import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/constants/hive_box.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/models/current_upload_asset.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/models/error_upload_asset.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/providers/api.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/models/hive_backup_albums.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/api.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/files_helper.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'package:cancellation_token_http/http.dart' as http; final backupServiceProvider = Provider( (ref) => BackupService(, ), ); class BackupService { final ApiService _apiService; BackupService(this._apiService); Future?> getDeviceBackupAsset() async { String deviceId =; try { return await _apiService.assetApi.getUserAssetsByDeviceId(deviceId); } catch (e) { debugPrint('Error [getDeviceBackupAsset] ${e.toString()}'); return null; } } /// Returns all assets newer than the last successful backup per album Future> buildUploadCandidates( HiveBackupAlbums backupAlbums, ) async { final filter = FilterOptionGroup( containsPathModified: true, orders: [const OrderOption(type: OrderOptionType.updateDate)], ); final now =; final List selectedAlbums = await _loadAlbumsWithTimeFilter( backupAlbums.selectedAlbumIds, backupAlbums.lastSelectedBackupTime, filter, now, ); if (selectedAlbums.every((e) => e == null)) { return []; } final int allIdx = selectedAlbums.indexWhere((e) => e != null && e.isAll); if (allIdx != -1) { final List excludedAlbums = await _loadAlbumsWithTimeFilter( backupAlbums.excludedAlbumsIds, backupAlbums.lastExcludedBackupTime, filter, now, ); final List toAdd = await _fetchAssetsAndUpdateLastBackup( selectedAlbums.slice(allIdx, allIdx + 1), backupAlbums.lastSelectedBackupTime.slice(allIdx, allIdx + 1), now, ); final List toRemove = await _fetchAssetsAndUpdateLastBackup( excludedAlbums, backupAlbums.lastExcludedBackupTime, now, ); return toAdd.toSet().difference(toRemove.toSet()).toList(); } else { return await _fetchAssetsAndUpdateLastBackup( selectedAlbums, backupAlbums.lastSelectedBackupTime, now, ); } } Future> _loadAlbumsWithTimeFilter( List albumIds, List lastBackups, FilterOptionGroup filter, DateTime now, ) async { List result = List.filled(albumIds.length, null); for (int i = 0; i < albumIds.length; i++) { try { final AssetPathEntity album = await AssetPathEntity.obtainPathFromProperties( id: albumIds[i], optionGroup: filter.copyWith( updateTimeCond: DateTimeCond( // subtract 2 seconds to prevent missing assets due to rounding issues min: lastBackups[i].subtract(const Duration(seconds: 2)), max: now, ), ), maxDateTimeToNow: false, ); result[i] = album; } on StateError { // either there are no assets matching the filter criteria OR the album no longer exists } } return result; } Future> _fetchAssetsAndUpdateLastBackup( List albums, List lastBackup, DateTime now, ) async { List result = []; for (int i = 0; i < albums.length; i++) { final AssetPathEntity? a = albums[i]; if (a != null && a.lastModified?.isBefore(lastBackup[i]) != true) { result.addAll( await a.getAssetListRange(start: 0, end: await a.assetCountAsync), ); lastBackup[i] = now; } } return result; } /// Returns a new list of assets not yet uploaded Future> removeAlreadyUploadedAssets( List candidates, ) async { final String deviceId =; if (candidates.length < 10) { final List duplicateResponse = await Future.wait( (e) => _apiService.assetApi.checkDuplicateAsset( CheckDuplicateAssetDto(deviceAssetId:, deviceId: deviceId), ), ), ); return candidates .whereIndexed((i, e) => duplicateResponse[i]?.isExist == false) .toList(); } else { final List? allAssetsInDatabase = await getDeviceBackupAsset(); if (allAssetsInDatabase == null) { return candidates; } final Set inDb = allAssetsInDatabase.toSet(); return candidates.whereNot((e) => inDb.contains(; } } Future backupAsset( Iterable assetList, http.CancellationToken cancelToken, Function(String, String) singleAssetDoneCb, Function(int, int) uploadProgressCb, Function(CurrentUploadAsset) setCurrentUploadAssetCb, Function(ErrorUploadAsset) errorCb, ) async { String deviceId =; String savedEndpoint =; File? file; bool anyErrors = false; for (var entity in assetList) { try { if (entity.type == { file = await entity.originFile; } else { file = await entity.originFile.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5)); } if (file != null) { String originalFileName = await entity.titleAsync; String fileNameWithoutPath = originalFileName.toString().split(".")[0]; var fileExtension = p.extension(file.path); var mimeType = FileHelper.getMimeType(file.path); var fileStream = file.openRead(); var assetRawUploadData = http.MultipartFile( "assetData", fileStream, file.lengthSync(), filename: fileNameWithoutPath, contentType: MediaType( mimeType["type"], mimeType["subType"], ), ); var box =; var req = MultipartRequest( 'POST', Uri.parse('$savedEndpoint/asset/upload'), onProgress: ((bytes, totalBytes) => uploadProgressCb(bytes, totalBytes)), ); req.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer ${box.get(accessTokenKey)}"; req.fields['deviceAssetId'] =; req.fields['deviceId'] = deviceId; req.fields['assetType'] = _getAssetType(entity.type); req.fields['createdAt'] = entity.createDateTime.toIso8601String(); req.fields['modifiedAt'] = entity.modifiedDateTime.toIso8601String(); req.fields['isFavorite'] = entity.isFavorite.toString(); req.fields['fileExtension'] = fileExtension; req.fields['duration'] = entity.videoDuration.toString(); req.files.add(assetRawUploadData); setCurrentUploadAssetCb( CurrentUploadAsset( id:, createdAt: entity.createDateTime, fileName: originalFileName, fileType: _getAssetType(entity.type), ), ); var response = await req.send(cancellationToken: cancelToken); if (response.statusCode == 201) { singleAssetDoneCb(, deviceId); } else { var data = await; var error = jsonDecode(data); debugPrint( "Error(${error['statusCode']}) uploading ${} | $originalFileName | Created on ${entity.createDateTime} | ${error['error']}", ); errorCb( ErrorUploadAsset( asset: entity, id:, createdAt: entity.createDateTime, fileName: originalFileName, fileType: _getAssetType(entity.type), errorMessage: error['error'], ), ); continue; } } } on http.CancelledException { debugPrint("Backup was cancelled by the user"); return false; } catch (e) { debugPrint("ERROR backupAsset: ${e.toString()}"); anyErrors = true; continue; } finally { if (Platform.isIOS) { file?.deleteSync(); } } } return !anyErrors; } String _getAssetType(AssetType assetType) { switch (assetType) { case return "AUDIO"; case AssetType.image: return "IMAGE"; case return "VIDEO"; case AssetType.other: return "OTHER"; } } Future setAutoBackup( bool status, String deviceId, DeviceTypeEnum deviceType, ) async { try { var updatedDeviceInfo = await _apiService.deviceInfoApi.updateDeviceInfo( UpdateDeviceInfoDto( deviceId: deviceId, deviceType: deviceType, isAutoBackup: status, ), ); if (updatedDeviceInfo == null) { throw Exception("Error updating device info"); } return updatedDeviceInfo; } catch (e) { debugPrint("Error setAutoBackup: ${e.toString()}"); throw Error(); } } } class MultipartRequest extends http.MultipartRequest { /// Creates a new [MultipartRequest]. MultipartRequest( String method, Uri url, { required this.onProgress, }) : super(method, url); final void Function(int bytes, int totalBytes) onProgress; /// Freezes all mutable fields and returns a /// single-subscription [http.ByteStream] /// that will emit the request body. @override http.ByteStream finalize() { final byteStream = super.finalize(); final total = contentLength; var bytes = 0; final t = StreamTransformer.fromHandlers( handleData: (List data, EventSink> sink) { bytes += data.length;, total); sink.add(data); }, ); final stream = byteStream.transform(t); return http.ByteStream(stream); } }