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import Setting, { SettingSectionSource, SettingStorage } from '../models/Setting';
import { setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient, expectThrow, expectNotThrow, msleep } from '../testing/test-utils';
import { readFile, stat, mkdirp, writeFile, pathExists, readdir } from 'fs-extra';
import Logger from '../Logger';
import { defaultProfileConfig } from '../services/profileConfig/types';
import { createNewProfile, saveProfileConfig } from '../services/profileConfig';
import initProfile from '../services/profileConfig/initProfile';
async function loadSettingsFromFile(): Promise<any> {
return JSON.parse(await readFile(Setting.settingFilePath, 'utf8'));
const switchToSubProfileSettings = async () => {
await Setting.reset();
const rootProfileDir = Setting.value('profileDir');
const profileConfigPath = `${rootProfileDir}/profiles.json`;
let profileConfig = defaultProfileConfig();
const { newConfig, newProfile } = createNewProfile(profileConfig, 'Sub-profile');
profileConfig = newConfig;
profileConfig.currentProfileId = newProfile.id;
await saveProfileConfig(profileConfigPath, profileConfig);
const { profileDir } = await initProfile(rootProfileDir);
await mkdirp(profileDir);
await Setting.load();
describe('models/Setting', () => {
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beforeEach(async () => {
await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1);
await switchClient(1);
it('should return only sub-values', (async () => {
const settings = {
'sync.5.path': 'http://example.com',
'sync.5.username': 'testing',
let output = Setting.subValues('sync.5', settings);
output = Setting.subValues('sync.4', settings);
expect('path' in output).toBe(false);
expect('username' in output).toBe(false);
it('should not fail when trying to load a key that no longer exist from the setting file', (async () => {
// To handle the case where a setting value exists in the database but
// the metadata has been removed in a new Joplin version.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/5086
Setting.setValue('sync.target', 9); // Saved to file
await Setting.saveAll();
const settingValues = await Setting.fileHandler.load();
settingValues['itsgone'] = 'myvalue';
await Setting.fileHandler.save(settingValues);
await Setting.reset();
await expectNotThrow(async () => Setting.load());
await expectThrow(async () => Setting.value('itsgone'));
it('should allow registering new settings dynamically', (async () => {
await expectThrow(async () => Setting.setValue('myCustom', '123'));
await Setting.registerSetting('myCustom', {
public: true,
value: 'default',
type: Setting.TYPE_STRING,
await expectNotThrow(async () => Setting.setValue('myCustom', '123'));
it('should not clear old custom settings', (async () => {
// In general the following should work:
// - Plugin register a new setting
// - User set new value for setting
// - Settings are saved
// - => App restart
// - Plugin does not register setting again
// - Settings are loaded
// - Settings are saved
// - Plugin register setting again
// - Previous value set by user should still be there.
// In other words, once a custom setting has been set we don't clear it
// even if registration doesn't happen immediately. That allows for example
// to delay setting registration without a risk for the custom setting to be deleted.
await Setting.registerSetting('myCustom', {
public: true,
value: 'default',
type: Setting.TYPE_STRING,
Setting.setValue('myCustom', '123');
await Setting.saveAll();
await Setting.reset();
await Setting.load();
await Setting.registerSetting('myCustom', {
public: true,
value: 'default',
type: Setting.TYPE_STRING,
await Setting.saveAll();
it('should return values with correct type for custom settings', (async () => {
await Setting.registerSetting('myCustom', {
public: true,
value: 123,
type: Setting.TYPE_INT,
Setting.setValue('myCustom', 456);
await Setting.saveAll();
await Setting.reset();
await Setting.load();
await Setting.registerSetting('myCustom', {
public: true,
value: 123,
type: Setting.TYPE_INT,
expect(typeof Setting.value('myCustom')).toBe('number');
it('should validate registered keys', (async () => {
const md = {
public: true,
value: 'default',
type: Setting.TYPE_STRING,
await expectThrow(async () => await Setting.registerSetting('', md));
await expectThrow(async () => await Setting.registerSetting('no spaces', md));
await expectThrow(async () => await Setting.registerSetting('nospecialcharacters!!!', md));
await expectThrow(async () => await Setting.registerSetting('Robert\'); DROP TABLE Students;--', md));
await expectNotThrow(async () => await Setting.registerSetting('numbersareok123', md));
await expectNotThrow(async () => await Setting.registerSetting('so-ARE-dashes_123', md));
it('should register new sections', (async () => {
await Setting.registerSection('mySection', SettingSectionSource.Default, {
label: 'My section',
expect(Setting.sectionNameToLabel('mySection')).toBe('My section');
it('should save and load settings from file', (async () => {
Setting.setValue('sync.target', 9); // Saved to file
Setting.setValue('encryption.passwordCache', {}); // Saved to keychain or db
Setting.setValue('plugins.states', { test: true }); // Always saved to db
await Setting.saveAll();
const settings = await loadSettingsFromFile();
Setting.setValue('sync.target', 8);
await Setting.saveAll();
const settings = await loadSettingsFromFile();
it('should not save to file if nothing has changed', (async () => {
Setting.setValue('sync.mobileWifiOnly', true);
await Setting.saveAll();
// Double-check that timestamp is indeed changed when the content is
// changed.
const beforeStat = await stat(Setting.settingFilePath);
await msleep(1001);
Setting.setValue('sync.mobileWifiOnly', false);
await Setting.saveAll();
const afterStat = await stat(Setting.settingFilePath);
const beforeStat = await stat(Setting.settingFilePath);
await msleep(1001);
Setting.setValue('sync.mobileWifiOnly', false);
const afterStat = await stat(Setting.settingFilePath);
await Setting.saveAll();
it('should handle invalid JSON', (async () => {
const badContent = '{ oopsIforgotTheQuotes: true}';
await writeFile(Setting.settingFilePath, badContent, 'utf8');
await Setting.reset();
Logger.globalLogger.enabled = false;
await Setting.load();
Logger.globalLogger.enabled = true;
// Invalid JSON file has been moved to .bak file
expect(await pathExists(Setting.settingFilePath)).toBe(false);
const files = await readdir(Setting.value('profileDir'));
expect(await readFile(`${Setting.value('profileDir')}/${files[0]}`, 'utf8')).toBe(badContent);
it('should allow applying default migrations', (async () => {
await Setting.reset();
expect(Setting.value('sync.target')).toBe(7); // Changed
expect(Setting.value('style.editor.contentMaxWidth')).toBe(600); // Changed
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it('should skip values that are already set', (async () => {
await Setting.reset();
Setting.setValue('sync.target', 9);
expect(Setting.value('sync.target')).toBe(9); // Not changed
it('should allow skipping default migrations', (async () => {
await Setting.reset();
expect(Setting.value('sync.target')).toBe(0); // Not changed
expect(Setting.value('style.editor.contentMaxWidth')).toBe(0); // Not changed
it('should not apply migrations that have already been applied', (async () => {
await Setting.reset();
Setting.setValue('lastSettingDefaultMigration', 0);
expect(Setting.value('sync.target')).toBe(0); // Not changed
expect(Setting.value('style.editor.contentMaxWidth')).toBe(600); // Changed
it('should migrate to new setting', (async () => {
await Setting.reset();
Setting.setValue('spellChecker.language', 'fr-FR');
it('should not override new setting, if it already set', (async () => {
await Setting.reset();
Setting.setValue('spellChecker.languages', ['fr-FR', 'en-US']);
Setting.setValue('spellChecker.language', 'fr-FR');
expect(Setting.value('spellChecker.languages')).toStrictEqual(['fr-FR', 'en-US']);
it('should not set new setting, if old setting is not set', (async () => {
await Setting.reset();
it('should load sub-profile settings - 1', async () => {
await Setting.reset();
Setting.setValue('locale', 'fr_FR'); // Global setting
Setting.setValue('theme', Setting.THEME_DARK); // Global setting
Setting.setValue('sync.target', 9); // Local setting
await Setting.saveAll();
await switchToSubProfileSettings();
expect(Setting.value('locale')).toBe('fr_FR'); // Should come from the root profile
expect(Setting.value('theme')).toBe(Setting.THEME_DARK); // Should come from the root profile
expect(Setting.value('sync.target')).toBe(0); // Should come from the local profile
// Also check that the special loadOne() function works as expected
expect((await Setting.loadOne('locale')).value).toBe('fr_FR');
expect((await Setting.loadOne('theme')).value).toBe(Setting.THEME_DARK);
expect((await Setting.loadOne('sync.target')).value).toBe(undefined);
it('should save sub-profile settings - 2', async () => {
await Setting.reset();
Setting.setValue('locale', 'fr_FR'); // Global setting
Setting.setValue('theme', Setting.THEME_DARK); // Global setting
await Setting.saveAll();
await switchToSubProfileSettings();
Setting.setValue('locale', 'en_GB'); // Should be saved to global
Setting.setValue('sync.target', 8); // Should be saved to local
await Setting.saveAll();
await Setting.reset();
await Setting.load();
// Double-check that actual file content is correct
const globalSettings = JSON.parse(await readFile(`${Setting.value('rootProfileDir')}/settings-1.json`, 'utf8'));
const localSettings = JSON.parse(await readFile(`${Setting.value('profileDir')}/settings-1.json`, 'utf8'));
'$schema': 'https://joplinapp.org/schema/settings.json',
locale: 'en_GB',
theme: 2,
'$schema': 'https://joplinapp.org/schema/settings.json',
'sync.target': 8,
it('should not erase settings of parent profile', async () => {
// When a sub-profile settings are saved, we should ensure that the
// local settings of the root profiles are not lost.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/6459
await Setting.reset();
Setting.setValue('sync.target', 9); // Local setting (Root profile)
await Setting.saveAll();
await switchToSubProfileSettings();
Setting.setValue('sync.target', 2); // Local setting (Sub-profile)
await Setting.saveAll();
const globalSettings = JSON.parse(await readFile(`${Setting.value('rootProfileDir')}/settings-1.json`, 'utf8'));
it('all global settings should be saved to file', async () => {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(Setting.metadata())) {
if (v.isGlobal && v.storage !== SettingStorage.File) throw new Error(`Setting "${k}" is global but storage is not "file"`);
test('values should not be undefined when they are set', async () => {
Setting.setValue('locale', undefined);
test('values should not be undefined when registering a setting', async () => {
await Setting.registerSetting('myCustom', {
public: true,
value: undefined,
type: Setting.TYPE_STRING,