* WIP fix user e2e tests
The e2e tests still don't seem to work due to migrations not running.
- update user.e2e tests to use new `userService.createUser` method
- fix server `typeorm` command to use ORM config
- update make test-e2e to re-create database volume every time
- add User DTO
- update auth.service and user.service to use User DTO
- update CreateUserDto making optional properties that are optional
* Fix migrations
- add missing `.ts` extension to migrations path
- update user e2e test for the new returned User resource
* Update readme
* Added webp to table and entity
* Added cronjob and sharp dependencies
* Added conversion of webp every 5 minutes and endpoint will now server webp image if exist
* Refactor docker-compose to its own folder
* Added FastAPI development environment
* Added support for GPU in docker file
* Added image classification
* creating endpoint for smart Image info
* added logo with white background on ios
* Added endpoint and trigger for image tagging
* Classify image and save into database
* Update readme
* Support HEIC/HEIF backup
* Storing backup directly from original file from the phone
* Directly read and backup video file - Improve performance on video backup
* Implementing video upload features
* setup image resize processor
* Add video thumbnail with duration and icon
* Fixed issue with video upload timeout and upper case file type on ios
* Added video player page
* Added video player page
* Fixing video player not play on ios
* Added partial file streaming for ios/android video request
* Added nginx as proxy server for better file serving
* update nginx and docker-compose file
* Video player working correctly
* Video player working correctly
* Split duration to the second