import 'dart:async'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/constants/hive_box.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/login/providers/authentication.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/server_info.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/backup_state.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/server_info.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/backup.service.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; class BackupNotifier extends StateNotifier { BackupNotifier({this.ref}) : super( BackUpState( backupProgress: BackUpProgressEnum.idle, backingUpAssetCount: 0, assetOnDatabase: 0, totalAssetCount: 0, progressInPercentage: 0, cancelToken: CancelToken(), serverInfo: ServerInfo( diskAvailable: "0", diskAvailableRaw: 0, diskSize: "0", diskSizeRaw: 0, diskUsagePercentage: 0.0, diskUse: "0", diskUseRaw: 0, ), ), ); Ref? ref; final BackupService _backupService = BackupService(); final ServerInfoService _serverInfoService = ServerInfoService(); final StreamController _onAssetBackupStreamCtrl = StreamController.broadcast(); void getBackupInfo() async { _updateServerInfo(); List list = await PhotoManager.getAssetPathList(onlyAll: true, type: RequestType.common); List didBackupAsset = await _backupService.getDeviceBackupAsset(); if (list.isEmpty) { debugPrint("No Asset On Device"); state = state.copyWith( backupProgress: BackUpProgressEnum.idle, totalAssetCount: 0, assetOnDatabase: didBackupAsset.length); return; } int totalAsset = list[0].assetCount; state = state.copyWith(totalAssetCount: totalAsset, assetOnDatabase: didBackupAsset.length); } void startBackupProcess() async { _updateServerInfo(); state = state.copyWith(backupProgress: BackUpProgressEnum.inProgress); var authResult = await PhotoManager.requestPermissionExtend(); if (authResult.isAuth) { await PhotoManager.clearFileCache(); // await PhotoManager.presentLimited(); // Gather assets info List list = await PhotoManager.getAssetPathList(hasAll: true, onlyAll: true, type: RequestType.common); // Get device assets info from database // Compare and find different assets that has not been backing up // Backup those assets List backupAsset = await _backupService.getDeviceBackupAsset(); if (list.isEmpty) { debugPrint("No Asset On Device - Abort Backup Process"); state = state.copyWith( backupProgress: BackUpProgressEnum.idle, totalAssetCount: 0, assetOnDatabase: backupAsset.length); return; } int totalAsset = list[0].assetCount; List currentAssets = await list[0].getAssetListRange(start: 0, end: totalAsset); state = state.copyWith(totalAssetCount: totalAsset, assetOnDatabase: backupAsset.length); // Remove item that has already been backed up for (var backupAssetId in backupAsset) { currentAssets.removeWhere((e) => == backupAssetId); } if (currentAssets.isEmpty) { state = state.copyWith(backupProgress: BackUpProgressEnum.idle); } state = state.copyWith(backingUpAssetCount: currentAssets.length); // Perform Packup state = state.copyWith(cancelToken: CancelToken()); _backupService.backupAsset(currentAssets, state.cancelToken, _onAssetUploaded, _onUploadProgress); } else { PhotoManager.openSetting(); } } void cancelBackup() { state.cancelToken.cancel('Cancel Backup'); state = state.copyWith(backupProgress: BackUpProgressEnum.idle, progressInPercentage: 0.0); } void _onAssetUploaded(String deviceAssetId, String deviceId) { state = state.copyWith(backingUpAssetCount: state.backingUpAssetCount - 1, assetOnDatabase: state.assetOnDatabase + 1); if (state.backingUpAssetCount == 0) { state = state.copyWith(backupProgress: BackUpProgressEnum.done, progressInPercentage: 0.0); } _updateServerInfo(); } void _onUploadProgress(int sent, int total) { state = state.copyWith(progressInPercentage: (sent.toDouble() / total.toDouble() * 100)); } void _updateServerInfo() async { var serverInfo = await _serverInfoService.getServerInfo(); // Update server info state = state.copyWith( serverInfo: ServerInfo( diskSize: serverInfo.diskSize, diskUse: serverInfo.diskUse, diskAvailable: serverInfo.diskAvailable, diskSizeRaw: serverInfo.diskSizeRaw, diskUseRaw: serverInfo.diskUseRaw, diskAvailableRaw: serverInfo.diskAvailableRaw, diskUsagePercentage: serverInfo.diskUsagePercentage, ), ); } void resumeBackup() { var authState = ref?.read(authenticationProvider); // Check if user is login var accessKey =; // User has been logged out return if (authState != null) { if (accessKey == null || !authState.isAuthenticated) { debugPrint("[resumeBackup] not authenticated - abort"); return; } // Check if this device is enable backup by the user if ((authState.deviceInfo.deviceId == authState.deviceId) && authState.deviceInfo.isAutoBackup) { // check if backup is alreayd in process - then return if (state.backupProgress == BackUpProgressEnum.inProgress) { debugPrint("[resumeBackup] Backup is already in progress - abort"); return; } // Run backup debugPrint("[resumeBackup] Start back up"); startBackupProcess(); } return; } } } final backupProvider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) { return BackupNotifier(ref: ref); });