import 'dart:async'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/album.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/asset.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/exif_info.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/store.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/user.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/providers/db.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/async_mutex.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/diff.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/tuple.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; final syncServiceProvider = Provider((ref) => SyncService(; class SyncService { final Isar _db; final AsyncMutex _lock = AsyncMutex(); final Logger _log = Logger('SyncService'); SyncService(this._db); // public methods: /// Syncs users from the server to the local database /// Returns `true`if there were any changes Future syncUsersFromServer(List users) async { users.sortBy((u) =>; final dbUsers = await _db.users.where().sortById().findAll(); final List toDelete = []; final List toUpsert = []; final changes = diffSortedListsSync( users, dbUsers, compare: (User a, User b) =>, both: (User a, User b) { if (a.updatedAt != b.updatedAt) { toUpsert.add(a); return true; } return false; }, onlyFirst: (User a) => toUpsert.add(a), onlySecond: (User b) => toDelete.add(b.isarId), ); if (changes) { await _db.writeTxn(() async { await _db.users.deleteAll(toDelete); await _db.users.putAll(toUpsert); }); } return changes; } /// Syncs remote assets owned by the logged-in user to the DB /// Returns `true` if there were any changes Future syncRemoteAssetsToDb(List remote) => => _syncRemoteAssetsToDb(remote)); /// Syncs remote albums to the database /// returns `true` if there were any changes Future syncRemoteAlbumsToDb( List remote, { required bool isShared, required FutureOr Function(AlbumResponseDto) loadDetails, }) => => _syncRemoteAlbumsToDb(remote, isShared, loadDetails)); /// Syncs all device albums and their assets to the database /// Returns `true` if there were any changes Future syncLocalAlbumAssetsToDb( List onDevice, [ Set? excludedAssets, ]) => => _syncLocalAlbumAssetsToDb(onDevice, excludedAssets)); /// returns all Asset IDs that are not contained in the existing list List sharedAssetsToRemove( List deleteCandidates, List existing, ) { if (deleteCandidates.isEmpty) { return []; } deleteCandidates.sort(Asset.compareById); existing.sort(Asset.compareById); return _diffAssets(existing, deleteCandidates, compare: Asset.compareById) .third .map((e) => .toList(); } // private methods: /// Syncs remote assets to the databas /// returns `true` if there were any changes Future _syncRemoteAssetsToDb(List remote) async { final User user = Store.get(StoreKey.currentUser); final List inDb = await _db.assets .filter() .ownerIdEqualTo(user.isarId) .sortByDeviceId() .thenByLocalId() .findAll(); remote.sort(Asset.compareByDeviceIdLocalId); final diff = _diffAssets(remote, inDb, remote: true); if (diff.first.isEmpty && diff.second.isEmpty && diff.third.isEmpty) { return false; } final idsToDelete = =>; try { await _db.writeTxn(() => _db.assets.deleteAll(idsToDelete)); await _upsertAssetsWithExif(diff.first + diff.second); } on IsarError catch (e) { debugPrint(e.toString()); } return true; } /// Syncs remote albums to the database /// returns `true` if there were any changes Future _syncRemoteAlbumsToDb( List remote, bool isShared, FutureOr Function(AlbumResponseDto) loadDetails, ) async { remote.sortBy((e) =>; final baseQuery = _db.albums.where().remoteIdIsNotNull().filter(); final QueryBuilder query; if (isShared) { query = baseQuery.sharedEqualTo(true); } else { final User me = Store.get(StoreKey.currentUser); query = baseQuery.owner((q) => q.isarIdEqualTo(me.isarId)); } final List dbAlbums = await query.sortByRemoteId().findAll(); final List toDelete = []; final List existing = []; final bool changes = await diffSortedLists( remote, dbAlbums, compare: (AlbumResponseDto a, Album b) =>!), both: (AlbumResponseDto a, Album b) => _syncRemoteAlbum(a, b, toDelete, existing, loadDetails), onlyFirst: (AlbumResponseDto a) => _addAlbumFromServer(a, existing, loadDetails), onlySecond: (Album a) => _removeAlbumFromDb(a, toDelete), ); if (isShared && toDelete.isNotEmpty) { final List idsToRemove = sharedAssetsToRemove(toDelete, existing); if (idsToRemove.isNotEmpty) { await _db.writeTxn(() async { await _db.assets.deleteAll(idsToRemove); await _db.exifInfos.deleteAll(idsToRemove); }); } } else { assert(toDelete.isEmpty); } return changes; } /// syncs albums from the server to the local database (does not support /// syncing changes from local back to server) /// accumulates Future _syncRemoteAlbum( AlbumResponseDto dto, Album album, List deleteCandidates, List existing, FutureOr Function(AlbumResponseDto) loadDetails, ) async { if (!_hasAlbumResponseDtoChanged(dto, album)) { return false; } dto = await loadDetails(dto); if (dto.assetCount != dto.assets.length) { return false; } final assetsInDb = await album.assets.filter().sortByDeviceId().thenByLocalId().findAll(); final List assetsOnRemote = dto.getAssets(); assetsOnRemote.sort(Asset.compareByDeviceIdLocalId); final d = _diffAssets(assetsOnRemote, assetsInDb); final List toAdd = d.first, toUpdate = d.second, toUnlink = d.third; // update shared users final List sharedUsers = album.sharedUsers.toList(growable: false); sharedUsers.sort((a, b) =>; dto.sharedUsers.sort((a, b) =>; final List userIdsToAdd = []; final List usersToUnlink = []; diffSortedListsSync( dto.sharedUsers, sharedUsers, compare: (UserResponseDto a, User b) =>, both: (a, b) => false, onlyFirst: (UserResponseDto a) => userIdsToAdd.add(, onlySecond: (User a) => usersToUnlink.add(a), ); // for shared album: put missing album assets into local DB final resultPair = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(toAdd); await _upsertAssetsWithExif(resultPair.second); final assetsToLink = resultPair.first + resultPair.second; final usersToLink = (await _db.users.getAllById(userIdsToAdd)).cast(); = dto.albumName; album.shared = dto.shared; album.modifiedAt = DateTime.parse(dto.updatedAt).toUtc(); if (album.thumbnail.value?.remoteId != dto.albumThumbnailAssetId) { album.thumbnail.value = await _db.assets .where() .remoteIdEqualTo(dto.albumThumbnailAssetId) .findFirst(); } // write & commit all changes to DB try { await _db.writeTxn(() async { await _db.assets.putAll(toUpdate); await; await album.sharedUsers .update(link: usersToLink, unlink: usersToUnlink); await album.assets.update(link: assetsToLink, unlink: toUnlink.cast()); await _db.albums.put(album); }); } on IsarError catch (e) { debugPrint(e.toString()); } if (album.shared || dto.shared) { final userId = Store.get(StoreKey.currentUser)!.isarId; final foreign = await album.assets.filter().not().ownerIdEqualTo(userId).findAll(); existing.addAll(foreign); // delete assets in DB unless they belong to this user or part of some other shared album deleteCandidates.addAll(toUnlink.where((a) => a.ownerId != userId)); } return true; } /// Adds a remote album to the database while making sure to add any foreign /// (shared) assets to the database beforehand /// accumulates assets already existing in the database Future _addAlbumFromServer( AlbumResponseDto dto, List existing, FutureOr Function(AlbumResponseDto) loadDetails, ) async { if (dto.assetCount != dto.assets.length) { dto = await loadDetails(dto); } if (dto.assetCount == dto.assets.length) { // in case an album contains assets not yet present in local DB: // put missing album assets into local DB final result = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(dto.getAssets()); existing.addAll(result.first); await _upsertAssetsWithExif(result.second); final Album a = await Album.remote(dto); await _db.writeTxn(() =>; } } /// Accumulates all suitable album assets to the `deleteCandidates` and /// removes the album from the database. Future _removeAlbumFromDb( Album album, List deleteCandidates, ) async { if (album.isLocal) {"Removing local album $album from DB"); // delete assets in DB unless they are remote or part of some other album deleteCandidates.addAll( await album.assets.filter().remoteIdIsNull().findAll(), ); } else if (album.shared) { final User user = Store.get(StoreKey.currentUser); // delete assets in DB unless they belong to this user or are part of some other shared album deleteCandidates.addAll( await album.assets.filter().not().ownerIdEqualTo(user.isarId).findAll(), ); } try { final bool ok = await _db.writeTxn(() => _db.albums.delete(; assert(ok);"Removed local album $album from DB"); } catch (e) { _log.warning("Failed to remove local album $album from DB"); } } /// Syncs all device albums and their assets to the database /// Returns `true` if there were any changes Future _syncLocalAlbumAssetsToDb( List onDevice, [ Set? excludedAssets, ]) async {"Syncing ${onDevice.length} albums from device: $onDevice"); onDevice.sort((a, b) =>; final List inDb = await _db.albums.where().localIdIsNotNull().sortByLocalId().findAll(); final List deleteCandidates = []; final List existing = []; final bool anyChanges = await diffSortedLists( onDevice, inDb, compare: (AssetPathEntity a, Album b) =>!), both: (AssetPathEntity ape, Album album) => _syncAlbumInDbAndOnDevice( ape, album, deleteCandidates, existing, excludedAssets, ), onlyFirst: (AssetPathEntity ape) => _addAlbumFromDevice(ape, existing, excludedAssets), onlySecond: (Album a) => _removeAlbumFromDb(a, deleteCandidates), ); final pair = _handleAssetRemoval(deleteCandidates, existing); if (pair.first.isNotEmpty || pair.second.isNotEmpty) { await _db.writeTxn(() async { await _db.assets.deleteAll(pair.first); await _db.exifInfos.deleteAll(pair.first); await _db.assets.putAll(pair.second); }); "Removed ${pair.first.length} and updated ${pair.second.length} local assets from DB", ); } return anyChanges; } /// Syncs the device album to the album in the database /// returns `true` if there were any changes /// Accumulates asset candidates to delete and those already existing in DB Future _syncAlbumInDbAndOnDevice( AssetPathEntity ape, Album album, List deleteCandidates, List existing, [ Set? excludedAssets, bool forceRefresh = false, ]) async { if (!forceRefresh && !await _hasAssetPathEntityChanged(ape, album)) { return false; } if (!forceRefresh && excludedAssets == null && await _syncDeviceAlbumFast(ape, album)) { return true; } // general case, e.g. some assets have been deleted or there are excluded albums on iOS final inDb = await album.assets.filter().sortByLocalId().findAll(); final List onDevice = await ape.getAssets(excludedAssets: excludedAssets); onDevice.sort(Asset.compareByLocalId); final d = _diffAssets(onDevice, inDb, compare: Asset.compareByLocalId); final List toAdd = d.first, toUpdate = d.second, toDelete = d.third; if (toAdd.isEmpty && toUpdate.isEmpty && toDelete.isEmpty && == && album.modifiedAt == ape.lastModified) { // changes only affeted excluded albums return false; } final result = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(toAdd); deleteCandidates.addAll(toDelete); existing.addAll(result.first); =; album.modifiedAt = ape.lastModified!; if (album.thumbnail.value != null && toDelete.contains(album.thumbnail.value)) { album.thumbnail.value = null; } try { await _db.writeTxn(() async { await _db.assets.putAll(result.second); await _db.assets.putAll(toUpdate); await album.assets .update(link: result.first + result.second, unlink: toDelete); await _db.albums.put(album); album.thumbnail.value ??= await album.assets.filter().findFirst(); await; });"Synced changes of local album $ape to DB"); } on IsarError catch (e) { _log.warning("Failed to update synced album $ape in DB: $e"); } return true; } /// fast path for common case: only new assets were added to device album /// returns `true` if successfull, else `false` Future _syncDeviceAlbumFast(AssetPathEntity ape, Album album) async { final int totalOnDevice = await ape.assetCountAsync; final AssetPathEntity? modified = totalOnDevice > album.assetCount ? await ape.fetchPathProperties( filterOptionGroup: FilterOptionGroup( updateTimeCond: DateTimeCond( min: album.modifiedAt.add(const Duration(seconds: 1)), max: ape.lastModified!, ), ), ) : null; if (modified == null) { return false; } final List newAssets = await modified.getAssets(); if (totalOnDevice != album.assets.length + newAssets.length) { return false; } album.modifiedAt = ape.lastModified!.toUtc(); final result = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(newAssets); try { await _db.writeTxn(() async { await _db.assets.putAll(result.second); await album.assets.update(link: result.first + result.second); await _db.albums.put(album); });"Fast synced local album $ape to DB"); } on IsarError catch (e) { _log.warning("Failed to fast sync local album $ape to DB: $e"); return false; } return true; } /// Adds a new album from the device to the database and Accumulates all /// assets already existing in the database to the list of `existing` assets Future _addAlbumFromDevice( AssetPathEntity ape, List existing, [ Set? excludedAssets, ]) async {"Syncing a new local album to DB: $ape"); final Album a = Album.local(ape); final result = await _linkWithExistingFromDb( await ape.getAssets(excludedAssets: excludedAssets), ); "${result.first.length} assets already existed in DB, to upsert ${result.second.length}", ); await _upsertAssetsWithExif(result.second); existing.addAll(result.first); a.assets.addAll(result.first); a.assets.addAll(result.second); final thumb = result.first.firstOrNull ?? result.second.firstOrNull; a.thumbnail.value = thumb; try { await _db.writeTxn(() =>;"Added a new local album to DB: $ape"); } on IsarError catch (e) { _log.warning("Failed to add new local album $ape to DB: $e"); } } /// Returns a tuple (existing, updated) Future, List>> _linkWithExistingFromDb( List assets, ) async { if (assets.isEmpty) { return const Pair([], []); } final List inDb = await _db.assets .where() .anyOf( assets, (q, Asset e) => q.localIdDeviceIdEqualTo(e.localId, e.deviceId), ) .sortByDeviceId() .thenByLocalId() .findAll(); assets.sort(Asset.compareByDeviceIdLocalId); final List existing = [], toUpsert = []; diffSortedListsSync( inDb, assets, compare: Asset.compareByDeviceIdLocalId, both: (Asset a, Asset b) { if ((a.isLocal || !b.isLocal) && (a.isRemote || !b.isRemote) && a.updatedAt == b.updatedAt) { existing.add(a); return false; } else { toUpsert.add(b.updateFromDb(a)); return true; } }, onlyFirst: (Asset a) => throw Exception("programming error"), onlySecond: (Asset b) => toUpsert.add(b), ); return Pair(existing, toUpsert); } /// Inserts or updates the assets in the database with their ExifInfo (if any) Future _upsertAssetsWithExif(List assets) async { if (assets.isEmpty) { return; } final exifInfos = => e.exifInfo).whereNotNull().toList(); try { await _db.writeTxn(() async { await _db.assets.putAll(assets); for (final Asset added in assets) { added.exifInfo?.id =; } await _db.exifInfos.putAll(exifInfos); });"Upserted ${assets.length} assets into the DB"); } on IsarError catch (e) { _log.warning( "Failed to upsert ${assets.length} assets into the DB: ${e.toString()}", ); } } } /// Returns a triple(toAdd, toUpdate, toRemove) Triple, List, List> _diffAssets( List assets, List inDb, { bool? remote, int Function(Asset, Asset) compare = Asset.compareByDeviceIdLocalId, }) { final List toAdd = []; final List toUpdate = []; final List toRemove = []; diffSortedListsSync( inDb, assets, compare: compare, both: (Asset a, Asset b) { if (a.updatedAt.isBefore(b.updatedAt) || (!a.isLocal && b.isLocal) || (!a.isRemote && b.isRemote)) { toUpdate.add(b.updateFromDb(a)); return true; } return false; }, onlyFirst: (Asset a) { if (remote == true && a.isLocal) { if (a.remoteId != null) { a.remoteId = null; toUpdate.add(a); } } else if (remote == false && a.isRemote) { if (a.isLocal) { a.isLocal = false; toUpdate.add(a); } } else { toRemove.add(a); } }, onlySecond: (Asset b) => toAdd.add(b), ); return Triple(toAdd, toUpdate, toRemove); } /// returns a tuple (toDelete toUpdate) when assets are to be deleted Pair, List> _handleAssetRemoval( List deleteCandidates, List existing, ) { if (deleteCandidates.isEmpty) { return const Pair([], []); } deleteCandidates.sort(Asset.compareById); existing.sort(Asset.compareById); final triple = _diffAssets(existing, deleteCandidates, compare: Asset.compareById); return Pair( =>, triple.second); } /// returns `true` if the albums differ on the surface Future _hasAssetPathEntityChanged(AssetPathEntity a, Album b) async { return != || a.lastModified != b.modifiedAt || await a.assetCountAsync != b.assetCount; } /// returns `true` if the albums differ on the surface bool _hasAlbumResponseDtoChanged(AlbumResponseDto dto, Album a) { return dto.assetCount != a.assetCount || dto.albumName != || dto.albumThumbnailAssetId != a.thumbnail.value?.remoteId || dto.shared != a.shared || dto.sharedUsers.length != a.sharedUsers.length || DateTime.parse(dto.updatedAt).toUtc() != a.modifiedAt.toUtc(); }