# See: # - https://immich.app/docs/developer/setup # - https://immich.app/docs/developer/troubleshooting version: '3.8' name: immich-dev x-server-build: &server-common image: immich-server-dev:latest build: context: ../ dockerfile: server/Dockerfile target: dev restart: always volumes: - ../server:/usr/src/app - ../open-api:/usr/src/open-api - ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}/photos:/usr/src/app/upload - ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}/photos/upload:/usr/src/app/upload/upload - /usr/src/app/node_modules - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro env_file: - .env ulimits: nofile: soft: 1048576 hard: 1048576 services: immich-server: container_name: immich_server command: ['/usr/src/app/bin/immich-dev', 'immich'] <<: *server-common ports: - 3001:3001 - 9230:9230 depends_on: - redis - database immich-microservices: container_name: immich_microservices command: ['/usr/src/app/bin/immich-dev', 'microservices'] <<: *server-common # extends: # file: hwaccel.transcoding.yml # service: cpu # set to one of [nvenc, quicksync, rkmpp, vaapi, vaapi-wsl] for accelerated transcoding ports: - 9231:9230 depends_on: - database - immich-server immich-web: container_name: immich_web image: immich-web-dev:latest build: context: ../web command: ['/usr/src/app/bin/immich-web'] env_file: - .env ports: - 2283:3000 - 24678:24678 volumes: - ../web:/usr/src/app - ../open-api/:/usr/src/open-api/ - /usr/src/app/node_modules ulimits: nofile: soft: 1048576 hard: 1048576 restart: unless-stopped depends_on: - immich-server immich-machine-learning: container_name: immich_machine_learning image: immich-machine-learning-dev:latest # extends: # file: hwaccel.ml.yml # service: cpu # set to one of [armnn, cuda, openvino, openvino-wsl] for accelerated inference build: context: ../machine-learning dockerfile: Dockerfile args: - DEVICE=cpu # set to one of [armnn, cuda, openvino, openvino-wsl] for accelerated inference ports: - 3003:3003 volumes: - ../machine-learning:/usr/src/app - model-cache:/cache env_file: - .env depends_on: - database restart: unless-stopped redis: container_name: immich_redis image: redis:6.2-alpine@sha256:3fcb624d83a9c478357f16dc173c58ded325ccc5fd2a4375f3916c04cc579f70 database: container_name: immich_postgres image: tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.0@sha256:90724186f0a3517cf6914295b5ab410db9ce23190a2d9d0b9dd6463e3fa298f0 env_file: - .env environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${DB_PASSWORD} POSTGRES_USER: ${DB_USERNAME} POSTGRES_DB: ${DB_DATABASE_NAME} volumes: - ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data ports: - 5432:5432 # set IMMICH_METRICS=true in .env to enable metrics # immich-prometheus: # container_name: immich_prometheus # ports: # - 9090:9090 # image: prom/prometheus # volumes: # - ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml # - prometheus-data:/prometheus # first login uses admin/admin # add data source for http://immich-prometheus:9090 to get started # immich-grafana: # container_name: immich_grafana # command: ['./run.sh', '-disable-reporting'] # ports: # - 3000:3000 # image: grafana/grafana:10.3.3-ubuntu # volumes: # - grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana volumes: model-cache: prometheus-data: grafana-data: