mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 15:09:45 +02:00
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Icon from '$lib/components/elements/icon.svelte';
import { locale } from '$lib/stores/preferences.store';
import { asByteUnitString, getBytesWithUnit } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { getByteUnitString, getBytesWithUnit } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import type { ServerStatsResponseDto } from '@immich/sdk';
import { mdiCameraIris, mdiChartPie, mdiPlayCircle } from '@mdi/js';
import StatsCard from './stats-card.svelte';
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@
<td class="w-1/4 text-ellipsis px-2 text-sm">{user.photos.toLocaleString($locale)}</td>
<td class="w-1/4 text-ellipsis px-2 text-sm">{user.videos.toLocaleString($locale)}</td>
<td class="w-1/4 text-ellipsis px-2 text-sm">
{asByteUnitString(user.usage, $locale, 0)}
{getByteUnitString(user.usage, $locale, 0)}
{#if user.quotaSizeInBytes}
/ {asByteUnitString(user.quotaSizeInBytes, $locale, 0)}
/ {getByteUnitString(user.quotaSizeInBytes, $locale, 0)}
<span class="text-immich-primary dark:text-immich-dark-primary">
{#if user.quotaSizeInBytes}
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Icon from '$lib/components/elements/icon.svelte';
import { ByteUnit } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
export let icon: string;
export let title: string;
export let value: number;
export let unit: string | undefined = undefined;
export let unit: ByteUnit | undefined = undefined;
$: zeros = () => {
const maxLength = 13;
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
class="text-immich-primary dark:text-immich-dark-primary">{value}</span
{#if unit}
<span class="absolute -top-5 right-2 text-base font-light text-gray-400">{unit}</span>
<span class="absolute -top-5 right-2 text-base font-light text-gray-400">{ByteUnit[unit]}</span>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { createEventDispatcher, onMount } from 'svelte';
import { slide } from 'svelte/transition';
import { asByteUnitString } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { getByteUnitString } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { handleError } from '$lib/utils/handle-error';
import ImageThumbnail from '../assets/thumbnail/image-thumbnail.svelte';
import CircleIconButton from '../elements/buttons/circle-icon-button.svelte';
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
{@const { width, height } = getDimensions(asset.exifInfo)}
<p>{width} x {height}</p>
<p>{asByteUnitString(asset.exifInfo.fileSizeInByte, $locale)}</p>
<p>{getByteUnitString(asset.exifInfo.fileSizeInByte, $locale)}</p>
{#if showAssetPath}
<p class="text-xs opacity-50 break-all" transition:slide={{ duration: 250 }}>
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import { type DownloadProgress, downloadAssets, downloadManager, isDownloading } from '$lib/stores/download';
import { locale } from '$lib/stores/preferences.store';
import { fly, slide } from 'svelte/transition';
import { asByteUnitString } from '../../utils/byte-units';
import { getByteUnitString } from '../../utils/byte-units';
import CircleIconButton from '../elements/buttons/circle-icon-button.svelte';
import { mdiClose } from '@mdi/js';
import { t } from 'svelte-i18n';
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<div class="flex place-items-center justify-between gap-2 text-xs font-medium">
<p class="truncate">■ {downloadKey}</p>
{#if download.total}
<p class="whitespace-nowrap">{asByteUnitString(download.total, $locale)}</p>
<p class="whitespace-nowrap">{getByteUnitString(download.total, $locale)}</p>
<div class="flex place-items-center gap-2">
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { serverInfo } from '$lib/stores/server-info.store';
import { convertToBytes } from '$lib/utils/byte-converter';
import { handleError } from '$lib/utils/handle-error';
import { createUserAdmin } from '@immich/sdk';
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
@ -10,6 +9,7 @@
import FullScreenModal from '$lib/components/shared-components/full-screen-modal.svelte';
import { featureFlags } from '$lib/stores/server-config.store';
import { t } from 'svelte-i18n';
import { ByteUnit, convertToBytes } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
export let onClose: () => void;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
let quotaSize: number | undefined;
let isCreatingUser = false;
$: quotaSizeInBytes = quotaSize ? convertToBytes(quotaSize, 'GiB') : null;
$: quotaSizeInBytes = quotaSize ? convertToBytes(quotaSize, ByteUnit.GiB) : null;
$: quotaSizeWarning = quotaSizeInBytes && quotaSizeInBytes > $serverInfo.diskSizeRaw;
$: {
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import FullScreenModal from '$lib/components/shared-components/full-screen-modal.svelte';
import { AppRoute } from '$lib/constants';
import { serverInfo } from '$lib/stores/server-info.store';
import { convertFromBytes, convertToBytes } from '$lib/utils/byte-converter';
import { handleError } from '$lib/utils/handle-error';
import { updateUserAdmin, type UserAdminResponseDto } from '@immich/sdk';
import { mdiAccountEditOutline } from '@mdi/js';
@ -10,6 +9,7 @@
import Button from '../elements/buttons/button.svelte';
import { dialogController } from '$lib/components/shared-components/dialog/dialog';
import { t } from 'svelte-i18n';
import { ByteUnit, convertFromBytes, convertToBytes } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
export let user: UserAdminResponseDto;
export let canResetPassword = true;
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
let error: string;
let success: string;
let quotaSize = user.quotaSizeInBytes ? convertFromBytes(user.quotaSizeInBytes, 'GiB') : null;
let quotaSize = user.quotaSizeInBytes ? convertFromBytes(user.quotaSizeInBytes, ByteUnit.GiB) : null;
const previousQutoa = user.quotaSizeInBytes;
$: quotaSizeWarning =
previousQutoa !== convertToBytes(Number(quotaSize), 'GiB') &&
previousQutoa !== convertToBytes(Number(quotaSize), ByteUnit.GiB) &&
!!quotaSize &&
convertToBytes(Number(quotaSize), 'GiB') > $serverInfo.diskSizeRaw;
convertToBytes(Number(quotaSize), ByteUnit.GiB) > $serverInfo.diskSizeRaw;
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{
close: void;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
storageLabel: storageLabel || '',
quotaSizeInBytes: quotaSize ? convertToBytes(Number(quotaSize), 'GiB') : null,
quotaSizeInBytes: quotaSize ? convertToBytes(Number(quotaSize), ByteUnit.GiB) : null,
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import { locale } from '$lib/stores/preferences.store';
import { websocketStore } from '$lib/stores/websocket';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { asByteUnitString } from '../../utils/byte-units';
import { getByteUnitString } from '../../utils/byte-units';
import LoadingSpinner from './loading-spinner.svelte';
import { mdiChartPie, mdiDns } from '@mdi/js';
import { serverInfo } from '$lib/stores/server-info.store';
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<div class="dark:text-immich-dark-fg">
class="storage-status grid grid-cols-[64px_auto]"
title="Used {asByteUnitString(usedBytes, $locale, 3)} of {asByteUnitString(availableBytes, $locale, 3)}"
title="Used {getByteUnitString(usedBytes, $locale, 3)} of {getByteUnitString(availableBytes, $locale, 3)}"
<div class="pb-[2.15rem] pl-5 pr-6 text-immich-primary dark:text-immich-dark-primary group-hover:sm:pb-0 md:pb-0">
<Icon path={mdiChartPie} size="24" />
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<p class="text-xs">
{$t('storage_usage', {
values: {
used: asByteUnitString(usedBytes, $locale),
available: asByteUnitString(availableBytes, $locale),
used: getByteUnitString(usedBytes, $locale),
available: getByteUnitString(availableBytes, $locale),
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import type { UploadAsset } from '$lib/models/upload-asset';
import { UploadState } from '$lib/models/upload-asset';
import { locale } from '$lib/stores/preferences.store';
import { asByteUnitString } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { getByteUnitString } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';
import ImmichLogo from './immich-logo.svelte';
import { getFilenameExtension } from '$lib/utils/asset-utils';
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
class="w-full rounded-md border bg-gray-100 p-1 px-2 text-[10px] dark:border-immich-dark-gray dark:bg-gray-900"
value={`[${asByteUnitString(uploadAsset.file.size, $locale)}] ${uploadAsset.file.name}`}
value={`[${getByteUnitString(uploadAsset.file.size, $locale)}] ${uploadAsset.file.name}`}
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
{#if uploadAsset.message}
{uploadAsset.progress}% - {asByteUnitString(uploadAsset.speed || 0, $locale)}/s - {uploadAsset.eta}s
{uploadAsset.progress}% - {getByteUnitString(uploadAsset.speed || 0, $locale)}/s - {uploadAsset.eta}s
{:else if uploadAsset.state === UploadState.PENDING}
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
import SettingInputField, {
} from '$lib/components/shared-components/settings/setting-input-field.svelte';
import { convertFromBytes, convertToBytes } from '$lib/utils/byte-converter';
import { ByteUnit, convertFromBytes, convertToBytes } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
let archiveSize = convertFromBytes($preferences?.download?.archiveSize || 4, 'GiB');
let archiveSize = convertFromBytes($preferences?.download?.archiveSize || 4, ByteUnit.GiB);
const handleSave = async () => {
try {
const dto = { download: { archiveSize: Math.floor(convertToBytes(archiveSize, 'GiB')) } };
const dto = { download: { archiveSize: Math.floor(convertToBytes(archiveSize, ByteUnit.GiB)) } };
const newPreferences = await updateMyPreferences({ userPreferencesUpdateDto: dto });
$preferences = newPreferences;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { downloadManager } from '$lib/stores/download';
import { preferences } from '$lib/stores/user.store';
import { downloadRequest, getKey, s, withError } from '$lib/utils';
import { createAlbum } from '$lib/utils/album-utils';
import { asByteUnitString } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { getByteUnitString } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { encodeHTMLSpecialChars } from '$lib/utils/string-utils';
import {
addAssetsToAlbum as addAssets,
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ export function isFlipped(orientation?: string | null) {
export function getFileSize(asset: AssetResponseDto): string {
const size = asset.exifInfo?.fileSizeInByte || 0;
return size > 0 ? asByteUnitString(size, undefined, 4) : 'Invalid Data';
return size > 0 ? getByteUnitString(size, undefined, 4) : 'Invalid Data';
export function getAssetResolution(asset: AssetResponseDto): string {
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
* Convert to bytes from on a specified unit.
* * `1, 'GiB'`, returns `1073741824` bytes
* @param size value to be converted
* @param unit unit to convert from
* @returns bytes (number)
export function convertToBytes(size: number, unit: 'GiB'): number {
let bytes = 0;
if (unit === 'GiB') {
bytes = size * 1_073_741_824;
return bytes;
* Convert from bytes to a specified unit.
* * `11073741824, 'GiB'`, returns `1` GiB
* @param bytes value to be converted
* @param unit unit to convert to
* @returns bytes (number)
export function convertFromBytes(bytes: number, unit: 'GiB'): number {
let size = 0;
if (unit === 'GiB') {
size = bytes / 1_073_741_824;
return size;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { ByteUnit, getByteUnitString, getBytesWithUnit } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
describe('getBytesWithUnit', () => {
const tests = [
{ bytes: 0, expected: [0, ByteUnit.B] },
{ bytes: 42 * 2 ** 20, expected: [42, ByteUnit.MiB] },
{ bytes: 69 * 2 ** 20 + 420 * 2 ** 19, expected: [279, ByteUnit.MiB] },
{ bytes: 42 + 1337, maxPrecision: 3, expected: [1.347, ByteUnit.KiB] },
{ bytes: 42 + 69, expected: [111, ByteUnit.B] },
{ bytes: 2 ** 30 - 1, expected: [1024, ByteUnit.MiB] },
{ bytes: 2 ** 30, expected: [1, ByteUnit.GiB] },
{ bytes: 2 ** 30 + 1, expected: [1, ByteUnit.GiB] },
for (const { bytes, maxPrecision, expected } of tests) {
it(`${bytes} should be split up in the factor ${expected[0]} and unit ${expected[1]}`, () => {
expect(getBytesWithUnit(bytes, maxPrecision)).toEqual(expected);
describe('asByteUnitString', () => {
it('should correctly return string', () => {
expect(getByteUnitString(42 * 2 ** 20)).toEqual('42 MiB');
@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
export enum ByteUnit {
'B' = 0,
'KiB' = 1,
'MiB' = 2,
'GiB' = 3,
'TiB' = 4,
'PiB' = 5,
'EiB' = 6,
* Convert bytes to best human readable unit and number of that unit.
@ -8,23 +18,10 @@
* @param maxPrecision maximum number of decimal places, default is `1`
* @returns size (number) and unit (string)
export function getBytesWithUnit(bytes: number, maxPrecision = 1): [number, string] {
const units = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB'];
export function getBytesWithUnit(bytes: number, maxPrecision = 1): [number, ByteUnit] {
const magnitude = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes === 0 ? 1 : bytes) / Math.log(1024));
let magnitude = 0;
let remainder = bytes;
while (remainder >= 1024) {
if (magnitude + 1 < units.length) {
remainder /= 1024;
} else {
remainder = Number.parseFloat(remainder.toFixed(maxPrecision));
return [remainder, units[magnitude]];
return [Number.parseFloat((bytes / 1024 ** magnitude).toFixed(maxPrecision)), magnitude];
@ -38,7 +35,33 @@ export function getBytesWithUnit(bytes: number, maxPrecision = 1): [number, stri
* @param maxPrecision maximum number of decimal places, default is `1`
* @returns localized bytes with unit as string
export function asByteUnitString(bytes: number, locale?: string, maxPrecision = 1): string {
export function getByteUnitString(bytes: number, locale?: string, maxPrecision = 1): string {
const [size, unit] = getBytesWithUnit(bytes, maxPrecision);
return `${size.toLocaleString(locale)} ${unit}`;
return `${size.toLocaleString(locale)} ${ByteUnit[unit]}`;
* Convert to bytes from on a specified unit.
* * `1, 'GiB'`, returns `1073741824` bytes
* @param size value to be converted
* @param unit unit to convert from
* @returns bytes (number)
export function convertToBytes(size: number, unit: ByteUnit): number {
return size * 1024 ** unit;
* Convert from bytes to a specified unit.
* * `11073741824, 'GiB'`, returns `1` GiB
* @param bytes value to be converted
* @param unit unit to convert to
* @returns bytes (number)
export function convertFromBytes(bytes: number, unit: ByteUnit): number {
return bytes / 1024 ** unit;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
} from '$lib/components/shared-components/notification/notification';
import Portal from '$lib/components/shared-components/portal/portal.svelte';
import { getBytesWithUnit } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { ByteUnit, getBytesWithUnit } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { getContextMenuPosition } from '$lib/utils/context-menu';
import { handleError } from '$lib/utils/handle-error';
import {
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
let videos: number[] = [];
let totalCount: number[] = [];
let diskUsage: number[] = [];
let diskUsageUnit: string[] = [];
let diskUsageUnit: ByteUnit[] = [];
let confirmDeleteLibrary: LibraryResponseDto | null = null;
let deletedLibrary: LibraryResponseDto | null = null;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
import { user } from '$lib/stores/user.store';
import { websocketEvents } from '$lib/stores/websocket';
import { copyToClipboard } from '$lib/utils';
import { asByteUnitString } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { getByteUnitString } from '$lib/utils/byte-units';
import { UserStatus, searchUsersAdmin, type UserAdminResponseDto } from '@immich/sdk';
import { mdiClose, mdiContentCopy, mdiDeleteRestore, mdiPencilOutline, mdiTrashCanOutline } from '@mdi/js';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
<td class="hidden xl:block w-3/12 2xl:w-2/12 text-ellipsis break-all px-2 text-sm">
<div class="container mx-auto flex flex-wrap justify-center">
{#if immichUser.quotaSizeInBytes && immichUser.quotaSizeInBytes > 0}
{asByteUnitString(immichUser.quotaSizeInBytes, $locale)}
{getByteUnitString(immichUser.quotaSizeInBytes, $locale)}
<Icon path={mdiClose} size="16" />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user