import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/server_info_state.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/server_info.service.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart'; class ServerInfoNotifier extends StateNotifier { ServerInfoNotifier(this._serverInfoService) : super( ServerInfoState( serverVersion: ServerVersionReponseDto( major: 0, patch_: 0, minor: 0, ), isVersionMismatch: false, versionMismatchErrorMessage: "", ), ); final ServerInfoService _serverInfoService; getServerVersion() async { ServerVersionReponseDto? serverVersion = await _serverInfoService.getServerVersion(); if (serverVersion == null) { state = state.copyWith( isVersionMismatch: true, versionMismatchErrorMessage: "Server is out of date. Some functionalities might not working correctly. Download and rebuild server", ); return; } state = state.copyWith(serverVersion: serverVersion); var packageInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform(); Map appVersion = _getDetailVersion(packageInfo.version); if (appVersion["major"]! > serverVersion.major) { state = state.copyWith( isVersionMismatch: true, versionMismatchErrorMessage: "Server is out of date in major version. Some functionalities might not work correctly. Download and rebuild server", ); return; } if (appVersion["minor"]! > serverVersion.minor) { state = state.copyWith( isVersionMismatch: true, versionMismatchErrorMessage: "Server is out of date in minor version. Some functionalities might not work correctly. Consider download and rebuild server", ); return; } state = state.copyWith( isVersionMismatch: false, versionMismatchErrorMessage: "", ); } Map _getDetailVersion(String version) { List detail = version.split("."); var major = detail[0]; var minor = detail[1]; var patch = detail[2]; return { "major": int.parse(major), "minor": int.parse(minor), "patch": int.parse(patch), }; } } final serverInfoProvider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) { return ServerInfoNotifier(; });