organize_your_library": "Organiseer je bibliotheek",
"original": "origineel",
"other": "Overige",
"other_devices": "Andere apparaten",
"other_variables": "Andere variabelen",
@ -732,9 +860,9 @@
"password_required": "Wachtwoord vereist",
"password_reset_success": "Wachtwoord succesvol gereset",
"past_durations": {
"days": "Afgelopen {days, plural, one {dag} other {{days, number} dagen}}",
"hours": "Afgelopen {hours, plural, one {uur} other {{hours, number} uren}}",
"years": "Afgelopen {years, plural, one {jaar} other {{years, number} jaren}}"
"days": "Afgelopen {days, plural, one {dag} other {# dagen}}",
"hours": "Afgelopen {hours, plural, one {uur} other {# uren}}",
"years": "Afgelopen {years, plural, one {jaar} other {# jaren}}"
"path": "Pad",
"pattern": "Patroon",
@ -743,15 +871,21 @@
"paused": "Gepauzeerd",
"pending": "In behandeling",
"people": "Mensen",
"people_edits_count": "{count, plural, one {# persoon} other {# mensen}} bijgewerkt",
"people_sidebar_description": "Toon een link naar Mensen in de zijbalk",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Waarschuwing voor permanent verwijderen",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Toon een waarschuwing bij het permanent verwijderen van assets",
"permanently_delete": "Permanent verwijderen",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Asset} other {Assets}} permanent verwijderen",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Asset permanent verwijderd",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} permanent verwijderd",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} permanent verwijderd",
"person": "Persoon",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (verborgen)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Het lijkt erop dat je foto's met alle gebruikers zijn gedeeld, of dat je geen gebruikers hebt om mee te delen.",
"photos": "Foto's",
"photos_and_videos": "Foto's & video's",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} foto} other {{count, number} foto's}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Foto's van voorgaande jaren",
"pick_a_location": "Kies een locatie",
@ -770,22 +904,41 @@
"previous_or_next_photo": "Vorige of volgende foto",
"primary": "Primair",
"profile_picture_set": "Profielfoto ingesteld.",
"public_album": "Openbaar album",
"public_share": "Publieke deellink",
"range": "",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Reactie opties",
"read_changelog": "Lees wijzigingen",
"reassign": "Opnieuw toewijzen",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} opnieuw toegewezen aan {name, select, null {een bestaand persoon} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} opnieuw toegewezen aan een nieuw persoon",
"reassing_hint": "Geselecteerde assets toewijzen aan een bestaand persoon",
"recent": "Recent",
"recent_searches": "Recente zoekopdrachten",
"refresh": "Vernieuwen",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Vernieuw gecodeerde video's",
"refresh_metadata": "Vernieuw metadata",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Vernieuw thumbnails",
"refreshed": "Verniewd",
"refreshes_every_file": "Vernieuwt elk bestand",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Gecodeerde video aan het vernieuwen",
"refreshing_metadata": "Metadata aan het vernieuwen",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Thumbnails opnieuw aan het genereren",
"remove": "Verwijderen",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} uit het album wilt verwijderen?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} uit deze gedeelde link wilt verwijderen?",
"remove_assets_title": "Assets verwijderen?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Aangepast datumbereik verwijderen",
"remove_from_album": "Verwijder uit album",
"remove_from_favorites": "Verwijderen uit favorieten",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Verwijderen uit gedeelde link",
"remove_offline_files": "Verwijder offline bestanden",
"remove_user": "Gebruiker verwijderen",
"removed_api_key": "API sleutel verwijderd: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Verwijderd uit archief",
"removed_from_favorites": "Verwijderd uit favorieten",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count} verwijderd uit favorieten",
"rename": "Hernoemen",
"repair": "Repareren",
"repair_no_results_message": "Niet bijgehouden en ontbrekende bestanden zullen hier verschijnen",
@ -796,14 +949,18 @@
"reset_password": "Wachtwoord resetten",
"reset_people_visibility": "Zichtbaarheid mensen resetten",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "Resetten naar standaard",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Alle duplicaten verwerkt",
"restore": "Herstellen",
"restore_all": "Herstel alle",
"restore_user": "Gebruiker herstellen",
"restored_asset": "Asset hersteld",
"resume": "Hervatten",
"retry_upload": "Opnieuw uploaden",
"review_duplicates": "Controleer duplicaten",
"role": "Rol",
"role_editor": "Bewerker",
"role_viewer": "Bekijker",
"save": "Opslaan",
"saved_api_key": "API sleutel opgeslagen",
"saved_profile": "Profiel opgeslagen",
@ -822,6 +979,8 @@
"search_city": "Zoek stad...",
"search_country": "Zoek land...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Zoek naar bestaande persoon",
"search_no_people": "Geen mensen",
"search_no_people_named": "Geen mensen genaamd \"{name}\"",
"search_people": "Zoek mensen",
"search_places": "Zoek plaatsen",
"search_state": "Zoek staat...",
@ -830,21 +989,25 @@
"search_your_photos": "Foto's doorzoeken",
"searching_locales": "Zoeken naar landinstellingen...",
"second": "Seconde",
"see_all_people": "Bekijk alle mensen",
"select_album_cover": "Selecteer album cover",
"select_all": "Alles selecteren",
"select_avatar_color": "Selecteer avatarkleur",
"select_face": "Selecteer gezicht",
"select_featured_photo": "Selecteer uitgelichte foto",
"select_from_computer": "Selecteer van computer",
"select_keep_all": "Selecteer alles behouden",
"select_library_owner": "Selecteer bibliotheekeigenaar",
"select_new_face": "Selecteer nieuw gezicht",
"select_photos": "Selecteer foto's",
"select_trash_all": "Selecteer alles naar prullenbak verplaatsen",
"selected": "Geselecteerd",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {# geselecteerd}}",
"send_message": "Bericht versturen",
"send_welcome_email": "Stuur welkomstmail",
"server": "Server",
"server_stats": "Serverstatistieken",
"server_version": "Server versie",
"set": "Instellen",
"set_as_album_cover": "Stel in als album cover",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Instellen als profielfoto",
@ -856,13 +1019,15 @@
"share": "Delen",
"shared": "Gedeeld",
"shared_by": "Gedeeld door",
"shared_by_user": "Gedeeld door {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Gedeeld door jou",
"shared_from_partner": "Foto's van {partner}",
"shared_links": "Gedeelde links",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} gedeelde foto's & video's.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# gedeelde foto's & video's.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Gedeeld met {partner}",
"sharing": "Delen",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Toon een link naar Delen in de zijbalk",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "druk op ⇧ om assets permanent te verwijderen",
"show_album_options": "Toon albumopties",
"show_and_hide_people": "Toon & verberg mensen",
"show_file_location": "Toon bestandslocatie",
@ -885,8 +1050,15 @@
"slideshow": "Diavoorstelling",
"slideshow_settings": "Diavoorstelling instellingen",
"sort_albums_by": "Sorteer albums op...",
"sort_created": "Datum aangemaakt",
"sort_items": "Aantal items",
"sort_modified": "Datum aangepast",
"sort_oldest": "Oudste foto",
"sort_recent": "Meest recente foto",
"sort_title": "Titel",
"stack": "Stapel",
"stack_selected_photos": "Geselecteerde foto's stapelen",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} gestapeld",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
"start": "Start",
"start_date": "Startdatum",
@ -894,7 +1066,7 @@
"status": "Status",
"stop_motion_photo": "Bewegingsfoto stoppen",
"stop_photo_sharing": "Stoppen met het delen van je foto's?",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} heeft niet langer toegang tot je foto's.",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} zal geen toegang meer hebben tot je foto's.",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Stop met het delen van je foto's met deze gebruiker",
"storage": "Opslag",
"storage_label": "Opslaglabel",
@ -908,10 +1080,13 @@
"theme": "Thema",
"theme_selection": "Thema selectie",
"theme_selection_description": "Stel het thema automatisch in op licht of donker op basis van de systeemvoorkeuren van je browser",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Zij zullen worden samengevoegd",
"time_based_memories": "Tijdgebaseerde herinneringen",
"timezone": "Tijdzone",
"to_archive": "Archiveren",
"to_change_password": "Wijzig wachtwoord",
"to_favorite": "Toevoegen aan favorieten",
"to_login": "Inloggen",
"to_trash": "Prullenbak",
"toggle_settings": "Zichtbaarheid instellingen wisselen",
"toggle_theme": "Thema wisselen",
@ -920,11 +1095,13 @@
"trash": "Prullenbak",
"trash_all": "Verplaats alle naar prullenbak",
"trash_count": "{count} naar prullenbak",
"trash_delete_asset": "Assets naar prullenbak verplaatsen of verwijderen",
"trash_no_results_message": "Hier verschijnen foto's en video's die in de prullenbak zijn geplaatst.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Items in de prullenbak worden na {days, plural, one {# dag} other {# dagen}} permanent verwijderd.",
"type": "Type",
"unarchive": "Herstellen uit archief",
"unarchived": "Hersteld uit archief",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {# verwijderd uit archief}}",
"unfavorite": "Verwijderen uit favorieten",
"unhide_person": "Persoon zichtbaar maken",
"unknown": "Onbekend",
@ -935,18 +1112,30 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "OAuth account ontkoppeld",
"unnamed_album": "Naamloos album",
"unnamed_share": "Naamloze deellink",
"unsaved_change": "Niet-opgeslagen wijziging",
"unselect_all": "Alles deselecteren",
"unstack": "Ontstapelen",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} ontstapeld",
"untracked_files": "Niet bijgehouden bestanden",
"untracked_files_decription": "Deze bestanden worden niet bijgehouden door de applicatie. Dit kan het resultaat zijn van een mislukte verplaatsing, onderbroken upload of een bug",
"up_next": "Volgende",
"updated_password": "Wachtwoord bijgewerkt",
"upload": "Uploaden",
"upload_concurrency": "Upload gelijktijdigheid",
"upload_errors": "Upload voltooid met {count, plural, one {# fout} other {# fouten}}, vernieuw de pagina om de nieuwe assets te zien.",
"upload_progress": "Resterend {remaining} - Verwerkt {processed}/{total}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} overgeslagen",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplicaten",
"upload_status_errors": "Fouten",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Geüpload",
"upload_success": "Uploaden gelukt, vernieuw de pagina om de nieuwe assets te zien.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Gebruik",
"use_custom_date_range": "Gebruik in plaats daarvan een aangepast datumbereik",
"user": "Gebruiker",
"user_id": "Gebruikers ID",
"user_liked": "{user} heeft {type, select, photo {deze foto} video {deze video} asset {deze asset} other {dit}} geliket",
"user_role_set": "{user} instellen als {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Gedetailleerd gebruik van gebruikers",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"users": "Gebruikers",
@ -961,17 +1150,22 @@
"videos": "Video's",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# video} other {# video's}}",
"view": "Bekijken",
"view_album": "Bekijk album",
"view_all": "Bekijk alle",
"view_all_users": "Bekijk alle gebruikers",
"view_links": "Links bekijken",
"view_next_asset": "Bekijk volgende asset",
"view_previous_asset": "Bekijk vorige asset",
"view_stack": "Bekijk stapel",
"viewer": "Bekijker",
"visibility_changed": "Zichtbaarheid gewijzigd voor {count, plural, one {# persoon} other {# mensen}}",
"waiting": "Wachtend",
"warning": "Waarschuwing",
"week": "Week",
"welcome": "Welkom",
"welcome_to_immich": "Welkom bij Immich",
"year": "Jaar",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# jaar} other {# jaren}} geleden",
"yes": "Ja",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Je hebt geen gedeelde links",
"zoom_image": "Inzoomen"
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
"face_detection": "Wykrywanie twarzy",
"face_detection_description": "Wykrywanie twarzy w zasobach używając uczenia maszynowego. Twarze w filmach wykryte zostaną tylko jeżeli są widoczne w miniaturze. \"Wszystkie\" ponownie przetwarza wszystkie zasoby. \"Brakujące\" dodaje do kolejki tylko zasoby, które nie zostały jeszcze przetworzone. Wykryte twarze zostaną dodane do kolejki Rozpoznawania Twarzy, aby związać je z istniejącą osobą albo stworzyć nową osobę.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Grupuj wykryte twarze. Ten krok uruchamiany jest po zakończeniu wykrywania twarzy. „Wszystkie” – ponownie kategoryzuje wszystkie twarze. „Brakujące” – kategoryzuje twarze, do których nie przypisano osoby.",
"failed_job_command": "Polecenie {command} nie powiodło się dla zadania: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "UWAGA: Użytkownik i wszystkie zasoby użytkownika zostaną natychmiast trwale usunięte. Nie można tego cofnąć, a plików nie będzie można przywrócić.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Wszystkie pliki w bibliotece zostaną przeskanowane",
"image_format_description": "Użycie formatu WebP skutkuje utworzeniem plików o rozmiarze mniejszym niż w przypadku JPEG ale jego kodowanie trwa dłużej.",
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@
"jobs_failed": "Wykonanie {jobCount} nie powiodło się",
"library_created": "Utworzono bibliotekę: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Wyrażenie Cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Ustaw interwał skanowania, używając formatu cron. Więcej informacji znajdziesz m.in. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Proponowane wyrażenia Cron",
"library_deleted": "Biblioteka usunięta pomyślnie",
"library_import_path_description": "Określ folder do załadowania plików. Ten folder, łącznie z podfolderami, zostanie przeskanowany w poszukiwaniu obrazów i filmów.",
@ -843,7 +845,7 @@
"storage_label": "",
"submit": "",
"suggestions": "Sugestie",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "Sunrise on the beach",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "Wschód słońca na plaży",
"swap_merge_direction": "Zmień kierunek złączenia",
"sync": "",
"template": "Szablon",
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "Broj sekundi za prikaz svake slike",
"smart_search_job_description": "Pokrenite mašinsko učenje na datotekama da biste podržali pametnu pretragu",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Omogući mehanizam za šablone za skladištenje",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Heš verifikacija nije uspela",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Heš verifikacija omogućena",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Omogućava heš verifikaciju, ne onemogućavajte ovo osim ako niste sigurni u posledice",
"storage_template_migration": "Migracija šablona za skladištenje",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Primenite trenutni <link>{template}</link> na prethodno otpremljene elemente",
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
"change_location": "Promeni mesto",
"change_name": "Promeni ime",
"change_name_successfully": "Promeni ime uspešno",
"change_password": "Promeni šifru",
"change_password": "Promeni Lozinku",
"change_your_password": "Promeni svoju šifru",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Vidljivost je uspešno promenjena",
"check_all": "Štiklirati sve",
@ -732,9 +732,9 @@
"password_required": "Lozinka potrebna",
"password_reset_success": "Resetovanje lozinke je uspešno",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {Prošli dan} few {Prošlih {days, number} dana} other {Prošlih {days, number} dana}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Prošli sat} few {Prošlih {hours, number} sata} other {Prošlih {hours, number} sati}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Prošle godine} few {Prošle {years, number} godine} other {Prošlih {years, number} godina}}"
"days": "{days, plural, one {Prošli dan} few {Prošlih # dana} other {Prošlih # dana}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Prošli sat} few {Prošla # sata} other {Prošlih # sati}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Prošle godine} few {Prošle # godine} other {Prošlih # godina}}"
"path": "Putanja",
"pattern": "Šablon",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
"account": "Profil",
"account_settings": "Podešavanja za Profil",
"acknowledge": "Potvrdi",
"action": "Postupak",
"actions": "Postupci",
"active": "Aktivni",
"activity": "Aktivnost",
"add": "Dodaj",
"add_a_description": "Dodaj opis",
"add_a_location": "Dodaj Lokaciju",
"add_a_name": "Dodaj ime",
"add_a_title": "Dodaj naslov",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "Dodajte obrazac izuzimanja",
"add_import_path": "Dodaj putanju za preuzimanje",
"add_location": "Dodaj lokaciju",
"add_more_users": "Dodaj korisnike",
"add_partner": "Dodaj partner",
"add_path": "Dodaj putanju",
"add_photos": "Dodaj fotografije",
"add_to": "Dodaj u...",
"add_to_album": "Dodaj u album",
"add_to_shared_album": "Dodaj u deljen album",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Dodajte obrasce isključenja. Korištenje *, ** i ? je podržano. Da biste ignorisali sve datoteke u bilo kom direktorijumu pod nazivom „Rav“, koristite „**/Rav/**“. Da biste ignorisali sve datoteke koje se završavaju na „.tif“, koristite „**/*.tif“. Da biste ignorisali apsolutnu putanju, koristite „/path/to/ignore/**“.",
"authentication_settings": "Podešavanja za autentifikaciju",
"authentication_settings_description": "Upravljajte lozinkom, OAuth-om i drugim podešavanjima autentifikacije",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Da biste ponovo omogućili, koristite <link>komandu servera</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Pozadinski zadaci",
"check_all": "Proveri sve",
"cleared_jobs": "Očišćeni poslovi za: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Konfiguraciju trenutno postavlja konfiguracioni fajl",
"confirm_delete_library": "Da li stvarno želite da izbrišete biblioteku {library} ?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovu biblioteku? Ovo će izbrisati svih {count} datoteka iz Immich-a i akcija se ne može opozvati. Datoteke će ostati na disku.",
"confirm_email_below": "Da biste potvrdili, unesite \"{email}\" ispod",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da ponovo obradite sva lica? Ovo će takođe obrisati imenovane osobe.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da resetujete lozinku korisnika {user}?",
"crontab_guru": "Guru servisnih zadataka",
"disable_login": "Onemogući prijavu",
"disabled": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "Pokrenite mašinsko učenje na sredstvima da biste otkrili slične slike. Oslanja se na pametnu pretragu",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "Obrasci izuzimanja vam omogućavaju da ignorišete datoteke i fascikle kada skenirate biblioteku. Ovo je korisno ako imate fascikle koje sadrže datoteke koje ne želite da uvezete, kao što su RAW datoteke.",
"external_library_created_at": "Eksterna biblioteka (napravljena {date})",
"external_library_management": "Upravljanje eksternim bibliotekama",
"face_detection": "Detekcija lica",
"face_detection_description": "Otkrivanje lica u datotekama pomoću mašinskog učenja. Za video snimke se uzima u obzir samo sličica. „Sve“ (ponovno) obrađuje sve datoteke. „Nedostaju“ sredstva u nizu koja još nisu obrađena. Otkrivena lica će biti stavljena u red za prepoznavanje lica nakon što se prepoznavanje lica završi, grupišući ih u postojeće ili nove ljude.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Grupa je detektovala lica i dodala ih postojecim ljudima. Ovaj korak se pokreće nakon što je prepoznavanje lica završeno. „Sve“ (ponovno) grupiše sva lica. „Nedostaju“ lica u redovima kojima nije dodeljena osoba.",
"failed_job_command": "Komanda {command} nije uspela za posao: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "UPOZORENJE: Ovo će odmah ukloniti korisnika i sve datoteke. Ovo se ne može opozvati i datoteke se ne mogu oporaviti.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Prinudno osvežavanje svih datoteka biblioteke",
"image_format_description": "WebP proizvodi manje datoteke od JPEG, ali se sporije kodira.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Preferirajte ugrađeni pregled",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "Koristite ugrađene preglede u RAW fotografije kao ulaz za obradu slike kada su dostupne. Ovo može da proizvede preciznije boje za neke slike, ali kvalitet pregleda zavisi od kamere i slika može imati više nepravilnosti kompresije.",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Preferirajte širok spektar",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "Koristite Display P3 za sličice. Ovo bolje čuva živopisnost slika sa širokim prostorima boja, ali slike mogu izgledati drugačije na starim uređajima sa starom verzijom pretraživača. sRGB slike se čuvaju kao sRGB da bi se izbegle promene boja.",
"image_preview_format": "Pregled formata",
"image_preview_resolution": "Pregled rezolucije",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Koristi se za gledanje jedne fotografije i za mašinsko učenje. Veće rezolucije mogu da sačuvaju više detalja, ali im je potrebno više vremena za kodiranje, imaju veće veličine datoteka i mogu da smanje brzinu aplikacije.",
"image_quality": "Kvalitet",
"image_quality_description": "Kvalitet slike od 1-100. Više je bolje za kvalitet, ali proizvodi veće datoteke, ova opcija utiče na pregled i sličice.",
"image_settings": "Podešavanja slike",
"image_settings_description": "Upravljajte kvalitetom i rezolucijom generisanih slika",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Format sličice",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Rezolucija sličice",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Koristi se prilikom pregleda grupa fotografija (glavna vremenska linija, prikaz albuma, itd.). Veće rezolucije mogu da sačuvaju više detalja, ali im je potrebno više vremena za kodiranje, imaju veće veličine datoteka i mogu da smanje brzinu aplikacije.",
"job_concurrency": "{job} paralelnost",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Ovaj posao nije bezbedan da bude paralelno aktivan.",
"job_settings": "Podešavanja posla",
"job_settings_description": "Upravljajte paralelnošću poslova",
"job_status": "Status posla",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} odložena",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} nije uspeo",
"library_created": "Napravljena biblioteka: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Sistemski posao",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Podesite interval skeniranja koristeći cron format. Za više informacija pogledajte npr. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Unapred podešene postavke sistemskog posla",
"library_deleted": "Biblioteka je izbrisana",
"library_import_path_description": "Odredite fasciklu za uvoz. Ova fascikla, uključujući podfascikle, biće skenirana za slike i video zapise.",
"library_scanning": "Periodično skeniranje",
"library_scanning_description": "Konfigurišite periodično skeniranje biblioteke",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Omogućite periodično skeniranje biblioteke",
"library_settings": "Spoljna biblioteka",
"library_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima spoljne biblioteke",
"library_tasks_description": "Obavljaj zadatke biblioteke",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Pratite spoljne biblioteke za promene datoteka",
"library_watching_settings": "Nadgledanje biblioteke (EKSPERIMENTALNO)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Automatski pratite promenjene datoteke",
"logging_enable_description": "Omogući evidentiranje",
"logging_level_description": "Kada je omogućeno, koji nivo evidencije koristiti.",
"logging_settings": "Evidentiranje",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP model",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Naziv CLIP modela je naveden <link>ovde</link>. Imajte na umu da morate ponovo da pokrenete posao „Pametno pretraživanje“ za sve slike nakon promene modela.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Detekcija duplikata",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Omogućite otkrivanje duplikata",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Ako je onemogućeno, potpuno identična sredstva će i dalje biti uklonjena.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Koristite ugrađen CLIP da biste pronašli verovatne duplikate",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Omogućite mašinsko učenje",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Ako je onemogućeno, sve funkcije ML će biti onemogućene bez obzira na dole-navedena podešavanja.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Prepoznavanje lica",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Otkrivanje, prepoznavanje i grupisanje lica na slikama",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Model za prepoznavanje lica",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "Modeli su navedeni u opadajućem redosledu veličine. Veći modeli su sporiji i koriste više memorije, ali daju bolje rezultate. Imajte na umu da morate ponovo da pokrenete zadatak detekcije lica za sve slike nakon promene modela.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Omogućite prepoznavanje lica",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "Ako je onemogućeno, slike neće biti kodirane za prepoznavanje lica i neće popunjavati odeljak Ljudi na stranici Istraži.",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "Maksimalna udaljenost detekcije",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "Maksimalno rastojanje između dve slike da se smatraju duplikatima, u rasponu od 0,001-0,1. Veće vrednosti će otkriti više duplikata, ali mogu dovesti do lažnih pozitivnih rezultata.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "Maksimalna udaljenost prepoznavanja",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "Maksimalna udaljenost između dva lica koja se smatra istom osobom, u rasponu od 0-2. Smanjenje ovog broja može sprečiti označavanje dve osobe kao iste osobe, dok povećanje može sprečiti etiketiranje iste osobe kao dve različite osobe. Imajte na umu da je lakše spojiti dve osobe nego podeliti jednu osobu na dvoje, pa pogrešite na strani nižeg praga kada je to moguće.",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "Najmanji rezultat detekcije",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "Minimalni rezultat pouzdanosti za lice koje treba otkriti od 0-1. Niže vrednosti će otkriti više lica, ali mogu dovesti do lažnih pozitivnih rezultata.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "Najmanje prepoznatih lica",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "Minimalni broj prepoznatih lica za kreiranje osobe. Povećanje ovoga čini prepoznavanje lica preciznijim po cenu povećanja šanse da lice nije dodeljeno osobi.",
"machine_learning_settings": "Podešavanja mašinskog učenja",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Upravljajte funkcijama i podešavanjima mašinskog učenja",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Pametna pretraga",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "Potražite slike semantički koristeći ugrađeni CLIP",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Omogućite pametnu pretragu",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "Ako je onemogućeno, slike neće biti kodirane za pametnu pretragu.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "URL servera za mašinsko učenje",
"manage_concurrency": "Upravljanje paralelnošću",
"manage_log_settings": "Upravljajte podešavanjima evidencije",
"map_dark_style": "Tamni stil",
"map_enable_description": "Omogućite karakteristike mape",
"map_light_style": "Svetli stil",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Obrnuto geokodiranje",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Omogućite obrnuto geokodiranje",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Podešavanja obrnutog geokodiranja",
"map_settings": "Podešavanja mape i GPS-a",
"map_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima mape",
"map_style_description": "URL do style.json mape tema izgleda",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Izvod metapodataka",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "Izvucite informacije o metapodacima iz svake datoteke, kao što su GPS i rezolucija",
"migration_job": "Migracije",
"migration_job_description": "Prenesite sličice datoteka i lica u najnoviju strukturu direktorijuma",
"no_paths_added": "Nema dodatih putanja",
"no_pattern_added": "Nije dodat obrazac",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Napomena: Da biste primenili oznaku za skladištenje na prethodno otpremljena sredstva, pokrenite",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "NAPOMENA: Ovo se kasnije ne može promeniti!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Napomena: Unesite 0 za neograničenu kvotu",
"notification_email_from_address": "Sa adrese",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "Adresa e-pošte pošiljaoca, na primer: \"Immich foto server <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "Host servera e-pošte (npr. smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Zanemarite greške sertifikata",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Ignorišite greške u validaciji TLS sertifikata (ne preporučuje se)",
"notification_email_password_description": "Lozinka za upotrebu pri autentifikaciji sa serverom e-pošte",
"notification_email_port_description": "Port servera e-pošte (npr. 25, 465 ili 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Pošaljite probnu e-poštu i sačuvajte",
"notification_email_setting_description": "Podešavanja za slanje obaveštenja putem e-pošte",
"notification_email_test_email": "Pošaljite probnu e-poštu",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "Slanje probne e-pošte nije uspelo, proverite vrednosti",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Probna e-pošta je poslata na {email}. Proverite svoje prijemno sanduče.",
"notification_email_username_description": "Korisničko ime koje se koristi prilikom autentifikacije na serveru e-pošte",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "Omogućite obaveštenja putem e-pošte",
"notification_settings": "Podešavanja obaveštenja",
"notification_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima obaveštenja, uključujući e-poštu",
"oauth_auto_launch": "Automatsko pokretanje",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "Pokrenite OAuth tok prijavljivanja automatski nakon navigacije na stranicu za prijavu",
"oauth_auto_register": "Automatska registracija",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "Automatski registrujte nove korisnike nakon što se prijavite pomoću OAuth-a",
"oauth_button_text": "Tekst dugmeta",
"oauth_client_id": "ID klijenta",
"oauth_client_secret": "Tajna klijenta",
"oauth_enable_description": "Prijavite se pomoću OAuth-a",
"oauth_issuer_url": "URL izdavača",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "URI za preusmeravanje mobilnih uređaja",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "Zamena URI-ja mobilnog preusmeravanja",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "Omogući kada je 'app.immich:/' nevažeći URI za preusmeravanje.",
"oauth_scope": "Obim",
"oauth_settings": "OAutorizacija",
"oauth_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima za prijavu sa OAutorizacijom",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "Za više detalja o ovoj funkciji pogledajte <link>dokumente</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Algoritam potpisivanja",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Zahtev za nalepnicu za skladištenje",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Automatski podesite oznaku za skladištenje korisnika na vrednost ovog zahteva.",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "Zahtev za kvotu skladištenja",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "Automatski podesite kvotu memorijskog prostora korisnika na vrednost ovog zahteva.",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "Podrazumevana kvota za skladištenje (GiB)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "Kvota u GiB koja se koristi kada nema potraživanja (unesite 0 za neograničenu kvotu).",
"offline_paths": "Vanmrežne putanje",
"offline_paths_description": "Ovi rezultati mogu biti posledica ručnog brisanja datoteka koje nisu deo spoljne biblioteke.",
"password_enable_description": "Prijavite se pomoću e-pošte i lozinke",
"password_settings": "Lozinka za prijavu",
"password_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima za prijavu lozinkom",
"paths_validated_successfully": "Sve putanje su uspešno potvrđene",
"quota_size_gib": "Veličina kvote (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Osvežavanje svih biblioteka",
"removing_offline_files": "Uklanjanje vanmrežnih datoteka",
"repair_all": "Popravi sve",
"repair_matched_items": "Poklapa se sa {count, plural, one {1 stavkom} few {# stavke} other {# stavki}}",
"repaired_items": "{count, plural, one {Popravljena 1 stavka} few {Popravljene # stavke} other {Popravljene # stavki}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Zahtevati od korisnika da promeni lozinku pri prvom prijavljivanju",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Resetujte podešavanja na podrazumevane vrednosti",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Resetujte podešavanja na nedavno sačuvana podešavanja",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Skeniranje biblioteke za promenjene datoteke",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "Skeniranje biblioteke za nove datoteke",
"send_welcome_email": "Pošaljite e-poštu dobrodošlice",
"server_external_domain_settings": "Eksterni domain",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "Domain za javne deljene veze, uključujući http(s)://",
"server_settings": "Podešavanja servera",
"server_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima servera",
"server_welcome_message": "Poruka dobrodošlice",
"server_welcome_message_description": "Poruka koja se prikazuje na stranici za prijavu.",
"sidecar_job": "Bočni (sidecar) metapodaci",
"sidecar_job_description": "Otkrijte ili sinhronizujte bočne (sidecar) metapodatke iz sistema datoteka",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Broj sekundi za prikaz svake slike",
"smart_search_job_description": "Pokrenite mašinsko učenje na datotekama da biste podržali pametnu pretragu",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Omogući mehanizam za šablone za skladištenje",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Heš verifikacija omogućena",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Omogućava heš verifikaciju, ne onemogućavajte ovo osim ako niste sigurni u posledice",
"storage_template_migration": "Migracija šablona za skladištenje",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Primenite trenutni <link>{template}</link> na prethodno otpremljene elemente",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Promene šablona će se primeniti samo na nove datoteke. Da biste retroaktivno primenili šablon na prethodno otpremljene datoteke, pokrenite <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Posao migracije skladišta",
"storage_template_more_details": "Za više detalja o ovoj funkciji pogledajte <template-link>Šablon za skladište</template-link> i njegove <implications-link>implikacije</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Kada je omogućena, ova funkcija će automatski organizovati datoteke na osnovu šablona koji definiše korisnik. Zbog problema sa stabilnošću ova funkcija je podrazumevano isključena. Za više informacija pogledajte <link>dokumentaciju</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Približno ograničenje dužine putanje: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Šablon za skladištenje",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Upravljajte strukturom direktorijuma i imenom datoteke sredstva za otpremanje",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code> je oznaka za skladištenje korisnika",
"system_settings": "Podešavanja sistema",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "Prilagođeni CSS",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "Kaskadni listovi stilova (CSS) omogućavaju prilagođavanje dizajna Immich-a.",
"theme_settings": "Podešavanje tema",
"theme_settings_description": "Upravljajte prilagođavanjem Immich web interfejsa",
"these_files_matched_by_checksum": "Ovim datotekama se podudaraju njihovi kontrolni-zbirovi",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "Generišite sličice",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "Generišite velike, male i zamućene sličice za svako sredstvo, kao i sličice za svaku osobu",
"transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "API za ubrzanje",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "API koji će komunicirati sa vašim uređajem da bi ubrzao transkodiranje. Ovo podešavanje je 'najbolji napor': vraća se na softversko transkodiranje u slučaju neuspeha. VP9 može ili ne mora da radi u zavisnosti od vašeg hardvera.",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC (zahteva NVIDIA GPU)",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "Quick Sync (zahteva Intel CPU 7. generacije ili noviji)",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (samo na Rockchip SOC-ovima)",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "Video akceleracija API (VAAPI)",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "Prihvaćeni audio kodeci",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "Izaberite koje audio kodeke ne treba transkodirati. Koristi se samo za određene politike transkodiranja.",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "Prihvaćeni video kodeci",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "Izaberite koje video kodeke nije potrebno transkodirati. Koristi se samo za određene politike transkodiranja.",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "Opcije koje većina korisnika ne bi trebalo da menjaju",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Audio kodek",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus je opcija najvišeg kvaliteta, ali ima lošiju kompatibilnost sa starim uređajima ili softverom.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Video snimci veći od maksimalne brzine prenosa ili nisu u prihvaćenom formatu",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Da biste saznali više o terminologiji koja se ovde koristi, pogledajte FFmpeg dokumentaciju za <h264-link>H.264 kodek</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC kodek</hevc-link> i <vp9-link>VP9 kodek</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Režim konstantnog kvaliteta",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ je bolji od CQP-a, ali neki uređaji za hardversko ubrzanje ne podržavaju ovaj režim. Podešavanje ove opcije će preferirati navedeni režim kada se koristi kodiranje zasnovano na kvalitetu. NVENC ignoriše jer ne podržava ICQ.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Faktor konstantne stope (-crf)",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "Nivo kvaliteta videa. Tipične vrednosti su 23 za H.264, 28 za HEVC, 31 za VP9 i 35 za AV1. Niže je bolje, ali proizvodi veće datoteke.",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "Nemojte transkodirati nijedan video, može prekinuti reprodukciju na nekim klijentima",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Hardversko ubrzanje",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Ekperimentalno; mnogo brže, ali će imati niži kvalitet pri istoj brzini prenosa",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Hardversko dekodiranje",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Odnosi se samo na NVENC i RKMPP. Omogućava ubrzanje od kraja do kraja umesto da samo ubrzava kodiranje. Možda neće raditi na svim video snimcima.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC kodek",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maksimalni B-kadri",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Više vrednosti poboljšavaju efikasnost kompresije, ali usporavaju kodiranje. Možda nije kompatibilno sa hardverskim ubrzanjem na starijim uređajima. 0 onemogućava B-okvire, dok -1 automatski postavlja ovu vrednost.",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "Maksimalni bitrate",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "Podešavanje maksimalnog bitrate-a može učiniti veličine datoteka predvidljivijim uz manju cenu kvaliteta. Pri 720p, tipične vrednosti su 2600k za VP9 ili HEVC, ili 4500k za H.264. Onemogućeno ako je postavljeno na 0.",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "Maksimalni interval keyframe-a",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "Postavlja maksimalnu udaljenost kadrova između ključnih kadrova. Niže vrednosti pogoršavaju efikasnost kompresije, ali poboljšavaju vreme traženja i mogu poboljšati kvalitet scena sa brzim kretanjem. 0 automatski postavlja ovu vrednost.",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "Video snimci veći od ciljne rezolucije ili nisu u prihvaćenom formatu",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "Željeni hardverski uređaj",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device_description": "Odnosi se samo na VAAPI i QSV. Postavlja dri node koji se koristi za hardversko transkodiranje.",
"transcoding_preset_preset": "Unapred podešena podešavanja (-preset)",
"transcoding_preset_preset_description": "Brzina kompresije. Sporije unapred podešene vrednosti proizvode manje datoteke i povećavaju kvalitet kada ciljate određenu brzinu prenosa. VP9 ignoriše brzine iznad `brže`.",
"transcoding_reference_frames": "Referentni okviri (frames)",
"transcoding_reference_frames_description": "Broj okvira (frames) za referencu prilikom kompresije datog okvira. Više vrednosti poboljšavaju efikasnost kompresije, ali usporavaju kodiranje. 0 automatski postavlja ovu vrednost.",
"transcoding_required_description": "Samo video snimci koji nisu u prihvaćenom formatu",
"transcoding_settings": "Podešavanja video transkodiranja",
"transcoding_settings_description": "Upravljajte rezolucijom i informacijama o kodiranju video datoteka",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "Ciljana rezolucija",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "Veće rezolucije mogu da sačuvaju više detalja, ali im je potrebno više vremena za kodiranje, imaju veće veličine datoteka i mogu da smanje brzinu aplikacije.",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "Vremenski (Temporal) AQ",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "Odnosi se samo na NVENC. Povećava kvalitet scena sa visokim detaljima i niskim pokretima. Možda nije kompatibilan sa starijim uređajima.",
"transcoding_threads": "Niti (threads)",
"transcoding_threads_description": "Više vrednosti dovode do bržeg kodiranja, ali ostavljaju manje prostora serveru za obradu drugih zadataka dok je aktivan. Ova vrednost ne bi trebalo da bude veća od broja CPU jezgara. Maksimizira iskorišćenost ako je podešeno na 0.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "Mapiranje (tone-mapping)",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "Pokušava da se sačuva izgled HDR video zapisa kada se konvertuju u SDR. Svaki algoritam pravi različite kompromise za boju, detalje i osvetljenost. Hable čuva detalje, Mobius čuva boju, a Raeinhard svetlinu.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "Tone-mapping-NPL",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "Boje će biti podešene tako da izgledaju normalno za prikaz ove osvetljenosti. Kontraintuitivno, niže vrednosti povećavaju osvetljenost videa i obrnuto, jer kompenzuju osvetljenost ekrana. 0 automatski postavlja ovu vrednost.",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "Uslovi transkodiranja",
"transcoding_transcode_policy_description": "Uslovi o tome kada video treba transkodirati. HDR video snimci će uvek biti transkodirani (osim ako je transkodiranje onemogućeno).",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding": "Dvoprolazno kodiranje",
"transcoding_two_pass_encoding_setting_description": "Transkodirajte u dva prolaza da biste proizveli bolje kodirane video zapise. Kada je maksimalna brzina u bitovima omogućena (potrebna za rad sa H.264 i HEVC), ovaj režim koristi opseg brzine u bitovima zasnovan na maksimalnoj brzini (max bitrate) i ignoriše CRF. Za VP9, CRF se može koristiti ako je maksimalna brzina prenosa onemogućena.",
"transcoding_video_codec": "Video kodek",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "VP9 ima visoku efikasnost i web kompatibilnost, ali mu je potrebno više vremena za transkodiranje. HEVC radi slično, ali ima nižu web kompatibilnost. H.264 je široko kompatibilan i brzo se transkodira, ali proizvodi mnogo veće datoteke. AV1 je najefikasniji kodek, ali mu nedostaje podrška na starijim uređajima.",
"trash_enabled_description": "Omogućite funkcije Otpada",
"trash_number_of_days": "Broj dana",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "Broj dana za držanje datoteka u otpadu pre nego što ih trajno uklonite",
"trash_settings": "Podešavanja smeća",
"trash_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima smeća",
"untracked_files": "Nepraćene datoteke",
"untracked_files_description": "Aplikacija ne prati ove datoteke. One mogu nastati zbog neuspešnih premeštenja, zbog prekinutih otpremanja ili kao preostatak zbog greške",
"user_delete_delay": "Nalog i datoteke <b>{user}</b> biće zakazani za trajno brisanje za {delay, plural, one {# dan} other {# dana}}.",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Izbriši uz kašnjenje",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Broj dana nakon uklanjanja za trajno brisanje korisničkog naloga i datoteka. Posao brisanja korisnika se pokreće u ponoć da bi se proverili korisnici koji su spremni za brisanje. Promene ove postavke će biti procenjene pri sledećem izvršenju.",
"user_delete_immediately": "Nalog i datoteke <b>{user}</b> će biti stavljeni na čekanje za trajno brisanje <b>odmah</b>.",
"user_management": "Upravljanje korisnicima",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "Lozinka korisnika je resetovana:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Molimo da dostavite privremenu lozinku korisniku i obavestite ga da će morati da promeni lozinku prilikom sledećeg prijavljivanja.",
"user_restore_description": "Nalog <b>{user}</b> će biti vraćen.",
"user_settings": "Podešavanja korisnika",
"user_settings_description": "Upravljajte korisničkim podešavanjima",
"user_successfully_removed": "Korisnik {email} je uspešno uklonjen.",
"version_check_enabled_description": "Omogućite periodične zahteve GitHub-u za proveru novih izdanja",
"version_check_settings": "Provera verzije",
"version_check_settings_description": "Omogućite/onemogućite obaveštenje o novoj verziji",
"video_conversion_job": "Transkodiranje video zapisa",
"video_conversion_job_description": "Transkodirajte video zapise za širu kompatibilnost sa pregledačima i uređajima"
"admin_email": "Administratorska E-adresa",
"admin_password": "Administratorska Lozinka",
"administration": "Administracija",
"advanced": "Napredno",
"album_added": "Album dodan",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Primi obaveštenje e-poštom kad budeš dodan u deljen album",
"album_cover_updated": "Omot albuma ažuriran",
"album_info_updated": "Informacija albuma ažurirana",
"album_name": "Ime albuma",
"album_options": "Opcije albuma",
"album_updated": "Album ažuriran",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Primite obaveštenje e-poštom kada deljeni album ima nova svojstva",
"albums": "Albumi",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Album} few {{count, number} Albumi} other {{count, number} Albumi}}",
"all": "Sve",
"all_people": "Sve osobe",
"allow_dark_mode": "Dozvoli tamni režim",
"allow_edits": "Dozvoli uređenje",
"api_key": "API ključ (key)",
"api_keys": "API ključevi (keys)",
"app_settings": "Podešavanja aplikacije",
"appears_in": "Pojavljuje se u",
"archive": "Arhiva",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Arhivirajte ili poništite arhiviranje fotografije",
"archive_size": "Veličina arhive",
"archive_size_description": "Podesi veličinu arhive za preuzimanje (u GiB)",
"archived": "Arhivirano",
"asset_offline": "Datoteka odsutna",
"assets": "Zapisi",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {Premeštena # datoteka} few {Premeštene # datoteke} other {Premeštene # datoteka}} u otpad",
"authorized_devices": "Ovlašćeni uređaji",
"back": "Nazad",
"backward": "Unazad",
"blurred_background": "Zamućena pozadina",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite grupno da izbrišete {count} dupliranih elemenata? Ovo će zadržati najveće sredstvo svake grupe i trajno izbrisati sve druge duplikate. Ne možete poništiti ovu radnju!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da zadržite {count} dupliranih datoteka? Ovo će rešiti sve duplirane grupe bez brisanja bilo čega.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite grupno da odbacite {count} duplikata materijala? Ovo će zadržati najveću imovinu svake grupe i odbaciti sve druge duplikate.",
"camera": "Kamera",
"camera_brand": "Brend kamere",
"camera_model": "Model kamere",
"cancel": "Odustani",
"cancel_search": "Otkaži pretragu",
"cannot_merge_people": "Ne može spojiti osobe",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Ne može ažurirati opis",
"cant_apply_changes": "Ne može primeniti promene",
"cant_get_faces": "Ne može preuzeti lica",
"cant_search_people": "Ne može pretražiti osobe",
"cant_search_places": "Ne može pretražiti mesta",
"change_date": "Promeni datum",
"change_expiration_time": "Promeni vreme isteka",
"change_location": "Promeni mesto",
"change_name": "Promeni ime",
"change_name_successfully": "Promeni ime uspešno",
"change_password": "Promeni Lozinku",
"change_your_password": "Promeni svoju šifru",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Vidljivost je uspešno promenjena",
"check_all": "Štiklirati sve",
"check_logs": "Proverite dnevnike (logs)",
"choose_matching_people_to_merge": "Izaberite odgovarajuće osobe za spajanje",
"city": "Grad",
"clear": "Jasno",
"clear_all": "Izbriši sve",
"clear_message": "Obriši poruku",
"clear_value": "Jasna vrednost",
"close": "Zatvori",
"collapse_all": "Skupi sve",
"color_theme": "Režim boja",
"comment_options": "Opcije komentara",
"comments_are_disabled": "Komentari su onemogućeni",
"confirm": "Potvrdi",
"confirm_admin_password": "Potvrdi Administrativnu Lozinku",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovaj deljeni link?",
"confirm_password": "Ponovo unesi šifru",
"contain": "Obuhvati",
"context": "Kontekst",
"continue": "Nastavi",
"copied_image_to_clipboard": "Kopirana slika u međuspremnik (clipboard).",
"copied_to_clipboard": "Kopirano u međuspremnik (clipboard)!",
"copy_error": "Greška pri kopiranju",
"copy_file_path": "Kopiraj putanju datoteke",
"copy_image": "Kopiraj sliku",
"copy_link": "Kopiraj vezu",
"copy_link_to_clipboard": "Kopirajte vezu u međuspremnik (clipboard)",
"copy_password": "Kopiraj lozinku",
"copy_to_clipboard": "Kopiraj u međuspremnik (clipboard)",
"country": "Država",
"cover": "Omot",
"covers": "Omoti",
"create": "Napravi",
"create_album": "Napravi album",
"create_library": "Napravi Biblioteku",
"create_link": "Napravi vezu",
"create_link_to_share": "Napravi vezu za deljenje",
"create_new_person": "Napravi novu osobu",
"create_new_user": "Napravi novog korisnika",
"create_user": "Napravi korisnika",
"created": "Napravljen",
"current_device": "Trenutni uređaj",
"custom_locale": "Prilagođena lokacija (locale)",
"custom_locale_description": "Formatirajte datume i brojeve na osnovu jezika i regiona",
"dark": "Tamno",
"date_after": "Datum posle",
"date_and_time": "Datum i Vreme",
"date_before": "Datum pre",
"date_range": "Raspon datuma",
"day": "Dan",
"deduplicate_all": "De-dupliciraj sve",
"default_locale": "Podrazumevana lokacija (locale)",
"default_locale_description": "Formatirajte datume i brojeve na osnovu lokalizacije vašeg pretraživača",
"delete": "Obriši",
"delete_album": "Obriši album",
"delete_api_key_prompt": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovaj API ključ (key)?",
"delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da trajno izbrišete ove duplikate?",
"delete_key": "Izbriši ključ",
"delete_library": "Obriši biblioteku",
"delete_link": "Obriši vezu",
"delete_shared_link": "Obriši deljenu vezu",
"delete_user": "Obriši korisnika",
"deleted_shared_link": "Obrišena deljena veza",
"description": "Opis",
"details": "Detalji",
"direction": "Smer",
"disabled": "Onemogućeno",
"disallow_edits": "Zabrani izmene",
"discover": "Otkrijte",
"dismiss_all_errors": "Odbacite sve greške",
"dismiss_error": "Odbaci grešku",
"display_options": "Opcije prikaza",
"display_order": "Redosled prikaza",
"display_original_photos": "Prikažite originalne fotografije",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Radije prikazujete originalnu fotografiju kada gledate materijal nego sličice kada je originalno delo kompatibilno sa webom. Ovo može dovesti do sporijeg prikaza fotografija.",
"done": "Urađeno",
"download": "Preuzmi",
"download_settings": "Preuzimanje",
"download_settings_description": "Upravljajte podešavanjima vezanim za preuzimanje datoteka",
"downloading": "Preuzimanje u toku",
"duplicates": "Duplikati",
"duplicates_description": "Razrešite svaku grupu tako što ćete navesti duplikate, ako ih ima",
"duration": "Trajanje",
"durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {dan} other {{days, number} dana}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {sat} other {{hours, number} sata}}",
"minutes": "{minutes, plural, one {minut} other {{minutes, number} minuta}}",
"months": "{months, plural, one {mesec} other {{months, number} meseci}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {godina} other {{years, number} godina}}"
"edit_album": "Uredi album",
"edit_avatar": "Uredi avatar",
"edit_date": "Uredi datum",
"edit_date_and_time": "Uredi datum i vreme",
"edit_exclusion_pattern": "Izmenite obrazac izuzimanja",
"edit_faces": "Uredi lica",
"edit_import_path": "Uredi putanju za preuzimanje",
"edit_import_paths": "Uredi Putanje za Preuzimanje",
"edit_key": "Izmeni ključ",
"edit_link": "Uredi vezu",
"edit_location": "Uredi lokaciju",
"edit_name": "Uredi ime",
"edit_people": "Uredi osobe",
"edit_title": "Uredi titulu",
"edit_user": "Uredi korisnika",
"edited": "Uređeno",
"editor": "Urednik",
"email": "E-pošta",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Isprazni album",
"empty_trash": "Ispraznite smeće",
"enable": "",
"enabled": "",
"end_date": "Krajnji datum",
"error": "Greška",
"error_loading_image": "Greška pri učitavanju slike",
"errors": {
"cleared_jobs": "Očišćeni poslovi za: {job}",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Ovaj obrazac isključenja već postoji.",
"failed_job_command": "Komanda {command} nije uspela za zadatak: {job}",
"import_path_already_exists": "Ova putanja uvoza već postoji.",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# putanja nije prošla} few {# putanje nisu prošle} other {# putanja nisu prošle}} proveru valjanosti",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Postavili ste kvotu veću od veličine diska",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Nije moguće proveriti {count, select, one {stavku} other {stavke}}",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Nije moguće dodati korisnike u album",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Nije moguće dodati komentar",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Nije moguće dodati obrazac izuzimanja",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Nije moguće dodati putanju za uvoz",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Nije moguće dodati partnere",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Nije moguće promeniti ulogu korisnika albuma",
"unable_to_change_date": "Nije moguće promeniti datum",
"unable_to_change_location": "Nije moguće promeniti lokaciju",
"unable_to_change_password": "Nije moguće promeniti lozinku",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Nije moguće kopirati u međuspremnik (clipboard), proverite da li pristupate stranici preko https-a",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Nije moguće napraviti novi API ključ (key)",
"unable_to_create_library": "Nije moguće napraviti biblioteku",
"unable_to_create_user": "Nije moguće kreirati korisnika",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Nije moguće izbrisati album",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Nije moguće izbrisati datoteke",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Nije moguće izbrisati obrazac izuzimanja",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Nije moguće izbrisati putanju za uvoz",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Nije moguće izbrisati deljeni link",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Nije moguće izbrisati korisnika",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Nije moguće izmeniti obrazac izuzimanja",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Nije moguće izmeniti putanju uvoza",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Nije moguće isprazniti otpad",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Nije moguće otvoriti preko celog ekrana",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Nije moguće izaći iz celog ekrana",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Ne može sakriti osobu",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Nije moguće povezati OAuth nalog",
"unable_to_load_album": "Nije moguće učitati album",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Nije moguće učitati aktivnost sredstava",
"unable_to_load_items": "Nije moguće učitati stavke",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Nije moguće učitati status sviđanja",
"unable_to_play_video": "Nije moguće pustiti video",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Nije moguće osvežiti korisnika",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Nije moguće ukloniti korisnike iz albuma",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Nije moguće ukloniti API ključ (key)",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Nije moguće ukloniti biblioteku",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Nije moguće ukloniti vanmrežne datoteke",
"unable_to_remove_partner": "Nije moguće ukloniti partnera",
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "Nije moguće ukloniti reakciju",
"unable_to_remove_user": "",
"unable_to_repair_items": "Nije moguće popraviti stavke",
"unable_to_reset_password": "Nije moguće resetovati lozinku",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "Nije moguće razrešiti duplikat",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "Nije moguće vratiti datoteke",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "Nije moguće povratiti otpad",
"unable_to_restore_user": "Nije moguće povratiti korisnika",
"unable_to_save_album": "Nije moguće sačuvati album",
"unable_to_save_api_key": "Nije moguće sačuvati API ključ (key)",
"unable_to_save_name": "Nije moguće sačuvati ime",
"unable_to_save_profile": "Nije moguće sačuvati profil",
"unable_to_save_settings": "Nije moguće sačuvati podešavanja",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Nije moguće skenirati biblioteke",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Nije moguće skenirati biblioteku",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Nije moguće postaviti profilnu sliku",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Nije moguće predati zadatak",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Nije moguće izbaciti materijal u otpad",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Nije moguće raskinuti profil",
"unable_to_update_library": "Nije moguće ažurirati biblioteku",
"unable_to_update_location": "Nije moguće ažurirati lokaciju",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Nije moguće ažurirati podešavanja",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "Nije moguće ažurirati status prikaza vremenske linije",
"unable_to_update_user": "Nije moguće ažurirati korisnika"
"every_day_at_onepm": "",
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exit_slideshow": "Izađi iz projekcije slajdova",
"expand_all": "Proširi sve",
"expire_after": "Da istekne nakon",
"expired": "Isteklo",
"explore": "Istražite",
"export": "Izvezi",
"export_as_json": "Izvezi JSON",
"extension": "Ekstenzija (Extension)",
"external": "Spoljašnji",
"external_libraries": "Spoljašnje Biblioteke",
"failed_to_get_people": "Neuspešno isčitavanje osoba",
"favorite": "Favorit",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "Omiljena ili neomiljena fotografija",
"favorites": "Favoriti",
"feature": "",
"feature_photo_updated": "Glavna fotografija je ažurirana",
"featurecollection": "",
"file_name": "Naziv dokumenta",
"file_name_or_extension": "Ime datoteke ili ekstenzija",
"filename": "Ime datoteke",
"files": "",
"filetype": "Vrsta dokumenta",
"filter_people": "Filtriranje osoba",
"find_them_fast": "Brzo ih pronađite po imenu pomoću pretrage",
"fix_incorrect_match": "Ispravite netačno podudaranje",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "Prinudno ponovo skenirajte sve datoteke biblioteke",
"forward": "Napred",
"general": "Generalno",
"get_help": "Nađi pomoć",
"getting_started": "Počinjem",
"go_back": "Vrati se",
"go_to_search": "Idi na pretragu",
"go_to_share_page": "Idi na stranicu za deljenje",
"group_albums_by": "Grupni albumi po...",
"has_quota": "Ima kvotu",
"hide_gallery": "Sakrij galeriju",
"hide_password": "Sakrij lozinku",
"hide_person": "Sakrij osobu",
"host": "Domaćin (Host)",
"hour": "Sat",
"image": "Fotografija",
"img": "",
"immich_logo": "Logo Immich-a",
"immich_web_interface": "Web interfejs Immich-a",
"import_from_json": "Uvezi iz JSON-a",
"import_path": "Putanja uvoza",
"in_albums": "U {count, plural, one {# albumu} few {# albuma} other {# albuma}}",
"in_archive": "U arhivi",
"include_archived": "Obuhvati arhivirano",
"include_shared_albums": "Obuhvati deljene albume",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "Obuhvati zajedničke datoteke partnera",
"individual_share": "Individualni udeo",
"info": "Informacija",
"interval": {
"day_at_onepm": "Svaki dan u 1pm",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Svaki sat} few {Svakih {hours, number} sata} other {Svakih {hours, number} sati}}",
"night_at_midnight": "Svaka noć u ponoć",
"night_at_twoam": "Svaka noć u 2am"
"invite_people": "Pozovite ljude",
"invite_to_album": "Pozovi na album",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "Poslovi",
"keep": "Zadrži",
"keep_all": "Zadrži sve",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Prečice na tastaturi",
"language": "Jezik",
"language_setting_description": "Izaberite željeni jezik",
"last_seen": "Poslednji put viđen",
"leave": "Napusti",
"let_others_respond": "Dozvoli da drugi komentarišu",
"level": "Nivo",
"library": "Biblioteka",
"library_options": "Opcije biblioteke",
"light": "Svetlo",
"link_options": "Opcije veze",
"link_to_oauth": "Veza do OAuth-a",
"linked_oauth_account": "Povezani OAuth nalog",
"list": "Izlistaj",
"loading": "Učitavanje",
"loading_search_results_failed": "Učitavanje rezultata pretrage nije uspelo",
"log_out": "Odjavi se",
"log_out_all_devices": "Odjavite se sa svih uređaja",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Prijava je onemogućena.",
"look": "Pogledaj",
"loop_videos": "Ponavljajte video zapise",
"loop_videos_description": "Omogućite za automatsko ponavljanje video zapisa u pregledniku detalja.",
"make": "Kreiraj",
"manage_shared_links": "Upravljajte deljenim vezama",
"manage_sharing_with_partners": "Upravljajte deljenjem sa partnerima",
"manage_the_app_settings": "Upravljajte podešavanjima aplikacije",
"manage_your_account": "Upravljajte vašim profilom",
"manage_your_api_keys": "Upravljajte API ključevima (keys)",
"manage_your_devices": "Upravljajte svojim prijavljenim uređajima",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Upravljajte svojom OAuth vezom",
"map": "Mapa",
"map_marker_with_image": "Marker na mapi sa slikom",
"map_settings": "Podešavanja mape",
"matches": "Podudaranja",
"media_type": "Vrsta medija",
"memories": "Sećanja",
"memories_setting_description": "Upravljajte onim što vidite u svojim sećanjima",
"memory": "Memorija",
"menu": "Meni",
"merge": "Spoji",
"merge_people": "Spoji osobe",
"merge_people_limit": "Možete spojiti najviše 5 lica od jednom",
"merge_people_prompt": "Da li želite da spojite ove osobe? Ovaj potez se ne može povratiti.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Spajanje osoba uspešno",
"minimize": "Minimizirajte",
"minute": "Minut",
"missing": "Nedostaje",
"model": "Model",
"month": "Mesec",
"more": "Više",
"moved_to_trash": "Premešteno u smeće",
"my_albums": "Moji albumi",
"name": "Ime",
"name_or_nickname": "Ime ili nadimak",
"never": "Nikada",
"new_api_key": "Novi API ključ (key)",
"new_password": "Nova šifra",
"new_person": "Nova osoba",
"new_user_created": "Novi korisnik je kreiran",
"newest_first": "Najnovije prvo",
"next": "Sledeće",
"next_memory": "Sledeće sećanje",
"no": "Ne",
"no_albums_message": "Napravite album da biste organizovali svoje fotografije i video zapise",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Arhivirajte fotografije i video zapise da biste ih sakrili iz prikaza fotografija",
"no_duplicates_found": "Nije pronađen nijedan duplikat.",
"no_exif_info_available": "Nema dostupnih exif informacija",
"no_explore_results_message": "Uploadirajte još fotografija da biste istražili svoju kolekciju.",
"no_favorites_message": "Postavite favorite da biste brzo našli vaše najbolje slike i video snimke",
"no_libraries_message": "Napravite spoljnu biblioteku da biste videli svoje fotografije i video zapise",
"no_name": "Nema imena",
"no_places": "Nema mesta",
"no_results": "Nema rezultata",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Napravite album da biste delili fotografije i video zapise sa ljudima u vašoj mreži",
"not_in_any_album": "Nema ni u jednom albumu",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Napomena: Da biste primenili oznaku za skladištenje na prethodno uploadirane datoteke, pokrenite",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Napomena: Unesite 0 za neograničenu kvotu",
"notes": "Napomene",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "Omogućite obaveštenja putem e-pošte",
"notifications": "Notifikacije",
"notifications_setting_description": "Upravljajte obaveštenjima",
"oauth": "OAuth",
"offline": "Odsutan (Offline)",
"offline_paths": "Nedostupne (Offline) putanje",
"offline_paths_description": "Ovi rezultati mogu biti posledica ručnog brisanja datoteka koje nisu deo spoljne biblioteke.",
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Najstarije prvo",
"online": "Dostupan (Online)",
"only_favorites": "Samo favoriti",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Osvežava samo izmenjene datoteke",
"open_the_search_filters": "Otvorite filtere za pretragu",
"options": "Opcije",
"organize_your_library": "Organizujte svoju biblioteku",
"other": "Ostalo",
"other_devices": "Ostali uređaji",
"other_variables": "Ostale varijable",
"owned": "Vlasništvo",
"owner": "Vlasnik",
"partner": "partner",
"partner_can_access": "{partner} može da pristupi",
"partner_can_access_assets": "Sve vaše fotografije i video snimci osim onih u arhiviranim i izbrisanim",
"partner_can_access_location": "Lokacija na kojoj su vaše fotografije snimljene",
"partner_sharing": "Partnersko deljenje",
"partners": "Partneri",
"password": "Šifra",
"password_does_not_match": "Lozinka se ne podudara",
"password_required": "Lozinka potrebna",
"password_reset_success": "Resetovanje lozinke je uspešno",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {Prošli dan} few {Prošlih # dana} other {Prošlih # dana}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Prošli sat} few {Prošla # sata} other {Prošlih # sati}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Prošle godine} few {Prošle # godine} other {Prošlih # godina}}"
"path": "Putanja",
"pattern": "Šablon",
"pause": "Pauza",
"pause_memories": "Pauzirajte sećanja",
"paused": "Pauzirano",
"pending": "Na čekanju",
"people": "Osobe",
"people_sidebar_description": "Prikažite vezu do osoba na bočnoj traci",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Upozorenje za trajno brisanje",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Prikaži upozorenje kada trajno brišete datoteke",
"permanently_delete": "Trajno izbrisati",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Trajno izbrisana datoteka",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "Trajno izbrisano {count, plural, one {# datoteka} other {# datoteke}}",
"person": "Osoba",
"photos": "Slike",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} fotografija} few {{count, number} fotografije} other {{count, number} fotografija}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Fotografije iz prethodnih godina",
"pick_a_location": "Odaberi lokaciju",
"place": "Mesto",
"places": "Mesta",
"play": "Pokreni",
"play_memories": "Pokreni sećanja",
"play_motion_photo": "Pokreni pokretnu fotografiju",
"play_or_pause_video": "Pokreni ili pauziraj video zapis",
"point": "",
"port": "port",
"preset": "Unapred podešeno",
"preview": "Pregled",
"previous": "Prošlo",
"previous_memory": "Prethodno sećanje",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Prethodna ili sledeća fotografija",
"primary": "Primarna (Primary)",
"profile_picture_set": "Profilna slika postavljena.",
"public_share": "Javno deljenje",
"range": "",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Opcije reakcije",
"read_changelog": "Pročitajte dnevnik promena",
"recent": "Skorašnji",
"recent_searches": "Skorašnje pretrage",
"refresh": "Osveži",
"refreshed": "Osveženo",
"refreshes_every_file": "Osvežava svaku datoteku",
"remove": "Ukloni",
"remove_from_album": "Obriši iz albuma",
"remove_from_favorites": "Ukloni iz favorita",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Uklonite sa deljene veze",
"remove_offline_files": "Uklonite vanmrežne (offline) datoteke",
"removed_api_key": "Uklonjen API ključ (key): {name}",
"rename": "Preimenuj",
"repair": "Popravi",
"repair_no_results_message": "Ovde će se pojaviti datoteke koje nisu praćene i nedostaju",
"replace_with_upload": "Zamenite sa upload-om",
"require_password": "Potrebna lozinka",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Zahtevati od korisnika da promeni lozinku pri prvom prijavljivanju",
"reset": "Resetovati",
"reset_password": "Resetovati lozinku",
"reset_people_visibility": "Resetujte vidljivost osoba",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Svi duplikati su razrešeni",
"restore": "Povrati",
"restore_all": "Povrati sve",
"restore_user": "Povrati korisnika",
"resume": "Ponovo pokreni",
"retry_upload": "Pokušajte ponovo da uploadujete",
"review_duplicates": "Pregledajte duplikate",
"role": "Uloga",
"save": "Sačuvaj",
"saved_api_key": "Sačuvan API ključ (key)",
"saved_profile": "Sačuvan profil",
"saved_settings": "Sačuvana podešavanja",
"say_something": "Reci nešto",
"scan_all_libraries": "Skeniraj sve biblioteke",
"scan_all_library_files": "Ponovo skenirajte sve datoteke biblioteke",
"scan_new_library_files": "Skenirajte nove datoteke biblioteke",
"scan_settings": "Podešavanja skeniranja",
"scanning_for_album": "Skeniranje albuma...",
"search": "Pretraga",
"search_albums": "Pretraži albume",
"search_by_context": "Pretražujte po kontekstu",
"search_camera_make": "Pretraga proizvođača kamere...",
"search_camera_model": "Pretraži model kamere...",
"search_city": "Pretraži grad...",
"search_country": "Traži zemlju...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Potražite postojeću osobu",
"search_people": "Pretraži osobe",
"search_places": "Pretraži mesta",
"search_state": "Traži region...",
"search_timezone": "Pretraži vremensku zonu...",
"search_type": "Vrsta pretrage",
"search_your_photos": "Pretraži svoje fotografije",
"searching_locales": "Pretraživanje prevoda...",
"second": "Sekunda",
"select_album_cover": "Izaberite omot albuma",
"select_all": "Izaberi sve",
"select_avatar_color": "Izaberite boju avatara",
"select_face": "Izaberite lice",
"select_featured_photo": "Izaberite istaknutu fotografiju",
"select_keep_all": "Izaberite da zadržite sve",
"select_library_owner": "Izaberite vlasnika biblioteke",
"select_new_face": "Izaberite novo lice",
"select_photos": "Odaberi fotografije",
"select_trash_all": "Izaberite da sve bacite na otpad",
"selected": "Odabrano",
"send_message": "Pošalji poruku",
"send_welcome_email": "Pošaljite e-poštu dobrodošlice",
"server": "Server",
"server_stats": "Statistika servera",
"set": "Postavi",
"set_as_album_cover": "Postavi kao omot albuma",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Postavi kao profilnu sliku",
"set_date_of_birth": "Podesite datum rođenja",
"set_profile_picture": "Postavi profilnu sliku",
"set_slideshow_to_fullscreen": "Postavite projekciju slajdova na ceo ekran",
"settings": "Podešavanja",
"settings_saved": "Podešavanja sačuvana",
"share": "Podeli",
"shared": "Deljeno",
"shared_by": "Podelio",
"shared_by_you": "Vi delite",
"shared_from_partner": "Slike od {partner}",
"shared_links": "Deljene veze",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} deli fotografije i video zapise.",
"shared_with_partner": "Deli se sa {partner}",
"sharing": "Deljenje",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Prikažite vezu do Deljenja na bočnoj traci",
"show_album_options": "Prikaži opcije albuma",
"show_and_hide_people": "Otkrij i sakrij osobe",
"show_file_location": "Prikaži lokaciju datoteke",
"show_gallery": "Prikaži galeriju",
"show_hidden_people": "Prikaži skrivene osobe",
"show_in_timeline": "Prikaži na vremenskoj liniji",
"show_in_timeline_setting_description": "Prikažite fotografije i video zapise ovog korisnika na vremenskoj liniji",
"show_keyboard_shortcuts": "Prikaži prečice na tastaturi",
"show_metadata": "Prikaži metapodatke",
"show_or_hide_info": "Otkrij ili sakrij informaciju",
"show_password": "Prikaži lozinku",
"show_person_options": "Prikaži opcije osobe",
"show_progress_bar": "Prikaži traku napretka",
"show_search_options": "Prikaži opcije pretrage",
"shuffle": "Mešanje",
"sign_out": "Odjava",
"sign_up": "Prijavi se",
"size": "Veličina",
"skip_to_content": "Pređi na sadržaj",
"slideshow": "Slajdovi",
"slideshow_settings": "Podešavanja slajdova",
"sort_albums_by": "Sortiraj albume po...",
"stack": "Slaganje",
"stack_selected_photos": "Složite izabrane fotografije",
"stacktrace": "Veza do gomile",
"start": "Početak",
"start_date": "Datum početka",
"state": "Stanje",
"status": "Status",
"stop_motion_photo": "Zaustavi pokretnu fotografiju",
"stop_photo_sharing": "Želite da zaustavite deljenje fotografija?",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "{partner} više neće moći da pristupi vašim fotografijama.",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "Prestanite da delite svoje fotografije sa ovim korisnikom",
"storage": "Skladište (Storage)",
"storage_label": "Oznaka za skladištenje",
"storage_usage": "Koristi se {used} od {available}",
"submit": "Dostavi",
"suggestions": "Sugestije",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "Izlazak sunca na plaži",
"swap_merge_direction": "Zamenite pravac spajanja",
"sync": "Sinhronizacija",
"template": "Šablon (Template)",
"theme": "Teme",
"theme_selection": "Izbor teme",
"theme_selection_description": "Automatski postavite temu na svetlu ili tamnu na osnovu sistemskih preferencija vašeg pretraživača",
"time_based_memories": "Sećanja zasnovana na vremenu",
"timezone": "Vremenska zona",
"to_archive": "Arhiviraj",
"to_favorite": "Postavi kao favorit",
"to_trash": "Smeće",
"toggle_settings": "Namesti podešavanja",
"toggle_theme": "Namesti teme",
"toggle_visibility": "Namesti vidljivost",
"total_usage": "Ukupna upotreba",
"trash": "Otpad",
"trash_all": "Baci sve u otpad",
"trash_count": "Otpad {count}",
"trash_no_results_message": "Slike i video zapisi u otpadu će se pojaviti ovde.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Datoteke u otpadu će biti trajno izbrisane nakon {days, plural, one {# dan} few {# dana} other {# dana}}.",
"type": "Vrsta",
"unarchive": "Vrati iz arhive",
"unarchived": "Vraćeno iz arhive",
"unfavorite": "Izbaci iz omiljenih (unfavorite)",
"unhide_person": "Otkrij osobu",
"unknown": "Nepoznat",
"unknown_album": "Nepoznat Album",
"unknown_year": "Nepoznata Godina",
"unlimited": "Neograničeno",
"unlink_oauth": "Prekini vezu sa Oauth-om",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Opozvana veza OAuth naloga",
"unnamed_album": "Neimenovani album",
"unnamed_share": "Neimenovano delenje",
"unselect_all": "Poništi sve",
"unstack": "Razgomilaj (Un-stack)",
"untracked_files": "Nepraćene Datoteke",
"untracked_files_decription": "Aplikacija ne prati ove datoteke. One mogu nastati zbog neuspešnih premeštenja, zbog prekinutih otpremanja ili kao preostatak zbog greške",
"up_next": "Sledeće",
"updated_password": "Ažurirana lozinka",
"upload": "Uploadiraj",
"upload_concurrency": "Paralelno uploadovanje",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Upotreba",
"user": "Korisnik",
"user_id": "ID korisnika",
"user_usage_detail": "Detalji korišćenja korisnika",
"username": "Korisničko ime",
"users": "Korisnici",
"utilities": "Alati",
"validate": "Proveri",
"variables": "Promenljive (variables)",
"version": "Verzija",
"version_announcement_message": "Zdravo prijatelju, postoji nova verzija aplikacije, molimo vas da odvojite vreme da posetite <link>napomene o izdanju</link> i uverite se u svoje <code>docker-compose.yml</code>, i <code>.env</code> podešavanje je ažurirano kako bi se sprečile bilo kakve pogrešne konfiguracije, posebno ako koristite WatchTower ili bilo koji mehanizam koji automatski upravlja ažuriranjem vaše aplikacije.",
"video": "Video zapis",
"video_hover_setting": "Pusti sličicu videa kada lebdi",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Pusti sličicu videa kada miš pređe preko stavke. Čak i kada je onemogućena, reprodukcija se može pokrenuti prelaskom miša preko ikone za reprodukciju.",
"videos": "Video zapisi",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# video zapis} few {# video zapisa} other {# video zapisa}}",
"view": "Gledaj (view)",
"view_all": "Prikaži Sve",
"view_all_users": "Prikaži sve korisnike",
"view_links": "Prikaži veze",
"view_next_asset": "Pogledajte sledeću datoteku",
"view_previous_asset": "Pogledaj prethodnu datoteku",
"viewer": "Preglednik (viewer)",
"waiting": "Čekam",
"week": "Nedelja",
"welcome": "Dobrodošli",
"welcome_to_immich": "Dobrodošli u immich",
"year": "Godina",
"yes": "Da",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Nemate nijedno deljene veze",
"zoom_image": "Zumiraj sliku"
@ -1,52 +1,55 @@
"account": "",
"account_settings": "",
"acknowledge": "",
"action": "",
"actions": "",
"account": "அக்கௌன்ட்",
"account_settings": "அக்கௌன்ட் அமைப்புகள்",
"acknowledge": "ஏற்றுக்கொள்கிறேன்",
"action": "செயல்",
"actions": "செயல்கள்",
"active": "",
"activity": "",
"add": "",
"add_a_description": "",
"add_a_location": "",
"add_a_name": "",
"add_a_title": "",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "",
"add_import_path": "",
"add_location": "",
"add_more_users": "",
"add_partner": "",
"add_path": "",
"add_photos": "",
"add_to": "",
"add_to_album": "",
"add_to_shared_album": "",
"activity": "செயல்பட்ட நிகழ்வுகள்",
"add": "சேர்க்க",
"add_a_description": "விளக்கத்தை சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_a_location": "இடத்தை சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_a_name": "பெயரை சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_a_title": "தலைப்பு சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "விலக்கு வடிவத்தைச் சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_import_path": "இறக்குமதி பாதையை (இம்போர்ட் பாத்) சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_location": "இடத்தைச் சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_more_users": "மேலும் பயனர்களை சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_partner": "துணையை சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_path": "பாதை (பாத்) சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_photos": "புகைப்படங்களை சேர்க்கவும்",
"add_to": "சேர்க்க...",
"add_to_album": "ஆல்பமில் சேர்க்க",
"add_to_shared_album": "பகிரப்பட்ட ஆல்பமில் சேர்க்க",
"added_to_archive": "காப்பகத்தில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"added_to_favorites": "விருப்பங்களில் (பேவரிட்ஸ்) சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"added_to_favorites_count": "விருப்பங்களில் (பேவரிட்ஸ்) {count} சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"authentication_settings": "",
"authentication_settings_description": "",
"authentication_settings": "அடையாள உறுதிப்படுத்தல் அமைப்புகள் (செட்டிங்ஸ்)",
"authentication_settings_description": "கடவுச்சொல், OAuth, மற்றும் பிற அடையாள அமைப்புகள்",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "",
"background_task_job": "",
"check_all": "",
"cleared_jobs": "",
"config_set_by_file": "",
"confirm_delete_library": "",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "",
"confirm_email_below": "",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "",
"disable_login": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"external_library_created_at": "",
"external_library_management": "",
"face_detection": "",
"face_detection_description": "",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "",
"background_task_job": "பின்னணி பணிகள்",
"check_all": "அனைத்தையும் தேர்ந்தெடு",
"cleared_jobs": "முடித்த வேலைகள்: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "config தற்போது ஒரு config கோப்பு மூலம் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது",
"confirm_delete_library": "{library} படங்கள் நூலகத்தை நிச்சயமாக நீக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "இந்த நூலகத்தை நிச்சயமாக நீக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா? இது Immich இலிருந்து {count, plural, one {# contained asset} other {all # contained assets}} நீக்கிவிடும், மேலும் செயல்தவிர்க்க முடியாது. கோப்புகள் வட்டில் இருக்கும்.",
"confirm_email_below": "உறுதிப்படுத்த, கீழே \"{email}\" என தட்டச்சு செய்யவும்",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "எல்லா முகங்களையும் மீண்டும் செயலாக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா? இது பெயரிடப்பட்ட நபர்களையும் அழிக்கும்.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "{user} இன் கடவுச்சொல்லை நிச்சயமாக மீட்டமைக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா?",
"disable_login": "உள்நுழைவை முடக்கு",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "ஒத்த படங்களைக் கண்டறிய, சொத்துக்களில் இயந்திரக் கற்றலை இயக்கவும். ஸ்மார்ட் தேடலை நம்பியுள்ளது",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "உங்கள் நூலகத்தை ஸ்கேன் செய்யும் போது கோப்புகளையும் கோப்புறைகளையும் புறக்கணிக்க விலக்கு வடிவங்கள் உங்களை அனுமதிக்கின்றன. RAW கோப்புகள் போன்ற நீங்கள் இறக்குமதி செய்ய விரும்பாத கோப்புகளைக் கொண்ட கோப்புறைகள் உங்களிடம் இருந்தால் இது பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்கும்.",
"external_library_created_at": "வெளிப்புற புகைப்பட நூலகம் (உருவாக்கப்பட்ட நாள் {date})",
"external_library_management": "வெளிப்புற புகைப்பட நூலக மேலாண்மை",
"face_detection": "முகம் கண்டறிதல்",
"face_detection_description": "இயந்திர கற்றலைப் பயன்படுத்தி சொத்துக்களில் உள்ள முகங்களைக் கண்டறியவும். வீடியோக்களுக்கு, சிறுபடம் மட்டுமே கருதப்படுகிறது. \"அனைத்து\" (மறு-) அனைத்து சொத்துகளையும் செயலாக்குகிறது. இதுவரை செயலாக்கப்படாத புகைப்பட சொத்துக்களை \"காணவில்லை\" வரிசைப்படுத்துகிறது. முகம் கண்டறிதல் முடிந்ததும், கண்டறியப்பட்ட முகங்கள், ஏற்கனவே இருக்கும் அல்லது புதிய நபர்களாகக் குழுவாக்கப்பட்டு, முக அடையாளத்திற்காக வரிசையில் நிறுத்தப்படும்.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "நபர்களின் முகங்களைக் குழு கண்டறிந்தது. முகம் கண்டறிதல் முடிந்ததும் இந்தப் படி இயங்கும். அனைத்து முகங்களையும் \"அனைத்து\" (மறு-) கொத்துகள். \"காணவில்லை\" என்பது நபர் நியமிக்கப்படாத முகங்களை வரிசைப்படுத்துகிறது.",
"failed_job_command": "",
"force_delete_user_warning": "",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "",
"image_format_description": "",
"force_delete_user_warning": "எச்சரிக்கை: இது பயனரையும் அனைத்து புகைப்பட சொத்துகளையும் உடனடியாக அகற்றும். இதை செயல்தவிர்க்க முடியாது மற்றும் புகைப்படங்களை மீட்டெடுக்க முடியாது.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "அனைத்து லைப்ரரி புகைப்படங்களையும் கட்டாயப்படுத்தி புதுப்பிக்கவும்",
"image_format_description": "WebP, JPEG ஐ விட சிறிய கோப்புகளை உருவாக்குகிறது, ஆனால் குறியாக்கம் செய்ய மெதுவாக உள்ளது.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user