import 'dart:async'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/models/backup_album.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/services/backup.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/album.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/asset.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/store.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/user.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/providers/api.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/providers/db.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/api.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/sync.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/user.service.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; final albumServiceProvider = Provider( (ref) => AlbumService(,,,,, ), ); class AlbumService { final ApiService _apiService; final UserService _userService; final SyncService _syncService; final Isar _db; final BackupService _backupService; Completer _localCompleter = Completer()..complete(false); Completer _remoteCompleter = Completer()..complete(false); AlbumService( this._apiService, this._userService, this._syncService, this._db, this._backupService, ); /// Checks all selected device albums for changes of albums and their assets /// Updates the local database and returns `true` if there were any changes Future refreshDeviceAlbums() async { if (!_localCompleter.isCompleted) { // guard against concurrent calls return _localCompleter.future; } _localCompleter = Completer(); final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch()..start(); bool changes = false; try { final List excludedIds = await _backupService.excludedAlbumsQuery().idProperty().findAll(); final List selectedIds = await _backupService.selectedAlbumsQuery().idProperty().findAll(); if (selectedIds.isEmpty) { return false; } final List onDevice = await PhotoManager.getAssetPathList( hasAll: true, filterOption: FilterOptionGroup(containsPathModified: true), ); if (excludedIds.isNotEmpty) { // remove all excluded albums onDevice.removeWhere((e) => excludedIds.contains(; } final hasAll = selectedIds .map((id) => onDevice.firstWhereOrNull((a) => == id)) .whereNotNull() .any((a) => a.isAll); if (hasAll) { // remove the virtual "Recents" album and keep and individual albums onDevice.removeWhere((e) => e.isAll); } else { // keep only the explicitly selected albums onDevice.removeWhere((e) => !selectedIds.contains(; } changes = await _syncService.syncLocalAlbumAssetsToDb(onDevice); } finally { _localCompleter.complete(changes); } debugPrint("refreshDeviceAlbums took ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds}ms"); return changes; } /// Checks remote albums (owned if `isShared` is false) for changes, /// updates the local database and returns `true` if there were any changes Future refreshRemoteAlbums({required bool isShared}) async { if (!_remoteCompleter.isCompleted) { // guard against concurrent calls return _remoteCompleter.future; } _remoteCompleter = Completer(); final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch()..start(); bool changes = false; try { await _userService.refreshUsers(); final List? serverAlbums = await _apiService.albumApi .getAllAlbums(shared: isShared ? true : null); if (serverAlbums == null) { return false; } changes = await _syncService.syncRemoteAlbumsToDb( serverAlbums, isShared: isShared, loadDetails: (dto) async => dto.assetCount == dto.assets.length ? dto : (await _apiService.albumApi.getAlbumInfo( ?? dto, ); } finally { _remoteCompleter.complete(changes); } debugPrint("refreshRemoteAlbums took ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds}ms"); return changes; } Future createAlbum( String albumName, Iterable assets, [ Iterable sharedUsers = const [], ]) async { try { AlbumResponseDto? remote = await _apiService.albumApi.createAlbum( CreateAlbumDto( albumName: albumName, assetIds: => asset.remoteId!).toList(), sharedWithUserIds: =>, ), ); if (remote != null) { Album album = await Album.remote(remote); await _db.writeTxn(() =>; return album; } } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error createSharedAlbum ${e.toString()}"); } return null; } /* * Creates names like Untitled, Untitled (1), Untitled (2), ... */ Future _getNextAlbumName() async { const baseName = "Untitled"; for (int round = 0;; round++) { final proposedName = "$baseName${round == 0 ? "" : " ($round)"}"; if (null == await _db.albums.filter().nameEqualTo(proposedName).findFirst()) { return proposedName; } } } Future createAlbumWithGeneratedName( Iterable assets, ) async { return createAlbum( await _getNextAlbumName(), assets, [], ); } Future getAlbumDetail(int albumId) { return _db.albums.get(albumId); } Future addAdditionalAssetToAlbum( Iterable assets, Album album, ) async { try { var result = await _apiService.albumApi.addAssetsToAlbum( album.remoteId!, AddAssetsDto(assetIds: => asset.remoteId!).toList()), ); if (result != null && result.successfullyAdded > 0) { album.assets.addAll(assets); await _db.writeTxn(() =>; } return result; } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error addAdditionalAssetToAlbum ${e.toString()}"); return null; } } Future addAdditionalUserToAlbum( List sharedUserIds, Album album, ) async { try { final result = await _apiService.albumApi.addUsersToAlbum( album.remoteId!, AddUsersDto(sharedUserIds: sharedUserIds), ); if (result != null) { album.sharedUsers .addAll((await _db.users.getAllById(sharedUserIds)).cast()); album.shared = result.shared; await _db.writeTxn(() async { await _db.albums.put(album); await; }); return true; } } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error addAdditionalUserToAlbum ${e.toString()}"); } return false; } Future deleteAlbum(Album album) async { try { final userId = Store.get(StoreKey.currentUser)!.isarId; if (album.owner.value?.isarId == userId) { await _apiService.albumApi.deleteAlbum(album.remoteId!); } if (album.shared) { final foreignAssets = await album.assets.filter().not().ownerIdEqualTo(userId).findAll(); await _db.writeTxn(() => _db.albums.delete(; final List albums = await _db.albums.filter().sharedEqualTo(true).findAll(); final List existing = []; for (Album a in albums) { existing.addAll( await a.assets.filter().not().ownerIdEqualTo(userId).findAll(), ); } final List idsToRemove = _syncService.sharedAssetsToRemove(foreignAssets, existing); if (idsToRemove.isNotEmpty) { await _db.writeTxn(() => _db.assets.deleteAll(idsToRemove)); } } else { await _db.writeTxn(() => _db.albums.delete(; } return true; } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error deleteAlbum ${e.toString()}"); } return false; } Future leaveAlbum(Album album) async { try { await _apiService.albumApi.removeUserFromAlbum(album.remoteId!, "me"); return true; } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error deleteAlbum ${e.toString()}"); return false; } } Future removeAssetFromAlbum( Album album, Iterable assets, ) async { try { await _apiService.albumApi.removeAssetFromAlbum( album.remoteId!, RemoveAssetsDto( assetIds: => e.remoteId!).toList(growable: false), ), ); album.assets.removeAll(assets); await _db.writeTxn(() => album.assets.update(unlink: assets)); return true; } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error deleteAlbum ${e.toString()}"); return false; } } Future changeTitleAlbum( Album album, String newAlbumTitle, ) async { try { await _apiService.albumApi.updateAlbumInfo( album.remoteId!, UpdateAlbumDto( albumName: newAlbumTitle, ), ); = newAlbumTitle; await _db.writeTxn(() => _db.albums.put(album)); return true; } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error deleteAlbum ${e.toString()}"); return false; } } }