import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/exif_info.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/store.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/hash.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/string_extensions.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; part 'asset.g.dart'; /// Asset (online or local) @Collection(inheritance: false) class Asset { Asset.remote(AssetResponseDto remote) : remoteId =, checksum = remote.checksum, fileCreatedAt = remote.fileCreatedAt, fileModifiedAt = remote.fileModifiedAt, updatedAt = remote.updatedAt, durationInSeconds = remote.duration.toDuration()?.inSeconds ?? 0, type = remote.type.toAssetType(), fileName = p.basename(remote.originalPath), height = remote.exifInfo?.exifImageHeight?.toInt(), width = remote.exifInfo?.exifImageWidth?.toInt(), livePhotoVideoId = remote.livePhotoVideoId, ownerId = fastHash(remote.ownerId), exifInfo = remote.exifInfo != null ? ExifInfo.fromDto(remote.exifInfo!) : null, isFavorite = remote.isFavorite, isArchived = remote.isArchived, isTrashed = remote.isTrashed, stackParentId = remote.stackParentId, stackCount = remote.stackCount; Asset.local(AssetEntity local, List hash) : localId =, checksum = base64.encode(hash), durationInSeconds = local.duration, type = AssetType.values[local.typeInt], height = local.height, width = local.width, fileName = local.title!, ownerId = Store.get(StoreKey.currentUser).isarId, fileModifiedAt = local.modifiedDateTime, updatedAt = local.modifiedDateTime, isFavorite = local.isFavorite, isArchived = false, isTrashed = false, stackCount = 0, fileCreatedAt = local.createDateTime { if (fileCreatedAt.year == 1970) { fileCreatedAt = fileModifiedAt; } if (local.latitude != null) { exifInfo = ExifInfo(lat: local.latitude, long: local.longitude); } _local = local; assert(hash.length == 20, "invalid SHA1 hash"); } Asset({ = Isar.autoIncrement, required this.checksum, this.remoteId, required this.localId, required this.ownerId, required this.fileCreatedAt, required this.fileModifiedAt, required this.updatedAt, required this.durationInSeconds, required this.type, this.width, this.height, required this.fileName, this.livePhotoVideoId, this.exifInfo, required this.isFavorite, required this.isArchived, required this.isTrashed, this.stackParentId, required this.stackCount, }); @ignore AssetEntity? _local; @ignore AssetEntity? get local { if (isLocal && _local == null) { _local = AssetEntity( id: localId!, typeInt: isImage ? 1 : 2, width: width ?? 0, height: height ?? 0, duration: durationInSeconds, createDateSecond: fileCreatedAt.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000, modifiedDateSecond: fileModifiedAt.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000, title: fileName, ); } return _local; } Id id = Isar.autoIncrement; /// stores the raw SHA1 bytes as a base64 String /// because Isar cannot sort lists of byte arrays String checksum; @Index(unique: false, replace: false, type: IndexType.hash) String? remoteId; @Index(unique: false, replace: false, type: IndexType.hash) String? localId; @Index( unique: true, replace: false, composite: [CompositeIndex("checksum", type: IndexType.hash)], ) int ownerId; DateTime fileCreatedAt; DateTime fileModifiedAt; DateTime updatedAt; int durationInSeconds; @Enumerated(EnumType.ordinal) AssetType type; short? width; short? height; String fileName; String? livePhotoVideoId; bool isFavorite; bool isArchived; bool isTrashed; @ignore ExifInfo? exifInfo; String? stackParentId; @ignore int get stackChildrenCount => stackCount ?? 0; int? stackCount; /// `true` if this [Asset] is present on the device @ignore bool get isLocal => localId != null; @ignore bool get isInDb => id != Isar.autoIncrement; @ignore String get name => p.withoutExtension(fileName); /// `true` if this [Asset] is present on the server @ignore bool get isRemote => remoteId != null; @ignore bool get isImage => type == AssetType.image; @ignore AssetState get storage { if (isRemote && isLocal) { return AssetState.merged; } else if (isRemote) { return AssetState.remote; } else if (isLocal) { return AssetState.local; } else { throw Exception("Asset has illegal state: $this"); } } @ignore Duration get duration => Duration(seconds: durationInSeconds); @override bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! Asset) return false; if (identical(this, other)) return true; return id == && checksum == other.checksum && remoteId == other.remoteId && localId == other.localId && ownerId == other.ownerId && fileCreatedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(other.fileCreatedAt) && fileModifiedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(other.fileModifiedAt) && updatedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(other.updatedAt) && durationInSeconds == other.durationInSeconds && type == other.type && width == other.width && height == other.height && fileName == other.fileName && livePhotoVideoId == other.livePhotoVideoId && isFavorite == other.isFavorite && isLocal == other.isLocal && isArchived == other.isArchived && isTrashed == other.isTrashed && stackCount == other.stackCount && stackParentId == other.stackParentId; } @override @ignore int get hashCode => id.hashCode ^ checksum.hashCode ^ remoteId.hashCode ^ localId.hashCode ^ ownerId.hashCode ^ fileCreatedAt.hashCode ^ fileModifiedAt.hashCode ^ updatedAt.hashCode ^ durationInSeconds.hashCode ^ type.hashCode ^ width.hashCode ^ height.hashCode ^ fileName.hashCode ^ livePhotoVideoId.hashCode ^ isFavorite.hashCode ^ isLocal.hashCode ^ isArchived.hashCode ^ isTrashed.hashCode ^ stackCount.hashCode ^ stackParentId.hashCode; /// Returns `true` if this [Asset] can updated with values from parameter [a] bool canUpdate(Asset a) { assert(isInDb); assert(checksum == a.checksum); assert( != AssetState.merged); return a.updatedAt.isAfter(updatedAt) || a.isRemote && !isRemote || a.isLocal && !isLocal || width == null && a.width != null || height == null && a.height != null || livePhotoVideoId == null && a.livePhotoVideoId != null || stackParentId == null && a.stackParentId != null || isFavorite != a.isFavorite || isArchived != a.isArchived || isTrashed != a.isTrashed || a.exifInfo?.latitude != exifInfo?.latitude || a.exifInfo?.longitude != exifInfo?.longitude || // no local stack count or different count from remote ((stackCount == null && a.stackCount != null) || (stackCount != null && a.stackCount != null && stackCount != a.stackCount)); } /// Returns a new [Asset] with values from this and merged & updated with [a] Asset updatedCopy(Asset a) { assert(canUpdate(a)); if (a.updatedAt.isAfter(updatedAt)) { // take most values from newer asset // keep vales that can never be set by the asset not in DB if (a.isRemote) { return a._copyWith( id: id, localId: localId, width: a.width ?? width, height: a.height ?? height, exifInfo: a.exifInfo?.copyWith(id: id) ?? exifInfo, stackCount: a.stackCount ?? stackCount, ); } else if (isRemote) { return _copyWith( localId: localId ?? a.localId, width: width ?? a.width, height: height ?? a.height, exifInfo: exifInfo ?? a.exifInfo?.copyWith(id: id), ); } else { return a._copyWith( id: id, remoteId: remoteId, livePhotoVideoId: livePhotoVideoId, stackParentId: stackParentId, stackCount: stackCount, isFavorite: isFavorite, isArchived: isArchived, isTrashed: isTrashed, ); } } else { // fill in potentially missing values, i.e. merge assets if (a.isRemote) { // values from remote take precedence return _copyWith( remoteId: a.remoteId, width: a.width, height: a.height, livePhotoVideoId: a.livePhotoVideoId, stackParentId: a.stackParentId, stackCount: a.stackCount ?? stackCount, // isFavorite + isArchived are not set by device-only assets isFavorite: a.isFavorite, isArchived: a.isArchived, isTrashed: a.isTrashed, exifInfo: a.exifInfo?.copyWith(id: id) ?? exifInfo, ); } else { // add only missing values (and set isLocal to true) return _copyWith( localId: localId ?? a.localId, width: width ?? a.width, height: height ?? a.height, exifInfo: exifInfo ?? a.exifInfo?.copyWith(id: id), ); } } } Asset _copyWith({ Id? id, String? checksum, String? remoteId, String? localId, int? ownerId, DateTime? fileCreatedAt, DateTime? fileModifiedAt, DateTime? updatedAt, int? durationInSeconds, AssetType? type, short? width, short? height, String? fileName, String? livePhotoVideoId, bool? isFavorite, bool? isArchived, bool? isTrashed, ExifInfo? exifInfo, String? stackParentId, int? stackCount, }) => Asset( id: id ??, checksum: checksum ?? this.checksum, remoteId: remoteId ?? this.remoteId, localId: localId ?? this.localId, ownerId: ownerId ?? this.ownerId, fileCreatedAt: fileCreatedAt ?? this.fileCreatedAt, fileModifiedAt: fileModifiedAt ?? this.fileModifiedAt, updatedAt: updatedAt ?? this.updatedAt, durationInSeconds: durationInSeconds ?? this.durationInSeconds, type: type ?? this.type, width: width ?? this.width, height: height ?? this.height, fileName: fileName ?? this.fileName, livePhotoVideoId: livePhotoVideoId ?? this.livePhotoVideoId, isFavorite: isFavorite ?? this.isFavorite, isArchived: isArchived ?? this.isArchived, isTrashed: isTrashed ?? this.isTrashed, exifInfo: exifInfo ?? this.exifInfo, stackParentId: stackParentId ?? this.stackParentId, stackCount: stackCount ?? this.stackCount, ); Future put(Isar db) async { await db.assets.put(this); if (exifInfo != null) { exifInfo!.id = id; await db.exifInfos.put(exifInfo!); } } static int compareById(Asset a, Asset b) =>; static int compareByChecksum(Asset a, Asset b) => a.checksum.compareTo(b.checksum); static int compareByOwnerChecksum(Asset a, Asset b) { final int ownerIdOrder = a.ownerId.compareTo(b.ownerId); if (ownerIdOrder != 0) return ownerIdOrder; return compareByChecksum(a, b); } static int compareByOwnerChecksumCreatedModified(Asset a, Asset b) { final int ownerIdOrder = a.ownerId.compareTo(b.ownerId); if (ownerIdOrder != 0) return ownerIdOrder; final int checksumOrder = compareByChecksum(a, b); if (checksumOrder != 0) return checksumOrder; final int createdOrder = a.fileCreatedAt.compareTo(b.fileCreatedAt); if (createdOrder != 0) return createdOrder; return a.fileModifiedAt.compareTo(b.fileModifiedAt); } @override String toString() { return """ { "id": ${id == Isar.autoIncrement ? '"N/A"' : id}, "remoteId": "${remoteId ?? "N/A"}", "localId": "${localId ?? "N/A"}", "checksum": "$checksum", "ownerId": $ownerId, "livePhotoVideoId": "${livePhotoVideoId ?? "N/A"}", "stackCount": "$stackCount", "stackParentId": "${stackParentId ?? "N/A"}", "fileCreatedAt": "$fileCreatedAt", "fileModifiedAt": "$fileModifiedAt", "updatedAt": "$updatedAt", "durationInSeconds": $durationInSeconds, "type": "$type", "fileName": "$fileName", "isFavorite": $isFavorite, "isRemote": $isRemote, "storage": "$storage", "width": ${width ?? "N/A"}, "height": ${height ?? "N/A"}, "isArchived": $isArchived, "isTrashed": $isTrashed }"""; } } enum AssetType { // do not change this order! other, image, video, audio, } extension AssetTypeEnumHelper on AssetTypeEnum { AssetType toAssetType() { switch (this) { case AssetTypeEnum.IMAGE: return AssetType.image; case AssetTypeEnum.VIDEO: return; case AssetTypeEnum.AUDIO: return; case AssetTypeEnum.OTHER: return AssetType.other; } throw Exception(); } } /// Describes where the information of this asset came from: /// only from the local device, only from the remote server or merged from both enum AssetState { local, remote, merged, } extension AssetsHelper on IsarCollection { Future deleteAllByRemoteId(Iterable ids) => ids.isEmpty ? Future.value(0) : remote(ids).deleteAll(); Future deleteAllByLocalId(Iterable ids) => ids.isEmpty ? Future.value(0) : local(ids).deleteAll(); Future> getAllByRemoteId(Iterable ids) => ids.isEmpty ? Future.value([]) : remote(ids).findAll(); Future> getAllByLocalId(Iterable ids) => ids.isEmpty ? Future.value([]) : local(ids).findAll(); Future getByRemoteId(String id) => where().remoteIdEqualTo(id).findFirst(); QueryBuilder remote(Iterable ids) => where().anyOf(ids, (q, String e) => q.remoteIdEqualTo(e)); QueryBuilder local(Iterable ids) { return where().anyOf(ids, (q, String e) => q.localIdEqualTo(e)); } }