""" Gunicorn configuration options. https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/settings.html """ import os # Set the bind address based on the env port = os.getenv("MACHINE_LEARNING_PORT") or "3003" listen_ip = os.getenv("MACHINE_LEARNING_IP") or "" bind = [f"{listen_ip}:{port}"] # Preload the Flask app / models etc. before starting the server preload_app = True # Logging settings - log to stdout and set log level accesslog = "-" loglevel = os.getenv("MACHINE_LEARNING_LOG_LEVEL") or "info" # Worker settings # ---------------------- # It is important these are chosen carefully as per # https://pythonspeed.com/articles/gunicorn-in-docker/ # Otherwise we get workers failing to respond to heartbeat checks, # especially as requests take a long time to complete. workers = 2 threads = 4 worker_tmp_dir = "/dev/shm" timeout = 60