mirror of https://github.com/immich-app/immich.git synced 2025-02-08 18:55:33 +02:00
Skyler Mäntysaari dff10e89fe
feat(server): Fix exif data parsing (#1326)
* Trying to get exifdata working with different lib.

* Got the new library working.

* Addressing PR comments.

* Removed not used vars and proper place for the eslint disable.

* Fix time-utils to use the exiftool-vendored lib.

Fixed also one test, as that would be valid.

* Using filename for timestamp as well if possible.

* Add new tests for time-utils.

* Remember to gracefully terminate the exiftool instance when not needed.

* eslint ignore...

* Apperantly Dockerfile changes were not pushed.

* feat(dockerfile): Tweak the Server Dockerfile

* feat(server): getTimestampFromFilename should return string or undefined.

* feat(server): If we don't have exifData or timestamp from filename, raise an error.

* Apparently test was already right, but my local system disagrees.

* More utilities for parsing and fix the timestampFromFilename.

It was returning an incorrect date as the regex doesn't seem to be the best for this as files named `IMG_0115.HEIC` will want to get parsed incorrectly due to it.

* feat(server/docker): Install perl as it seems to be required.

* feat(server): remember to include exposureTime and focalLength in new exif data.

* feat(server): Remove the parsing from filename as requested.

* feat(server): Import exiftool differently in time-utils.

* feat(server): Error handling when there is no exifData.

* feat(server): Fixes for the error handling when there is no exifData.

* feat(server): Remember to include modifyDate despite no exif.

* feat(server): Remember to include model of Camera.

* feat(server): Fixing up Exiftool usage.

Including proper logging for it, which had to be done in wrapped fashion due to it expecting all the logging levels which NextJS logger doesn't implement.

* feat(server): Do not use a wrapper for ExifTool logging.

* fix merge conflicts in metadata-extractor
2023-01-17 09:29:49 -06:00

170 lines
5.1 KiB

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