mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 15:52:17 +02:00
chore(web): update translations (#10605)
Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ar/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/bg/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ca/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/cs/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/de/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/en_devel/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/es/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fa/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/fr/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/he/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/id/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/it/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ko/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/lv/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/nb_NO/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/nl/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/pt_BR/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ro/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ru/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/sr_Latn/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/sv/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/ta/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/th/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/uk/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/vi/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/zh_Hant/ Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/zh_SIMPLIFIED/ Translation: Immich/immich Co-authored-by: Askolds Zusans <askolds.zusans@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: AxGD <guillermeaxel@yahoo.fr> Co-authored-by: Bezruchenko Simon <worcposj44@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: CanbiZ <mickey.leskowitz@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel <danielwichers@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Denis Pacquier <denis.pacquier@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Eero Jääskeläinen <eero.jaaskelainen@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Fredrik Ekdahl <fekdahl@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ivan Naboichshikov <inaboichshikov@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: JBP <weblate@1peer1boom.nl> Co-authored-by: Jan <jan.widmer.ch@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Joachim Klahr <joachim@klahr.se> Co-authored-by: Junghyuk Kwon <kwon@junghy.uk> Co-authored-by: Kirill Zhukov <siper13@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Linerly <linerly@proton.me> Co-authored-by: Londoneye02 <jcdelcaz@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Majid <abtin.php@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Manar Aldroubi <droubi@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Matteo <matteo.visintini@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Michel Heusschen <59014050+michelheusschen@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Mihai Mura <mihai.mura.dev@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: PPNplus <ppnplus@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: Patrick Williamson <patrickwill@me.com> Co-authored-by: Pavel Shamshin <odan@selaz.org> Co-authored-by: PolarisYHNL <polarisyhnl@yeah.net> Co-authored-by: Shawn <xiaxinx@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Son Do <son.do@merctrans.vn> Co-authored-by: Stan P <g97d6liib@mozmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ultragian <giancarlo.brasil@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Unimpeded Lemur <yg7lh0fz3@mozmail.com> Co-authored-by: Vegard Skullerud <vegard@skullerud.net> Co-authored-by: Victor Sueiro <kiwicaja@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Vincenzo Nunziata <vinciosdev@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: YFrendo <yann.frendo@live.fr> Co-authored-by: Yi Kuo <kuokuoyiyi@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Yusuf Mohammed <yousufinternet@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: alien75 <thomas@imolesi.it> Co-authored-by: carcawey <dacarva@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: dvbthien <dvbthien@dvbthien.onmicrosoft.com> Co-authored-by: dweissmueller <2868emerald@navalcadets.com> Co-authored-by: eav5jhl0 <eav5jhl0@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: guillezcurra <guillezcurra@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nhy42 <paul.zanolin@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: polar <polar8143@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: pyorot <FMasic@hotmail.co.uk> Co-authored-by: waclaw66 <waclaw66@seznam.cz> Co-authored-by: Вячеслав Лукьяненко <madeinchuguev@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
"about": "حول",
"account": "الحساب",
"account_settings": "إعدادات الحساب",
"acknowledge": "يُقرّ",
"acknowledge": "أُدرك ذلك",
"action": "العمل",
"actions": "العمليات",
"active": "نشط",
@ -21,11 +22,17 @@
"add_to": "إضافة الى…",
"add_to_album": "إضافة الى الألبوم",
"add_to_shared_album": "إضافة الى البوم مشترك",
"added_to_archive": "أضيفت إلى الأرشيف",
"added_to_favorites": "أضيفت إلى المفضلة",
"added_to_favorites_count": "تم إضافة {count} إلى المفضلة",
"admin": {
"authentication_settings": "إعدادات المصادقة",
"authentication_settings_description": "إدارة كلمة المرور وOAuth وإعدادات المصادقة الأخرى",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "لإعادة التمكين، استخدم <link>أمر الخادم</link>.",
"background_task_job": "العمليات في الخلفية",
"check_all": "اختر الكل",
"cleared_jobs": "تم مسح المهام لـ: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "يتم حاليًا تعيين الإعدادات بواسطة ملف الإعدادات",
"confirm_delete_library": "هل انت متأكد أنك تريد حذف متكبة {library}؟",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "هل انت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه المكتبه؟ سيؤدي ذلك الي حذف جميع الملفات البالغ عددها {count} من Immich ولا يمكن التراجع عن ذلك. الملفات سوف تبقى على القرص.",
"confirm_email_below": "للتأكيد, اكتب \"{email}\" في الاسفل",
@ -35,12 +42,15 @@
"disable_login": "تعطيل تسجيل الدخول",
"disabled": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "بدء التعليم الآلي على المحتوى للعثور على الصور المتشابهة. يعتمد على البحث الذكي",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "تتيح لك أنماط الاستبعاد تجاهل الملفات والمجلدات عند مسح مكتبتك. يعد هذا مفيدًا إذا كان لديك مجلدات تحتوي على ملفات لا تريد استيرادها، مثل ملفات RAW.",
"external_library_created_at": "مكتبة خارجيه (تم انشاؤها في {date})",
"external_library_management": "إدارة المكتبة الخارجية",
"face_detection": "التعرف على الوجه",
"face_detection_description": "اكتشاف الوجوه في الملفات باستخدام التعلم الآلي. بالنسبة للفيديوهات، يتم النظر فقط في الصورة المصغرة. خيار \"الكل\" يعيد معالجة جميع الأصول. خيار \"مفقود\" يضع في قائمة الانتظار الأصول التي لم يتم معالجتها بعد. سيتم وضع الوجوه المكتشفة في قائمة انتظار التعرف على الوجه بعد اكتمال اكتشاف الوجه، مما يجمعها في أشخاص موجودين أو جدد.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "تجميع الوجوه المكتشفة في أشخاص. يتم تنفيذ هذه الخطوة بعد اكتمال اكتشاف الوجه. خيار \"الكل\" يعيد تجميع جميع الوجوه. خيار \"المفقود\" يضع في قائمة الانتظار الوجوه التي لم يتم تعيين شخص لها.",
"failed_job_command": "فشل الأمر {command} للمهمة: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "تحذير: سيؤدي ذلك إلى إزالة المستخدم وجميع الملفات على الفور. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء ولا يمكن استرداد الملفات.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "فرض التحديث لجميع ملفات المكتبة بشكل إجباري",
"image_format_description": "يُنتج WebP ملفات أصغر حجمًا من ملفات JPEG، ولكنه أبطأ في عملية الترميز.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "تفضيل المعاينة المدمجة",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "استخدم المعاينات المضمنة في صور RAW كمدخل لمعالجة الصور عندما تكون متاحة. يمكن أن يؤدي ذلك إلى إنتاج ألوان أكثر دقة لبعض الصور، لكن جودة المعاينة تعتمد على الكاميرا وقد تحتوي الصورة على آثار ضغط أكثر.",
@ -56,134 +66,185 @@
"image_thumbnail_format": "تنسيق الصور المصغّرة",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "دقة الصور المصغّرة",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "يُستخدم عند عرض مجموعات من الصور (المخطط الزمني الرئيسي، عرض الألبوم، وما إلى ذلك). يمكن أن تحافظ الدقة الأعلى على المزيد من التفاصيل ولكنها تستغرق وقتًا أطول للتشفير، ولها أحجام ملفات أكبر، ويمكن أن تقلل من استجابة التطبيق.",
"job_concurrency": "{job} تزامن",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "هذه المهمة ليست آمنة للتشغيل المتزامن.",
"job_settings": "إعدادات العمليات",
"job_settings_description": "",
"library_cron_expression": "",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
"job_settings_description": "إدارة تزامن الوظائف",
"job_status": "حالة الوظيفة",
"library_created": "تم إنشاء المكتبة: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "تعبير Cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "\"اضبط فاصل المسح باستخدام صيغة cron. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الرجوع إلى <link>Crontab Guru</link>\"",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "إعدادات مسبقة لتعبير Cron",
"library_deleted": "تم حذف المكتبة",
"library_import_path_description": "حدد مجلدًا للاستيراد. سيتم مسح هذا المجلد، بما في ذلك المجلدات الفرعية، بحثًا عن الصور ومقاطع الفيديو.",
"library_scanning": "المسح الدوري",
"library_scanning_description": "إعداد مسح المكتبة الدوري",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "تفعيل مسح المكتبة الدوري",
"library_settings": "المكتبة الخارجية",
"library_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات المكتبة الخارجية",
"library_tasks_description": "",
"library_watching_enable_description": "",
"library_watching_settings": "",
"library_watching_settings_description": "",
"logging_enable_description": "",
"logging_level_description": "",
"logging_settings": "",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "",
"machine_learning_settings": "",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_url_description": "",
"manage_log_settings": "",
"map_dark_style": "",
"map_enable_description": "",
"map_light_style": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "",
"map_settings": "",
"map_settings_description": "",
"map_style_description": "",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "",
"migration_job_description": "",
"notification_email_from_address": "",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "",
"notification_email_host_description": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "",
"notification_email_password_description": "",
"notification_email_port_description": "",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "",
"notification_email_setting_description": "",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "",
"notification_email_username_description": "",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "",
"notification_settings": "",
"notification_settings_description": "",
"oauth_auto_launch": "",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "",
"oauth_auto_register": "",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "",
"oauth_button_text": "",
"oauth_client_id": "",
"oauth_client_secret": "",
"oauth_enable_description": "",
"oauth_issuer_url": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "",
"oauth_scope": "",
"oauth_settings": "",
"oauth_settings_description": "",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "",
"password_enable_description": "",
"password_settings": "",
"password_settings_description": "",
"server_external_domain_settings": "",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "",
"server_settings": "",
"server_settings_description": "",
"server_welcome_message": "",
"server_welcome_message_description": "",
"sidecar_job_description": "",
"slideshow_duration_description": "",
"smart_search_job_description": "",
"storage_template_enable_description": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_settings": "",
"storage_template_settings_description": "",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "",
"theme_settings": "",
"theme_settings_description": "",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "",
"library_tasks_description": "قم بتنفيذ مهام المكتبة",
"library_watching_enable_description": "راقب المكتبات الخارجية لتتبع تغييرات الملفات",
"library_watching_settings": "مراقبة المكتبات (تجريبي)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "راقب تلقائيًا التغييرات في الملفات",
"logging_enable_description": "تمكين تسجيل الأحداث",
"logging_level_description": "عند التمكين، ما مستوى السجل لاستخدامه.",
"logging_settings": "تسجيل الأحداث",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "نموذج CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "اسم نموذج CLIP المدرج <link>هنا</link>. يرجى ملاحظة أنه يجب إعادة تشغيل وظيفة \"البحث الذكي\" لجميع الصور بعد تغيير النموذج.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "كشف التكرار",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "تمكين كشف التكرار",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "إذا تم تعطيله، سوف يستمر إلغاء تكرار الأصول المتطابقة تماما.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "استخدم تضمينات CLIP للعثور على النسخ المتطابقة المحتملة",
"machine_learning_enabled": "تمكين التعلم الآلي",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "إذا تم تعطيله، سيتم تعطيل جميع ميزات التعلم الآلي بغض النظر عن الإعدادات أدناه.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "التعرف على الوجوه",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "الكشف عن الوجوه، التعرف عليها، وتجميعها في الصور",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "نموذج التعرف على الوجوه",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "النماذج مدرجة بترتيب تنازلي حسب الحجم. النماذج الأكبر حجماً أبطأ ويستخدمون ذاكرة أكثر، ولكنها تنتج نتائج أفضل. يرجى ملاحظة أنه يجب إعادة تشغيل وظيفة الكشف عن الوجوه لجميع الصور بعد تغيير النموذج.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "تفعيل التعرف على الوجوه",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "إذا تم تعطيله، فلن يتم ترميز الصور للتعرف على الوجوه ولن تظهر في قسم الأشخاص في صفحة استكشاف.",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "الحد الأقصى لمسافة الكشف",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "الحد الأقصى للمسافة بين صورتين لاعتبارهما مكررتين، تتراوح بين 0.001 إلى 0.1. القيم الأعلى ستكشف عن مزيد من الصور المكررة، ولكن قد تؤدي إلى إيجابيات خاطئة.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "الحد الأقصى لمسافة التعرف",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "الحد الأقصى للمسافة بين وجهين لاعتبارهما نفس الشخص، تتراوح بين 0 إلى 2. تقليل هذا الرقم يمكن أن يمنع تسمية شخصين كنفس الشخص، بينما رفعه يمكن أن يمنع تسمية نفس الشخص كشخصين مختلفين. يرجى ملاحظة أنه من الأسهل دمج شخصين معًا من فصل شخص واحد إلى شخصين، لذا حاول الاحتفاظ بعتبة أدنى إذا كان ذلك ممكنًا.",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "الحد الأدنى من نقاط الكشف",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "الحد الأدنى لنقطة الثقة لاكتشاف الوجه، تتراوح من 0 إلى 1. القيم الأقل ستكشف عن المزيد من الوجوه ولكن قد تؤدي إلى نتائج إيجابية خاطئة.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "الحد الأدنى لعدد الوجوه المتعرف عليها",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "الحد الأدنى لعدد الوجوه المتعرف عليها لإنشاء شخص. زيادة هذا الرقم يجعل التعرف على الوجوه أكثر دقة على حساب زيادة احتمال عدم تعيين الوجه لشخص ما.",
"machine_learning_settings": "إعدادات التعلم الآلي",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "إدارة ميزات وإعدادات التعلم الآلي",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "البحث الذكي",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "البحث عن الصور بشكل دلالي باستخدام التضمينات CLIP",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "تمكين البحث الذكي",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "إذا تم تعطيله، فلن يتم ترميز الصور للبحث الذكي.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "عنوان URL لخادم التعلم الآلي",
"manage_concurrency": "إدارة التزامن",
"manage_log_settings": "إدارة إعدادات السجلات",
"map_dark_style": "النمط الداكن",
"map_enable_description": "تمكين ميزات الخرائط",
"map_light_style": "النمط الفاتح",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "تمكين عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "إعدادات عكس الترميز الجغرافي",
"map_settings": "إعدادات الخريطة ونظام تحديد المواقع",
"map_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات الخريطة",
"map_style_description": "عنوان URL لسمة الخريطة style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "استخراج البيانات الوصفية",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "استخراج معلومات البيانات الوصفية من كل أصل، مثل إحداثات الموقع والدقة",
"migration_job": "ترحيل",
"migration_job_description": "ترحيل الصور المصغرة للأصول والوجوه إلى أحدث هيكل مجلدات",
"no_paths_added": "لم يتم إضافة أي مسارات",
"no_pattern_added": "لم يتم إضافة أي أنماط",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "ملاحظة: لتطبيق تصنيف التخزين على الأصول التي تم تحميلها سابقًا، قم بتشغيل",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "ملاحظة: لا يمكن تغيير هذا لاحقًا!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "ملاحظة: أدخل 0 للحصول على حصة غير محدودة",
"notification_email_from_address": "عنوان المرسل",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "عنوان البريد الإلكتروني للمرسل، على سبيل المثال: \"Immich Photo Server noreply@immich.app\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "مضيف خادم البريد الإلكتروني (مثلًا: smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "تجاهل أخطاء الشهادة",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "تجاهل أخطاء التحقق من صحة شهادة TLS (غير مستحسن)",
"notification_email_password_description": "كلمة المرور المستخدمة للمصادقة مع خادم البريد الإلكتروني",
"notification_email_port_description": "منفذ خادم البريد الإلكتروني (مثلاً 25، 465، أو 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "إرسال بريد إلكتروني تجريبي وحفظ التعديلات",
"notification_email_setting_description": "إعدادات إرسال إشعارات البريد الإلكتروني",
"notification_email_test_email": "إرسال بريد تجريبي",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "فشل في إرسال البريد الإلكتروني التجريبي، يرجى التحقق من القيم الخاصة بك",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "تم إرسال بريد إلكتروني تجريبي إلى {email}. يرجى التحقق من صندوق الوارد الخاص بك.",
"notification_email_username_description": "اسم المستخدم المُستخدَم للمصادقة مع خادم البريد الإلكتروني",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "تمكين إشعارات البريد الإلكتروني",
"notification_settings": "إعدادات الإشعارات",
"notification_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات الإشعارات، بما في ذلك البريد الإلكتروني",
"oauth_auto_launch": "التشغيل التلقائي",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "ابدأ تدفق تسجيل الدخول OAuth تلقائيًا عند الانتقال إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول",
"oauth_auto_register": "التسجيل التلقائي",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "التسجيل التلقائي للمستخدمين الجدد بعد تسجيل الدخول باستخدام OAuth",
"oauth_button_text": "نص الزر",
"oauth_client_id": "معرف العميل",
"oauth_client_secret": "الرمز السري للعميل",
"oauth_enable_description": "تسجيل الدخول باستخدام OAuth",
"oauth_issuer_url": "عنوان URL الخاص بجهة الإصدار",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "عنوان URI لإعادة التوجيه على الهاتف",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "تجاوز عنوان URI لإعادة التوجيه على الهاتف",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "قم بتفعيله عندما يكون 'app.immich:/' هو عنوان URI لإعادة التوجيه غير الصالح.",
"oauth_scope": "النطاق",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات تسجيل الدخول OAuth",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "لمزيد من التفاصيل حول هذه الميزة، يرجى الرجوع إلى <link>الوثائق</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "خوارزمية التوقيع",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "المطالبة بتصنيف التخزين",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "قم تلقائيًا بتعيين تصنيف التخزين الخاص بالمستخدم على قيمة هذه المطالبة.",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "المطالبة بحصة التخزين",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "قم تلقائيًا بتعيين حصة التخزين للمستخدم على قيمة هذه المطالبة.",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "حصة التخزين الافتراضية (جيجابايت)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "الحصة بالجيجابايت التي سيتم استخدامها عندما لا يتم توفير مطالبة (أدخل 0 لحصة غير محدودة).",
"offline_paths": "مسارات غير متصلة",
"offline_paths_description": "قد تكون هذه النتائج ناتجة عن حذف يدوي لملفات لا تتبع لمكتبة خارجية.",
"password_enable_description": "تسجيل الدخول باستخدام البريد الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور",
"password_settings": "تسجيل الدخول بكلمة المرور",
"password_settings_description": "إدارة تسجيل الدخول بكلمة المرور",
"paths_validated_successfully": "تم التحقق من صحة كافة المسارات بنجاح",
"quota_size_gib": "حجم الحصة (جيجابايت)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "تحديث كافة المكتبات",
"registration": "تسجيل المدير",
"registration_description": "بما أنك أول مستخدم في النظام، سيتم تعيينك كمسؤول وستكون مسؤولًا عن المهام الإدارية، وسيتم إنشاء مستخدمين إضافيين بواسطتك.",
"removing_offline_files": "إزالة الملفات غير المتصلة",
"repair_all": "إصلاح الكل",
"repair_matched_items": "تمت مطابقة {count, plural, one {# عنصر} other {# عناصر}}",
"repaired_items": "تم إصلاح {count, plural, one {# عنصر} other {# عناصر}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "الطلب من المستخدم تغيير كلمة المرور عند تسجيل الدخول الأول",
"reset_settings_to_default": "إعادة ضبط الإعدادات إلى الوضع الافتراضي",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "إعادة ضبط الإعدادات إلى الإعدادات المحفوظة مؤخرًا",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "فحص المكتبة لاكتشاف الملفات التي تم تغييرها",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "فحص المكتبة للبحث عن ملفات جديدة",
"send_welcome_email": "إرسال بريد ترحيبي",
"server_external_domain_settings": "إسم النطاق الخارجي",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "إسم النطاق لروابط المشاركة العامة، بما في ذلك http(s)://",
"server_settings": "إعدادات الخادم",
"server_settings_description": "إدارة إعدادات الخادم",
"server_welcome_message": "الرسالة الترحيبية",
"server_welcome_message_description": "رسالة تُعرض على صفحة تسجيل الدخول.",
"sidecar_job": "البيانات الوصفية الجانبية",
"sidecar_job_description": "اكتشاف أو مزامنة البيانات التعريفية الجانبية من نظام الملفات",
"slideshow_duration_description": "عدد الثواني لعرض كل صورة",
"smart_search_job_description": "قم بتشغيل التعلم الآلي على الأصول لدعم البحث الذكي",
"storage_template_enable_description": "تمكين محرك قالب التخزين",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "تم تمكين التحقق من الهاش",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "تمكين التحقق من الهاش، لا تعطل هذا إلا إذا كنت متأكدًا من تأثيراته",
"storage_template_migration": "تهجير قالب التخزين",
"storage_template_migration_description": "قم بتطبيق القالب الحالي <link>{template}</link> على الأصول التي تم تحميلها سابقًا",
"storage_template_migration_info": "تغييرات القالب ستنطبق فقط على الأصول الجديدة. لتطبيق القالب على الأصول التي تم تحميلها سابقًا، قم بتشغيل <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "وظيفة تهجير قالب التخزين",
"storage_template_more_details": "لمزيد من التفاصيل حول هذه الميزة، يرجى الرجوع إلى <template-link>قالب التخزين</template-link> و<a href=\"{implications-link}\">تأثيراته</a>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "عند تمكين هذه الميزة، ستقوم بتنظيم الملفات تلقائيًا بناءً على قالب محدد من قبل المستخدم. بسبب مشاكل الاستقرار، تم تعطيل الميزة افتراضيًا. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الرجوع إلى <link>الوثائق</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "الحد التقريبي لطول المسار: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "قالب التخزين",
"storage_template_settings_description": "إدارة هيكل المجلد واسم الملف للأصول المحملة",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code> هو تسمية التخزين الخاصة بالمستخدم",
"system_settings": "إعدادات النظام",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "CSS مخصص",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "أوراق الأنماط المتتالية تسمح بتخصيص تصميم Immich.",
"theme_settings": "إعدادات السمة",
"theme_settings_description": "إدارة تخصيص واجهة ويب Immich",
"these_files_matched_by_checksum": "تتم مطابقة هذه الملفات من خلال المجاميع الاختبارية الخاصة بهم",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "إنشاء الصور المصغرة",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "إنشاء صور مصغرة كبيرة وصغيرة وغير واضحة لكل أصل، بالإضافة إلى صور مصغرة لكل شخص",
"transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "واجهة برمجة التطبيقات للتسريع",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "الواجهة البرمجية التي ستتفاعل مع جهازك لتسريع التحويل. هذا الإعداد هو \"أفضل محاولة\": سيعود إلى التحويل البرمجي في حالة الفشل. قد لا يعمل VP9 اعتمادًا على عتادك.",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC (يتطلب GPU من NVIDIA)",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "Quick Sync (يتطلب معالج Intel من الجيل السابع أو أحدث)",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (فقط على شرائح Rockchip SOC)",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "أكواد الصوت المقبولة",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "حدد أي أكواد صوتية لا تحتاج إلى تحويل الشفرة. يُستخدم ذلك فقط لبعض سياسات التحويل.",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "الأكواد المقبولة للفيديو",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "حدد أي أكواد فيديو لا تحتاج إلى تحويل الشفرة. يُستخدم ذلك فقط لبعض سياسات التحويل.",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "الخيارات التي لا يجب على معظم المستخدمين تغييرها",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "كود الصوت",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus هو الخيار ذو أعلى جودة، ولكنه يتمتع بتوافق أقل مع الأجهزة أو البرمجيات القديمة.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "مقاطع الفيديو التي يتجاوز معدل البت أقصى قيمة أو التي لا تكون في تنسيق مقبول",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "لمعرفة المزيد حول المصطلحات المستخدمة هنا، يرجى الرجوع إلى وثائق FFmpeg لل<h264-link>H.264 codec</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC codec</hevc-link> and <vp9-link>VP9 codec</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "وضع الجودة الثابتة",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "",
@ -255,7 +316,11 @@
"all_people": "جميع الأشخاص",
"allow_dark_mode": "",
"allow_edits": "إسمح بالتعديل",
"api_key": "",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "السماح لأي مستخدم عام بالتنزيل",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "السماح للمستخدم العام بالرفع",
"api_key": "مفتاح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات",
"api_key_description": "سيتم عرض هذه القيمة مرة واحدة فقط. يرجى التأكد من نسخها قبل إغلاق النافذة.",
"api_key_empty": "يجب ألا يكون اسم مفتاح API فارغًا",
"api_keys": "",
"app_settings": "إعدادات التطبيق",
"appears_in": "",
@ -1,28 +1,33 @@
"account": "",
"account_settings": "",
"acknowledge": "",
"action": "",
"actions": "",
"active": "",
"activity": "",
"add": "",
"add_a_description": "",
"add_a_location": "",
"add_a_name": "",
"add_a_title": "",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "",
"add_import_path": "",
"add_location": "",
"add_more_users": "",
"add_partner": "",
"add_path": "",
"add_photos": "",
"add_to": "",
"add_to_album": "",
"add_to_shared_album": "",
"about": "За Immich",
"account": "Акаунт",
"account_settings": "Настройки на акаунта",
"acknowledge": "Потвърждавам",
"action": "Действие",
"actions": "Действия",
"active": "Активни",
"activity": "Дейности",
"activity_changed": "Дейността е {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"add": "Добави",
"add_a_description": "Добави описание",
"add_a_location": "Добави местоположение",
"add_a_name": "Добави име",
"add_a_title": "Добави заглавие",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "Добави модел за изключване",
"add_import_path": "Добави път за импортиране",
"add_location": "Добави местоположение",
"add_more_users": "Добави още потребители",
"add_partner": "Добави партньор",
"add_path": "Добави път",
"add_photos": "Добави снимки",
"add_to": "Добави към...",
"add_to_album": "Добави към албум",
"add_to_shared_album": "Добави към споделен албум",
"added_to_archive": "Добавено в архива",
"added_to_favorites": "Добавено към любими",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Добавени {count} към любими",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Добави модели за изключване. Поддържа се \"globbing\" с помощта на *, ** и ?. За да игнорирате всички файлове в директория с име \"Raw\", използвайте \"**/Raw/**\". За да игнорирате всички файлове, завършващи на \".tif\", използвайте \"**/*.tif\". За да игнорирате абсолютен път, използвайте \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "",
"authentication_settings_description": "",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "",
@ -21,10 +21,13 @@
"add_to": "Afegeix a...",
"add_to_album": "Afegeix a l'àlbum",
"add_to_shared_album": "Afegeix a l'àlbum compartit",
"added_to_favorites": "Afegit a preferits",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} afegits a preferits",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Afegeix patrons d'eclusió. És permès de l'ús de *, **, i ? (globbing). Per a ignorar els fitxers de qualsevol directori anomenat \"Raw\" introduïu \"**/Raw/**\". Per a ignorar els fitxers acabats en \".tif\" introduïu \"**/*.tif\". Per a ignorar un camí absolut, utilitzeu \"/camí/a/ignorar/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Arrenjaments d'autenticació",
"authentication_settings_description": "Gestiona la contrasenya, OAuth, i altres arrenjaments d'autenticació",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Per a tornar a habilitar, empra una <link>Comanda de Servidor</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Tasques en segon pla",
"check_all": "Marca-ho tot",
"config_set_by_file": "La configuració està definida per un fitxer de configuració",
@ -43,6 +46,7 @@
"face_detection": "Detecció de cares",
"face_detection_description": "Detecta les cares fent servir aprenentatge automàtic. Per a videos només és té en compte la miniatura. \"Tot\" reprocessa tots els elements. \"Pendent\" encua els elements que encar no han estat processats. Les cares detectades s'encuaran per al Reconeixement Facial després de completar la Detecció Facial, tot agrupant-les entre noves persones o les ja existents.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Agrupa les cares detectades per persona. Aquest pas s'executa després de completar la Detecció Facial. \"Tot\" reagrupa totes les cares. \"Pendent\" encua les cares que no tenen cap persona assignada.",
"failed_job_command": "La comanda {command} ha fallat per la tasca: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "COMPTE: Aquesta acció eliminara immediatament l'usuari i els seus elements. Aquesta acció és irreversible i els fitxers no es poden recuperar.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Força l'actualització de tots els fitxers de les biblioteques",
"image_format_description": "WebP genera fitxers més petits que JPEG, però codifica més lentament.",
@ -65,8 +69,8 @@
"job_settings": "Arranjaments de les tasques",
"job_settings_description": "Gestiona la concurrència de tasques",
"job_status": "Estat de la tasca",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} posposades",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} fallides",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# posposades}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# fallides}}",
"library_created": "Bilbioteca creada: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Expressió cron",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Expressions cron predeterminades",
@ -153,22 +157,23 @@
"oauth_auto_register": "",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "",
"oauth_button_text": "",
"oauth_client_id": "",
"oauth_client_secret": "",
"oauth_enable_description": "",
"oauth_issuer_url": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "",
"oauth_client_id": "ID Client",
"oauth_client_secret": "Secret de Client",
"oauth_enable_description": "Iniciar sessió amb OAuth",
"oauth_issuer_url": "URL de l'emissor",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "URI de redirecció mòbil",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "Habilita quan 'app.immich:/' és una URI de redirecció invàlida.",
"oauth_scope": "Abast",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "",
"oauth_settings_description": "Gestiona la configuració de l'inici de sessió OAuth",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "Per a més detalls sobre aquesta funcionalitat, consulteu la <link>documentació</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Algorisme de signatura",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "Quota d'emmagatzemament reclamada",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "Quota d'emmagatzemament predeterminada (GiB)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "",
"password_enable_description": "Inicia sessió amb correu electrònic i contrasenya",
"password_settings": "Inici de sessió amb contrasenya",
@ -738,6 +743,7 @@
"send_welcome_email": "Envia correu de benvinguda",
"server": "Servidor",
"server_stats": "Estadístiques del servidor",
"server_version": "Versió del servidor",
"set": "Estableix",
"set_as_album_cover": "Estableix com a portada de l'àlbum",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Estableix com a imatge de perfil",
@ -778,8 +784,15 @@
"slideshow": "Diapositives",
"slideshow_settings": "Configuració de diapositives",
"sort_albums_by": "Ordena àlbums per...",
"sort_created": "Data de creació",
"sort_items": "Nombre d'elements",
"sort_modified": "Data de modificació",
"sort_oldest": "Foto més antiga",
"sort_recent": "Foto més recent",
"sort_title": "Títol",
"stack": "Apila",
"stack_selected_photos": "Apila les fotos seleccionades",
"stacked_assets_count": "Apilats {count, plural, one {# element} other {# elements}}",
"stacktrace": "Traça de pila",
"start": "Inicia",
"start_date": "Data d'inici",
@ -811,6 +824,7 @@
"total_usage": "Ús total",
"trash": "Paperera",
"trash_all": "Envia-ho tot a la paperera",
"trash_delete_asset": "Esborra/Elimina element",
"trash_no_results_message": "Les imatges i vídeos que s'enviïn a la paperera es mostraran aquí.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Els elements que s'enviïn a la paperera s'eliminaran permanentment despres de {days, plural, one {# dia} other {# dies}}.",
"type": "Tipus",
@ -824,6 +838,9 @@
"unlimited": "Il·limitat",
"unlink_oauth": "Desvincula Oauth",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Compte Oauth desvinculat",
"unnamed_album": "Àlbum sense nom",
"unnamed_share": "Compartit sense nom",
"unsaved_change": "Canvi no desat",
"unselect_all": "Deselecciona-ho tot",
"unstack": "Desapila",
"untracked_files": "Fitxers no monitoritzats",
@ -834,6 +851,7 @@
"upload_concurrency": "Concurrència de pujades",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Ús",
"use_custom_date_range": "Fes servir un rang de dates personalitzat",
"user": "Usuari",
"user_id": "ID d'usuari",
"user_usage_detail": "Detall d'ús d'usuari",
@ -853,7 +871,9 @@
"view_links": "Mostra enllaços",
"view_next_asset": "Mostra el següent element",
"view_previous_asset": "Mostra l'element anterior",
"view_stack": "Veure la pila",
"viewer": "Visualitzador",
"visibility_changed": "La visibilitat ha canviat per {count, plural, one {# persona} other {# persones}}",
"waiting": "Esperant",
"week": "Setmana",
"welcome": "Benvingut",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "O aplikaci",
"account": "Účet",
"account_settings": "Nastavení účtu",
"acknowledge": "Rozumím",
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Přidání vzorů vyloučení. Podporováno je globování pomocí *, ** a ?. Chcete-li ignorovat všechny soubory v jakémkoli adresáři s názvem \"Raw\", použijte \"**/Raw/**\". Chcete-li ignorovat všechny soubory končící na \".tif\", použijte \"**/*.tif\". Chcete-li ignorovat absolutní cestu, použijte příkaz \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Přihlašování",
"authentication_settings_description": "Správa hesel, OAuth a dalších nastavení ověření",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Opravdu chcete zakázat všechny metody přihlášení? Přihlašování bude úplně zakázáno.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Pro opětovné povolení použijte příkaz <link>Příkaz serveru</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Úkoly na pozadí",
"check_all": "Vše zkontrolovat",
@ -126,6 +128,7 @@
"map_dark_style": "Tmavý motiv",
"map_enable_description": "Povolit funkce mapy",
"map_light_style": "Světlý motiv",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Správa nastavení <link>Reverzního geokódování</link>",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Reverzní geokódování",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Povolit reverzní geokódování",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Reverzní geokódování",
@ -210,13 +213,15 @@
"sidecar_job_description": "Objevování nebo synchronizace sidecar metadat ze systému souborů",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Počet sekund pro zobrazení každého obrázku",
"smart_search_job_description": "Strojové učení na objektech pro podporu inteligentního vyhledávání",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "Jako časový údaj se použije čas vytvoření položky",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "Ukázkový čas {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Povolení šablony úložiště",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Povolení ověřování hashe",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Povolí ověřování hashe, nevypínejte ji, pokud si nejste jisti důsledky",
"storage_template_migration": "Migrace šablony úložiště",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Použít aktuální <link>{template}</link> na dříve nahrané položky",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Změny šablon se uplatní pouze u nových položek. Chcete-li šablonu zpětně použít na dříve nahrané položky, spusťte <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Úloha migrace úložiště",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Úloha migrace šablony úložiště",
"storage_template_more_details": "Další podrobnosti o této funkci naleznete v sekci <template-link>Šablona úložiště</template-link> včetně jejích <implications-link>důsledků</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Je-li tato funkce povolena, automaticky uspořádá soubory na základě uživatelem definované šablony. Z důvodu problémů se stabilitou byla tato funkce ve výchozím nastavení vypnuta. Další informace naleznete v <link>dokumentaci</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Přibližný limit délky cesty: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
@ -255,7 +260,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Hardwarová akcelerace",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Experimentální; mnohem rychlejší, ale při stejném datovém toku bude mít nižší kvalitu",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Hardwarové dekódování",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Platí pouze pro NVENC a RKMPP. Povoluje kompletní akceleraci namísto akcelerace pouze kódování. Nemusí fungovat u všech videí.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Platí pouze pro NVENC, QSV a RKMPP. Povoluje kompletní akceleraci namísto akcelerace pouze kódování. Nemusí fungovat u všech videí.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "Kodek HEVC",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maximální počet B-snímků",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Vyšší hodnoty zvyšují účinnost komprese, ale zpomalují kódování. Nemusí být kompatibilní s hardwarovou akcelerací na starších zařízeních. Hodnota 0 zakáže B-snímky, zatímco -1 tuto hodnotu nastaví automaticky.",
@ -300,10 +305,12 @@
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Odložení odstranění",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Počet dní po odstranění, po kterých bude odstraněn účet a položky uživatele. Úloha odstraňování uživatelů se spouští o půlnoci a kontroluje uživatele, kteří jsou připraveni k odstranění. Změny tohoto nastavení se vyhodnotí při dalším spuštění.",
"user_delete_immediately": "Účet a položky uživatele <b>{user}</b> budou zařazeny do fronty k trvalému smazání <b>okamžitě</b>.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "Uživatele a položky zařadit do fronty k okamžitému smazání",
"user_management": "Správa uživatelů",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "Heslo uživatele bylo obnoveno:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Poskytněte uživateli dočasné heslo a informujte ho, že si ho bude muset při příštím přihlášení změnit.",
"user_restore_description": "Účet uživatele <b>{user}</b> bude obnoven.",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "Obnovit uživatele - plánované odstranění {date, date, long}",
"user_settings": "Uživatelé",
"user_settings_description": "Správa nastavení uživatelů",
"user_successfully_removed": "Uživatel {email} byl úspěšně odstraněn.",
@ -317,9 +324,9 @@
"admin_password": "Heslo správce",
"administration": "Administrace",
"advanced": "Pokročilé",
"age_months": "Věk {months, plural, one {# měsíc} few {# měsíce} other {# měsíců}}",
"age_year_months": "Věk 1 rok {months, plural, one {# měsíc} few {# měsíce} other {# měsíců}}",
"age_years": "Věk {years, plural, one {# rok} few {# roky} other {# let}}",
"age_months": "{months, plural, one {# měsíc} few {# měsíce} other {# měsíců}}",
"age_year_months": "1 rok a {months, plural, one {# měsíc} few {# měsíce} other {# měsíců}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, one {# rok} few {# roky} other {# let}}",
"album_added": "Přidáno album",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Dostávat e-mailové oznámení, když jste přidáni do sdíleného alba",
"album_cover_updated": "Obal alba aktualizován",
@ -361,10 +368,17 @@
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Archivováno #}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Jedná se o stejnou osobu?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Opravdu to chcete udělat?",
"asset_added_to_album": "Přidáno do alba",
"asset_adding_to_album": "Přidávání do alba...",
"asset_description_updated": "Popis položky byl aktualizován",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "Položka {filename} je offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Položka má nepřiřazené obličeje",
"asset_hashing": "Hashování...",
"asset_offline": "Offline položka",
"asset_offline_description": "Tato položka je offline. Immich nemá přístup k jejímu umístění. Zkontrolujte, zda je položka dostupná, a poté knihovnu znovu prohledejte.",
"asset_skipped": "Přeskočeno",
"asset_uploaded": "Nahráno",
"asset_uploading": "Nahrávání...",
"assets": "Položky",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {Přidána # položka} few {Přidány # položky} other {Přidáno # položek}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "Do alba {count, plural, one {byla přidána # položka} few {byly přidány # položky} other {bylo přidáno # položek}}",
@ -385,6 +399,8 @@
"birthdate_saved": "Datum narození úspěšně uloženo",
"birthdate_set_description": "Datum narození se používá k výpočtu věku osoby v době pořízení fotografie.",
"blurred_background": "Rozmazané pozadí",
"build": "Sestavení",
"build_image": "Sestavení obrazu",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete hromadně odstranit {count, plural, one {# duplicitní položku} few {# duplicitní položky} other {# duplicitních položek}}? Tím se zachová největší položka z každé skupiny a všechny ostatní duplicity se trvale odstraní. Tuto akci nelze vrátit zpět!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Opravdu si chcete ponechat {count, plural, one {# duplicitní položku} few {# duplicitní položky} other {# duplicitních položek}}? Tím se vyřeší všechny duplicitní skupiny, aniž by se cokoli odstranilo.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete hromadně vyhodit {count, plural, one {# duplicitní položku} few {# duplicitní položky} other {# duplicitních položek}}? Tím se zachová největší položka z každé skupiny a všechny ostatní duplikáty se vyhodí.",
@ -401,7 +417,7 @@
"cant_search_people": "Nelze vyhledávat lidi",
"cant_search_places": "Nelze vyhledávat místa",
"change_date": "Změnit datum",
"change_expiration_time": "Změna vypršení platnosti",
"change_expiration_time": "Změna konce platnosti",
"change_location": "Změna polohy",
"change_name": "Změnit jméno",
"change_name_successfully": "Změna jména proběhla úspěšně",
@ -462,6 +478,7 @@
"date_after": "Datum po",
"date_and_time": "Datum a čas",
"date_before": "Datum před",
"date_of_birth_saved": "Datum narození úspěšně uloženo",
"date_range": "Rozsah dat",
"day": "Den",
"deduplicate_all": "Odstranit všechny duplicity",
@ -560,6 +577,8 @@
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Nepodařilo se vytvořit sdílený odkaz",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Nepodařilo se upravit sdílený odkaz",
"failed_to_get_people": "Nepodařilo se načíst lidi",
"failed_to_load_asset": "Nepodařilo se načíst položku",
"failed_to_load_assets": "Nepodařilo se načíst položky",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Nepodařilo se poskládat položky",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Nepodařilo se rozložit položky",
"import_path_already_exists": "Tato cesta importu již existuje.",
@ -574,7 +593,7 @@
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Nelze přidat vzor vyloučení",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Nelze přidat cestu importu",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Nelze přidat partnery",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Nelze {archived, select, true {odebrat položku z} other {přidat položku do}} archivu",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Nelze {archived, select, true {odstranit položku z} other {přidat položku do}} archivu",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Nelze {favorite, select, true {oblíbit položku} other {zrušit oblíbení položky}}",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Nelze {archived, select, true {archivovat} other {odarchivovat}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Nelze změnit roli uživatele alba",
@ -582,11 +601,12 @@
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Nelze změnit oblíbení položky",
"unable_to_change_location": "Nelze změnit polohu",
"unable_to_change_password": "Nelze změnit heslo",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Nelze změnit viditelnost pro {count, plural, one {# osobu} few {# osoby} other {# osob}}",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Nelze změnit viditelnost pro {count, plural, one {# osobu} few {# osoby} other {# lidí}}",
"unable_to_check_item": "Nelze zkontrolovat položku",
"unable_to_check_items": "Nelze zkontrolovat položky",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Nelze dokončit OAuth přihlášení",
"unable_to_connect": "Nelze se připojit",
"unable_to_connect_to_server": "Nepodařilo se připojit k serveru",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Nelze zkopírovat do schránky, ujistěte se, že na stránku přistupujete přes https",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Nelze vytvořit účet správce",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Nelze vytvořit nový API klíč",
@ -606,6 +626,7 @@
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Nelze přejít do režimu celé obrazovky",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Nelze ukončit zobrazení na celou obrazovku",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Nelze načíst počet komentářů",
"unable_to_get_shared_link": "Nepodařilo se získat sdílený odkaz",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Nelze skrýt osobu",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Nelze propojit OAuth účet",
"unable_to_load_album": "Nelze načíst album",
@ -620,8 +641,8 @@
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Nelze přeřadit položku na novou osobu",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Nelze aktualizovat uživatele",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Nelze odebrat uživatele z alba",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Nelze odebrat API klíč",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Nelze odebrat položky ze sdíleného odkazu",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Nelze odstranit API klíč",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Nelze odstranit položky ze sdíleného odkazu",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "Nelze odstranit komentář",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Nelze odstranit knihovnu",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Nelze odstranit offline soubory",
@ -636,11 +657,13 @@
"unable_to_restore_user": "Nelze obnovit uživatele",
"unable_to_save_album": "Nelze uložit album",
"unable_to_save_api_key": "Nelze uložit API klíč",
"unable_to_save_date_of_birth": "Nepodařilo se uložit datum narození",
"unable_to_save_name": "Nelze uložit jméno",
"unable_to_save_profile": "Nelze uložit profil",
"unable_to_save_settings": "Nelze uložit nastavení",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Nelze prohledat knihovny",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Nelze prohledat knihovnu",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Nelze nastavit hlavní fotografii",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Nelze nastavit profilový obrázek",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Nelze odeslat úlohu",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Nelze vyhodit položku do koše",
@ -651,7 +674,8 @@
"unable_to_update_location": "Nelze aktualizovat polohu",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Nelze aktualizovat nastavení",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "Nelze aktualizovat stav zobrazení časové osy",
"unable_to_update_user": "Nelze aktualizovat uživatele"
"unable_to_update_user": "Nelze aktualizovat uživatele",
"unable_to_upload_file": "Nepodařilo se nahrát soubor"
"every_day_at_onepm": "Každý den ve 13:00",
"every_night_at_midnight": "Každý den o půlnoci",
@ -660,7 +684,7 @@
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Ukončit prezentaci",
"expand_all": "Rozbalit vše",
"expire_after": "Platnost vyprší po",
"expire_after": "Platnost končí",
"expired": "Vypršela platnost",
"expires_date": "Platnost končí {date}",
"explore": "Prozkoumat",
@ -669,6 +693,7 @@
"extension": "Přípona",
"external": "Externí",
"external_libraries": "Externí knihovny",
"face_unassigned": "Nepřiřazena",
"failed_to_get_people": "Nepodařilo se načíst lidi",
"favorite": "Oblíbit",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "Oblíbit nebo zrušit oblíbení fotky",
@ -903,6 +928,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Předchozí vzpomínka",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Předchozí nebo další fotka",
"primary": "Primární",
"profile_image_of_user": "Profilový obrázek uživatele {title}",
"profile_picture_set": "Profilový obrázek nastaven.",
"public_album": "Veřejné album",
"public_share": "Veřejné sdílení",
@ -926,23 +952,24 @@
"refreshing_metadata": "Obnovování metadat",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Regenerace náhledů",
"remove": "Odstranit",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete z alba odebrat {count, plural, one {# položku} few {# položky} other {# položek}}?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete ze sdíleného odkazu odebrat {count, plural, one {# položku} few {# položky} other {# položek}}?",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete z alba odstranit {count, plural, one {# položku} few {# položky} other {# položek}}?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Opravdu chcete ze sdíleného odkazu odstranit {count, plural, one {# položku} few {# položky} other {# položek}}?",
"remove_assets_title": "Odstranit položky?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Odstranit vlastní rozsah datumů",
"remove_from_album": "Odebrat z alba",
"remove_from_favorites": "Odebrat z oblíbených",
"remove_from_album": "Odstranit z alba",
"remove_from_favorites": "Odstranit z oblíbených",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Odstranit ze sdíleného odkazu",
"remove_offline_files": "Odstranit offline soubory",
"remove_user": "Odebrat uživatele",
"removed_api_key": "Odstraněn API klíč: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Odstraněno z archivu",
"removed_from_favorites": "Odstraněno z oblíbených",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "Odstraněno {count} z oblíbených",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, one {Odstraněn #} few {Odstraněny #} other {Odstraněno #}} z oblíbených",
"rename": "Přejmenovat",
"repair": "Opravy",
"repair_no_results_message": "Zde se zobrazí neznámé a chybějící soubory",
"replace_with_upload": "Nahradit nahráním",
"repository": "Repozitář",
"require_password": "Požadovat heslo",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Požadovat, aby si uživatel při prvním přihlášení změnil heslo",
"reset": "Výchozí",
@ -1026,6 +1053,7 @@
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, one {# sdílená fotografie a video.} few {# sdílené fotografie a videa.} other {# sdílených fotografií a videí.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Sdíleno s {partner}",
"sharing": "Sdílení",
"sharing_enter_password": "Pro zobrazení této stránky zadejte heslo.",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Zobrazit sekci Sdílení v postranním panelu",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "stiskněte ⇧ pro trvalé odstranění položky",
"show_album_options": "Zobrazit možnosti alba",
@ -1056,6 +1084,7 @@
"sort_oldest": "Nejstarší fotka",
"sort_recent": "Nejnovější fotka",
"sort_title": "Název",
"source": "Zdroj",
"stack": "Zásobník",
"stack_selected_photos": "Zásobník vybraných fotografií",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Seskupena # položka} few {Seskupeny # položky} other {Seskupeno # položek}}",
@ -1143,6 +1172,7 @@
"validate": "Ověřit",
"variables": "Proměnné",
"version": "Verze",
"version_announcement_closing": "Váš přítel Alex",
"version_announcement_message": "Ahoj příteli, je tu nová verze aplikace, věnuj prosím čas přečtení <link>poznámek k vydání</link> a zajisti si, aby <code>docker-compose.yml</code> a nastavení <code>.env</code> bylo aktuální, a aby nedošlo k chybné konfiguraci, zejména pokud používáte WatchTower nebo jiný mechanismus, který se stará o automatickou aktualizaci aplikace.",
"video": "Video",
"video_hover_setting": "Přehrávat miniaturu videa po najetí myší",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "Über",
"account": "Konto",
"account_settings": "Kontoeinstellungen",
"acknowledge": "Bestätigen",
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "Aktionen",
"active": "Aktiv",
"activity": "Aktivität",
"activity_changed": "Aktivität ist {enabled, select, true {aktiviert} other {deaktiviert}}",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
"add_a_description": "Beschreibung hinzufügen",
"add_a_location": "Standort hinzufügen",
@ -19,19 +21,23 @@
"add_path": "Pfad hinzufügen",
"add_photos": "Fotos hinzufügen",
"add_to": "Hinzufügen zu ...",
"add_to_album": "Zum Album hinzufügen",
"add_to_shared_album": "zum geteilten Album hinzufügen",
"add_to_album": "Zu Album hinzufügen",
"add_to_shared_album": "Zu geteiltem Album hinzufügen",
"added_to_archive": "Zum Archiv hinzugefügt",
"added_to_favorites": "Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} zu Favoriten hinzugefügt",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Ausschlussmuster hinzufügen. Globbing mit *, **, und ? wird unterstützt. Um alle Dateien in einem Verzeichnis namens \"Raw\" zu ignorieren, \"**/Raw/**\" verwenden. Um alle Dateien zu ignorieren, die auf \".tif\" enden, \"**/*.tif\" verwenden. Um einen absoluten Pfad zu ignorieren, \"/path/to/ignore/**\" verwenden.",
"authentication_settings": "Authentifizierungseinstellungen",
"authentication_settings_description": "Verwalten von Passwort-, OAuth- und sonstigen Authentifizierungseinstellungen",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Zum Reaktivieren, ein <link>Server Befehl</link> benutzen.",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Bist du sicher, dass du alle Anmeldemethoden deaktivieren willst? Die Anmeldung wird vollständig deaktiviert.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Nutze einen <link>Server-Befehl</link> zur Reaktivierung.",
"background_task_job": "Hintergrund-Aufgaben",
"check_all": "Alle überprüfen",
"cleared_jobs": "Folgende Aufgaben zurückgesetzt: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Konfiguration wird von einer Konfigurationsdatei gesetzt",
"config_set_by_file": "Ist derzeit in einer Konfigurationsdatei festgelegt",
"confirm_delete_library": "Bist du sicher, dass du die Bibliothek {library} löschen willst?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Bibliothek löschen willst? Dies löscht alle {count} enthaltenen Assets aus Immich und kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Die Dateien bleiben auf der Festplatte erhalten.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Bibliothek löschen willst? Dies löscht alle {count, plural, one {# enthaltenes Objekt} other {alle # enthaltenen Objekte}} aus Immich und kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Die Dateien bleiben auf der Festplatte erhalten.",
"confirm_email_below": "Bestätige, indem du \"{email}\" unten eingibst",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Bist du sicher, dass du alle Gesichter erneut verarbeiten möchtest? Dies löscht auch alle bereits benannten Personen.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Bist du sicher, dass du das Passwort für {user} zurücksetzen möchtest?",
@ -68,10 +74,11 @@
"job_settings": "Job-Einstellungen",
"job_settings_description": "Verwalten der Parallelität von Jobs",
"job_status": "Job-Status",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} verzögert",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} fehlgeschlagen",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# verzögert}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# fehlgeschlagen}}",
"library_created": "Bibliothek erstellt: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron-Ausdruck",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Legen Sie das Überprüfungsintervall mit Hilfe des cron-Formats fest. Für weitere Informationen siehe z.B. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Cron-Expression Voreinstellungen",
"library_deleted": "Bibliothek gelöscht",
"library_import_path_description": "Gib einen Ordner für den Import an. Dieser Ordner, einschließlich der Unterordner, wird nach Bildern und Videos durchsucht.",
@ -88,6 +95,7 @@
"logging_level_description": "Wenn aktiviert, welches Log Level genutzt wird.",
"logging_settings": "Protokollierung",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP-Modell",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Der Name eines CLIP-Modells, welches <link>\"hier\"</link> aufgeführt ist. Beachte, dass du den Job \"Intelligente Suche\" für alle Bilder erneut ausführen musst, wenn du das Modell wechselst.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Duplikats-Erkennung",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Duplikat-Erkennung aktivieren",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Falls diese Option deaktiviert ist, werden exakt identische Dateien dennoch de-dupliziert.",
@ -157,7 +165,7 @@
"oauth_auto_register_description": "Automatische Registrierung neuer Benutzer nach der OAuth-Anmeldung",
"oauth_button_text": "Button Text",
"oauth_client_id": "Client ID",
"oauth_client_secret": "Client Secret",
"oauth_client_secret": "Client-Geheimnis",
"oauth_enable_description": "Anmeldung mit OAuth",
"oauth_issuer_url": "Aussteller-URL",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "Mobile Umleitungs-URI",
@ -166,6 +174,7 @@
"oauth_scope": "Umfang",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "OAuth-Anmeldeeinstellungen verwalten",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "Weitere Informationen zu dieser Funktion findest du in der <link>Dokumentation</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Signier-Algorithmus",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Speicherpfadbezeichnung",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Die Speicherpfadbezeichnung des Benutzers automatisch auf den Wert dieser Eingabe setzen.",
@ -181,6 +190,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Alle Pfade wurden erfolgreich validiert",
"quota_size_gib": "Kontingent (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Alle Bibliotheken aktualisieren",
"registration": "Admin-Registrierung",
"registration_description": "Da du der erste Benutzer im System bist, wirst du als Admin zugewiesen und bist für administrative Aufgaben zuständig. Weitere Benutzer werden von dir erstellt.",
"removing_offline_files": "Offline-Dateien entfernen",
"repair_all": "Alle reparieren",
"repair_matched_items": "{count, plural, one {# Eintrag} other {# Einträge}} gefunden",
@ -202,13 +213,18 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "Dauer der Anzeige jedes Bildes in Sekunden",
"smart_search_job_description": "Maschinelles Lernen auf Dateien anwenden, um die intelligente Suche zu ermöglichen",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Speichervorlagen-Engine aktivieren",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hash-Prüfung fehlgeschlagen",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hash-Prüfung aktiviert",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Aktiviert die Hash-Verifizierung. Deaktiviere diese Option nur, wenn du dir über die damit verbundenen Auswirkungen im Klaren bist",
"storage_template_migration": "Migration von Speichervorlagen",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Speicher-Migrationsjob",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Anwenden des aktuellen <link>{template}</link> auf zuvor hochgeladene Dateien",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Vorlagenänderungen gelten nur für neue Dateien. Um die Vorlage rückwirkend auf bereits hochgeladene Assets anzuwenden, führe den <link>{job}</link> aus.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Speichervorlagenmigrations-Job",
"storage_template_more_details": "Weitere Details zu dieser Funktion finden Sie unter <template-link>Speichervorlage</template-link> und dessen <implications-link>Implikationen</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Wenn aktiviert, sortiert diese Funktion Dateien automatisch basierend auf einer benutzerdefinierten Vorlage. Aufgrund von Stabilitätsproblemen ist die Funktion standardmäßig deaktiviert. Weitere Informationen findest du in der <link>Dokumentation</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Ungefähres Pfad Längen Limit: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Speichervorlage",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Die Ordnerstruktur und den Dateinamen der hochgeladenen Datei verwalten",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code> is das Speicher-Label des Benutzers",
"system_settings": "System-Einstellungen",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "Benutzerdefiniertes CSS",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "Mit Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) kann das Design von Immich angepasst werden.",
@ -231,7 +247,8 @@
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "Einstellungen, die von den meisten Benutzern nicht geändert werden müssen",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Audio-Codec",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus ist die hochwertigste Option, hat aber eine geringere Kompatibilität mit alten Geräten oder alter Software.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Videos, die die maximale Bitrate überschreiten oder in einem nicht akzeptierten Format vorliegen",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Videos, welche die maximale Bitrate überschreiten oder in einem nicht akzeptierten Format vorliegen",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Um mehr über die hier verwendete Terminologie zu erfahren, sieh dir die FFmpeg-Dokumentation für den <h264-link>H.264-Codec</h264-link>, den <hevc-link>HEVC-Codec</hevc-link> und den <vp9-link>VP9-Codec</vp9-link> an.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Modus für konstante Qualität",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ ist besser als CQP, aber einige Hardware-Beschleunigungsgeräte unterstützen diesen Modus nicht. Wenn diese Option gesetzt wird, wird der angegebene Modus bevorzugt, sobald qualitätsbasierte Kodierung verwendet wird. Wird von NVENC ignoriert, da es ICQ nicht unterstützt.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Faktor der konstanten Rate (-crf)",
@ -240,7 +257,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Hardware-Beschleunigung",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Experimentell; viel schneller, aber bei gleicher Bitrate mit geringerer Qualität",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Hardware-Dekodierung",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Gilt nur für NVENC und RKMPP. Ermöglicht eine End-to-End-Beschleunigung, anstatt nur die Codierung zu beschleunigen. Dies funktioniert möglicherweise nicht bei allen Videos.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Nur gültig für NVENC, QSV und RKMPP. Ermöglicht eine Ende-zu-Ende-Beschleunigung, anstatt nur die Codierung zu beschleunigen. Dies funktioniert möglicherweise nicht bei allen Videos.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC-Codec",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maximale B-Frames",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Höhere Werte verbessern die Komprimierungseffizienz, verlangsamen aber die Kodierung. Ist möglicherweise nicht mit der Hardware-Beschleunigung älterer Geräte kompatibel. 0 deaktiviert die B-Frames, während -1 diesen Wert automatisch setzt.",
@ -281,8 +298,10 @@
"trash_settings_description": "Papierkorb-Einstellungen verwalten",
"untracked_files": "Unverfolgte Dateien",
"untracked_files_description": "Diese Dateien werden nicht von der Application getrackt. Sie können das Ergebnis fehlgeschlagener Verschiebungen, unterbrochener Uploads oder aufgrund eines Fehlers sein",
"user_delete_delay": "Das Konto und die Dateien von <b>{user}</b> werden in {delay, plural, one {einem Tag} other {# Tagen}} für eine permanente Löschung geplant.",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Verzögerung für das Löschen von Benutzern",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Gibt die Anzahl der Tage zur endgültigen Löschung eines Kontos und dessen vorhandenen Dateien an. Der Benutzerlöschauftrag wird um Mitternacht ausgeführt, um zu prüfen, ob die Benutzer zum Löschen bereit sind. Änderungen an dieser Einstellung werden erst bei der nächsten Ausführung berücksichtigt.",
"user_delete_immediately": "Das Konto und die Dateien von <b>{user}</b> werden <b>sofort</b> für eine permanente Löschung in die Warteschlange gestellt.",
"user_management": "Benutzerverwaltung",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "Das Passwort des Benutzers wurde zurückgesetzt:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Bitte gib dem Benutzer das temporäre Passwort und informiere ihn, dass das Passwort beim nächsten Login geändert werden muss.",
@ -300,21 +319,39 @@
"admin_password": "Administrator Passwort",
"administration": "Verwaltung",
"advanced": "Erweitert",
"age_months": "Alter {months, plural, one {# Monat} other {# Monate}}",
"age_year_months": "Alter 1 Jahr, {months, plural, one {# Monat} other {# Monate}}",
"age_years": "Alter {years, plural, one {# Jahr} other {# Jahre}}",
"album_added": "Album hinzugefügt",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Erhalte eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung, wenn du zu einem freigegebenen Album hinzugefügt wurdest",
"album_cover_updated": "Album-Cover aktualisiert",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du das Album {album} löschen willst?\nWenn dieses Album geteilt wurde, können andere Benutzer nicht mehr darauf zugreifen.",
"album_info_updated": "Album-Infos aktualisiert",
"album_leave": "Album verlassen?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du das Album {album} verlassen willst?",
"album_name": "Album Name",
"album_options": "Album Optionen",
"album_remove_user": "Nutzer entfernen?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {user} entfernen willst?",
"album_share_no_users": "Es sieht so aus, als hättest du dieses Album mit allen Benutzern geteilt oder du hast keine Benutzer, mit denen du teilen kannst.",
"album_updated": "Album aktualisiert",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Erhalte eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung, wenn ein freigegebenes Album neue Dateien enthält",
"album_user_left": "{album} verlassen",
"album_user_removed": "{user} entfernt",
"album_with_link_access": "Lass jeden mit dem Link Fotos und Personen in diesem Album sehen.",
"albums": "Alben",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Album} other {{count, number} Alben}}",
"all": "Alle",
"all_albums": "Alle Alben",
"all_people": "Alle Personen",
"all_videos": "Alle Videos",
"allow_dark_mode": "Dunkel-Modus erlauben",
"allow_edits": "Bearbeiten erlauben",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Erlaube öffentlichen Benutzern, herunterzuladen",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Erlaube öffentlichen Benutzern, hochzuladen",
"api_key": "API-Schlüssel",
"api_key_description": "Dieser Wert wird nur einmal angezeigt. Bitte kopiere ihn, bevor du das Fenster schließt.",
"api_key_empty": "Dein API-Schlüssel-Name darf nicht leer sein",
"api_keys": "API-Schlüssel",
"app_settings": "App-Einstellungen",
"appears_in": "Erscheint in",
@ -323,22 +360,45 @@
"archive_size": "Archivgröße",
"archive_size_description": "Archivgröße für Downloads konfigurieren (in GiB)",
"archived": "Archiviert",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {# Archiviert}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Ist das dieselbe Person?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Bist du sicher, dass du das tun willst?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "Datei {filename} ist offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Datei hat nicht zugewiesene Gesichter",
"asset_offline": "Datei offline",
"asset_offline_description": "Diese Datei ist nicht erreichbar. Immich kann nicht auf ihren Speicherort zugreifen. Bitte stelle sicher, dass die Datei verfügbar ist und scanne die Bibliothek erneut.",
"assets": "Dateien",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} hinzugefügt",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} zum Album hinzugefügt",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} zu {name} hinzugefügt",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} in den Papierkorb verschoben",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} in den Papierkorb verschoben",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} dauerhaft gelöscht",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} entfernt",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du alle Dateien aus dem Papierkorb wiederherstellen willst? Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} wiederhergestellt",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} in den Papierkorb verschoben",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei ist} other {# Dateien sind}} bereits im Album vorhanden",
"authorized_devices": "Zugelassene Geräte",
"back": "Zurück",
"back_close_deselect": "Zurück, Schließen oder Abwählen",
"backward": "Zurück",
"birthdate_saved": "Geburtsdatum erfolgreich gespeichert",
"birthdate_set_description": "Das Geburtsdatum wird verwendet, um das Alter dieser Person zum Zeitpunkt eines Fotos zu berechnen.",
"blurred_background": "Unscharfer Hintergrund",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {count} duplizierte Dateien gleichzeitig löschen möchtest? Dabei wird die größte Datei jeder Gruppe behalten und alle anderen Duplikate dauerhaft gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {count} duplizierte Dateien behalten möchtest? Dies wird alle Duplikat-Gruppen auflösen, ohne etwas zu löschen.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {count} doppelte Dateien löschen möchtest? Dies wird die größte Datei jeder Gruppe behalten und alle anderen Duplikate löschen.",
"build": "Build",
"build_image": "Image erstellen",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {count, plural, one {# duplizierte Datei} other {# duplizierte Dateien}} gemeinsam löschen möchtest? Dabei wird die größte Datei jeder Gruppe behalten und alle anderen Duplikate dauerhaft gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {count, plural, one {# duplizierte Datei} other {# duplizierte Dateien}} behalten möchtest? Dies wird alle Duplikat-Gruppen auflösen ohne etwas zu löschen.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {count, plural, one {# duplizierte Datei} other {# duplizierte Dateien}} gemeinsam in den Papierkorb verschieben möchtest? Dies wird die größte Datei jeder Gruppe behalten und alle anderen Duplikate in den Papierkorb verschieben.",
"camera": "Kamera",
"camera_brand": "Kamera-Marke",
"camera_model": "Kamera-Modell",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"cancel_search": "Suche abbrechen",
"cannot_merge_people": "Personen können nicht zusammengeführt werden",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Beschreibung kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"cant_apply_changes": "Änderungen können nicht übernommen werden",
"cant_get_faces": "Es konnten keine Gesichter festgestellt werden",
@ -349,7 +409,8 @@
"change_location": "Ort ändern",
"change_name": "Name ändern",
"change_name_successfully": "Name wurde erfolgreich geändert",
"change_password": "Passwort ändern",
"change_password": "Passwort Ändern",
"change_password_description": "Dies ist entweder das erste Mal, dass du dich im System anmeldest, oder es wurde eine Anfrage zur Änderung deines Passworts gestellt. Bitte gib unten dein neues Passwort ein.",
"change_your_password": "Ändere dein Passwort",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Die Sichtbarkeit wurde erfolgreich geändert",
"check_all": "Alle prüfen",
@ -361,9 +422,12 @@
"clear_message": "Nachrichten leeren",
"clear_value": "Wert leeren",
"close": "Schließen",
"collapse": "Zusammenklappen",
"collapse_all": "Alles aufklappen",
"color_theme": "Farb-Theme",
"comment_deleted": "Kommentar gelöscht",
"comment_options": "Kommentar-Optionen",
"comments_and_likes": "Kommentare & Likes",
"comments_are_disabled": "Kommentare sind deaktiviert",
"confirm": "Bestätigen",
"confirm_admin_password": "Administrator Passwort bestätigen",
@ -382,14 +446,16 @@
"copy_password": "Passwort kopieren",
"copy_to_clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"country": "Land",
"cover": "Cover",
"cover": "Randlos",
"covers": "Covers",
"create": "Erstellen",
"create_album": "Album erstellen",
"create_library": "Bibliothek erstellen",
"create_link": "Link erstellen",
"create_link_to_share": "Link zum Teilen erstellen",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Lass jeden mit dem Link die ausgewählten Fotos sehen",
"create_new_person": "Neue Person anlegen",
"create_new_person_hint": "Ausgewählte Dateien einer neuen Person zuweisen",
"create_new_user": "Neuen Nutzer erstellen",
"create_user": "Nutzer erstellen",
"created": "Erstellt",
@ -427,11 +493,14 @@
"display_order": "Anzeigereihenfolge",
"display_original_photos": "Originale Fotos anzeigen",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Bei der Anzeige eines Bildes wird vorzugsweise das Originalfoto angezeigt und nicht die Miniaturansicht, wenn das Originalbild webkompatibel ist. Dies kann zu einer langsameren Anzeige von Fotos führen.",
"do_not_show_again": "Diese Nachricht nicht erneut anzeigen",
"done": "Erledigt",
"download": "Download",
"download_settings": "Download",
"download_settings_description": "Verwalten der Einstellungen für den Asset-Download",
"downloading": "Downloaden",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Datei {filename} wird heruntergeladen",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Lade Dateien hoch, indem du sie hierhin ziehst",
"duplicates": "Duplikate",
"duplicates_description": "Löse jede Gruppe auf, indem du angibst, welche, wenn überhaupt, Duplikate sind",
"duration": "Dauer",
@ -442,6 +511,7 @@
"months": "{months, plural, one {ein Monat} other {{months, number} Monate}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {ein Jahr} other {{years, number} Jahre}}"
"edit": "Bearbeiten",
"edit_album": "Album bearbeiten",
"edit_avatar": "Avatar bearbeiten",
"edit_date": "Datum bearbeiten",
@ -463,30 +533,64 @@
"empty": "Leer",
"empty_album": "Leeres Album",
"empty_trash": "Papierkorb leeren",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du den Papierkorb leeren willst?\nDies entfernt alle Dateien im Papierkorb permanent aus Immich und kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"enable": "Aktivieren",
"enabled": "Aktiviert",
"end_date": "Enddatum",
"error": "Fehler",
"error_loading_image": "Fehler beim Laden des Bildes",
"error_title": "Fehler - Etwas ist schief gelaufen",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Kann nicht zur nächsten Datei navigieren",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Kann nicht zur vorherigen Datei navigieren",
"cant_apply_changes": "Änderungen können nicht übernommen werden",
"cant_change_activity": "Aktivität kann nicht {enabled, select, true {deaktiviert} other {aktiviert}} werden",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Kann Favorit für Datei nicht ändern",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Kann Metadaten für {count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} nicht ändern",
"cant_get_faces": "Gesichter konnten nicht abgerufen werden",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Anzahl der Kommentare konnte nicht abgerufen werden",
"cant_search_people": "Personen konnten nicht gesucht werden",
"cant_search_places": "Orte konnten nicht gesucht werden",
"cleared_jobs": "Folgende Aufgaben zurückgesetzt: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von Dateien zum Album",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von Benutzern zum Album",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Fehler beim Löschen des geteilten Benutzers",
"error_downloading": "Fehler beim Herunterladen von {filename}",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Fehler beim Entfernen von Dateien aus dem Album, siehe Konsole für weitere Details",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Fehler beim Auswählen aller Dateien",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Dieses Ausschlussmuster existiert bereits.",
"failed_job_command": "Befehl {command} ist für Aufgabe {job} fehlgeschlagen",
"failed_to_create_album": "Album konnte nicht erstellt werden",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Geteilter Link konnte nicht erstellt werden",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Geteilter Link konnte nicht bearbeitet werden",
"failed_to_get_people": "Personen konnten nicht abgerufen werden",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Dateien konnten nicht gestapelt werden",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Dateien konnten nicht entstapelt werden",
"import_path_already_exists": "Dieser Importpfad existiert bereits.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Ungültige E-Mail oder Passwort",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# Pfad konnte} other {# Pfade konnten}} nicht validiert werden",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Profilbilder dürfen keine transparenten Pixel haben. Bitte zoome heran und/oder verschiebe das Bild.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Dein festgelegtes Kontingent ist grösser als der verfügbare Speicher",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "{count, select, one {Eintrag konnte} other {Einträge konnten}} nicht überprüft werden",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Benutzer konnten nicht zum Album hinzugefügt werden",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Datei konnte nicht zum geteilten Link hinzugefügt werden",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Es kann kein Kommentar hinzufügt werden",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Ausschlussmuster konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Importpfad konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Es können keine Partner hinzufügt werden",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Datei konnte nicht {archived, select, true {aus dem Archiv entfernt} other {zum Archiv hinzugefügt}} werden",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Datei konnte nicht {favorite, select, true {von den Favoriten entfernt} other {zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt}} werden",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Konnte nicht {archived, select, true {archivieren} other {entarchivieren}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Die Rolle des Albumbenutzers kann nicht geändert werden",
"unable_to_change_date": "Datum kann nicht verändert werden",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Kann Favorit für Datei nicht ändern",
"unable_to_change_location": "Ort kann nicht verändert werden",
"unable_to_change_password": "Passwort konnte nicht geändert werden",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Sichtbarkeit von {count, plural, one {einer Person} other {# Personen}} konnte nicht geändert werden",
"unable_to_check_item": "Objekt kann nicht überprüft werden",
"unable_to_check_items": "Objekte konnten nicht überprüft werden",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "OAuth-Anmeldung konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden",
"unable_to_connect": "Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Konnte nicht in die Zwischenablage kopieren, stelle sicher, dass du per https auf die Seite zugreiffst",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Administratorkonto konnte nicht erstellt werden",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Es konnte kein API-Schlüssel erstellt werden",
@ -494,25 +598,34 @@
"unable_to_create_user": "Nutzer konnte nicht erstellt werden",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Album konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Datei konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Fehler beim Löschen von Dateien",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Ausschlussmuster konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Importpfad konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Geteilter Link kann nicht gelöscht werden",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Nutzer konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"unable_to_download_files": "Dateien konnten nicht heruntergeladen werden",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Ausschlussmuster konnte nicht bearbeitet werden",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Importpfad konnte nicht bearbeitet werden",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Papierkorb konnte nicht geleert werden",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Vollbildmodus kann nicht aktiviert werden",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Vollbildmodus kann nicht deaktiviert werden",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Anzahl der Kommentare konnte nicht abgerufen werden",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Person kann nicht versteckt werden",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "OAuth-Konto kann nicht verknüpft werden",
"unable_to_load_album": "Album kann nicht geladen werden",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Foto-Aktivität konnte nicht geladen werden",
"unable_to_load_items": "Elemente konnten nicht geladen werden",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Gewünschter Status kann nicht geladen werden",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Konnte nicht von allen Geräten abmelden",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Konnte nicht vom Gerät abmelden",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Konnte nicht mit OAuth anmelden",
"unable_to_play_video": "Das Video kann nicht wiedergegeben werden",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Kann Dateien nicht {name, select, null {einer vorhandenen Person} other {{name}}} zuweisen",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Dateien konnten nicht einer neuen Person zugeordnet werden",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Der Benutzer kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Mitglieder der Alben können nicht entfernt werden",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "API-Schlüssel konnte nicht entfernt werden",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Dateien konnten nicht von geteiltem Link entfernt werden",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "Kommentar kann nicht entfernt werden",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Bibliothek kann nicht entfernt werden",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Offline-Dateien konnten nicht entfernt werden",
@ -532,10 +645,13 @@
"unable_to_save_settings": "Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Bibliotheken konnten nicht gescannt werden",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Bibliothek konnte nicht gescannt werden",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Hauptfoto konnte nicht festgelegt werden",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Profilbild konnte nicht gesetzt werden",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Auftrag konnte nicht übermittelt werden",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Objekte konnten nicht gelöscht werden",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Die Verknüpfung des Kontos kann nicht aufgehoben werden",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Album-Cover konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Album-Info konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"unable_to_update_library": "Die Bibliothek konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"unable_to_update_location": "Der Ort konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Die Einstellungen konnten nicht aktualisiert werden",
@ -546,10 +662,12 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "Täglich um Mitternacht",
"every_night_at_twoam": "Jede Nacht um 2.00 Uhr",
"every_six_hours": "Alle 6 Stunden",
"exif": "EXIF",
"exit_slideshow": "Diashow beenden",
"expand_all": "Alle erweitern",
"expire_after": "Verfällt nach",
"expired": "Verfallen",
"expires_date": "Läuft am {date} ab",
"explore": "Erkunden",
"export": "Exportieren",
"export_as_json": "Als JSON exportieren",
@ -580,7 +698,11 @@
"go_to_search": "Zur Suche gehen",
"go_to_share_page": "Zur Freigabeseite gehen",
"group_albums_by": "Alben gruppieren nach...",
"group_no": "Keine Gruppierung",
"group_owner": "Gruppierung nach Besitzer",
"group_year": "Gruppierung nach Jahr",
"has_quota": "Ist limitiert",
"hi_user": "Hallo {name} ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "Galerie verbergen",
"hide_password": "Passwort verbergen",
"hide_person": "Person verbergen",
@ -607,6 +729,7 @@
"invite_people": "Personen einladen",
"invite_to_album": "Zum Album einladen",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {# Eintrag} other {# Einträge}}",
"job_settings_description": "Parallelität von Jobs verwalten",
"jobs": "Jobs",
"keep": "Behalten",
@ -615,12 +738,14 @@
"language": "Sprache",
"language_setting_description": "Wähle deine bevorzugte Sprache",
"last_seen": "Zuletzt gesehen",
"latest_version": "Aktuellste Version",
"leave": "Verlassen",
"let_others_respond": "Antworten zulassen",
"level": "Level",
"library": "Bibliothek",
"library_options": "Bibliotheksoptionen",
"light": "Hell",
"like_deleted": "Like gelöscht",
"link_options": "Link-Optionen",
"link_to_oauth": "Link zu OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "Verknüpftes OAuth-Konto",
@ -629,7 +754,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "Laden von Suchergebnissen fehlgeschlagen",
"log_out": "Abmelden",
"log_out_all_devices": "Alle Geräte abmelden",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Alle Geräte abgemeldet",
"logged_out_device": "Gerät abgemeldet",
"login": "Anmelden",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Die Anmeldung wurde deaktiviert.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du alle Geräte abmelden willst?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Gerät abmelden willst?",
"look": "Erscheinungsbild",
"loop_videos": "Loop-Videos",
"loop_videos_description": "Aktiviere diese Option, um eine automatische Videoschleife in der Detailansicht zu erstellen.",
@ -642,6 +772,7 @@
"manage_your_devices": "Verwalte Deine eingeloggten Geräte",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Deine OAuth-Verbindung verwalten",
"map": "Karte",
"map_marker_for_images": "Kartemarkierung für Bilder, die in {city}, {country} aufgenommen wurden",
"map_marker_with_image": "Kartenmarker mit Bild",
"map_settings": "Karteneinstellungen",
"matches": "Treffer",
@ -655,6 +786,7 @@
"merge_people_limit": "Du kannst nur bis zu 5 Gesichter auf einmal zusammenführen",
"merge_people_prompt": "Willst du diese Personen zusammenführen? Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Personen erfolgreich zusammengeführt",
"merged_people_count": "{count, plural, one {# Person} other {# Personen}} zusammengefügt",
"minimize": "Minimieren",
"minute": "Minute",
"missing": "Fehlend",
@ -670,11 +802,14 @@
"new_password": "Neues Passwort",
"new_person": "Neue Person",
"new_user_created": "Neuer Benutzer wurde erstellt",
"new_version_available": "NEUE VERSION VERFÜGBAR",
"newest_first": "Neueste zuerst",
"next": "Weiter",
"next_memory": "Nächste Erinnerung",
"no": "Nein",
"no_albums_message": "Erstelle ein Album, um deine Fotos und Videos zu organisieren",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Es sieht so aus, als hättest du noch keine Alben mit diesem Namen.",
"no_albums_yet": "Es sieht so aus, als hättest du noch keine Alben.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Archiviere Fotos und Videos, um sie aus deiner Fotoansicht zu entfernen",
"no_duplicates_found": "Keine Duplikate wurden gefunden.",
@ -685,6 +820,7 @@
"no_name": "Kein Name",
"no_places": "Keine Orte",
"no_results": "Keine Ergebnisse",
"no_results_description": "Versuche es mit einem Synonym oder einem allgemeineren Stichwort",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Erstelle ein Album, um Fotos und Videos mit Personen in deinem Netzwerk zu teilen",
"not_in_any_album": "In keinem Album",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Hinweis: Um ein Storage-Label zu verwenden, starte den",
@ -699,12 +835,19 @@
"offline_paths_description": "Diese Ergebnisse können auf das manuelle Löschen von Dateien zurückzuführen sein, die nicht Teil einer externen Bibliothek sind.",
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Älteste zuerst",
"onboarding": "Einstieg",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Wähle ein Farbschema für deine Instanz aus. Du kannst dies später in deinen Einstellungen ändern.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Lass uns deine Instanz mit einigen allgemeinen Einstellungen konfigurieren.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Willkommen, {user}",
"online": "Online",
"only_favorites": "Nur Favoriten",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Nur geänderte Dateien aktualisieren",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "In OpenStreetMap öffnen",
"open_the_search_filters": "Die Suchfilter öffnen",
"options": "Optionen",
"or": "oder",
"organize_your_library": "Organisiere deine Bibliothek",
"original": "Original",
"other": "Sonstiges",
"other_devices": "Sonstige Geräte",
"other_variables": "Sonstige Variablen",
@ -721,9 +864,9 @@
"password_required": "Passwort benötigt",
"password_reset_success": "Passwort erfolgreich zurückgesetzt",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {Gestern} other {Vergangene {days, number} Tage}}",
"hours": "Past {hours, plural, one {Letzte Stunde} other {Vergangene {hours, number} Stunden}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Vergangenes Jahr} other {Vergangene {years, number} Jahre}}"
"days": "{days, plural, one {Gestern} other {Letzte # Tage}}",
"hours": "Letzte {hours, plural, one {Stunde} other {# Stunden}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Letztes Jahr} other {Letzte # Jahre}}"
"path": "Pfad",
"pattern": "Muster",
@ -732,15 +875,21 @@
"paused": "Pausiert",
"pending": "Ausstehend",
"people": "Personen",
"people_edits_count": "{count, plural, one {# Person} other {# Personen}} bearbeitet",
"people_sidebar_description": "Eine Verknüpfung zu Personen in der Seitenleiste anzeigen",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Warnung vor endgültiger Löschung",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Anzeige einer Warnung beim permanenten Löschen von Objekten",
"permanently_delete": "Dauerhaft löschen",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {Datei} other {Dateien}} dauerhaft gelöscht",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Dauerhaft gelöschtes Objekt",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "{count, plural, one {# Objekt} other {# Objekte}} dauerhaft gelöscht",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} dauerhaft gelöscht",
"person": "Person",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (verborgen)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Es sieht so aus, als hättest du deine Fotos mit allen Benutzern geteilt oder du hast keine Benutzer, mit denen du teilen kannst.",
"photos": "Fotos",
"photos_and_videos": "Fotos & Videos",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Foto} other {{count, number} Fotos}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Fotos von vorherigen Jahren",
"pick_a_location": "Wählen einen Ort",
@ -759,40 +908,64 @@
"previous_or_next_photo": "Vorheriges oder nächstes Foto",
"primary": "Primär",
"profile_picture_set": "Profilbild gesetzt.",
"public_album": "Öffentliches Album",
"public_share": "Öffentliche Teilung",
"range": "Reichweite",
"raw": "RAW",
"reaction_options": "Reaktionsmöglichkeiten",
"read_changelog": "Changelog lesen",
"reassign": "Neu zuweisen",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} wurden {name, select, null {einer vorhandenen Person} other {{name}}} zugewiesen",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} wurden einer neuen Person zugewiesen",
"reassing_hint": "Markierte Dateien einer vorhandenen Person zuweisen",
"recent": "Neuste",
"recent_searches": "Letzte Suchen",
"refresh": "Aktualisieren",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Codierte Videos aktualisieren",
"refresh_metadata": "Metadaten aktualisieren",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Vorschaubilder aktualisieren",
"refreshed": "Aktualisiert",
"refreshes_every_file": "Jede Datei aktualisieren",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Codierte Videos werden aktualisiert",
"refreshing_metadata": "Metadaten werden aktualisiert",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Vorschaubilder werden neu erstellt",
"remove": "Entfernen",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} aus dem Album entfernen willst?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Bist du sicher, dass du {count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} von diesem geteilten Link entfernen willst?",
"remove_assets_title": "Dateien entfernen?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Benutzerdefinierten Datumsbereich entfernen",
"remove_from_album": "Aus Album entfernen",
"remove_from_favorites": "Aus Favoriten entfernen",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Aus geteilten Link entfernen",
"remove_offline_files": "Offline-Dateien entfernen",
"remove_user": "Nutzer entfernen",
"removed_api_key": "API-Schlüssel {name} wurde entfernt",
"removed_from_archive": "Aus dem Archiv entfernt",
"removed_from_favorites": "Von Favoriten entfernt",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, other {#}} von Favoriten entfernt",
"rename": "Umbenennen",
"repair": "Reparieren",
"repair_no_results_message": "Nicht auffindbare und fehlende Dateien werden hier angezeigt",
"replace_with_upload": "Durch Upload ersetzen",
"repository": "Repository",
"require_password": "Passwort erforderlich",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Benutzer muss das Passwort beim ersten Login ändern",
"reset": "Zurücksetzen",
"reset_password": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"reset_people_visibility": "Sichtbarkeit von Personen zurücksetzen",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Einstellungen auf Standardwerte zurücksetzen",
"reset_to_default": "Auf Standard zurücksetzen",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Alle Duplikate aufgelöst",
"restore": "Wiederherstellen",
"restore_all": "Alle wiederherstellen",
"restore_user": "Nutzer wiederherstellen",
"restored_asset": "Datei wiederhergestellt",
"resume": "Fortsetzen",
"retry_upload": "Upload wiederholen",
"review_duplicates": "Duplikate überprüfen",
"role": "Rolle",
"role_editor": "Bearbeiter",
"role_viewer": "Betrachter",
"save": "Speichern",
"saved_api_key": "API-Schlüssel wurde gespeichert",
"saved_profile": "Profil gespeichert",
@ -811,6 +984,8 @@
"search_city": "Suche nach Stadt...",
"search_country": "Suche nach Land...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Suche nach vorhandener Person",
"search_no_people": "Keine Personen",
"search_no_people_named": "Keine Person mit dem Namen \"{name}\"",
"search_people": "Suche nach Personen",
"search_places": "Suche nach Orten",
"search_state": "Suche nach Staat...",
@ -819,21 +994,25 @@
"search_your_photos": "Suche nach deinen Fotos",
"searching_locales": "Suche nach Orten...",
"second": "Sekunde",
"see_all_people": "Alle Personen anzeigen",
"select_album_cover": "Album-Cover auswählen",
"select_all": "Alles auswählen",
"select_avatar_color": "Avatar-Farbe auswählen",
"select_face": "Gesicht auswählen",
"select_featured_photo": "Anzeigebild auswählen",
"select_from_computer": "Vom Computer auswählen",
"select_keep_all": "Alle behalten",
"select_library_owner": "Bibliotheksbesitzer auswählen",
"select_new_face": "Neues Gesicht auswählen",
"select_photos": "Fotos auswählen",
"select_trash_all": "Alle Löschen",
"selected": "Ausgewählt",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {# ausgewählt}}",
"send_message": "Nachricht senden",
"send_welcome_email": "Begrüssungsmail senden",
"server": "Server",
"server_stats": "Server-Statistiken",
"server_version": "Server-Version",
"set": "Speichern",
"set_as_album_cover": "Als Albumcover gesetzt",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Als Profilbild gesetzt",
@ -845,13 +1024,15 @@
"share": "Teilen",
"shared": "Geteilt",
"shared_by": "Geteilt von",
"shared_by_user": "Von {user} geteilt",
"shared_by_you": "Geteilt von dir",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotos von {partner}",
"shared_links": "Geteilte Links",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} geteilte Fotos & Videos.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, one {# geteiltes Foto oder Video.} other {# geteilte Fotos & Videos.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Geteilt mit {partner}",
"sharing": "Geteiltes",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Eine Verknüpfung zu Geteiltem in der Seitenleiste anzeigen",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "Drücke ⇧, um die Datei endgültig zu löschen",
"show_album_options": "Album-Optionen anzeigen",
"show_and_hide_people": "Personen ein- & ausblenden",
"show_file_location": "Dateispeicherort anzeigen",
@ -874,8 +1055,16 @@
"slideshow": "Diashow",
"slideshow_settings": "Diashow Einstellungen",
"sort_albums_by": "Alben sortieren nach...",
"sort_created": "Erstellungsdatum",
"sort_items": "Anzahl der Einträge",
"sort_modified": "Änderungsdatum",
"sort_oldest": "Ältestes Foto",
"sort_recent": "Neustes Foto",
"sort_title": "Titel",
"source": "Quelle",
"stack": "Stapel",
"stack_selected_photos": "Ausgewählte Fotos stapeln",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} gestapelt",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
"start": "Starten",
"start_date": "Anfangsdatum",
@ -897,10 +1086,13 @@
"theme": "Theme",
"theme_selection": "Themenauswahl",
"theme_selection_description": "Automatische Einstellung des Themes auf Hell oder Dunkel, je nach Systemeinstellung des Browsers",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Sie werden zusammengeführt",
"time_based_memories": "Zeitbasierte Erinnerungen",
"timezone": "Zeitzone",
"to_archive": "Archivieren",
"to_change_password": "Passwort ändern",
"to_favorite": "Zu Favoriten hinzufügen",
"to_login": "Anmelden",
"to_trash": "Zum Papierkorb verschieben",
"toggle_settings": "Einstellungen umschalten",
"toggle_theme": "Theme umschalten",
@ -909,11 +1101,13 @@
"trash": "Papierkorb",
"trash_all": "Alles im Papierkorb",
"trash_count": "Papierkorb {count}",
"trash_delete_asset": "Datei löschen/in den Papierkorb verschieben",
"trash_no_results_message": "Gelöschte Fotos und Videos werden hier angezeigt.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Gelöschte Objekte werden nach {days, plural, one {# Tag} other {# Tagen}} endgültig gelöscht.",
"type": "Typ",
"unarchive": "Unarchivieren",
"unarchived": "Unarchiviert",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {# Entarchiviert}}",
"unfavorite": "Entfavorisieren",
"unhide_person": "Person einblenden",
"unknown": "Unbekannt",
@ -924,18 +1118,30 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Nicht verknüpftes OAuth-Konto",
"unnamed_album": "Unbenanntes Album",
"unnamed_share": "Unbenannte Teilung",
"unsaved_change": "Ungespeicherte Änderung",
"unselect_all": "Alles abwählen",
"unstack": "Entstapeln",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# Datei} other {# Dateien}} entstapelt",
"untracked_files": "Unverfolgte Dateien",
"untracked_files_decription": "Diese Dateien werden nicht von der Application getrackt. Sie können das Ergebnis fehlgeschlagener Verschiebungen, unterbrochener Uploads oder aufgrund eines Fehlers sein",
"up_next": "Weiter",
"updated_password": "Passwort aktualisiert",
"upload": "Hochladen",
"upload_concurrency": "Parallelität beim Hochladen",
"upload_errors": "Hochladen abgeschlossen mit {count, plural, one {# Fehler} other {# Fehlern}}, aktualisiere die Seite, um neu hochgeladene Dateien zu sehen.",
"upload_progress": "{remaining} Verbleibend - {processed}/{total} Verarbeitet",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {# doppelte Datei} other {# doppelte Dateien}} ausgelassen",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplikate",
"upload_status_errors": "Fehler",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Hochgeladen",
"upload_success": "Hochladen erfolgreich. Aktualisiere die Seite, um neue hochgeladene Dateien zu sehen.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Verwendung",
"use_custom_date_range": "Stattdessen einen benutzerdefinierten Datumsbereich verwenden",
"user": "Nutzer",
"user_id": "Nutzer-ID",
"user_liked": "{type, select, photo {Dieses Foto} video {Dieses Video} asset {Diese Datei} other {Dies}} gefällt {user}",
"user_role_set": "{user} als {role} festlegen",
"user_usage_detail": "Nutzungsdetails der Nutzer",
"username": "Nutzername",
"users": "Benutzer",
@ -943,23 +1149,29 @@
"validate": "Validieren",
"variables": "Variablen",
"version": "Version",
"version_announcement_message": "Hallo Freund, es gibt eine neue Version dieser Anwendung. Bitte nimm dir Zeit, die <link>Versionshinweise</link> zu lesen und stelle sicher, dass deine <code>docker-compose.yml</code>- und <code>.env</code>-Konfiguration auf dem neuesten Stand ist, um Fehlkonfigurationen zu vermeiden, insbesondere wenn du WatchTower oder ein anderes Verfahren verwendest, das deine Anwendung automatisch aktualisiert.",
"video": "Video",
"video_hover_setting": "Videovorschau beim Hovern abspielen",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Video-Miniaturansicht wiedergeben, wenn der Mauszeiger über dem Element verweilt. Auch wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist, kann die Wiedergabe gestartet werden, indem der Mauszeiger auf das Wiedergabesymbol bewegt wird.",
"videos": "Videos",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# Video} other {# Videos}}",
"view": "Ansicht",
"view_album": "Album anzeigen",
"view_all": "Alles anzeigen",
"view_all_users": "Alle Nutzer anzeigen",
"view_links": "Links anzeigen",
"view_next_asset": "Nächste Datei anzeigen",
"view_previous_asset": "Vorherige Datei anzeigen",
"view_stack": "Stapel anzeigen",
"viewer": "Zuschauer",
"visibility_changed": "Sichtbarkeit für {count, plural, one {# Person} other {# Personen}} geändert",
"waiting": "Warte",
"warning": "Warnung",
"week": "Woche",
"welcome": "Willkommen",
"welcome_to_immich": "Willkommen bei Immich",
"year": "Jahr",
"years_ago": "Vor {years, plural, one {einem Jahr} other {# Jahren}}",
"yes": "Ja",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Du hast keine geteilten Links",
"zoom_image": "Bild vergrößern"
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Hardware Acceleration",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Experimental; much faster, but will have lower quality at the same bitrate",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Hardware decoding",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Applies only to NVENC and RKMPP. Enables end-to-end acceleration instead of only accelerating encoding. May not work on all videos.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Applies only to NVENC, QSV and RKMPP. Enables end-to-end acceleration instead of only accelerating encoding. May not work on all videos.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC codec",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maximum B-frames",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Higher values improve compression efficiency, but slow down encoding. May not be compatible with hardware acceleration on older devices. 0 disables B-frames, while -1 sets this value automatically.",
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
"about": "Acerca de",
"account": "Cuenta",
"account_settings": "Ajustes de la cuenta",
"acknowledge": "De acuerdo",
"acknowledge": "Acuerdo",
"action": "Acción",
"actions": "Acciones",
"active": "Activo",
"activity": "Actividad",
"activity_changed": "Actividad es {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"add": "Añadir",
"add_a_description": "Añadir una descripción",
"add_a_location": "Añadir una ubicación",
@ -21,6 +23,9 @@
"add_to": "Añadir a...",
"add_to_album": "Añadir a un álbum",
"add_to_shared_album": "Añadir a un álbum compartido",
"added_to_archive": "Archivar",
"added_to_favorites": "Añadir a favoritos",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} añadido a favoritos",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Añade patrones de exclusión. Puedes utilizar los caracteres *, ** y ? (globbing). Para ignorar los archivos en cualquier ruta llamada \"Raw\", utiliza \"**/Raw/**\". Para ignorar todos los archivos que terminan en \".tif\", utiliza \"**/*.tif\". Para ignorar una ruta desde la raíz, utiliza \"/carpeta/a/ignorar/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Configuración de Autenticación",
@ -31,7 +36,7 @@
"cleared_jobs": "Trabajos realizados para: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "La configuración está fijada actualmente en base a un archivo",
"confirm_delete_library": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar la biblioteca {library}?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "¿Estás seguro de que quieras eliminar esta biblioteca? Esto eliminará los {count} elementos en Immich y no puede deshacerse. Los archivos permanecerán en tu almacenamiento.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "¿Estás seguro de que quieras eliminar esta biblioteca? Esto eliminará los {count, plural, one {# contained asset} other {all # contained assets}} elementos en Immich y no puede deshacerse. Los archivos permanecerán en tu almacenamiento.",
"confirm_email_below": "Para confirmar, escribe \"{email}\" debajo",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres volver a procesar todas las caras? Esto también eliminará las personas a las que le hayas asignado nombre.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres resetear la contraseña de {user}?",
@ -43,7 +48,7 @@
"external_library_created_at": "Biblioteca externa (creado el {date})",
"external_library_management": "Gestión de Biblioteca Externa",
"face_detection": "Detección de caras",
"face_detection_description": "Detecta las caras usando aprendizaje automático. Para los vídeos sólo se tiene en cuenta la imagen de previsualización. \"Todo\" implica reprocesar todos los elementos. \"Missing\" pone en la cola los elementos que aún no han sido procesados. Las caras detectadas serán añadidas a la cola para ser procesadas posteriomente mediante Reconocimiento Facial y agrupadas en las personas que ya existan o en nuevas personas detectadas.",
"face_detection_description": "Detecta las caras usando aprendizaje automático. Para los vídeos sólo se tiene en cuenta la imagen de previsualización. \"Todo\" implica volver a procesar todos los elementos. \"Missing\" pone en la cola los elementos que aún no han sido procesados. Las caras detectadas serán añadidas a la cola para ser procesadas posteriormente mediante Reconocimiento Facial y agrupadas en las personas que ya existan o en nuevas personas detectadas.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Agrupa las caras detectadas en las personas. Este paso se lanza tras las Detección de Caras. \"All\" reagrupa todas las caras. \"Pendiente\" añade a la colas aquellas caras que no fueron asignadas a ninguna persona.",
"failed_job_command": "El comando {command} ha fallado para la tarea: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "CUIDADO: Esta acción eliminará inmediatamente el usuario y los elementos. Esta accion no se puede deshacer y los archivos no pueden ser recuperados.",
@ -68,8 +73,8 @@
"job_settings": "Configuración tareas",
"job_settings_description": "Administrar tareas simultáneas",
"job_status": "Estado de la Tarea",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} retrasados",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} con fallo",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# delayed}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# failed}}",
"library_created": "La biblioteca ha sido creada: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Expresión cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Establece el intervalo de escaneo utilizando el formato cron. Para más información puede consultar, por ejemplo, <link> Crontab Guru</link>",
@ -80,19 +85,19 @@
"library_scanning_description": "Configura el escaneo periódico de la biblioteca",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Activar el escaneo periódico de la biblioteca",
"library_settings": "Biblioteca Externa",
"library_settings_description": "Ajusta la configuración de la biblioteca externa",
"library_settings_description": "Administrar configuración biblioteca externa",
"library_tasks_description": "Realizar tareas de biblioteca",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Vigilar los cambios en los archivos de las bibliotecas externas",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Ver las bibliotecas externas para detectar cambios en los archivos",
"library_watching_settings": "Vigilancia de la biblioteca (EXPERIMENTAL)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Supervisar automáticamente los archivos modificados",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Vigilar automaticamente en busca de archivos modificados",
"logging_enable_description": "Habilitar registro",
"logging_level_description": "Cuando está habilitado, qué nivel de registro utilizar.",
"logging_settings": "Registro",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Modelo de CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "El nombre de un modelo CLIP listado <link>aquí</link>. Tenga en cuenta que debe volver a ejecutar el trabajo 'Smart Search' para todas las imágenes al cambiar un modelo.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Detección de duplicados",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Detección duplicados",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Habilitar detección de duplicados",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Si se deshabilita, los elementos exactamente idénticos seguirán siendo des duplicados.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Si está deshabilitado, se seguirán deduplicando assets exactamente idénticos.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Utilice incrustaciones de CLIP para encontrar posibles duplicados",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Habilitar aprendizaje automático",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Si está deshabilitada, todas las funciones de ML se deshabilitarán independientemente de la configuración a continuación.",
@ -184,6 +189,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Todas las carpetas se han validado satisfactoriamente",
"quota_size_gib": "Tamaño de Quota (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Actualizando todas las bibliotecas",
"registration": "Registrar Administrador",
"registration_description": "Dado que usted es el primer usuario del sistema, se le asignará como administrador y será responsable de las tareas administrativas, y usted creará usuarios adicionales.",
"removing_offline_files": "Eliminando los archivos offline",
"repair_all": "Reparar Todo",
"repair_matched_items": "Coincidencia {count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}",
@ -205,14 +212,18 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "Número de segundos para mostrar cada imagen",
"smart_search_job_description": "Ejecute aprendizaje automático en archivos para respaldar la búsqueda inteligente",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Habilitar el motor de plantillas de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Error en la verificación de hash",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Verificación de hash habilitada",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Habilita la verificación de hash, no la desactive a menos que esté seguro de las implicaciones",
"storage_template_migration": "Migración de plantillas de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Aplicar la <link>{template}</link> actual a los elementos subidos previamente",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Los cambios en las plantillas solo se aplican a los elementos nuevos. Para aplicarlos retroactivamente a los elementos subidos previamente ejecute la <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Tarea de migración de las plantillas de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_more_details": "Para obtener más detalles sobre esta función, consulte la <template-link>Plantilla de almacenamiento</template-link> y sus <implications-link>implicaciones</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Cuando está habilitada, esta función organizará automáticamente los archivos según una plantilla definida por el usuario. Debido a problemas de estabilidad, la función se ha desactivado de forma predeterminada. Para obtener más información, consulte la <link>documentación</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Límite aproximado de la longitud de la ruta: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Plantilla de almacenamiento",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Administre la estructura de carpetas y el nombre de archivo del recurso cargado",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code> es la etiqueta de almacenamiento del usuario",
"system_settings": "Ajustes del Sistema",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "CSS Personalizado",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "Las Hojas de Estilo (CSS) permiten personalizar el diseño de Immich.",
@ -236,6 +247,7 @@
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Codec de audio",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus es la opción de mayor calidad, pero tiene menor compatibilidad con dispositivos o software antiguos.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Vídeos con una tasa de bits superior a la máxima o que no están en un formato aceptado",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Para obtener más información sobre la terminología utilizada aquí, consulte la documentación de FFmpeg para <h264-link>H.264 codec</h264-link>, <hevc-link>HEVC codec</hevc-link> y <vp9-link>VP9 codec</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Modo de calidad constante",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ es mejor que CQP, pero algunos dispositivos de aceleración de hardware no admiten este modo. Al configurar esta opción, se preferirá el modo especificado cuando se utilice codificación basada en calidad. NVENC lo ignora porque no es compatible con ICQ.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Factor de tasa constante (-crf)",
@ -285,11 +297,14 @@
"trash_settings_description": "Administrar la configuración de la papelera",
"untracked_files": "Archivos sin seguimiento",
"untracked_files_description": "La aplicación no rastrea estos archivos. Puede ser el resultado de movimientos fallidos, cargas interrumpidas o sin procesar debido a un error",
"user_delete_delay": "La cuenta <b>{user}</b> y los archivos se programarán para su eliminación permanente en {delay, plural, one {# day} other {# days}}.",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Eliminar retardo",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Número de días después de la eliminación para eliminar permanentemente la cuenta y los activos de un usuario. El trabajo de eliminación de usuarios se ejecuta a medianoche para comprobar si hay usuarios que estén listos para su eliminación. Los cambios a esta configuración se evaluarán en la próxima ejecución.",
"user_delete_immediately": "La cuenta <b>{user}</b> y los archivos se pondrán en cola para su eliminación permanente <b>inmediatamente</b>.",
"user_management": "Gestión de usuarios",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "La contraseña del usuario ha sido restablecida:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Proporcione una contraseña temporal al usuario e infórmele que deberá cambiar la contraseña en su próximo inicio de sesión.",
"user_restore_description": "La cuenta de <b>{user}</b> será restaurada.",
"user_settings": "Ajustes de usuario",
"user_settings_description": "Administrar la configuración del usuario",
"user_successfully_removed": "El usuario {email} ha sido eliminado exitosamente.",
@ -303,21 +318,39 @@
"admin_password": "Contraseña del Administrador",
"administration": "Administración",
"advanced": "Avanzada",
"age_months": "Tiempo {months, plural, one {# month} other {# months}}",
"age_year_months": "1 año, {months, plural, one {# month} other {# months}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {Age #}}",
"album_added": "Álbum añadido",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Reciba una notificación por correo electrónico cuando lo agreguen a un álbum compartido",
"album_cover_updated": "Portada del álbum actualizada",
"album_delete_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar el álbum {album}?\nSi se comparte este álbum, otros usuarios ya no podrán acceder a él.",
"album_info_updated": "Información del álbum actualizada",
"album_leave": "¿Abandonar el álbum?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres dejar {album}?",
"album_name": "Nombre del Álbum",
"album_options": "Opciones del Album",
"album_remove_user": "¿Eliminar usuario?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar a {user}?",
"album_share_no_users": "Parece que has compartido este álbum con todos los usuarios o no tienes ningún usuario con quien compartirlo.",
"album_updated": "Album actualizado",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Reciba una notificación por correo electrónico cuando un álbum compartido tenga nuevos archivos",
"album_user_left": "Izquierda {album}",
"album_user_removed": "Eliminado a {user}",
"album_with_link_access": "Permita que cualquier persona con el enlace vea fotos y personas en este álbum.",
"albums": "Albums",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Álbum} other {{count, number} Álbumes}}",
"all": "Todos",
"all_albums": "Todos los albums",
"all_people": "Todas las personas",
"all_videos": "Todos los videos",
"allow_dark_mode": "Permitir modo oscuro",
"allow_edits": "Permitir edición",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permitir descargar al usuario público",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permitir cargar al usuario publico",
"api_key": "Clave API",
"api_key_description": "Este valor sólo se mostrará una vez. Asegúrese de copiarlo antes de cerrar la ventana.",
"api_key_empty": "El nombre de su clave API no debe estar vacío",
"api_keys": "Claves API",
"app_settings": "Ajustes de Aplicacion",
"appears_in": "Aparece en",
@ -326,22 +359,45 @@
"archive_size": "Tamaño de archivo",
"archive_size_description": "Configure el tamaño del archivo para descargas (en GB)",
"archived": "Archivado",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Archived #}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "¿Son la misma persona?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "¿Estas seguro de que quieres hacer esto?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "El archivo {filename} está offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "El archivo no tiene rostros asignados",
"asset_offline": "Archivos fuera de linea",
"asset_offline_description": "Este archivo está offline. Immich no puede acceder a la ubicación de su archivo. Asegúrese de que el archivo esté disponible y luego vuelva a escanear la biblioteca.",
"assets": "elementos",
"assets_added_count": "Añadido {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "Añadido {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} al álbum",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "Añadido {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} a {name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "Se movió {count, plural, one {# activo} other {# activos}} a la papelera",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "Movido {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} a la papelera",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "Eliminado permanentemente {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_removed_count": "Eliminado {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "¿Está seguro de que desea restaurar todos sus archivos eliminados? ¡No puedes deshacer esta acción!",
"assets_restored_count": "Restaurado {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "Borrado {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {Asset was} other {Assets were}} ya forma parte del álbum",
"authorized_devices": "Dispositivos Autorizados",
"back": "Atrás",
"back_close_deselect": "Atrás, cerrar o anular la selección",
"backward": "Retroceder",
"birthdate_saved": "Fecha de nacimiento guardada con éxito",
"birthdate_set_description": "La fecha de nacimiento se utiliza para calcular la edad de esta persona en el momento de la fotografía.",
"blurred_background": "Fondo borroso",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar de forma masiva {count} activos duplicados? Esto mantendrá el activo más grande de cada grupo y eliminará permanentemente todos los demás duplicados. ¡Esta acción no se puede deshacer!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "¿Estas seguro de que desea mantener {count} activos duplicados? Esto resolverá todos los grupos duplicados sin borrar nada.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "¿Estas seguro de que desea eliminar masivamente {count} activos duplicados? Esto mantendrá el activo más grande de cada grupo y eliminará todos los demás duplicados.",
"build": "Compilación",
"build_image": "Construir Imagen",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar de forma masiva {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}}? Esto mantendrá el activo más grande de cada grupo y eliminará permanentemente todos los demás duplicados. ¡Esta acción no se puede deshacer!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "¿Estas seguro de que desea mantener {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} archivos duplicados? Esto resolverá todos los grupos duplicados sin borrar nada.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "¿Estas seguro de que desea eliminar masivamente {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} archivos duplicados? Esto mantendrá el archivo más grande de cada grupo y eliminará todos los demás duplicados.",
"camera": "Cámara",
"camera_brand": "Fabricante de cámara",
"camera_model": "Modelo de cámara",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"cancel_search": "Cancelar búsqueda",
"cannot_merge_people": "No se pueden fusionar personas",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "¡No puedes deshacer esta acción!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "No se puede actualizar la descripción",
"cant_apply_changes": "No se pueden aplicar los cambios",
"cant_get_faces": "No se encuentran rostros",
@ -353,6 +409,7 @@
"change_name": "Cambiar nombre",
"change_name_successfully": "Nombre cambiado correctamente",
"change_password": "Cambiar Contraseña",
"change_password_description": "Esta es la primera vez que inicia sesión en el sistema o se ha realizado una solicitud para cambiar su contraseña. Por favor ingrese la nueva contraseña a continuación.",
"change_your_password": "Cambia tu contraseña",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Visibilidad cambiada correctamente",
"check_all": "Comprobar todo",
@ -364,9 +421,12 @@
"clear_message": "Limpiar mensaje",
"clear_value": "Limpiar valor",
"close": "Cerrar",
"collapse": "Agrupar",
"collapse_all": "Desplegar todo",
"color_theme": "Color del tema",
"comment_deleted": "Comentario borrado",
"comment_options": "Opciones de comentarios",
"comments_and_likes": "Comentarios y me gusta",
"comments_are_disabled": "Los comentarios están deshabilitados",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"confirm_admin_password": "Confirmar Contraseña de Administrador",
@ -392,7 +452,9 @@
"create_library": "Crear biblioteca",
"create_link": "Crear enlace",
"create_link_to_share": "Crear enlace compartido",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Permitir que cualquier persona con el enlace vea la(s) foto(s) seleccionada(s)",
"create_new_person": "Crear nueva persona",
"create_new_person_hint": "Asignar los archivos seleccionados a una nueva persona",
"create_new_user": "Crear nuevo usuario",
"create_user": "Crear usuario",
"created": "Creado",
@ -430,11 +492,14 @@
"display_order": "Orden de visualización",
"display_original_photos": "Mostrar fotos originales",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Preferir mostrar la foto original al ver un archivo en lugar de miniaturas cuando el archivo original es compatible con la web. Esto puede resultar en velocidades de visualización de fotografías más lentas.",
"do_not_show_again": "No volver a mostrar este mensaje otra vez",
"done": "Hecho",
"download": "Descargar",
"download_settings": "Descargar",
"download_settings_description": "Administrar configuraciones relacionadas con la descarga de archivos",
"downloading": "Descargando",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Descargando archivo {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Suelta los archivos en cualquier lugar para subirlos",
"duplicates": "Duplicados",
"duplicates_description": "Resuelva cada grupo indicando, en cada caso, cuales están duplicados",
"duration": "Duración",
@ -445,6 +510,7 @@
"months": "{months, plural, one {mes} other {{months, number} meses}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {año} other {{years, number} años}}"
"edit": "Editar",
"edit_album": "Editar album",
"edit_avatar": "Editar avatar",
"edit_date": "Editar fecha",
@ -466,56 +532,99 @@
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Álbum vacío",
"empty_trash": "Vaciar papelera",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres vaciar la papelera? Esto eliminará permanentemente todos los archivos de la basura de Immich.\n¡No puedes deshacer esta acción!",
"enable": "Habilitar",
"enabled": "Habilitado",
"end_date": "Fecha final",
"error": "Error",
"error_loading_image": "Error al cargar la imagen",
"error_title": "Error: algo salió mal",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "No puedes navegar al siguiente archivo",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "No puedes navegar al archivo anterior",
"cant_apply_changes": "No se pueden aplicar los cambios",
"cant_change_activity": "No se puede realizar la actividad {enabled, select, true {disable} other {enable}}",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "No se puede cambiar favorito para este archivo",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "No se pueden cambiar los metadatos de {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"cant_get_faces": "No se encuentran caras",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "No se puede obtener la cantidad de comentarios",
"cant_search_people": "No se puede buscar a personas",
"cant_search_places": "No se pueden buscar lugares",
"cleared_jobs": "Tareas listas para: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Error al añadir archivos al álbum",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Error al añadir usuarios al álbum",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Error al eliminar usuario compartido",
"error_downloading": "Error al descargar {filename}",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Error al eliminar archivos del álbum; consulte la consola para obtener más detalles",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Error al seleccionar todos los archivos",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Este patrón de exclusión ya existe.",
"failed_job_command": "El comando {command} ha fallado para la tarea: {job}",
"failed_to_create_album": "Error al crear el álbum",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Error al crear el enlace compartido",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Error al editar el enlace compartido",
"failed_to_get_people": "Error al obtener personas",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "No se pudieron agrupar los archivos",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Error al desagrupar los archivos",
"import_path_already_exists": "Esta ruta de importación ya existe.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Contraseña o email incorrecto",
"paths_validation_failed": "Falló la validación en {paths, plural, one {# carpetas} other {# carpetas}}",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Las imágenes de perfil no pueden tener píxeles transparentes. Por favor amplíe y/o mueva la imagen.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Se ha establecido una cuota superior al tamaño del disco",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "No se puede verificar {count, select, one {elemento} other {elementos}}",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "No se pueden agregar usuarios al álbum",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "No se pueden agregar archivos al enlace compartido",
"unable_to_add_comment": "No se puede agregar comentario",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "No se puede agregar el patrón de exclusión",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "No se puede añadir la ruta de importación",
"unable_to_add_partners": "No se pueden añadir invitados",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "No se puede archivar {archived, select, true {remove asset from} other {add asset to}}",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Añade {favorite, select, true {add asset to} other {remove asset from}} a favoritos",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Añade a {archived, select, true {archive} other {unarchive}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "No se puede cambiar la función del usuario del álbum",
"unable_to_change_date": "No se puede cambiar la fecha",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Imposible cambiar el archivo favorito",
"unable_to_change_location": "No se puede cambiar de ubicación",
"unable_to_change_password": "No se puede cambiar la contraseña",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "No se puede cambiar la visibilidad de {count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "No se puede completar el inicio de sesión de OAuth",
"unable_to_connect": "No puede conectarse",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "No se puede copiar al portapapeles, asegúrese de acceder a la página a través de https",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "No se puede crear una cuenta de administrador",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "No se puede crear una nueva clave API",
"unable_to_create_library": "No se puede crear la biblioteca",
"unable_to_create_user": "No se puede crear usuario",
"unable_to_delete_album": "No se puede eliminar el álbum",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "No se puede eliminar el archivo",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Error al eliminar archivos",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "No se puede eliminar el patrón de exclusión",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "No se puede eliminar la ruta de importación",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "No se puede eliminar el enlace compartido",
"unable_to_delete_user": "No se puede eliminar el usuario",
"unable_to_download_files": "No se pueden descargar archivos",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "No se puede editar el patrón de exclusión",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "No se puede editar la ruta de importación",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "No se puede vaciar la papelera",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "No se puede acceder al modo pantalla completa",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "No se puede salir del modo pantalla completa",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "No se puede obtener el número de comentarios",
"unable_to_hide_person": "No se puede ocultar a la persona",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "No se puede vincular la cuenta OAuth",
"unable_to_load_album": "No se puede cargar el álbum",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "No se puede cargar la actividad de los archivos",
"unable_to_load_items": "No se pueden cargar items",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "No se puede cargar el estado \"Me gusta\"",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "No se pueden cerrar las sesiones en todos los dispositivos",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "No se puede cerrar la sesión en el dispositivo",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "No se puede iniciar sesión con OAuth",
"unable_to_play_video": "No se puede reproducir el vídeo",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "No se pueden reasignar a {name, select, null {an existing person} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "No se pueden reasignar archivos a una nueva persona",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "No se puede actualizar el usuario",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "No se pueden eliminar usuarios del álbum",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "No se puede eliminar la clave API",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "No se pueden eliminar archivos desde el enlace compartido",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "No se puede eliminar la biblioteca",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "No se pueden eliminar archivos sin conexión",
@ -535,10 +644,13 @@
"unable_to_save_settings": "No se pueden guardar las configuraciones",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "No se pueden escanear bibliotecas",
"unable_to_scan_library": "No se puede escanear la biblioteca",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "No se puede configurar la foto seleccionada",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "No se puede configurar la imagen de perfil",
"unable_to_submit_job": "No se puede enviar el trabajo",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "No se puede eliminar el archivo",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "No se puede desvincular la cuenta",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "No se puede actualizar la portada del álbum",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "No se puede actualizar la información del álbum",
"unable_to_update_library": "No se puede actualizar la biblioteca",
"unable_to_update_location": "No se puede actualizar la ubicación",
"unable_to_update_settings": "No se puede actualizar la configuración",
@ -549,10 +661,12 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Salir de la presentación",
"expand_all": "Expandir todo",
"expire_after": "Expirar después de",
"expired": "Caducado",
"expires_date": "Expira el {date}",
"explore": "Explorar",
"export": "Exportar",
"export_as_json": "Exportar a JSON",
@ -583,7 +697,11 @@
"go_to_search": "Ir a búsqueda",
"go_to_share_page": "Ir a compartir página",
"group_albums_by": "Agrupar albums por...",
"group_no": "Sin agrupación",
"group_owner": "Agrupar por propietario",
"group_year": "Agrupar por año",
"has_quota": "Su cuota",
"hi_user": "Hola {name} ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "Ocultar galería",
"hide_password": "Ocultar contraseña",
"hide_person": "Ocultar persona",
@ -610,6 +728,7 @@
"invite_people": "Invitar a Personas",
"invite_to_album": "Invitar al álbum",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "Tareas",
"keep": "Conservar",
@ -618,12 +737,14 @@
"language": "Idioma",
"language_setting_description": "Selecciona tu idioma preferido",
"last_seen": "Ultima vez visto",
"latest_version": "Última versión",
"leave": "Abandonar",
"let_others_respond": "Permitir que otros respondan",
"level": "Nivel",
"library": "Biblioteca",
"library_options": "Opciones de biblioteca",
"light": "Claro",
"like_deleted": "Me gusta eliminado",
"link_options": "Opciones de enlace",
"link_to_oauth": "Enlace a OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "Cuenta OAuth vinculada",
@ -632,7 +753,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "Error al cargar los resultados de la búsqueda",
"log_out": "Cerrar sesión",
"log_out_all_devices": "Cerrar sesión en todos los dispositivos",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Cierre la sesión en todos los dispositivos",
"logged_out_device": "Dispositivo desconectado",
"login": "Inicio de sesión",
"login_has_been_disabled": "El inicio de sesión ha sido deshabilitado.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres cerrar sesión en todos los dispositivos?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres cerrar sesión en este dispositivo?",
"look": "Mirar",
"loop_videos": "Vídeos en bucle",
"loop_videos_description": "Habilite la reproducción automática de un video en el visor de detalles.",
@ -645,18 +771,21 @@
"manage_your_devices": "Administre sus dispositivos conectados",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Administra tu conexión OAuth",
"map": "Mapa",
"map_marker_for_images": "Marcador de mapa para imágenes tomadas en {city}, {country}",
"map_marker_with_image": "Marcador de mapa con imagen",
"map_settings": "Ajustes mapa",
"matches": "Coincidencias",
"media_type": "Tipo de medio",
"memories": "Recuerdos",
"memories_setting_description": "Gestiona lo que ves en tus recuerdos",
"memory": "Recuerdo",
"menu": "Menú",
"merge": "Fusionar",
"merge_people": "Fusionar personas",
"merge_people_limit": "Solo puedes fusionar hasta 5 caras a la vez",
"merge_people_prompt": "¿Quieres fusionar a estas personas? Esta acción es irreversible.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Personas fusionadas correctamente",
"merged_people_count": "Fusionar {count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"minimize": "Minimizar",
"minute": "Minuto",
"missing": "Perdido",
@ -672,11 +801,14 @@
"new_password": "Nueva contraseña",
"new_person": "Nueva persona",
"new_user_created": "Nuevo usuario creado",
"new_version_available": "NUEVA VERSIÓN DISPONIBLE",
"newest_first": "El más reciente primero",
"next": "Siguiente",
"next_memory": "Siguiente recuerdo",
"no": "No",
"no_albums_message": "Crea un álbum para organizar tus fotos y vídeos",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Parece que todavía no tienes ningún álbum con este nombre.",
"no_albums_yet": "Parece que aún no tienes ningún álbum.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Archive fotos y videos para ocultarlos de su vista de Fotos",
"no_assets_message": "HAZ CLIC PARA SUBIR TU PRIMERA FOTO",
"no_duplicates_found": "No se encontraron duplicados.",
@ -687,6 +819,7 @@
"no_name": "Sin nombre",
"no_places": "Sin lugares",
"no_results": "Sin resultados",
"no_results_description": "Pruebe con un sinónimo o una palabra clave más general",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Crea un álbum para compartir fotos y vídeos con personas de tu red",
"not_in_any_album": "Nada en ningún álbum",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Nota: Para aplicar la etiqueta de almacenamiento a los archivos cargados previamente, ejecute el",
@ -701,17 +834,25 @@
"offline_paths_description": "Estos resultados pueden deberse a la eliminación manual de archivos que no forman parte de una biblioteca externa.",
"ok": "Sí",
"oldest_first": "Los más antiguos primero",
"onboarding": "Incorporando",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Elija un color de tema para su instancia. Puedes cambiar esto más tarde en tu configuración.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Configuremos su instancia con algunas configuraciones comunes.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Bienvenido, {user}",
"online": "En línea",
"only_favorites": "Solo favoritos",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Solo actualiza los archivos modificados",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Abrir en OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Abre los filtros de búsqueda",
"options": "Opciones",
"or": "o",
"organize_your_library": "Organiza tu biblioteca",
"original": "oeiginal",
"other": "Otro",
"other_devices": "Otro dispositivo",
"other_variables": "Otras variables",
"owned": "Propio",
"owner": "Propietario",
"partner": "Invitado",
"partner_can_access": "{partner} puede acceder",
"partner_can_access_assets": "Todas tus fotos y vídeos excepto los Archivados y Eliminados",
"partner_can_access_location": "Ubicación donde fueron realizadas tus fotos",
@ -722,9 +863,9 @@
"password_required": "Contraseña requerida",
"password_reset_success": "Restablecimiento de contraseña exitoso",
"past_durations": {
"days": "Pasados {days, plural, one {día} other {{days, number} días}}",
"hours": "Pasadas {hours, plural, one {hora} other {{hours, number} horas}}",
"years": "Pasado {years, plural, one {año} other {{years, number} años}}"
"days": "Pasados {days, plural, one {day} other {# days}}",
"hours": "Pasadas {hours, plural, one {hour} other {# hours}}",
"years": "Pasado(s) {years, plural, one {year} other {# years}}"
"path": "Ruta",
"pattern": "Patrón",
@ -733,14 +874,21 @@
"paused": "Detenido",
"pending": "Pendiente",
"people": "Personas",
"people_edits_count": "Editado {count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"people_sidebar_description": "Mostrar un enlace a Personas en la barra lateral",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Advertencia de eliminación permanente",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Mostrar una advertencia al eliminar archivos permanentemente",
"permanently_delete": "Borrar permanentemente",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Eliminar permanentemente {count, plural, one {asset} other {assets}}",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Archivo eliminado permanentemente",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "Eliminado permanentemente {count, plural, one {# activo} other {# activos}}",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "Eliminado permanentemente {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"person": "Persona",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (hidden)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Parece que compartiste tus fotos con todos los usuarios o no tienes ningún usuario con quien compartirlas.",
"photos": "Fotos",
"photos_and_videos": "Fotos y Videos",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} foto} other {{count, number} fotos}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Fotos de años anteriores",
"pick_a_location": "Elige una ubicación",
@ -759,40 +907,64 @@
"previous_or_next_photo": "Foto anterior o siguiente",
"primary": "Básico",
"profile_picture_set": "Conjunto de imágenes de perfil.",
"public_album": "Álbum público",
"public_share": "Compartir públicamente",
"range": "",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Opciones de reacción",
"read_changelog": "Leer registro de cambios",
"reassign": "Reasignar",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "Reasignado {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} to {name, select, null {an existing person} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "Reasignado {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} a un nuevo usuario",
"reassing_hint": "Asignar archivos seleccionados a una persona existente",
"recent": "Reciente",
"recent_searches": "Búsquedas recientes",
"refresh": "Actualizar",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Actualizar vídeos codificados",
"refresh_metadata": "Actualizar metadatos",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Actualizar miniaturas",
"refreshed": "Actualizado",
"refreshes_every_file": "Actualiza cada archivo",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Actualizando videos codificados",
"refreshing_metadata": "Actualizando metadatos",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Actualizando miniaturas",
"remove": "Eliminar",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} del álbum?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} del enlace compartido?",
"remove_assets_title": "¿Eliminar activos?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Eliminar intervalo de fechas personalizado",
"remove_from_album": "Eliminar del álbum",
"remove_from_favorites": "Quitar de favoritos",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Eliminar desde enlace compartido",
"remove_offline_files": "Eliminar archivos sin conexión",
"remove_user": "Eliminar usuario",
"removed_api_key": "Clave API eliminada: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Eliminado del archivo",
"removed_from_favorites": "Eliminado de favoritos",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, other {Removed #}} de favoritos",
"rename": "Renombrar",
"repair": "Reparar",
"repair_no_results_message": "Los archivos perdidos y sin seguimiento aparecerán aquí",
"replace_with_upload": "Reemplazar con subida",
"repository": "Repositorio",
"require_password": "Contraseña requerida",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Requerir que el usuario cambie la contraseña en el primer inicio de sesión",
"reset": "Reiniciar",
"reset_password": "Restablecer la contraseña",
"reset_people_visibility": "Restablecer la visibilidad de las personas",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "Restablecer los valores predeterminados",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Todos los duplicados resueltos",
"restore": "Restaurar",
"restore_all": "Restaurar todo",
"restore_user": "Restaurar usuario",
"restored_asset": "Archivo restaurado",
"resume": "Continuar",
"retry_upload": "Reintentar subida",
"review_duplicates": "Revisar duplicados",
"role": "Rol",
"role_editor": "Editor",
"role_viewer": "Visor",
"save": "Guardar",
"saved_api_key": "Clave API guardada",
"saved_profile": "Perfil guardado",
@ -811,6 +983,8 @@
"search_city": "Buscar ciudad...",
"search_country": "Buscar país...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Buscar persona existente",
"search_no_people": "Ninguna persona",
"search_no_people_named": "Ninguna persona llamada \"{name}\"",
"search_people": "Buscar personas",
"search_places": "Buscar lugar",
"search_state": "Buscar región/estado...",
@ -819,21 +993,25 @@
"search_your_photos": "Busca tus fotos",
"searching_locales": "Buscando sitios...",
"second": "Segundo",
"see_all_people": "Ver todas las personas",
"select_album_cover": "Seleccionar portada del álbum",
"select_all": "Seleccionar todo",
"select_avatar_color": "Seleccionar color del avatar",
"select_face": "Seleccionar cara",
"select_featured_photo": "Seleccionar foto principal",
"select_from_computer": "Seleccionar desde el PC",
"select_keep_all": "Mantener toda la selección",
"select_library_owner": "Seleccionar propietario de la biblioteca",
"select_new_face": "Seleccionar nueva cara",
"select_photos": "Seleccionar Fotos",
"select_trash_all": "Enviar la selección a la papelera",
"selected": "Seleccionado",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {# selected}}",
"send_message": "Enviar mensaje",
"send_welcome_email": "Enviar correo de bienvenida",
"server": "Servidor",
"server_stats": "Estadísticas del servidor",
"server_version": "Versión del servidor",
"set": "Establecer",
"set_as_album_cover": "Establecer portada del álbum",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Seleccionar como foto de perfil",
@ -845,13 +1023,15 @@
"share": "Compartir",
"shared": "Compartido",
"shared_by": "Compartido por",
"shared_by_user": "Compartido por {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Compartido por ti",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotos de {partner}",
"shared_links": "Enlaces compartidos",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} fotos y videos se han compartido.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# Fotos y vídeos compartidos.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Compartido con {partner}",
"sharing": "Compartido",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Muestra un enlace a \"Compartido\" en el menú lateral",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "presiona ⇧ para eliminar permanentemente el archivo",
"show_album_options": "Mostrar ajustes del álbum",
"show_and_hide_people": "Mostrar y ocultar personas",
"show_file_location": "Mostrar carpeta del archivo",
@ -874,9 +1054,17 @@
"slideshow": "Diapositivas",
"slideshow_settings": "Ajustes de diapositivas",
"sort_albums_by": "Ordenar álbumes por...",
"sort_created": "Fecha de creación",
"sort_items": "Número de archivos",
"sort_modified": "Fecha de modificación",
"sort_oldest": "Foto más antigua",
"sort_recent": "Foto más reciente",
"sort_title": "Título",
"source": "Fuente",
"stack": "Apilar",
"stack_selected_photos": "Apilar fotos seleccionadas",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
"stacked_assets_count": "Apilados {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"stacktrace": "Seguimiento",
"start": "Inicio",
"start_date": "Fecha de inicio",
"state": "Estado",
@ -897,10 +1085,13 @@
"theme": "Tema",
"theme_selection": "Selección de tema",
"theme_selection_description": "Establece el tema automáticamente como \"claro\" u \"oscuro\" según las preferencias del sistema/navegador",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Se fusionarán entre sí",
"time_based_memories": "Recuerdos basados en tiempo",
"timezone": "Zona horaria",
"to_archive": "Al archivo",
"to_change_password": "Cambiar contraseña",
"to_favorite": "A los favoritos",
"to_login": "Iniciar Sesión",
"to_trash": "Papelera",
"toggle_settings": "Alternar ajustes",
"toggle_theme": "Alternar tema",
@ -909,11 +1100,13 @@
"trash": "Papelera",
"trash_all": "Enviar todo a la papelera",
"trash_count": "Papelera {count}",
"trash_delete_asset": "Borrar/Eliminar archivo",
"trash_no_results_message": "Las fotos y videos que se envíen a la papelera aparecerán aquí.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Los elementos en la papelera serán eliminados permanentemente tras {days, plural, one {# día} other {# días}}.",
"type": "Tipo",
"unarchive": "Desarchivar",
"unarchived": "Restaurado",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {Unarchived #}}",
"unfavorite": "Retirar favorito",
"unhide_person": "Mostrar persona",
"unknown": "Desconocido",
@ -924,18 +1117,30 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Cuenta OAuth desconectada",
"unnamed_album": "Album sin nombre",
"unnamed_share": "Compartido sin nombre",
"unsaved_change": "Cambio no guardado",
"unselect_all": "Limpiar selección",
"unstack": "Desapilar",
"unstacked_assets_count": "Sin apilar {count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}}",
"untracked_files": "Archivos no monitorizados",
"untracked_files_decription": "Estos archivos no están siendo monitorizados por la aplicación. Es posible que sean resultado de errores al moverlos, cargas interrumpidas o por un fallo de la aplicación",
"up_next": "A continuación",
"updated_password": "Contraseña actualizada",
"upload": "Subir",
"upload_concurrency": "Cargas simultáneas",
"upload_errors": "Carga completada con {count, plural, one {# error} other {# errors}}, actualice la página para ver los nuevos recursos de carga.",
"upload_progress": "Restantes {remaining} - Procesados {processed}/{total}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "Saltado {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplicados",
"upload_status_errors": "Errores",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Subido",
"upload_success": "Carga realizada correctamente, actualice la página para ver los nuevos recursos de carga.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Uso",
"use_custom_date_range": "Usa un intervalo de fechas personalizado",
"user": "Usuario",
"user_id": "ID de usuario",
"user_liked": "{user} le gustó {type, select, photo {this photo} video {this video} asset {this asset} other {it}}",
"user_role_set": "Carbiar {user} a {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Detalle del uso del usuario",
"username": "Nombre de usuario",
"users": "Usuarios",
@ -943,23 +1148,29 @@
"validate": "Validar",
"variables": "Variables",
"version": "Versión",
"version_announcement_message": "Hola amigo, hay una nueva versión de la aplicación, por favor tómete tu tiempo para visitar las notas de la <link>versión</link> y asegúrate de que tu <code>docker-compose.yml</code>, y la configuración <code>.env</code> esté actualizada para evitar cualquier configuración incorrecta, especialmente si usas WatchTower o cualquier mecanismo que maneje la actualización automática de tu aplicación.",
"video": "Vídeo",
"video_hover_setting": "Iniciar vídeo al pasar por encima",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Reproducir el vídeo cuando el ratón está encima de un vídeo. Aunque esté desactivado, se iniciará cuando el cursor del ratón esté sobre el icono de \"reproducir\".",
"videos": "Vídeos",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# Vídeo} other {# Vídeos}}",
"view": "Ver",
"view_album": "Ver Álbum",
"view_all": "Ver todas",
"view_all_users": "Mostrar todos los usuarios",
"view_links": "Mostrar enlaces",
"view_next_asset": "Mostrar siguiente elemento",
"view_previous_asset": "Mostrar elemento anterior",
"view_stack": "Ver Pila",
"viewer": "Visualizador",
"visibility_changed": "Visibilidad cambiada para {count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"waiting": "Esperando",
"warning": "Advertencia",
"week": "Semana",
"welcome": "Bienvenido",
"welcome_to_immich": "Bienvenido a immich",
"year": "Año",
"years_ago": "Hace {years, plural, one {# year} other {# years}}",
"yes": "Sí",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "No tienes ningún enlace compartido",
"zoom_image": "Acercar Imagen"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"account": "",
"account_settings": "",
"about": "درباره",
"account": "حساب کاربری",
"account_settings": "تنظیمات حساب کاربری",
"acknowledge": "",
"action": "",
"actions": "",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "Tietoja",
"account": "Tili",
"account_settings": "Tilin asetukset",
"acknowledge": "Tiedostan",
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "Toimintoja",
"active": "Aktiivinen",
"activity": "Aktiviteetti",
"activity_changed": "Aktiviteetti {enabled, select, true {otettu käyttöön} other {poistettu käytöstä}}",
"add": "Lisää",
"add_a_description": "Lisää kuvaus",
"add_a_location": "Lisää sijainti",
@ -21,15 +23,19 @@
"add_to": "Lisää...",
"add_to_album": "Lisää albumiin",
"add_to_shared_album": "Lisää jaettuun albumiin",
"added_to_archive": "Arkistoitu",
"added_to_favorites": "Lisätty suosikkeihin",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} lisätty suosikkeihin",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Lisää mallit, jonka mukaan jätetään tiedostoja pois. Jokerimerkit *, ** ja ? ovat tuettuna. Jättääksesi pois kaikki tiedostot mistä tahansa löytyvästä kansiosta \"Raw\" käytä \"**/Raw/**\". Jättääksesi pois kaikki \". tif\" päätteiset tiedot, käytä \"**/*.tif\". Jättääksesi pois tarkan tiedostopolun, käytä \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Autentikointiasetukset",
"authentication_settings_description": "Hallitse salasana-, OAuth- ja muut autentikoinnin asetukset",
"background_task_job": "Taustatyöt",
"check_all": "Tarkista kaikki",
"cleared_jobs": "Työn {job} tehtävät tyhjennetty",
"config_set_by_file": "Asetukset on tällä hetkellä määritelty tiedostosta",
"confirm_delete_library": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa kirjaston {library}?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Oletko varma että haluat poistaa tämän kirjaston? Tämä poistaa kaikki {count} kohdetta Immichistä eikä sitä voida perua. Tiedostot jäävät levylle.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Oletko varma että haluat poistaa tämän kirjaston? Tämä poistaa {count, plural, one {# kohteen} other {# kohdetta}} Immichistä eikä sitä voida perua. Tiedostot jäävät levylle.",
"confirm_email_below": "Kirjota \"{email}\" vahvistaaksesi",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Haluatko varmasti käsitellä uudelleen kaikki kasvot? Tämä poistaa myös nimetyt henkilöt.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Haluatko varmasti nollata käyttäjän {user} salasanan?",
@ -43,6 +49,7 @@
"face_detection": "Kasvojentunnistus",
"face_detection_description": "Tunnista sisällön kasvoja käyttäen koneoppimista. Videojen osalta vain pikkukuva tunnistetaan. \"Kaikki\" (uudelleen)prosessoi koko sisällön. \"Puuttuvat\" prosessoi sisällön, jota ei vielä ole käyty läpi. Havaitut kasvot ryhmitellään jo tunnistettujen kanssa, tai lisätään uusina henkilöinä.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Ryhmitä havaitut kasvot henkilöihin. Tämä vaihe suoritetaan kun kasvojentunnistus on valmis. \"Kaikki\" ryhmittelee kaikki kasvot. \"Puuttuvat\" vain ne, joille ei ole määritetty henkilöä.",
"failed_job_command": "Komento {command} epäonnistui työlle {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "VAROITUS: Tämä poistaa käyttäjän ja kaikki mediat. Tätä ei voi perua, eikä tiedostoja voi palauttaa.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Pakotetaan virkistämään kaikkien kirjastojen tiedostot",
"image_format_description": "WebP tuottaa pienempiä tiedostoja kuin JPEG, mutta on hitaampi koodata",
@ -320,17 +327,36 @@
"archived": "Arkistoitu",
"asset_offline": "Aineisto offline-tilassa",
"assets": "kohdetta",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "Albumiin lisätty {count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}}",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{name}:n lisätty {count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "Siirretty {count, plural, one {# aineisto} other {# aineistoa}} roskakoriin",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "Siirretty {count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}} roskakoriin",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}} poistettu pysyvästi",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}} poistettu",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti palauttaa kaikki roskakoriin siirretyt mediat? Et voi perua tätä toimintoa!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}} palautettu",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# media} other {# mediaa}} siirretty roskakoriin",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {Media oli} other {Mediat olivat}} jo albumissa",
"authorized_devices": "Auktorisoidut laitteet",
"back": "Takaisin",
"back_close_deselect": "Palaa, sulje tai poista valinnat",
"backward": "Taaksepäin",
"birthdate_saved": "Syntymäaika tallennettu",
"birthdate_set_description": "Syntymäaikaa käytetään laskemaan henkilön ikä kuvanottohetkellä.",
"blurred_background": "Sumennettu tausta",
"build": "Rakenna",
"build_image": "Rakenna kuva",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa {count, plural, one {# kaksoiskappaleen} other {# kaksoiskappaleet}} kerralla? Tämä säilyttää kustakin mediasta kookkaimman ja poistaa loput pysyvästi. Et voi perua tätä!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti säilyttää {count, plural, one {# kaksoiskappaleen} other {# kaksoiskappaleet}}? Tämä merkitsee kaikki kaksoiskappaleet ratkaistuiksi, eikä poista mitään.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti siirtää {count, plural, one {# kaksoiskappaleen} other {# kaksoiskappaleet}} roskakoriin? Tämä säilyttää kustakin mediasta kookkaimman ja siirtää loput roskakoriin.",
"camera": "Kamera",
"camera_brand": "Kameran merkki",
"camera_model": "Kameran malli",
"cancel": "Peruuta",
"cancel_search": "Peru haku",
"cannot_merge_people": "Ihmisiä ei voitu yhdistää",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Et voi perua tätä toimintoa!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Kuvausta ei voi päivittää",
"cant_apply_changes": "Asetuksia ei voitu määrittää",
"cant_get_faces": "Kasvoja ei voinut hakea",
@ -342,6 +368,7 @@
"change_name": "Vaihda nimi",
"change_name_successfully": "Nimi vaihdettu",
"change_password": "Vaihda salasana",
"change_password_description": "Tämä on joko ensimmäinen kertasi kun kirjaudut järjestelmään, tai salasanasi on pyydetty vaihtamaan. Määritä uusi salasana alle.",
"change_your_password": "Vaihda salasanasi",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Näkyvyys vaihdettu",
"check_all": "Valitse kaikki",
@ -349,13 +376,16 @@
"choose_matching_people_to_merge": "Valitse henkilöt joka yhdistetään",
"city": "Kaupunki",
"clear": "Tyhjennä",
"clear_all": "Poista valinnat",
"clear_all": "Tyhjennä kaikki",
"clear_message": "Tyhjennä viesti",
"clear_value": "Tyhjää arvo",
"close": "Sulje",
"collapse": "Supista",
"collapse_all": "Sulje kaikki",
"color_theme": "Väriteema",
"comment_deleted": "Kommentti poistettu",
"comment_options": "Kommentin valinnat",
"comments_and_likes": "Kommentit ja tykkäykset",
"comments_are_disabled": "Kommentointi ei käytössä",
"confirm": "Vahvista",
"confirm_admin_password": "Vahvista ylläpitäjän salasana",
@ -381,7 +411,9 @@
"create_library": "Luo uusi kirjasto",
"create_link": "Luo linkki",
"create_link_to_share": "Luo linkki jaettavaksi",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Salli kaikkien linkin saaneiden nähdä valitut kuvat",
"create_new_person": "Luo uusi henkilö",
"create_new_person_hint": "Määritä valitut mediat uudelle henkilölle",
"create_new_user": "Luo uusi käyttäjä",
"create_user": "Luo käyttäjä",
"created": "Luotu",
@ -394,6 +426,7 @@
"date_before": "Päivä ennen",
"date_range": "Päivämäärän rajaus",
"day": "Päivä",
"deduplicate_all": "Poista kaikkien kaksoiskappaleet",
"default_locale": "Oletuskieliasetus",
"default_locale_description": "Muotoile päivämäärät ja numerot selaimesi kielen mukaan",
"delete": "Poista",
@ -418,11 +451,14 @@
"display_order": "Näyttöjärjestys",
"display_original_photos": "Näytä alkuperäiset kuvat",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Näytä mieluiten alkuperäinen kuva peukalokuvan sijasta kun alkuperäinen aineisto on web-yhteensopiva. Tämä voi aiheuttaa kuvien näyttämisen hitautta.",
"do_not_show_again": "Älä näytä tätä enää",
"done": "Valmis",
"download": "Lataa",
"download_settings": "Lataukset",
"download_settings_description": "Hallitse aineiston lataukseen liittyviä asetuksia",
"downloading": "Ladataan",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Ladataan mediaa {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Pudota tiedostot mihin tahansa ladataksesi ne",
"duplicates": "Kaksoiskappaleet",
"duplicates_description": "Selvitä jokaisen kohdalla mitkä (jos yksikään) ovat kaksoiskappaleita",
"duration": "Kesto",
@ -433,6 +469,7 @@
"months": "",
"years": ""
"edit": "Muokkaa",
"edit_album": "Muokkaa albumia",
"edit_avatar": "Muokkaa avataria",
"edit_date": "Muokkaa päiväystä",
@ -441,25 +478,55 @@
"edit_faces": "Muokkaa kasvoja",
"edit_import_path": "Muokkaa tuontipolkua",
"edit_import_paths": "Muokkaa tuontipolkuja",
"edit_key": "",
"edit_key": "Muokkaa avainta",
"edit_link": "Muokkaa linkkiä",
"edit_location": "Muokkaa sijaintia",
"edit_name": "Muokkaa nimeä",
"edit_people": "",
"edit_title": "",
"edit_user": "",
"edited": "",
"edit_people": "Muokkaa henkilöitä",
"edit_title": "Muokkaa otsikkoa",
"edit_user": "Muokkaa käyttäjää",
"edited": "Muokattu",
"editor": "",
"email": "Sähköposti",
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
"empty_trash": "Tyhjennä roskakori",
"enable": "",
"enabled": "",
"end_date": "",
"error": "",
"error_loading_image": "",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Haluatko varmasti tyhjentää roskakorin? Tämä poistaa pysyvästi kaikki tiedostot Immich:stä.\nToimintoa ei voi perua!",
"enable": "Ota käyttöön",
"enabled": "Käytössä",
"end_date": "Päättymispäivä",
"error": "Virhe",
"error_loading_image": "Kuvan lataus ei onnistunut",
"error_title": "Virhe - Jotain meni pieleen",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Seuraavaan mediaan ei voi siirtyä",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Edelliseen mediaan ei voi siirtyä",
"cant_apply_changes": "Muutoksia ei voitu tallettaa",
"cant_change_activity": "Aktiviteettia ei voitu {enabled, select, true {poistaa käytöstä} other {ottaa käyttöön}}",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Suosikkiasetusta ei voitu vaihtaa",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# median} other {# median}} metadataa ei voitu vaihtaa",
"cant_get_faces": "Kasvoja ei voitu hakea",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Kommenttien määrää ei voitu hakea",
"cant_search_people": "Ihmisiä ei voitu hakea",
"cant_search_places": "Sijainteja ei voitu hakea",
"cleared_jobs": "{job} työt tyhjätty",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Medioita ei voitu lisätä albumiin",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Käyttäjiä ei voitu lisätä albumiin",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Jaettua käyttäjää ei voitu poistaa",
"error_downloading": "Tiedostoa {filename} ei voitu ladata",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Medioiden poisto epäonnistui. Katso konsolista lisätietoja",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Kaikkia medioita ei voitu valita",
"failed_job_command": "Komento {command} työlle {job} epäonnistui",
"failed_to_create_album": "Albumin luonti epäonnistui",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Jaetun linkin luonti epäonnistui",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Jaetun linkin muokkaus epäonnistui",
"failed_to_get_people": "Henkilöiden haku epäonnistui",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Medioiden pinoaminen epäonnistui",
"import_path_already_exists": "Tämä tuontipolku on jo olemassa.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Väärä sähköpostiosoite tai salasana",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# polun} other {# polun}} validointi epäonnistui",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Profiilikuvassa ei voi olla läpinäkyviä pikseleitä. Zoomaa lähemmäs ja/tai siirrä kuvaa.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Asettamasi kiintiö on suurempi kuin levyn koko",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "",
"unable_to_add_comment": "",
"unable_to_add_partners": "",
@ -502,24 +569,29 @@
"unable_to_save_settings": "",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "",
"unable_to_scan_library": "",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "",
"unable_to_submit_job": "",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "",
"unable_to_update_library": "",
"unable_to_update_location": "",
"unable_to_update_settings": "",
"unable_to_update_user": ""
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Profiilikuvan asetus epäonnistui",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Työtä ei voitu lähettää",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Median siirto roskakoriin epäonnistui",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Tunnuksen irroitus epäonnistui",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Albumin kannen päivitys epäonnistui",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Albumin tietojen päivitys epäonnistui",
"unable_to_update_library": "Kirjaston päivitys epäonnistui",
"unable_to_update_location": "Sijainnin päivitys epäonnistui",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Asetusten päivitys epäonnistui",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "Aikajanalla näyttämisen asetusta ei voitu tallettaa",
"unable_to_update_user": "Käyttäjän muokkaus epäonnistui"
"every_day_at_onepm": "",
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exit_slideshow": "",
"expand_all": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Poistu diaesityksestä",
"expand_all": "Laajenna kaikki",
"expire_after": "Umpeutuu",
"expired": "Voimassaolo päättynyt",
"explore": "",
"expires_date": "Vanhenee {date}",
"explore": "Tutki",
"extension": "",
"external_libraries": "",
"failed_to_get_people": "",
@ -841,36 +913,57 @@
"unknown_year": "",
"unlink_oauth": "",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "",
"unselect_all": "",
"unselect_all": "Poista valinnat",
"unstack": "Pura pino",
"up_next": "",
"updated_password": "",
"untracked_files": "Tiedostot joita ei seurata",
"untracked_files_decription": "Järjestelmä ei seuraa näitä tiedostoja. Ne voivat johtua epäonnistuneista siirroista, keskeytyneistä latauksista, tai ovat jääneet ohjelmavian seurauksena",
"up_next": "Seuraavaksi",
"updated_password": "Salasana päivitetty",
"upload": "Siirrä palvelimelle",
"upload_concurrency": "",
"url": "",
"usage": "",
"user": "",
"user_id": "",
"user_usage_detail": "",
"username": "",
"users": "",
"utilities": "",
"validate": "",
"variables": "",
"version": "",
"video": "",
"video_hover_setting_description": "",
"upload_concurrency": "Latausten samanaikaisuus",
"upload_errors": "Lataus valmistui {count, plural, one {# virheen} other {# virheen}} kanssa. Päivitä sivu nähdäksesi ladatut tiedot.",
"upload_progress": "{remaining} jäljellä - {processed}/{total} käsitelty",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "Ohitettiin {count, plural, one {# kaksoiskappale} other {# kaksoiskappaletta}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Kaksoiskappaleet",
"upload_status_errors": "Virheet",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Ladattu",
"upload_success": "Lataus onnistui. Päivitä sivu jotta näet latauksesi.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Käyttö",
"use_custom_date_range": "Käytä omaa aikaväliä",
"user": "Käyttäjä",
"user_id": "Käyttäjän ID",
"user_liked": "{user} tykkäsi {type, select, photo {kuvasta} video {videosta} asset {mediasta} other {tästä}}",
"user_role_set": "Tee käyttäjästä {user} {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Käyttäjän käytön tiedot",
"username": "Käyttäjänimi",
"users": "Käyttäjät",
"utilities": "Apuohjelmat",
"validate": "Validoi",
"variables": "Muuttujat",
"version": "Versio",
"version_announcement_message": "Hei! Sovelluksen uusi versio on saatavilla. Käythän vilkaisemassa <link>julkaisun tiedot</link> ja varmistathan, että <code>docker-compose.yml</code> ja <code>.env</code> määritykset ovat ajan tasalla. Näin varmistat järjestelmän toimivuuden, varsinkin jos käytät WatchToweria tai muuta automaattista päivitysjärjestelmää.",
"video": "Video",
"video_hover_setting": "Toista esikatselun video kun kursori viedään sen päälle",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Toista videon esikatselukuva kun kursori on kuvan päällä. Vaikka toiminto on pois käytöstä, toiston voi aloittaa viemällä kursori toistokuvakkeen päälle.",
"videos": "Videot",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# video} other {# videota}}",
"view": "Katso",
"view_album": "Näytä albumi",
"view_all": "Näytä kaikki",
"view_all_users": "",
"view_all_users": "Näytä kaikki käyttäjät",
"view_links": "",
"view_next_asset": "",
"view_previous_asset": "",
"viewer": "",
"waiting": "",
"week": "",
"welcome_to_immich": "",
"year": "",
"waiting": "Odottaa",
"warning": "Varoitus",
"week": "Viikko",
"welcome": "Tervetuloa",
"welcome_to_immich": "Tervetuloa Immichiin",
"year": "Vuosi",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# vuosi} other {# vuotta}} sitten",
"yes": "Kyllä",
"zoom_image": ""
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Sinulla ei ole jaettuja linkkejä",
"zoom_image": "Zoomaa kuvaa"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "À propos",
"account": "Compte",
"account_settings": "Paramètres du compte",
"acknowledge": "Compris",
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
"added_to_favorites": "Ajouté aux favoris",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} ajouté(s) aux favoris",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Ajouter des schémas d'exclusion. Les caractères génériques *, ** et ? sont pris en charge. Pour ignorer tous les fichiers dans un répertoire nommé « Raw », utilisez « **/Raw/** ». Pour ignorer tous les fichiers se terminant par « .tif », utilisez « **/*.tif ». Pour ignorer un chemin absolu, utilisez « /chemin/à/ignorer/** ».",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Ajouter des schémas d'exclusion. Les caractères génériques *, ** et ? sont pris en charge. Pour ignorer tous les fichiers dans un répertoire nommé « Raw », utilisez « **/Raw/** ». Pour ignorer tous les fichiers se terminant par « .tif », utilisez « **/*.tif ». Pour ignorer un chemin absolu, utilisez « /chemin/à/ignorer/** ».",
"authentication_settings": "Paramètres d'authentification",
"authentication_settings_description": "Gérer le mot de passe, la délégation d'authentification OAuth et d'autres paramètres d'authentification",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Pour réactiver, utilisez une <link>Commande Serveur</link>.",
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@
"cleared_jobs": "Tâches supprimées pour : {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "La configuration est actuellement définie par un fichier de configuration",
"confirm_delete_library": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la bibliothèque {library} ?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette bibliothèque ? Cette opération supprimera d'Immich les {count} médias qu'elle contient et ne pourra pas être annulée. Les fichiers resteront sur le disque.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette bibliothèque ? Cette opération supprimera d'Immich {count, plural, one {le média} other {les # médias}} qu'elle contient et ne pourra pas être annulée. Les fichiers resteront sur le disque.",
"confirm_email_below": "Pour confirmer, tapez « {email} » ci-dessous",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retraiter tous les visages ? Cela effacera également les personnes déjà identifiées.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir réinitialiser le mot de passe de {user} ?",
@ -72,8 +73,8 @@
"job_settings": "Paramètres des tâches",
"job_settings_description": "Gestion des tâches simultanées",
"job_status": "Statut des tâches",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} retardé(s)",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} en échec",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# retardés}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# en échec}}",
"library_created": "Bibliothèque créée : {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Expression Cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Réglez l'intervalle d'analyse en utilisant le format cron. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter par exemple <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
"library_watching_settings": "Surveillance de bibliothèque (EXPÉRIMENTAL)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Surveiller automatiquement les fichiers modifiés",
"logging_enable_description": "Activer la journalisation",
"logging_level_description": "Lorsqu'elle est activée, quel niveau de journalisation utiliser.",
"logging_level_description": "Niveau de journalisation lorsque cette option est activée.",
"logging_settings": "Journalisation",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Modèle de langage CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Le nom d'un modèle CLIP listé <link>ici</link>. Notez que vous devez réexécuter la tâche 'Recherche intelligente' pour toutes les images après avoir changé de modèle.",
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "Score minimal de détection",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "Score de confiance minimal pour qu'un visage soit détecté, allant de 0 à 1. Des valeurs plus basses détecteront plus de visages mais peuvent entraîner des faux positifs.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "Nombre minimal de visages reconnus",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "Le nombre minimal de visages reconnus pour qu'une personne soit créée. Augmenter ce nombre rend la reconnaissance faciale plus précise au détriment d'augmenter la chance qu'un visage ne soit pas attribué à une personne.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "Nombre minimal de visages reconnus pour qu'une personne soit créée. Augmenter cette valeur rend la reconnaissance faciale plus précise au détriment d'augmenter la chance qu'un visage ne soit pas attribué à une personne.",
"machine_learning_settings": "Paramètres d'apprentissage automatique",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Gérer les fonctionnalités et les paramètres d'apprentissage automatique",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Recherche intelligente",
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@
"no_pattern_added": "Aucun schéma d'exclusion n'a été ajouté",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Remarque : pour appliquer l'étiquette de stockage à des médias précédemment téléversés, exécutez la commande",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "REMARQUE : Il n'est pas possible de modifier ce paramètre ultérieurement !",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Note : entrer 0 pour un quota illimité",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Note : saisir 0 pour un quota illimité",
"notification_email_from_address": "Depuis l'adresse",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "Adresse courriel de l'expéditeur, par exemple : « Serveur de photos Immich <nepasrepondre@immich.app> »",
"notification_email_host_description": "Hôte du serveur de messagerie électronique (par exemple, smtp.immich.app)",
@ -177,13 +178,13 @@
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Demande d'étiquette de stockage",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Définir automatiquement l'étiquette de stockage de l'utilisateur sur la valeur de cette revendication.",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "Demande de quota de stockage",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "Définir automatiquement le quota de stockage de l'utilisateur sur la valeur de cette revendication.",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "Définir automatiquement le quota de stockage de l'utilisateur par la valeur de cette demande.",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "Quota de stockage par défaut (Go)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "Quota en Go à utiliser lorsqu'aucune valeur n'est précisée (entrez 0 pour un quota illimité).",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "Quota en Go à utiliser lorsqu'aucune valeur n'est précisée (saisir 0 pour un quota illimité).",
"offline_paths": "Chemins d'accès hors ligne",
"offline_paths_description": "Ces résultats peuvent être dus à la suppression manuelle de fichiers qui ne font pas partie d'une bibliothèque externe.",
"password_enable_description": "Connexion avec courriel et mot de passe",
"password_settings": "Mot de passe de connexion",
"password_settings": "Connexion par mot de passe",
"password_settings_description": "Gérer les paramètres de connexion par mot de passe",
"paths_validated_successfully": "Tous les chemins ont été validés avec succès",
"quota_size_gib": "Taille du quota (Go)",
@ -194,7 +195,7 @@
"repair_all": "Réparer tout",
"repair_matched_items": "{count, plural, one {# Élément correspondant} other {# Éléments correspondants}}",
"repaired_items": "{count, plural, one {# Élément corrigé} other {# Éléments corrigés}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Demander à l'utilisateur de changer son mot de passe lors de la première connexion",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Demander à l'utilisateur de changer son mot de passe lors de sa première connexion",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Réinitialiser les paramètres par défaut",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Paramètres réinitialisés avec les derniers paramètres enregistrés",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Recherche de fichiers modifiés dans la bibliothèque",
@ -210,13 +211,13 @@
"sidecar_job_description": "Recherche ou synchronisation des métadonnées annexes (fichiers xmp) sur le système de fichiers",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Nombre de secondes d'affichage de chaque image",
"smart_search_job_description": "Exécution de l'apprentissage automatique sur les médias pour prendre en charge la recherche intelligente",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Activer le moteur de modèles de stockage",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "La vérification du hachage a échoué",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Activer le moteur de modèle de stockage",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Vérification du hachage activée",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Active la vérification du hachage, ne désactivez pas cette option à moins d'être sûr de ce que vous faites",
"storage_template_migration": "Migration des modèles de stockage",
"storage_template_migration": "Migration du modèle de stockage",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Appliquer le modèle courant <link>{template}</link> aux médias précédemment téléchargés",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Les changements de modèle ne s'appliqueront qu'aux nouveaux médias. Pour appliquer rétroactivement le modèle aux médias précédemment téléchargés, exécutez la tâche <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Tâche de migration du stockage",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Tâche de migration du modèle de stockage",
"storage_template_more_details": "Pour plus de détails sur cette fonctionnalité, reportez-vous au <template-link>Modèle de stockage</template-link> et à ses <implications-link>implications</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Lorsqu'elle est activée, cette fonctionnalité réorganise les fichiers basés sur un modèle défini par l'utilisateur. En raison de problèmes de stabilité, la fonction a été désactivée par défaut. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter la <link>documentation</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Limite approximative de la longueur du chemin : <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Accélération matérielle",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Expérimental ; beaucoup plus rapide, mais aura une qualité inférieure pour un même débit binaire",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Décodage matériel",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "S'applique uniquement à NVENC et RKMPP. Active l'accélération de bout en bout au lieu d'accélérer uniquement l'encodage. Peut ne pas fonctionner sur toutes les vidéos.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "S'applique uniquement à NVENC, QSV et RKMPP. Active l'accélération de bout en bout au lieu d'accélérer uniquement l'encodage. Peut ne pas fonctionner sur toutes les vidéos.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "Codec HEVC",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Nombre maximum de trames B",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Des valeurs plus élevées améliorent l'efficacité de la compression, mais ralentissent l'encodage. Elles peuvent ne pas être compatibles avec l'accélération matérielle sur les anciens appareils. Une valeur de 0 désactive les trames B, tandis qu'une valeur de -1 définit automatiquement ce paramètre.",
@ -319,14 +320,14 @@
"advanced": "Avancé",
"age_months": "Âge {months, plural, one {# mois} other {# mois}}",
"age_year_months": "Âge 1 an, {months, plural, one {# mois} other {# mois}}",
"age_years": "Âge {years}",
"age_years": "Âge {years, plural, one {# an} other {# ans}}",
"album_added": "Album ajouté",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Recevoir une notification par courriel lorsque vous êtes ajouté(e) à un album partagé",
"album_cover_updated": "Couverture de l'album mise à jour",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'album {album}?\nSi cet album est partagé, les autres utilisateurs ne pourront plus y accéder.",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'album {album} ?\nSi cet album est partagé, les autres utilisateurs ne pourront plus y accéder.",
"album_info_updated": "Détails de l'album mis à jour",
"album_leave": "Quitter l'album ?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter {album}?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter l'album {album} ?",
"album_name": "Nom de l'album",
"album_options": "Options de l'album",
"album_remove_user": "Supprimer l'utilisateur ?",
@ -385,9 +386,11 @@
"birthdate_saved": "Date de naissance sauvée avec succès",
"birthdate_set_description": "La date de naissance est utilisée pour calculer l'âge de cette personne au moment où la photo a été prise.",
"blurred_background": "Arrière-plan flouté",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {count} médias en double ? Cette opération conservera le plus grand média de chaque groupe et supprimera définitivement tous les autres doublons. Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action !",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir conserver {count} médias en double ? Cela résoudra tous les groupes de doublons sans rien supprimer.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir mettre à la corbeille {count} médias en double ? Cette opération permet de conserver le plus grand média de chaque groupe et de mettre à la corbeille tous les autres doublons.",
"build": "Version",
"build_image": "Image de la version",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {count, plural, one {# doublon} other {# doublons}} ? Cette opération conservera le plus grand média de chaque groupe et supprimera définitivement tous les autres doublons. Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action !",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir conserver {count, plural, one {# doublon} other {# doublons}} ? Cela résoudra tous les groupes de doublons sans rien supprimer.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir mettre à la corbeille {count, plural, one {# doublon} other {# doublons}} ? Cette opération permet de conserver le plus grand média de chaque groupe et de mettre à la corbeille tous les autres doublons.",
"camera": "Appareil photo",
"camera_brand": "Marque d'appareil",
"camera_model": "Modèle d'appareil",
@ -423,7 +426,7 @@
"color_theme": "Thème coloré",
"comment_deleted": "Commentaire supprimé",
"comment_options": "Options des commentaires",
"comments_and_likes": "Commentaires et réactions \"j'aime\"",
"comments_and_likes": "Commentaires et réactions « j'aime »",
"comments_are_disabled": "Les commentaires sont désactivés",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"confirm_admin_password": "Confirmer le mot de passe Admin",
@ -449,7 +452,7 @@
"create_library": "Créer une bibliothèque",
"create_link": "Créer le lien",
"create_link_to_share": "Créer un lien pour partager",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Permettre à n'importe quelle personne avec le lien de voir la(es) photo(s) sélectionnée(s)",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Permettre à n'importe qui ayant le lien de voir la(es) photo(s) sélectionnée(s)",
"create_new_person": "Créer une nouvelle personne",
"create_new_person_hint": "Attribuer les médias sélectionnés à une nouvelle personne",
"create_new_user": "Créer un nouvel utilisateur",
@ -507,7 +510,7 @@
"months": "{months, plural, one {mois} other {{months, number} mois}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {an} other {{years, number} ans}}"
"edit": "Éditer",
"edit": "Modifier",
"edit_album": "Modifier l'album",
"edit_avatar": "Modifier l'avatar",
"edit_date": "Modifier la date",
@ -529,59 +532,99 @@
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Album vide",
"empty_trash": "Vider la corbeille",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vider la corbeille ? Cela supprimera définitivement de Immich tous les médias des corbeilles.\nVous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action !",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vider la corbeille ? Cela supprimera définitivement de Immich tous les médias qu'elle contient.\nVous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action !",
"enable": "Active",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"enabled": "Activé",
"end_date": "Date de fin",
"error": "Erreur",
"error_loading_image": "Erreur de chargement de l'image",
"error_title": "Erreur - Quelque chose s'est mal passé",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Impossible de naviguer jusqu'au prochain média",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Impossible de naviguer jusqu'au précédent média",
"cant_apply_changes": "Impossible d'appliquer les changements",
"cant_change_activity": "Impossible {enabled, select, true {d'interdire} other {d'autoriser}} l'activité",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Impossible de changer le favori du média",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Impossible de modifier les métadonnées de {count, plural, one {# média} other {# médias}}",
"cant_get_faces": "Impossible d'obtenir de visages",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Impossible d'obtenir le nombre de commentaires",
"cant_search_people": "Impossible de rechercher des personnes",
"cant_search_places": "Impossible de rechercher des lieux",
"cleared_jobs": "Tâches supprimées pour : {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Erreur lors de l'ajout des médias à l'album",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Erreur lors de l'ajout d'utilisateurs à l'album",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Erreur lors de la suppression l'utilisateur partagé",
"error_downloading": "Erreur lors du téléchargement de {filename}",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Erreur lors de la suppression des médias de l'album, vérifier la console pour plus de détails",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Erreur lors de la sélection de tous les médias",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Ce modèle d'exclusion existe déjà.",
"failed_job_command": "La commande {command} a échoué pour la tâche : {job}",
"failed_to_create_album": "Impossible de créer l'album",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Impossible de créer le lien partagé",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Impossible de modifier le lien partagé",
"failed_to_get_people": "Impossible d'obtenir les personnes",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Impossible d'empiler les médias",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Impossible de dépiler les médias",
"import_path_already_exists": "Ce chemin d'import existe déjà.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Courriel ou mot de passe incorrect",
"paths_validation_failed": "Validation échouée pour {paths, plural, one {# un chemin} other {# plusieurs chemins}}",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Le quota enregistré est supérieur à l'espace disponible",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Les images de profil ne peuvent pas avoir de pixels transparents. Veuillez agrandir et/ou déplacer l'image.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Le quota saisi est supérieur à l'espace disponible",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Impossible de vérifier {count, select, one {un élément} other {plusieurs éléments}}",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Impossible d'ajouter des utilisateurs à l'album",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Impossible d'ajouter des médias au lien partagé",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Impossible d'ajouter un commentaire",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Impossible d'ajouter un schéma d'exclusion",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Impossible d'ajouter un chemin d'import",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Impossible d'ajouter des partenaires",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Impossible {archived, select, true {de supprimer des médias de} other {d'ajouter des médias à}} l'archive",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Impossible {favorite, select, true {d'ajouter des médias aux} other {de supprimer des médias des}} favoris",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Impossible {archived, select, true {d'archiver} other {de supprimer de l'archive}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Impossible de changer le rôle de l'utilisateur de l'album",
"unable_to_change_date": "Impossible de modifier la date",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Impossible de changer de favori pour le média",
"unable_to_change_location": "Impossible de changer la localisation",
"unable_to_change_password": "Impossible de changer le mot de passe",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Impossible de changer la visibilité pour {count, plural, one {# personne} other {# personnes}}",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Impossible de terminer la connexion OAuth",
"unable_to_connect": "Impossible de se connecter",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Impossible de copier dans le presse-papiers, assurez-vous que vous accédez à la page via https",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Impossible de créer le compte administrateur",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Impossible de créer une nouvelle clé API",
"unable_to_create_library": "Création de bibliothèque impossible",
"unable_to_create_user": "Création de l'utilisateur impossible",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Suppression de l'album impossible",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Suppression du média impossible",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Erreur lors de la suppression des médias",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Suppression du modèle d'exclusion impossible",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Suppression du chemin d'import impossible",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Suppression du lien de partage impossible",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Suppression de l'utilisateur impossible",
"unable_to_download_files": "Impossible de télécharger les fichiers",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Modification du modèle d'exclusion impossible",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Modification du chemin d'import impossible",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Impossible de vider la corbeille",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Mode plein écran indisponible",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Sortie du mode plein écran impossible",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Impossible d'obtenir le nombre de commentaires",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Impossible de cacher la personne",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Impossible de lier le compte OAuth",
"unable_to_load_album": "Impossible de charger l'album",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Impossible de charger l'activité du média",
"unable_to_load_items": "Impossible de charger les éléments",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Impossible de charger le statut aimé",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Incapable de déconnecter tous les appareils",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Impossible de déconnecter l'appareil",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Impossible de se connecter avec OAuth",
"unable_to_play_video": "Impossible de jouer la vidéo",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Incapable de réaffecter des médias à {name, select, null {une personne existante} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Impossible de réaffecter les médias à une nouvelle personne",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Impossible d'actualiser l'utilisateur",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Impossible de supprimer les utilisateurs de l'album",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Impossible de supprimer la clé API",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Impossible de supprimer des médias du lien partagé",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Impossible de supprimer la bibliothèque",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Impossible de supprimer les fichiers hors ligne",
@ -601,10 +644,13 @@
"unable_to_save_settings": "Impossible d'enregistrer les préférences",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Impossible de scanner les bibliothèques",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Impossible de scanner la bibliothèque",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Impossible de définir la photo de la personne",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Impossible d'enregistrer la photo de profil",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Impossible d'exécuter la tâche",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Impossible de mettre le média à la corbeille",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Impossible de détacher le compte",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Impossible de mettre à jour la couverture de l'album",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Impossible de mettre à jour les informations de l'album",
"unable_to_update_library": "Impossible de mettre à jour la bibliothèque",
"unable_to_update_location": "Impossible de mettre à jour la localisation",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres",
@ -615,10 +661,12 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Quitter le diaporama",
"expand_all": "Tout développer",
"expire_after": "Expire après",
"expire_after": "Expire",
"expired": "Expiré",
"expires_date": "Expire le {date}",
"explore": "Explorer",
"export": "Exporter",
"export_as_json": "Exporter en JSON",
@ -649,7 +697,11 @@
"go_to_search": "Faire une recherche",
"go_to_share_page": "Aller sur la page des Partages",
"group_albums_by": "Grouper les albums par...",
"has_quota": "A un quota",
"group_no": "Pas de groupe",
"group_owner": "Groupe par propriétaire",
"group_year": "Groupe par année",
"has_quota": "Quota",
"hi_user": "Bonjour {name} ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "Masquer la galerie",
"hide_password": "Masquer le mot de passe",
"hide_person": "Masquer la personne",
@ -676,6 +728,7 @@
"invite_people": "Inviter une personne",
"invite_to_album": "Inviter à l'album",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {# élément} other {# éléments}}",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "Tâches",
"keep": "Conserver",
@ -684,12 +737,14 @@
"language": "Langue",
"language_setting_description": "Sélectionnez votre langue préférée",
"last_seen": "Dernièrement utilisé",
"latest_version": "Dernière version",
"leave": "Quitter",
"let_others_respond": "Laisser les autres réagir",
"level": "Niveau",
"library": "Bibliothèque",
"library_options": "Options de bibliothèque",
"light": "Clair",
"like_deleted": "Réaction « j'aime » supprimée",
"link_options": "Options de lien",
"link_to_oauth": "Lien au service OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "Compte OAuth rattaché",
@ -698,7 +753,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "Chargement des résultats échoué",
"log_out": "Se déconnecter",
"log_out_all_devices": "Déconnecter tous les appareils",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Déconnecté de tous les appareils",
"logged_out_device": "Déconnecté de l'appareil",
"login": "Connexion",
"login_has_been_disabled": "La connexion a été désactivée.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir déconnecter tous les appareils ?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir déconnecter cet appareil ?",
"look": "Regarder",
"loop_videos": "Vidéos en boucle",
"loop_videos_description": "Activer pour voir la vidéo en boucle dans le lecteur détaillé.",
@ -711,6 +771,7 @@
"manage_your_devices": "Gérer vos appareils",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Gérer votre connexion OAuth",
"map": "Carte",
"map_marker_for_images": "Marqueur de carte pour les images prises à {city}, {country}",
"map_marker_with_image": "Marqueur de carte avec image",
"map_settings": "Paramètres de la carte",
"matches": "Correspondances",
@ -724,6 +785,7 @@
"merge_people_limit": "Vous pouvez seulement fusionner 5 visages à la fois",
"merge_people_prompt": "Voulez-vous fusionner ces personnes ? Cette action est irréversible.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Fusion des personnes réussie",
"merged_people_count": "{count, plural, one {# personne fusionnée} other {# personnes fusionnées}}",
"minimize": "Réduire",
"minute": "Minute",
"missing": "Manquant",
@ -739,11 +801,14 @@
"new_password": "Nouveau mot de passe",
"new_person": "Nouvelle personne",
"new_user_created": "Nouvel utilisateur créé",
"new_version_available": "NOUVELLE VERSION DISPONIBLE",
"newest_first": "Récents en premier",
"next": "Suivant",
"next_memory": "Souvenir suivant",
"no": "Non",
"no_albums_message": "Créer un album pour organiser vos photos et vidéos",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Il semble que vous n'ayez pas encore d'albums avec ce nom.",
"no_albums_yet": "Il semble que vous n'ayez pas encore d'album.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Archiver des photos et vidéos pour les masquer dans votre bibliothèque",
"no_duplicates_found": "Aucun doublon n'a été trouvé.",
@ -754,6 +819,7 @@
"no_name": "Pas de nom",
"no_places": "Pas de lieu",
"no_results": "Aucun résultat",
"no_results_description": "Essayez un synonyme ou un mot-clé plus général",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Créer un album pour partager vos photos et vidéos avec les personnes de votre réseau",
"not_in_any_album": "Dans aucun album",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Note : Pour appliquer l'étiquette de stockage aux médias déjà importés, lancer la",
@ -768,12 +834,19 @@
"offline_paths_description": "Ces résultats peuvent être causés par la suppression manuelle de fichiers qui n'étaient pas dans une bibliothèque externe.",
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Anciens en premier",
"onboarding": "Accueil",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Choisissez un thème de couleur pour votre instance. Vous pouvez le changer plus tard dans vos paramètres.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Mettons votre instance en place avec quelques paramètres communs.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Bienvenue {user}",
"online": "En ligne",
"only_favorites": "Uniquement les favoris",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Rafraîchit les fichiers modifiés uniquement",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Actualise les fichiers modifiés uniquement",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Ouvrir dans OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Ouvrir les filtres de recherche",
"options": "Options",
"or": "ou",
"organize_your_library": "Organiser votre bibliothèque",
"original": "original",
"other": "Autre",
"other_devices": "Autres appareils",
"other_variables": "Autres variables",
@ -786,7 +859,7 @@
"partner_sharing": "Partage avec les partenaires",
"partners": "Partenaires",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"password_does_not_match": "Les mots de ne passe ne correspondent pas",
"password_does_not_match": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
"password_required": "Mot de passe obligatoire",
"password_reset_success": "Mot de passe réinitialisé avec succès",
"past_durations": {
@ -801,15 +874,21 @@
"paused": "En pause",
"pending": "En attente",
"people": "Personnes",
"people_edits_count": "{count, plural, one {# personne éditée} other {# personnes éditées}}",
"people_sidebar_description": "Afficher le menu Personnes dans la barre latérale",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Avertissement avant suppression définitive",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Afficher un avertissement avant la suppression définitive d'un média",
"permanently_delete": "Supprimer définitivement",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Suppression définitive de {count, plural, one {média} other {médias}}",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Média supprimé définitivement",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "{count, plural, one {# média supprimé} other {# médias supprimés}} définitivement",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# média définitivement supprimé} other {# médias définitivement supprimés}}",
"person": "Personne",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (caché)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Il semble que vous ayez partagé vos photos avec tous les utilisateurs ou que vous n'ayez aucun utilisateur avec qui les partager.",
"photos": "Photos",
"photos_and_videos": "Photos et vidéos",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Photo} other {{count, number} Photos}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Photos des années précédentes",
"pick_a_location": "Choisissez un lieu",
@ -828,40 +907,64 @@
"previous_or_next_photo": "Photo précédente ou suivante",
"primary": "Primaire",
"profile_picture_set": "Photo de profil définie.",
"public_album": "Album public",
"public_share": "Partage public",
"range": "",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Options de réaction",
"read_changelog": "Lire les changements",
"reassign": "Réaffecter",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, one {# média réaffecté} other {# médias réaffectés}} à {name, select, null {une personne existante} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {# média réassigné} other {# médias réassignés}} à une nouvelle personne",
"reassing_hint": "Attribuer ces médias à une personne existante",
"recent": "Récent",
"recent_searches": "Recherches récentes",
"refresh": "Actualiser",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Actualiser les vidéos encodées",
"refresh_metadata": "Actualiser les métadonnées",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Actualiser les vignettes",
"refreshed": "Actualisé",
"refreshes_every_file": "Actualise tous les fichiers",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Actualisation de la vidéo encodée",
"refreshing_metadata": "Actualisation des métadonnées",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Régénération des vignettes",
"remove": "Supprimer",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {count, plural, one {# média} other {# médias}} de l'album ?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {count, plural, one {# média} other {# médias}} de ce lien partagé ?",
"remove_assets_title": "Supprimer les médias ?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Supprimer la plage de date personnalisée",
"remove_from_album": "Supprimer de l'album",
"remove_from_favorites": "Supprimer des favoris",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Supprimer des liens partagés",
"remove_offline_files": "Supprimer les fichiers hors ligne",
"remove_user": "Supprimer l'utilisateur",
"removed_api_key": "Clé API supprimée : {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Supprimé de l'archive",
"removed_from_favorites": "Supprimé des favoris",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, one {# supprimé} other {# supprimés}} des favoris",
"rename": "Renommer",
"repair": "Réparer",
"repair_no_results_message": "Les fichiers non importés ou absents s'afficheront ici",
"replace_with_upload": "Remplacer par téléchargement",
"repository": "Dépôt",
"require_password": "Demander le mot de passe",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Demander à l'utilisateur de changer son mot de passe lors de sa première connexion",
"reset": "Réinitialiser",
"reset_password": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe",
"reset_people_visibility": "Réinitialiser la visibilité des personnes",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "Rétablir les valeurs par défaut",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Résolution de tous les doublons",
"restore": "Restaurer",
"restore_all": "Tout restaurer",
"restore_user": "Restaurer l'utilisateur",
"restored_asset": "Média restauré",
"resume": "Reprendre",
"retry_upload": "Réessayer l'envoi",
"review_duplicates": "Consulter les doublons",
"role": "Rôle",
"role_editor": "Éditeur",
"role_viewer": "Visionneuse",
"save": "Sauvegarder",
"saved_api_key": "Clé API sauvegardée",
"saved_profile": "Profil enregistré",
@ -880,6 +983,8 @@
"search_city": "Rechercher par ville...",
"search_country": "Rechercher par pays...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Rechercher une personne existante",
"search_no_people": "Aucune personne",
"search_no_people_named": "Aucune personne nommée « {name} »",
"search_people": "Rechercher une personne",
"search_places": "Rechercher un lieu",
"search_state": "Rechercher par état/région...",
@ -888,21 +993,25 @@
"search_your_photos": "Rechercher vos photos",
"searching_locales": "Recherche des paramètres régionaux...",
"second": "Seconde",
"see_all_people": "Voir toutes les personnes",
"select_album_cover": "Sélectionner la couverture d'album",
"select_all": "Tout sélectionner",
"select_avatar_color": "Sélectionner la couleur de l'avatar",
"select_face": "Sélectionner le visage",
"select_featured_photo": "Sélectionner la photo de la personne",
"select_from_computer": "Sélectionner à partir de l'ordinateur",
"select_keep_all": "Choisir de tout garder",
"select_library_owner": "Sélectionner le propriétaire de la bibliothèque",
"select_new_face": "Sélectionner un nouveau visage",
"select_photos": "Sélectionner les photos",
"select_trash_all": "Choisir de tout supprimer",
"selected": "Sélectionné",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, one {# sélectionné} other {# sélectionnés}}",
"send_message": "Envoyer un message",
"send_welcome_email": "Envoyer un courriel de bienvenue",
"server": "Serveur",
"server_stats": "Statistiques Serveur",
"server_version": "Version du serveur",
"set": "Définir",
"set_as_album_cover": "Définir comme couverture d'album",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Définir comme photo de profil",
@ -914,13 +1023,15 @@
"share": "Partager",
"shared": "Partagé",
"shared_by": "Partagé par",
"shared_by_user": "Partagé par {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Partagé par vous",
"shared_from_partner": "Photos de {partner}",
"shared_links": "Liens partagés",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} photos et vidéos partagées.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# photos et vidéos partagées.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Partagé avec {partner}",
"sharing": "Partage",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Afficher un lien vers Partage dans la barre latérale",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "appuyez sur ⇧ pour supprimer définitivement le média",
"show_album_options": "Afficher les options de l'album",
"show_and_hide_people": "Afficher / Masquer les personnes",
"show_file_location": "Afficher l'emplacement du fichier",
@ -937,14 +1048,22 @@
"show_search_options": "Afficher les options de recherche",
"shuffle": "Mélanger",
"sign_out": "Déconnexion",
"sign_up": "Connexion",
"sign_up": "S'enregistrer",
"size": "Taille",
"skip_to_content": "Passer",
"slideshow": "Diaporama",
"slideshow_settings": "Paramètres du diaporama",
"sort_albums_by": "Trier les albums par...",
"sort_created": "Date de création",
"sort_items": "Nombre d'éléments",
"sort_modified": "Date de modification",
"sort_oldest": "Photo la plus ancienne",
"sort_recent": "Photo la plus récente",
"sort_title": "Titre",
"source": "Source",
"stack": "Empiler",
"stack_selected_photos": "Empiler les photos sélectionnées",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# média empilé} other {# médias empilés}}",
"stacktrace": "Trace de la pile",
"start": "Commencer",
"start_date": "Date de début",
@ -965,11 +1084,14 @@
"template": "Modèle",
"theme": "Thème",
"theme_selection": "Sélection du thème",
"theme_selection_description": "Ajuster automatiquement le thème clair ou sombre via les préférences systèmes",
"theme_selection_description": "Ajuster automatiquement le thème clair ou sombre via les préférences système",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Elles seront fusionnées ensemble",
"time_based_memories": "Souvenirs basés sur la date",
"timezone": "Fuseau horaire",
"to_archive": "Archiver",
"to_change_password": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"to_favorite": "Ajouter aux favoris",
"to_login": "Se connecter",
"to_trash": "Corbeille",
"toggle_settings": "Inverser les paramètres",
"toggle_theme": "Changer le thème",
@ -978,11 +1100,13 @@
"trash": "Corbeille",
"trash_all": "Tout supprimer",
"trash_count": "Corbeille {count}",
"trash_delete_asset": "Corbeille/Suppression d'un média",
"trash_no_results_message": "Les photos et vidéos supprimées s'afficheront ici.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Les éléments dans la corbeille seront supprimés définitivement après {days, plural, one {# jour} other {# jours}}.",
"type": "Type",
"unarchive": "Désarchiver",
"unarchived": "Non archivé",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, one {# supprimé} other {# supprimés}} de l'archive",
"unfavorite": "Enlever des favoris",
"unhide_person": "Afficher la personne",
"unknown": "Inconnu",
@ -993,18 +1117,30 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Compte OAuth non connecté",
"unnamed_album": "Album sans nom",
"unnamed_share": "Partage sans nom",
"unsaved_change": "Modification non enregistrée",
"unselect_all": "Annuler la sélection",
"unstack": "Désempiler",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# média dépilé} other {# médias dépilés}}",
"untracked_files": "Fichiers non suivis",
"untracked_files_decription": "Ces fichiers ne sont pas suivis par l'application. Ils peuvent être le résultat de déplacements échoués, de téléchargements interrompus ou laissés pour compte à cause d'un bug",
"up_next": "Suite",
"updated_password": "Mot de passe mis à jour",
"upload": "Téléverser",
"upload_concurrency": "Envoi simultané",
"upload_errors": "Le téléversement s'est achevé avec {count, plural, one {# erreur} other {# erreurs}}. Rafraîchir la page pour voir les nouveaux médias téléversés.",
"upload_progress": "{remaining} restant(s) - {processed} traité(s)/{total}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {# doublon ignoré} other {# doublons ignorés}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Doublons",
"upload_status_errors": "Erreurs",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Téléversé",
"upload_success": "Téléversement réussi. Rafraîchir la page pour voir les nouveaux médias téléversés.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Utilisation",
"use_custom_date_range": "Utilisez une plage de date personnalisée à la place",
"user": "Utilisateur",
"user_id": "ID Utilisateur",
"user_liked": "{user} a aimé {type, select, photo {cette photo} video {cette vidéo} asset {ce média} other {ceci}}",
"user_role_set": "Définir {user} comme {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Détail de l'utilisation des utilisateurs",
"username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"users": "Utilisateurs",
@ -1019,17 +1155,22 @@
"videos": "Vidéos",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# Vidéo} other {# Vidéos}}",
"view": "Voir",
"view_album": "Afficher l'album",
"view_all": "Voir tout",
"view_all_users": "Voir tous les utilisateurs",
"view_links": "Voir les liens",
"view_next_asset": "Voir le média suivant",
"view_previous_asset": "Voir le média précédent",
"view_stack": "Afficher la pile",
"viewer": "Vue",
"visibility_changed": "Visibilité changée pour {count, plural, one {# personne} other {# personnes}}",
"waiting": "En attente",
"warning": "Attention",
"week": "Semaine",
"welcome": "Bienvenue",
"welcome_to_immich": "Bienvenue sur immich",
"year": "Année",
"years_ago": "Il y a {years, plural, one {# an} other {# ans}}",
"yes": "Oui",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Vous n'avez aucun lien partagé",
"zoom_image": "Zoomer"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "אודות",
"account": "חשבון",
"account_settings": "הגדרות חשבון",
"acknowledge": "אשר",
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "פעולות",
"active": "פעיל",
"activity": "פעילות",
"activity_changed": "Activity is {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"add": "הוסף",
"add_a_description": "הוסף תיאור",
"add_a_location": "הוסף מיקום",
@ -21,12 +23,17 @@
"add_to": "הוספה אל..",
"add_to_album": "הוספה אל אלבום",
"add_to_shared_album": "הוספה אל אלבום משותף",
"added_to_archive": "נוסף לארכיון",
"added_to_favorites": "נוסף למועדפים",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} התווספו למועדפים",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "הוסף דפוסי אי הכללה. מסוג Globbing באמצעות *, ** ו-? נתמכים. כדי להתעלם מכל הקבצים בכל ספרייה בשם \"Raw\", השתמש ב-\"**/Raw/**\". כדי להתעלם מכל הקבצים המסתיימים ב-\"tif.\", השתמש ב-\"tif.*/**\". כדי להתעלם מנתיב מוחלט, השתמש ב-\"**/path/to/ignore\".",
"authentication_settings": "הגדרות אימות",
"authentication_settings_description": "נהל אפשרויות סיסמה, OAuth, והגדות אימות נוספות",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "בשביל להפעיל מחדש, השתמש ב <link>Server Command</link>.",
"background_task_job": "משימות רקע",
"check_all": "סמן הכל",
"cleared_jobs": "נוקו משימות עבור: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "ההגדרות תצורה מוגדרים על ידי קובץ תצורה",
"confirm_delete_library": "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את הספרייה {library}?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את הספרייה הזו? פעולה זו תמחק את כל {count} הנכסים הכלולים מ-Immich, פעולה זו אינה ניתנת לביטול. הקבצים יישארו בדיסק.",
@ -43,6 +50,7 @@
"face_detection": "איתור פנים",
"face_detection_description": "מזהה את הפנים בנכסים באמצעות למידת מכונה. עבור סרטונים, רק התמונה הממוזערת משמשת עבור איתור פנים. האפשרות \"הכל\" (להפעיל הכל מחדש) מעבד את כל הנכסים מחדש. האפשרות \"חסרים\" מעבד נכסים שעדיין לא עובדו. פרצופים שזוהו יעמדו בתור לזיהוי פנים לאחר השלמת איתור הפנים, לאחר מכן ישויכו לאנשים קיימים או חדשים בהתאמה.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "משייך פרצופים שזוהו לתוך אנשים בהתאמה. שלב זה פועל לאחר השלמת איתור פנים. האפשרות \"הכל\" (להפעיל הכל מחדש) מקבץ את כל הפרצופים. האפשרות \"חסרים\" מוסיפה לתור פנים שלא הוקצה להם אדם.",
"failed_job_command": "הפקודה {command} נכשלה עבור העבודה: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "אזהרה: פעולה זו תסיר מיד את המשתמש ואת כל הנכסים. לא ניתן לבטל פעולה זו ולא ניתן לשחזר את הקבצים.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "כפה רענון של כל קבצי הספרייה",
"image_format_description": "WebP מספק קבצים קטנים יותר מ JPEG אך איטי יותר לקידוד.",
@ -69,6 +77,7 @@
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} נכשל",
"library_created": "ספרייה נוצרה: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "ביטוי זמן עם Cron Expression",
"library_cron_expression_description": "הגדר את מרווח הסריקה באמצעות פורמט cron. למידע נוסף, עיין ב <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "תבנית מוכנה של Cron expression",
"library_deleted": "ספרייה נמחקה",
"library_import_path_description": "ציין תיקיה לייבוא. תיקייה זו, כולל תיקיות משנה, תיסרק לאיתור תמונות וסרטונים.",
@ -85,6 +94,7 @@
"logging_level_description": "כאשר פועל, באיזה רמת יומן לתעד.",
"logging_settings": "תיעוד ביומן",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "מודל CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "שמו של מודל ה CLIP המופיע <link>כאן</link>. שים לב שעליך להפעיל מחדש את העבודה 'חיפוש חכם (Smart Search)' עבור כל הנכסים בעת שינוי מודל CLIP.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "זיהוי כפילויות",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "אפשר זיהוי כפילויות בתמונות",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "אם לא פעיל, קבצים זהים בדיוק עדיין לא ישוכפלו.",
@ -163,6 +173,7 @@
"oauth_scope": "Scope",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "נהל הגדרות התחברות עם OAuth",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "למידע נוסף אודות תכונה זו, בדוק את <link>התיעוד</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "מנגנון חתימה",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "לירוש שם תווית אחסון",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "הגדר אוטומטית את תווית האחסון של המשתמש לערך של הערך הזה.",
@ -178,6 +189,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "כל הנתיבים אומתו בהצלחה",
"quota_size_gib": "גודל מכסת האחסון (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "מרענן את כל הספריות",
"registration": "רישום מנהל מערכת",
"registration_description": "מכיוון שאתה המשתמש הראשון במערכת, אתה תוקצה כמנהל ואתה אחראי על משימות ניהול, ומשתמשים נוספים ייווצרו על ידך.",
"removing_offline_files": "הסרת קבצים לא מקוונים",
"repair_all": "תקן הכל",
"repair_matched_items": "Matched {count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}}",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
"account": "Profilo",
"account_settings": "Impostazioni Profilo",
"about": "Informazioni",
"account": "Account",
"account_settings": "Impostazioni account",
"acknowledge": "Acconsenti",
"action": "Azione",
"actions": "Azioni",
"active": "Attivo",
"activity": "Attività",
"activity_changed": "L'attività è {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"add": "Aggiungi",
"add_a_description": "Aggiungi una descrizione",
"add_a_location": "Aggiungi un luogo",
@ -21,6 +23,9 @@
"add_to": "Aggiungi a ...",
"add_to_album": "Aggiungi ad album",
"add_to_shared_album": "Aggiungi ad album condiviso",
"added_to_archive": "Aggiunto all'archivio",
"added_to_favorites": "Aggiunto ai preferiti",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} aggiunti ai preferiti",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Aggiungi modelli di esclusione. È supportato il globbing utilizzando *, ** e ?. Per ignorare tutti i file in qualsiasi directory denominata \"Raw\", usa \"/Raw/\". Per ignorare tutti i file con estensione \".tif\", usa \"/*.tif\". Per ignorare un percorso assoluto, usa \"/percorso/da/ignorare/\".",
"authentication_settings": "Impostazioni di Autenticazione",
@ -29,10 +34,10 @@
"background_task_job": "Processi in Background",
"check_all": "Controlla Tutto",
"cleared_jobs": "Puliti i processi per: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "La configurazione è attualmente impostata da un file di config",
"config_set_by_file": "La configurazione è attualmente impostata da un file di configurazione",
"confirm_delete_library": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la libreria {library}?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa libreria? Questo cancellerà tutti i {count} asset da Immich senza possibilità di tornare indietro. I file rimarranno sul disco.",
"confirm_email_below": "Per confermate, scrivi \"{email}\" sotto",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa libreria? Questo cancellerà {count, plural, one {# asset} other {tutti i # asset}} da Immich senza possibilità di tornare indietro. I file rimarranno sul disco.",
"confirm_email_below": "Per confermare, scrivi \"{email}\" sotto",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Sei sicuro di voler riprocessare tutti i volti? Questo cancellerà tutte le persone nominate.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Sei sicuro di voler resettare la password di {user}?",
"crontab_guru": "Crontab Guru",
@ -68,8 +73,8 @@
"job_settings": "Impostazioni dei processi",
"job_settings_description": "Gestisci la concorrenza dei processi",
"job_status": "Stato Processo",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} posticipati",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} falliti",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# posticipato} other {# posticipati}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# fallito} other {# falliti}}",
"library_created": "Creata libreria {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Espressione cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Imposta l'intervallo di rilevazione utilizzando il formato cron. Per più informazioni consulta es. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
@ -177,19 +182,21 @@
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "Limite predefinito di archiviazione (GiB)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "Limite in GiB da usare quanto nessuna dichiarazione di ambito(claim) è stata fornita (Inserisci 0 per archiviazione illimitata).",
"offline_paths": "Percorsi offline",
"offline_paths_description": "Questi risultati potrebbero essere dovuto all'eliminazione manuale di file che non fanno parte di una libreria esterna.",
"offline_paths_description": "Questi risultati potrebbero essere dovuti all'eliminazione manuale di file che non fanno parte di una libreria esterna.",
"password_enable_description": "Login con email e password",
"password_settings": "Login con password",
"password_settings_description": "Gestisci impostazioni del login con password",
"paths_validated_successfully": "Percorsi validati con successo",
"quota_size_gib": "Dimensione Archiviazione (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Aggiorna tutte le librerie",
"removing_offline_files": "Cancella Files Offline",
"registration": "Registrazione amministratore",
"registration_description": "Poiché sei il primo utente del sistema, sarai assegnato come Amministratore e sarai responsabile dei task amministrativi, e utenti aggiuntivi saranno creati da te.",
"removing_offline_files": "Cancella File Offline",
"repair_all": "Ripara Tutto",
"repair_matched_items": "{count, plural, one {Rilevato # elemento} other {Rilevati # elementi}}",
"repaired_items": "{count, plural, one {Riparato # elemento} other {Riparati # elementi}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Chiedi all'utente di cambiare password al primo login",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Ripristina a impostazioni predefinite",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Richiedi all'utente di cambiare password al primo accesso",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Ripristina impostazioni predefinite",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Ripristina impostazioni alle impostazioni salvate di recente",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Scansiona la libreria per file cambiati",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "Scansiona la libreria per nuovi file",
@ -205,15 +212,15 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "Numero di secondi per cui mostrare ciascuna immagine",
"smart_search_job_description": "Esegui il machine learning sugli asset per permettere la ricerca intelligente",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Attiva il motore del modello di archiviazione",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Verifica hash fallita",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Verifica hash abilitata",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Attiva verifica hash, non disabilitare questo se non sei certo delle implicazioni",
"storage_template_migration": "Migrazione modello archiviazione",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Applica il <link>{template}</link> attuale agli asset caricati in precedenza",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Le modifiche al modello di archiviazione verranno applicate solo agli asset nuovi. Per applicare le modifice retroattivamente esegui <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Processo Migrazione Archiviazione",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Processo Migrazione Modello di Archiviazione",
"storage_template_more_details": "Per più informazioni riguardo a questa funzionalità, consulta il <template-link>Modello Archiviazione</template-link> e le sue <implications-link>conseguenze</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Quando attivata, questa funzionalità organizzerà automaticamente i file utilizzando il modello di archiviazione definito dall'utente. Per ragioni di stabilità, questa funzionalità è disabilitata per impostazione predefinita. Per più informazioni, consulta <link>la documentazione</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Limite approssimativo lunghezza percorso: <b>{length, number}</b>/</b>{limit, number}",
"storage_template_path_length": "Limite approssimativo lunghezza percorso: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Modello Archiviazione",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Gestisci la struttura delle cartelle e il nome degli asset caricati",
"system_settings": "Impostazioni di sistema",
@ -229,7 +236,7 @@
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "L'API che interagirà con il tuo dispositivo per accelerare la transcodifica. Questa impostazione è \"best effort\": ripiegherà sulla transcodifica software in caso di fallimento. VP9 potrebbe funzionare o meno a seconda del tuo hardware.",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC (richiede GPU NVIDIA)",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "Quick Sync (richiede CPU Intel di 7a gen o più recente)",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (Solo sugli SOC Rockchip)",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (Solo per SOC Rockchip)",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "Codifiche audio accettate",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "Seleziona quali codifiche audio non devono essere trascodificate. Solo usato per alcune politiche di trascodifica.",
@ -239,6 +246,7 @@
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Codifica Audio",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus è l'opzione con la qualità più alta, ma è meno compatibile con dispositivi o software vecchi.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Video con bitrate superiore al massimo o in formato non accettato",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Per saperne di più sulla terminologia utilizzata, fai riferimento alla documentazione di FFmpeg su <h264-link>codec H.264</h264-link>, <hevc-link>codec HEVC</hevc-link> e <vp9-link>codec VP9</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Modalità qualità costante",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "iCQ è migliore di CQP, peró alcuni dispositivi di accelerazione hardware non supportano questa modalità. Impostando questa opzione l'applicazione preferirà il modo specificato quando è in uso la codifica quality-based. Ignorato da NVENC perchè non supporta ICQ.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Fattore di rateo costante (-crf)",
@ -247,7 +255,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Accelerazione Hardware",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Sperimentale; molto più veloce, ma avrà una qualità inferiore allo stesso bitrate",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Decodifica hardware",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Si applica solo a NVENC e RKMPP. Abilita l'accelerazione end-to-end anziché solo l'accelerazione dell'encoding. Potrebbe non funzionare su tutti i video.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Si applica solo a NVENC, QSV e RKMPP. Abilita l'accelerazione end-to-end anziché solo l'accelerazione dell'encoding. Potrebbe non funzionare su tutti i video.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "Codec HEVC",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "B-frames Massimi",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Valori più alti migliorano l'efficienza di compressione, ma rallentano l'encoding. Potrebbero non essere compatibili con l'accelerazione hardware su dispositivi più vecchi. 0 disabilita i B-frames, mentre -1 imposta questo valore automaticamente.",
@ -290,9 +298,11 @@
"untracked_files_description": "Questi file non sono tracciati dall'applicazione. Potrebbero essere il risultato di spostamenti falliti, caricamenti interrotti o abbandonati a causa di un bug",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Ritardo eliminazione",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Numero di giorni dopo l'eliminazione per cancellare in modo definitivo l'account e gli asset di un utente. Il processo di cancellazione dell'utente viene eseguito a mezzanotte per verificare se esistono utenti pronti a essere eliminati. Le modifiche a questa impostazioni saranno prese in considerazione dalla possima esecuzione.",
"user_delete_immediately": "L'account e tutti gli asset di <b>{user}</b> vengono messi in coda per la cancellazione permanente <b>immediata</b>.",
"user_management": "Gestione Utenti",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "La password dell'utente è stata reimpostata:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Per favore inserisci una password temporanea per l'utente e informalo che dovrà cambiare la password al prossimo login.",
"user_restore_description": "L'account di <b>{user}</b> verrà ripristinato.",
"user_settings": "Impostazione Utente",
"user_settings_description": "Gestisci impostazioni utente",
"user_successfully_removed": "L'utente {email} è stato rimosso con successo.",
@ -309,9 +319,13 @@
"album_added": "Album aggiunto",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Ricevi una notifica email quando sei aggiunto a un album condiviso",
"album_cover_updated": "Copertina dell'album aggiornata",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare l'album {album}?\nSe l'album è stato condiviso, gli altri utenti non potranno più accedervi.",
"album_info_updated": "Informazioni dell'album aggiornate",
"album_leave": "Abbandona l'album?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler abbandonare {album}?",
"album_name": "Nome Album",
"album_options": "Impostazioni album",
"album_options": "Impostazioni Album",
"album_remove_user": "Rimuovi l'utente?",
"album_updated": "Album aggiornato",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Ricevi una notifica email quando un album condiviso ha nuovi asset",
"albums": "Album",
@ -324,7 +338,7 @@
"api_keys": "Chiavi API",
"app_settings": "Impostazioni Applicazione",
"appears_in": "Compare in",
"archive": "Archivia",
"archive": "Archivio",
"archive_or_unarchive_photo": "Archivia o ripristina foto",
"archive_size": "Dimensioni Archivio",
"archive_size_description": "Imposta le dimensioni dell'archivio per i download (in GiB)",
@ -352,7 +366,7 @@
"change_location": "Modifica posizione",
"change_name": "Modifica nome",
"change_name_successfully": "Nome modificato con successo",
"change_password": "Modifica password",
"change_password": "Modifica Password",
"change_your_password": "Modifica la tua password",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Visibilità modificata con successo",
"check_all": "Controlla Tutti",
@ -721,9 +735,9 @@
"password_required": "Password Richiesta",
"password_reset_success": "Ripristino password avvenuto con successo",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {Ultimo giorno} other {Ultimi {days, number} giorni}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Ultima ora} other {Ultime {hours, number} ore}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Ultimo anno} other {Ultimi {years, number} anni}}"
"days": "{days, plural, one {Ultimo giorno} other {Ultimi # giorni}}",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {Ultima ora} other {Ultime # ore}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {Ultimo anno} other {Ultimi # anni}}"
"path": "Percorso",
"pattern": "Modello",
@ -778,7 +792,7 @@
"repair_no_results_message": "I file che non sono traccia e mancanti saranno mostrati qui",
"replace_with_upload": "Rimpiazza con upload",
"require_password": "Richiedi password",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Richiedi all'utente di cambiare la password al primo accesso",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Richiedi all'utente di cambiare password al primo accesso",
"reset": "Ripristina",
"reset_password": "Ripristina password",
"reset_people_visibility": "Ripristina visibilità persone",
@ -845,7 +859,7 @@
"shared_by_you": "Condiviso da te",
"shared_from_partner": "Foto da {partner}",
"shared_links": "Link condivisi",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} foto & video condivisi.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# foto & video condivisi.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Condiviso con {partner}",
"sharing": "Condividendo",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Mostra un link a Condivisione nella barra laterale",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "정보",
"account": "계정",
"account_settings": "계정 설정",
"acknowledge": "확인",
@ -6,7 +7,7 @@
"actions": "동작",
"active": "활성",
"activity": "활동",
"activity_changed": "반응이 {enabled, select, true {활성화} other {비활성화}}됨",
"activity_changed": "활동이 {enabled, select, true {활성화} other {비활성화}}됨",
"add": "추가",
"add_a_description": "설명 추가",
"add_a_location": "위치 추가",
@ -19,24 +20,25 @@
"add_partner": "파트너 추가",
"add_path": "경로 추가",
"add_photos": "사진 추가",
"add_to": "앨범에 추가...",
"add_to": "이곳에 추가...",
"add_to_album": "앨범에 추가",
"add_to_shared_album": "공유 앨범에 추가",
"added_to_archive": "보관함에 추가됨",
"added_to_favorites": "즐겨찾기에 추가됨",
"added_to_favorites_count": "즐겨찾기에 항목 {count}개가 추가됨",
"added_to_favorites_count": "즐겨찾기에 {count}개 추가됨",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "제외 패턴을 추가합니다. *, ** 및 ? 을 사용한 패턴이 지원됩니다. \"Raw\"라는 디렉터리의 모든 파일을 제외하려면 \"**/Raw/**\"를 사용하며, \".tif\"로 끝나는 모든 파일을 제외하려면 \"**/*.tif\"를 사용합니다. 절대 경로의 경우, \"/path/to/ignore/**\"를 사용하세요.",
"authentication_settings": "인증 설정",
"authentication_settings_description": "비밀번호, OAuth 및 기타 인증 설정 관리",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "로그인 수단을 모두 비활성화하시겠습니까? 로그인이 완전히 비활성화됩니다.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "다시 활성화하려면, <link>서버 명령</link>을 사용하세요.",
"background_task_job": "백그라운드 작업",
"check_all": "모두 확인",
"cleared_jobs": "작업 초기화: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "구성 파일의 내용으로 설정됨",
"confirm_delete_library": "{library} 라이브러리를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "이 라이브러리를 삭제하시겠습니까? 이는 Immich에서 {count, plural, one {항목 #개} other {모든 항목 #개}}를 삭제하며 되돌릴 수 없습니다. 파일은 디스크에 남아 있습니다.",
"confirm_email_below": "계속 진행하려면 아래에 \"{email}\"을(를) 입력",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "이 라이브러리를 삭제하시겠습니까? 이는 Immich에서 {count, plural, one {#개 항목} other {모든 항목 #개}}를 삭제하며 되돌릴 수 없습니다. 파일은 디스크에 남아 있습니다.",
"confirm_email_below": "계속 진행하려면 아래에 \"{email}\" 입력",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "모든 얼굴을 다시 처리하시겠습니까? 이름이 지정된 인물이 삭제됩니다.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "{user}의 비밀번호를 재설정하시겠습니까?",
"crontab_guru": "Crontab Guru",
@ -44,14 +46,14 @@
"disabled": "비활성화",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "콘텐츠 내 유사한 이미지 감지를 위한 기계 학습 실행. 스마트 검색이 활성화되어 있어야 합니다",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "제외 규칙을 사용하면 라이브러리 스캔 시 파일과 폴더를 제외할 수 있습니다. 가져오지 않으려는 특정 파일(RAW 파일 등)이 포함된 폴더가 있는 경우에 유용합니다.",
"external_library_created_at": "외부 라이브러리 ({date}에 생성)",
"external_library_created_at": "외부 라이브러리 ({date}에 생성됨)",
"external_library_management": "외부 라이브러리 관리",
"face_detection": "얼굴 감지",
"face_detection_description": "기계 학습을 사용하여 콘텐츠 내의 얼굴을 감지합니다. 동영상의 경우 섬네일 이미지만 사용합니다. \"모두\"는 모든 항목을 (재)처리합니다. \"누락\"은 아직 처리되지 않은 항목을 대기열에 추가합니다. 감지된 얼굴은 얼굴 인식 대기열에 추가되어 기존 혹은 새 인물로 그룹화됩니다.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "감지된 얼굴을 인물로 그룹화합니다. 얼굴 감지가 완료된 후에 실행됩니다. \"모두\"는 모든 얼굴을 (재)클러스터링 합니다. \"누락\"은 인물이 할당되지 않은 얼굴을 대기열에 추가합니다.",
"failed_job_command": "{job} 작업의 {command} 실패",
"force_delete_user_warning": "경고: 사용자와 모든 콘텐츠가 즉시 삭제됩니다. 이 작업은 취소할 수 없으며, 파일을 복구할 수 없습니다.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "라이브러리의 모든 파일 강제 새로 고침",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "라이브러리의 모든 파일 강제 새로고침",
"image_format_description": "WebP는 JPEG보다 크기가 작지만 변환 속도가 느립니다.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "내장된 미리 보기 선호",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "가능한 경우 RAW 사진에 내장된 미리 보기를 이미지 처리에 사용합니다. 일부 이미지에 대해 더 정확한 색상이 생성될 수 있지만, 미리 보기 품질은 카메라마다 다르며, 더 많은 품질 하락이 있을 수 있습니다.",
@ -72,9 +74,9 @@
"job_settings": "작업 설정",
"job_settings_description": "작업 동시성 관리",
"job_status": "작업 상태",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# 지연됨}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# 실패함}}",
"library_created": "{library} 라이브러리 생성됨",
"jobs_delayed": "작업 {jobCount, plural, other {#개}} 지연됨",
"jobs_failed": "작업 {jobCount, plural, other {#개}} 실패함",
"library_created": "라이브러리 {library} 생성됨",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron 표현식",
"library_cron_expression_description": "cron 형식을 사용하여 스캔 주기를 설정합니다. 자세한 예제는 <link>Crontab Guru</link>를 확인하세요",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Cron 표현식 사전 설정",
@ -93,7 +95,7 @@
"logging_level_description": "로깅이 활성화된 경우 사용할 로그 레벨을 선택합니다.",
"logging_settings": "로깅",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "CLIP 모델",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "CLIP 모델의 종류는 <link>이곳</link>에 나열되어 있습니다. 모델을 변경하는 경우 모든 이미지에 대해 ‘스마트 검색' 작업을 다시 실행해야 합니다.",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "CLIP 모델의 이름은 <link>이곳</link>에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 모델을 변경하는 경우 모든 이미지에 대해 ‘스마트 검색' 작업을 다시 실행해야 합니다.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "중복 감지",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "중복 감지 활성화",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "비활성화된 경우에도 완전히 일치하는 콘텐츠의 중복은 여전히 탐지됩니다.",
@ -126,6 +128,7 @@
"map_dark_style": "다크 스타일",
"map_enable_description": "지도 기능 활성화",
"map_light_style": "라이트 스타일",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "<link>역지오코딩</link> 설정 관리",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "역지오코딩",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "역지오코딩 활성화",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "역지오코딩 설정",
@ -138,7 +141,7 @@
"migration_job_description": "콘텐츠의 섬네일 및 얼굴을 현재 폴더 구조로 마이그레이션",
"no_paths_added": "추가된 경로 없음",
"no_pattern_added": "추가된 규칙 없음",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "참고: 이전에 업로드한 콘텐츠에 새 스토리지 레이블을 적용하려면,",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "참고: 이전에 업로드한 콘텐츠에 스토리지 레이블을 적용하려면",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "주의: 추후 변경할 수 없습니다!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "참고: 무제한 할당량의 경우 0을 입력",
"notification_email_from_address": "보낸 사람 이메일",
@ -187,18 +190,18 @@
"password_settings_description": "비밀번호 로그인 설정 관리",
"paths_validated_successfully": "모든 경로가 성공적으로 검증됨",
"quota_size_gib": "할당량 크기 (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "모든 라이브러리 새로 고침",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "모든 라이브러리 새로고침",
"registration": "관리자 가입",
"registration_description": "귀하는 시스템의 첫 번째 사용자이기 때문에 관리자로 지정되어 관리 작업을 담당하게 되며 추가 사용자는 귀하에 의해 생성됩니다.",
"removing_offline_files": "오프라인 파일 삭제",
"registration_description": "시스템의 첫 사용자이므로 관리자로 지정되었으며, 관리 작업 및 사용자 생성을 담당하게 됩니다.",
"removing_offline_files": "오프라인 파일 삭제 중",
"repair_all": "모두 수리",
"repair_matched_items": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 일치함",
"repaired_items": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 수리됨",
"repair_matched_items": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 일치함",
"repaired_items": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 수리됨",
"require_password_change_on_login": "사용자가 처음 로그인할 때 비밀번호 변경 요구",
"reset_settings_to_default": "설정을 기본값으로 복원",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "마지막으로 저장된 설정으로 복원",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "라이브러리의 변경된 파일 스캔",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "라이브러리의 새 파일 스캔",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "라이브러리의 변경된 파일 스캔 중",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "라이브러리의 새로운 파일 스캔 중",
"send_welcome_email": "환영 이메일 전송",
"server_external_domain_settings": "외부 도메인",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "공개 공유 링크에 사용할 도메인 (http(s):// 포함)",
@ -210,13 +213,15 @@
"sidecar_job_description": "파일 시스템의 사이드카 메타데이터 검색 및 동기화",
"slideshow_duration_description": "각각의 이미지가 표시되는 초 단위의 시간",
"smart_search_job_description": "스마트 검색을 사용하기 위한 기계 학습 실행",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "콘텐츠의 생성 타임스탬프가 날짜 및 시간 정보로 사용됨",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "시간 형식 예 {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "스토리지 템플릿 엔진 활성화",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "해시 검증 활성화",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "해시 검증을 활성화합니다. 이 설정의 결과를 확실히 이해하지 않는 한 비활성화하지 마세요",
"storage_template_migration": "스토리지 템플릿 마이그레이션",
"storage_template_migration_description": "기존에 업로드된 콘텐츠에 현재 <link>{template}</link> 적용",
"storage_template_migration_info": "템플릿의 변경 사항은 새 콘텐츠에만 적용됩니다. 이전에 업로드한 콘텐츠에 템플릿을 소급 적용하려면, <link>{job}</link> 작업을 실행하세요.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "스토리지 마이그레이션 작업",
"storage_template_migration_job": "스토리지 템플릿 마이그레이션 작업",
"storage_template_more_details": "이 기능에 대한 자세한 정보는 <template-link>스토리지 템플릿</template-link> 및 <implications-link>설명</implications-link>을 참조하세요",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "이 기능을 활성화하면 사용자 정의 템플릿을 기반으로 파일이 자동으로 정리됩니다. 안정성 문제로 인해 기능이 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 <link>문서</link>를 참조하세요.",
"storage_template_path_length": "대략적인 경로 길이 제한: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
@ -255,7 +260,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "하드웨어 가속",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "실험적인 기능입니다; 훨씬 빠르지만 동일 비트레이트에서 낮은 품질을 가질 수 있습니다",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "하드웨어 디코딩",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "NVENC와 RKMPP에만 적용됩니다. 인코딩 가속에 엔드 투 엔드 가속을 가능하게 합니다. 모든 동영상에서 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "NVENC와 QSV, RKMPP에만 적용됩니다. 인코딩 가속에 엔드 투 엔드 가속을 가능하게 합니다. 모든 동영상에서 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC 코덱",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "최대 B 프레임",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "값을 높이면 압축 효율이 향상되지만 인코딩 속도가 느려집니다. 오래된 기기의 하드웨어 가속과 호환되지 않을 수 있습니다. 0은 B 프레임을 비활성화하며, -1은 자동으로 설정합니다.",
@ -280,7 +285,7 @@
"transcoding_threads": "스레드",
"transcoding_threads_description": "높은 값으로 설정 시 더 빠른 인코딩이 가능하지만, 다른 작업 수행을 위한 서버 자원이 부족해질 수 있습니다. 이 값은 CPU 코어 수보다 작아야 합니다. 최대로 설정하려는 경우 0을 입력합니다.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "톤 매핑",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "HDR 동영상을 SDR로 변환할 때 정보를 보존하려고 시도합니다. 각 알고리즘은 색상, 세부 묘사 및 밝기 사이에서 차이를 보입니다. Hable 알고리즘은 세부 묘사를 보존하고, Mobius 알고리즘은 색상을 보존하며, Reinhard 알고리즘은 밝기를 보존합니다.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "HDR 동영상을 SDR로 변환할 때 세부 정보의 보존을 시도합니다. 각 알고리즘은 색상, 세부 묘사 및 밝기 면에서 차이가 있습니다. Hable 알고리즘은 세부 묘사를 보존하고, Mobius 알고리즘은 색상을 보존하며, Reinhard 알고리즘은 밝기를 보존합니다.",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "톤 매핑 NPL",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl_description": "현재 화면의 밝기에서 정상적으로 보이도록 색상이 조정됩니다. 놀랍게도 화면의 밝기를 보정하기 때문에, 낮은 값이 동영상의 밝기를 높이고, 그 반대도 마찬가지입니다. 0은 이 값을 자동으로 설정합니다.",
"transcoding_transcode_policy": "트랜스코드 정책",
@ -290,8 +295,8 @@
"transcoding_video_codec": "동영상 코덱",
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "VP9는 높은 효율성과 웹 호환성을 가지고 있지만, 변환 시간이 길어집니다. HEVC는 비슷한 성능을 발휘하지만 웹 호환성이 낮습니다. H.264는 널리 호환되며 변환 속도가 빠르지만 파일 크기가 큽니다. AV1은 가장 효율적인 코덱이지만 오래된 기기와의 호환성이 낮습니다.",
"trash_enabled_description": "휴지통 활성화",
"trash_number_of_days": "보관 기간",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "콘텐츠를 영구적으로 삭제하기 전 휴지통에 보관할 기간",
"trash_number_of_days": "삭제 대기 기간",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "콘텐츠를 영구적으로 삭제하기 전 대기할 기간",
"trash_settings": "휴지통 설정",
"trash_settings_description": "휴지통 설정 관리",
"untracked_files": "추적되지 않는 파일",
@ -300,10 +305,12 @@
"user_delete_delay_settings": "삭제 대기 기간",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "사용자 계정 및 콘텐츠를 영구적으로 삭제하기 전 대기 기간을 설정합니다. 삭제 작업은 삭제 대상 사용자를 확인한 후 자정에 실행됩니다. 변경 사항은 다음 실행 시 적용됩니다.",
"user_delete_immediately": "<b>{user}</b>의 계정 및 콘텐츠가 <b>즉시</b> 영구 삭제 대기열에 추가됩니다.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "사용자와 컨텐츠를 즉시 삭제 대기열에 추가",
"user_management": "사용자 관리",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "사용자의 비밀번호가 재설정되었습니다:",
"user_password_reset_description": "사용자에게 임시 비밀번호를 제공하고 다음 로그인 시 비밀번호를 변경해야 한다고 알려주세요.",
"user_restore_description": "<b>{user}</b>의 계정이 복구되었습니다.",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "사용자 복구 - {date, date, long}에 예약된 일정 삭제",
"user_settings": "사용자 설정",
"user_settings_description": "사용자 설정 관리",
"user_successfully_removed": "사용자 {email}이 성공적으로 제거되었습니다.",
@ -319,10 +326,10 @@
"advanced": "고급",
"age_months": "나이 {months, plural, one {#개월} other {#개월}}",
"age_year_months": "나이 1년, {months, plural, one {#개월} other {#개월}}",
"age_years": "{years}년생",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {#}}세",
"album_added": "앨범 추가됨",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "공유 앨범에 추가되면 이메일 알림을 받기",
"album_cover_updated": "앨범 커버 업데이트됨",
"album_cover_updated": "앨범 표지 업데이트됨",
"album_delete_confirmation": "{album} 앨범을 삭제하시겠습니까?\n이 앨범이 공유된 경우, 다른 사용자가 더 이상 앨범에 접근할 수 없습니다.",
"album_info_updated": "앨범 정보 업데이트됨",
"album_leave": "앨범에서 나가시겠습니까?",
@ -343,7 +350,7 @@
"all_albums": "모든 앨범",
"all_people": "모든 인물",
"all_videos": "모든 동영상",
"allow_dark_mode": "다크 모드 허용",
"allow_dark_mode": "다크 모드 사용",
"allow_edits": "편집 허용",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "모든 사용자의 다운로드 허용",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "모든 사용자의 업로드 허용",
@ -358,17 +365,24 @@
"archive_size": "압축 파일 크기",
"archive_size_description": "다운로드할 압축 파일의 크기 구성 (GiB 단위)",
"archived": "보관됨",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {#개}} 항목 보관됨",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {#개}} 보관됨",
"are_these_the_same_person": "이 인물들은 동일인인가요?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "정말로 이 작업을 수행하시겠습니까?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "{filename} 항목이 오프라인임",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "항목에 할당되지 않은 얼굴이 있음",
"asset_added_to_album": "앨범에 추가됨",
"asset_adding_to_album": "앨범에 추가 중...",
"asset_description_updated": "콘텐츠 설명이 업데이트됨",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "{filename} 콘텐츠 오프라인",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "할당되지 않은 얼굴이 콘텐츠에 있음",
"asset_hashing": "해싱...",
"asset_offline": "콘텐츠 오프라인",
"asset_offline_description": "이 콘텐츠는 오프라인 상태이며, Immich가 파일 위치에 접근할 수 없습니다. 콘텐츠가 사용 가능한지 확인한 후 라이브러리를 다시 스캔하세요.",
"asset_skipped": "건너뜀",
"asset_uploaded": "업로드됨",
"asset_uploading": "업로드 중...",
"assets": "콘텐츠",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 추가됨",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 앨범에 추가됨",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 {name}에 추가됨",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 앨범에 추가됨",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 {name}에 추가됨",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}를 휴지통으로 이동함",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "휴지통으로 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 이동됨",
@ -385,6 +399,8 @@
"birthdate_saved": "생년월일이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다",
"birthdate_set_description": "생년월일은 사진 촬영 당시 인물의 나이를 계산하는 데 사용됩니다.",
"blurred_background": "흐린 배경",
"build": "빌드",
"build_image": "빌드 이미지",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}를 일괄 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 각 그룹의 가장 큰 항목을 유지하고 나머지 항목들을 영구적으로 삭제합니다. 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}를 유지하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 삭제 없이 모든 중복을 해결합니다.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "중복 항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}를 일괄 휴지통으로 이동하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 각 그룹의 가장 큰 항목을 유지하고 나머지 항목들은 모두 휴지통으로 이동됩니다.",
@ -429,7 +445,7 @@
"confirm_admin_password": "관리자 비밀번호 확인",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "이 공유 링크를 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"confirm_password": "비밀번호 확인",
"contain": "포함됨",
"contain": "맞춤",
"context": "내용",
"continue": "계속",
"copied_image_to_clipboard": "이미지가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.",
@ -442,8 +458,8 @@
"copy_password": "비밀번호 복사",
"copy_to_clipboard": "클립보드에 복사",
"country": "국가",
"cover": "커버",
"covers": "커버",
"cover": "확대",
"covers": "표지",
"create": "생성",
"create_album": "앨범 생성",
"create_library": "라이브러리 생성",
@ -462,6 +478,7 @@
"date_after": "다음 날짜 이후",
"date_and_time": "날짜 및 시간",
"date_before": "다음 날짜 전",
"date_of_birth_saved": "생년월일이 성공적으로 저장됨",
"date_range": "날짜 범위",
"day": "일",
"deduplicate_all": "중복 항목 모두 선택",
@ -496,7 +513,7 @@
"download_settings_description": "콘텐츠 다운로드 관련 설정 관리",
"downloading": "다운로드 중",
"downloading_asset_filename": "{filename} 다운로드 중",
"drop_files_to_upload": "아무 곳에나 파일을 드래그하여 업로드",
"drop_files_to_upload": "아무 곳에나 파일을 드롭하여 업로드",
"duplicates": "중복",
"duplicates_description": "각 그룹의 항목을 비교하여, 중복된 항목을 선택하고 해결",
"duration": "기간",
@ -540,7 +557,7 @@
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "다음 항목으로 이동할 수 없음",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "이전 항목으로 이동할 수 없음",
"cant_apply_changes": "설정을 적용할 수 없음",
"cant_change_activity": "반응을 {enabled, select, true {비활성화} other {활성화}}할 수 없음",
"cant_change_activity": "활동을 {enabled, select, true {비활성화} other {활성화}}할 수 없음",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "콘텐츠의 즐겨찾기 상태를 변경할 수 없음",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}의 메타데이터를 변경할 수 없음",
"cant_get_faces": "얼굴을 가져올 수 없음",
@ -560,8 +577,10 @@
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "공유 링크 생성 실패",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "공유 링크 편집 실패",
"failed_to_get_people": "인물 가져오기 실패",
"failed_to_load_asset": "항목 로드 실패",
"failed_to_load_assets": "항목 로드 실패",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "항목 스택 실패",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "항목 스택 해제 실패",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "콘텐츠 스택 해제 실패",
"import_path_already_exists": "이 가져오기 경로는 이미 존재합니다.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "잘못된 이메일 또는 비밀번호",
"paths_validation_failed": "경로 {paths, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 검증 실패",
@ -587,6 +606,7 @@
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "OAuth 로그인을 완료할 수 없음",
"unable_to_connect": "연결할 수 없음",
"unable_to_connect_to_server": "서버에 연결할 수 없음",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "클립보드에 복사할 수 없음, https로 접속하고 있는지 확인하세요",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "관리자 계정을 생성할 수 없음",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "새 API 키를 생성할 수 없음",
@ -606,6 +626,7 @@
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "전체 화면으로 전환할 수 없음",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "전체 화면을 종료할 수 없음",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "댓글 수를 가져올 수 없음",
"unable_to_get_shared_link": "공유 링크를 가져올 수 없음",
"unable_to_hide_person": "인물을 숨길 수 없음",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "OAuth 계정을 연결할 수 없음",
"unable_to_load_album": "앨범을 불러올 수 없음",
@ -616,6 +637,7 @@
"unable_to_log_out_device": "기기에서 로그아웃할 수 없음",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "OAuth로 로그인할 수 없음",
"unable_to_play_video": "동영상을 재생할 수 없음",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "항목을 {name, select, null {기존 인물} other {#}}에게 할당할 수 없음",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "새 인물을 항목에 재할당할 수 없음",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "사용자를 새로 고칠 수 없음",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "사용자를 앨범에서 제거할 수 없음",
@ -635,22 +657,25 @@
"unable_to_restore_user": "사용자를 복원할 수 없음",
"unable_to_save_album": "앨범을 저장할 수 없음",
"unable_to_save_api_key": "API 키를 저장할 수 없음",
"unable_to_save_date_of_birth": "생년월일을 저장할 수 없음",
"unable_to_save_name": "이름을 저장할 수 없음",
"unable_to_save_profile": "프로필을 저장할 수 없음",
"unable_to_save_settings": "설정을 저장할 수 없음",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "라이브러리를 스캔할 수 없음",
"unable_to_scan_library": "라이브러리를 스캔할 수 없음",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "대표 사진을 설정할 수 없음",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "프로필 사진을 설정할 수 없음",
"unable_to_submit_job": "작업을 적용할 수 없음",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "콘텐츠를 휴지통으로 이동할 수 없음",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "계정의 연결을 해제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "앨범 커버를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "계정 연결을 해제할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "앨범 표지를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "앨범 정보를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_library": "라이브러리를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_location": "위치를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_settings": "설정을 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "타임라인 표시 상태를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_update_user": "사용자를 업데이트할 수 없음"
"unable_to_update_user": "사용자를 업데이트할 수 없음",
"unable_to_upload_file": "파일을 업로드할 수 없음"
"every_day_at_onepm": "",
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
@ -668,6 +693,7 @@
"extension": "추가 기능",
"external": "외부",
"external_libraries": "외부 라이브러리",
"face_unassigned": "할당되지 않음",
"failed_to_get_people": "인물 불러오기 실패",
"favorite": "즐겨찾기",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "즐겨찾기에서 추가 또는 제거",
@ -711,8 +737,8 @@
"in_albums": "앨범 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}에 포함됨",
"in_archive": "보관된 항목",
"include_archived": "보관된 항목 포함",
"include_shared_albums": "공유된 앨범 포함",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "파트너가 공유한 항목 포함",
"include_shared_albums": "공유 앨범 포함",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "파트너의 공유 콘텐츠 포함",
"individual_share": "개인 공유",
"info": "정보",
"interval": {
@ -741,7 +767,7 @@
"light": "라이트",
"like_deleted": "좋아요 삭제됨",
"link_options": "링크 옵션",
"link_to_oauth": "OAuth 연결",
"link_to_oauth": "OAuth에 연결",
"linked_oauth_account": "OAuth 계정 연결됨",
"list": "목록",
"loading": "로드 중",
@ -749,37 +775,38 @@
"log_out": "로그아웃",
"log_out_all_devices": "모든 기기에서 로그아웃",
"logged_out_all_devices": "모든 기기에서 로그아웃됨",
"logged_out_device": "로그아웃됨",
"logged_out_device": "기기에서 로그아웃됨",
"login": "로그인",
"login_has_been_disabled": "로그인이 비활성화되었습니다.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "모든 기기에서 로그아웃 하시겠습니까?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "이 기기에서 로그아웃 하시겠습니까?",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "모든 기기에서 로그아웃하시겠습니까?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "이 기기에서 로그아웃하시겠습니까?",
"look": "보기",
"loop_videos": "동영상 반복",
"loop_videos_description": "상세 보기에서 동영상을 자동으로 반복 재생합니다.",
"make": "만들기",
"make": "제조사",
"manage_shared_links": "공유 링크 관리",
"manage_sharing_with_partners": "파트너 공유 관리",
"manage_sharing_with_partners": "파트너와 공유 관리",
"manage_the_app_settings": "앱 설정 관리",
"manage_your_account": "계정 관리",
"manage_your_api_keys": "API 키 관리",
"manage_your_devices": "로그인된 기기 관리",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "OAuth 연결 관리",
"map": "지도",
"map_marker_for_images": "{country}, {city}에서 촬영된 이미지의 지도 마커",
"map_marker_with_image": "이미지가 있는 지도 마커",
"map_settings": "지도 설정",
"matches": "일치",
"media_type": "미디어 종류",
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"memories_setting_description": "추억에 표시할 내용 관리",
"memories_setting_description": "추억에 표시하려는 항목 관리",
"memory": "추억",
"menu": "메뉴",
"merge": "병합",
"merge_people": "인물 병합",
"merge_people_limit": "한 번에 최대 5개의 얼굴만 병합할 수 있습니다",
"merge_people_limit": "한 번에 최대 5개의 얼굴만 병합할 수 있음",
"merge_people_prompt": "이 인물들을 병합하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다.",
"merge_people_successfully": "인물을 성공적으로 병합함",
"merged_people_count": "인물 {count, plural, one {#명} other {#명}} 병합됨",
"merged_people_count": "{count, plural, one {#명} other {#명}}의 인물을 병합함",
"minimize": "최소화",
"minute": "분",
"missing": "누락",
@ -801,7 +828,7 @@
"next_memory": "다음 추억",
"no": "아니요",
"no_albums_message": "앨범을 생성하여 당신의 이미지와 동영상을 정리하세요",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "아직 이 이름의 앨범이 없는 것 같습니다.",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "아직 해당하는 이름의 앨범이 없는 것 같습니다.",
"no_albums_yet": "아직 앨범이 없는 것 같습니다.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "사진과 동영상을 보관 처리하여 목록에서 숨기기",
"no_assets_message": "클릭하여 당신의 첫 이미지를 업로드하세요",
@ -809,17 +836,17 @@
"no_exif_info_available": "EXIF 정보 없음",
"no_explore_results_message": "컬렉션을 탐색하려면 더 많은 사진을 업로드하세요.",
"no_favorites_message": "즐겨찾기에 추가하여 좋아하는 사진과 동영상을 빠르게 찾기",
"no_libraries_message": "사진과 동영상을 보기 위해 외부 라이브러리 생성",
"no_libraries_message": "외부 라이브러리를 생성하여 사진과 동영상 보기",
"no_name": "이름 없음",
"no_places": "장소 없음",
"no_results": "결과 없음",
"no_results_description": "동의어나 좀 더 일반적인 단어를 사용해 보세요",
"no_shared_albums_message": "공유 앨범을 만들어 네트워크에 있는 사람들과 사진 및 동영상을 공유하세요",
"no_results_description": "다른 단어나 조금 더 일반적인 단어를 사용해 보세요",
"no_shared_albums_message": "공유 앨범을 만들어 주변 사람들과 사진 및 동영상 공유",
"not_in_any_album": "어떤 앨범에도 없음",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "참고: 이전에 업로드한 콘텐츠에 새 스토리지 레이블을 적용하려면,",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "참고: 이전에 업로드한 콘텐츠에 스토리지 레이블을 적용하려면",
"note_unlimited_quota": "참고: 0 입력 시 할당량 제한 없음",
"notes": "참고",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "이메일 알림 활성화 및 비활성화",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "이메일 알림 활성화",
"notifications": "알림",
"notifications_setting_description": "알림 관리",
"oauth": "OAuth",
@ -830,13 +857,13 @@
"oldest_first": "오래된 순",
"onboarding": "온보딩",
"onboarding_storage_template_description": "활성화한 경우, 사용자 정의 템플릿을 기반으로 파일을 자동 분류합니다. 안정성 문제로 인해 해당 기능은 기본적으로 비활성화 되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 [공식 문서]를 참조하세요.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "색상 테마를 선택합니다. 나중에 설정에서 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"onboarding_theme_description": "색상 테마를 선택하세요. 나중에 설정에서 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "몇 가지 일반적인 설정을 진행하겠습니다.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "{user}님, 환영합니다",
"online": "온라인",
"only_favorites": "즐겨찾기만",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "수정된 파일만 새로 고침",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "OpenStreetMap에서 보기",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "수정된 파일만 새로고침",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "OpenStreetMap에서 열기",
"open_the_search_filters": "검색 필터 열기",
"options": "옵션",
"or": "또는",
@ -851,16 +878,16 @@
"partner_can_access": "{partner}가 접근할 수 있음",
"partner_can_access_assets": "보관되거나 삭제된 항목을 제외한 모든 사진 및 동영상",
"partner_can_access_location": "사진을 찍은 장소",
"partner_sharing": "파트너 공유",
"partner_sharing": "파트너와 공유",
"partners": "파트너",
"password": "비밀번호",
"password_does_not_match": "비밀번호가 일치하지 않음",
"password_does_not_match": "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다",
"password_required": "비밀번호 필요",
"password_reset_success": "비밀번호가 성공적으로 초기화됨",
"password_reset_success": "비밀번호 초기화 성공",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {일} other {#일}} 전",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {시간} other {#시간}} 전",
"years": "{years, plural, one {년} other {#년}} 전"
"days": "지난 {days, plural, one {일} other {#일}}",
"hours": "지난 {hours, plural, one {시간} other {#시간}}",
"years": "지난 {years, plural, one {년} other {#년}}"
"path": "경로",
"pattern": "규칙",
@ -880,6 +907,7 @@
"permanently_deleted_assets": "항목 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}가 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {개} other {개}} 항목이 영구적으로 삭제됨",
"person": "인물",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (숨김)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "모든 사용자와 사진을 공유했거나 공유할 사용자가 없는 것 같습니다.",
"photos": "사진",
"photos_and_videos": "사진 & 동영상",
@ -900,6 +928,7 @@
"previous_memory": "이전 추억",
"previous_or_next_photo": "이전 혹은 다음 이미지",
"primary": "주",
"profile_image_of_user": "{title}의 프로필 이미지",
"profile_picture_set": "프로필 사진 설정됨.",
"public_album": "공개 앨범",
"public_share": "모든 사용자와 공유",
@ -908,23 +937,25 @@
"reaction_options": "반응 옵션",
"read_changelog": "변경 사항 보기",
"reassign": "재할당",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, one {#개 항목} other {#개 항목}}이 {name, select, null {기존 인물} other {{name}}}에게 다시 할당됨",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목이 새 인물에게 재할당됨",
"reassing_hint": "섬네일 새로 고침",
"reassing_hint": "선택된 콘텐츠를 기존 인물에 할당",
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"recent_searches": "최근 검색",
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"refresh_encoded_videos": "인코딩된 동영상 새로 고침",
"refresh_metadata": "메타데이터 새로 고침",
"refresh_thumbnails": "섬네일 새로 고침",
"refreshed": "새로 고침",
"refreshes_every_file": "모든 파일 새로 고침",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "인코딩된 동영상 새로 고침",
"refreshing_metadata": "메타데이터 새로 고침 중",
"refresh": "새로고침",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "인코딩된 동영상 새로고침",
"refresh_metadata": "메타데이터 새로고침",
"refresh_thumbnails": "섬네일 새로고침",
"refreshed": "새로고침 완료",
"refreshes_every_file": "모든 파일을 새로 고칩니다",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "인코딩된 동영상 새로고침",
"refreshing_metadata": "메타데이터 새로고침 중",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "섬네일 다시 생성 중",
"remove": "삭제",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}의 항목을 앨범에서 제거하시겠습니까?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "이 공유 링크에서 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목을 제거하시겠습니까?",
"remove_assets_title": "항목을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "사용자 정의 날짜 범위 제거",
"remove_custom_date_range": "맞춤 기간 제거",
"remove_from_album": "앨범에서 삭제",
"remove_from_favorites": "즐겨찾기에서 삭제",
"remove_from_shared_link": "공유 링크에서 삭제",
@ -933,11 +964,12 @@
"removed_api_key": "API 키 {name} 삭제됨",
"removed_from_archive": "보관 해제됨",
"removed_from_favorites": "즐겨찾기에서 삭제됨",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "즐겨찾기에서 {count}개 항목 삭제됨",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "즐겨찾기에서 {count, plural, other {#}}개 항목 삭제됨",
"rename": "이름 바꾸기",
"repair": "수리",
"repair_no_results_message": "추적되지 않거나 누락된 파일이 여기에 표시됩니다",
"replace_with_upload": "업로드할 파일로 교체",
"repository": "리포지터리",
"require_password": "비밀번호 필요",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "사용자가 처음 로그인할 때 비밀번호를 변경하도록 요구",
"reset": "초기화",
@ -985,7 +1017,7 @@
"searching_locales": "로케일 검색...",
"second": "초",
"see_all_people": "모든 인물 보기",
"select_album_cover": "앨범 커버 선택",
"select_album_cover": "앨범 표지 선택",
"select_all": "모두 선택",
"select_avatar_color": "아바타 색상 선택",
"select_face": "얼굴 선택",
@ -1004,7 +1036,7 @@
"server_stats": "서버 상태",
"server_version": "서버 버전",
"set": "설정",
"set_as_album_cover": "앨범 커버로 설정",
"set_as_album_cover": "앨범 표지로 설정",
"set_as_profile_picture": "프로필 사진으로 설정",
"set_date_of_birth": "생일 설정",
"set_profile_picture": "프로필 사진으로 설정",
@ -1021,6 +1053,7 @@
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "사진 & 동영상 {assetCount, plural, other {#개를 공유했습니다.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "{partner}와 공유됨",
"sharing": "공유",
"sharing_enter_password": "이 페이지를 보려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "사이드바에 공유 링크 표시",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "⇧를 눌러 항목을 영구적으로 삭제",
"show_album_options": "앨범 옵션 표시",
@ -1051,9 +1084,11 @@
"sort_oldest": "오래된 사진",
"sort_recent": "가장 최근 사진",
"sort_title": "제목",
"source": "소스",
"stack": "스택",
"stack_selected_photos": "선택한 이미지 스택",
"stacktrace": "스택 추적",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 스택",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
"start": "시작",
"start_date": "시작일",
"state": "지역",
@ -1061,10 +1096,10 @@
"stop_motion_photo": "모션 포토 정지",
"stop_photo_sharing": "사진 공유를 중단하시겠습니까?",
"stop_photo_sharing_description": "더 이상 당신의 사진에 {partner}가 접근할 수 없습니다.",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "이 사용자와 사진 공유 중지",
"stop_sharing_photos_with_user": "이 사용자와 사진 공유 중단",
"storage": "스토리지",
"storage_label": "스토리지 레이블",
"storage_usage": "{available} 중 {used} 사용 중",
"storage_usage": "{available} 중 {used} 사용",
"submit": "제출",
"suggestions": "추천",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "해변의 일출",
@ -1074,7 +1109,8 @@
"theme": "테마",
"theme_selection": "테마 설정",
"theme_selection_description": "브라우저 및 시스템 기본 설정에 따라 라이트 모드와 다크 모드를 자동으로 설정",
"time_based_memories": "시간 기반 추억",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "이 인물들이 함께 병합됩니다",
"time_based_memories": "시간 기준의 추억",
"timezone": "시간대",
"to_archive": "보관",
"to_change_password": "비밀번호 변경",
@ -1088,12 +1124,13 @@
"trash": "휴지통",
"trash_all": "모두 삭제",
"trash_count": "휴지통으로 이동 ({count}개)",
"trash_delete_asset": "항목을 휴지통으로 이동/삭제",
"trash_delete_asset": "휴지통으로 이동/삭제",
"trash_no_results_message": "휴지통으로 이동된 이미지와 동영상이 이곳에 표시됩니다.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "휴지통으로 이동된 항목은 {days, plural, one {#일} other {#일}} 후 영구적으로 삭제됩니다.",
"type": "형식",
"unarchive": "보관 해제",
"unarchived": "보관 해제됨",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {#개}} 보관 해제됨",
"unfavorite": "즐겨찾기 해제",
"unhide_person": "인물 숨김 해제",
"unknown": "알 수 없음",
@ -1107,23 +1144,27 @@
"unsaved_change": "저장되지 않은 변경",
"unselect_all": "모두 선택 해제",
"unstack": "스택 해제",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}} 항목 스택 해제됨",
"untracked_files": "추적되지 않는 파일",
"untracked_files_decription": "애플리케이션에서 추적되지 않는 파일들입니다. 이동 실패, 업로드 중단 또는 버그로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다",
"up_next": "다음",
"updated_password": "비밀번호 변경됨",
"upload": "업로드",
"upload_concurrency": "업로드 동시성",
"upload_progress": "대기 중 {remaining} - 처리됨 {processed}/{total}",
"upload_errors": "업로드가 완료되었습니다. {count, plural, one {#개의 오류} other {#개의 오류}}가 있습니다. 콘텐츠를 보려면 페이지를 새로고침하세요.",
"upload_progress": "{total}개 중 {processed}개 처리됨, {remaining}개 대기 중",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {#개의 중복} other {#개의 중복}} 건너뜀",
"upload_status_duplicates": "중복",
"upload_status_errors": "오류",
"upload_status_uploaded": "업로드됨",
"upload_success": "업로드 성공, 페이지를 새로 고쳐 새 콘텐츠를 확인하세요.",
"upload_success": "업로드 성공, 업로드된 콘텐츠를 보려면 페이지를 새로고침하세요.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "사용량",
"use_custom_date_range": "사용자 정의 날짜 범위 사용",
"use_custom_date_range": "대신 맞춤 기간 사용",
"user": "사용자",
"user_id": "사용자 ID",
"user_role_set": "{user}에게 {role} 역할 설정",
"user_liked": "{user}가 {type, select, photo {이 사진을} video {이 동영상을} asset {이 콘텐츠를} other {이 항목을}} 좋아합니다",
"user_role_set": "사용자 {user}에게 {role} 역할 설정",
"user_usage_detail": "사용자 사용량 상세",
"username": "계정명",
"users": "사용자",
@ -1131,10 +1172,11 @@
"validate": "검증",
"variables": "변수",
"version": "버전",
"version_announcement_closing": "당신의 친구, Alex",
"version_announcement_message": "안녕하세요, 애플리케이션의 새로운 버전이 있습니다. <link>릴리스 노트</link>를 확인해주세요. WatchTower 등의 자동 업데이트 기능을 사용하는 경우, 잘못된 구성을 방지하기 위해 <code>docker-compose.yml</code> 및 <code>.env</code> 설정이 최신인지 확인해주세요.",
"video": "동영상",
"video_hover_setting": "동영상에 마우스를 올리면 자동 재생",
"video_hover_setting_description": "마우스를 동영상 섬네일 위에 올리면 재생이 시작됩니다. 비활성화된 경우에도 재생 아이콘에 마우스를 올리면 재생이 시작됩니다.",
"video_hover_setting": "동영상에 마우스를 올려 재생",
"video_hover_setting_description": "마우스를 동영상 섬네일 위에 올려 재생을 시작합니다. 비활성화된 경우에도 재생 아이콘에 마우스를 올리면 재생이 시작됩니다.",
"videos": "동영상",
"videos_count": "동영상 {count, plural, one {#개} other {#개}}",
"view": "보기",
@ -1146,6 +1188,7 @@
"view_previous_asset": "이전 항목 보기",
"view_stack": "스택 보기",
"viewer": "뷰어",
"visibility_changed": "{count, plural, one {#명} other {#명}}의 숨김 여부가 변경됨",
"waiting": "대기",
"warning": "경고",
"week": "주",
@ -1,25 +1,31 @@
"account": "",
"about": "Par",
"account": "Konts",
"account_settings": "Konta iestatījumi",
"acknowledge": "Atzīt",
"action": "",
"actions": "",
"active": "",
"activity": "",
"action": "Darbība",
"actions": "Darbības",
"active": "Aktīvs",
"activity": "Aktivitāte",
"activity_changed": "Aktivitāte ir",
"add": "Pievienot",
"add_a_description": "Pievienot aprakstu",
"add_a_location": "Pievienot atrašanās vietu",
"add_a_name": "Pievienot vārdu",
"add_a_title": "Pievienot virsrakstu",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "",
"add_import_path": "",
"add_location": "",
"add_more_users": "",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "Pievienot izņēmuma šablonu",
"add_import_path": "Pievienot importa ceļu",
"add_location": "Pievienot lokāciju",
"add_more_users": "Pievienot vēl lietotājus",
"add_partner": "Pievienot partneri",
"add_path": "",
"add_path": "Pievienot ceļu",
"add_photos": "Pievienot fotoattēlus",
"add_to": "",
"add_to": "Pievienot ..",
"add_to_album": "Pievienot albumam",
"add_to_shared_album": "",
"add_to_shared_album": "Pievienot koplietotam albumam",
"added_to_archive": "Pievienots arhīvam",
"added_to_favorites": "Pievienots izlasei",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Pievienots {count} izlasei",
"admin": {
"authentication_settings": "",
"authentication_settings_description": "",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "Om",
"account": "Konto",
"account_settings": "Konto Innstillinger",
"acknowledge": "Bekreft",
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "Handlinger",
"active": "Aktiv",
"activity": "Aktivitet",
"activity_changed": "Aktiviteten er {enabled, select, true {aktivert} other {deaktivert}}",
"add": "Legg til",
"add_a_description": "Legg til beskrivelse",
"add_a_location": "Legg til sted",
@ -21,12 +23,17 @@
"add_to": "Legg til...",
"add_to_album": "Legg til album",
"add_to_shared_album": "Legg til delt album",
"added_to_archive": "Lagt til i arkiv",
"added_to_favorites": "Lagt til i favoritter",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Lagt til {count} i favoritter",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Legg til ekskluderingsmønstre. Globbing med *, ** og ? støttes. For å ignorere alle filer i en hvilken som helst mappe som heter \"Raw\", bruk \"**/Raw/**\". For å ignorere alle filer som slutter på \".tif\", bruk \"**/*.tif\". For å ignorere en absolutt filplassering, bruk \"/filbane/til/ignorer/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Autentiserings innstillinger",
"authentication_settings_description": "Administrer passord, OAuth, og andre innstillinger for autentisering",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "For å aktivere på nytt, bruk en <link>Server Command</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Bakgrunnsjobber",
"check_all": "Merk Alle",
"cleared_jobs": "Ryddet opp jobber for: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Konfigurasjonen er for øyeblikket satt av en konfigurasjonsfil",
"confirm_delete_library": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette biblioteket {library}?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette biblioteket? Dette vil slette alle {count} tilhørende eiendeler fra Immich og kan ikke angres. Filene vil forbli på disken.",
@ -43,6 +50,7 @@
"face_detection": "Ansiktsgjenkjennelse",
"face_detection_description": "Oppdag ansikter i filer ved hjelp av maskinlæring. For videoer vurderes bare miniatyrbildet. \"All\" (om-)behandler alle ressurser. \"Missing\" stiller opp ressurser som ikke har blitt behandlet ennå. Oppdagede ansikter vil bli stilt opp for ansiktsgjenkjenning etter at ansiktsgjenkjenning er fullført, og de grupperes i eksisterende eller nye personer.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Grupper oppdagede ansikter i personer. Denne trinn utføres etter at ansiktsgjenkjenning er fullført. \"All\" (om-)grupperer alle ansikter på nytt. \"Missing\" stiller opp ansikter som ikke har blitt tilordnet en person ennå.",
"failed_job_command": "Kommandoen {command} feilet for jobben: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "ADVARSEL: Dette vil umiddelbart fjerne brukeren og alle eiendeler. Dette kan ikke angres, og filene kan ikke gjenopprettes.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Tvinger oppdatering av alle bibliotekfiler",
"image_format_description": "WebP gir mindre filer enn JPEG, men er tregere å lage.",
@ -65,10 +73,11 @@
"job_settings": "Jobbinnstillinger",
"job_settings_description": "Administrer parallellkjøring for jobber",
"job_status": "Jobbstatus",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} forsinket",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} mislyktes",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# forsinket}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# mislyktes}}",
"library_created": "Opprettet bibliotek: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron-uttrykk",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Sett skanneintervallet ved å bruke cron-formatering. For mer informasjon, vennligst se f.eks. <link>Crontab Guru</link>.",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Forhåndsinnstilte Cron-uttrykk",
"library_deleted": "Bibliotek slettet",
"library_import_path_description": "Spesifiser en mappe for importering. Denne mappen, inkludert undermapper, vil bli skannet for bilder og videoer.",
@ -85,6 +94,7 @@
"logging_level_description": "Hvis aktivert, hvilket loggnivå som skal brukes.",
"logging_settings": "Logging",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Clip-modell",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Navnet på en CLIP-modell finnes <link>her</link>. Merk at du må kjøre 'Smart Søk'-jobben på nytt for alle bilder etter at du har endret modell.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Duplikat-deteksjon",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Aktiver duplikatdeteksjon",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Hvis deaktivert: helt identiske filer vil fremdeles de-duplisert.",
@ -163,6 +173,7 @@
"oauth_scope": "Omfang",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "Administrer innstillinger for OAuth-innlogging",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "For mer informasjon om denne funksjonen, se <link>dokumentasjonen</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Signeringsalgoritme",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Lagringsetikettkrav",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Sett automatisk brukerens lagringsetikett til verdien av dette kravet.",
@ -178,6 +189,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Alle filbaner validert uten problemer",
"quota_size_gib": "Kvotestørrelse (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Oppdaterer alle biblioteker",
"registration": "Administrator registrering",
"registration_description": "Siden du er den første brukeren på systemet, vil du bli utnevnt til administrator og ha ansvar for administrative oppgaver. Du vil også opprette eventuelle nye brukere.",
"removing_offline_files": "Fjerner frakoblede filer",
"repair_all": "Reparer alle",
"repair_matched_items": "Samsvarte med {count, plural, one {# element} other {# elementer}}",
@ -199,10 +212,14 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "Antall sekunder for å vise hvert bilde",
"smart_search_job_description": "Kjør maskinlæring på filer for å støtte smart søk",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Aktiver lagringstemplatmotoren",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hasjverifisering mislyktes",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hash verifisering aktivert",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Aktiver hasjverifisering. Ikke deaktiver dette med mindre du er sikker på konsekvensene",
"storage_template_migration": "Lagringsmal migrering",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Lagringsmigreringsjobb",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Bruk gjeldende <link>{template}</link> på tidligere opplastede bilder.",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Malendringer vil kun gjelde nye ressurser. For å anvende malen på tidligere opplastede ressurser, kjør <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Migreringsjobb for lagringsmal",
"storage_template_more_details": "For mer informasjon om denne funksjonen, se <template-link>Storage Template</template-link> og dens <implications-link>implications</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Når aktivert, vil denne funksjonen automatisk organisere filer basert på en brukerdefinert mal. På grunn av stabilitetsproblemer er funksjonen deaktivert som standard. For mer informasjon, se <link>documentation</link>.",
"storage_template_settings": "Lagringsmal",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Administrer mappestrukturen og filnavnet til opplastede fil",
"system_settings": "Systeminstillinger",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "Over",
"account": "Account",
"account_settings": "Accountinstellingen",
"acknowledge": "Begrepen",
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Uitsluitingspatronen toevoegen. Globbing met *, ** en ? wordt ondersteund. Om alle bestanden in een map met de naam \"Raw\" te negeren, gebruik \"**/Raw/**\". Om alle bestanden die eindigen op \".tif\" te negeren, gebruik \"**/*.tif\". Om een absoluut pad te negeren, gebruik \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Authenticatie-instellingen",
"authentication_settings_description": "Wachtwoord, OAuth, en andere authenticatie-instellingen beheren",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Weet je zeker dat je alle inlogmethoden wilt uitschakelen? Inloggen zal volledig worden uitgeschakeld.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Gebruik een <link>servercommando</link> om opnieuw in te schakelen.",
"background_task_job": "Achtergrondtaken",
"check_all": "Controleer het logboek",
@ -126,6 +128,7 @@
"map_dark_style": "Donkere stijl",
"map_enable_description": "Kaartfuncties inschakelen",
"map_light_style": "Lichte stijl",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Beheer <link>omgekeerde geocodering</link> instellingen",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "Omgekeerde geocodering",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "Omgekeerde geocodering inschakelen",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "Instellingen voor omgekeerde geocodering",
@ -210,13 +213,15 @@
"sidecar_job_description": "Zoek of synchroniseer sidecar metadata van het bestandssysteem",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Aantal seconden dat iedere afbeelding wordt getoond",
"smart_search_job_description": "Voer machine learning uit op assets om te gebruiken voor slim zoeken",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "De aanmaakdatum van een asset wordt gebruikt als datum",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "Voorbeeldtijd {date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Engine voor opslagtemplate inschakelen",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Hashverificatie ingeschakeld",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Zet hashverificatie aan, schakel dit niet uit tenzij je zeker bent van de implicaties",
"storage_template_migration": "Opslagtemplate migratie",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Pas de huidige <link>{template}</link> toe op eerder geüploade assets",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Wijzigingen in de template worden alleen toegepast op nieuwe assets. Om de template met terugwerkende kracht toe te passen op eerder geüploade assets, voer <link>{job}</link> uit.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Opslagmigratie taak",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Wijzigingen in de template worden alleen toegepast op nieuwe assets. Om de template met terugwerkende kracht toe te passen op eerder geüploade assets, voer de <link>{job}</link> uit.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Opslagtemplate migratietaak",
"storage_template_more_details": "Voor meer details over deze functie, bekijk de <template-link>Opslagstemplate</template-link> en de <implications-link>implicaties</implications-link> daarvan",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal deze functie bestanden automatisch organiseren gebaseerd op een gebruiker-definieerd template. Gezien de stabiliteitsproblemen is de functie standaard uitgeschakeld. Voor meer informatie, bekijk de <link>documentatie</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Geschatte padlengte: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
@ -255,7 +260,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Hardware acceleratie",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Experimenteel; veel sneller, maar zal een lagere kwaliteit hebben bij dezelfde bitrate",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Hardware decodering",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Geldt alleen voor NVENC en RKMPP. Maakt end-to-end versnelling mogelijk in plaats van alleen de codering te versnellen. Werkt mogelijk niet op alle video's.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Geldt alleen voor NVENC, QSV en RKMPP. Maakt end-to-end versnelling mogelijk in plaats van alleen de codering te versnellen. Werkt mogelijk niet op alle video's.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC codec",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maximum B-Frames",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Hogere waarden verbeteren de compressie efficiëntie, maar vertragen de codering. Is mogelijk niet compatibel met hardwareversnelling op oudere apparaten. 0 schakelt B-frames uit, terwijl -1 deze waarde automatisch instelt.",
@ -300,10 +305,12 @@
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Verwijder vertraging",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Aantal dagen na verwijdering om het account en de assets van een gebruiker permanent te verwijderen. De taak voor het verwijderen van gebruikers wordt om middernacht uitgevoerd om te controleren of gebruikers verwijderd kunnen worden. Wijzigingen in deze instelling worden bij de volgende uitvoering meegenomen.",
"user_delete_immediately": "Het account en de assets van <b>{user}</b> worden <b>onmiddellijk</b> in de wachtrij geplaatst voor permanente verwijdering.",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "Gebruikers en assets in de wachtrij plaatsen voor onmiddellijke verwijdering",
"user_management": "Gebruikersbeheer",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "Het wachtwoord van de gebruiker is gereset:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Geef het tijdelijke wachtwoord aan de gebruiker en informeer de gebruiker dat bij de volgende keer inloggen een wachtwoordwijziging vereist is.",
"user_restore_description": "Het account van <b>{user}</b> zal worden hersteld.",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "Herstel gebruiker - geplande verwijdering op {date, date, long}",
"user_settings": "Gebruikersinstellingen",
"user_settings_description": "Gebruikersinstellingen beheren",
"user_successfully_removed": "Gebruiker {email} is succesvol verwijderd.",
@ -319,7 +326,7 @@
"advanced": "Geavanceerd",
"age_months": "Leeftijd {months, plural, one {# maand} other {# maanden}}",
"age_year_months": "Leeftijd 1 jaar, {months, plural, one {# maand} other {# maanden}}",
"age_years": "Leeftijd {years}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {Leeftijd #}}",
"album_added": "Album toegevoegd",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Ontvang een e-mailmelding wanneer je aan een gedeeld album wordt toegevoegd",
"album_cover_updated": "Album cover is bijgewerkt",
@ -361,10 +368,17 @@
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {# gearchiveerd}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Zijn dit dezelfde personen?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Weet je zeker dat je dit wilt doen?",
"asset_added_to_album": "Toegevoegd aan album",
"asset_adding_to_album": "Toevoegen aan album...",
"asset_description_updated": "Asset beschrijving is bijgewerkt",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "Asset {filename} is offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Asset heeft niet-toegewezen gezichten",
"asset_hashing": "Hashen...",
"asset_offline": "Asset offline",
"asset_offline_description": "Deze asset is offline. Immich kan de bestandslocatie niet openen. Controleer of de asset beschikbaar is en scan de bibliotheek opnieuw.",
"asset_skipped": "Overgeslagen",
"asset_uploaded": "Geüpload",
"asset_uploading": "Uploaden...",
"assets": "Assets",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} toegevoegd",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} aan het album toegevoegd",
@ -385,6 +399,8 @@
"birthdate_saved": "Geboortedatum succesvol opgeslagen",
"birthdate_set_description": "De geboortedatum wordt gebruikt om de leeftijd van deze persoon op het moment van de foto te berekenen.",
"blurred_background": "Vervaagde achtergrond",
"build": "Build",
"build_image": "Build image",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} in bulk wilt verwijderen? Dit zal de grootste asset van elke groep behouden en alle andere duplicaten permanent verwijderen. Je kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} wilt behouden? Dit zal alle groepen met duplicaten oplossen zonder iets te verwijderen.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Weet je zeker dat je {count, plural, one {# duplicate asset} other {# duplicate assets}} in bulk naar de prullenbak wilt verplaatsen? Dit zal de grootste asset van elke groep behouden en alle andere duplicaten naar de prullenbak verplaatsen.",
@ -462,6 +478,7 @@
"date_after": "Datum na",
"date_and_time": "Datum en tijd",
"date_before": "Datum voor",
"date_of_birth_saved": "Geboortedatum succesvol opgeslagen",
"date_range": "Datumbereik",
"day": "Dag",
"deduplicate_all": "Alles dedupliceren",
@ -560,6 +577,8 @@
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Fout bij maken van gedeelde link",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Fout bij bewerken van gedeelde link",
"failed_to_get_people": "Fout bij ophalen van mensen",
"failed_to_load_asset": "Kan asset niet laden",
"failed_to_load_assets": "Kan assets niet laden",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Fout bij stapelen van assets",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Fout bij ontstapelen van assets",
"import_path_already_exists": "Dit import-pad bestaat al.",
@ -587,6 +606,7 @@
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Kan inloggen met OAuth niet voltooie",
"unable_to_connect": "Kan niet verbinden",
"unable_to_connect_to_server": "Kan geen verbinding maken met server",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Kan niet naar klembord kopiëren, zorg ervoor dat je de pagina via https opent",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Kan beheerdersaccount niet aanmaken",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Kan geen nieuwe API sleutel aanmaken",
@ -606,6 +626,7 @@
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Kan volledig scherm niet openen",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Kan volledig scherm niet afsluiten",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Kan het aantal opmerkingen niet ophalen",
"unable_to_get_shared_link": "Kan gedeelde link niet ophalen",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Kan persoon niet verbergen",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Kan OAuth account niet koppelen",
"unable_to_load_album": "Kan album niet laden",
@ -636,11 +657,13 @@
"unable_to_restore_user": "Kan gebruiker niet herstellen",
"unable_to_save_album": "Kan album niet opslaan",
"unable_to_save_api_key": "Kan API sleutel niet opslaan",
"unable_to_save_date_of_birth": "Kan geboortedatum niet opslaan",
"unable_to_save_name": "Kan naam niet opslaan",
"unable_to_save_profile": "Kan profiel niet opslaan",
"unable_to_save_settings": "Kan instellingen niet opslaan",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Kan bibliotheken niet scannen",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Kan bibliotheek niet scannen",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Kan uitgelichte foto niet instellen",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Kan profielfoto niet instellen",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Kan taak niet uitvoeren",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Kan asset niet naar prullenbak verplaatsen",
@ -651,7 +674,8 @@
"unable_to_update_location": "Kan locatie niet bijwerken",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Kan instellingen niet bijwerken",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "Kan de status van de tijdlijn niet bijwerken",
"unable_to_update_user": "Kan gebruiker niet bijwerken"
"unable_to_update_user": "Kan gebruiker niet bijwerken",
"unable_to_upload_file": "Kan bestand niet uploaden"
"every_day_at_onepm": "",
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
@ -669,6 +693,7 @@
"extension": "Extensie",
"external": "Extern",
"external_libraries": "Externe bibliotheken",
"face_unassigned": "Niet toegewezen",
"failed_to_get_people": "Kan mensen niet ophalen",
"favorite": "Favoriet",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "Foto markeren als of verwijderen uit favorieten",
@ -903,6 +928,7 @@
"previous_memory": "Vorige herinnering",
"previous_or_next_photo": "Vorige of volgende foto",
"primary": "Primair",
"profile_image_of_user": "Profielfoto van {title}",
"profile_picture_set": "Profielfoto ingesteld.",
"public_album": "Openbaar album",
"public_share": "Publieke deellink",
@ -938,11 +964,12 @@
"removed_api_key": "API sleutel verwijderd: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Verwijderd uit archief",
"removed_from_favorites": "Verwijderd uit favorieten",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count} verwijderd uit favorieten",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, other {# verwijderd}} uit favorieten",
"rename": "Hernoemen",
"repair": "Repareren",
"repair_no_results_message": "Niet bijgehouden en ontbrekende bestanden zullen hier verschijnen",
"replace_with_upload": "Vervangen door uploaden",
"repository": "Repository",
"require_password": "Wachtwoord vereisen",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Vereisen dat de gebruiker het wachtwoord wijzigt bij de eerste keer inloggen",
"reset": "Resetten",
@ -1026,6 +1053,7 @@
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {# gedeelde foto's & video's.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Gedeeld met {partner}",
"sharing": "Delen",
"sharing_enter_password": "Voer het wachtwoord in om deze pagina te bekijken.",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Toon een link naar Delen in de zijbalk",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "druk op ⇧ om assets permanent te verwijderen",
"show_album_options": "Toon albumopties",
@ -1056,6 +1084,7 @@
"sort_oldest": "Oudste foto",
"sort_recent": "Meest recente foto",
"sort_title": "Titel",
"source": "Bron",
"stack": "Stapel",
"stack_selected_photos": "Geselecteerde foto's stapelen",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# asset} other {# assets}} gestapeld",
@ -1143,6 +1172,7 @@
"validate": "Valideren",
"variables": "Variabelen",
"version": "Versie",
"version_announcement_closing": "Je vriend, Alex",
"version_announcement_message": "Hallo vriend, er is een nieuwe versie van de applicatie beschikbaar. Neem de tijd om de <link>release notes</link> te bekijken en zorg ervoor dat je <code>docker-compose.yml</code> en <code>.env</code> up-to-date zijn om misconfiguraties te voorkomen, vooral als je WatchTower of een andere automatische update-mechanisme gebruikt.",
"video": "Video",
"video_hover_setting": "Speel video thumbnail af bij hoveren",
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
"about": "Sobre",
"account": "Conta",
"account_settings": "Configurações de Conta",
"account_settings": "Configurações da Conta",
"acknowledge": "Confirmar",
"action": "Ação",
"actions": "Ações",
"active": "Executando",
"active": "Em execução",
"activity": "Atividade",
"activity_changed": "A atividade está {enabled, select, true {enabled} other {disabled}}",
"add": "Adicionar",
"add_a_description": "Adicionar descrição",
"add_a_description": "Adicionar uma descrição",
"add_a_location": "Adicionar uma localização",
"add_a_name": "Adicionar um nome",
"add_a_title": "Adicionar um título",
@ -21,29 +23,35 @@
"add_to": "Adicionar a...",
"add_to_album": "Adicionar ao álbum",
"add_to_shared_album": "Adicionar ao álbum compartilhado",
"added_to_archive": "Adicionado ao arquivo",
"added_to_favorites": "Adicionado aos favoritos",
"added_to_favorites_count": "{count} adicionado(s) aos favoritos",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Adicione padrões de exclusão. Utilizar *, ** ou ? são suportados. Para ignorar todos os arquivos em qualquer diretório chamado \"Raw\", use \"**/Raw/**'. Para ignorar todos os arquivos que finalizam em \".tif\", use \"**/*.tif\". Para ignorar um caminho absoluto, use \"/caminho/para/ignorar/**\".",
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Adicione padrões de exclusão. Utilizar *, ** ou ? são suportados. Para ignorar todos os arquivos em qualquer diretório chamado \"Raw\", use \"**/Raw/**'. Para ignorar todos os arquivos que terminam em \".tif\", use \"**/*.tif\". Para ignorar um caminho absoluto, use \"/caminho/para/ignorar/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Configurações de Autenticação",
"authentication_settings_description": "Gerenciar senhas, OAuth, e outras configurações de autenticação",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Para reabilitar, use um <link>Comando do Servidor</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Tarefas em segundo plano",
"check_all": "Selecionar Tudo",
"cleared_jobs": "Tarefas removidas de: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "A configuração está atualmente definida por um arquivo de configuração",
"confirm_delete_library": "Você tem certeza que deseja excluir a biblioteca {library} ?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Você tem certeza que deseja excluir esta biblioteca? Isso excluirá todos os {count} ativos contidos no Immich e não poderá ser desfeito. Os arquivos permanecerão no disco.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Você tem certeza que deseja excluir esta biblioteca? Isso excluirá {count, plural, one {# arquivo contido do Immich e não poderá ser desfeito. O arquivo permanecerá no disco} other {todos os # arquivos contidos do Immich e não poderá ser desfeito. Os arquivos permanecerão no disco}}.",
"confirm_email_below": "Para confirmar, digite o {email} abaixo",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Tem certeza de que deseja reprocessar todos as faces? Isso também limpará as pessoas nomeadas.",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Tem certeza de que deseja reprocessar todos os rostos? Isso também limpará as pessoas nomeadas.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Tem certeza de que deseja redefinir a senha de {user}?",
"crontab_guru": "Guru do Crontab",
"disable_login": "Desabilitar login",
"disabled": "",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "Execute o aprendizado de máquina em ativos para detectar imagens semelhantes. Depende da pesquisa inteligente",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "Execute o aprendizado de máquina em arquivos para detectar imagens semelhantes. Depende da Pesquisa Inteligente",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "Os padrões de exclusão permitem ignorar arquivos e pastas ao escanear sua biblioteca. Isso é útil se você tiver pastas que contenham arquivos que não deseja importar, como arquivos RAW.",
"external_library_created_at": "Biblioteca externa (criada em {date})",
"external_library_management": "Gerenciamento de bibliotecas externas",
"face_detection": "Detecção de faces",
"face_detection_description": "Detecta faces em ativos com inteligência artificial. Para vídeos, apenas a miniatura é considerada. \"Todos\" (re)processa todos os ativos. \"Ausente\" enfileira ativos que ainda não foram processados. As faces detectadas serão enfileiradas para reconhecimento facial após a conclusão da detecção de faces, agrupando-os em pessoas novas ou existentes.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Agrupa faces detectados em pessoas. Esta etapa é executada após a conclusão da detecção de faces. \"Todos\" (re)agrupa todos os rostos. \"Ausentes\" enfileira faces que ainda não têm uma pessoa atribuída.",
"force_delete_user_warning": "AVISO: Isso removerá imediatamente o usuário e todos os ativos. Isso não pode ser desfeito e os arquivos não podem ser recuperados.",
"face_detection": "Detecção de rostos",
"face_detection_description": "Detecta rostos em arquivos com inteligência artificial. Para vídeos, apenas a miniatura é considerada. \"Todos\" (re)processa todos os arquivos. \"Ausente\" enfileira arquivos que ainda não foram processados. Os rostos detectados serão enfileirados para reconhecimento facial após a conclusão da detecção de rostos, agrupando-os em pessoas novas ou existentes.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Agrupa rostos detectados em pessoas. Esta etapa é executada após a conclusão da detecção de rostos. \"Todos\" (re)agrupa todos os rostos. \"Ausentes\" enfileira rostos que ainda não têm uma pessoa atribuída.",
"failed_job_command": "O comando {command} falhou para a tarefa: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "AVISO: Isso removerá imediatamente o usuário e todos os arquivos. Isso não pode ser desfeito e os arquivos não podem ser recuperados.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Forçando a atualização de todos os arquivos da biblioteca",
"image_format_description": "WebP produz arquivos menores que JPEG, mas é mais lento para codificar.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Prefira visualização incorporada",
@ -61,14 +69,15 @@
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Resolução de miniatura",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Usado ao visualizar grupos de fotos (linha do tempo principal, visualização de álbum, etc.). Resoluções mais altas podem preservar mais detalhes, mas demoram mais para codificar, têm tamanhos de arquivo maiores e podem reduzir a capacidade de resposta do aplicativo.",
"job_concurrency": "{job} simultâneo",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Este trabalho não é compatível com simultaneidade.",
"job_settings": "Configurações de trabalho",
"job_settings_description": "Gerenciar simultaneidade dos trabalhos",
"job_status": "Status do trabalho",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} adiado",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} falhou",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Esta tarefa não é compatível com simultaneidade.",
"job_settings": "Configurações de Tarefa",
"job_settings_description": "Gerenciar simultaneidade das tarefas",
"job_status": "Estado da Tarefa",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# atrasado} other {# atrasados}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# falhou} other {# falharam}}",
"library_created": "Criado biblioteca: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Expressão Cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Defina o intervalo de varredura usando o formato cron. Para mais informações, consulte, por exemplo, <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Predefinições de expressão Cron",
"library_deleted": "Biblioteca excluída",
"library_import_path_description": "Especifique uma pasta para importar. Esta pasta, incluindo subpastas, será escaneada em busca de imagens e vídeos.",
@ -85,31 +94,32 @@
"logging_level_description": "Quando ativado, qual nível de log usar.",
"logging_settings": "Registros",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Modelo CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "O nome de um modelo CLIP listado <link>aqui</link>. Lembre-se de reexecutar a tarefa de 'Pesquisa Inteligente' para todas as imagens ao alterar o modelo.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Detecção de duplicidade",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Habilitar detecção de duplicidade",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Se desativado, ativos exatamente idênticos ainda serão desduplicados.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Se desativado, arquivos exatamente idênticos ainda serão desduplicados.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "Use embeddings CLIP para encontrar prováveis duplicidades",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Habilitar o aprendizado da máquina",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Se desativado, todos os recursos de ML serão desativados, independentemente das configurações abaixo.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Reconhecimento Facial",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Detecte, reconheça e agrupe faces em imagens",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Detectar, reconhecer e agrupar rostos em imagens",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Modelo de reconhecimento facial",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "Os modelos estão listados em ordem decrescente de tamanho. Modelos maiores são mais lentos e utilizam mais memória, mas produzem melhores resultados. Observe que ao alterar um modelo, você deve executar novamente o trabalho de Detecção de faces para todas as imagens.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "Os modelos estão listados em ordem decrescente de tamanho. Modelos maiores são mais lentos e utilizam mais memória, mas produzem melhores resultados. Observe que ao alterar um modelo, você deve executar novamente a tarefa de Detecção de Rostos para todas as imagens.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "Ativar reconhecimento facial",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "Se desativado, as imagens não serão codificadas para reconhecimento facial e não preencherão a seção Pessoas na página Explorar.",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "Distância máxima de detecção",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "Distância máxima entre duas imagens para considerá-las duplicadas, variando de 0,001 a 0,1. Valores mais altos detectarão mais duplicidades, mas poderão resultar em falsos positivos.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "Distância máxima de reconhecimento",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "Distância máxima entre duas faces para ser considerada a mesma pessoa, variando de 0 a 2. Valores menores evitam rotular duas faces como a mesma pessoa, enquanto valores maiores evitam rotular a mesma face como duas pessoas diferentes. Observe que é mais fácil mesclar duas pessoas do que dividir uma pessoa em duas, portanto tenha preferência por valores mais baixos quando possível.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "Distância máxima entre dois rostos para ser considerada a mesma pessoa, variando de 0 a 2. Valores menores evitam rotular dois rostos como a mesma pessoa, enquanto valores maiores evitam rotular o mesmo rosto como duas pessoas diferentes. Observe que é mais fácil mesclar duas pessoas do que dividir uma pessoa em duas, portanto tenha preferência por valores mais baixos quando possível.",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "Pontuação mínima de detecção",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "Pontuação mínima de confiança para uma face ser detectada, de 0 a 1. Valores mais baixos detectam mais rostos, mas poderão resultar em falsos positivos.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "Mínimo de faces reconhecidas",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "O número mínimo de faces reconhecidas para uma pessoa ser criada na lista. Aumentar isso torna o Reconhecimento Facial mais preciso, ao custo de aumentar a chance de um rosto não ser atribuído a uma pessoa.",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "Pontuação mínima de confiança para um rosto ser detectado, de 0 a 1. Valores mais baixos detectam mais rostos, mas poderão resultar em falsos positivos.",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "Mínimo de rostos reconhecidos",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "O número mínimo de rostos reconhecidos para uma pessoa ser criada na lista. Aumentar isso torna o Reconhecimento Facial mais preciso, ao custo de aumentar a chance de um rosto não ser atribuído a uma pessoa.",
"machine_learning_settings": "Configurações de aprendizado de máquina (Machine Learning)",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Gerenciar recursos e configurações de aprendizado de máquina",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Busca inteligente",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "Pesquise imagens semanticamente usando embeddings CLIP",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Habilite a pesquisa inteligente",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Pesquisa Inteligente",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "Buscar imagens semanticamente usando embeddings CLIP",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Habilitar a Pesquisa Inteligente",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "Se desativado, as imagens não serão codificadas para pesquisa inteligente.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "URL do servidor de aprendizado de máquina",
"manage_concurrency": "Gerenciar simultaneidade",
@ -124,12 +134,12 @@
"map_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações do mapa",
"map_style_description": "URL para um tema de mapa style.json",
"metadata_extraction_job": "Extrair metadados",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "Extraia informações de metadados de cada ativo, como GPS e resolução",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "Extraia informações de metadados de cada arquivo, como GPS e resolução",
"migration_job": "Migração",
"migration_job_description": "Migre miniaturas de ativos e faces para a estrutura de pastas mais recente",
"migration_job_description": "Migrar miniaturas de arquivos e rostos para a estrutura de pastas mais recente",
"no_paths_added": "Nenhum caminho adicionado",
"no_pattern_added": "Nenhum padrão adicionado",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Observação: Para aplicar o rótulo de armazenamento a ativos carregados anteriormente, execute o",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "Observação: Para aplicar o rótulo de armazenamento a arquivos carregados anteriormente, execute o",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "NOTA: Isto não pode ser alterado posteriormente!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Observação: insira 0 para cota ilimitada",
"notification_email_from_address": "A partir do endereço",
@ -163,6 +173,7 @@
"oauth_scope": "Escopo",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações de login do OAuth",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "Para mais detalhes sobre este recurso, consulte a <link>documentação</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Algoritmo de assinatura",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "Reivindicação de rótulo de armazenamento",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "Defina automaticamente o rótulo de armazenamento do usuário para o valor desta declaração.",
@ -178,10 +189,12 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Todos os caminhos validados com sucesso",
"quota_size_gib": "Tamanho da cota (GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Atualizando todas as bibliotecas",
"registration": "Registro de Administrador",
"registration_description": "Como você é o primeiro usuário no sistema, será designado como o Administrador e será responsável pelas tarefas administrativas. Você também poderá criar usuários adicionais.",
"removing_offline_files": "Removendo arquivos offline",
"repair_all": "Reparar tudo",
"repair_matched_items": "Encontrado {count, plural, one {# item} other {# itens}}",
"repaired_items": "Reparado {count, plural, one {# item} other {# itens}}",
"repair_matched_items": "{count, plural, one {# item encontrado} other {# itens encontrados}}",
"repaired_items": "{count, plural, one {# item reparado} other {# itens reparados}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Exigir que o usuário altere a senha no primeiro login",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Redefinir as configurações para o padrão",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Redefinir as configurações para as configurações salvas recentemente",
@ -197,22 +210,28 @@
"sidecar_job": "Metadados secundários",
"sidecar_job_description": "Descubra ou sincronize metadados secundários do sistema de arquivos",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Tempo em segundos para exibir cada imagem",
"smart_search_job_description": "Execute o aprendizado de máquina em ativos para oferecer suporte à pesquisa inteligente",
"smart_search_job_description": "Execute o aprendizado de máquina em arquivos para oferecer suporte à pesquisa inteligente",
"storage_template_enable_description": "Habilitar mecanismo de modelo de armazenamento",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Falha na verificação de hash",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Ativa a verificação de hash, não desative esta opção a menos que tenha certeza das implicações",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "Verificação de hash ativada",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "Ativa a verificação de hash, não desative a menos que você tenha certeza das implicações",
"storage_template_migration": "Migração de modelo de armazenamento",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Trabalho de migração de armazenamento",
"storage_template_settings": "Modelo de armazenamento",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Gerenciar a estrutura de pastas e o nome do arquivo dos ativos carregados",
"system_settings": "Configurações de Sistema",
"storage_template_migration_description": "Aplique o <link>{template}</link> atual aos arquivos anteriormente carregados",
"storage_template_migration_info": "As mudanças no modelo serão aplicadas apenas aos novos arquivos. Para aplicar retroativamente o modelo aos arquivos carregados anteriormente, execute o <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Tarefa de Migração de Modelo de Armazenamento",
"storage_template_more_details": "Para mais detalhes sobre este recurso, consulte o <template-link>Modelo de Armazenamento</template-link> e suas <implications-link>implicações</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "Quando ativado, este recurso organizará automaticamente os arquivos com base em um modelo definido pelo usuário. Devido a problemas de estabilidade, o recurso está desativado por padrão. Para mais informações, consulte a <link>documentação</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Limite aproximado de comprimento do caminho: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Modelo de Armazenamento",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Gerencie a estrutura da pasta e o nome do arquivo enviado",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code> é o Rótulo de Armazenamento do usuário",
"system_settings": "Configurações do Sistema",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "CSS customizado",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "Folhas de estilo em cascata permitem que o design do Immich seja personalizado.",
"theme_settings": "Configurações de tema",
"theme_settings_description": "Gerencie a personalização da interface web do Immich",
"these_files_matched_by_checksum": "Esses arquivos são correspondidos por seus checksum",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "Gerar miniaturas",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "Gere miniaturas grandes, pequenas e desfocadas para cada ativo, bem como miniaturas para cada pessoa",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "Gerar Miniaturas",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "Gere miniaturas grandes, pequenas e desfocadas para cada arquivo, bem como miniaturas para cada pessoa",
"transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "API de aceleração",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "A API que irá interagir com o seu dispositivo para acelerar a transcodificação. Esta configuração é a 'melhor opção': ela retornará à transcodificação de software em caso de falha. O VP9 pode não funcionar dependendo do seu hardware.",
@ -228,6 +247,7 @@
"transcoding_audio_codec": "Codec de áudio",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "Opus é a opção de mais alta qualidade, mas tem menor compatibilidade com dispositivos ou softwares antigos.",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "Vídeos com taxa de bits superior à máxima ou que não estão em um formato aceito",
"transcoding_codecs_learn_more": "Para aprender mais sobre a terminologia utilizada aqui, consulte a documentação do FFmpeg para o codec <h264-link>H.264</h264-link>, o codec <hevc-link>HEVC</hevc-link> e o codec <vp9-link>VP9</vp9-link>.",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode": "Modo de qualidade constante",
"transcoding_constant_quality_mode_description": "ICQ é melhor que CQP, mas alguns dispositivos de aceleração de hardware não suportam este modo. Definir esta opção dará preferência ao modo especificado ao usar codificação baseada em qualidade. Ignorado pelo NVENC porque não suporta ICQ.",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "Fator de taxa constante (-crf)",
@ -236,7 +256,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Aceleração de hardware",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "Experimental; muito mais rápido, mas terá qualidade inferior com a mesma taxa de bits",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Decodificação de hardware",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Aplica-se apenas a NVENC e RKMPP. Permite aceleração ponta a ponta em vez de apenas acelerar a codificação. Pode não funcionar em todos os vídeos.",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Aplica-se apenas a NVENC, QSV e RKMPP. Permite aceleração ponta a ponta em vez de apenas acelerar a codificação. Pode não funcionar em todos os vídeos.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "Codec HEVC",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Máximo de quadros B",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Valores mais altos melhoram a eficiência da compactação, mas retardam a codificação. Pode não ser compatível com aceleração de hardware em dispositivos mais antigos. 0 desativa os quadros B, enquanto -1 define esse valor automaticamente.",
@ -272,16 +292,19 @@
"transcoding_video_codec_description": "O VP9 tem alta eficiência e compatibilidade com a web, mas leva mais tempo para transcodificar. HEVC tem desempenho semelhante, mas tem menor compatibilidade com a web. H.264 é amplamente compatível e rápido de transcodificar, mas produz arquivos muito maiores. AV1 é o codec mais eficiente, mas não possui suporte em dispositivos mais antigos.",
"trash_enabled_description": "Ativar recursos da Lixeira",
"trash_number_of_days": "Número de dias",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "Número de dias para manter os ativos na lixeira antes de deletar permanentemente",
"trash_number_of_days_description": "Número de dias para manter os arquivos na lixeira antes de deletar permanentemente",
"trash_settings": "Configurações da Lixeira",
"trash_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações da lixeira",
"untracked_files": "Arquivos não rastreados",
"untracked_files_description": "Esses arquivos não são rastreados pelo aplicativo. Eles podem ser o resultado de movimentos malsucedidos, carregamentos interrompidos ou deixados para trás devido a um bug",
"untracked_files_description": "Esses arquivos não são rastreados pelo aplicativo. Eles podem ser o resultado de movimentos malsucedidos, carregamentos interrompidos ou deixados para trás devido a um erro",
"user_delete_delay": "A conta e os arquivos de <b>{user}</b> serão programados para exclusão permanente em {delay, plural, one {# dia} other {# dias}}.",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "Excluir atraso",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Número de dias após a remoção para excluir permanentemente a conta e os ativos de um usuário. O trabalho de exclusão de usuário é executado à meia-noite para verificar usuários que estão prontos para exclusão. As alterações nesta configuração serão avaliadas na próxima execução.",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "Número de dias após a remoção para excluir permanentemente a conta e os arquivos de um usuário. A tarefa de exclusão de usuário é executada à meia-noite para verificar usuários que estão prontos para exclusão. As alterações nesta configuração serão avaliadas na próxima execução.",
"user_delete_immediately": "A conta e os arquivos de <b>{user}</b> serão postos na fila para exclusão permanente <b>imediatamente</b>.",
"user_management": "Gerenciamento de usuários",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "A senha do usuário foi redefinida:",
"user_password_reset_description": "Forneça a senha temporária ao usuário e informe que ele precisará alterar a senha no próximo login.",
"user_restore_description": "A conta de <b>{user}</b> será restaurada.",
"user_settings": "Configurações do Usuário",
"user_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações do usuário",
"user_successfully_removed": "O usuário {email} foi removido com sucesso.",
@ -295,21 +318,39 @@
"admin_password": "Senha do administrador",
"administration": "Administração",
"advanced": "Avançado",
"age_months": "Idade {months, plural, one {# mês} other {# meses}}",
"age_year_months": "Idade 1 ano e {months, plural, one {# mês} other {# meses}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {Idade #}}",
"album_added": "Álbum adicionado",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Receba uma notificação por e-mail quando você for adicionado a um álbum compartilhado",
"album_cover_updated": "Capa do álbum atualizada",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir o álbum {album}?\nSe este álbum for compartilhado, outros usuários não poderão mais acessá-lo.",
"album_info_updated": "Informações do álbum atualizadas",
"album_leave": "Sair do álbum?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja sair de {album}?",
"album_name": "Nome do álbum",
"album_options": "Opções de álbum",
"album_remove_user": "Remover usuário?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover {user}?",
"album_share_no_users": "Parece que você compartilhou este álbum com todos os usuários ou não tem nenhum usuário para compartilhar com ele.",
"album_updated": "Álbum atualizado",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Receba uma notificação por e-mail quando um álbum compartilhado tiver novos recursos",
"album_user_left": "Saída de {album}",
"album_user_removed": "Usuário {user} removido",
"album_with_link_access": "Permitir que qualquer pessoa com o link veja as fotos e as pessoas neste álbum.",
"albums": "Álbuns",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Álbum} other {{count, number} Álbuns}}",
"all": "Todos",
"all_albums": "Todos os álbuns",
"all_people": "Todas as pessoas",
"all_videos": "Todos os vídeos",
"allow_dark_mode": "Permitir modo escuro",
"allow_edits": "Permitir edições",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Permitir que usuários públicos façam download",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Permitir que usuários públicos façam upload",
"api_key": "Chave de API",
"api_key_description": "Este valor será mostrado apenas uma vez. Por favor, certifique-se de copiá-lo antes de fechar a janela.",
"api_key_empty": "O nome da sua chave de API não deve estar vazio",
"api_keys": "Chaves de API",
"app_settings": "Configurações do Aplicativo",
"appears_in": "Aparece em",
@ -318,22 +359,45 @@
"archive_size": "Tamanho do Arquivo",
"archive_size_description": "Configure o tamanho do arquivo para downloads (em GiB)",
"archived": "Arquivado",
"asset_offline": "Ativo off-line",
"assets": "Ativos",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, one {# Arquivado} other {# Arquivados}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Essas pessoas são a mesma pessoa?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Tem certeza de que deseja fazer isso?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "O arquivo {filename} está offline",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "O arquivo tem rostos não atribuídos",
"asset_offline": "Arquivo off-line",
"asset_offline_description": "Este arquivo está offline. O Immich não pode acessar sua localização de arquivo. Certifique-se de que o arquivo esteja disponível e depois escaneie novamente a biblioteca.",
"assets": "Arquivos",
"assets_added_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo adicionado} other {# arquivos adicionados}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo adicionado} other {# arquivos adicionados}} ao álbum",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo adicionado} other {# arquivos adicionados}} a {name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "{count, plural, one {# ativo enviado} other {# ativos enviados}} para a lixeira",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo movido} other {# arquivos movidos}} para a lixeira",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo excluído permanentemente} other {# arquivos excluídos permanentemente}}",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo removido} other {# arquivos removidos}}",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja restaurar todos os seus arquivos na lixeira? Esta ação não pode ser desfeita!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo restaurado} other {# arquivos restaurados}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo movido para a lixeira} other {# arquivos movidos para a lixeira}}",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {O recurso estava} other {Os recursos estavam}} já fazendo parte do álbum",
"authorized_devices": "Dispositivos Autorizados",
"back": "Voltar",
"back_close_deselect": "Voltar, fechar ou desmarcar",
"backward": "Para trás",
"birthdate_saved": "Data de nascimento salva com sucesso",
"birthdate_set_description": "A data de nascimento é usada para calcular a idade desta pessoa na época de uma foto.",
"blurred_background": "Fundo desfocado",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja deletar todos os {count} ativos duplicados? Esta ação mantém o maior ativo de cada grupo e deleta permanentemente todas as outras duplicidades. Você não pode desfazer esta ação!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja manter os {count} ativos duplicados? Isso resolverá todos os grupos duplicados sem excluir nada.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja mover para a lixeira todos os {count} ativos duplicados? Isso manterá o maior ativo de cada grupo e moverá para a lixeira todas as outras duplicidades.",
"build": "Versão de compilação",
"build_image": "Imagem de compilação",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja deletar {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {em massa # arquivos duplicados}}? Esta ação mantém o maior arquivo de cada grupo e deleta permanentemente todos as outras duplicidades. Você não pode reverter esta ação!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja manter {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {# arquivos duplicados}}? Isso resolverá todos os grupos duplicados sem excluir nada.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que deseja mover para a lixeira {count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado} other {# arquivos duplicados}}? Isso manterá o maior arquivo de cada grupo e moverá para a lixeira todas as outras duplicidades.",
"camera": "Câmera",
"camera_brand": "Marca da câmera",
"camera_model": "Modelo da câmera",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"cancel_search": "Cancelar pesquisa",
"cannot_merge_people": "Não é possível mesclar pessoas",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Você não pode desfazer esta ação!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Não é possível atualizar a descrição",
"cant_apply_changes": "Não é possível aplicar alterações",
"cant_get_faces": "Não foi possível obter faces",
@ -345,6 +409,7 @@
"change_name": "Alterar nome",
"change_name_successfully": "Nome alterado com sucesso",
"change_password": "Mudar a senha",
"change_password_description": "Esta é a primeira vez que você está acessando o sistema ou foi feita uma solicitação para alterar sua senha. Por favor, insira a nova senha abaixo.",
"change_your_password": "Alterar sua senha",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Visibilidade alterada com sucesso",
"check_all": "Verificar tudo",
@ -356,9 +421,12 @@
"clear_message": "Limpar mensagem",
"clear_value": "Limpar valor",
"close": "Fechar",
"collapse": "Recolher",
"collapse_all": "Colapsar tudo",
"color_theme": "Tema de cores",
"comment_deleted": "Comentário excluído",
"comment_options": "Opções de comentário",
"comments_and_likes": "Comentários e curtidas",
"comments_are_disabled": "Comentários estão desativados",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"confirm_admin_password": "Confirmar senha de administrador",
@ -384,7 +452,9 @@
"create_library": "Criar biblioteca",
"create_link": "Criar link",
"create_link_to_share": "Criar link para partilhar",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Permitir que qualquer pessoa com o link veja a(s) foto(s) selecionada(s)",
"create_new_person": "Criar nova pessoa",
"create_new_person_hint": "Atribuir arquivos selecionados a uma nova pessoa",
"create_new_user": "Criar novo usuário",
"create_user": "Criar usuário",
"created": "Criado",
@ -421,14 +491,17 @@
"display_options": "Opções de exibição",
"display_order": "Ordem de exibição",
"display_original_photos": "Exibir fotos originais",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Prefira exibir a foto original ao visualizar um ativo em vez de miniaturas quando o ativo original é compatível com a web. Isso pode diminuir a velocidade de exibição das fotos.",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Prefira exibir a foto original ao visualizar um arquivo em vez de miniaturas quando o arquivo original é compatível com a web. Isso pode diminuir a velocidade de exibição das fotos.",
"do_not_show_again": "Não mostrar esta mensagem novamente",
"done": "Feito",
"download": "Baixar",
"download_settings": "Baixar",
"download_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações relacionadas a baixar ativos",
"download_settings_description": "Gerenciar configurações relacionadas a transferência de arquivos",
"downloading": "Baixando",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Baixando arquivo {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Solte arquivos em qualquer lugar para enviar",
"duplicates": "Duplicados",
"duplicates_description": "Marque cada grupo indicando quais ativos, se algum, são duplicados",
"duplicates_description": "Marque cada grupo indicando quais arquivos, se algum, são duplicados",
"duration": "Duração",
"durations": {
"days": "",
@ -437,12 +510,13 @@
"months": "",
"years": ""
"edit": "Editar",
"edit_album": "Editar álbum",
"edit_avatar": "Editar foto de perfil",
"edit_date": "Editar data",
"edit_date_and_time": "Editar data e hora",
"edit_exclusion_pattern": "Editar o padrão de exclusão",
"edit_faces": "Editar faces",
"edit_faces": "Editar rostos",
"edit_import_path": "Editar caminho de importação",
"edit_import_paths": "Editar caminhos de importação",
"edit_key": "Editar chave",
@ -458,56 +532,99 @@
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "",
"empty_trash": "Esvaziar lixo",
"enable": "",
"enabled": "",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja esvaziar a lixeira? Isso removerá permanentemente do Immich todos os arquivos que estão na lixeira.\nVocê não pode desfazer esta ação!",
"enable": "Habilitar",
"enabled": "Habilitado",
"end_date": "Data final",
"error": "Erro",
"error_loading_image": "Erro ao carregar a página",
"error_title": "Erro - Algo deu errado",
"errors": {
"cleared_jobs": "Trabalhos eliminados para: {job}",
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Não é possível navegar para o próximo arquivo",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Não é possível navegar para o arquivo anterior",
"cant_apply_changes": "Não é possível aplicar modificações",
"cant_change_activity": "Não é possível {enabled, select, true {disable} other {enable}} atividade",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Não é possível mudar favorito para o arquivo",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Não é possível alterar os metadados de {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}}",
"cant_get_faces": "Não foi possível obter os rostos",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Não é possível obter o número de comentários",
"cant_search_people": "Não é possível procurar pessoas",
"cant_search_places": "Não é possível procurar locais",
"cleared_jobs": "Tarefas eliminadas para: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Erro ao adicionar arquivos para o álbum",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Erro ao adicionar usuários para o álbum",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Erro ao deletar o usuário compartilhado",
"error_downloading": "Erro ao baixar {filename}",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Erro ao remover arquivos do álbum, verifique o console para mais detalhes",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Erro ao selecionar todos os arquivos",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Este padrão de exclusão já existe.",
"failed_job_command": "Comando {command} falhou para o trabalho: {job}",
"failed_job_command": "Comando {command} falhou para a tarefa: {job}",
"failed_to_create_album": "Falha ao criar o álbum",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Falha ao criar o link compartilhado",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Falha ao editar o link compartilhado",
"failed_to_get_people": "Falha na obtenção de pessoas",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Falha ao empilhar arquivos",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Falha ao desempilhar arquivos",
"import_path_already_exists": "Este caminho de importação já existe.",
"paths_validation_failed": "a validação de {paths, plural, one {# caminho falhou} other {# caminhos falharam}}",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "E-mail ou senha incorretos",
"paths_validation_failed": "A validação de {paths, plural, one {# caminho falhou} other {# caminhos falharam}}",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "As imagens de perfil não podem ter pixels transparentes. Aumente o zoom e/ou mova a imagem.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Você definiu uma cota maior do que o tamanho do disco",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Não foi possível verificar {count, select, one {um item} other {alguns itens}}",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Não foi possível adicionar usuários ao álbum",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Não é possível adicionar arquivos ao link compartilhado",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Não foi possível adicionar o comentário",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Não foi possível adicionar o padrão de exclusão",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Não foi possível adicionar o caminho de importação",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Não foi possível adicionar parceiros",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Não é possível {archived, select, true {remove asset from} other {add asset to}} arquivar",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Não é possível {favorite, select, true {add asset to} other {remove asset from}} favoritos",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Não é possível {archived, select, true {archive} other {unarchive}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Não foi possível alterar a permissão do usuário no álbum",
"unable_to_change_date": "Não foi possível alterar a data",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Não é possível alterar o favorito para o arquivo",
"unable_to_change_location": "Não foi possível alterar a localização",
"unable_to_change_password": "Não foi possível alterar a senha",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Não foi possível alterar a visibilidade de {count, plural, one {# pessoa} other {# pessoas}}",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Não foi possível concluir o login OAuth",
"unable_to_connect": "Não foi possível conectar",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Não é possível copiar para a área de transferência, certifique-se que está acessando a pagina através de https",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Não foi possível criar uma conta de administrador",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Não foi possível criar uma nova Chave de API",
"unable_to_create_library": "Não foi possível criar a biblioteca",
"unable_to_create_user": "Não foi possível criar o usuário",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Não foi possível deletar o álbum",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Não foi possível deletar o ativo",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Não foi possível deletar o arquivo",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Erro ao excluir arquivos",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Não foi possível deletar o padrão de exclusão",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Não foi possível deletar o caminho de importação",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Não foi possível deletar o link compartilhado",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Não foi possível deletar o usuário",
"unable_to_download_files": "Não foi possível fazer download dos arquivos",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Não foi possível editar o padrão de exclusão",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Não foi possível editar o caminho de importação",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Não foi possível esvaziar a lixeira",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Não foi possível entrar em modo de tela cheia",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Não foi possível sair do modo de tela cheia",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Não foi possível obter o número de comentários",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Não foi possível esconder a pessoa",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Não foi possível associar a conta OAuth",
"unable_to_load_album": "Não foi possível carregar o álbum",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Não foi possível carregar as atividades do ativo",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Não foi possível carregar as atividades do arquivo",
"unable_to_load_items": "Não foi possível carregar os items",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Não foi possível carregar os status de gostei",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Não foi possível sair de todos os dispositivos",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Não foi possível sair do dispositivo",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Não foi possível fazer login com OAuth",
"unable_to_play_video": "Não foi possível reproduzir o vídeo",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "Não foi possível reatribuir arquivos para {name, select, null {an existing person} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Não foi possível reatribuir arquivos a uma nova pessoa",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Não foi possível atualizar o usuário",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Não foi possível remover usuários do álbum",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Não foi possível a Chave de API",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Não foi possível remover arquivos do link compartilhado",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Não foi possível remover a biblioteca",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Não foi possível remover arquivos offline",
@ -517,7 +634,7 @@
"unable_to_repair_items": "Não foi possível reparar os itens",
"unable_to_reset_password": "Não foi possível resetar a senha",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "Não foi possível resolver a duplicidade",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "Não foi possível restaurar ativos",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "Não foi possível restaurar o(s) arquivo(s)",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "Não foi possível restaurar itens da lixeira",
"unable_to_restore_user": "Não foi possível restaurar usuário",
"unable_to_save_album": "Não foi possível salvar o álbum",
@ -527,10 +644,13 @@
"unable_to_save_settings": "Não foi possível salvar as configurações",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Não foi possível escanear as bibliotecas",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Não foi possível escanear a biblioteca",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Não foi possível definir a foto de destaque",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Não foi possível definir a foto de perfil",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Não foi possível enviar o trabalho",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Não foi possível enviar o ativo para a lixeira",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Não foi possível enviar a tarefa",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Não foi possível enviar o arquivo para a lixeira",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Não foi possível desvincular conta",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Não foi possível atualizar a capa do álbum",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Não foi possível atualizar as informações do álbum",
"unable_to_update_library": "Não foi possível atualizar a biblioteca",
"unable_to_update_location": "Não foi possível atualizar a localização",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Não foi possível atualizar as configurações",
@ -541,10 +661,12 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Sair da apresentação",
"expand_all": "Expandir tudo",
"expire_after": "Expira depois",
"expired": "Expirou",
"expires_date": "Expira em {date}",
"explore": "Explorar",
"export": "Exportar",
"export_as_json": "Exportar como JSON",
@ -571,11 +693,15 @@
"general": "Geral",
"get_help": "Obter Ajuda",
"getting_started": "Primeiros passos",
"go_back": "Voltar",
"go_back": "Retornar",
"go_to_search": "Ir para a pesquisa",
"go_to_share_page": "Ir para a página de compartilhamento",
"group_albums_by": "Agrupar álbuns por...",
"group_no": "Sem agrupamento",
"group_owner": "Agrupar por dono",
"group_year": "Agrupar por ano",
"has_quota": "Há cota",
"hi_user": "Olá {name} ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "Ocultar galeria",
"hide_password": "Ocultar senha",
"hide_person": "Ocultar pessoa",
@ -584,14 +710,14 @@
"image": "Imagem",
"img": "",
"immich_logo": "Logo do Immich",
"immich_web_interface": "Interface web do Immich",
"immich_web_interface": "Interface Web do Immich",
"import_from_json": "Importar do JSON",
"import_path": "Caminho de importação",
"in_albums": "Em {count, plural, one {# álbum} other {# álbuns}}",
"in_archive": "Arquivado",
"include_archived": "Incluir arquivados",
"include_shared_albums": "Incluir álbuns compartilhados",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "Incluir ativos compartilhados por parceiros",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "Incluir arquivos compartilhados por parceiros",
"individual_share": "Compartilhamento único",
"info": "Informações",
"interval": {
@ -602,20 +728,23 @@
"invite_people": "Convidar Pessoas",
"invite_to_album": "Convidar para o álbum",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {# item} other {# itens}}",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "Trabalhos",
"jobs": "Tarefas",
"keep": "Manter",
"keep_all": "Manter Todos",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Atalhos do teclado",
"language": "Idioma",
"language_setting_description": "Selecione seu Idioma preferido",
"last_seen": "Visto pela ultima vez",
"latest_version": "Versão mais recente",
"leave": "Sair",
"let_others_respond": "Permitir respostas",
"level": "Nível",
"library": "Biblioteca",
"library_options": "Opções da biblioteca",
"light": "Claro",
"like_deleted": "Curtida excluída",
"link_options": "Opções do Link",
"link_to_oauth": "Link do OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "Conta OAuth Vinculada",
@ -624,7 +753,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "Falha ao carregar os resultados da pesquisa",
"log_out": "Sair",
"log_out_all_devices": "Sair de todos dispositivos",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Saiu de todos os dispositivos",
"logged_out_device": "Dispositivo desconectado",
"login": "Iniciar sessão",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Login foi desativado.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja sair de todos os dispositivos?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja sair deste dispositivo?",
"look": "Estilo",
"loop_videos": "Repetir vídeos",
"loop_videos_description": "Ative para repetir os vídeos automaticamente durante a exibição.",
@ -637,18 +771,21 @@
"manage_your_devices": "Gerenciar seus dispositivos logados",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Gerenciar sua conexão OAuth",
"map": "Mapa",
"map_marker_for_images": "Marcador de mapa para imagens tiradas em {city}, {country}",
"map_marker_with_image": "Marcador de mapa com imagem",
"map_settings": "Definições do mapa",
"matches": "Correspondências",
"media_type": "Tipo de mídia",
"memories": "Memórias",
"memories_setting_description": "Gerencie o que vê em suas memórias",
"memory": "Memória",
"menu": "Menu",
"merge": "Mesclar",
"merge_people": "Mesclar pessoas",
"merge_people_limit": "Só é possível mesclar até 5 faces de uma só vez",
"merge_people_limit": "Só é possível combinar até 5 rostos de uma só vez",
"merge_people_prompt": "Tem certeza que deseja mesclar estas pessoas? Esta ação é irreversível.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Pessoas mescladas com sucesso",
"merged_people_count": "{count, plural, one {# pessoa foi combinada} other {# pessoas foram combinadas}}",
"minimize": "Minimizar",
"minute": "Minuto",
"missing": "Faltando",
@ -664,11 +801,14 @@
"new_password": "Nova senha",
"new_person": "Nova Pessoa",
"new_user_created": "Novo usuário criado",
"new_version_available": "NOVA VERSÃO DISPONÍVEL",
"newest_first": "Mais recente primeiro",
"next": "Avançar",
"next_memory": "Próxima memória",
"no": "Não",
"no_albums_message": "Crie um álbum para organizar suas fotos e vídeos",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Parece que você ainda não tem nenhum álbum com esse nome.",
"no_albums_yet": "Parece que você ainda não tem nenhum álbum.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Arquive fotos e vídeos para os ocultar da sua visualização de fotos",
"no_duplicates_found": "Nenhuma duplicidade foi encontrada.",
@ -679,9 +819,10 @@
"no_name": "Sem nome",
"no_places": "Sem lugares",
"no_results": "Sem resultados",
"no_results_description": "Tente um sinônimo ou uma palavra-chave mais geral",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Crie um álbum para compartilhar fotos e vídeos com pessoas em sua rede",
"not_in_any_album": "Fora de álbum",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Nota: Para aplicar o rótulo de armazenamento a ativos carregados anteriormente, execute o",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Nota: Para aplicar o rótulo de armazenamento a arquivos carregados anteriormente, execute o",
"note_unlimited_quota": "Nota: Digite 0 para cota ilimitada",
"notes": "Notas",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "Habilitar notificações por e-mail",
@ -693,17 +834,25 @@
"offline_paths_description": "Estes resultados podem ser devidos a arquivos deletados manualmente e que não são parte de uma biblioteca externa.",
"ok": "Ok",
"oldest_first": "Mais antigo primeiro",
"onboarding": "Integração",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Escolha um tema de cores para sua instância. Você pode alterar isso posteriormente em suas configurações.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Vamos configurar sua instância com algumas configurações comuns.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Bem-vindo, {user}",
"online": "Online",
"only_favorites": "Somente favoritos",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Somente atualize arquivos modificados",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Abrir no OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Abre os filtros de pesquisa",
"options": "Opções",
"or": "ou",
"organize_your_library": "Organize sua biblioteca",
"original": "original",
"other": "Outro",
"other_devices": "Outros dispositivos",
"other_variables": "Outras variáveis",
"owned": "Seu",
"owner": "Dono",
"partner": "Parceiro",
"partner_can_access": "{partner} pode acessar",
"partner_can_access_assets": "Todas suas fotos e vídeos, excetos os Arquivados ou Excluídos",
"partner_can_access_location": "A localização onde as fotos foram tiradas",
@ -725,14 +874,21 @@
"paused": "Interrompido",
"pending": "Pendente",
"people": "Pessoas",
"people_edits_count": "{count, plural, one {# pessoa editada} other {# pessoas editadas}}",
"people_sidebar_description": "Exibe o link Pessoas na barra lateral",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Aviso para deletar permanentemente",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Exibe um aviso ao deletar ativos de forma permanente",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Exibe um aviso ao deletar arquivos de forma permanente",
"permanently_delete": "Deletar permanentemente",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Ativo deletado permanentemente",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Excluir permanentemente {count, plural, one {asset} other {assets}}",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Arquivo deletado permanentemente",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "{count, plural, one {# ativo deletado} other {# ativos deletados}} permanentemente",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo permanentemente excluído} other {# arquivos permanentemente excluídos}}",
"person": "Pessoa",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (hidden)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Parece que você compartilhou suas fotos com todos os usuários ou não tem nenhum usuário com quem compartilhar.",
"photos": "Fotos",
"photos_and_videos": "Fotos e Vídeos",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} Foto} other {{count, number} Fotos}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Fotos de anos anteriores",
"pick_a_location": "Selecione uma localização",
@ -751,40 +907,64 @@
"previous_or_next_photo": "Foto anterior ou próxima",
"primary": "Primário",
"profile_picture_set": "Foto de perfil definida.",
"public_album": "Álbum público",
"public_share": "Compartilhar Publicamente",
"range": "",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Opções de reação",
"read_changelog": "Ler Novidades",
"reassign": "Reatribuir",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo reatribuído} other {# arquivos reatribuídos}} a {name, select, null {an existing person} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo reatribuído} other {# arquivos reatribuídos}} a uma nova pessoa",
"reassing_hint": "Atribuir arquivos selecionados a uma pessoa existente",
"recent": "Recente",
"recent_searches": "Pesquisas recentes",
"refresh": "Atualizar",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Atualizar vídeos codificados",
"refresh_metadata": "Atualizar metadados",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Atualizar miniaturas",
"refreshed": "Atualizado",
"refreshes_every_file": "Atualiza todos arquivos",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Atualizando vídeo codificado",
"refreshing_metadata": "Atualizando metadados",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Regenerando miniaturas",
"remove": "Remover",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}} do álbum?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover {count, plural, one {# arquivo} other {# arquivos}} desse link compartilhado?",
"remove_assets_title": "Remover arquivos?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Remover intervalo de datas personalizado",
"remove_from_album": "Remover do álbum",
"remove_from_favorites": "Remover dos favoritos",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Remover do link compartilhado",
"remove_offline_files": "Remover arquivos offline",
"remove_user": "Remover usuário",
"removed_api_key": "Removido a Chave de API: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Removido do arquivo",
"removed_from_favorites": "Removido dos favoritos",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, one {# Removido} other {# Removidos}} dos favoritos",
"rename": "Renomear",
"repair": "Reparar",
"repair_no_results_message": "Arquivos perdidos ou não rastreados aparecem aqui",
"replace_with_upload": "Substituir",
"repository": "Repositório",
"require_password": "Proteger com senha",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Obrigar usuário a alterar a senha após primeiro login",
"reset": "Resetar",
"reset_password": "Resetar senha",
"reset_people_visibility": "Resetar pessoas ocultas",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "Redefinir para a configuração padrão",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Todas duplicidades resolvidas",
"restore": "Restaurar",
"restore_all": "Restaurar tudo",
"restore_user": "Restaurar usuário",
"restored_asset": "Arquivo restaurado",
"resume": "Continuar",
"retry_upload": "Tentar carregar novamente",
"review_duplicates": "Revisar duplicidade",
"role": "Função",
"role_editor": "Editor",
"role_viewer": "Visualizador",
"save": "Guardar",
"saved_api_key": "Chave de API salva",
"saved_profile": "Perfil Salvo",
@ -803,6 +983,8 @@
"search_city": "Pesquisar cidade...",
"search_country": "Pesquisar país...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Pesquisar por pessoas",
"search_no_people": "Nenhuma pessoa",
"search_no_people_named": "Nenhuma pessoa chamada \"{name}\"",
"search_people": "Pesquisar pessoas",
"search_places": "Pesquisar lugares",
"search_state": "Pesquisar estado...",
@ -811,21 +993,25 @@
"search_your_photos": "Pesquisar fotos",
"searching_locales": "Pesquisar Lugares....",
"second": "Segundo",
"see_all_people": "Ver todas as pessoas",
"select_album_cover": "Escolher capa do álbum",
"select_all": "Selecionar todos",
"select_avatar_color": "Selecionar cor do avatar",
"select_face": "Selecionar face",
"select_face": "Selecionar rosto",
"select_featured_photo": "Selecionar foto principal",
"select_from_computer": "Selecionar do computador",
"select_keep_all": "Marcar manter em todos",
"select_library_owner": "Selecione o dono da biblioteca",
"select_new_face": "Selecionar nova face",
"select_new_face": "Selecionar novo rosto",
"select_photos": "Selecionar fotos",
"select_trash_all": "Marcar lixo em todos",
"selected": "Selecionados",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, one {# selecionado} other {# selecionados}}",
"send_message": "Enviar mensagem",
"send_welcome_email": "Enviar E-mail de boas vindas",
"server": "Servidor",
"server_stats": "Status do servidor",
"server_version": "Versão do servidor",
"set": "Definir",
"set_as_album_cover": "Definir como capa do álbum",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Definir como foto de perfil",
@ -837,13 +1023,15 @@
"share": "Compartilhar",
"shared": "Compartilhado",
"shared_by": "Compartilhado por",
"shared_by_user": "Compartilhado por {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Compartilhado por você",
"shared_from_partner": "Fotos de {partner}",
"shared_links": "Links compartilhados",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} fotos & vídeos compartilhados.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, one {# foto e vídeo compartilhados.} other {# fotos e vídeos compartilhados.}}",
"shared_with_partner": "Compartilhado com {partner}",
"sharing": "Compartilhar",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Exibe o link Compartilhar na barra lateral",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "pressione ⇧ para excluir permanentemente o arquivo",
"show_album_options": "Exibir opções do álbum",
"show_and_hide_people": "Mostrar & ocultar pessoas",
"show_file_location": "Exibir local do arquivo",
@ -866,8 +1054,16 @@
"slideshow": "Apresentação",
"slideshow_settings": "Opções de apresentação",
"sort_albums_by": "Ordenar álbuns por...",
"sort_created": "Data de criação",
"sort_items": "Número de itens",
"sort_modified": "Data de modificação",
"sort_oldest": "Foto mais antiga",
"sort_recent": "Foto mais recente",
"sort_title": "Título",
"source": "Fonte",
"stack": "Empilhar",
"stack_selected_photos": "Empilhar fotos selecionadas",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo empilhado} other {# arquivos empilhados}}",
"stacktrace": "Stacktrace",
"start": "Início",
"start_date": "Data inicial",
@ -889,23 +1085,28 @@
"theme": "Tema",
"theme_selection": "Selecionar tema",
"theme_selection_description": "Defina automaticamente o tema como claro ou escuro com base na preferência do sistema do seu navegador",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Eles serão combinados",
"time_based_memories": "Memórias baseada no tempo",
"timezone": "Fuso horário",
"to_archive": "Arquivar",
"to_change_password": "Alterar senha",
"to_favorite": "Favorito",
"to_trash": "Lixo",
"to_login": "Iniciar sessão",
"to_trash": "Mover para a lixeira",
"toggle_settings": "Alternar configurações",
"toggle_theme": "Alternar tema",
"toggle_visibility": "Alternar visibilidade",
"total_usage": "Total utilizado",
"total_usage": "Utilização total",
"trash": "Lixeira",
"trash_all": "Todos para o lixo",
"trash_all": "Mover todos para o lixo",
"trash_count": "Lixo {count}",
"trash_delete_asset": "Jogar na lixeira/Excluir Arquivo",
"trash_no_results_message": "Fotos e vídeos enviados para o lixo aparecem aqui.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Os itens da lixeira são deletados permanentemente após {days, plural, one {# dia} other {# dias}}.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Os itens da lixeira serão deletados permanentemente após {days, plural, one {# dia} other {# dias}}.",
"type": "Tipo",
"unarchive": "Desarquivar",
"unarchived": "Restaurado do arquivo",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, one {# desarquivado} other {# desarquivados}}",
"unfavorite": "Remover favorito",
"unhide_person": "Exibir pessoa",
"unknown": "Desconhecido",
@ -916,18 +1117,30 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Conta OAuth desvinculada",
"unnamed_album": "Álbum sem nome",
"unnamed_share": "Compartilhamento sem nome",
"unsaved_change": "Alteração não salva",
"unselect_all": "Limpar seleção",
"unstack": "Desempilhar",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo não empilhado} other {# arquivos não empilhados}}",
"untracked_files": "Arquivos não monitorados",
"untracked_files_decription": "Estes arquivos não são monitorados pela aplicação. Podem ser resultados de falhas em uma movimentação, carregamentos interrompidos, ou deixados para trás por causa de um problema",
"up_next": "A seguir",
"updated_password": "Senha atualizada",
"upload": "Carregar",
"upload_concurrency": "Carregar simultâneo",
"upload_errors": "Envio concluído com {count, plural, one {# erro} other {# erros}}, atualize a página para ver novos arquivos enviados.",
"upload_progress": "Restante {remaining} - Processado {processed}/{total}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "{count, plural, one {# arquivo duplicado foi ignorado} other {# arquivos duplicados foram ignorados}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Duplicados",
"upload_status_errors": "Erros",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Transferido",
"upload_success": "Transferido com sucesso, atualize a página para ver novos arquivos enviados.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Uso",
"use_custom_date_range": "Usar intervalo de datas personalizado invés",
"user": "Usuário",
"user_id": "ID do usuário",
"user_liked": "{user} curtiu {type, select, photo {this photo} video {this video} asset {this asset} other {it}}",
"user_role_set": "Definir {user} como {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Detalhes de uso do usuário",
"username": "Nome do usuário",
"users": "Usuários",
@ -935,23 +1148,29 @@
"validate": "Validar",
"variables": "Variáveis",
"version": "Versão",
"version_announcement_message": "Olá, amigo, há uma nova versão do aplicativo disponível. Por favor, visite com calma a página <link>notas da versão</link> e certifique-se de que a configuração do <code>docker-compose.yml</code>, e do <code>.env</code> estejam atualizadas para evitar configurações incorretas, especialmente se você usar o WatchTower ou qualquer mecanismo que lide com a atualização automática do aplicativo.",
"video": "Vídeo",
"video_hover_setting": "Reproduzir vídeo em miniatura quando passar por cima",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Reproduzir vídeo em miniatura quando o mouse está sobre o item. Mesmo quando desativado, a reprodução ainda pode ser iniciada passando sobre o ícone.",
"video_hover_setting": "Reproduzir miniatura do vídeo ao passar o mouse",
"video_hover_setting_description": "Reproduzir a miniatura do vídeo ao passar o mouse sobre o item. Mesmo quando desativado, a reprodução pode ser iniciada ao passar o mouse sobre o ícone de reprodução.",
"videos": "Vídeos",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# Vídeo} other {# Vídeos}}",
"view": "Ver",
"view_album": "Exibir álbum",
"view_all": "Ver tudo",
"view_all_users": "Ver todos usuários",
"view_links": "Ver links",
"view_next_asset": "Ver próximo ativo",
"view_previous_asset": "Ver ativo anterior",
"view_next_asset": "Ver próximo arquivo",
"view_previous_asset": "Ver arquivo anterior",
"view_stack": "Exibir Pilha",
"viewer": "Visualizar",
"visibility_changed": "Visibilidade alterada para {count, plural, one {# pessoa} other {# pessoas}}",
"waiting": "Aguardando",
"warning": "Aviso",
"week": "Semana",
"welcome": "Bem-vindo",
"welcome_to_immich": "Bem-vindo ao Immich",
"year": "Ano",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# ano} other {# anos}} atrás",
"yes": "Sim",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "Não há links compartilhados",
"zoom_image": "Ampliar imagem"
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
"about": "Despre",
"account": "Cont",
"account_settings": "Setări Cont",
"acknowledge": "Văzut",
"action": "",
"actions": "",
"action": "Acţiune",
"actions": "Acţiuni",
"active": "Activ",
"activity": "Activitate",
"add": "Adaugă",
@ -17,9 +19,10 @@
"add_partner": "Adaugă partener",
"add_path": "",
"add_photos": "Adaugă fotografii",
"add_to": "",
"add_to": "Adaugă la...",
"add_to_album": "Adaugă în album",
"add_to_shared_album": "",
"add_to_shared_album": "Adaugă la album partajat",
"added_to_archive": "Adăugat la arhivă",
"admin": {
"authentication_settings": "",
"authentication_settings_description": "",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "О продукте",
"account": "Учётная запись",
"account_settings": "Настройки учётной записи",
"acknowledge": "Подтвердить",
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "Действия",
"active": "Активный",
"activity": "Активность",
"activity_changed": "Активность {enabled, select, true {включена} other {отключена}}",
"add": "Добавить",
"add_a_description": "Добавить описание",
"add_a_location": "Добавить местоположение",
@ -21,10 +23,14 @@
"add_to": "Добавить в...",
"add_to_album": "Добавить в альбом",
"add_to_shared_album": "Добавить в общий альбом",
"added_to_archive": "Добавлено в архив",
"added_to_favorites": "Добавлено в избранное",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Добавлено {count} в избранное",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Добавьте шаблоны исключений. Подстановка с использованием *, ** и ? поддерживается. Чтобы игнорировать все файлы в любом каталоге с именем «Raw», используйте «**/Raw/**». Чтобы игнорировать все файлы, заканчивающиеся на «.tif», используйте «**/*.tif». Чтобы игнорировать абсолютный путь, используйте «/path/to/ignore/**».",
"authentication_settings": "Настройки аутентификации",
"authentication_settings_description": "Управление паролями, OAuth и другими настройками аутентификации",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "Вы уверены, что хотите отключить все методы входа? Вход будет полностью отключен.",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Чтобы снова включить, используйте <link>Команда Сервера</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Фоновые задачи",
"check_all": "Проверить все",
@ -42,22 +48,22 @@
"exclusion_pattern_description": "Шаблоны исключения позволяют игнорировать файлы и папки при сканировании вашей библиотеки. Это полезно, если у вас есть папки, содержащие файлы, которые вы не хотите импортировать, например, RAW-файлы.",
"external_library_created_at": "Внешняя библиотека (создана {date})",
"external_library_management": "Управление внешними библиотеками",
"face_detection": "Обнаружение лиц",
"face_detection": "Распознавание лиц",
"face_detection_description": "Обнаружение лиц на ресурсах с помощью машинного обучения. Для видео учитывается только миниатюра. “Все” (пере)обрабатывает все ресурсы. “Отсутствующие” ресурсы помещаются в очередь пока не обработанных. Обнаруженные лица будут помещены в очередь для распознавания лиц после завершения обнаружения лиц, объединяя их в существующие или новые группы людей.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Группировка распознанных лиц по людям. Этот шаг выполняется после завершения обнаружения лиц. “Все” (пере)кластеризует все лица. “Отсутствующие” помещает лица без привязки к человеку в очередь.",
"failed_job_command": "Команда {command} не выполнена для задачи: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Это приведет к немедленному удалению пользователя и всех ресурсов. Это невозможно отменить, и файлы не могут быть восстановлены.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Принудительное обновление всех файлов библиотеки",
"image_format_description": "WebP создает файлы меньшего размера, чем JPEG, но кодируется медленнее.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Предпочитать встроенный предпросмотр",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Предпочитать встроенное превью",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "Используйте встроенные превью в фотографиях RAW в качестве входных данных для обработки изображений, если они доступны. Это может обеспечить более точную цветопередачу для некоторых изображений, но качество предварительного просмотра зависит от камеры, и изображение может иметь больше артефактов сжатия.",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Предпочитать расширенную палитру",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "Использовать палитру Display P3 для миниатюр. Она лучше сохраняет сочность фотографий с широким цветовым охватом, однако на старых устройствах и на старых браузерах изображения будут выглядеть по-другому. Изображения sRGB остаются в формате sRGB, чтобы избежать искажений цветов.",
"image_preview_format": "Формат предпросмотра",
"image_preview_resolution": "Разрешение предпросмотра",
"image_preview_resolution": "Размер превью",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Используется при просмотре одной фотографии и для машинного обучения. Более высокое разрешение позволяют сохранить больше деталей, но требуют больше времени для кодирования, имеют больший размер файлов и могут снизить скорость отклика приложения.",
"image_quality": "Качество",
"image_quality_description": "Качество предпросмотра фото, от 1 до 100. Чем выше число, тем лучше качество и больше вес изображения.",
"image_quality_description": "Качество превью фото, от 1 до 100. Чем выше число, тем лучше качество и больше вес изображения.",
"image_settings": "Настройки изображений",
"image_settings_description": "Управление качеством и разрешением создаваемых изображений",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Формат миниатюр",
@ -80,7 +86,7 @@
"library_scanning_description": "Настроить периодическое сканирование библиотеки",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Включить периодическое сканирование библиотеки",
"library_settings": "Внешняя библиотека",
"library_settings_description": "Управление настройками внешней библиотеки",
"library_settings_description": "Управление внешними библиотеками",
"library_tasks_description": "Выполнение заданий библиотеки",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Отслеживать изменения файлов внешней библиотеки",
"library_watching_settings": "Слежение за библиотекой (ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЕ)",
@ -184,6 +190,8 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "Все пути успешно прошли проверку",
"quota_size_gib": "Размер квоты (ГБ)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Обновление всех библиотек",
"registration": "Регистрация Администратора",
"registration_description": "Поскольку вы являетесь первым пользователем в системе, вам будет присвоена роль администратора, и вы будете отвечать за административные задачи. Дополнительных пользователей будете создавать вы.",
"removing_offline_files": "Удаление недоступных файлов",
"repair_all": "Починить всё",
"repair_matched_items": "Соответствует {count, plural, one {# элементу} few {# элементам} many {# элементам} other {# элементам}}",
@ -211,6 +219,7 @@
"storage_template_migration_description": "Применить текущий <link>{template}</link> к ранее загруженным ресурсам",
"storage_template_migration_info": "Изменения шаблона будут применяться только к новым ресурсам. Чтобы применить шаблон к ранее загруженным ресурсам, запустите <link>{job}</link>.",
"storage_template_migration_job": "Задание миграции хранилища",
"storage_template_more_details": "Для получения дополнительной информации об этой функции обратитесь к <template-link>Шаблону Хранилища</template-link> и его <implications-link>последствиям</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "При включении этой функции файлы будут автоматически организованы в соответствии с пользовательским шаблоном. Из-за проблем со стабильностью функция по умолчанию отключена. Дополнительную информацию можно найти в <link>документации</link>.",
"storage_template_path_length": "Примерная длина пути: <b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "Шаблон хранилища",
@ -310,21 +319,39 @@
"admin_password": "Пароль администратора",
"administration": "Управление",
"advanced": "Расширенные",
"age_months": "Возраст {months, plural, one {# месяц} few {# месяца} many {# месяцев} other {# месяца}}",
"age_year_months": "Возраст 1 год, {months, plural, one {# месяц} few {# месяца} many {# месяцев} other {# месяца}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {Возраст #}}",
"album_added": "Альбом добавлен",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "Получить уведомление на электронную почту, когда вы добавлены к общему альбому",
"album_cover_updated": "Обложка альбома обновлена",
"album_delete_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить альбом {album}?\nЕсли этот альбом общий, то другие пользователи не смогут получить к нему доступ.",
"album_info_updated": "Информация об альбоме обновлена",
"album_leave": "Покинуть альбом?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите покинуть {album}?",
"album_name": "Название альбома",
"album_options": "Параметры альбома",
"album_remove_user": "Удалить пользователя?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить пользователя {user}?",
"album_share_no_users": "Похоже, вы поделились этим альбомом со всеми пользователями или у вас нет пользователей, с которыми можно поделиться.",
"album_updated": "Альбом обновлён",
"album_updated_setting_description": "Получить уведомление по электронной почте, когда в общий альбом добавлены новые ресурсы",
"album_user_left": "Вы покинули {album}",
"album_user_removed": "Пользователь {user} удален",
"album_with_link_access": "Поделитесь ссылкой на альбом, чтобы ваши друзья могли его посмотреть.",
"albums": "Альбомы",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {Альбом ({count, number})} few {Альбома ({count, number})} many {Альбомов ({count, number})} other {Альбомов ({count, number})}}",
"all": "Все",
"all_albums": "Все альбомы",
"all_people": "Все люди",
"all_videos": "Все видео",
"allow_dark_mode": "Разрешить темный режим",
"allow_edits": "Разрешить редактирование",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "Разрешить скачивание публичным пользователям",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "Разрешить публичным пользователям загружать файлы",
"api_key": "API Ключ",
"api_key_description": "Это значение будет показано только один раз. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что скопировали его перед закрытием окна.",
"api_key_empty": "Ваш API ключ не может быть пустым",
"api_keys": "Ключи API",
"app_settings": "Параметры приложения",
"appears_in": "Появляется в",
@ -333,13 +360,35 @@
"archive_size": "Размер архива",
"archive_size_description": "Настройка размера архива для скачивания (в GiB)",
"archived": "Заархивировано",
"asset_offline": "Ресурс отключён",
"assets": "Ресурсы",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {Архивировано #}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "Это один и тот же человек?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "Вы уверены, что хотите это сделать?",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "Объект {filename} находится в офлайн-режиме",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "Есть не распознанные лица",
"asset_offline": "Объект отключён",
"asset_offline_description": "Этот объект находится в офлайн-режиме. Immich не может получить доступ к его расположению. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что объект доступен, и затем пересканируйте библиотеку.",
"assets": "Объекты",
"assets_added_count": "Добавлено {count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "Добавлено {count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}} в альбом",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "Добавлено {count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}} в {name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "Перемещено {count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} many {# объектов} other {# объекта}} в корзину",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "{count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}} перемещено в корзину",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "{count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}} удалено навсегда",
"assets_removed_count": "{count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}} удалено",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите восстановить все удаленные объекты? Это действие нельзя отменить!",
"assets_restored_count": "{count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}} восстановлено",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {# объект} few {# объекта} other {# объектов}} перемещено в корзину",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {# Объект} other {# Объекты}} уже часть альбома",
"authorized_devices": "Разрешенные устройства",
"back": "Назад",
"back_close_deselect": "Назад, закрыть или отменить выбор",
"backward": "Назад",
"birthdate_saved": "Дата рождения успешно сохранена",
"birthdate_set_description": "Дата рождения используется для расчета возраста этого человека на момент фотографии.",
"blurred_background": "Размытый фон",
"build": "Сборка",
"build_image": "Создать изображение",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите массово удалить {count} дублирующихся ресурсов? Это сохранит самый большой ресурс из каждой группы и навсегда удалит все остальные дубликаты. Это действие нельзя отменить!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите оставить {count} дублирующихся ресурсов? Это разрешит все группы дубликатов без удаления чего-либо.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите массово переместить в корзину {count} дублирующихся ресурсов? Это сохранит самый большой ресурс из каждой группы и переместит в корзину все остальные дубликаты.",
@ -349,6 +398,7 @@
"cancel": "Отменить",
"cancel_search": "Отменить поиск",
"cannot_merge_people": "Невозможно объединить людей",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Это действие нельзя отменить!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Невозможно обновить описание",
"cant_apply_changes": "Невозможно применить изменения",
"cant_get_faces": "Невозможно получить лица",
@ -360,6 +410,7 @@
"change_name": "Изменить имя",
"change_name_successfully": "Имя успешно изменено",
"change_password": "Изменить пароль",
"change_password_description": "Это либо первый вход в систему, либо был сделан запрос на изменение пароля. Пожалуйста, введите новый пароль ниже.",
"change_your_password": "Изменить свой пароль",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "Видимость успешно изменена",
"check_all": "Выбрать всё",
@ -371,9 +422,12 @@
"clear_message": "Очистить сообщение",
"clear_value": "Очистить значение",
"close": "Закрыть",
"collapse": "Свернуть",
"collapse_all": "Свернуть всё",
"color_theme": "Цветовая тема",
"comment_deleted": "Комментарий удалён",
"comment_options": "Параметры комментариев",
"comments_and_likes": "Комментарии и лайки",
"comments_are_disabled": "Комментарии отключены",
"confirm": "Подтвердить",
"confirm_admin_password": "Подтвердите Пароль Администратора",
@ -399,7 +453,9 @@
"create_library": "Создать Библиотеку",
"create_link": "Создать ссылку",
"create_link_to_share": "Создать ссылку общего доступа",
"create_link_to_share_description": "Разрешить всем, у кого есть ссылка, просмотреть выбранные фотографии",
"create_new_person": "Создать нового человека",
"create_new_person_hint": "Назначить выбранные ресурсы новому человеку",
"create_new_user": "Создать нового пользователя",
"create_user": "Создать пользователя",
"created": "Создан",
@ -437,11 +493,14 @@
"display_order": "Порядок отображения",
"display_original_photos": "Отображение оригинальных фотографий",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "Предпочитать отображать исходную фотографию при просмотре ресурса, а не миниатюры, если исходный ресурс совместим с Интернетом. Это может привести к снижению скорости отображения фотографий.",
"do_not_show_again": "Не показывать это сообщение в дальнейшем",
"done": "Готово",
"download": "Скачать",
"download_settings": "Скачать",
"download_settings_description": "Управление настройками относящимся к скачиванию объектов",
"downloading": "Загрузка",
"downloading_asset_filename": "Загрузка объекта {filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "Перенесите файлы в любое место для загрузки",
"duplicates": "Дубликаты",
"duplicates_description": "Разберитесь с каждой группой, указав, какие из них являются дубликатами, если таковые имеются",
"duration": "Продолжительность",
@ -452,6 +511,7 @@
"months": "{months, plural, one {месяц} other {{months, number} месяца}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {год} few {# года} many {# лет} other {# года}}"
"edit": "Редактировать",
"edit_album": "Редактировать альбом",
"edit_avatar": "Редактировать аватар",
"edit_date": "редактировать дату",
@ -473,56 +533,98 @@
"empty": "",
"empty_album": "Пустой альбом",
"empty_trash": "Очистить корзину",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите очистить корзину? Все объекты в корзине будут навсегда удалены из Immich.\nВы не сможете отменить это действие!",
"enable": "Включить",
"enabled": "Включено",
"end_date": "Дата окончания",
"error": "Ошибка",
"error_loading_image": "Ошибка при загрузке изображения",
"error_title": "Ошибка - Что-то пошло не так",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "Невозможно перейти к следующему объекту",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "Не удается перейти к предыдущему ресурсу",
"cant_apply_changes": "Не удается применить изменения",
"cant_change_activity": "Не удается {enabled, select, true {отключить} other {включить}} активность",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "Не удается изменить статус \"избранное\" для ресурса",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "Не удается изменить метаданные у {count, plural, one {# ресурса} few {# ресурсов} many {# ресурсов} other {# ресурсов}}",
"cant_get_faces": "Не удается получить лица",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "Не удается получить количество комментариев",
"cant_search_people": "Не удается выполнить поиск людей",
"cant_search_places": "Не удается выполнить поиск мест",
"cleared_jobs": "Очищенные задания для: {job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "Ошибка при добавлении ресурсов в альбом",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "Ошибка при добавлении пользователей в альбом",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "Ошибка при удалении пользователя с общим доступом",
"error_downloading": "Ошибка при загрузке {filename}",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "Ошибка при удалении ресурсов из альбома, проверьте консоль для получения дополнительной информации",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "Ошибка при выборе всех ресурсов",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "Такая модель исключения уже существует.",
"failed_job_command": "Команда {command} не выполнена для задачи: {job}",
"failed_to_create_album": "Не удалось создать альбом",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "Не удалось создать общую ссылку",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "Не удалось изменить общую ссылку",
"failed_to_get_people": "Не удалось получить информацию о людях",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "Не удалось создать стек",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "Не удалось разобрать стек",
"import_path_already_exists": "Этот путь импорта уже существует.",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Неверный адрес электронной почты или пароль",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# путь} other {# путей}} не прошли проверку",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "Изображения профиля не могут содержать прозрачных пикселей. Пожалуйста, увеличьте и/или переместите изображение.",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "Вы установили квоту, превышающую размер диска",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "Невозможно проверить {count, select, one {элемент} other {элементы}}",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Невозможно добавить пользователей в альбом",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "Не удалось добавить ресурсы к общей ссылке",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Невозможно добавить комментарий",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "Невозможно добавить шаблон исключения",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "Не удается добавить путь импорта",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Невозможно добавить партнеров",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "Не удалось {archived, select, true {удалить ресурс из} other {добавить ресурс в}} архив",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "Не удалось {favorite, select, true {добавить ресурс в} other {удалить ресурс из}} избранного",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "Не удалось {archived, select, true {архивировать} other {разархивировать}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Не удалось изменить роль пользователя в альбоме",
"unable_to_change_date": "Невозможно изменить дату",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "Не удалось изменить статус \"избранное\" для ресурса",
"unable_to_change_location": "Невозможно изменить местоположение",
"unable_to_change_password": "Невозможно изменить пароль",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "Не удалось изменить видимость для {count, plural, one {# человека} few {# людей} many {# людей} other {# людей}}",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "Не удалось выполнить вход с помощью OAuth",
"unable_to_connect": "Не удается подключиться",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "Не удается скопировать в буфер обмена, убедитесь, что вы получаете доступ к странице по протоколу https",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "Не удается создать учетную запись администратора",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "Не удается создать новый ключ API",
"unable_to_create_library": "Не удалось создать библиотеку",
"unable_to_create_user": "Не удалось создать пользователя",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Не удается удалить альбом",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "Не удается удалить ресурс",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "Ошибка при удалении ресурсов",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "Не удается удалить шаблон исключения",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "Не удается удалить путь импорта",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "Не удается удалить общую ссылку",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Не удается удалить пользователя",
"unable_to_download_files": "Невозможно скачать файлы",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "Невозможно отредактировать шаблон исключения",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "Не удается отредактировать путь импорта",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Невозможно очистить корзину",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Не удается войти в полноэкранный режим",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Не удается выйти из полноэкранного режима",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "Не удалось получить количество комментариев",
"unable_to_hide_person": "Невозможно скрыть персону",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "Не удается связать учетную запись OAuth",
"unable_to_load_album": "Невозможно загрузить альбом",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "Не удалось загрузить активность объекта",
"unable_to_load_items": "Не удалось загрузить элементы",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "Невозможно загрузить статус лайка",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "Невозможно выйти из всех устройств",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "Невозможно выйти из устройства",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "Невозможно войти в систему с помощью OAuth",
"unable_to_play_video": "Невозможно воспроизвести видео",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "Не удается переназначить ресурсы новому человеку",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "Невозможно обновить пользователя",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "Не удается удалить пользователей из альбома",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "Не удается удалить ключ API",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "Невозможно удалить объекты из общей ссылки",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Не удается удалить библиотеку",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "Не удается удалить автономные файлы",
@ -542,10 +644,13 @@
"unable_to_save_settings": "Не удалось сохранить настройки",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "Не удалось сканировать библиотеки",
"unable_to_scan_library": "Не удалось сканировать библиотеку",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "Не удалось установить фотографию на обложку",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "Невозможно установить изображение профиля",
"unable_to_submit_job": "Невозможно отправить задание",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "Невозможно удалить актив",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "Не удалось отсоединить учетную запись",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "Невозможно обновить обложку альбома",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "Невозможно обновить информацию об альбоме",
"unable_to_update_library": "Не удалось обновить библиотеку",
"unable_to_update_location": "Не удалось обновить местоположение",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Не удалось обновить настройки",
@ -556,10 +661,12 @@
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
"every_night_at_twoam": "",
"every_six_hours": "",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "Выйти из слайд-шоу",
"expand_all": "Развернуть всё",
"expire_after": "Истекает через",
"expired": "Срок действия истек",
"expires_date": "Срок действия до {date}",
"explore": "Просмотр",
"export": "Экспортировать",
"export_as_json": "Экспортировать в JSON",
@ -590,7 +697,11 @@
"go_to_search": "Перейти к поиску",
"go_to_share_page": "Перейти на страницу для обмена",
"group_albums_by": "Группировать альбомы по...",
"group_no": "Без группировки",
"group_owner": "Группировать по владельцу",
"group_year": "Группировать по годам",
"has_quota": "Квота",
"hi_user": "Привет {name} ({email})",
"hide_gallery": "Скрыть галерею",
"hide_password": "Скрыть пароль",
"hide_person": "Скрыть персону",
@ -617,6 +728,7 @@
"invite_people": "Пригласить",
"invite_to_album": "Пригласить в альбом",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {# элемент} two {# элемента} few {# элемента} other {# элементов}}",
"job_settings_description": "",
"jobs": "Задачи",
"keep": "Оставить",
@ -625,12 +737,14 @@
"language": "Язык",
"language_setting_description": "Выберите предпочитаемый вами язык",
"last_seen": "Видели последний раз",
"latest_version": "Последняя Версия",
"leave": "Покинуть",
"let_others_respond": "Позволять другим откликаться",
"level": "Уровень",
"library": "Библиотека",
"library_options": "Опции библиотеки",
"light": "Светлая",
"like_deleted": "Лайк удален",
"link_options": "Настройки ссылки",
"link_to_oauth": "Присоединение к OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "Присоединённый аккаунт OAuth",
@ -639,7 +753,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "Загрузка результатов поиска не удалась",
"log_out": "Выйти",
"log_out_all_devices": "Выйдите из системы со всех устройств",
"logged_out_all_devices": "Выйти на всех устройствах",
"logged_out_device": "Выйти на устройстве",
"login": "Войти",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Вход в систему был отключен.",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "Вы действительно хотите выйти на всех устройствах?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "Вы действительно хотите выйти на текущем устройстве?",
"look": "Просмотр",
"loop_videos": "Циклический видеоролик",
"loop_videos_description": "Включить циклическое воспроизведение видео.",
@ -652,6 +771,7 @@
"manage_your_devices": "Управляйте устройствами, вошедшими в систему",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "Настройки подключённого OAuth",
"map": "Карта",
"map_marker_for_images": "Маркер на карте для изображений, сделанных в {city}, {country}",
"map_marker_with_image": "Маркер на карте с изображением",
"map_settings": "Настройки карты",
"matches": "Совпадения",
@ -665,6 +785,7 @@
"merge_people_limit": "Вы можете объединять до 5 лиц за один раз",
"merge_people_prompt": "Вы хотите объединить этих людей? Это действие необратимо.",
"merge_people_successfully": "Персоны объединены успешно",
"merged_people_count": "Объединено {count, plural, one {# человек} few {# человека} many {# человек} other {# человека}}",
"minimize": "Минимизировать",
"minute": "Минута",
"missing": "Отсутствующие",
@ -680,11 +801,14 @@
"new_password": "Новый пароль",
"new_person": "Новая персона",
"new_user_created": "Новый пользователь создан",
"new_version_available": "ДОСТУПНА НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ",
"newest_first": "Сначала новые",
"next": "Далее",
"next_memory": "Следующее воспоминание",
"no": "Нет",
"no_albums_message": "Создайте альбом для систематизации ваших фотографий и видео",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "Похоже, у вас пока нет альбомов с таким названием.",
"no_albums_yet": "Похоже, у вас пока нет альбомов.",
"no_archived_assets_message": "Архивируйте фотографии и видео, чтобы скрыть их при общем просмотре",
"no_duplicates_found": "Дубликатов не обнаружено.",
@ -695,6 +819,7 @@
"no_name": "Нет имени",
"no_places": "Нет мест",
"no_results": "Нет результатов",
"no_results_description": "Попробуйте использовать синоним или более общее ключевое слово",
"no_shared_albums_message": "Создайте альбом для обмена фотографиями и видеозаписями с людьми в вашей сети",
"not_in_any_album": "Ни в одном альбоме",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "Примечание: Запустите, чтобы применить метку хранилища к ранее загруженным ресурсам",
@ -709,12 +834,19 @@
"offline_paths_description": "Эти результаты могут быть вызваны ручным удалением файлов, которые не являются частью внешней библиотеки.",
"ok": "ОК",
"oldest_first": "Сначала старые",
"onboarding": "Начало работы",
"onboarding_theme_description": "Выберите цветовую тему. Вы можете изменить ее позже в настройках.",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "Давайте настроим ваш экземпляр с некоторыми общими параметрами.",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "Добро пожаловать, {user}",
"online": "Доступен",
"only_favorites": "Только избранное",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "Обновляет только измененные файлы",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "Открыть в OpenStreetMap",
"open_the_search_filters": "Открыть фильтры поиска",
"options": "Опции",
"or": "или",
"organize_your_library": "Приведите в порядок свою библиотеку",
"original": "оригинал",
"other": "Другое",
"other_devices": "Другие устройства",
"other_variables": "Другие переменные",
@ -742,14 +874,21 @@
"paused": "Приостановлено",
"pending": "Ожидает",
"people": "Люди",
"people_edits_count": "Изменено {count, plural, one {# человек} few {# человека} many {# людей} other {# человек}}",
"people_sidebar_description": "Отображать ссылку на персоны в боковой панели",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "Предупреждение о удалении",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "Отображать предупреждение при безвозвратном удалении ресурсов",
"permanently_delete": "Удалить навсегда",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "Полностью удалить {count, plural, one {ресурс} few {ресурса} many {ресурсов} other {ресурсов}}",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "Удалить объект навсегда",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "Безвозвратно удалено {count, plural, one {# ресурс} few {# ресурса} many {# ресурсов} other {# ресурса}}",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "Полностью удалено {count, plural, one {# ресурс} few {# ресурса} many {# ресурсов} other {# ресурса}}",
"person": "Человек",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true { (скрыт)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "Похоже, что вы поделились своими фотографиями со всеми пользователями или у вас нет пользователей, с которыми можно поделиться.",
"photos": "Фото",
"photos_and_videos": "Фото и Видео",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {Фотография ({count, number})} few {Фотографии ({count, number})} many {Фотографий ({count, number})} other {Фотографий ({count, number})}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "Фотографии прошлых лет в этот день",
"pick_a_location": "Выбрать местоположение",
@ -768,40 +907,64 @@
"previous_or_next_photo": "Предыдущая или следующая фотография",
"primary": "Главное",
"profile_picture_set": "Установлена картинка профиля.",
"public_album": "Публичный альбом",
"public_share": "Публичный доступ",
"range": "",
"raw": "",
"reaction_options": "Опции реакций",
"read_changelog": "Прочитать список изменений",
"reassign": "Переназначить",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "Переназначено {count, plural, one {# ресурс} few {# ресурса} many {# ресурсов} other {# ресурса}} на {name, select, null {существующего человека} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "Переназначено {count, plural, one {# ресурс} few {# ресурса} many {# ресурсов} other {# ресурса}} новому человеку",
"reassing_hint": "Назначить выбранные ресурсы существующему человеку",
"recent": "Недавние",
"recent_searches": "Недавние поисковые запросы",
"refresh": "Обновить",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "Обновить закодированные видео",
"refresh_metadata": "Обновить метаданные",
"refresh_thumbnails": "Обновить миниатюры",
"refreshed": "Обновлено",
"refreshes_every_file": "Обновляет каждый файл",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "Обновление закодированного видео",
"refreshing_metadata": "Обновление метаданных",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "Восстановление миниатюр",
"remove": "Удалить",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить {count, plural, one {# ресурс} few {# ресурса} many {# ресурсов} other {# ресурса}} из альбома?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить {count, plural, one {# ресурс} few {# ресурса} many {# ресурсов} other {# ресурса}} из этой общей ссылки?",
"remove_assets_title": "Удалить объекты?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "Удалить пользовательский диапазон дат",
"remove_from_album": "Удалить из альбома",
"remove_from_favorites": "Удалить из избранного",
"remove_from_shared_link": "Удалить из общей ссылки",
"remove_offline_files": "Удаление автономных файлов",
"remove_user": "Удалить пользователя",
"removed_api_key": "Удален ключ API: {name}",
"removed_from_archive": "Удален из архива",
"removed_from_favorites": "Удалено из избранного",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "{count, plural, other {Удалено #}} из избранного",
"rename": "Переименовать",
"repair": "Ремонт",
"repair_no_results_message": "Здесь будут отображаться неотслеживаемые и отсутствующие файлы",
"replace_with_upload": "Загрузить и заменить здесь",
"repository": "Репозиторий",
"require_password": "Требуется пароль",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "Требовать у пользователя сменить пароль при первом входе",
"reset": "Сброс",
"reset_password": "Сброс пароля",
"reset_people_visibility": "Восстановить видимость людей",
"reset_settings_to_default": "",
"reset_to_default": "Восстановление значений по умолчанию",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "Все дубликаты устранены",
"restore": "Восстановить",
"restore_all": "Восстановить все",
"restore_user": "Восстановить пользователя",
"restored_asset": "Восстановленный объект",
"resume": "Продолжить",
"retry_upload": "Повторить загрузку",
"review_duplicates": "Посмотреть дубликаты",
"role": "Роль",
"role_editor": "Редактор",
"role_viewer": "Зритель",
"save": "Сохранить",
"saved_api_key": "Сохранённые ключи API",
"saved_profile": "Профиль сохранён",
@ -820,6 +983,8 @@
"search_city": "Поиск города...",
"search_country": "Поиск страны...",
"search_for_existing_person": "Поиск существующего человека",
"search_no_people": "Нет людей",
"search_no_people_named": "Нет людей с именем \"{name}\"",
"search_people": "Поиск людей",
"search_places": "Поиск мест",
"search_state": "Поиск региона...",
@ -828,21 +993,25 @@
"search_your_photos": "Поиск фотографий",
"searching_locales": "Идет поиск переводов...",
"second": "Секунда",
"see_all_people": "Посмотреть всех людей",
"select_album_cover": "Выбрать обложку альбома",
"select_all": "Выбрать все",
"select_avatar_color": "Выбрать цвет аватара",
"select_face": "Выбрать лицо",
"select_featured_photo": "Выбрать избранное фото",
"select_from_computer": "Выберите с компьютера",
"select_keep_all": "Оставить всё выбранное",
"select_library_owner": "Выбрать владельца библиотеки",
"select_new_face": "Выбрать новое лицо",
"select_photos": "Выберите фотографии",
"select_trash_all": "Удалить всё выбранное",
"selected": "Выбрано",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, one {# выбран} other {# выбрано}}",
"send_message": "Отправить сообщение",
"send_welcome_email": "Отправить приветственную почту",
"server": "Сервер",
"server_stats": "Статистика сервера",
"server_version": "Версия Сервера",
"set": "Установить",
"set_as_album_cover": "Установить в качестве обложки альбома",
"set_as_profile_picture": "Установить в качестве изображения профиля",
@ -854,6 +1023,7 @@
"share": "Поделиться",
"shared": "Общие",
"shared_by": "Поделился",
"shared_by_user": "Разделено пользователем {user}",
"shared_by_you": "Вы поделились",
"shared_from_partner": "Фото от {partner}",
"shared_links": "Общие ссылки",
@ -861,6 +1031,7 @@
"shared_with_partner": "Совместно с {partner}",
"sharing": "Общие",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Отображать ссылку на общий доступ в боковой панели",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "нажмите ⇧ чтобы удалить объект навсегда",
"show_album_options": "Показать параметры альбома",
"show_and_hide_people": "Показать и скрыть людей",
"show_file_location": "Показать расположение файла",
@ -883,8 +1054,16 @@
"slideshow": "Слайд-шоу",
"slideshow_settings": "Настройки слайд-шоу",
"sort_albums_by": "Сортировать альбомы по...",
"sort_created": "Дата создания",
"sort_items": "Количество элементов",
"sort_modified": "Дата изменения",
"sort_oldest": "Старые фото",
"sort_recent": "Недавние фото",
"sort_title": "Заголовок",
"source": "Источник",
"stack": "Стек",
"stack_selected_photos": "Сложить выбранные фотографии в стопку",
"stacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {# объект добавлен} few {# объекта добавлено} other {# объектов добавлено}} в стек",
"stacktrace": "Трассировка стека",
"start": "Старт",
"start_date": "Дата начала",
@ -906,10 +1085,13 @@
"theme": "Тема",
"theme_selection": "Выбор темы",
"theme_selection_description": "Автоматически устанавливать тему в зависимости от системных настроек вашего браузера",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "Они будут объединены вместе",
"time_based_memories": "Воспоминания, основанные на времени",
"timezone": "Часовой пояс",
"to_archive": "В архив",
"to_change_password": "Изменить пароль",
"to_favorite": "Добавить в избранное",
"to_login": "Вход",
"to_trash": "Корзина",
"toggle_settings": "Переключение настроек",
"toggle_theme": "Переключение темы",
@ -918,11 +1100,13 @@
"trash": "Корзина",
"trash_all": "Удалить всё",
"trash_count": "Удалить {count}",
"trash_delete_asset": "Удалить ресурс",
"trash_no_results_message": "Здесь будут отображаться удалённые фотографии и видео.",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "Элементы в корзине будут автоматически удалены через {days, plural, one {# день} other {# дней}}.",
"type": "Тип",
"unarchive": "Восстановить",
"unarchived": "Разархивирован",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {Возвращено из архива #}}",
"unfavorite": "Удалить из избранного",
"unhide_person": "Показать персону",
"unknown": "Неизвестно",
@ -933,6 +1117,7 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "Отключить аккаунт OAuth",
"unnamed_album": "Альбом без названия",
"unnamed_share": "Общий доступ без названия",
"unsaved_change": "Не сохраненное изменение",
"unselect_all": "Снять всё",
"unstack": "Разобрать стек",
"untracked_files": "НЕОТСЛЕЖИВАЕМЫЕ ФАЙЛЫ",
@ -941,10 +1126,20 @@
"updated_password": "Пароль обновлён",
"upload": "Загрузить",
"upload_concurrency": "Параллельность загрузки",
"upload_errors": "Загрузка завершена с {count, plural, one {# ошибкой} few {# ошибками} many {# ошибками} other {# ошибками}}, обновите страницу, чтобы увидеть новые загруженные ресурсы.",
"upload_progress": "Осталось {remaining} - Обработано {processed}/{total}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "Пропущено {count, plural, one {# дублирующийся ресурс} few {# дублирующихся ресурса} many {# дублирующихся ресурсов} other {# дублирующихся ресурса}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Дубликаты",
"upload_status_errors": "Ошибки",
"upload_status_uploaded": "Загружено",
"upload_success": "Загрузка прошла успешно. Обновите страницу, чтобы увидеть новые объекты.",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "Использование",
"use_custom_date_range": "Использовать пользовательский диапазон дат",
"user": "Пользователь",
"user_id": "ID Пользователя",
"user_liked": "{user} понравилось {type, select, photo {это фото} video {это видео} asset {этот ресурс} other {это}}",
"user_role_set": "Установить {user} в качестве {role}",
"user_usage_detail": "Подробно о использовании пользователями",
"username": "Имя Пользователя",
"users": "Пользователи",
@ -959,6 +1154,7 @@
"videos": "Видео",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {Видео (#)} few {Видео (#)} many {Видео (#)} other {Видео (#)}}",
"view": "Просмотр",
"view_album": "Просмотреть альбом",
"view_all": "Посмотреть всё",
"view_all_users": "Показать всех пользователей",
"view_links": "Посмотреть ссылки",
@ -966,10 +1162,12 @@
"view_previous_asset": "Посмотреть предыдущий объект",
"viewer": "Наблюдатель",
"waiting": "Ожидают",
"warning": "Предупреждение",
"week": "Неделя",
"welcome": "Добро пожаловать",
"welcome_to_immich": "Добро пожаловать в immich",
"year": "Год",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {# год} few {# года} many {# лет} other {# года}} назад",
"yes": "Да",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "У вас нет общих ссылок",
"zoom_image": "Увеличить Изображение"
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"cleared_jobs": "Očišćeni poslovi za: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Konfiguraciju trenutno postavlja konfiguracioni fajl",
"confirm_delete_library": "Da li stvarno želite da izbrišete biblioteku {library} ?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovu biblioteku? Ovo će izbrisati svih {count} datoteka iz Immich-a i akcija se ne može opozvati. Datoteke će ostati na disku.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovu biblioteku? Ovo će izbrisati {count, plural, one {1 sadrženu datoteku} few {# sadržene datoteke} other {# sadrženih datoteka}} iz Immich-a i akcija se ne može opozvati. Datoteke će ostati na disku.",
"confirm_email_below": "Da biste potvrdili, unesite \"{email}\" ispod",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da ponovo obradite sva lica? Ovo će takođe obrisati imenovane osobe.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da resetujete lozinku korisnika {user}?",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
"job_settings": "Podešavanja posla",
"job_settings_description": "Upravljajte paralelnošću poslova",
"job_status": "Status posla",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} odložena",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} nije uspeo",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# odloženi} few {# odložena} other {# odloženih}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, one {# neuspešni} few {# neuspešna} other {# neuspešnih}}",
"library_created": "Napravljena biblioteka: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Sistemski posao",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Podesite interval skeniranja koristeći cron format. Za više informacija pogledajte npr. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "Odnosi se samo na NVENC i RKMPP. Omogućava ubrzanje od kraja do kraja umesto da samo ubrzava kodiranje. Možda neće raditi na svim video snimcima.",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC kodek",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "Maksimalni B-kadri",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Više vrednosti poboljšavaju efikasnost kompresije, ali usporavaju kodiranje. Možda nije kompatibilno sa hardverskim ubrzanjem na starijim uređajima. 0 onemogućava B-okvire, dok -1 automatski postavlja ovu vrednost.",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "Više vrednosti poboljšavaju efikasnost kompresije, ali usporavaju kodiranje. Možda nije kompatibilno sa hardverskim ubrzanjem na starijim uređajima. 0 onemogućava B-kadre, dok -1 automatski postavlja ovu vrednost.",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "Maksimalni bitrate",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "Podešavanje maksimalnog bitrate-a može učiniti veličine datoteka predvidljivijim uz manju cenu kvaliteta. Pri 720p, tipične vrednosti su 2600k za VP9 ili HEVC, ili 4500k za H.264. Onemogućeno ako je postavljeno na 0.",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "Maksimalni interval keyframe-a",
@ -342,8 +342,8 @@
"backward": "Unazad",
"blurred_background": "Zamućena pozadina",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite grupno da izbrišete {count} dupliranih elemenata? Ovo će zadržati najveće sredstvo svake grupe i trajno izbrisati sve druge duplikate. Ne možete poništiti ovu radnju!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da zadržite {count} dupliranih datoteka? Ovo će rešiti sve duplirane grupe bez brisanja bilo čega.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite grupno da odbacite {count} duplikata materijala? Ovo će zadržati najveću imovinu svake grupe i odbaciti sve druge duplikate.",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite da zadržite {count, plural, one {1 dupliranu datoteku} few {# duplirane datoteke} other {# dupliranih datoteka}}? Ovo će rešiti sve duplirane grupe bez brisanja bilo čega.",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "Da li ste sigurni da želite grupno da odbacite {count, plural, one {1 dupliranu datoteku} few {# duplirane datoteke} other {# dupliranih datoteka}}? Ovo će zadržati najveću datoteku svake grupe i odbaciti sve ostale duplikate.",
"camera": "Kamera",
"camera_brand": "Brend kamere",
"camera_model": "Model kamere",
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@
"shared_by_you": "Vi delite",
"shared_from_partner": "Slike od {partner}",
"shared_links": "Deljene veze",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} deli fotografije i video zapise.",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} deljene fotografije i video zapise.",
"shared_with_partner": "Deli se sa {partner}",
"sharing": "Deljenje",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "Prikažite vezu do Deljenja na bočnoj traci",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "Om",
"account": "Konto",
"account_settings": "Konto inställningar",
"acknowledge": "Bekräfta",
@ -51,10 +52,10 @@
"image_preview_format": "Förhandsgranskningsformat",
"image_preview_resolution": "Förhandsgranska upplösning",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Används vid visning av ett enstaka foto och för maskininlärning. Högre upplösningar kan bevara fler detaljer men tar längre tid att koda, har större filstorlekar och kan minska appens responsiva känsla.",
"image_quality": "Kvalité",
"image_quality": "Kvalitet",
"image_quality_description": "Bildkvalitet från 1-100. Högre är bättre för kvaliteten men ger större filer, det här alternativet påverkar förhandsgranskningen och miniatyrbilderna.",
"image_settings": "Bildinställningar",
"image_settings_description": "Hantera kvaliteten och upplösningen på genererade bilder",
"image_settings_description": "Hantera kvalitet och upplösning på genererade bilder",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Miniatyrformat",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Miniatyrbildsupplösning",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Används när du tittar på grupper av foton (huvudtidslinje, albumvy, etc.). Högre upplösningar kan bevara fler detaljer men tar längre tid att koda, har större filstorlekar och kan minska appens responsiva känsla.",
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount} försenad",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount} misslyckades",
"library_created": "Skapat bibliotek: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron uttryck",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron-uttryck",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Cron Uttrycksförinställningar",
"library_deleted": "Biblioteket har tagits bort",
"library_import_path_description": "Ange en mapp att importera. Den här mappen, inklusive undermappar, skannas efter bilder och videor.",
@ -74,8 +75,8 @@
"library_scanning_description": "Konfigurera periodisk biblioteksskanning",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Aktivera periodisk biblioteksskanning",
"library_settings": "Externt bibliotek",
"library_settings_description": "Hantera externa biblioteksinställningar",
"library_tasks_description": "Utföra biblioteksuppgifter",
"library_settings_description": "Hantera inställningar för externt bibliotek",
"library_tasks_description": "Utför biblioteksuppgifter",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Titta på externa bibliotek för filändringar",
"library_watching_settings": "Titta på bibliotek (EXPERIMENTELLT)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Titta automatiskt efter ändrade filer",
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Om det är inaktiverat kommer alla ML-funktioner att inaktiveras oavsett inställningarna nedan.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Ansiktsigenkänning",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Upptäck, känna igen och gruppera ansikten i bilder",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Ansiktsigenkänningsmodell",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "",
@ -101,95 +102,95 @@
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "",
"machine_learning_settings": "",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Hantera funktioner och inställningar för maskininlärning",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_url_description": "",
"manage_log_settings": "",
"machine_learning_url_description": "Maskininlärningsserverns URL",
"manage_log_settings": "Hantera logginställningar",
"map_dark_style": "",
"map_enable_description": "",
"map_enable_description": "Aktivera kartfunktioner",
"map_light_style": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "",
"map_settings": "",
"map_settings_description": "",
"map_settings_description": "Hantera kartinställningar",
"map_style_description": "",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "",
"migration_job_description": "",
"notification_email_from_address": "",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "",
"notification_email_host_description": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "Avsändarens epost, t.ex.: \"Immich Fotoserver <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "Värd för epostservern (t.ex. smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Ignorera certifikatfel",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Ignorera valideringsfel för TLS-certifikat (rekommenderas ej)",
"notification_email_password_description": "",
"notification_email_port_description": "",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "",
"notification_email_setting_description": "",
"notification_email_port_description": "Port på epostservern (t.ex. 25, 465 eller 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Skicka test-epost och spara",
"notification_email_setting_description": "Inställningar för att skicka epostnotiser",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "",
"notification_email_username_description": "",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "",
"notification_settings": "",
"notification_settings_description": "",
"oauth_auto_launch": "",
"notification_email_username_description": "Användarnamn att använda vid autentisering med epost-servern",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "Aktivera epost-notiser",
"notification_settings": "Notisinställningar",
"notification_settings_description": "Hantera notisinställingar, inklusive epost",
"oauth_auto_launch": "Autostart",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "",
"oauth_auto_register": "",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "",
"oauth_button_text": "",
"oauth_client_id": "",
"oauth_auto_register": "Autoregistrera",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "Registrera nya användare automatiskt efter inloggning med OAuth",
"oauth_button_text": "Knapptext",
"oauth_client_id": "Klient-ID",
"oauth_client_secret": "",
"oauth_enable_description": "",
"oauth_enable_description": "Logga in med OAuth",
"oauth_issuer_url": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "",
"oauth_scope": "",
"oauth_settings": "",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Signeringsalgoritm",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "",
"password_enable_description": "",
"password_enable_description": "Logga in med epost och lösenord",
"password_settings": "",
"password_settings_description": "",
"server_external_domain_settings": "",
"server_external_domain_settings": "Extern domän",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "",
"server_settings": "",
"server_settings_description": "",
"server_welcome_message": "",
"server_welcome_message_description": "",
"server_settings": "Serverinställningar",
"server_settings_description": "Hantera serverinställningar",
"server_welcome_message": "Välkomstmeddelande",
"server_welcome_message_description": "Ett meddelande som visas på inloggningssidan.",
"sidecar_job_description": "",
"slideshow_duration_description": "",
"slideshow_duration_description": "Antal sekunder att visa varje bild",
"smart_search_job_description": "",
"storage_template_enable_description": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_settings": "",
"storage_template_settings": "Lagringsmall",
"storage_template_settings_description": "",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "Anpassad CSS",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "",
"theme_settings": "",
"theme_settings_description": "",
"theme_settings": "Temainställningar",
"theme_settings_description": "Hantera anpassningar av webbgränssnittet för Immich",
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"transcoding_acceleration_api": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC (kräver NVIDIA GPU)",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (bara med Rockchip SOCs)",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "Val som de flesta användare inte bör behöva ändra",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec_description": "",
"transcoding_bitrate_description": "",
@ -198,16 +199,16 @@
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor": "",
"transcoding_constant_rate_factor_description": "",
"transcoding_disabled_description": "",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "Hardvaruacceleration",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "Hårdvaruavkodning",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate": "",
"transcoding_max_bitrate_description": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval": "Max nyckelbildruteintervall",
"transcoding_max_keyframe_interval_description": "",
"transcoding_optimal_description": "",
"transcoding_preferred_hardware_device": "",
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@
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@ -346,28 +347,28 @@
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"default_locale_description": "",
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"delete_album": "Radera album",
"delete_album": "Ta bort album",
"delete_key": "",
"delete_library": "",
"delete_link": "",
"delete_shared_link": "Ta Bort Delad Länk",
"delete_user": "",
"deleted_shared_link": "",
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"delete_shared_link": "Ta bort delad länk",
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"deleted_shared_link": "Ta bort delad länk",
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"dismiss_error": "",
"display_options": "",
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"display_original_photos": "Visa originalfoton",
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"downloading": "",
"duration": "",
"downloading": "Laddar ner",
"duration": "Varaktighet",
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"days": "",
"hours": "",
@ -375,83 +376,83 @@
"months": "",
"years": ""
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"edit_avatar": "",
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"edit_date_and_time": "",
"edit_album": "Redigera album",
"edit_avatar": "Redigera avatar",
"edit_date": "Redigera datum",
"edit_date_and_time": "Redigera datum och tid",
"edit_exclusion_pattern": "",
"edit_faces": "",
"edit_import_path": "",
"edit_faces": "Redigera ansikten",
"edit_import_path": "Redigera importsökvägar",
"edit_import_paths": "",
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"edited": "",
"edit_user": "Redigera användare",
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"empty_album": "",
"empty_trash": "Töm papperskorg",
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"enabled": "",
"end_date": "",
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"end_date": "Slutdatum",
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"error_loading_image": "Fel vid bildladdning",
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"unable_to_add_comment": "",
"unable_to_add_partners": "",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "",
"unable_to_change_date": "",
"unable_to_change_location": "",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "Kunde inte lägga till albumanvändare",
"unable_to_add_comment": "Kunde inte lägga till kommentar",
"unable_to_add_partners": "Kunde inte lägga till partners",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "Kunde inte ändra albumanvändarens roll",
"unable_to_change_date": "Kunde inte ändra datum",
"unable_to_change_location": "Kunde inte ändra plats",
"unable_to_check_item": "",
"unable_to_check_items": "",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "",
"unable_to_create_library": "",
"unable_to_create_user": "",
"unable_to_delete_album": "",
"unable_to_create_library": "Kunde inte skapa bibliotek",
"unable_to_create_user": "Kunde inte skapa användare",
"unable_to_delete_album": "Kunde inte ta bort album",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "",
"unable_to_delete_user": "",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "",
"unable_to_delete_user": "Kunde inte ta bort användare",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "Kunde inte tömma papperskorgen",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "Kunde inte växla till fullskärm",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "Kunde inte avsluta fullskärm",
"unable_to_hide_person": "",
"unable_to_load_album": "",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "",
"unable_to_load_items": "",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "",
"unable_to_play_video": "",
"unable_to_play_video": "Kunde inte spela upp video",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "",
"unable_to_remove_partner": "",
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "",
"unable_to_remove_library": "Kunde inte ta bort bibliotek",
"unable_to_remove_partner": "Kunde inte ta bort partner",
"unable_to_remove_reaction": "Kunde inte ta bort reaktion",
"unable_to_remove_user": "",
"unable_to_repair_items": "",
"unable_to_reset_password": "",
"unable_to_reset_password": "Kunde inte återställa lösenord",
"unable_to_resolve_duplicate": "",
"unable_to_restore_assets": "",
"unable_to_restore_trash": "",
"unable_to_restore_user": "",
"unable_to_save_album": "",
"unable_to_save_name": "",
"unable_to_save_profile": "",
"unable_to_save_settings": "",
"unable_to_restore_user": "Kunde inte återställa användare",
"unable_to_save_album": "Kunde inte spara album",
"unable_to_save_name": "Kunde inte spara namn",
"unable_to_save_profile": "Kunde inte spara profil",
"unable_to_save_settings": "Kunde inte spara inställningar",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "",
"unable_to_scan_library": "",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "",
"unable_to_submit_job": "",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "",
"unable_to_update_library": "",
"unable_to_update_location": "",
"unable_to_update_settings": "",
"unable_to_update_user": ""
"unable_to_update_library": "Kunde inte uppdatera bibliotek",
"unable_to_update_location": "Kunde inte uppdatera plats",
"unable_to_update_settings": "Kunde inte uppdatera inställningar",
"unable_to_update_user": "Kunde inte uppdatera användare"
"every_day_at_onepm": "",
"every_night_at_midnight": "",
@ -461,7 +462,7 @@
"expand_all": "",
"expire_after": "Går ut efter",
"expired": "Gått ut",
"explore": "",
"explore": "Utforska",
"extension": "",
"external_libraries": "",
"failed_to_get_people": "",
@ -471,35 +472,35 @@
"feature": "",
"feature_photo_updated": "",
"featurecollection": "",
"file_name": "",
"file_name": "Filnamn",
"file_name_or_extension": "",
"filename": "",
"filename": "Filnamn",
"files": "",
"filetype": "",
"filter_people": "",
"filetype": "Filtyp",
"filter_people": "Filtrera personer",
"fix_incorrect_match": "",
"force_re-scan_library_files": "",
"forward": "",
"forward": "Framåt",
"general": "",
"get_help": "",
"getting_started": "",
"go_back": "",
"go_to_search": "",
"go_back": "Gå tillbaka",
"go_to_search": "Gå till sök",
"go_to_share_page": "",
"group_albums_by": "",
"has_quota": "",
"hide_gallery": "",
"hide_password": "",
"hide_person": "",
"host": "",
"hour": "",
"hide_gallery": "Dölj galleri",
"hide_password": "Dölj lösenord",
"hide_person": "Dölj person",
"host": "Värd",
"hour": "Timme",
"image": "Bild",
"img": "",
"immich_logo": "",
"import_path": "",
"immich_logo": "Immich Logo",
"import_path": "Importsökväg",
"in_archive": "",
"include_archived": "Inkludera Arkiverade",
"include_shared_albums": "",
"include_archived": "Inkludera arkiverade",
"include_shared_albums": "Inkludera delade album",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "",
"individual_share": "",
"info": "",
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@
"manage_your_api_keys": "",
"manage_your_devices": "",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "",
"map": "",
"map": "Karta",
"map_marker_with_image": "",
"map_settings": "Kartinställningar",
"media_type": "",
@ -708,7 +709,7 @@
"select_photos": "Välj bilder",
"selected": "",
"send_message": "",
"server": "",
"server": "Server",
"server_stats": "",
"set": "",
"set_as_album_cover": "",
@ -753,27 +754,31 @@
"status": "",
"stop_motion_photo": "",
"stop_photo_sharing": "Sluta dela dina foton?",
"storage": "",
"storage": "Lagring",
"storage_label": "",
"storage_usage": "{used} av {available} använt",
"submit": "",
"suggestions": "Förslag",
"sunrise_on_the_beach": "",
"swap_merge_direction": "",
"sync": "",
"template": "",
"sync": "Synka",
"template": "Mall",
"theme": "Tema",
"theme_selection": "Val av tema",
"theme_selection_description": "Ställ in temat automatiskt till ljust eller mörkt baserat på din webbläsares inställningar",
"time_based_memories": "Tidsbaserade minnen",
"timezone": "Tidszon",
"to_change_password": "Ändra lösenord",
"to_favorite": "Favorit",
"to_login": "Logga in",
"toggle_settings": "",
"toggle_theme": "",
"toggle_visibility": "",
"toggle_theme": "Växla tema",
"toggle_visibility": "Växla synlighet",
"total_usage": "Total användning",
"trash": "Papperskorg",
"trash_all": "",
"trash_no_results_message": "",
"type": "",
"type": "Typ",
"unarchive": "Avarkivera",
"unarchived": "",
"unfavorite": "Avfavorisera",
@ -781,6 +786,7 @@
"unknown": "Okänd",
"unknown_album": "Okänt album",
"unknown_year": "Okänt år",
"unlimited": "Obegränsat",
"unlink_oauth": "",
"unlinked_oauth_account": "",
"unselect_all": "",
@ -789,30 +795,35 @@
"updated_password": "",
"upload": "Ladda Upp",
"upload_concurrency": "",
"upload_status_duplicates": "Dubbletter",
"upload_status_errors": "Fel",
"url": "",
"usage": "",
"user": "",
"user": "Användare",
"user_id": "",
"user_usage_detail": "",
"username": "",
"users": "",
"users": "Användare",
"utilities": "",
"validate": "",
"variables": "",
"validate": "Validera",
"variables": "Variabler",
"version": "Version",
"video": "Video",
"video_hover_setting_description": "",
"videos": "Videor",
"view": "Visa",
"view_all": "Visa alla",
"view_all_users": "",
"view_links": "",
"view_all_users": "Visa alla användare",
"view_links": "Visa länkar",
"view_next_asset": "",
"view_previous_asset": "",
"viewer": "",
"waiting": "",
"week": "",
"welcome_to_immich": "",
"year": "",
"waiting": "Väntar",
"warning": "Varning",
"week": "Vecka",
"welcome": "Välkommen",
"welcome_to_immich": "Välkommen till immich",
"year": "År",
"yes": "Ja",
"zoom_image": ""
@ -57,27 +57,27 @@
"image_preview_format": "",
"image_preview_resolution": "",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "",
"image_quality": "",
"image_quality_description": "",
"image_settings": "",
"image_settings_description": "",
"image_thumbnail_format": "",
"image_quality": "தரம்",
"image_quality_description": "படத்தின் தரம் 1-100 வரை. உயர்வானது தரத்திற்கு சிறந்தது, ஆனால் பெரிய கோப்புகளை உருவாக்குகிறது, இந்த விருப்பம் முன்னோட்டம் மற்றும் சிறுபடங்களைப் பாதிக்கிறது.",
"image_settings": "பட அமைப்புகள்",
"image_settings_description": "உருவாக்கப்பட்ட படங்களின் தரம் மற்றும் தெளிவுத்திறனை நிர்வகிக்கவும்",
"image_thumbnail_format": "சிறுபட வடிவம்",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "",
"job_concurrency": "",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "",
"job_concurrency": "{job} ஒத்திசைவு",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "இந்த வேலை ஒரே நேரத்தில் பாதுகாப்பானது அல்ல.",
"job_settings": "",
"job_settings_description": "",
"job_status": "",
"jobs_delayed": "",
"jobs_failed": "",
"library_created": "",
"library_cron_expression": "",
"library_cron_expression_description": "",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
"library_cron_expression": "கிரான் வடிவம்",
"library_cron_expression_description": "கிரான் வடிவமைப்பைப் பயன்படுத்தி ஸ்கேனிங் இடைவெளியை அமைக்கவும். மேலும் தகவலுக்கு, எ.கா. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "கிரான் வடிவமைப்பு முன்னமைவுகள்",
"library_deleted": "",
"library_import_path_description": "",
"library_scanning": "",
"library_import_path_description": "இறக்குமதி செய்ய ஒரு கோப்புறையைக் குறிப்பிடவும். துணைக் கோப்புறைகள் உட்பட இந்தக் கோப்புறை படங்கள் மற்றும் வீடியோக்களுக்காக ஸ்கேன் செய்யப்படும்.",
"library_scanning": "அவ்வப்போது ஸ்கேனிங்",
"library_scanning_description": "",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "",
"library_settings": "",
@ -85,26 +85,26 @@
"library_tasks_description": "",
"library_watching_enable_description": "",
"library_watching_settings": "",
"library_watching_settings_description": "",
"logging_enable_description": "",
"logging_level_description": "",
"logging_settings": "",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled": "",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "",
"library_watching_settings_description": "மாற்றப்பட்ட புகைப்படங்களைத் தானாகவே பார்க்கவும்",
"logging_enable_description": "பதிவு செய்வதை இயக்கு",
"logging_level_description": "இயக்கப்பட்டால், எந்தப் பதிவு நிலை பயன்படுத்த வேண்டும்.",
"logging_settings": "பதிவு செய்தல்",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "கிளிப் மாடல்",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "CLIP மாடல் பெயர் <link>இங்கே</link> பட்டியலிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. ஒரு மாடயலை மாற்றியவுடன் அனைத்து படங்களுக்கும் 'ஸ்மார்ட் தேடல்' வேலையை மீண்டும் இயக்க வேண்டும் என்பதை நினைவில் கொள்ளவும்.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "நகல் (டூப்ளிகேட்) கண்டறிதல்",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "நகல் (டூப்ளிகேட்) கண்டறிதலை இயக்கு",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "முடக்கப்பட்டிருந்தால், 100 சதவீதம் ஒரே மாதிரியான சொத்துக்கள் நகல் (டூப்ளிகேட்) எடுக்கப்படும்.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "சாத்தியமான நகல்களைக் (டூப்ளிகேட்) கண்டறிய CLIP மாடெலைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"machine_learning_enabled": "இயந்திர கற்றலை இயக்கு",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "முடக்கப்பட்டால், கீழே உள்ள அமைப்புகளைப் பொருட்படுத்தாமல் அனைத்து ML அம்சங்களும் முடக்கப்படும்.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "முகம் அடையாளம் காணும் அமைப்பு",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "படங்களில் முகங்களைக் கண்டறிந்து, அடையாளம் கண்டு, குழுவாக்கவும்",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "முக அங்கீகார மாடெல்",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "மாடெல்கள் அளவின் இறங்கு வரிசையில் பட்டியலிடப்பட்டுள்ளன. பெரிய மாடெல்கள் மெதுவாகவும் அதிக நினைவகத்தைப் பயன்படுத்துகின்றன, ஆனால் சிறந்த முடிவுகளைத் தருகின்றன. மாடலை மாற்றியவுடன் அனைத்து படங்களுக்கும் முகம் கண்டறிதல் வேலையை மீண்டும் இயக்க வேண்டும் என்பதை நினைவில் கொள்ளவும்..",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "முக அங்கீகாரத்தை இயக்கவும்",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "முடக்கப்பட்டிருந்தால், முக அங்கீகாரத்திற்காக படங்கள் குறியாக்கம் செய்யப்படாது மற்றும் ஆய்வுப் பக்கத்தில் உள்ள மக்கள் பிரிவில் நிரப்பப்படாது.",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "அதிகபட்ச கண்டறிதல் தூரம்",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance_description": "0.001-0.1 வரையிலான இரண்டு படங்களுக்கு இடையே உள்ள அதிகபட்ச தூரம் நகல்களாகக் கருதப்படும். அதிக மதிப்புகள் அதிக நகல்களைக் கண்டறியும், ஆனால் தவறான நேர்மறைகளை ஏற்படுத்தலாம்.",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance": "",
"machine_learning_max_recognition_distance_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_detection_score": "",
@ -119,30 +119,30 @@
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_url_description": "",
"manage_concurrency": "",
"manage_log_settings": "",
"map_dark_style": "",
"map_enable_description": "",
"map_light_style": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "",
"map_settings": "",
"map_settings_description": "",
"map_style_description": "",
"metadata_extraction_job": "",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "",
"migration_job": "",
"migration_job_description": "",
"no_paths_added": "",
"no_pattern_added": "",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "",
"note_unlimited_quota": "",
"notification_email_from_address": "",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "",
"notification_email_host_description": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "",
"manage_log_settings": "பதிவு அமைப்புகளை நிர்வகிக்கவும்",
"map_dark_style": "இருண்ட தீம்",
"map_enable_description": "மேப்பிங் அம்சங்களை இயக்கவும்",
"map_light_style": "வெள்ளை தீம்",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "புவி இருப்பிடத்தை தீர்மானித்தல்",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "புவிஇருப்பிட தீர்மானத்தை செயல்படுத்தவும்",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "புவிஇருப்பிடத்தை தீர்மானித்தல் அமைப்புகள்",
"map_settings": "மேப் & ஜிபிஎஸ் (GPS) அமைப்புகள்",
"map_settings_description": "மேப் அமைப்புகளை நிர்வகிக்கவும்",
"map_style_description": "style.json மேப் தீமுக்கான URL",
"metadata_extraction_job": "மெட்டாடேட்டாவைப் பிரித்தெடுக்கவும்",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "ஜிபிஎஸ் மற்றும் தெளிவுத்திறன் போன்ற ஒவ்வொரு சொத்திலிருந்தும் மெட்டாடேட்டா தகவலைப் பிரித்தெடுக்கவும்",
"migration_job": "இடம்பெயர்தல்",
"migration_job_description": "புகைப்படங்கள் மற்றும் முகங்களுக்கான சிறுபடங்களை (தம்ப்னெயில்) சமீபத்திய கோப்புறை அமைப்பிற்கு மாற்றவும்",
"no_paths_added": "ஃபோல்ட்டர் பாதைகள் சேர்க்கப்படவில்லை",
"no_pattern_added": "பேட்டர்ன்் சேர்க்கப்படவில்லை",
"note_apply_storage_label_previous_assets": "குறிப்பு: முன்பு பதிவேற்றிய படங்களுக்கு சேமிப்பக லேபிளைப் பயன்படுத்த, இதை இயக்கவும்",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "குறிப்பு: இதை பின்னர் மாற்ற முடியாது!",
"note_unlimited_quota": "குறிப்பு: வரம்பற்ற ஒதுக்கீட்டிற்கு 0 ஐ உள்ளிடவும்",
"notification_email_from_address": "முகவரியிலிருந்து",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "அனுப்புநரின் மின்னஞ்சல் முகவரி, எடுத்துக்காட்டாக: \"இம்மிச் புகைப்பட சேவையகம் <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "மின்னஞ்சல் சேவையகத்தின் ஹோஸ்ட் (எடுத்துக்காட்டாக: smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "சான்றிதழ் பிழைகளை புறக்கணிக்கவும்",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "TLS சான்றிதழ் சரிபார்ப்பு பிழைகளை புறக்கணிக்கவும் (பரிந்துரைக்கப்படவில்லை)",
"notification_email_password_description": "",
"notification_email_port_description": "",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "เกี่ยวกับ",
"account": "บัญชี",
"account_settings": "ตั้งค่าบัญชี",
"acknowledge": "รับทราบ",
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
"config_set_by_file": "ปัจจุบันการกำหนดค่าถูกตั้งค่าโดยไฟล์กำหนดค่า",
"confirm_delete_library": "คุณแน่ใจว่าอยากลบคลังภาพ {library} หรือไม่?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "คุณแน่ใจว่าอยากลบคลังภาพนี้หรือไม่? สี่อทั้งหมด {count} สี่อในคลังจะถูกลบออกจาก Immich โดยถาวร ไฟล์จะยังคงอยู่บนดิสก์",
"confirm_email_below": "เพื่อยืนยัน พิมพ์\"{email}\" ข้างล่าง",
"confirm_email_below": "เพื่อยืนยัน พิมพ์ \"{email}\" ด้านล่าง",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "คุณแน่ใจว่าคุณต้องการประมวลผลใบหน้าทั้งหมดใหม่? ชื่อคนจะถูกลบไปด้วย",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "คุณแน่ใจว่าต้องการรีเซ็ตรหัสผ่านของ {user} หรือไม่?",
"crontab_guru": "Crontab Guru",
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
"slideshow_duration_description": "จำนวนวินาทีที่จะแสดงแต่ละรูปภาพ",
"smart_search_job_description": "เรียกใช้ machine learning บนสื่อเพื่อรองรับการค้นหาอัจฉริยะ",
"storage_template_enable_description": "เปิดใช้งานการจัดเทมเพลตที่เก็บข้อมูล",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "ตรวจสอบ hash ไม่ผ่าน",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "เปิดใช้การตรวจสอบ Hash แล้ว",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "เปิดใช้งานการตรวจสอบ hash ห้ามปิดใช้งานเว้นแต่คุณจะเข้าใจผลกระทบ",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_settings": "",
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@
"transcoding_required_description": "",
"transcoding_settings": "",
"transcoding_settings_description": "",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "",
"transcoding_target_resolution": "ความละเอียดเป้าหมาย",
"transcoding_target_resolution_description": "",
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
"about": "Giới thiệu",
"account": "Tài khoản",
"account_settings": "Cài đặt tài khoản",
"acknowledge": "Công nhận",
"acknowledge": "Ghi nhận",
"action": "Hành động",
"actions": "Các hành động",
"active": "Đang hoạt động",
"activity": "Hoạt động",
"activity_changed": "Hoạt động đang được {enabled, select, true {bật} other {tắt}}",
"add": "Thêm",
"add_a_description": "Thêm mô tả",
"add_a_location": "Thêm vị trí",
@ -21,15 +23,20 @@
"add_to": "Thêm vào...",
"add_to_album": "Thêm vào album",
"add_to_shared_album": "Thêm vào album chia sẻ",
"added_to_archive": "Thêm vào kho lưu trữ",
"added_to_favorites": "Đã thêm vào mục yêu thích",
"added_to_favorites_count": "Đã thêm {count} vào mục yêu thích",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "Thêm quy tắc loại trừ. Hỗ trợ sử dụng ký tự *, **, và ?. Để bỏ qua tất cả các tệp bất kỳ trong thư mục tên \"Raw\", hãy dùng \"**/Raw/**\". Để bỏ qua các tệp có đuôi \".tif\", hãy dùng \"**/*.tif\". Để bỏ qua một đường dẫn đầy đủ, hãy dùng \"/path/to/ignore/**\".",
"authentication_settings": "Cài đặt đăng nhập",
"authentication_settings_description": "Quản lý mật khẩu, OAuth và các cài đặt đăng nhập khác",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "Để bật lại, dùng <link>Lệnh máy chủ</link>.",
"background_task_job": "Các tác vụ nền",
"check_all": "Chọn tất cả",
"cleared_jobs": "Đã xoá tác vụ cho: {job}",
"config_set_by_file": "Cấu hình hiện tại đang được đặt bởi tệp cấu hình",
"confirm_delete_library": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa thư viện {library} không?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa thư viện này không? Thao tác này sẽ xóa toàn bộ {count} hình ảnh chứa bên trong Immich và không thể hoàn tác. Các tệp sẽ vẫn còn trên đĩa.",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa thư viện này không? Thao tác này sẽ xóa {count, plural, one {# ảnh được chứa} other {tất cả # ảnh được chứa}} khỏi Immich và không thể hoàn tác. Các tệp sẽ vẫn còn trên đĩa.",
"confirm_email_below": "Để xác nhận, nhập \"{email}\" ở dưới",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xử lý lại tất cả các khuôn mặt? Thao tác này sẽ xoá tên người đã được gán.",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn đặt lại mật khẩu của {user}?",
@ -41,44 +48,59 @@
"external_library_created_at": "Thư viện bên ngoài (được tạo vào {date})",
"external_library_management": "Quản lý thư viện bên ngoài",
"face_detection": "Nhận diện khuôn mặt",
"image_format_description": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "",
"face_detection_description": "Sử dụng machine learning để phát hiện các khuôn mặt trong ảnh. Với video, chỉ thực hiện trên ảnh thu nhỏ. Xử lý lại tất cả các hình ảnh. Các hỉnh ảnh trong hàng đợi bị bỏ lỡ chưa được xử lý. Các khuôn mặt được phát hiện sẽ được xếp vào hàng đợi cho quá trình Nhận dạng khuôn mặt sau khi quá trình Phát hiện khuôn mặt hoàn tất, nhóm chúng vào người hiện có hoặc tạo người mới.",
"facial_recognition_job_description": "Nhóm các khuôn mặt đã phát hiện thành người. Bước này được thực hiện sau khi Phát hiện khuôn mặt hoàn tất. Xử lý lại việc nhóm cho toàn bộ khuôn mặt. Các khuôn mặt trong hàng đợi bị bỏ lỡ chưa được gán cho người nào.",
"failed_job_command": "Lệnh {command} không thực hiện được tác vụ: {job}",
"force_delete_user_warning": "CẢNH BÁO: Thao tác này sẽ ngay lập tức xoá người dùng và tất cả ảnh. Hành động này không thể hoàn tác và các tệp không thể khôi phục.",
"forcing_refresh_library_files": "Làm mới toàn bộ thư viện ảnh",
"image_format_description": "Tệp WebP dung lượng nhỏ hơn JPEG, nhưng mã hóa chậm hơn.",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview": "Ưu tiên ảnh xem trước đã nhúng",
"image_prefer_embedded_preview_setting_description": "Ứng dụng sẽ sử dụng ảnh xem trước trong ảnh RAW khi có sẵn để xử lý hình ảnh. Điều này có thể giúp tái tạo màu sắc chính xác hơn cho một số hình ảnh, nhưng chất lượng của ảnh xem trước phụ thuộc vào máy ảnh và có thể bị nén.",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut": "Ưu tiên gam màu mở rộng",
"image_prefer_wide_gamut_setting_description": "Hiển thị ảnh thu nhỏ ở gam màu Display P3. Điều này giúp giữ màu sắc rực rỡ của những hình ảnh có gam màu rộng, nhưng hình ảnh có thể trông khác trên các thiết bị cũ và trình duyệt cũ. Hình ảnh sRGB được giữ nguyên để tránh thay đổi màu sắc.",
"image_preview_format": "Định dạng xem trước",
"image_preview_resolution": "Độ phân giải xem trước",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "",
"image_preview_resolution_description": "Được sử dụng khi xem một bức ảnh và cho machine learning. Độ phân giải cao hơn có thể giữ lại nhiều chi tiết hơn nhưng mất nhiều thời gian mã hóa, có kích thước lớn hơn và có thể làm giảm khả năng phản hồi của ứng dụng.",
"image_quality": "Chất lượng",
"image_quality_description": "Chất lượng hình ảnh từ 1 - 100. Giá trị càng cao hình ảnh đẹp hơn nhưng kích thước tệp sẽ lớn, lựa chọn này ảnh hưởng tới ảnh xem trước và ảnh thu nhỏ.",
"image_settings": "Cài đặt hình ảnh",
"image_settings_description": "Quản lý chất lượng và độ phân giải của hình ảnh được tạo",
"image_thumbnail_format": "Định dạng ảnh thu nhỏ",
"image_thumbnail_resolution": "Độ phân giải ảnh thu nhỏ",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "",
"job_settings": "",
"job_settings_description": "",
"library_cron_expression": "",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "",
"image_thumbnail_resolution_description": "Dùng khi xem một nhóm các ảnh (dòng thời gian chính, xem album, v.v.). Độ phân giải cao hơn có thể giữ lại nhiều chi tiết hơn nhưng mất nhiều thời gian mã hóa, có kích thước lớn hơn và có thể làm giảm khả năng phản hồi của ứng dụng.",
"job_concurrency": "{job} thực hiện đồng thời",
"job_not_concurrency_safe": "Tác vụ này không an toàn để thực hiện đồng thời.",
"job_settings": "Cài đặt tác vụ công việc",
"job_settings_description": "Quản lý tác vụ thực hiện đồng thời",
"job_status": "Trạng thái tác vụ",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# bị hoãn lại}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {# bị thất bại}}",
"library_created": "Thư viện được tạo: {library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cú pháp Cron",
"library_cron_expression_description": "Đặt lịch quét bằng định dạng cron. Để biết thêm thông tin, vui lòng tham khảo ví dụ. <link>Crontab Guru</link>",
"library_cron_expression_presets": "Thiết lập lịch quét",
"library_deleted": "Thư viện đã bị xoá",
"library_import_path_description": "Chọn thư mục để nhập. Ứng dụng sẽ quét tất cả hình ảnh và video trong thư mục này và các thư mục con.",
"library_scanning": "Quét định kỳ",
"library_scanning_description": "Cấu hình quét thư viện định kỳ",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "",
"library_scanning_enable_description": "Bật quét thư viện định kỳ",
"library_settings": "Thư viện bên ngoài",
"library_settings_description": "Quản lý cài đặt thư viện bên ngoài",
"library_tasks_description": "",
"library_watching_enable_description": "",
"library_watching_settings": "",
"library_watching_settings_description": "",
"logging_enable_description": "",
"logging_level_description": "",
"logging_settings": "",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "",
"library_tasks_description": "Xử lý các tác vụ thư viện",
"library_watching_enable_description": "Tự động cập nhật các tệp bị thay đổi trong thư viện bên ngoài",
"library_watching_settings": "Theo dõi thư viện (THỬ NGHIỆM)",
"library_watching_settings_description": "Tự động cập nhật khi các tệp bị thay đổi",
"logging_enable_description": "Bật ghi nhật ký",
"logging_level_description": "Khi được bật, thiết lập mức ghi nhật ký.",
"logging_settings": "Ghi nhật ký",
"machine_learning_clip_model": "Mô hình CLIP",
"machine_learning_clip_model_description": "Tên của mô hình CLIP được liệt kê <link>tại đây</link>. Bạn cần chạy lại tác vụ \"Tìm kiếm thông minh\" cho tất cả hình ảnh sau khi thay đổi mô hình.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection": "Phát hiện ảnh trùng lặp",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled": "Bật phát hiện ảnh trùng lặp",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_enabled_description": "Nếu bị vô hiệu hoá, các ảnh trùng lặp giống hệt nhau vẫn sẽ bị loại bỏ.",
"machine_learning_duplicate_detection_setting_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_enabled": "Bật machine learning",
"machine_learning_enabled_description": "Nếu bị vô hiệu hoá, tất cả các tính năng ML sẽ bị vô hiệu hoá kể các cài đặt bên dưới.",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "Nhận dạng khuôn mặt",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "Phát hiện, nhận dạng và nhóm các khuôn mặt trong ảnh",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "Mô hình nhận dạng khuôn mặt",
@ -93,94 +115,110 @@
"machine_learning_min_detection_score_description": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces": "",
"machine_learning_min_recognized_faces_description": "",
"machine_learning_settings": "",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "",
"machine_learning_settings": "Cài đặt Machine Learning",
"machine_learning_settings_description": "Quản lý các tính năng và cài đặt của machine learning",
"machine_learning_smart_search": "Tìm kiếm thông minh",
"machine_learning_smart_search_description": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "",
"machine_learning_url_description": "",
"manage_log_settings": "",
"map_dark_style": "",
"map_enable_description": "",
"map_light_style": "",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled": "Bật tìm kiếm thông minh",
"machine_learning_smart_search_enabled_description": "Nếu vô hiệu hoá, hình ảnh sẽ không được mã hoá để tìm kiếm thông minh.",
"machine_learning_url_description": "Địa chỉ máy chủ machine learning",
"manage_log_settings": "Quản lý cài đặt nhật ký",
"map_dark_style": "Giao diện tối",
"map_enable_description": "Bật tính năng bản đồ",
"map_light_style": "Giao diện sáng",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "",
"map_settings": "",
"map_settings_description": "",
"map_settings": "Cài đặt Bản đồ & GPS",
"map_settings_description": "Quản lý các cài đặt bản đồ",
"map_style_description": "",
"metadata_extraction_job_description": "",
"migration_job_description": "",
"notification_email_from_address": "",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "",
"notification_email_host_description": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "",
"notification_email_password_description": "",
"notification_email_port_description": "",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "",
"notification_email_setting_description": "",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "",
"notification_email_username_description": "",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "",
"notification_settings": "",
"notification_settings_description": "",
"oauth_auto_launch": "",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "",
"oauth_auto_register": "",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "",
"oauth_button_text": "",
"oauth_client_id": "",
"oauth_client_secret": "",
"oauth_enable_description": "",
"oauth_issuer_url": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "",
"oauth_scope": "",
"oauth_settings": "",
"oauth_settings_description": "",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "",
"note_cannot_be_changed_later": "LƯU Ý: Điều này không thể thay đổi sau này!",
"notification_email_from_address": "Địa chỉ email người gửi",
"notification_email_from_address_description": "Địa chỉ email của người gửi, ví dụ: \"Immich Photo Server <noreply@immich.app>\"",
"notification_email_host_description": "Địa chỉ máy chủ email (ví dụ: smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "Bỏ qua các lỗi chứng chỉ",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "Bỏ qua lỗi xác thực chứng chỉ TLS (không khuyến nghị)",
"notification_email_password_description": "Mật khẩu dùng để xác thực với máy chủ email",
"notification_email_port_description": "Cổng của máy chủ email (ví dụ 25, 465, hoặc 587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "Gửi email thử nghiệm và lưu",
"notification_email_setting_description": "Cài đặt gửi thông báo qua email",
"notification_email_test_email": "Gửi email thử nghiệm",
"notification_email_test_email_failed": "Gửi email thử nghiệm thất bại, vui lòng kiểm tra các thông tin của bạn",
"notification_email_test_email_sent": "Một email thử nghiệm đã được gửi tới {email}. Vui lòng kiểm tra hộp thư của bạn.",
"notification_email_username_description": "Tên đăng nhập email để xác thực với máy chủ email",
"notification_enable_email_notifications": "Bật thông báo qua email",
"notification_settings": "Cài đặt thông báo",
"notification_settings_description": "Quản lý các cài đặt thông báo, bao gồm email",
"oauth_auto_launch": "Tự động khởi chạy OAuth",
"oauth_auto_launch_description": "Tự động đăng nhập bằng tài khoản OAuth khi bạn truy cập trang đăng nhập",
"oauth_auto_register": "Tự động đăng ký",
"oauth_auto_register_description": "Tự động đăng ký người dùng mới sau khi đăng nhập với OAuth",
"oauth_button_text": "Nội dung văn bản nút",
"oauth_client_id": "Mã ứng dụng khách OAuth",
"oauth_client_secret": "Mật khẩu ứng dụng khách OAuth",
"oauth_enable_description": "Đăng nhập với OAuth",
"oauth_issuer_url": "Địa chỉ nhà cung cấp OAuth",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri": "URI chuyển hướng trên thiết bị di động",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override": "Ghi đè URI chuyển hướng cho thiết bị di động",
"oauth_mobile_redirect_uri_override_description": "Bật khi URI chuyển hướng 'app.immich:/' không hợp lệ.",
"oauth_scope": "Phạm vi",
"oauth_settings": "OAuth",
"oauth_settings_description": "Quản lý cài đặt đăng nhập OAuth",
"oauth_settings_more_details": "Để biết thêm chi tiết về tính năng này, hãy tham khảo <link>tài liệu</link>.",
"oauth_signing_algorithm": "Thuật toán ký",
"oauth_storage_label_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_label_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "",
"password_enable_description": "",
"password_settings": "",
"password_settings_description": "",
"offline_paths": "Các đường dẫn ngoại tuyến",
"password_enable_description": "Đăng nhập với email và mật khẩu",
"password_settings": "Mật khẩu đăng nhập",
"password_settings_description": "Quản lý cài đặt mật khẩu đăng nhập",
"paths_validated_successfully": "Tất cả các đường dẫn được xác minh thành công",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "Làm mới tất cả các thư viện",
"removing_offline_files": "Đang xoá các tệp ngoại tuyến",
"repair_all": "Sửa chữa tất cả",
"require_password_change_on_login": "Yêu cầu người dùng thay đổi mật khẩu trong lần đăng nhập đầu tiên",
"reset_settings_to_default": "Đặt lại cài đặt về mặc định",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "Đặt lại cài đặt về cài đặt trước đó",
"scanning_library_for_changed_files": "Đang quét thư viện để tìm các tệp đã thay đổi",
"scanning_library_for_new_files": "Đang quét thư viện để tìm các tệp mới",
"send_welcome_email": "Gửi email chào mừng",
"server_external_domain_settings": "",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "",
"server_settings": "",
"server_settings_description": "",
"server_welcome_message": "",
"server_external_domain_settings_description": "Tên miền dành cho các liên kết được chia sẻ công khai, bao gồm http(s)://",
"server_settings": "Cài đặt máy chủ",
"server_settings_description": "Quản lý cài đặt máy chủ",
"server_welcome_message": "Tin nhắn chào mừng",
"server_welcome_message_description": "",
"sidecar_job_description": "",
"slideshow_duration_description": "",
"smart_search_job_description": "",
"smart_search_job_description": "Chạy machine learning trên toàn bộ ảnh để hỗ trợ tìm kiếm thông minh",
"storage_template_enable_description": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "",
"storage_template_migration_job": "",
"storage_template_settings": "",
"storage_template_settings_description": "",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "",
"theme_settings": "",
"storage_template_settings_description": "Quản lý cấu trúc thư mục và tên tệp của nội dung tải lên",
"system_settings": "Cài đặt hệ thống",
"theme_custom_css_settings": "Tuỳ chỉnh CSS",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "Cascading Style Sheets cho phép tùy chỉnh thiết kế của Immich.",
"theme_settings": "Cài đặt chủ đề",
"theme_settings_description": "",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "",
"transcode_policy_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_api_description": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "",
"transcoding_acceleration_nvenc": "NVENC (yêu cầu GPU NVIDIA)",
"transcoding_acceleration_qsv": "Quick Sync (yêu cầu CPU thế hệ thứ 7 trở về sau)",
"transcoding_acceleration_rkmpp": "RKMPP (chỉ dùng trên các chip Rockchip)",
"transcoding_acceleration_vaapi": "VAAPI",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs": "Codec âm thanh được chấp nhận",
"transcoding_accepted_audio_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs": "Codec video được chấp nhận",
"transcoding_accepted_video_codecs_description": "",
"transcoding_advanced_options_description": "",
"transcoding_audio_codec": "",
@ -234,15 +272,16 @@
"trash_settings_description": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "Mật khẩu của người dùng đã được đặt lại:",
"user_settings": "",
"user_settings_description": "",
"version_check_enabled_description": "",
"version_check_settings": "",
"version_check_settings_description": "",
"version_check_settings": "Kiểm tra phiên bản",
"version_check_settings_description": "Bật/tắt thông báo phiên bản mới",
"video_conversion_job_description": ""
"admin_email": "",
"admin_password": "",
"admin_email": "Email Quản trị",
"admin_password": "Mật khẩu Quản trị",
"administration": "",
"advanced": "Nâng cao",
"album_added": "",
@ -271,13 +310,14 @@
"back": "Quay lại",
"backward": "",
"blurred_background": "",
"camera": "",
"camera_brand": "",
"camera_model": "",
"camera": "Máy ảnh",
"camera_brand": "Hiệu máy ảnh",
"camera_model": "Mẫu máy ảnh",
"cancel": "Huỷ",
"cancel_search": "",
"cancel_search": "Huỷ tìm kiếm",
"cannot_merge_people": "",
"cannot_update_the_description": "",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "Bạn không thể hoàn tác hành động này!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "Không thể cập nhật mô tả",
"cant_apply_changes": "",
"cant_get_faces": "",
"cant_search_people": "",
@ -300,9 +340,9 @@
"collapse_all": "",
"color_theme": "",
"comment_options": "",
"comments_are_disabled": "",
"comments_are_disabled": "Bình luận bị vô hiệu hoá",
"confirm": "Xác nhận",
"confirm_admin_password": "",
"confirm_admin_password": "Xác nhận mật khẩu Quản trị",
"confirm_password": "Xác nhận mật khẩu",
"contain": "",
"context": "",
@ -312,7 +352,7 @@
"copy_file_path": "",
"copy_image": "",
"copy_link": "",
"copy_link_to_clipboard": "",
"copy_link_to_clipboard": "Sao chép liên kết vào clipboard",
"copy_password": "",
"copy_to_clipboard": "",
"country": "Quốc gia",
@ -397,6 +437,7 @@
"error": "",
"error_loading_image": "",
"errors": {
"incorrect_email_or_password": "Email hoặc mật khẩu không đúng",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "",
"unable_to_add_comment": "",
"unable_to_add_partners": "",
@ -527,7 +568,7 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "",
"log_out": "Đăng xuất",
"log_out_all_devices": "",
"login_has_been_disabled": "",
"login_has_been_disabled": "Đăng nhập đã bị vô hiệu hoá.",
"look": "",
"loop_videos": "",
"loop_videos_description": "",
@ -1,31 +1,45 @@
"about": "關於",
"account": "帳號",
"account_settings": "帳號設定",
"acknowledge": "確認",
"acknowledge": "了解",
"action": "操作",
"actions": "操作",
"active": "正在處理",
"activity": "活動",
"activity_changed": "活動已{enabled, select, true {啟用} other {停用}}",
"add": "新增",
"add_a_description": "新增描述",
"add_a_description": "新增敘述",
"add_a_location": "新增位置",
"add_a_name": "新增名稱",
"add_a_title": "新增標題",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "添加排除匹配",
"add_exclusion_pattern": "新增排除規則",
"add_import_path": "新增匯入路徑",
"add_location": "新增地點",
"add_more_users": "新增更多使用者",
"add_partner": "添加同伴",
"add_partner": "新增同伴",
"add_path": "新增路徑",
"add_photos": "新增照片",
"add_to": "新增至...",
"add_to_album": "新增至相簿",
"add_to_shared_album": "新增至共享相簿",
"added_to_archive": "新增至封存",
"added_to_favorites": "新增至收藏",
"added_to_favorites_count": "已新增 {count} 個項目至收藏",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "新增排除規則。支援使用「*」、「 **」、「?」來匹配字串。如果要排除所有名稱為「Raw」的檔案或目錄,請使用「**/Raw/**」。如果要排除所有「.tif」結尾的檔案,請使用「**/*.tif」。如果要排除某個絕對路徑,請使用「/path/to/ignore/**」。",
"authentication_settings": "認證設定",
"authentication_settings_description": "管理密碼、OAuth 與其他認證設定",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "如需重新啟用,請使用 <link>伺服器指令</link>。",
"background_task_job": "背景任務",
"check_all": "全選",
"cleared_jobs": "已清除 {job} 的任務",
"config_set_by_file": "目前的設定已透過設定檔案設置",
"confirm_delete_library": "您確定要刪除 {library} 嗎?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "您確定要刪除此圖庫嗎?這將從 Immich 中刪除{count, plural, one {個項目} other {個項目}},且無法復原。檔案仍會保留在硬碟中。",
"confirm_email_below": "請在底下輸入 {email} 來確認",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "您確定要重新處理所有面孔嗎?這將清除已命名的面孔。",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "您確定要重設 {user} 的密碼嗎?",
"crontab_guru": "",
"disable_login": "禁止登入",
"disabled": "已禁用",
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"about": "关于",
"account": "账户",
"account_settings": "帐号设定",
"acknowledge": "确认",
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
"actions": "操作",
"active": "正在处理",
"activity": "活动",
"activity_changed": "活动已{enabled, select, true {启用} other {禁用}}",
"add": "添加",
"add_a_description": "添加描述",
"add_a_location": "添加位置",
@ -21,24 +23,28 @@
"add_to": "添加至...",
"add_to_album": "添加至相册",
"add_to_shared_album": "添加至共享相册",
"added_to_archive": "添加至归档",
"added_to_favorites": "添加至收藏",
"added_to_favorites_count": "添加{count}项至收藏",
"admin": {
"add_exclusion_pattern_description": "添加排除规则。支持使用 *,** 和 ? 进行通配。要忽略名为 “Raw” 的任何目录中的所有文件,请使用 “**/Raw/**”。要忽略所有以 “.tif” 结尾的文件,请使用 “**/*.tif\"。要忽略绝对路径,请使用 \"/path/to/ignore/**”。",
"authentication_settings": "认证设置",
"authentication_settings_description": "管理密码、OAuth 和其他认证设置",
"authentication_settings_description": "管理密码、OAuth 和其它认证设置",
"authentication_settings_disable_all": "确定要禁用所有的登录方式?此操作将完全禁用登录。",
"authentication_settings_reenable": "如需再次启用,使用 <link>服务器指令</link>。",
"background_task_job": "后台任务",
"check_all": "检查全部",
"cleared_jobs": "已清理作业:{job}",
"config_set_by_file": "当前配置已通过配置文件设置",
"confirm_delete_library": "是否确定要删除图库{library} ?",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "是否确定要删除该图库?这将删除所有包含在Immich中的 {count} 个项目,且无法撤销。文件仍将保留在磁盘中。",
"confirm_delete_library_assets": "是否确定要删除该图库?这将删除所有包含在Immich中的{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}},且无法撤销。文件仍将保留在磁盘中。",
"confirm_email_below": "输入“{email}”来确认",
"confirm_reprocess_all_faces": "是否确定对全部照片重新进行面部识别?这将同时清除所有已命名人物。",
"confirm_user_password_reset": "是否确定重置用户{user}的密码?",
"crontab_guru": "Crontab Guru",
"disable_login": "禁用登录",
"disabled": "已禁用",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "在照片上运行机器学习以检测相似项目。依赖于 Smart Search",
"duplicate_detection_job_description": "对照片进行机器学习处理来检测相似项目。依赖于智能搜索",
"exclusion_pattern_description": "排除规则允许在扫描图库时忽略文件和文件夹。如果有包含不想导入的文件的文件夹,例如RAW文件,排除规则将非常有用。",
"external_library_created_at": "外部图库(创建于{date})",
"external_library_management": "外部图库管理",
@ -68,8 +74,8 @@
"job_settings": "任务设置",
"job_settings_description": "管理任务并发",
"job_status": "任务状态",
"jobs_delayed": "已推迟{jobCount}项任务",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount}项任务失败",
"jobs_delayed": "{jobCount, plural, other {#项作业已推迟}}",
"jobs_failed": "{jobCount, plural, other {#项作业执行失败}}",
"library_created": "已创建图库:{library}",
"library_cron_expression": "Cron 表达式",
"library_cron_expression_description": "使用 cron 格式设置扫描间隔。关于 cron 格式请参阅<link>Crontab Guru</link>",
@ -99,7 +105,7 @@
"machine_learning_facial_recognition": "人脸识别",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_description": "检测、识别并分组图像中的人脸",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model": "人脸识别模型",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "机器学习模型按规模大小降序排列。更大的模型速度更慢,占用的内存更多,但效果更好。请注意,在更改模型时,必须对所有图像重新运行人脸检测。",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_model_description": "机器学习模型按规模大小降序排列。更大的模型速度更慢,占用的内存更多,但效果更好。请注意,在更换模型后,必须对所有图像重新运行人脸检测。",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting": "启用面部识别",
"machine_learning_facial_recognition_setting_description": "如果禁用此功能,图片将不会被编码并用于人脸识别,也不会在探索页面显示人物列表。",
"machine_learning_max_detection_distance": "最大检测距离",
@ -122,6 +128,7 @@
"map_dark_style": "深色模式",
"map_enable_description": "启用地图功能",
"map_light_style": "浅色模式",
"map_manage_reverse_geocoding_settings": "管理<link>反向地理编码</link>设置",
"map_reverse_geocoding": "反向地理编码",
"map_reverse_geocoding_enable_description": "启用反向地理编码",
"map_reverse_geocoding_settings": "反向地理编码设置",
@ -142,7 +149,7 @@
"notification_email_host_description": "邮件服务器主机(例如 smtp.immich.app)",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors": "忽略证书错误",
"notification_email_ignore_certificate_errors_description": "忽略TLS证书验证错误(不建议)",
"notification_email_password_description": "通过邮件服务器进行身份验证时使用的密码",
"notification_email_password_description": "与邮件服务器进行身份验证时使用的密码",
"notification_email_port_description": "邮件服务器端口(例如25、465或587)",
"notification_email_sent_test_email_button": "发送测试邮件并保存",
"notification_email_setting_description": "发送邮件通知设置",
@ -176,7 +183,7 @@
"oauth_storage_quota_claim_description": "自动将用户的存储配额设置为此项的值。",
"oauth_storage_quota_default": "默认存储配额 (GiB)",
"oauth_storage_quota_default_description": "没有提供声明时,要使用的GiB配额(输入0表示无限制配额)。",
"offline_paths": "离线路径",
"offline_paths": "离线文件",
"offline_paths_description": "这可能是由于手动删除了不属于外部图库的文件。",
"password_enable_description": "使用邮箱和密码登录",
"password_settings": "密码登录",
@ -184,10 +191,12 @@
"paths_validated_successfully": "所有路径验证成功",
"quota_size_gib": "配额大小(GiB)",
"refreshing_all_libraries": "刷新所有图库",
"registration": "注册管理员",
"registration_description": "因为您是本系统的第一个用户,您被指派为管理员,负责相关管理工作,并且由您来创建新的用户。",
"removing_offline_files": "移除离线文件",
"repair_all": "修复所有",
"repair_matched_items": "匹配到 {count, plural, one {# 个项目} other {# 个项目}}",
"repaired_items": "已修复 {count, plural, one {# 个项目} other {# 个项目}}",
"repair_matched_items": "匹配到 {count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"repaired_items": "已修复{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"require_password_change_on_login": "要求用户第一次登录后修改密码",
"reset_settings_to_default": "恢复默认设置",
"reset_settings_to_recent_saved": "恢复到最近保存的设置",
@ -203,17 +212,19 @@
"sidecar_job": "辅助元数据",
"sidecar_job_description": "从文件系统中发现或同步辅助元数据",
"slideshow_duration_description": "显示每张图像的秒数",
"smart_search_job_description": "在项目上运行机器学习以支持智能搜索",
"smart_search_job_description": "对项目进行机器学习处理以支持智能搜索",
"storage_template_date_time_description": "使用项目的创建时间戳作为日期时间信息",
"storage_template_date_time_sample": "取样时间{date}",
"storage_template_enable_description": "启用存储模板",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "哈希校验失败",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled": "哈希校验已启用",
"storage_template_hash_verification_enabled_description": "启用哈希校验,如果您不知道此项的作用请不要禁用此功能",
"storage_template_migration": "存储模板转换",
"storage_template_migration_description": "应用当前模板<link>{template}</link>到之前上传的项目",
"storage_template_migration_info": "模板修改将只作用于新的项目。如也需应用此模板到之前上传的项目,请运行<link>{job}</link>。",
"storage_template_migration_job": "存储迁移任务",
"storage_template_migration_job": "存储模板迁移任务",
"storage_template_more_details": "关于本功能的更多细节,请参见<template-link>存储模板</template-link>及其<implications-link>实现方式</implications-link>",
"storage_template_onboarding_description": "启用后,本功能将根据用户定义的模板自动整理文件。出于稳定性考虑,本功能默认是禁用的。更多详细信息请参见 <link>文档</link>。",
"storage_template_path_length": "路径长度及限制:<b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_path_length": "路径的字符长度及限制:<b>{length, number}</b>/{limit, number}",
"storage_template_settings": "存储模板",
"storage_template_settings_description": "管理上传项目文件夹结构和文件名",
"storage_template_user_label": "<code>{label}</code>是用户的存储标签",
@ -221,7 +232,7 @@
"theme_custom_css_settings": "自定义CSS",
"theme_custom_css_settings_description": "可以通过CSS自定义Immich外观。",
"theme_settings": "主题设置",
"theme_settings_description": "管理Immich web界面的自定义",
"theme_settings_description": "管理Immich web界面定制",
"these_files_matched_by_checksum": "这些文件与校验匹配",
"thumbnail_generation_job": "生成缩略图",
"thumbnail_generation_job_description": "为每个项目生成不同尺寸的缩略图,并为每个人物生成缩略图",
@ -249,7 +260,7 @@
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration": "硬件加速",
"transcoding_hardware_acceleration_description": "(实验性功能)速度更快,但在相同码率下质量会降低",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding": "硬件解码",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "仅适用于NVENC和RKMPP。启用端到端加速,而不仅仅是加速编码。可能并不适用于所有视频。",
"transcoding_hardware_decoding_setting_description": "仅适用于NVENC、QSV和RKMPP。启用端到端加速,而不仅仅是加速编码。可能并不适用于所有视频。",
"transcoding_hevc_codec": "HEVC 编解码器",
"transcoding_max_b_frames": "最大B帧数",
"transcoding_max_b_frames_description": "较高的值可以提高压缩效率,但会减慢编码速度。可能与旧设备上的硬件加速不兼容。0值将禁用B帧,而-1值将自动设置此参数。",
@ -272,7 +283,7 @@
"transcoding_temporal_aq": "Temporal AQ",
"transcoding_temporal_aq_description": "仅适用于NVENC。提高高细节、低动态场景的质量。可能与旧设备不兼容。",
"transcoding_threads": "线程数",
"transcoding_threads_description": "设定值越高,编码速度越快,留给其他任务(Docker外宿主机的任务等)的计算能力越小。此值不应大于CPU核心的数量。如果值设置为0,则最大限度地提高利用率。",
"transcoding_threads_description": "设定值越高,编码速度越快,留给其它任务(Docker外宿主机的任务等)的计算能力越少。此值不应大于CPU核心的数量。如果值设置为0,则最大限度地提高利用率。",
"transcoding_tone_mapping": "色调映射",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_description": "在将HDR视频转换为SDR时,尝试保持其外观。每种算法在颜色、细节和亮度方面做出了不同的权衡。Hable算法保留细节,Mobius算法保留颜色,而Reinhard算法保留亮度。",
"transcoding_tone_mapping_npl": "NPL色调映射",
@ -290,14 +301,16 @@
"trash_settings_description": "管理回收站设置",
"untracked_files": "未被追踪的文件",
"untracked_files_description": "这些文件未被系统追踪。 这可能是移动失败、上传中断或因bug而落下",
"user_delete_delay": "<b>{user}</b>的账户及项目将在{delay, plural, one {# 天} other {# 天}}后自动永久删除。",
"user_delete_delay": "<b>{user}</b>的账户及项目将在{delay, plural, one {#天} other {#天}}后自动永久删除。",
"user_delete_delay_settings": "延期删除",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "从移除用户账户及其所有项目(包括但不仅限于照片、视频)之日起,经过的天数将决定何时永久删除。用户删除作业将在午夜运行,以检查哪些用户的账户准备好进行删除。对此设置的更改将在下一次执行时进行评估。",
"user_delete_delay_settings_description": "移除用户后永久删除账户及其所有项目的天数。用户删除作业在午夜运行,检查是否有用户可以删除。对该设置的更改将在下次执行时开始计算。",
"user_delete_immediately": "<b>{user}</b>的账户及项目将<b>立即</b>永久删除。",
"user_delete_immediately_checkbox": "立即删除检索到的用户及项目",
"user_management": "用户管理",
"user_password_has_been_reset": "该用户的密码被重置:",
"user_password_reset_description": "请向用户提供临时密码,并告知他们下次登录时需要更改密码。",
"user_restore_description": "<b>{user}</b>的账户将被恢复。",
"user_restore_scheduled_removal": "恢复用户 - 计划于{date, date, long}删除",
"user_settings": "用户设置",
"user_settings_description": "管理用户设置",
"user_successfully_removed": "用户{email}已被成功删除。",
@ -305,27 +318,45 @@
"version_check_settings": "版本检查",
"version_check_settings_description": "启用或禁用新版本通知",
"video_conversion_job": "视频转码",
"video_conversion_job_description": "对视频进行转码,实现与浏览器和设备间更广泛的兼容性"
"video_conversion_job_description": "对视频进行转码,以兼容更多的浏览器和设备"
"admin_email": "管理员邮箱",
"admin_password": "管理员密码",
"administration": "管理",
"advanced": "高级",
"age_months": "{months, plural, one {#个月} other {#个月}}",
"age_year_months": "1岁{months, plural, one {#个月} other {#个月}}",
"age_years": "{years, plural, other {#岁}}",
"album_added": "相册已添加",
"album_added_notification_setting_description": "当您被添加到共享相册时,接收电子邮件通知",
"album_cover_updated": "相册封面已更新",
"album_delete_confirmation": "是否确定要删除相册{album}?\n如果这是共享相册,其他用户将无法再访问它。",
"album_info_updated": "相册信息已更新",
"album_leave": "退出相册?",
"album_leave_confirmation": "确定要退出相册{album}?",
"album_name": "相册名称",
"album_options": "相册设置",
"album_remove_user": "移除用户?",
"album_remove_user_confirmation": "你确定要移除{user}?",
"album_share_no_users": "看起来您已与所有用户共享了此相册,或者您根本没有任何用户可共享。",
"album_updated": "相册已更新",
"album_updated_setting_description": "当共享相册有新项目时接收邮件通知",
"album_user_left": "离开{album}",
"album_user_removed": "已移除{user}",
"album_with_link_access": "拥有此链接的任何人均可查看本相册中的照片和人物。",
"albums": "相册",
"albums_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} 个相册} other {{count, number} 个相册}}",
"all": "全部",
"all_albums": "所有相册",
"all_people": "全部人物",
"all_videos": "所有视频",
"allow_dark_mode": "允许深色模式",
"allow_edits": "允许编辑",
"allow_public_user_to_download": "开放下载给所有人",
"allow_public_user_to_upload": "允许所有用户上传",
"api_key": "API Key",
"api_key_description": "该应用密钥只会展示一次。请确保在关闭窗口前复制下来。",
"api_key_empty": "API Key的名称不可以为空",
"api_keys": "API Keys",
"app_settings": "应用设置",
"appears_in": "出现于",
@ -334,22 +365,52 @@
"archive_size": "归档大小",
"archive_size_description": "配置下载归档大小(以GiB为单位)",
"archived": "已归档",
"archived_count": "{count, plural, other {已存档 # 项}}",
"are_these_the_same_person": "是否是同一个人?",
"are_you_sure_to_do_this": "确定要这样做吗?",
"asset_added_to_album": "已添加至相册",
"asset_adding_to_album": "正在添加至相册...",
"asset_description_updated": "项目描述已更新",
"asset_filename_is_offline": "项目{filename}已离线",
"asset_has_unassigned_faces": "项目中有未认领的人脸",
"asset_hashing": "哈希校验中...",
"asset_offline": "项目离线",
"asset_offline_description": "项目已离线。Immich无法访问该文件。请确保项目可读并重新扫描项目库。",
"asset_skipped": "已跳过",
"asset_uploaded": "已上传",
"asset_uploading": "上传中...",
"assets": "项目",
"assets_added_count": "已添加{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"assets_added_to_album_count": "已添加{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}到相册",
"assets_added_to_name_count": "已添加{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}到{name}",
"assets_count": "{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"assets_moved_to_trash": "将{count, plural, one {# 个项目} other {# 个项目}}移动到回收站",
"assets_moved_to_trash_count": "已移动{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}到回收站",
"assets_permanently_deleted_count": "已永久删除{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"assets_removed_count": "移除{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"assets_restore_confirmation": "确定要恢复回收站中的所有项目吗?该操作无法撤消!",
"assets_restored_count": "已恢复{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"assets_trashed_count": "{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}已放入回收站",
"assets_were_part_of_album_count": "{count, plural, one {项目} other {项目}}已经在相册中",
"authorized_devices": "已授权设备",
"back": "后退",
"back_close_deselect": "后退、关闭或反选",
"backward": "后退",
"birthdate_saved": "出生日期保存成功",
"birthdate_set_description": "出生日期用于计算照片中人物当时的年龄。",
"blurred_background": "背景模糊",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "您确定要批量删除 {count} 个重复项目吗?这将保留每个组中最大的项目并永久删除所有其他重复项目。此操作无法撤消!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "您确定要保留 {count} 个重复项目吗?这将解决所有重复组,而不会删除任何内容。",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "您确定要批量删除 {count} 个重复项目吗?这将保留每个组中最大的项目并删除所有其他重复项目。",
"build": "创建",
"build_image": "创建图片",
"bulk_delete_duplicates_confirmation": "您确定要批量删除{count, plural, one {#个重复项目} other {#个重复项目}}吗?这将保留每个组中最大的项目并永久删除所有其它重复项目。此操作无法撤消!",
"bulk_keep_duplicates_confirmation": "您确定要保留{count, plural, one {#个重复项目} other {#个重复项目}}吗?这将清空所有重复记录,而不会删除任何内容。",
"bulk_trash_duplicates_confirmation": "您确定要批量删除{count, plural, one {#个重复项目} other {#个重复项目}}吗?这将保留每组中最大的项目并删除所有其它重复项目。",
"camera": "相机",
"camera_brand": "相机品牌",
"camera_model": "相机型号",
"cancel": "取消",
"cancel_search": "取消搜索",
"cannot_merge_people": "无法合并人物",
"cannot_undo_this_action": "无法撤消此操作!",
"cannot_update_the_description": "无法更新描述",
"cant_apply_changes": "无法应用更改",
"cant_get_faces": "找不到人脸",
@ -361,6 +422,7 @@
"change_name": "更改名称",
"change_name_successfully": "更改名称成功",
"change_password": "修改密码",
"change_password_description": "这是您第一次登录系统或有人要求更改您的密码。请在下面输入新密码。",
"change_your_password": "修改您的密码",
"changed_visibility_successfully": "更改可见性成功",
"check_all": "检查所有",
@ -372,16 +434,19 @@
"clear_message": "清空消息",
"clear_value": "清空值",
"close": "关闭",
"collapse": "折叠",
"collapse_all": "全部折叠",
"color_theme": "颜色主题",
"comment_deleted": "评论已删除",
"comment_options": "评论选项",
"comments_and_likes": "评论 & 点赞",
"comments_are_disabled": "评论已禁用",
"confirm": "确认",
"confirm_admin_password": "确认管理员密码",
"confirm_delete_shared_link": "您确定要删除此共享链接吗?",
"confirm_password": "确认密码",
"contain": "包含",
"context": "上下文",
"context": "图像语义搜索",
"continue": "继续",
"copied_image_to_clipboard": "已复制图片至剪贴板。",
"copied_to_clipboard": "已复制到剪切板!",
@ -400,7 +465,9 @@
"create_library": "创建图库",
"create_link": "创建链接",
"create_link_to_share": "创建共享链接",
"create_link_to_share_description": "获得此链接的任何人都可看到选择的照片",
"create_new_person": "创建新人物",
"create_new_person_hint": "指派已选择项目到新的人物",
"create_new_user": "创建新用户",
"create_user": "创建用户",
"created": "已创建",
@ -411,6 +478,7 @@
"date_after": "日期之后",
"date_and_time": "日期与时间",
"date_before": "日期之前",
"date_of_birth_saved": "出生日期保存成功",
"date_range": "日期范围",
"day": "天",
"deduplicate_all": "删除所有重复项",
@ -438,11 +506,14 @@
"display_order": "显示顺序",
"display_original_photos": "显示原始照片",
"display_original_photos_setting_description": "在网络与原始格式兼容的情况下,查看图片或视频时优先显示原始文件而不是缩略图。这可能导致照片显示速度变慢。",
"do_not_show_again": "不再显示该信息",
"done": "完成",
"download": "下载",
"download_settings": "下载",
"download_settings_description": "管理项目下载相关设置",
"downloading": "下载中",
"downloading_asset_filename": "下载项目{filename}",
"drop_files_to_upload": "拖放文件以上传",
"duplicates": "重复项",
"duplicates_description": "解析每个组并指出哪些(如果有的话)是重复的",
"duration": "时长",
@ -453,6 +524,7 @@
"months": "{months, plural, one {月} other {{months, number} 月}}",
"years": "{years, plural, one {年} other {{years, number} 年}}"
"edit": "编辑",
"edit_album": "编辑相册",
"edit_avatar": "编辑头像",
"edit_date": "编辑日期",
@ -474,30 +546,67 @@
"empty": "空",
"empty_album": "清空相册",
"empty_trash": "清空回收站",
"empty_trash_confirmation": "确定要清空回收站?这将从Immich永久移除回收站中的所有项目。\n该操作无法撤消!",
"enable": "启用",
"enabled": "已启用",
"end_date": "结束日期",
"error": "错误",
"error_loading_image": "加载图片时出错",
"error_title": "错误 - 我们遇到了一些问题",
"errors": {
"cannot_navigate_next_asset": "无法导航到下一个项目",
"cannot_navigate_previous_asset": "无法导航到上一个项目",
"cant_apply_changes": "无用应用更改",
"cant_change_activity": "无法{enabled, select, true {禁用} other {启用}}活动",
"cant_change_asset_favorite": "无法修改项目的收藏属性",
"cant_change_metadata_assets_count": "无法修改{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}的元数据",
"cant_get_faces": "无法获取人脸",
"cant_get_number_of_comments": "无法获取评论数量",
"cant_search_people": "无法检索人物",
"cant_search_places": "无法检索地点",
"cleared_jobs": "已删除作业:{job}",
"error_adding_assets_to_album": "添加项目到相册时出错",
"error_adding_users_to_album": "添加用户到相册时出错",
"error_deleting_shared_user": "删除共享用户时出错",
"error_downloading": "下载{filename}时出错",
"error_removing_assets_from_album": "从相册中移除项目时出错,请到控制台获取更详细信息",
"error_selecting_all_assets": "选择所有项目时出错",
"exclusion_pattern_already_exists": "已存在相同排除规则。",
"failed_job_command": "{command} 命令执行失败: {job}",
"failed_to_create_album": "创建相册失败",
"failed_to_create_shared_link": "创建共享链接失败",
"failed_to_edit_shared_link": "编辑共享链接失败",
"failed_to_get_people": "无法获取人物",
"failed_to_load_asset": "加载项目失败",
"failed_to_load_assets": "加载项目失败",
"failed_to_stack_assets": "无法堆叠项目",
"failed_to_unstack_assets": "无法取消堆叠项目",
"import_path_already_exists": "此导入路径已存在。",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {# 条路径} other {# 条路径}} 校验失败",
"incorrect_email_or_password": "错误的邮箱或密码",
"paths_validation_failed": "{paths, plural, one {#条路径} other {#条路径}} 校验失败",
"profile_picture_transparent_pixels": "个人资料图片不可以包含透明像素。请放大或移动此图片。",
"quota_higher_than_disk_size": "设置的配额大于磁盘容量",
"repair_unable_to_check_items": "无法选择 {count, select, one {个项目} other {个项目}}",
"unable_to_add_album_users": "无法添加用户至相册",
"unable_to_add_assets_to_shared_link": "无法添加项目到共享链接",
"unable_to_add_comment": "无法添加评论",
"unable_to_add_exclusion_pattern": "无法添加排除规则",
"unable_to_add_import_path": "无法添加导入路径",
"unable_to_add_partners": "无法添加同伴",
"unable_to_add_remove_archive": "无法{archived, select, true {从归档中移除} other {添加项目至归档}}",
"unable_to_add_remove_favorites": "无法{favorite, select, true {添加项目至收藏} other {从收藏中移除}}",
"unable_to_archive_unarchive": "无法{archived, select, true {归档} other {取消归档}}",
"unable_to_change_album_user_role": "无法更改相册用户规则",
"unable_to_change_date": "无法更改日期",
"unable_to_change_favorite": "无法修改项目的收藏属性",
"unable_to_change_location": "无法更改位置",
"unable_to_change_password": "无法修改密码",
"unable_to_change_visibility": "无法修改{count, plural, one {#个人} other {#个人}}的可见性",
"unable_to_check_item": "无法选中项目",
"unable_to_check_items": "无法选中项目",
"unable_to_complete_oauth_login": "无法完成OAuth登录",
"unable_to_connect": "无法连接",
"unable_to_connect_to_server": "无法连接至服务器",
"unable_to_copy_to_clipboard": "无法复制到剪切板,确保你在使用https访问网页",
"unable_to_create_admin_account": "无法创建管理员账户",
"unable_to_create_api_key": "无法创建新的API Key",
@ -505,25 +614,35 @@
"unable_to_create_user": "无法创建用户",
"unable_to_delete_album": "无法删除相册",
"unable_to_delete_asset": "无法删除项目",
"unable_to_delete_assets": "无法删除项目",
"unable_to_delete_exclusion_pattern": "无法删除排除规则",
"unable_to_delete_import_path": "无法删除导入路径",
"unable_to_delete_shared_link": "无法删除共享链接",
"unable_to_delete_user": "无法删除用户",
"unable_to_download_files": "无法下载文件",
"unable_to_edit_exclusion_pattern": "无法编辑排除规则",
"unable_to_edit_import_path": "无法编辑导入路径",
"unable_to_empty_trash": "无法清空回收站",
"unable_to_enter_fullscreen": "无法进入全屏",
"unable_to_exit_fullscreen": "无法退出全屏",
"unable_to_get_comments_number": "无法获取评论数量",
"unable_to_get_shared_link": "获取共享链接失败",
"unable_to_hide_person": "无法隐藏人物",
"unable_to_link_oauth_account": "无法关联OAuth账户",
"unable_to_load_album": "无法加载相册",
"unable_to_load_asset_activity": "无法加载项目活动",
"unable_to_load_items": "无法加载项目",
"unable_to_load_liked_status": "无法加载点赞状态",
"unable_to_log_out_all_devices": "无法从所有设备登出",
"unable_to_log_out_device": "无法从设备登出",
"unable_to_login_with_oauth": "无法使用OAuth登录",
"unable_to_play_video": "无法播放视频",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_existing_person": "无法将项目指派给{name, select, null {已存在的人物} other {{name}}}",
"unable_to_reassign_assets_new_person": "无法重新指派项目给新的人物",
"unable_to_refresh_user": "无法刷新用户",
"unable_to_remove_album_users": "无法从相册中移除用户",
"unable_to_remove_api_key": "无法移除API Key",
"unable_to_remove_assets_from_shared_link": "无法从共享链接中移除项目",
"unable_to_remove_comment": "无法移除评论",
"unable_to_remove_library": "无法移除图库",
"unable_to_remove_offline_files": "无法移除离线文件",
@ -538,35 +657,43 @@
"unable_to_restore_user": "无法恢复用户",
"unable_to_save_album": "无法保存相册",
"unable_to_save_api_key": "无法保存API Key",
"unable_to_save_date_of_birth": "无法保存出生日期",
"unable_to_save_name": "无法保存名称",
"unable_to_save_profile": "无法保存配置文件",
"unable_to_save_settings": "无法保存设置",
"unable_to_scan_libraries": "无法扫描库",
"unable_to_scan_library": "无法扫描库",
"unable_to_set_feature_photo": "无法设置人物头像",
"unable_to_set_profile_picture": "无法设置个人资料图片",
"unable_to_submit_job": "无法提交作业",
"unable_to_trash_asset": "无法放入回收站",
"unable_to_unlink_account": "无法取消账户链接",
"unable_to_update_album_cover": "无法更新相册封面",
"unable_to_update_album_info": "无法更新相册信息",
"unable_to_update_library": "无法更新库",
"unable_to_update_location": "无法更新位置",
"unable_to_update_settings": "无法更新设置",
"unable_to_update_timeline_display_status": "无法更新时间线显示状态",
"unable_to_update_user": "无法更新用户"
"unable_to_update_user": "无法更新用户",
"unable_to_upload_file": "无法上传文件"
"every_day_at_onepm": "每天下午一点",
"every_night_at_midnight": "每天午夜",
"every_night_at_twoam": "每天凌晨两点",
"every_six_hours": "每6小时",
"exif": "Exif",
"exit_slideshow": "退出幻灯片放映",
"expand_all": "展开全部",
"expire_after": "有效期至",
"expired": "已过期",
"expires_date": "{date}过期",
"explore": "探索",
"export": "导出",
"export_as_json": "导出为JSON",
"extension": "扩展",
"external": "外部的",
"external_libraries": "外部图库",
"face_unassigned": "未指派",
"failed_to_get_people": "无法获取人物",
"favorite": "收藏",
"favorite_or_unfavorite_photo": "收藏或取消收藏照片",
@ -590,8 +717,12 @@
"go_back": "返回",
"go_to_search": "前往搜索",
"go_to_share_page": "转到共享页面",
"group_albums_by": "相册分组依据......",
"group_albums_by": "相册分组依据...",
"group_no": "未分组",
"group_owner": "按所有者分组",
"group_year": "按年分组",
"has_quota": "有限额",
"hi_user": "你好,{name}({email})",
"hide_gallery": "隐藏相册",
"hide_password": "隐藏密码",
"hide_person": "隐藏人物",
@ -603,11 +734,11 @@
"immich_web_interface": "Immich Web接口",
"import_from_json": "从JSON导入",
"import_path": "导入路径",
"in_albums": "在{count, plural, one {# 个专辑} other {# 个专辑}}中",
"in_albums": "在{count, plural, one {#个相册} other {#个相册}}中",
"in_archive": "在归档中",
"include_archived": "包括已归档",
"include_shared_albums": "包含共享相册",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "包括共享同伴项目",
"include_shared_partner_assets": "包括同伴共享项目",
"individual_share": "个人分享",
"info": "信息",
"interval": {
@ -618,6 +749,7 @@
"invite_people": "邀请人员",
"invite_to_album": "邀请加入相册",
"items_count": "{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"job_settings_description": "管理任务并发",
"jobs": "任务",
"keep": "保留",
@ -626,12 +758,14 @@
"language": "语言",
"language_setting_description": "选择您的语言偏好",
"last_seen": "最后查看",
"latest_version": "最新版本",
"leave": "离开",
"let_others_respond": "允许他人回应",
"level": "等级",
"library": "图库",
"library_options": "图库选项",
"light": "浅色",
"like_deleted": "已删除的收藏",
"link_options": "链接选项",
"link_to_oauth": "链接到OAuth",
"linked_oauth_account": "绑定OAuth账户",
@ -640,7 +774,12 @@
"loading_search_results_failed": "加载搜索结果失败",
"log_out": "注销",
"log_out_all_devices": "登出所有设备",
"logged_out_all_devices": "从所有设备登出",
"logged_out_device": "从设备登出",
"login": "登录",
"login_has_been_disabled": "登录已禁用。",
"logout_all_device_confirmation": "确定要从所有设备登出?",
"logout_this_device_confirmation": "确定要从本设备登出?",
"look": "查看",
"loop_videos": "循环视频",
"loop_videos_description": "启用在详细信息中自动循环播放视频。",
@ -653,6 +792,7 @@
"manage_your_devices": "管理已登录设备",
"manage_your_oauth_connection": "管理你的 OAuth 连接",
"map": "地图",
"map_marker_for_images": "{country} {city}的图像地图标记",
"map_marker_with_image": "带图像的地图标记",
"map_settings": "地图设置",
"matches": "匹配",
@ -666,10 +806,11 @@
"merge_people_limit": "每次最多只能合并 5 个人",
"merge_people_prompt": "你想合并这些人吗?此操作不可逆转。",
"merge_people_successfully": "合并人物成功",
"merged_people_count": "已合并{count, plural, one {#个人} other {#个人}}",
"minimize": "最小化",
"minute": "分",
"missing": "缺失",
"model": "模型",
"model": "型号",
"month": "月",
"more": "更多",
"moved_to_trash": "已放入回收站",
@ -681,41 +822,52 @@
"new_password": "新密码",
"new_person": "新人物",
"new_user_created": "已创建新用户",
"new_version_available": "有新版本发布啦",
"newest_first": "最新优先",
"next": "下一个",
"next_memory": "下一个",
"no": "否",
"no_albums_message": "创建相册以整理照片和视频",
"no_albums_with_name_yet": "貌似你还没有此名字的相册。",
"no_albums_yet": "貌似你还没有创建相册。",
"no_archived_assets_message": "归档照片和视频以便在照片视图中隐藏它们",
"no_assets_message": "点击上传您的第一张照片",
"no_duplicates_found": "未发现重复项。",
"no_exif_info_available": "没有可用的exif信息",
"no_explore_results_message": "上传更多照片来探索。",
"no_favorites_message": "添加收藏夹,快速查找最佳图片和视频",
"no_favorites_message": "添加到收藏夹,快速查找最佳图片和视频",
"no_libraries_message": "创建外部图库来查看你的照片和视频",
"no_name": "未命名",
"no_places": "无位置",
"no_results": "无结果",
"no_results_description": "尝试使用同义词或更通用的关键词",
"no_shared_albums_message": "创建相册以共享照片和视频",
"not_in_any_album": "不在任何相册中",
"note_apply_storage_label_to_previously_uploaded assets": "提示:要将存储标签应用于之前上传的项目,运行以下命令",
"note_unlimited_quota": "注:输入 0 表示无限制配额",
"notes": "笔记",
"notes": "提示",
"notification_toggle_setting_description": "启用邮件通知",
"notifications": "通知",
"notifications_setting_description": "管理通知",
"oauth": "OAuth",
"offline": "离线",
"offline_paths": "离线路径",
"offline_paths": "离线文件",
"offline_paths_description": "这些结果可能是由于手动删除了不属于外部图库的文件造成的。",
"ok": "确定",
"oldest_first": "最旧优先",
"onboarding": "盛大开启",
"onboarding_theme_description": "选择服务的颜色主题。稍后可以在设置中进行修改。",
"onboarding_welcome_description": "我们在启用服务前先做一些通用设置。",
"onboarding_welcome_user": "欢迎,{user}",
"online": "在线",
"only_favorites": "仅收藏夹",
"only_favorites": "仅已收藏",
"only_refreshes_modified_files": "仅刷新修改的文件",
"open_in_openstreetmap": "在OpenStreetMap中打开",
"open_the_search_filters": "打开搜索过滤器",
"options": "选项",
"or": "或",
"organize_your_library": "整理你的图库",
"original": "原图",
"other": "其它",
"other_devices": "其它设备",
"other_variables": "其它变量",
@ -732,9 +884,9 @@
"password_required": "需要密码",
"password_reset_success": "密码重置成功",
"past_durations": {
"days": "{days, plural, one {天} other {{days, number} 天}}前",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {小时} other {{hours, number} 小时}}前",
"years": "{years, plural, one {年} other {{years, number} 年}}前"
"days": "{days, plural, one {天} other {#天}}前",
"hours": "{hours, plural, one {小时} other {#小时}}前",
"years": "{years, plural, one {年} other {#年}}前"
"path": "路径",
"pattern": "模式",
@ -743,15 +895,21 @@
"paused": "已暂停",
"pending": "待处理",
"people": "人物",
"people_edits_count": "{count, plural, one {#个人物} other {#个人物}}已编辑",
"people_sidebar_description": "在侧边栏中显示指向人物的链接",
"perform_library_tasks": "",
"permanent_deletion_warning": "永久删除警告",
"permanent_deletion_warning_setting_description": "当永久删除项目时显示警告",
"permanently_delete": "永久删除",
"permanently_delete_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {个项目} other {个项目}}已删除",
"permanently_deleted_asset": "永久删除的项目",
"permanently_deleted_assets": "永久删除{count, plural, one {# 个项目} other {# 个项目}}",
"permanently_deleted_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}已删除",
"person": "人物",
"person_hidden": "{name}{hidden, select, true {(已隐藏)} other {}}",
"photo_shared_all_users": "看起来您已与所有用户共享了此相册,或者您根本没有任何用户可共享。",
"photos": "照片",
"photos_and_videos": "照片 & 视频",
"photos_count": "{count, plural, one {{count, number} 张照片} other {{count, number} 张照片}}",
"photos_from_previous_years": "前几年的照片",
"pick_a_location": "选择位置",
@ -769,41 +927,66 @@
"previous_memory": "上一个",
"previous_or_next_photo": "上一张或下一张照片",
"primary": "首要",
"profile_image_of_user": "{title}的资料图片",
"profile_picture_set": "个人资料图片已设置。",
"public_album": "公开相册",
"public_share": "公开共享",
"range": "范围",
"raw": "Raw",
"reaction_options": "反应选项",
"read_changelog": "阅读更新日志",
"reassign": "重新指派",
"reassigned_assets_to_existing_person": "重新指派{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}到{name, select, null {已存在的人物} other {{name}}}",
"reassigned_assets_to_new_person": "重新指派{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}到新的人物",
"reassing_hint": "指派选择的项目到已存在的人物",
"recent": "最近",
"recent_searches": "最近搜索",
"refresh": "刷新",
"refresh_encoded_videos": "刷新已编码的视频",
"refresh_metadata": "刷新元数据",
"refresh_thumbnails": "刷新缩略图",
"refreshed": "已刷新",
"refreshes_every_file": "刷新全部文件",
"refreshing_encoded_video": "正在刷新已编码视频",
"refreshing_metadata": "正在刷新元数据",
"regenerating_thumbnails": "正在重新生成缩略图",
"remove": "移除",
"remove_assets_album_confirmation": "确定要从项目中移除{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}?",
"remove_assets_shared_link_confirmation": "确定要从共享链接中移除{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}?",
"remove_assets_title": "移除项目?",
"remove_custom_date_range": "根据自定义日期范围移除",
"remove_from_album": "从相册中移除",
"remove_from_favorites": "移出收藏",
"remove_from_shared_link": "从共享链接中移除",
"remove_offline_files": "删除离线文件",
"remove_user": "移除用户",
"removed_api_key": "移除的API Key:{name}",
"removed_from_archive": "从归档中移除",
"removed_from_favorites": "从收藏中移除",
"removed_from_favorites_count": "从收藏中移除{count, plural, other {#项}}",
"rename": "重命名",
"repair": "修复",
"repair_no_results_message": "未跟踪和缺失的文件将在此处显示",
"replace_with_upload": "上传以替换",
"repository": "库",
"require_password": "需要密码",
"require_user_to_change_password_on_first_login": "要求用户在首次登录时更改密码",
"reset": "重置",
"reset_password": "重置密码",
"reset_people_visibility": "重置人物可见性",
"reset_settings_to_default": "恢复到默认设置",
"reset_to_default": "恢复默认值",
"resolved_all_duplicates": "解决所有重复问题",
"restore": "恢复",
"restore_all": "重设",
"restore_all": "恢复所有",
"restore_user": "恢复用户",
"restored_asset": "已恢复项目",
"resume": "继续",
"retry_upload": "重新上传",
"review_duplicates": "检查重复项",
"role": "角色",
"role_editor": "编辑者",
"role_viewer": "查看者",
"save": "保存",
"saved_api_key": "已保存的API Key",
"saved_profile": "已保存资料",
@ -817,34 +1000,40 @@
"search": "搜索",
"search_albums": "搜索相册",
"search_by_context": "搜索内容",
"search_camera_make": "搜索相机品牌......",
"search_camera_model": "搜索相机型号......",
"search_city": "搜索城市......",
"search_country": "搜索国家......",
"search_camera_make": "搜索相机品牌...",
"search_camera_model": "搜索相机型号...",
"search_city": "搜索城市...",
"search_country": "搜索国家...",
"search_for_existing_person": "搜索已有人物",
"search_no_people": "找不到人物",
"search_no_people_named": "人物姓名“{name}”不存在",
"search_people": "搜索人物",
"search_places": "搜索地点",
"search_state": "搜索省份......",
"search_timezone": "搜索时区......",
"search_state": "搜索省份...",
"search_timezone": "搜索时区...",
"search_type": "搜索类型",
"search_your_photos": "搜索你的照片",
"searching_locales": "搜索区域中......",
"searching_locales": "搜索地区...",
"second": "秒",
"see_all_people": "查看所有人物",
"select_album_cover": "选择相册封面",
"select_all": "全选",
"select_avatar_color": "选择头像颜色",
"select_face": "选择人脸",
"select_featured_photo": "选择人物头像",
"select_from_computer": "从计算机中选择",
"select_keep_all": "全部保留",
"select_library_owner": "选择图库所有者",
"select_new_face": "选择新面孔",
"select_photos": "选择照片",
"select_trash_all": "全部删除",
"selected": "已选择",
"selected_count": "{count, plural, other {#项已选择}}",
"send_message": "发送消息",
"send_welcome_email": "发送欢迎邮件",
"server": "服务器",
"server_stats": "服务器统计信息",
"server_stats": "服务统计",
"server_version": "服务器版本",
"set": "设置",
"set_as_album_cover": "设为相册封面",
"set_as_profile_picture": "设为个人资料图片",
@ -856,13 +1045,16 @@
"share": "共享",
"shared": "共享",
"shared_by": "共享自",
"shared_by_user": "由{user}共享",
"shared_by_you": "你的共享",
"shared_from_partner": "来自{partner}的照片",
"shared_links": "共享链接",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount} 项已共享照片&视频。",
"shared_photos_and_videos_count": "{assetCount, plural, other {#项已共享照片&视频。}}",
"shared_with_partner": "与{partner}共享",
"sharing": "共享",
"sharing_enter_password": "请输入密码后查看此页面。",
"sharing_sidebar_description": "在侧边栏中显示共享链接",
"shift_to_permanent_delete": "按⇧永久删除项目",
"show_album_options": "显示相册选项",
"show_and_hide_people": "显示和隐藏人物",
"show_file_location": "显示文件位置",
@ -880,13 +1072,21 @@
"shuffle": "随机",
"sign_out": "登出",
"sign_up": "注册",
"size": "尺寸",
"size": "大小",
"skip_to_content": "跳到内容",
"slideshow": "幻灯片放映",
"slideshow_settings": "放映设置",
"sort_albums_by": "相册排序依据......",
"sort_albums_by": "相册排序依据...",
"sort_created": "创建日期",
"sort_items": "项目数量",
"sort_modified": "修改日期",
"sort_oldest": "最早的照片",
"sort_recent": "最新的照片",
"sort_title": "标题",
"source": "源",
"stack": "堆叠",
"stack_selected_photos": "堆叠选定的照片",
"stacked_assets_count": "已归档{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}",
"stacktrace": "堆栈跟踪",
"start": "开始",
"start_date": "开始日期",
@ -908,10 +1108,13 @@
"theme": "主题",
"theme_selection": "主题选项",
"theme_selection_description": "根据浏览器的系统首选项自动设置主题色",
"they_will_be_merged_together": "项目将会合并到一起",
"time_based_memories": "基于时间的回忆",
"timezone": "时区",
"to_archive": "归档",
"to_change_password": "修改密码",
"to_favorite": "收藏",
"to_login": "登录",
"to_trash": "回收站",
"toggle_settings": "切换设置",
"toggle_theme": "切换主题",
@ -920,11 +1123,13 @@
"trash": "回收站",
"trash_all": "全部回收",
"trash_count": "{count}项垃圾",
"trash_delete_asset": "将项目放入回收站/删除",
"trash_no_results_message": "回收的照片和视频将在此处展示。",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "已删除的项目将在{days, plural, one {# 天} other {# 天}}后被永久删除。",
"trashed_items_will_be_permanently_deleted_after": "回收站中的项目将在{days, plural, one {#天} other {#天}}后被永久删除。",
"type": "种类",
"unarchive": "取消归档",
"unarchived": "已取消归档",
"unarchived_count": "{count, plural, other {取消归档 # 项}}",
"unfavorite": "取消收藏",
"unhide_person": "显示人物",
"unknown": "未知",
@ -935,18 +1140,30 @@
"unlinked_oauth_account": "解绑OAuth账户",
"unnamed_album": "未命名相册",
"unnamed_share": "未命名共享",
"unsaved_change": "未保存的修改",
"unselect_all": "取消全选",
"unstack": "取消堆叠",
"unstacked_assets_count": "{count, plural, one {#个项目} other {#个项目}}已取消堆叠",
"untracked_files": "未跟踪的文件",
"untracked_files_decription": "应用程序不会跟踪这些文件。它们可能是由于移动失败、上传中断或因错误而遗留",
"up_next": "下一个",
"updated_password": "更新密码",
"upload": "上传",
"upload_concurrency": "上传并发",
"upload_errors": "上传完成,出现{count, plural, one {#个错误} other {#个错误}},刷新页面以查看新上传的项目。",
"upload_progress": "剩余{remaining} - 已处理 {processed}/{total}",
"upload_skipped_duplicates": "已跳过{count, plural, one {#个重复项} other {#个重复项}}",
"upload_status_duplicates": "重复项",
"upload_status_errors": "错误",
"upload_status_uploaded": "已上传",
"upload_success": "上传成功,刷新页面查看新上传的项目。",
"url": "URL",
"usage": "用量",
"use_custom_date_range": "使用自定义日期范围",
"user": "用户",
"user_id": "用户ID",
"user_liked": "{user}点赞了{type, select, photo {该照片} video {该视频} asset {该项目} other {它}}",
"user_role_set": "设置{user}为{role}",
"user_usage_detail": "用户用量详情",
"username": "用户名",
"users": "用户",
@ -954,24 +1171,30 @@
"validate": "验证",
"variables": "变量",
"version": "版本",
"version_announcement_closing": "你的朋友,Alex",
"version_announcement_message": "嗨,伙计,当前应用出新版本了,请抽空阅读一下<link>发行说明</link>,并及时更新你的<code>docker-compose.yml</code>和<code>.env</code>文件,避免存在错误配置,特别是当你是使用WatchTower或其它类似的自动升级工具时。",
"video": "视频",
"video_hover_setting": "鼠标悬停时播放视频缩略图",
"video_hover_setting_description": "当鼠标悬停在项目上时播放视频缩略图。即使禁用了这个功能,也可以通过将鼠标悬停在播放图标上来开始播放。",
"videos": "视频",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {# 个视频} other {# 个视频}}",
"videos_count": "{count, plural, one {#个视频} other {#个视频}}",
"view": "查看",
"view_album": "查看相册",
"view_all": "查看全部",
"view_all_users": "查看全部用户",
"view_links": "查看链接",
"view_next_asset": "查看下一项",
"view_previous_asset": "查看上一项",
"view_stack": "查看堆叠项目",
"viewer": "预览",
"visibility_changed": "{count, plural, one {#个人物} other {#个人物}}的可见性已修改",
"waiting": "队列中",
"warning": "警告",
"week": "周",
"welcome": "欢迎",
"welcome_to_immich": "欢迎使用immich",
"year": "年",
"years_ago": "{years, plural, one {#年} other {#年}}前",
"yes": "是",
"you_dont_have_any_shared_links": "您没有任何共享链接",
"zoom_image": "缩放图像"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user