import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/album.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/asset.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/store.entity.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; String getThumbnailUrl( final Asset asset, { ThumbnailFormat type = ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, }) { return getThumbnailUrlForRemoteId(asset.remoteId!, type: type); } String getThumbnailCacheKey( final Asset asset, { ThumbnailFormat type = ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, }) { return getThumbnailCacheKeyForRemoteId(asset.remoteId!, type: type); } String getThumbnailCacheKeyForRemoteId( final String id, { ThumbnailFormat type = ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, }) { if (type == ThumbnailFormat.WEBP) { return 'thumbnail-image-$id'; } else { return '${id}_previewStage'; } } String getAlbumThumbnailUrl( final Album album, { ThumbnailFormat type = ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, }) { if (album.thumbnail.value?.remoteId == null) { return ''; } return getThumbnailUrlForRemoteId( album.thumbnail.value!.remoteId!, type: type, ); } String getAlbumThumbNailCacheKey( final Album album, { ThumbnailFormat type = ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, }) { if (album.thumbnail.value?.remoteId == null) { return ''; } return getThumbnailCacheKeyForRemoteId( album.thumbnail.value!.remoteId!, type: type, ); } String getImageUrl(final Asset asset) { return getImageUrlFromId(asset.remoteId!); } String getImageUrlFromId(final String id) { return '${Store.get(StoreKey.serverEndpoint)}/asset/file/$id?isThumb=false'; } String getImageCacheKey(final Asset asset) { // Assets from response DTOs do not have an isar id, querying which would give us the default autoIncrement id final isFromDto = == Isar.autoIncrement; return '${isFromDto ? asset.remoteId :}_fullStage'; } String getThumbnailUrlForRemoteId( final String id, { ThumbnailFormat type = ThumbnailFormat.WEBP, }) { return '${Store.get(StoreKey.serverEndpoint)}/asset/thumbnail/$id?format=${type.value}'; } String getFaceThumbnailUrl(final String personId) { return '${Store.get(StoreKey.serverEndpoint)}/person/$personId/thumbnail'; }