import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/asset.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/exif_info.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/store.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/providers/api.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/providers/db.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/api.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/sync.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/openapi_extensions.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/tuple.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; final assetServiceProvider = Provider( (ref) => AssetService(,,, ), ); class AssetService { final ApiService _apiService; final SyncService _syncService; final log = Logger('AssetService'); final Isar _db; AssetService( this._apiService, this._syncService, this._db, ); /// Checks the server for updated assets and updates the local database if /// required. Returns `true` if there were any changes. Future refreshRemoteAssets() async { final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch()..start(); final int numOwnedRemoteAssets = await _db.assets .where() .remoteIdIsNotNull() .filter() .ownerIdEqualTo(Store.get(StoreKey.currentUser).isarId) .count(); final bool changes = await _syncService.syncRemoteAssetsToDb( () async => (await _getRemoteAssets(hasCache: numOwnedRemoteAssets > 0)) ?.map(Asset.remote) .toList(), ); debugPrint("refreshRemoteAssets full took ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds}ms"); return changes; } /// Returns `null` if the server state did not change, else list of assets Future?> _getRemoteAssets({ required bool hasCache, }) async { try { final etag = hasCache ? Store.tryGet(StoreKey.assetETag) : null; final Pair, String?>? remote = await _apiService.assetApi.getAllAssetsWithETag(eTag: etag); if (remote == null) { return null; } if (remote.second != null && remote.second != etag) { Store.put(StoreKey.assetETag, remote.second); } return remote.first; } catch (e, stack) { log.severe('Error while getting remote assets', e, stack); return null; } } Future?> deleteAssets( Iterable deleteAssets, ) async { try { final List payload = []; for (final asset in deleteAssets) { payload.add(asset.remoteId!); } return await _apiService.assetApi .deleteAsset(DeleteAssetDto(ids: payload)); } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error getAllAsset ${e.toString()}"); return null; } } /// Loads the exif information from the database. If there is none, loads /// the exif info from the server (remote assets only) Future loadExif(Asset a) async { a.exifInfo ??= await _db.exifInfos.get(; if (a.exifInfo?.iso == null) { if (a.isRemote) { final dto = await _apiService.assetApi.getAssetById(a.remoteId!); if (dto != null && dto.exifInfo != null) { a.exifInfo = Asset.remote(dto).exifInfo!.copyWith(id:; if (a.isInDb) { _db.writeTxn(() => a.put(_db)); } else { debugPrint("[loadExif] parameter Asset is not from DB!"); } } } else { // TODO implement local exif info parsing } } return a; } Future updateAsset( Asset asset, UpdateAssetDto updateAssetDto, ) async { final dto = await _apiService.assetApi.updateAsset(asset.remoteId!, updateAssetDto); if (dto != null) { final updated = asset.updatedCopy(Asset.remote(dto)); if (updated.isInDb) { await _db.writeTxn(() => updated.put(_db)); } return updated; } return null; } Future changeFavoriteStatus(Asset asset, bool isFavorite) { return updateAsset(asset, UpdateAssetDto(isFavorite: isFavorite)); } Future changeArchiveStatus(Asset asset, bool isArchive) { return updateAsset(asset, UpdateAssetDto(isArchived: isArchive)); } }